Garbage Collection and Runtime Types
Garbage Collection and Runtime Types
Garbage Collection and Runtime Types
XEROX PARC, CSL-84-2, JAN, 1984
XEROX PARC, CSL-84-2, JAN, 1984
XEROX PARC, CSL-84-2, JAN, 1984
On Adding Garbage Collection and Runtime Types to a Strongly-Typed, Statically-Checked, Concurrent Language
Paul Rovner
CSL-84-02 January 1984 [P84-00002]
© Copyright 1984 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Enough is known now about garbage collection, runtime types, strong typing, static checking and concurrency that it is possible to explore what happens when they are combined in a real programming system.
Storage management is one of a few central issues through which one can get a good view of the design of an entire system. Tensions between ease of integration and the need for protection, between generality, simplicity, flexibility, extensibility and efficiency are all manifest when assumptions and attitudes about managing storage are studied. And deep understanding follows best from the analysis of systems that people use to get real work done.
This paper is not for those who seek arguments pro or con about these five topics in programming systems; such issues are for other papers. This one assumes these features to be good and describes how they combine and interact in Cedar, a programming language and environment designed to help programmers build moderate-sized experimental systems for moderate numbers of people to test and use.
CR Categories and Subject Descriptors: D.2.2, D.2.6, D.3.3, D.4.2;
Additional Keywords and Phrases: programming languages, types, garbage collection, concurrency, reference counting
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1. The Cedar Project
1.1 Goals and a Brief History of Storage Management in Cedar
The primary goal of the Cedar effort was to achieve major improvements in the costs of producing reliable, high-quality software. The Cedar language is derived from Mesa, which is a compiled, production-quality system implementation language in the Pascal family with extensive facilities for static checking, error handling, modularity, separate compilation and light-weight processes [1]. Mesa and Cedar are the result of an evolutionary research and development effort in programming languages and systems at XEROX PARC that spans more than a decade.
Work on Cedar began in 1978 with two studies [2,3]: a preliminary one to gather and discuss issues, features, priorities and opportunities based on experience with the Lisp [5], Mesa and SmallTalk[6, 16] programming environments at Xerox PARC, and a follow-up study to look more closely at design tradeoffs between a Lisp starting point and a Mesa one. A Mesa base was then chosen and detailed design and implementation work began in mid-1979.
Experience with Lisp and SmallTalk had taught us that the use of a single virtual address space enables the rapid development of highly integrated applications that share packages and present a standard, ubiquitous user interface. Experience with Mesa had demonstrated the additional value of a single virtual address space for concurrent applications that share packages and can be built on each other. It was clearly important for a human user to be able to deal with several concurrently active tasks at once, switching his attention between them as desired (editting, compiling, debugging, reading or sending mail, printing a file, clock-driven tasks like a reminder system).
Cedar had to manage shared resources well enough to support a disparate mix of ambitious applications; efficient, non-disruptive, concurrent garbage collection was seen as a crucial requirement. It was our goal to achieve a dramatic decrease in the relative cost of managing storage compared to other programming tasks.
A reference-counting scheme much like the one in InterLisp [4] was designed, built and used for early versions of Cedar, but was abandoned later in favor of the design outlined here. The cost of reference-counted assignment was too high; we were able to cut it by roughly 60%. In addition, the InterLisp scheme was overly complex; this limited our ability to make changes or port the system to other machines. It also had two serious problems: a fixed-size reference-count table and fixed-size reference-count table entries. Solving these problems would have required adding still more complexity. And our experience indicates that the page-fault behaviour of the design outlined here is no more of a problem than for the InterLisp scheme.
A word about tactics. Storage management in Mesa is done via language features that allow a program to construct, modify and manipulate pointers. It is effectively impossible for Mesa to protect against a memory smash caused by a buggy program. It was necessary to identify these features and exclude them from a "storage-safe" subset of Cedar for which garbage collection is possible [7]. Though most new code for Cedar was written in the safe subset, it was still possible for debugged Mesa code that uses unsafe features to run in Cedar. This allowed of Cedar development to build on a working compiler and runtime system.
1.2 System Overview
The current Cedar system includes the Cedar language [8]; communication software that uses the Ethernet [9] to provide a "remote procedure call" facility [10] and a distributed file system; a comprehensive suite of integrated packages [11] for graphics [12], screen management, input/output, and text manipulation; a user-extendable executive; debugging facilities based on an abstract machine model; and facilities for managing multiple versions of large software components [13]. Cedar runs on the Dorado, a high-performance personal computer [17, 18] and on other Xerox computers. The system is currently being used by about 80 computer professionals at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center and elsewhere within Xerox for their daily work. Development continues on various experimental prototypes such as a data base system [14], a calendar system, a mail system, three-dimensional graphics applications, color graphics applications, some CAD tools, an experimental system for organizing information spatially, and several distributed applications based on the remote procedure call facility. Cedar and its applications comprise over 500,000 lines of source program and 3000 files, and represent roughly 60 person-years of effort over a 6 year period. An overview of a recent version of Cedar from a user's point of view can be found in [15].
