Copyright © 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Created by: Maureen Stone, July 20, 1985 3:10:00 pm PDT
Last Edited by: Ken Pier, November 13, 1985 4:19:59 pm PST
GriffinEncoding USING [EdgeEncoding],
GriffinKernel USING [ClipBox, Data],
GriffinObject USING [Object],
GriffinPoint USING [ScrPt, ScrRealPt],
GriffinStyle USING [StyleHandle],
Imager USING [ConstantColor, Context, Transformation],
ImagerColorOperator USING [ColorOperator],
ImagerPixelArray USING [PixelArray],
Data: TYPE = GriffinKernel.Data;
ClipBox: TYPE = GriffinKernel.ClipBox;
Context: TYPE = Imager.Context;
EdgeEncoding: TYPE = GriffinEncoding.EdgeEncoding;
ScrPt: TYPE = GriffinPoint.ScrPt;
ScrRealPt: TYPE = GriffinPoint.ScrRealPt;
StyleHandle: TYPE = GriffinStyle.StyleHandle;
TokenType: TYPE = {cp, open};
Following two types belong in GriffinData, but are here to avoid compilation dependencies
BkgndColor: TYPE = REF BkgndColorRec;
BkgndColorRec: TYPE = RECORD [
constant: Imager.ConstantColor, -- NIL => use sampled color
openFile: AIS.FRef ← NIL,
op: ImagerColorOperator.ColorOperator ← NIL,
pa: ImagerPixelArray.PixelArray ← NIL,
scans: NAT ← 0, -- scanline count
pixels: NAT ← 0, -- pixels per scanline
scale: Imager.Transformation ← NIL
The following are in floating point "Screen Points" (ScrRealPt)
We want screen dimensions but floating point precision
DrawArea: PROC [edge: EdgeEncoding, style: StyleHandle, clip: ClipBox, dc: Context];
DrawCaption: PROC [anchor: ScrRealPt, rope: ROPE, style: StyleHandle, clip: ClipBox, dc: Context];
DrawFastStroke: PROC [edge: EdgeEncoding, clip: ClipBox, dc: Context];
DrawStroke: PROC [edge: EdgeEncoding, style: StyleHandle, clip: ClipBox, dc: Context];
The following are in INT "Screen Points" (ScrPt)
DrawHGrid: PROC [data: Data, hg: REF GriffinObject.Object[token], dc: Context];
DrawVGrid: PROC [data: Data, vg: REF GriffinObject.Object[token], dc: Context];
DrawFrame: PROC [data: Data, frame: REF GriffinObject.Object[token], dc: Context];
DrawSelection: PROC [pt: ScrPt, covered, clustered: BOOLEAN, clip: ClipBox, dc: Context];
DrawToken: PROC [pt: ScrPt, type: TokenType, clip: ClipBox, dc: Context];
ClearScreen: PROC [clip: ClipBox, bkgnd: BkgndColor, dc: Context];
IsCull: PROC [tl, br: ScrPt, clip: ClipBox, dc: Context] RETURNS [BOOLEAN];
BoxFill: PROC [tl, br: ScrPt, bkgnd: BkgndColor, clip: ClipBox, dc: Context];
InvertBox: PROC [tl, br: ScrPt, clip: ClipBox, dc: Context];
The following work in Screen Points. Partial pixels would only be a nuisance for us.
SetClipEdges: PROC [data: Data, tl, br: ScrPt];
ResetClipEdges: PROC [data: Data];