3. Appendix
KeyIdent definitions
ESC: [Ascii.ESC, Ascii.ESC], -- Alto ESC (upper left), DLion CENTER (top row, left end)
One: ['1, '!], -- 1 and !
Two: ['2, '@], -- 2 and @
Three: ['3, '#], -- 3 and #
Four: ['4, '$], -- 4 and $
Five: ['5, '%], -- 5 and %
Six: ['6, '~], -- 6 and ~
Seven: ['7, '&], -- 7 and &
Eight: ['8, '*], -- 8 and *
Nine: ['9, '(], -- 9 and (
Zero: ['0, ')], -- 0 and )
Dash: ['-, '—], -- Alto - and —, DLion -
Equal: ['=, '+], -- = and +
BackSlash: ['\\, '|], -- Alto \ and |, DLion DEFAULTS (top row, right end)
LF: [Ascii.LF, Ascii.LF], -- Alto LF (upper right), DLion COPY (left group)
DEL: [Ascii.DEL, Ascii.DEL], -- Alto DEL, DLion DELETE (left group)
TAB: [Ascii.TAB, Ascii.TAB], -- Alto TAB, DLion <paratab> (large key left of Q)
Q: ['q, 'Q],
W: ['w, 'W],
E: ['e, 'E],
R: ['r, 'R],
T: ['t, 'T],
Y: ['y, 'Y],
U: ['u, 'U],
I: ['i, 'I],
O: ['o, 'O],
P: ['p, 'P],
LeftBracket: ['[, '{], -- [ and {
RightBracket: ['], '}], -- ] and }
Arrow: ['←, '^], -- Alto ← and ^, DLion open quotes
BS: [Ascii.BS, Ascii.BS], -- Alto BS (upper right), DLion ← (large key, upper right)
A: ['a, 'A],
S: ['s, 'S],
D: ['d, 'D],
F: ['f, 'F],
G: ['g, 'G],
H: ['h, 'H],
J: ['j, 'J],
K: ['k, 'K],
L: ['l, 'L],
SemiColon: [';, ':], --; and :
Quote: ['\', '\"], -- ' and " (close quotes on DLion)
Return: [Ascii.CR, Ascii.CR], -- Alto RETURN, DLion <newpara> (double-height key, right side)
Z: ['z, 'Z],
X: ['x, 'X],
C: ['c, 'C],
V: ['v, 'V],
B: ['b, 'B],
N: ['n, 'N],
M: ['m, 'M],
Comma: [',, '<], -- , and <
Period: ['., '>], -- . and >
Slash: ['/, '?], -- / and ?
Space: [Ascii.SP, Ascii.SP], -- the space bar
Spare1: ['\201, '\204],
Spare2: ['\202, '\205],
Spare3: ['\203, '\206]
Note that there are no names for shifted characters like left or right paren. Instead you must specify SHIFT plus the unshifted key name e.g.
Nine Down WHILE [SHIFT] instead of LeftParen Down