2. Language Extensions For Garbage Collection
The most profound extensions of Mesa for Cedar were ones to enable automatic storage deallocation and the manipulation of objects whose types are not known until runtime. This section contains a brief overview of these aspects of the Cedar language. For more complete language descriptions of Mesa and Cedar, the reader is directed to [1] and [8].
A word about the notation used below will help. In the examples, keywords are shown in all caps, in THIS FONT. ":" should be pronounced "has type", "←" as "gets", "[" as "of" or "applied to."
2.1 Language forms added to Mesa to support collectible storage
2.1.1 REF: a type constructor for declaring "pointer to collectible object" types.
For example, the declaration
defines i to be a variable of type REF INT. The value of i is a pointer to a collectible object that holds INT values. Pointers to collectible objects are called "refs". For any Cedar type T, one can define a type REF T. The initial value of i is NIL.
2.1.2 REF ANY: a type for "pointer to collectible object of a type not known until run-time."
For example, the declaration
defines r to be a variable of type REF ANY. The value of r can be any ref. It is initlially NIL. REF ANY provides a way for the programmer to delay complete specification of the type of an operand until execution-time without giving up either type-safety or execution efficiency.
2.1.3 NIL: a built-in value that conforms to any REF type.
NIL is the default initial value of ref variables.
For example, the declarations
defines r and s to be ref variables with initial value NIL.
2.1.4 NEW: an expression for creating new collectible objects at runtime.
For example,
i ← NEW[INT ← 6];
is a statement that allocates a new collectible object to hold INT values, initializes this value to 6, and binds the variable i to a ref to the new object.
2.1.5 REF literals
Cedar programmers need efficient, flexible and convenient ways of dealing with character strings. We have found three sets of features to be useful: those associated with immutable strings ("ROPEs"), with mutable strings ("REF TEXTs") and with unique strings ("ATOMs"). The use of ROPEs is most common: sharing is easy and concatenation and substring operations are efficient. REF TEXTs are more efficient and convenient than ROPEs when constructing a string one character at a time. ATOMs are more efficient and convenient than the others when many string equality comparisons are needed.
Mesa was extended to include ROPE, TEXT and ATOM as built-in types and to recognize quoted strings of characters as literals of type REF TEXT or ROPE (depending on the surrounding context) and $<identifier> as an ATOM literal.
2.2 Language forms added to Mesa to support REF ANY
Like Pascal, Mesa is a strongly-typed language that is defined to make compile-time type checking easy. Mesa requires that the type of each expression and variable be specified completely at compile time <<XXX footnote: Strictly speaking, this is not entirely true. Mesa does provide variant records like those in Pascal that allow an object to have one of a pre-specified collection of forms, depending on the value of a tag that is stored in the object. Also, Mesa has an escape mechanism that disables type checking altogether>>. Strong typing helps facilitate both the detection of programming errors at compile time and the production of efficient code. On the other hand, this restriction often makes programming difficult. It is not possible in Mesa to define a package of functions for manipulating arrays without specifying the type of the array element. One must define a different array package for each kind of array.
In principle, of course, one should be able to define a function in terms of only those properties of its arguments necessary for correct behaviour (refs: SmallTalk, Russell?). This was a Cedar goal that has not been fully achieved, although REF ANY and the related language forms listed below were added to Mesa as a small step in this direction. The functions listed below had to be built-in because they are polymorphic.
Any ref can be passed as a REF ANY value, assigned to a REF ANY variable, etc. The three language forms shown below are used at execution time to verify that the actual type of the referenced object conforms to the assumptions of the program.
ISTYPE is a BOOLEAN-valued function that takes a REF ANY value (r) and a type expression for a ref type (REF T) and returns TRUE if the object referenced by r has type T, FALSE otherwise.
NARROW is a function that takes a REF ANY value (r) and a type expression for a ref type (REF T). NARROW returns r as a REF T value if ISTYPE[r, REF T] . Otherwise, NARROW raises an error.
For example,
INT ← 6];
declare a new variable named r of type REF INT and set its initial value to be a ref to an INT with initial value = 6
b1: BOOL ← ISTYPE[r, REF INT]; -- sets b1 TRUE
b2: BOOL ← ISTYPE[r, REF REAL];-- sets b2 FALSE
s: REF INT ← NARROW[r]; -- sets s = r. The second argument (REF INT) is implicit.
t: REF REAL ← NARROW[r]; -- raises an error
This is a language form similar to the one in Mesa for variant record discrimination. The example illustrates selection on the type of r from among REF INT, REF REAL and anything else. Key words are shown in all caps; refINT and refREAL are variables with scopes delimited by <statement 1> and <statement 2>, respectively.
refINT: REF INT => <statement 1>; --refINT is defined (= r) within statement 1
refREAL: REF REAL => <statement 2>; --refREAL is defined (= r) within statement 2
ENDCASE => <statement 3>;
Logically, this example could be expressed using ISTYPE and NARROW as follows:
THEN {refINT: REF INT = NARROW[r]; <statement 1>}
THEN {refREAL: REF REAL = NARROW[r]; <statement 2>}
ELSE <statement 3>;
2.3 Language forms added to Mesa to support lists
Extensive experience with LISP over many years has demonstrated the power both of list structure as a representation technique and of high-level language primitives for manipulating lists. Lists help programmers think.
