Copyright © 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Rovner, July 6, 1983 6:44 pm
Russ Atkinson (RRA) February 11, 1985 11:49:14 pm PST
HOLES: nested procedures. nested configs. multiple sections of the same source.
BcdDefs USING [VersionStamp],
SafeStorage USING [Type],
WorldVM USING [World];
AMModel: DEFINITIONS = { OPEN BcdDefs, Rope, SafeStorage, WorldVM;
Class: TYPE = {world, model, prog, interface, proc, statement}; -- objects of concern herein
Source: TYPE = REF SourceObj; -- range in a source file
SourceObj: TYPE = RECORD[ fileName: ROPENIL, -- without path, e.g. foo.mesa
class: Class,
versionStamp: VersionStamp,
sourceRange: SELECT tag: * FROM
entire => [],
field => [firstCharIndex: CharIndex ← 0, lastCharIndex: CharIndex ← 0]
lastCharIndex < firstCharIndex means empty range
CharIndex: TYPE = INT; -- into a source file. The first char has index = 0.
IRIndex: TYPE = INT; -- into an interface instance.
The first item has index = 1 (AMTypes convention).
Section: TYPE = REF SectionObj;
SectionObj: TYPE; -- opaque
A Section represents one of:
binder output bundle for a config [class = model]
(someday modeller output bundle for a model)
compiler output bundle for a prog module [class = prog]
compiler output bundle for a DEFs module [class = interface]
compiler output bundle for a proc [class = proc]
compiler output bundle for a statement [class = statement]
Context: TYPE = REF ANY; -- Context should be opaque, but convenient this way for now
A Context represents one of:
world [class = world]
loadstate entry [class = model]
global frame [class = prog]
interface record [class = interface]
local frame [class = proc]
local frame and PC [class = statement]
PartialInterfaceInstance: TYPE = RECORD[ir: --interface--Context, usingList: LIST OF IRIndex];
PROCs ...
RootContext: PROC [world: World ← NIL] RETURNS [Context];
a "rootContext" represents a "loadstate" model of an entire running Cedar world (world = NIL => use WorldVM.LocalWorld[]). Immediate children are its top-level Contexts: loadstate entries for individually loaded program modules and bound configs (someday models).
Truth: ContextClass[RootContext] = world.
... dealing with Source
FileSource: PROC [fileName: ROPE, class: --model, prog, interface--Class] RETURNS [Source];
SourceFileName: PROC [source: Source] RETURNS [ROPE] = INLINE {
SourceClass: PROC [source: Source] RETURNS [Class] = INLINE {
SourceVersion: PROC [source: Source] RETURNS [VersionStamp] = INLINE {
SourceSection: PROC [source: Source, context: --worldRoot or model--Context] RETURNS [section: Section, contexts: LIST OF --prog--Context];
Use SourceSection to figure out (given a proc or statement source location)
where to place a breakpoint (and in which world).
The list of prog Contexts returned by SourceSection is meaningful for
prog, proc and statement sources. It will be ordered "most-recently-loaded first".
Strictly speaking, a source can have multiple sections: one for each set of "SectionParams".
Someday we'll accommodate this, but not this week.
... dealing with Sections
SectionClass: PROC [section: Section] RETURNS [Class];
SectionName: PROC [section: Section] RETURNS [ROPE];
e.g. config name, prog or interface module name, proc name;
for statements: procName.<FGIndex>
SectionType: PROC [section: Section] RETURNS [--procedure--Type];
Implemented only for proc sections
SectionVersion: PROC [section: Section] RETURNS [VersionStamp];
SectionSource: PROC [section: Section] RETURNS [Source];
param to creator of section.
SectionParams: PROC [section: Section] RETURNS [LIST OF --interface-- Type];
ditto (e.g. DIRECTORY entries)
Will be implemented only for model, prog and interface sections.
SectionChildren: PROC [section: Section, proc: PROC [Section] RETURNS [stop: BOOL]] RETURNS [ans: Section ← NIL--NIL if not stopped--];
an enumerator.
children: modules of a model, procs of a module, statements of a proc
ParentSection: PROC [section: Section] RETURNS [Section];
prog module for a proc
proc for a statement
... dealing with Contexts
Entry to this stuff:
a tv for a global frame (TypeClass = globalFrame) has class = prog
a tv for a local frame (TypeClass = localFrame) has class = proc
ContextClass: PROC [context: Context] RETURNS [Class];
ContextWorld: PROC [context: Context] RETURNS [World];
ContextName: PROC [context: Context] RETURNS [ROPE];
world => worldName
model => <configName>:ConfigIndex#<index in loadstate>
prog => <progName>:gfh#<gfh>
interface => <interface name>
proc => <procName>:fh#<fh>
statement => <ContextName[proc]>:FGT#<index in fgt>
MostRecentNamedContext: PROC [name: ROPE, context: --world or model--Context] RETURNS [Context];
EXAMPLE USAGE: given a module name and a world context, this returns
a Context for the most recently loaded global frame for a program with that name.
name must identify
a model or prog (someday interface) if context identifies a world, or
a prog (someday interface) if context identifies a model.
The format of the name should be the same as that produced by ContextName,
with elided fields meaning "don't care".
The result will be either a model or prog (someday interface) context.
NamedContexts: PROC [name: ROPE, context: --worldRoot or model--Context, proc: PROC [Context] RETURNS [stop: BOOL]] RETURNS [Context--NIL if not stopped--];
an enumerator.
Like MostRecentNamedContext, but gets 'em all.
ContextSection: PROC [context: Context] RETURNS [Section];
param to creator of context
ParentContext: PROC [context: Context] RETURNS [Context];
world => NIL
model => world
prog => model
proc => prog
statement => proc
ContextChildren: PROC [context: Context, proc: PROC [Context] RETURNS [stop: BOOL]] RETURNS [Context--NIL if not stopped--];
an enumerator
world -> models or progs (TVs for global frames),
model -> progs,
proc -> statement (proc will be called only once)
... dealing with interfaces
InterfaceRecords: PROC [world: Context] RETURNS [LIST OF --interface--Context];
Imports: PROC [context: Context] RETURNS [LIST OF PartialInterfaceInstance];
Implemented only for model and prog contexts
Exports: PROC [context: Context] RETURNS [LIST OF PartialInterfaceInstance];
Implemented only for model and prog contexts