Copyright © 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Last edited by
MBrown on November 8, 1982 3:13 pm
Hauser, March 8, 1985 11:14:29 am PST
WorkerControl: DEFINITIONS =
Initialize: PROC [hashArraySize: NAT];
Call this procedure after AlpineZones.static is initialized, and before
calling any of the procedures in the TransactionMap interface.
CallAfterAnalysisPass: PROC [];
This proc should be called after the analysis pass of recovery.
(It enumerates the workers that remain after the analysis pass, changing
workers that are in the active state to the completing state, with outcome = abort.)
CallAfterUpdatePass: PROC [];
This proc should be called after the update pass of recovery. Once this procedure
returns, it is ok to call AlpineTransMgr.WorkerPrepare and WorkerFinish, and
Hauser, March 8, 1985 11:14:11 am PST
Nodified, added copyright.