Copyright © 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Last edited by:
Kolling on January 24, 1984 12:58:20 pm PST
Hauser, March 26, 1985 7:11:36 pm PST
USING[PageCount, PageNumber],
FilePageMgrPrivateFile: CEDAR DEFINITIONS =
this is what FileMap.FilePageMgrHandle points to:
chunkTable: RedBlackTree.Table, -- all the chunks currently "mapped" to this file.
nMappedChunks: NAT,
fileDataSize: AlpineEnvironment.PageCount, -- size on the disk, not counting the leader page.
exists: BOOLEAN,
volumeState: VolumeState,
nDefWriteChunks: NAT, -- number of chunks waiting for deferred write.
nLruListChunks: NAT, -- used to protect against a client flooding cache.
lowerHandle: File.Handle,
rbKeyRef should be initialized at creation to refer to an AlpineEnvironment.PageNumber object. It is used thereafter for the key parameter to RedBlackTree routines, called from FilePageMgrMainImpl. This avoids allocating an object to get a reference each time such a call is made.
rbKeyRef: REF AlpineEnvironment.PageNumber];
FPMFileHandle: TYPE = REF FPMFileObject;
VolumeState: TYPE = {online, wentOffline, nonExist};
LeaderFilePageNumber: AlpineEnvironment.PageNumber = -1;
Initial: Kolling: 22-Feb-82 16:18:32: a private defs file for the File Page Manager which sits between the rest of Alpine and Pilot.
Description of FilePageMgr data structure:
The following definition is copied from FilePageMgrPrivateChunk, so we can discuss all of the FilePageMgr data structures together:
chunkType: ChunkType,
fileHandle: FileMap.Handle,
startPageNumber: AlpineEnvironment.PageNumber,
useCount: NAT, -- incremented by 1 for each current user.
prev, next: RefChunk,
defWritePending: BOOLEAN,
spaceHandle: Space.Handle,
rbLLink, rbRLink: RefChunk,
rbColor: BOOL];
ChunkType: TYPE = {normal, log, leader, treeHeader, lruHeader, ostGeneral};
ClientChunkType: TYPE = FilePageMgrPrivateChunk.ChunkType[normal..leader];
ListChunkType: TYPE = ClientChunkType;
FileChunkType: TYPE = FilePageMgrPrivateChunk.ClientChunkType[normal..log];
Allocation and deallocation
The following chunks are allocated by FilePageMgr during initialization, and never deallocated:
(a) two chunks (of type ostGeneral) are given to OrderedSymbolTable for its initialization,
for its own purposes.
(b) a fixed number of chunks(of types normal, log, leader) are permanently connected to
FilePageMgr's virtual memory pool for IO.
(c) three header chunks (of type lruHeader) are permanently allocated for use by the lru
A FPMFileObject is allocated when a file is first touched by FilePageMgr (i.e. FilePageMgr is passed a FileMap.Handle such that GetFilePageMgrHandle = NIL). It is deallocated by the garbage collector after FilePageMgr no longer has any chunks mapped to that file. When the FPMFileObject is allocated, the header chunk (of type treeHeader) for its chunkTable is also allocated; the treeHeader chunk is deallocated by the garbage collector when the file is no longer of interest.
No other allocation or deallocation of chunks takes place.
LRU lists
An LRU list is a doubly-linked circular list of chunks. A list contains the permanently allocated lruHeader chunk and zero or more other chunks, the latter all of the same type: normal, leader, or log. There is one such list for each type, making three lists in all. All three lists are protected by a single module monitor, FilePageMgrLruImpl. This monitor protects the prev and next fields of all chunks, the nLruListChunks fields of all FPMFileObjects, the lruHeader chunks, and the count of chunks on each list. When no process is inside of any FilePageMgr monitor, it is true that a chunk is on an LRU list iff it has useCount = 0.
Chunk tables
There is one chunk table per FPMFileObject. A chunk table consists of a treeHeader chunk and a red-black tree of chunks attached to it. Manipulation of chunk tables is performed through the OrderedSymbolTable interface and protected by its module monitor, RedBlackTreeImpl. This monitor protects the rbLLink, rbRLink, and rbColor fields of all chunks, plus the treeHeader chunk.
FilePageMgr data structures contain a single type of monitor, the FPMFileObject object monitor. One FPMFileObject object monitor is built into each FPMFileObject. In addition, the FilePageMgr implementation contains two module monitors: FilePageMgrLruImpl and RedBlackTreeImpl.
There are no calls out of FilePageMgrLruImpl or RedBlackTreeImpl that enter FilePageMgr monitors. A call into these module monitors always comes from a process holding a FPMFileObject monitor. The latter is the only case in which a process holds more than one FilePageMgr monitor.
The various monitors control read and write access to the fields of FPMFileObjects and chunks as follows:
(FPMFileObject and OrderedSymbolTable) chunkTable,
(FPMFileObject) nMappedChunks,
(FPMFileObject) fileDataSize,
(FPMFileObject) nDefWriteChunks,
(FPMFileObject and FilePageMgrLruImpl) nLruListChunks,
(FPMFileObject) capability.
Mapped chunk:
(FPMFileObject*) fileHandle,
(FPMFileObject*) startPageNumber,
(FPMFileObject*) useCount,
(FPMFileObject and FilePageMgrLruImpl, except just FilePageMgrLruImpl for neighbor
relinking) prev, next,
(FPMFileObject) defWritePending,
(FPMFileObject and RedBlackTreeImpl) rbLLink, rbRLink,
(FPMFileObject and RedBlackTreeImpl) rbColor.
"Belongs" to the lru list monitor.
*chunk.fileHandle = nullHandle tells us that a chunk is unmapped. A process will only write chunk.fileHandle, chunk.startPageNumber, and chunk.useCount when a chunk is not linked on the lru list (it can tell this because only chunks with useCounts of 0 are on the lru list); This is because a process in the lru list monitor trying to get a "strange" chunk wants to know if the chunk is mapped to a file; if it is not, the process can snarf it up immediately; if it is, it wants to pass back a copy of the fileHandle and startPageNumber as a hint to the caller, which must then get the appropriate FPMFileObject monitor, etc.
If defWritePending is set, then the chunk is waiting for but has not yet been given to a process for deferred writing. Any chunk, mapped or unmapped, in the lru list or not, regardless of its useCount, may be in the hands of one or more processes for deferred writing.
The FPMFileObject.fileHandle and chunk.chunkType, chunk.spaceHandle fields are immutable once a FPMFileObject or chunk has been created.
Hauser, March 8, 1985 10:31:40 am PST
Nodified, added copyright.