Copyright © 1984, 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Levin on December 16, 1983 1:38 pm
Bob Hagmann on April 29, 1986 2:07:05 pm PDT
Russ Atkinson on January 30, 1985 10:22:11 pm PST
Process USING [Detach, MsecToTicks, priorityFaultHandlers, SetPriority, Ticks, Yield],
VM USING [AddressFault, AddressForPageNumber, Age, Allocate, CantAllocate, CantDoIO, Clean, Interval, IOErrorType, LaundryError, PageCount, PageNumber, PageNumberForAddress, Pin, wordsPerPage],
VMInternal USING [freePages, lastVMPage, LaundryMode, GetCleaningCandidate, HasBackingStorage, PageCount, RealPageNumber, swapBufferSize],
VMInternalExtras USING [SetRemotePageValidity],
VMRemotePaging USING [LaundryWriteProc, ValidPageSeq],
VMSideDoor USING [rmPages],
VMStatistics USING [rmNewClean, rmOldClean];
VMLaundryImpl: MONITOR
IMPORTS Process, VM, VMInternal, VMInternalExtras, VMSideDoor, VMStatistics
EXPORTS VM, VMInternal, VMRemotePaging, VMStatistics
= BEGIN OPEN VMInternal;
Performance parameters
normalHighMark: NAT = MIN[VMSideDoor.rmPages/10, 150];
bigHighMark: NATMIN[VMSideDoor.rmPages/5, 400];
lowMark: NAT = normalHighMark/3;
highMark: NAT ← bigHighMark;
samplingInterval: Process.Ticks = Process.MsecToTicks[250];
Remote paging variables
remoteLaundryWriteProc: VMRemotePaging.LaundryWriteProc ← NIL;
MaxRemotePage: PUBLIC INT ← -1;
RemotePageValid: PUBLIC LONG POINTER TO VMRemotePaging.ValidPageSeq ← NIL;
Global variables protected by the monitor lock
dirtyVictims: BOOL;
newVictims: BOOL;
laundry: CONDITION ← [timeout: samplingInterval];
LastLaundryErrorRecord: VM.LaundryError ← [software, 0];
errorsNoted: INT ← 0;
Exports to VMStatistics
laundryWakeups, panicLaundryWakeups, uselessLaundryWakeups: PUBLIC INT ← 0;
pagesCleaned, pagesCleanedPanic: PUBLIC INT ← 0;
laundryCleanCalls: PUBLIC INT ← 0;
Exports to VMInternal
NoteDirtyVictim: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC = {
dirtyVictims ← TRUE;
NOTIFY laundry;
NoteNewVictim: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC = {
newVictims ← TRUE;
NOTIFY laundry;
Exports to VM
newVictims ← TRUE;
NOTIFY laundry;
Laundry Process
LaundryProcess: PROC = {
The following initialization ensures that, on the first pass through the main loop, we will actually try to clean things.
prevCleanUsed: INT ← uselessLaundryWakeups ;
oldRMNewClean: INT ← VMStatistics.rmNewClean;
wake up with attitude aggressive to try to force some cleaning to avoid a frame fault with no unpinned clean memory
attitude: LaundryMode ← aggressive ;
prevAttitude: LaundryMode ← casual ;
prevMin: PageCount ← 1 ;
Wait: ENTRY PROC RETURNS [LaundryMode] = {
WaitReturn: PROC [mode: LaundryMode] RETURNS [LaundryMode]= {
dirtyVictims ← FALSE;
newVictims ← FALSE ;
oldRMNewClean ← VMStatistics.rmNewClean;
IF dirtyVictims THEN RETURN[WaitReturn[panic]];
IF oldRMNewClean # VMStatistics.rmNewClean OR newVictims THEN RETURN[WaitReturn[aggressive]];
dirtyVictims ← FALSE;
WAIT laundry;
IF HasBackingStorage[0] THEN EXIT;
IF dirtyVictims THEN RETURN[WaitReturn[panic]];
IF oldRMNewClean # VMStatistics.rmNewClean OR newVictims THEN RETURN[WaitReturn[aggressive]];
We want to run above the client foreground processes. Perhaps we should multiplex with the guys at priorityClient3? No reserved state vector is required, since this process is a vanilla client of Clean. However, it would be nice to include one anyway, since it is potentially possible for a fault in this process to prohibit anyone else from getting into SwapIn.
