DIRECTORY AccessControl USING[AccessFailed, AddOwner, EnumerateAllOwners, LockFailed, OperationFailed, ReadOwnerFileProperties, ReadOwnerProperties, ReorganizeOwnerFile, RemoveOwner, StaticallyInvalid, Unknown, UnlockOwnerDB, WriteOwnerProperties], AlpineEnvironment USING[Conversation, LockFailure, NeededAccess, OperationFailure, OwnerName, OwnerProperty, OwnerPropertySet, OwnerPropertyValuePair, PageCount, TransID, UnknownType, VolumeGroupID], AlpineOwner USING[AccessFailed, LockFailed, OperationFailed, StaticallyInvalid, Unknown], FilePrivate USING[EstablishTransactionContext, TransactionWork]; OwnerActionsImpl: PROGRAM IMPORTS AC: AccessControl, AO: AlpineOwner, FP: FilePrivate EXPORTS AlpineOwner = BEGIN OPEN AE: AlpineEnvironment; Create: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[conversation: AE.Conversation, transID: AE.TransID, volumeGroupID: AE.VolumeGroupID, owner: AE.OwnerName, properties: LIST OF AE.OwnerPropertyValuePair, enforceTotalQuota: BOOLEAN] RETURNS[spaceLeftOnVolumeGroup: AE.PageCount] = BEGIN -- non system-fatal errors: AccessFailed[alpineWheel], LockFailed[timeout], OperationFailed[duplicateOwner, ownerDatabaseFull, ownerRecordFull, totalQuotaExceeded], StaticallyInvalid, Unknown[transID, volumeGroupID]. whyOpFailed: AE.OperationFailure; whyUnknown: AE.UnknownType; Work: FP.TransactionWork --[trans, pUpdateCost]-- = BEGIN FOR item: LIST OF AE.OwnerPropertyValuePair _ properties, WHILE item # NIL DO IF NOT IN AE.OwnerProperty THEN ERROR AO.StaticallyInvalid; ENDLOOP; spaceLeftOnVolumeGroup _ AC.AddOwner[conversation, trans, volumeGroupID, owner, (NOT enforceTotalQuota), properties ! AC.AccessFailed => GOTO noAccess; AC.LockFailed => GOTO lockFailed; AC.OperationFailed => BEGIN whyOpFailed _ why; GOTO opFailed; END; AC.StaticallyInvalid => GOTO statInvalid; AC.Unknown => BEGIN whyUnknown _ why; GOTO unknown; END;] EXITS noAccess => ERROR AO.AccessFailed[alpineWheel]; lockFailed => ERROR AO.LockFailed[timeout]; opFailed => ERROR AO.OperationFailed[whyOpFailed]; statInvalid => ERROR AO.StaticallyInvalid; unknown => ERROR AO.Unknown[whyUnknown]; END; -- Work FP.EstablishTransactionContext[conversation: conversation, transID: transID, work: Work, workLevel: hard]; -- This must start work with workLevel = hard because it dirties the owner data base END; Destroy: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[conversation: AE.Conversation, transID: AE.TransID, volumeGroupID: AE.VolumeGroupID, owner: AE.OwnerName] = BEGIN -- non system-fatal errors: AccessFailed[alpineWheel], LockFailed[timeout], OperationFailed[ownerRecordInUse, spaceInUseByThisOwner], StaticallyInvalid, Unknown[owner, transID, volumeGroupID]. whyOpFailed: AE.OperationFailure; whyUnknown: AE.UnknownType; Work: FP.TransactionWork --[trans, pUpdateCost]-- = BEGIN