Catalog Components
AMEvents: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>AMEvents.df
AMModel: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>AMModel.df
AMProcess: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>AMProcess.df
AMTypes: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>AMTypes.df
BasicCedar: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>BasicCedar.df
BasicLoadState: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>BasicLoadState.df
BasicPackages: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>BasicPackages.df
Created by: various artists
Maintained by: Russ Atkinson <>
Documentation: BasicPackagesDoc.tioga
Keywords: Commander, PriorityQueue, Random, RedBlackTree, RefTab, RopeFile, RopeList, SymTab
Abstract: BasicPackages is a collection of useful small packages that is loaded in the default Cedar system. It exports the following interfaces: Commander, PriorityQueue, Random, RedBlackTree, RefTab, RopeFile, RopeList, SymTab. Sadly, the documentation for these interfaces is contained in the source code for the interfaces.
BasicTime: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>BasicTime.df
BCDStuff: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>BCDStuff.df
Binder: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>Binder.df
Documentation: BinderDoc.tioga
Commands: Bind, Binder
BootEssentials: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>BootEssentials.df
BootTool: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>BootTool.df
Commands: BootTool
BTree: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>BTree.df
BTreeSimple: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>BTreeSimple.df
CedarRelease: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>CedarRelease.df
Documentation: ReleaseCoordinator.tioga, CedarCatalog.tioga, ReleaseMessage.tioga
CedarRuntime: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>CedarRuntime.df
CommandTool: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>CommandTool.df
Documentation: CommandToolDoc.tioga, CommandToolCommands.tioga, CommandToolStructureDoc.tioga
Commands: SetProcessProperty, SetProperty, GetProperties, GetProcessProperties
Abstract: This document is a user's guide for the CommandTool in Cedar 6.0.
CommDriver: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>CommDriver.df
Communication: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>Communication.df
Compiler: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>Compiler.df
Documentation: CompilerDoc.Tioga, CompilerMessagesDoc.tioga
Commands: Compile, Compiler, RCompile, RCompiler, ComplexCompile
ComputeServerUser: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>ComputeServerUser.df
DebugTool: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>DebugTool.df
Documentation: DebugToolDoc.tioga
Abstract: This tool appears automatically in the Debugger world, and may be created in the normal Cedar environment with the "Debug" command. The tool can be set up to inspect the environment in which it is running, or to teledebug an instance of Cedar running on another machine. In the Debugger world, the tool can be used to look at the normal Cedar environment which has been stopped by outloading it to disk. The DebugTool allows you to inspect and modify the state of parallel processes, and to enumerate the set of loaded packages and modules.
DFCommands: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>DFCommands.df
Documentation: DFCommandsDoc.tioga
Keywords: DFCommands, BringOver, SModel, VerifyDF, DF files
Abstract: DFCommands provides a Commander-style interface to three common DF functions: BringOver, SModel, and VerifyDF. Various options are available through switches.
DFPackage: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>DFPackage.df
Disk: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>Disk.df
EditTool: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>EditTool.df
EssentialStyles: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>EssentialStyles.df
ExtraIago: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>ExtraIago.df
Documentation: ExtraIagoDoc.Tioga
Commands: LocalIago
File: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>File.df
FileStream: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>FileStream.df
Documentation: FileStreamDoc.Tioga
FormatDisk: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>FormatDisk.df
FS: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>FS.df
Documentation: FSDoc.tioga
Germ: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>Germ.df
GrapevineUser: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>GrapevineUser.df
GVMail: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>GVMail.df
HeadsCommon: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>HeadsCommon.df
HeadsDLion: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>HeadsDLion.df
HeadsDorado: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>HeadsDorado.df
Iago: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>Iago.df
Idle: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>Idle.df
Imager: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>Imager.df
Created by: Michael Plass and Doug Wyatt
Maintained by: The Imager Implementors <ImagerImplementors^.pa>
Documentation: ImagerDoc.tioga
Keywords: image, graphics, font, display, printing, device independence, Interpress
Abstract: Package for device-independent image generation in Cedar.
Inscript: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>Inscript.df
Documentation: InscriptDoc.tioga
Installer: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>Installer.df
Interpreter: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>Interpreter.df
InterpreterTool: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>InterpreterTool.df
Documentation: InterpreterToolDoc.tioga
Abstract: This document describes the InterpreterTool for Cedar 5. The InterpreterTool is a typescript-style tool with a read/eval/print control loop at the top level, like the CommandTool. It is used primarily for debugging and testing, but it is also used for determining and occasionally changing status variables in a running system, perhaps one a world-swap or teledebug away. It provides several related facilities: parsing, evaluation and printing of Cedar expressions in the context of the running system; management of breakpoints; and interactive control of uncaught signals, breakpoints and other exceptional conditions.