cleanUsed: INT = VMStatistics.rmOldClean + VMStatistics.rmNewClean ;
cleanedThisTime: INT ← 0;
totalCleanSkipped: PageCount ;
startPasses: INT ← -1 ;
startRover: RealPageNumber ← 0;
minCleaning: PageCount ← 1;
knownFreeOrClean: INT ← lowMark; -- best start guess
laundryWakeups ← laundryWakeups.SUCC;
IF attitude = panic THEN panicLaundryWakeups ← panicLaundryWakeups.SUCC;
totalCleanSkipped ← 0 ;
IF attitude # casual THEN {
highMark 𡤋igHighMark ;
minCleaning ← IF prevAttitude = casual THEN 10
ELSE IF prevMin = 10 THEN 4 ELSE 1 ;
IF attitude # casual OR (cleanUsed - prevCleanUsed) >= (highMark - lowMark) THEN {
UNTIL cleanedThisTime >= highMark DO
interval: VM.Interval;
cleanSkipped: PageCount ;
passes: INT ;
rover: RealPageNumber ;
[interval: interval, cleanSkipped: cleanSkipped, passes: passes, rover: rover] ← GetCleaningCandidate[
desired: swapBufferSize, -- larger run than this means multiple transfers in Clean
comfortLevel: lowMark + cleanedThisTime,
tryHard: attitude
IF startPasses < 0 THEN { startPasses ← passes; startRover ← rover;};
totalCleanSkipped ← totalCleanSkipped + cleanSkipped ;
IF interval.count = 0 THEN
There is nothing to clean, either because no appropriate dirty, unpinned pages could be found or because there were sufficient clean, unreferenced pages aleady available for reclamation.
IF interval.count >= minCleaning THEN {
r: VMRemotePaging.LaundryWriteProc ← remoteLaundryWriteProc;
cleanedOK: BOOLTRUE;
VMInternalExtras.SetRemotePageValidity[interval, invalid];
! VM.AddressFault => {
interval.count ← VM.PageNumberForAddress[address] - interval.page;
cleanedOK ← FALSE;
VM.CantDoIO => {
error writing a page; shrink interval to written pages and pin bad page
interval.count ← page - interval.page;
VM.Pin[ [page,1] ];
cleanedOK ← FALSE;
ReportError[reason, page];
IF r # NIL AND cleanedOK THEN {
After writing the pages to the disk, write them remotely. A page is either the same remotely as on the disk, or it has been dirtied. If it has been dirtied, then it cannot be reclaimed as clean. Pin the pages during this time to avoid race conditions.
success: BOOL;
success ← r[interval];
VM.Age[interval]; -- Writing the pages remotely references them; this may age pages that were referenced previously
VMInternalExtras.SetRemotePageValidity[interval, IF success THEN valid ELSE invalid];
cleanedThisTime ← cleanedThisTime + interval.count;
laundryCleanCalls ← laundryCleanCalls.SUCC;
knownFreeOrClean ← freePages + cleanedThisTime + totalCleanSkipped - (VMStatistics.rmOldClean + VMStatistics.rmNewClean - cleanUsed) ;
Stop loop if we are not in panic, and there appears to be enough clean pages or we have done a pass through memory in this loop (note that memory is scanned in decreasing order)
IF ((attitude = casual) AND (knownFreeOrClean >= highMark)) THEN EXIT;
IF (passes > startPasses + 1) OR (passes > startPasses AND rover <= startRover) THEN EXIT;
Give up the processor to avoid hogging priority 5
prevCleanUsed ← VMStatistics.rmOldClean + VMStatistics.rmNewClean;
IF cleanedThisTime = 0 THEN uselessLaundryWakeups ← uselessLaundryWakeups.SUCC
pagesCleaned ← pagesCleaned + cleanedThisTime;
IF attitude = panic THEN pagesCleanedPanic ← pagesCleanedPanic + cleanedThisTime;
prevAttitude ← attitude;
prevMin ← minCleaning ;
IF knownFreeOrClean < lowMark AND cleanedThisTime >= highMark
THEN attitude ← aggressive
ELSE attitude ← Wait[];
highMark ← normalHighMark ;
ReportError: ENTRY PROC [ errorType: VM.IOErrorType, page: VM.PageNumber ] = {
LastLaundryErrorRecord ← [errorType,page] ;
errorsNoted ← errorsNoted + 1;
Exports to VMRemotePaging
EstablishLaundryWriteProc: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC [proc: VMRemotePaging.LaundryWriteProc] = {
interval: VM.Interval;
IF proc # NIL AND RemotePageValid = NIL THEN {
wordsPerItemGroup: INT = SIZE[VMRemotePaging.ValidPageSeq[Basics.bitsPerWord]];
interval ← VM.Allocate[count: ((wordsPerItemGroup * VMInternal.lastVMPage-1)/(Basics.bitsPerWord*VM.wordsPerPage))+1 ! VM.CantAllocate => {
ok ← FALSE;
IF ok THEN {
RemotePageValid ← VM.AddressForPageNumber[interval.page];
MaxRemotePage ← interval.count * Basics.bitsPerWord * VM.wordsPerPage ;
IF ok THEN {
FOR i: INT IN [0..MaxRemotePage) DO
RemotePageValid[i] ← invalid;
remoteLaundryWriteProc ← proc;
ELSE remoteLaundryWriteProc ← NIL;
Process.Detach[FORK LaundryProcess[]];
Bob Hagmann January 30, 1985 10:22:11 pm PST
eliminate VMExtras for 6.0
Bob Hagmann April 18, 1986 3:54:40 pm PST
add EstablishLaundryWriteProc and use it, RemotePageValid, RemotePageValid