AC.RemoveOwner[conversation, trans, volumeGroupID, owner ! AC.AccessFailed => GOTO noAccess; AC.LockFailed => GOTO lockFailed; AC.OperationFailed => BEGIN whyOpFailed _ why; GOTO opFailed; END; AC.StaticallyInvalid => GOTO statInvalid; AC.Unknown => BEGIN whyUnknown _ why; GOTO unknown; END]; EXITS noAccess => ERROR AO.AccessFailed[alpineWheel]; lockFailed => ERROR AO.LockFailed[timeout]; opFailed => ERROR AO.OperationFailed[whyOpFailed]; statInvalid => ERROR AO.StaticallyInvalid; unknown => ERROR AO.Unknown[whyUnknown]; END; -- Work FP.EstablishTransactionContext[conversation: conversation, transID: transID, work: Work, workLevel: hard]; -- This must start work with workLevel=hard because it dirties the owner data base END; ReadProperties: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[conversation: AE.Conversation, transID: AE.TransID, volumeGroupID: AE.VolumeGroupID, owner: AE.OwnerName, desiredProperties: AE.OwnerPropertySet] RETURNS [properties: LIST OF AE.OwnerPropertyValuePair] = BEGIN -- non system-fatal errors: LockFailed[timeout], StaticallyInvalid, Unknown[owner, transID, volumeGroupID]. whyUnknown: AE.UnknownType; Work: FP.TransactionWork --[trans, pUpdateCost]-- = BEGIN properties _ AC.ReadOwnerProperties[conversation, trans, volumeGroupID, owner, desiredProperties ! AC.LockFailed => GOTO lockFailed; AC.StaticallyInvalid => GOTO statInvalid; AC.Unknown => BEGIN whyUnknown _ why; GOTO unknown; END]; EXITS lockFailed => ERROR AO.LockFailed[timeout]; statInvalid => ERROR AO.StaticallyInvalid; unknown => ERROR AO.Unknown[whyUnknown]; END; -- Work FP.EstablishTransactionContext[conversation, transID, Work]; END; WriteProperties: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[conversation: AE.Conversation, transID: AE.TransID, volumeGroupID: AE.VolumeGroupID, owner: AE.OwnerName, properties: LIST OF AE.OwnerPropertyValuePair, enforceTotalQuota: BOOLEAN] = BEGIN -- non system-fatal errors: AccessFailed[alpineWheel, ownerEntry], LockFailed[timeout], OperationFailed[ownerRecordFull, ownerRecordInUse, regServersUnavailable, totalQuotaExceeded], StaticallyInvalid, Unknown[owner, transID, volumeGroupID]. whyAccess: AE.NeededAccess; whyOpFailed: AE.OperationFailure; whyUnknown: AE.UnknownType; Work: FP.TransactionWork --[trans, pUpdateCost]-- = BEGIN FOR item: LIST OF AE.OwnerPropertyValuePair _ properties, WHILE item # NIL DO IF NOT IN AE.OwnerProperty THEN ERROR AO.StaticallyInvalid; ENDLOOP; [] _ AC.WriteOwnerProperties[conversation, trans, volumeGroupID, owner, (NOT enforceTotalQuota), properties ! AC.AccessFailed => BEGIN whyAccess _ why; GOTO noAccess; END; AC.LockFailed => GOTO lockFailed; AC.OperationFailed => BEGIN whyOpFailed _ why; GOTO opFailed; END; AC.StaticallyInvalid => GOTO statInvalid; AC.Unknown => BEGIN whyUnknown _ why; GOTO unknown; END]; EXITS noAccess => ERROR