The best way to add lists to Mesa from a language design standpoint would have been to solve the problems of extending the Mesa type system to accommodate type parameters and subclassing. Polymorphic operations like ISTYPE and ones for lists could then be defined using the language, rather than having to be built-in as primitives. But it's hard to solve all problems simultaneously; an overhaul of the Mesa type system was left as a problem for the future.
Cedar provides list-processing facilities similar to those in Lisp, but different in that the type of each Cedar list variable or expression is known to the compiler. The Mesa language was extended to include the forms described below.
2.3.1 LIST OF <type> and LIST[<element1>, <element2>, ...]
LIST OF is a type constructor. LIST[...] builds a new list.
listOfAtom: TYPE = LIST OF ATOM; -- defines a new type named listOfAtom
loa: listOfAtom; -- declare a variable named loa to be a list of ATOM's
loint: LIST OF INT; -- declare a variable named loint to be a list of integers
loa ← LIST[$atom1, $atom2, $atom3]; -- assign a three element list of atoms to loa
loint ← LIST[1, 2, 3]; -- assign a three element list of integers to loint
2.3.2 list.first,
A value of a type LIST OF T is a REF to a record that has two fields: one named "first" having type T and one named "rest" having type LIST OF T (think CAR and CDR).
a: ATOM = loa.first; -- the value of a = $atom1
b: ATOM =; -- the value of a = $atom3
i: INT =; -- the value of i = 2
2.3.3 CONS[<element>, <list>]
CONS[<element>, <list>] builds a new list (l) with l.first = <element> and = <list>.
loa ←
CONS[$atom4, loa];
assign a four element list [$atom4, $atom1, $atom2, $atom3] of atoms to loa
2.4 Implementation
The compiler translates each NEW expression into an ALLOCATE instruction followed by a sequence of instructions to initialize the new object. The ALLOCATE instruction takes two parameters:
size: the number of storage cells needed for the object
typeTag: a one-word value to be associated with the object.
The typeTag parameter is an index into a vector of "type descriptors" that is maintained by the Cedar runtime software. Each type descriptor includes three pieces of information:
1. A "ref-containing map" that locates REFs within objects having this typeTag. This is used by the garbage collector.
2. A value that characterizes all types equivalent to this one (a "type string"; see Section 6 for more detail). This is used to support the REF ANY feature.
3. Information sufficient to locate a symbolic description of the type in a compiler-produced symbol table. This is used to support the Cedar interpreter and debugger.
TypeTags are stored in object headers. TypeTags have the property that they are equal IFF the types they represent are equivalent (see Section 6 for more detail). This enables the ISTYPE function to be implemented as a one-word equality test. Accordingly, NARROW and WITH ... SELECT are fast and simple.
Newly allocated objects are cleared to all zeros (the representation of NIL) to avoid problems that would arise if the collector unwittingly examines an uninitialized ref-containing object. This could happen if a client process is interrupted (or destroyed) while in the middle of initializing a new object and a collection then occurs. One could imagine a design based on making allocation followed by type-specific initialization actions atomic with respect to garbage collection, thus avoiding the cost of clearing new objects. This would have had its own costs, both in performance and in complexity. We did not think this worthwhile.
An ability to specify and develop the parts of a program separately is crucial to the successful management of a large software project. Mesa, hence Cedar, enables separate compilation of the parts of a program.
The Cedar runtime loader makes the linkages from symbolic descriptions in an object module to corresponding internal descriptors in the runtime system. For each program module, REF literals and typeTag parameters are acquired by the loader during its linking phase and stored in a "links" region of the program module's data area. The location of this region is known to the compiled code. The compiler constructs a special segment of the object module to hold unrelocated type descriptors and the text of REF literals. For each type descriptor, the loader performs a lookup in a runtime data structure that associates type descriptors with typeTags. Type descriptors not found are entered and assigned new typeTags. For each TEXT or ROPE literal, a new object is created. A hash-coded table is used to associate ATOM literals with a corrsponding unique ATOM descriptor.
3. Allocation
Pretty much any allocation scheme having proper synchronization between the collector and multiple concurrent client programs would work for Cedar, though the major design issue is performance, as usual. Allocation should be fast and require small storage overhead, though its OK for the cost of an allocation to be roughly proportional to the size of the request. Reference-counted assignment should be fast. The work required by the reference-counting collector to reclaim an object should be small. Operations that determine the size and type of an object should be fast. It should be possible to implement a stop-the-world, trace-and-sweep collector that runs in a reasonable amount of time and requires only a modest amount of storage space.
