-- AlpineCommunicationImpls.config -- Last edited by -- MBrown on February 2, 1984 11:24:15 am PST -- Hauser, March 28, 1985 9:52:43 am PST AlpineCommunicationImpls: CONFIG IMPORTS -- Cedar BasicTime, LupineRuntime, Rope, RPC, RPCLupine, -- Alpine AlpineZones EXPORTS AlpineImport, AlpineTransMgrRpcControl CONTROL AlpineImportImpl, AlpineImportMapImpl, AlpineTransMgrRpcClientImpl, AlpineTransMgrRpcBinderImpl = BEGIN -- The comment below a module name lists the state kept in it. AlpineImportImpl; -- (none) AlpineImportMapImpl; -- a list of AlpineImport.Handle AlpineTransMgrRpcClientImpl; AlpineTransMgrRpcBinderImpl; END.