AO.AccessFailed[whyAccess]; lockFailed => ERROR AO.LockFailed[timeout]; opFailed => ERROR AO.OperationFailed[whyOpFailed]; statInvalid => ERROR AO.StaticallyInvalid; unknown => ERROR AO.Unknown[whyUnknown]; END; -- Work FP.EstablishTransactionContext[conversation: conversation, transID: transID, work: Work, workLevel: hard]; -- This must start work with workLevel=hard because it dirties the owner data base END; ReadDBProperties: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[conversation: AE.Conversation, transID: AE.TransID, volumeGroupID: AE.VolumeGroupID] RETURNS [nOwners, nEntriesUsed, nEntries: NAT, totalQuota, totalSpaceInUse, volumeGroupSize: AE.PageCount] = BEGIN -- non system-fatal errors: AccessFailed[alpineWheel], LockFailed[timeout], Unknown[transID, volumeGroupID]. whyUnknown: AE.UnknownType; Work: FP.TransactionWork --[trans, pUpdateCost]-- = BEGIN quotaLeft: AlpineEnvironment.PageCount; [totalQuota: totalQuota, quotaLeft: quotaLeft, volumeGroupSize: volumeGroupSize, numberOfOwners: nOwners, numberOfOwnerSlotsInUse: nEntriesUsed, maxNumberOfOwnersAllowed: nEntries] _ AC.ReadOwnerFileProperties[conversation, trans, volumeGroupID ! AC.AccessFailed => GOTO noAccess; AC.LockFailed => GOTO lockFailed; AC.Unknown => BEGIN whyUnknown _ why; GOTO unknown; END]; totalSpaceInUse _ totalQuota - quotaLeft; EXITS noAccess => ERROR AO.AccessFailed[alpineWheel]; lockFailed => ERROR AO.LockFailed[timeout]; unknown => ERROR AO.Unknown[whyUnknown]; END; -- Work FP.EstablishTransactionContext[conversation, transID, Work]; END; ReadNext: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[conversation: AE.Conversation, transID: AE.TransID, volumeGroupID: AE.VolumeGroupID, previousOwner: AE.OwnerName, desiredProperties: AE.OwnerPropertySet] RETURNS [owner: AE.OwnerName, properties: LIST OF AE.OwnerPropertyValuePair] = BEGIN -- non system-fatal errors: AccessFailed[alpineWheel], LockFailed[timeout], StaticallyInvalid, Unknown[owner, transID, volumeGroupID]. whyUnknown: AE.UnknownType; Work: FP.TransactionWork --[trans, pUpdateCost]-- = BEGIN [owner, properties] _ AC.EnumerateAllOwners[conversation, trans, volumeGroupID, previousOwner, desiredProperties ! AC.AccessFailed => GOTO noAccess; AC.LockFailed => GOTO lockFailed; AC.StaticallyInvalid => GOTO statInvalid; AC.Unknown => BEGIN whyUnknown _ why; GOTO unknown; END]; EXITS noAccess => ERROR AO.AccessFailed[alpineWheel]; lockFailed => ERROR AO.LockFailed[timeout]; statInvalid => ERROR AO.StaticallyInvalid; unknown => ERROR AO.Unknown[whyUnknown]; END; -- Work FP.EstablishTransactionContext[conversation, transID, Work]; END; ReorganizeDB: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [conversation: AE.Conversation, transID: AE.TransID, volumeGroupID: AE.VolumeGroupID, nEntries: NAT] = BEGIN -- non system-fatal errors: AccessFailed[alpineWheel], LockFailed[timeout], OperationFailed[insufficientSpace, ownerDatabaseFull], Unknown[transID, volumeGroupID]. whyOpFailed: AE.OperationFailure; whyUnknown: AE.UnknownType; Work: FP.TransactionWork --[trans, pUpdateCost]-- = BEGIN AC.ReorganizeOwnerFile[conversation, trans, volumeGroupID, nEntries ! AC.AccessFailed => GOTO noAccess; AC.LockFailed => GOTO lockFailed; AC.OperationFailed => BEGIN whyOpFailed _ why; GOTO opFailed; END; AC.Unknown => BEGIN whyUnknown _ why; GOTO unknown; END]; EXITS noAccess => ERROR AO.AccessFailed[alpineWheel]; lockFailed => ERROR AO.LockFailed[timeout]; opFailed => ERROR AO.OperationFailed[whyOpFailed]; unknown => ERROR AO.Unknown[whyUnknown]; END; -- Work FP.EstablishTransactionContext[conversation, transID, Work, hard]; -- This must start work with workLevel=hard because it dirties the owner data base END; Unlock: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[conversation: AE.Conversation, transID: AE.TransID, volumeGroupID: AE.VolumeGroupID] = BEGIN -- non system-fatal errors: StaticallyInvalid, Unknown[transID, volumeGroupID]. whyUnknown: AE.UnknownType; Work: FP.TransactionWork --[trans, pUpdateCost]-- = BEGIN AC.UnlockOwnerDB[conversation, trans, volumeGroupID ! AC.StaticallyInvalid => GOTO statInvalid; AC.Unknown => BEGIN whyUnknown _ why; GOTO unknown; END]; EXITS statInvalid => ERROR AO.StaticallyInvalid; unknown => ERROR AO.Unknown[whyUnknown]; END; -- Work FP.EstablishTransactionContext[conversation, transID, Work]; END; END. CHANGE LOG ΠOwnerActionsImpl.mesa Copyright c 1984 Xerox Corporation Last edited by: Taft on April 10, 1983 5:22 pm Kolling on March 10, 1983 6:23 pm Last Edited by: Kupfer, July 16, 1984 1:33:20 pm PDT Carl Hauser, May 21, 1985 11:49:52 am PDT (SkiPatrolLog deals with these errors elsewhere) (SkiPatrolLog deals with these errors elsewhere) (SkiPatrolLog deals with these errors elsewhere) (SkiPatrolLog deals with these errors elsewhere) (SkiPatrolLog deals with these errors elsewhere) (SkiPatrolLog deals with these errors elsewhere) (SkiPatrolLog deals with these errors elsewhere) (SkiPatrolLog deals with these errors elsewhere) Edited on July 16, 1984 1:33:18 pm PDT, by Kupfer Add some comments about SkiPatrolLog. Κ ‡– "cedar" style˜Jšœ™J™"šœ™Jšœ™Jšœ!™!—™4Icode™)—IunitšΟk ˜ ˜˜ KšœΫ˜ΰ—˜Kšœ°˜΅—˜ KšœH˜M—˜ Kšœ/˜4——šœ˜Kšœœœœ ˜;Kšœ˜Kšœœœ˜!šΟnœœ œœœœœœœœ,œœœ ˜ύKšœΟcΨ˜ήKšœ œ˜!Kšœ œ ˜šžœœŸœ˜3Kš˜Kšœœœœ/˜Cšœ˜Kšœœœœœœœ˜OKšœ˜—šœœ6œ˜sšœœœ ˜#Kšœœ ˜!Kšœœœ œ˜BKšœœ ˜)Kšœ œœ œ˜9——šœ˜Kšœ0™0Kšœ œœ˜/Kšœœœ˜+Kšœ œœ˜2Kšœœœ˜*Kšœ œœ˜(—KšœŸ˜ —KšœiŸT˜ΏKšœ˜—šžœœ œœœ œœœ ˜…KšœŸΐ˜ΖKšœ œ˜!Kšœ œ ˜šžœœŸœ˜3Kš˜šœ6˜8šœœœ ˜#Kšœœ ˜!Kšœœœ œ˜BKšœœ ˜)Kšœ œœ œ˜9——šœ˜Kšœ0™0Kšœ œœ˜/Kšœœœ˜+Kšœ œœ˜2Kšœœœ˜*Kšœ œœ˜(—KšœŸ˜ —KšœiŸR˜½Kšœ˜—šžœœ œœœœœœœœœœ˜μKšœŸk˜qKšœ œ ˜šžœœŸœ˜3Kš˜šœ œQ˜`šœœœ ˜#Kšœœ ˜)Kšœ œœ œ˜9——šœ˜Kšœ0™0Kšœœœ˜+Kšœœœ˜*Kšœ œœ˜(—KšœŸ˜ —Kšœ:˜