Every collectible object in Cedar has a header. One word carries the object's typeTag; this is 0 if the object is on a free list. Another word carries a coded size field, a reference-count field and four tag bits named "maybeOnStack", "rcOverflowed", "onZCT" and "finalizationEnabled." The headers of small objects have only these two words; the headers of larger objects have an additional two words.
For small objects, the Cedar allocator uses a vector of free lists, each a chain of blocks of uniform size. Block sizes are quantized to decrease fragmentation, but the quantization grain is fine enough to keep expected excess storage in a block to under 10% of the requested size. Indices into this vector (called "block size indices") are stored in object headers to identify both the size of the object and the free list from which it came and to which it should be returned by the collector. This enables use of a small size field in object headers. Table lookup is used to convert among raw size, quantized size and block size index. When a free list is found to be empty, a sequence of pages is acquired from the operating system's VM allocator. This has sufficient length to be carved up into an integral number of blocks of the desired size. Such blocks are never subdivided or merged with others.
For medium-sized objects, a modified first-fit algorithm using a doubly-linked free list of variable-sized blocks is used. For each large object, Cedar utilizes a sequence of pages that is acquired directly from the operating system's VM allocator. Both medium-sized and large objects require extended headers to store their lengths; a special block size index is used to identify such objects.
The Cedar allocator maintains a vector of bits, one for each page in VM, called the "allocation map." The bit for a page is set TRUE if the page is assigned to the allocator. This is used by the trace-and-sweep collector both to determine whether a bit pattern found on the active stack could be a ref to an allocated object that should be traced, and to enumerate all objects during its sweep phase.
Critical allocation and reclamation operations are microcoded for performance reasons. These either run to completion (i.e. are atomic with respect to all other operations) or they trap to equivalent software procedures to handle unusual situations, for example when a free list is found to be empty. If a trap does occur, the microcode has made no changes.
Concurrency is managed in software through the use of Mesa Monitors and Condition Variables. The method outlined below enables both low-cost execution via microcode in the simple, normal case and flexible, synchronized load-sharing between microcode and software in unusual, more complex cases. Similar techniques can be used in a concurrent execution environment to do incremental development or testing of an ensemble of microcode and software routines that require synchronization and mutual exclusion.
The first instruction executed in each ENTRY procedure of the allocator's monitor (after the monitor lock is acquired) is a call on a microcoded routine that sets a flag, call it "F." The last instruction executed before releasing the monitor lock is a call on a microcoded routine that resets F. Microcode operations that must be atomic with respect to the monitor will test F on entry; if it is set, the microcode will trap to software that waits until the monitor is unlocked and then re-tries the operation. Thus, while a process is inside the allocator's monitor (i.e. in one of its software ENTRY procedures), competing microcode operations will trap. In the normal case a trap will not occur, but this test can be made by the microcode without having to do a memory access to read the state of the monitor lock.
A different trap to software is caused by a microcode operation when it encounters a situation that requires software assistance. Typically, the software trap handler will take some action to solve the problem (like adding new blocks to an empty free list) and then re-try the operation. Solving the problem may require use of an ENTRY procedure, but this causes no difficulty.
4. Garbage Collection
The distinguishing characteristic of a good garbage collection scheme is that under normal circumstances you never notice it. It certainly should not interrupt the user or cause a noticeable suspension of system activity or degradation of system performance. It should be extremely reliable. And the cost of garbage collection (storage overhead, execution time, working set requirements) should be comparable to the cost of manual storage management.
Cedar provides both a concurrent reference-counting collector that runs in the background when needed and a pre-emptive, conventional "trace-and-sweep" one that can be invoked explicitly by the user to reclaim circular data structures; a reference-counting collector cannot reclaim these.
Both collectors treat procedure-call activation records (called frames) "conservatively"; i.e., they assume that every ref-sized bit pattern found in a frame might be a ref, hence its referent might be accessible. An object referenced from a frame will not be reclaimed. For the reference-counting collector, this trick eliminates the need to count references in frames, a substantial optimization. For the trace-and-sweep collector, this eliminates the need to locate refs in frames, which would require much more complex and expensive synchronization between the trace-and-sweep collector and compiled code, not to mention a major overhaul of the compiler and parts of the microcode. The conservative collection scheme can cause unnecessary retention. We did extensive experiments under a variety of execution circumstances to determine an upper bound on the amount of storage retained by the conservative collection scheme and found it to be insignificant. Uncertainty as to whether a particular object will get finalized after it becomes inaccessible is more of a problem.