IntervalTimer: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>IntervalTimer.df
Documentation: IntervalTimerDoc.tioga
IO: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>IO.df
Documentation: IODoc.tioga, IOConversionDoc.tioga
Loader: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>Loader.df
LoaderDriver: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>LoaderDriver.df
LoadState: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>LoadState.df
MakeBoot: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>MakeBoot.df
Commands: MakeBoot
MesaRuntime: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>MesaRuntime.df
MicrocodeDLion: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>MicrocodeDLion.df
MicrocodeDorado: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>MicrocodeDorado.df
PGS: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>PGS.df
Documentation: PGS.tioga
Commands: PGS, TableCompiler
PrintTV: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>PrintTV.df
ProcessProps: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>ProcessProps.df
Pup: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>Pup.df
ReadEvalPrint: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>ReadEvalPrint.df
Real: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>Real.df
Rollback: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>Rollback.df
Rope: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>Rope.df
Documentation: RopeDoc.tioga
Rosary: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>Rosary.df
Documentation: RosaryDoc.tioga
Keywords: ROPE, ROSARY, SEQUENCE, LIST, REF ANY, trees, data structures
A client package that provides the analogy for ROPEs, with REF ANYs in place of CHARs.
RPCRuntime: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>RPCRuntime.df
SafeStorage: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>SafeStorage.df
Documentation: SafeStorageDoc.tioga, SafeStoragePrimerDoc.tioga, SafeStoragePaper.tioga
Scaled: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>Scaled.df
SimpleTerminal: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>SimpleTerminal.df
STP: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>STP.df
Tapes: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>Tapes.df
Tentacles: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>Tentacles.df
Terminal: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>Terminal.df
Tioga: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>Tioga.df
Created by: Bill Paxton
Maintained by: TiogaImplementors^.pa
Documentation: TiogaDoc.tioga, TiogaAccessDoc.tioga, ViewersAndTiogaLocking.tioga
Keywords: Tioga, editor, formatter, WYSIWYG, document model, style, EditTool
Abstract: Tioga is a system to help you prepare documents. Its two main components are an editor and a typesetter. The editor lets you prepare the textual content of a document. The typesetter composes the document into pages for printing. Tioga is capable of dealing with simple technical papers and memos, and is well integrated within Cedar to support more mundane tasks such as writing programs. In future versions, it will be suitable for complex technical documents and books and will support tables, math formulas, and illustrations containing synthetic graphics and scanned images.
When viewing this document on-line, use the level-clipping functions to see the overall structure rather than simply plowing straight through. LEFT-click the "Levels" button in the top menu, then LEFT-click "FirstLevelOnly" in the new menu that appears. This will show you the major section headings. LEFT-click "MoreLevels" to see the subsections, or "AllLevels" to read the details.
TIP: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>TIP.df
Documentation: TIPDoc.tioga
TJaM: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>TJaM.df
TRope: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>TRope.df
UserCredentials: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>UserCredentials.df
UserProfile: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>UserProfile.df
Maintained by: CedarSupport^.pa
Documentation: UserProfileDoc.tioga
Abstract: Many components of Cedar permit the user to parameterize their behavior along certain predefined dimensions via a mechanism called the User Profile. Whenever the user boots or rollsback, his user profile is consulted to obtain the value for these parameters.
VersionMap: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>VersionMap.df
ViewerIO: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>ViewerIO.df
Viewers: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>Viewers.df
Documentation: ViewersDoc.tioga, ToolDesignDoc.tioga
VM: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>VM.df
Documentation: VMDoc.tioga
Keywords: Virtual memory, Cedar
This document describes VM, the interface to Cedar's virtual memory. It also includes some of the design decisions that influenced the VM implementation.
Watch: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>Watch.df
Documentation: WatchDoc.tioga
Keywords: Cedar, performance, power off
Abstract: Watch is a program that maintains and displays statistics on selected system resources and events. Watch also has an automatic power off feature, which will power off the machine provided that there is no load on the machine.
WorldVM: [Cedar]<Cedar6.1>Top>WorldVM.df