<> <> <> <<>> <> <<>> DIRECTORY IO USING [Backup, GetChar, EndOfStream, RIS, STREAM], Process USING [CheckForAbort], RefTab USING [Create, EachPairAction, Fetch, Pairs, Ref, Store], Rope USING [ActionType, Length, Map, ROPE], ACFind; ACFindImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS IO, Process, RefTab, Rope EXPORTS ACFind ~ BEGIN OPEN ACFind; ROPE: TYPE ~ Rope.ROPE; STREAM: TYPE ~ IO.STREAM; <> Create: PUBLIC PROC [keys: LIST OF ROPE, caseSensitive: BOOL _ FALSE] RETURNS [self: Ref] ~ { <> ENABLE ABORTED => GOTO Done; goto: RefTab.Ref _ RefTab.Create[]; SymbolEntry: TYPE ~ RECORD [ state: State, c: CHAR ]; Goto: PROC [state: State, c: CHAR] RETURNS [next: State] ~ { val: REF LIST OF SymbolEntry _ NARROW[goto.Fetch[state].val]; IF val = NIL THEN RETURN [NIL]; FOR list: LIST OF SymbolEntry _ val^, list.rest UNTIL list = NIL DO IF c = list.first.c THEN RETURN [list.first.state]; ENDLOOP; RETURN [NIL]; }; MakeGoto: PROC [state: State, c: CHAR, next: State] ~ { Append: PROC [l: REF LIST OF SymbolEntry, item: SymbolEntry] ~ { tail: LIST OF SymbolEntry; IF l = NIL THEN { l _ NEW[LIST OF SymbolEntry]; [] _ RefTab.Store[goto, state, l]; }; IF l^ = NIL THEN { l^ _ LIST[item]; RETURN }; FOR tail _ l^, tail.rest UNTIL tail.rest = NIL DO ENDLOOP; tail.rest _ LIST[item]; }; Append[NARROW[goto.Fetch[state].val], [next, c]]; }; BuildGoto: PROC [keys: LIST OF ROPE] ~ { <> Enter: PROC [key: ROPE] ~ { ris: STREAM _ IO.RIS[key]; this: State _ self.initialState; next: State; { ENABLE IO.EndOfStream => GOTO Done; c: CHAR; UNTIL (next _ Goto[this, c _ GetChar[self, ris]]) = NIL DO this _ next; ENDLOOP; Backup[ris, c]; WHILE TRUE DO MakeGoto[this, GetChar[self, ris], (next _ NEW[StateRep])]; next.move _ NEW[MoveRep[LAST[CHAR]-FIRST[CHAR]+1]]; this _ next; ENDLOOP; EXITS Done => { IF this = NIL THEN this _ NEW[StateRep]; this.keys _ CONS[key, this.keys]; }; }; }; FOR list: LIST OF ROPE _ keys, list.rest UNTIL list = NIL DO Enter[list.first]; ENDLOOP; FOR c: CHAR IN CHAR DO IF Goto[self.initialState, c] = NIL THEN MakeGoto[self.initialState, c, self.initialState]; ENDLOOP; }; <<>> Traverse: PROC [] ~ { q: LIST OF State _ NIL; Append: PROC [q: LIST OF State, new: State] RETURNS [val: LIST OF State] ~ { temp: LIST OF State _ NIL; val _ LIST[new]; IF q = NIL THEN RETURN [val]; val _ CONS[q.first, val]; temp _ val; UNTIL (q _ q.rest) = NIL DO temp.rest _ CONS[q.first, temp.rest]; temp _ temp.rest; ENDLOOP; RETURN[val]; }; MakeMove: PROC [state: State, input: CHAR, next: State] ~ INLINE { state.move[input-state.offset] _ next; }; NilFailures: RefTab.EachPairAction ~ { this: State _ NARROW[key]; this.failure _ NIL; RETURN [FALSE]; }; CondenseMoves: RefTab.EachPairAction ~ { this: State _ NARROW[key]; newOffset: CHAR _ this.offset; lastChar: CHAR; newMove: REF MoveRep; IF this.failure # NIL THEN RETURN [FALSE]; this.failure _ Move[this, LAST[CHAR]]; WHILE Move[this, newOffset] = this.failure DO newOffset _ newOffset + 1; ENDLOOP; lastChar _ LAST[CHAR]; WHILE Move[this, lastChar] = this.failure DO lastChar _ lastChar - 1; ENDLOOP; newMove _ NEW[MoveRep[lastChar-newOffset+1]]; FOR c: CHAR IN [newOffset..lastChar] DO newMove[c-newOffset] _ Move[this, c]; ENDLOOP; this.offset _ newOffset; this.move _ newMove; RETURN [FALSE]; }; activeState: State; FOR c: CHAR IN CHAR DO MakeMove[self.initialState, c, Goto[self.initialState, c]]; IF (activeState _ Goto[self.initialState, c]) # self.initialState THEN { q _ Append[q, activeState]; activeState.failure _ self.initialState; }; ENDLOOP; WHILE q # NIL DO this: State _ q.first; next: State; q _ q.rest; FOR c: CHAR IN CHAR DO IF (next _ Goto[this, c]) # NIL THEN { temp: State _ this.failure; WHILE Goto[temp, c] = NIL DO temp _ temp.failure; ENDLOOP; q _ Append[q, next]; next.failure _ Goto[temp, c]; FOR list: LIST OF ROPE _ next.failure.keys, list.rest UNTIL list = NIL DO next.keys _ CONS[list.first, next.keys] ENDLOOP; MakeMove[this, c, next]; } ELSE MakeMove[this, c, Move[this.failure, c]]; ENDLOOP; ENDLOOP; [] _ RefTab.Pairs[goto, NilFailures]; [] _ RefTab.Pairs[goto, CondenseMoves]; }; self _ NEW[Rep]; self.initialState _ NEW[StateRep]; IF keys = NIL THEN { <> self.initialState.failure _ self.initialState; self.initialState.offset _ '\377; self.initialState.move _ NEW[MoveRep[0]]; RETURN[self]; }; self.initialState.move _ NEW[MoveRep[LAST[CHAR]-FIRST[CHAR]+1]]; self.caseSensitive _ caseSensitive; BuildGoto[keys]; Traverse[]; EXITS Done => NULL; }; <> Move: PROC [state: State, input: CHAR] RETURNS [State] ~ INLINE { <> IF NOT (input IN [state.offset..state.offset + state.move.l)) THEN RETURN [state.failure]; RETURN[state.move[input - state.offset]]; }; Find: PUBLIC PROC [self: Ref, text: ROPE, action: ActionProc] RETURNS [foundAny: BOOLEAN _ FALSE] ~ { <> pos: INT _ 0; MoveAction: Rope.ActionType ~ { ENABLE ABORTED => GOTO Aborted; Process.CheckForAbort[]; IF NOT self.caseSensitive THEN c _ toUpper[c]; state _ Move[state, c]; IF state.keys # NIL THEN { foundAny _ TRUE; FOR list: LIST OF ROPE _ state.keys, list.rest UNTIL list = NIL DO quit _ action[pos, list.first] OR quit; ENDLOOP; }; pos _ pos + 1; EXITS Aborted => RETURN [TRUE]; }; state: State _ self.initialState; [] _ Rope.Map[text, 0, text.Length, MoveAction]; }; <> lastChar: CHAR; toUpper: ARRAY CHAR OF CHAR; GetChar: PROC [self: Ref, stream: STREAM] RETURNS [CHAR] ~ { <> IF self.caseSensitive THEN RETURN [lastChar _ IO.GetChar[stream]]; RETURN[toUpper[lastChar _ IO.GetChar[stream]]]; }; Backup: PROC [s: STREAM, c: CHAR] ~ { IO.Backup[s, lastChar]; }; <> FOR c: CHAR IN CHAR DO toUpper[c] _ IF c IN ['a..'z] THEN c - ('a - 'A) ELSE c; ENDLOOP; END.