4.1 Reference counting
4.1.1 Design
The simplest reference-counting GC scheme would be to count every reference to each object. Whenever an object's reference count fell to zero it would be reclaimed (and the count of each object referenced directly from it would be decremented). Simple. This is the scheme used in SmallTalk. As we considered whether to do this for Cedar, we observed the following facts:
1. A reference-counted assignment is significantly more expensive than an ordinary assignment.
2. Far more assignments of refs are made to cells of procedure frames than to cells of allocated objects.
3. The cost of clearing new procedure frames is high.
4. Collection is required sufficiently seldom that a modest fixed cost to get it started is acceptable.
5. It would be difficult to change the Cedar compiler and microcode to enable the collector to determine the location of refs in procedure frames at acceptable cost. Such a change would surely increase the cost of procedure call and the complexity of both the compiler and the runtime system.
With these facts and the ideas from [4] in mind, we made the following design decisions:
1. Refs residing in procedure frames are not counted. Refs residing in allocated objects and in the data areas of program modules are counted.
2. Garbage collection occurs at intervals, based on the amount of storage allocated since the previous collection. The size of this "allocation interval" (measured in words of storage) can be changed under program control. The collector is also invoked automatically when its tables begin to fill or when the amount of available virtual memory drops below a pre-defined threshold.
3. At the beginning of each collection a snapshot is made of all procedure frames. Objects referenced from the snapshot are not reclaimed during that collection.
4. The snapshot of procedure frames is treated "conservatively." That is, if a bit pattern that might be a ref is found in the snapshot, such an object is assumed to be referenced from a frame and will therefore not be reclaimed.
Concurrency is used to minimize disruption of client programs by the collector. Client processes are able to go on doing allocation even while the collector is running, except for the short time (a few tens of milliseconds) required at the beginning of the collection to snapshot procedure frames. To keep the allocator from getting too far ahead of the collector, a strategy for balancing allocation activity with collection activity is employed. An allocating process is suspended until the current collection finishes if that process attempts to allocate more than double the allocation interval since the collection started. One could imagine and experiment with other strategies, but we have not done so. This one works well.
4.1.2 Implementation
The reference count for each object is stored in a field of its header. The reference count of each newly allocated object is initialized to zero. There is a mechanism for dealing with reference counts that grow too large for the field.
The compiler treats REF assignments to procedure variables as normal assignments (no reference counting). For REF assignments to cells of allocated objects or to variables in program module data areas, the compiler emits a special "reference-counted assignment" opcode.
When a new object is created or a reference count makes the transition from 1 to 0, a pointer to the object is placed in the next slot of a "zero-count table" unless the object is marked as already in it. A flag in the object's header is used for this mark.
The zero-count table consists of a sequence of fixed-size blocks of storage that are chained from the end of one to the beginning of the next. The last block in this chain ends with a NIL link. The zero-count table is referenced via two variables: a read pointer and a write pointer. The collector examines and modifies the read pointer and examines the write pointer; the allocator and reference-count machinery examine and modify the write pointer. There is at most one active collector process, but there may be many concurrent processes allocating objects and changing reference counts.
A rough description of the reference-counting collector follows.
The collector begins by making a snapshot (i.e. copy with interrupts disabled) of all procedure frames. It then scans the copied frames for bit patterns that might be refs; for each that it finds, it makes an entry in a hash table called the "FoundOnStack table (FOSTable)." This table is used by the collector to help determine whether an object being considered for reclamation might be referenced from an active procedure frame.
FOSTable entries are either marked empty, filled with a particular ref, or marked "wild-card." A wild-card entry means that more than one potential ref that was found in the stack hashed to the same table address. Any object that hashes to a wild-card entry will not be reclaimed. This simplification eliminates the need for chaining or a secondary hash, but increases the "conservatism" of the collector. Experience indicates that this is at worst a minor problem.
The collector then scans the zero-count table, incrementing the read pointer as it goes, until the write pointer is reached. It looks at the object referenced by each entry. There are four cases: if the object's reference-count is greater than zero, the scan continues. If the object might be referenced from an active procedure frame, the entry is copied to the end of the zero-count table and the scan continues. If the object is enabled for finalization, it is put on its type's finalization queue if there is space for it; if not, the entry is copied to the end of the zero-count table (see Section 5 for more detail). Otherwise, the object is reclaimed. Each time the collector finishes scanning a block of the zero-count table, it moves it to the end of the chain.
4.2 Reclamation
The reclaimer is designed to avoid recursion and use no new storage to remember other objects that become candidates for reclamation when a given one is processed. Such a case would arise, for example, when the root node of a large tree structure is reclaimed.
Processing of a given object for reclamation proceeds as follows: The ref-containing map associated with the object's type is used to locate refs within the object. For each such ref, the reclaimer decrements the count of the referenced object (we call this object a "discovered" object). If the result is zero, then this discovered object must be considered for reclamation as well.
A backward-pointing list of stacks is used to remember discovered objects for subsequent reclamation, as follows: The reclaimer uses storage in the object being reclaimed to remember refs to discovered objects. These refs are stored in a block at the top of the object. This block together with a pointer to the last ref in it is used as a "current stack of pending actions" by the reclaimer. The reclaimer iterates by popping a ref from its current stack and processing the discovered object for reclamation. This may require construction of another stack in the discovered object. If so, a pointer to the last ref in the current stack is stored as the first item of the new block in the discovered object. Such a pointer is marked to distinguish it from a ref. When the current stack is exhausted, if the first item is marked as a pointer to the last ref in another stack, the object containing the current stack is put on the free list, the other stack becomes the current one and the reclaimer continues. If the first item is not so marked, the object containing the current stack is put on the free list and the reclaimer returns.
A scheme similar to the one described here is presented in [20].
4.3 The Trace-And-Sweep Collector
The main purpose of this collector is to reclaim inaccessible circular structures that the reference-counting collector misses. We chose to use a conventional stop-the-world garbage collector [24] to solve this problem rather than one of the techniques proposed in the literature[23, 25] because its implementation is simple and we were unsure about the severity of the problem. In retrospect, inaccessible circular structures have not been a problem in Cedar. Use of the trace-and-sweep collector for its intended purpose has been minimal even though it is robust, reliable and efficient.
The existence of this code has had several beneficial side effects, however. Adapting it for use to help study patterns of storage utilization was easy. Experiments include placing an upper bound on the amount of storage retained by the conservative scan, discovering where refs to specified objects are stored, finding objects that are referenced solely within inaccessible circular structures. Integration of the trace-and-sweep collector also served to uncover problems in the structure of related software; the current system is better organized and more modular as a result.
The trace-and-sweep collector begins by acquiring the monitor locks required to guarantee that refs in counted storage will not move while tracing and sweeping is underway. Deadlock avoidance is the name of the game. The software must be structured to accommodate this, locks must be acquired in the right order, and facilities needed by the collector must be available.
The algorithm is straightforward and conventional; rather than detailing it here I will list just a few of its more interesting aspects below.
Storage for a stack is required by the trace phase to remember objects that remain to be traced. This storage comes from the operating system's VM allocator. The onZCT flag in object headers is used as the mark bit. The collector reconstructs free lists, the zero-count table and all reference-counts. The collector leaves free lists sorted by VM address. It does not compactify, merge or relocate any objects. It can return runs of free pages to the VM allocator rather than putting them back on free lists.
The trace-and-sweep collector treats active frames conservatively, just as the reference-counting collector does. But it does not use the FOSTable because the collector must know with certainty whether a potential ref found in a frame really is valid (the trace-and-sweep collector is therefore less conservative than the reference-counting one). Certainty is required because the collector must trace from such objects. Ref validity is determined by scanning the smallest region of VM that encloses the object and has been assigned to the allocator; the page map is used for this purpose. Once again, experience indicates that this potentially expensive technique presents no practical problems.
5. Finalization
It is often useful to specify actions to take when an object of a particular type is no longer accessible to any client of the package that created it. Such "package finalization" actions might include (for example) removal of the object from a cache that the package maintains.
In a world without garbage collection, special-purpose finalization actions are performed by the same application-dependent code required to explicitly free the object; deciding when to finalize is not an issue. In a world with garbage collection, explicit de-allocation is not required but the need for finalization remains. Application-dependent arrangements for deciding when to finalize are usually inconvenient, expensive, error-prone and they duplicate in one way or another functions that the collector provides; they defeat its purpose. Like automatic storage management, automatic finalization is more than a convenience.
Cedar provides an automatic finalization mechanism that is efficient, type-safe and storage-safe. Though one can imagine more general facilities for finalization, we have found that the features described below are a useful and powerful set.
In Cedar, finalization is associated with types. If the objects of a particular type are to be finalized, the program identifies the type as such and specifies a "finalization queue" and a number (call it "npr") of "package references."
After each new object of the type is created and its package references are established (i.e. it has been entered in the package's data structure, if any), the program makes an explicit call to "enable" the object for finalization. This causes the "finalizationEnabled" flag to be set in the object's header and its reference count to be decremented by npr. When on a subsequent garbage collection the object is found to have a reference-count of zero, finalizationEnabled set and not to be referenced from an active procedure frame, it is placed on the type's finalization queue. The object's finalizationEnabled flag is reset at this time and its reference-count is incremented by npr. Of course, any object found by the collector to have no references and not to be enabled for finalization will simply be reclaimed, e.g. sometime after the client finalization action removes the object from its package data structure.
A queue rather than a callback procedure is used for finalization. This decouples the collector from the dangers of unreliable client code. For one thing, the collector process is restricted in various ways (e.g. it can not use the allocator); for another, it would not be good to disable the collector. Decoupling via a queue allows client finalization code to use any Cedar feature. Finalization queues are of fixed length because the collector cannot extend them; if a queue is found by the collector to be full, the object that would be queued is simply put back on the zero-count table. The next collection will try again to queue it.
Typically, client finalization code operates from an infinite loop in a dedicated process that waits until a ref is put on the queue by the collector, performs the finalization action on the specified object, then goes back to await the next. Such a process is inactive most of the time.
Looking a little more carefully at usage, there appear to be three kinds of applications for finalization: ones with no package data structure, ones with a package data structure that is accessed only during object creation or object finalization, and ones with a package data structure that is used as a cache from which copies of refs to existing objects are handed out to clients. Finalization for the first two applications is straightforward, but the synchronization required for caching applications is somewhat subtle. For caching applications, finalization actions must be synchronized with access to the cache. The following example illustrates what is believed to be a correct framework for such applications ...
table: HashTable = <etc>; -- the package data structure
myQueue: FinalizationQueue = <create a new finalization queue>;
EstablishFinalization[type: <type of Object>, npr: <whatever>, fq: myQueue];
PROC = {
-- the finalization process
DO InternalFinalizer[Pull[myQueue]] ENDLOOP;
REF Object] = {
IF IsFinalizationEnabled[handle] THEN RETURN; -- it was reissued
Remove[handle]; -- remove it from the hash table, i.e. nilify the package refs
Find a cache entry for key; this is called by other (clients of this package) processes
PROC[key: Key]
RETURNS [handle: Handle] = {
FOR list:
OF Handle ← table[Hash[key]],
UNTIL list =
DO IF Equal[list.first.key, key] THEN --found it--{handle ← list.first; EXIT};
handle ← CreateAndInsert[key];
Make a new one and enter it in the hash table
now enable the object for insertion on myQueue when the collector finds that no client references to it exist.
This also marks the object as (re)issued.
no-op if IsFinalizationEnabled[handle]
6. The Runtime Type System
Our experience with programming Cedar and its applications indicates that it is natural to use the REF ANY feature extensively, but only if the runtime type-equivalence predicate is fast.
To this end, we developed a finite-state-machine model for the Cedar type system (recursively defined types are common) and designed an algorithm based on FSM minimization techniques to derive a canonical FSM for a given Cedar type. We also developed an algorithm for converting the representation of such a "canonical" FSM into a variable-length string of characters with the property that any two equivalent types would yield the same "type string." The Cedar type equivalence algorithm was thereby reduced to comparison of two variable-length strings for equality [21]. A further reduction in the cost of the algorithm can be achieved by computing a fixed-length hash code from the type string and using equality comparison of hash codes, then using a runtime data structure to map hash-codes to the smaller typeTags. With careful choice of hash code length and algorithm, this scheme can be shown to have an expected failure rate due to hash collisions that can be safely ignored.
The computation of type string hash codes is done by the compiler. The Cedar runtime software keeps the hash code with each type descriptor; use of a hash code equality test enables the loader to acquire typeTags rapidly when a new program module is loaded. TypeTags are simply indices in a table of pointers to type descriptors. TypeTags are stored in object headers. Two (one-word) typeTags are equal IFF the corresponding Cedar types are equivalent. Thus, the runtime type-equivalence predicate is fast.
7. Conclusions
7.1 Dealing with concurrency
Perhaps the largest challenge in the design of the allocator, collector and reference-counting machinery was dealing with concurrency. Deadlock had to be avoided. Maximal concurrency was needed to minimize suspension of client activity and degradation of system performance. Atomicity requirements for operations on shared resources had to be specified correctly and guaranteed by the implementation. An ability to debug concurrent programs that exhibit unreproduceable behaviour was necessary.
One example of a concurrency-related problem has to do with changes made to the contents of an active procedure frame while the collector is running. Consider the following scenario: at the start of a collection, an object X has a reference count of 2; one reference resides in an accessible object Y, and the other resides in an inaccessible object Z. No references to X reside on the stack. The collection begins; a client program picks up the reference to X that is in Y and then NIL-ifies it, decreasing X's count to 1 but leaving a reference to X in a procedure variable on the stack. The collector finds Z; the reclaimer decrements the count on X when it discovers the reference within Z; X now has a count of 0 and gets reclaimed. Disaster ensues sometime later when the client program tries to make sense of its reference to what used to be X. The solution to this problem is to provide a flag named "maybeOnStack" in each object's header; this is set while the collector is active whenever a client assignment decrements the reference count. Any increment of the reference-count clears the flag. The collector checks the flag before deciding that an object can be reclaimed. All maybeOnStack flags in objects referenced from the zero-count-table are cleared by the collector just before it finishes.
7.2 Performance
Our experience with Cedar indicates that the design outlined here works well. Time and effort spent by programmers to solve storage management-related problems has decreased from an estimated 40% in Mesa to an estimated 5% in Cedar (the remaining problems deal almost exclusively with the management of large areas of virtual memory). Automatic storage deallocation helps make building, debugging and integrating new system components and experimental applications fast and easy.
A major design criterion for the Cedar allocator, collector and reference-counting machinery (as usual) was good performance. In current Cedar, reference-counted assignment takes about 2 microseconds on a Dorado [17, 18]. The average "round trip" time for allocation and collection of an object, including collector overhead, is roughly 150-200 microseconds. Very little tuning has been done to decrease these costs; it should be easy to do so.
7.3 On Complexity
Cedar is a large, complex system. Bigness and complexity are not good when smaller and simpler will do as well. "Systems should be as simple as possible, but no simpler", however [19]. It is often the case that increased implementation complexity leads to decreased complexity for the client or the user; a good example from this paper is the elaboration to support concurrency on what could have been a simpler design. Another is the provision of a finalization mechanism. Complexity is a fact of life that we must learn to deal with if we are to continue making progress towards systems that bring the best possible communication and computing functions to people.
A complete realization of the Cedar features required a substantial increase in the level of integration among the compiler, allocator, collector, microcode, loader, and debugger. Of necessity, this (and other integration problems) led both to the exploration of some new ideas for managing the development of large software systems [13] and to several architectural overhauls of the system. The ability to fold experimental techniques and applications smoothly back into an evolving system as they are completed and proven valuable is crucial to system research projects like Cedar [22]. Perhaps the most important contribution of the Cedar work is the set of techniques and research directions that were developed to enable the orderly evolution of such big systems.
REFERENCES (Mark property value: centerRectoHeader)
[1] James G. Mitchell, William Maybury, and Richard Sweet. "Mesa Language Manual." Version 5.0. Xerox Palo Alto Research Center Report CSL-79-3.
[2] L. Peter Deutsch and Edward A. Taft, "Requirements for an Experimental Programming Environment," Xerox Palo Alto Research Center Report CSL-80-10. June, 1980.
[3] J. H. Horning, editor, "Report from Second Programming Environment Working Group," Internal Memo, December 13, 1978.
[4] L. Peter Deutsch and Daniel G. Bobrow, "An Efficient, Incremental, Automatic Garbage Collector," Communications of the ACM, Volume 19, Number 7, July, 1976.
[5] Warren Teitelman, The Interlisp Reference Manual, revised 1978, Xerox Palo Alto Reserach Center.
[6] Adele Goldberg and Dave Robson, Smalltalk-80: The Language and its Implementation, Addison-Wesley, 1983.
[7] XXX Susan Owicki's paper, "Making the world Safe for Garbage Collection" Horning probably has the reference.
[8] Butler W. Lampson, The Cedar Language Reference Manual, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center Report CSL 83-15.
[9] Robert M. Metcalfe and David R. Boggs, Ethernet: Distributed Packet Switching for Local Computer Networks'', Communications of the ACM, vol. 19 no. 7, July 1976.
[10] Andrew D. Birrell, and Bruce Jay Nelson. "Implementing Remote Procedure Calls," CSL-83-7, October, 1983 (also in Transactions on Computer Systems, Volume 2, Number 1, February, 1984).
[11] J. H. Horning, editor, "The Cedar System: An Anthology of Documentation," Xerox Palo Alto Research Center Report CSL-83-14.
[12] John Warnock and Douglas K. Wyatt, "A Device Independent Graphics Imaging Model for Use with Raster Devices," Computer Graphics, Volume 16, Number 3, July, 1982.
[13] Eric Emerson Schmidt, "Controlling Large Software Development In a Districtubed Environment," Xerox Palo Alto Research Center Report CSL-82-7, December, 1982.
[14] R. G. G. Cattell, "Design and Implementation of a Relationship-Entity-Datum Data Model," Xerox Palo Alto Research Center Report CSL-83-4. May, 1983.
[15] XXX Warren's tome (83-11).
[16] D. H. Ingalls, "The Smalltalk-76 Programming System: Design and Implementation," Proceedings of the 5th Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Programing Languages, 1978.
[17] Douglas W. Clark, Butler W. Lampson, Kenneth A. Pier, "The Memory System of a High-Performance Personal Computer," Xerox Palo Alto Research Center Report CSL-81-1. January, 1981 (also in IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. C-30, No. 10, pp. 715-733, October, 1981).
[18] Butler W. Lampson and Kenneth A. Pier, "A Processor for a High-Performance Personal Computer," Xerox Palo Alto Research Center Report CSL-81-1. January, 1981 (also in Proceedings of Seventh Symposium on Computer Architecture, SigArch/IEEE, La Baule, May 1980, pp 146-160).
[19] Butler W. Lampson, "Hints for Computer System Design," ACM Symposium on Operating System Principles, October, 1983.
[20] XXX reference to the non-recursive reclamation scheme independently invented and published; Deutsch has the reference.
[21] XXX similar scheme in Algol68 for type canonicalization; Andrew has the reference.
[22] XXX reference to Perlis' paper on "organithms".
[23] XXX reference to Bobrow's paper on reclamation of circular structures.
[24] XXX reference to a conventional TandS algorithm, e.g. in Knuth or something.
[25] XXX reference to clever concurrent TandS algorithms, e.g. Steele. Others?.