Copyright © 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Levin on January 20, 1984 4:00 pm
Russ Atkinson, February 27, 1985 8:43:29 pm PST
Bob Hagmann, May 4, 1984 11:00:04 am PDT
Doug Wyatt, February 27, 1985 9:05:06 am PST
This interface is private to the implementation of the virtual memory system. It implements the representation of the PageState (see VM interface for the definition of this type) and provides appropriate mutual exclusion in its manipulation. It also provides the primitives for allocation of real memory, since this is intimately associated with alterations in the PageState.
Those quantities declared PRIVATE are logically part of the implementation and should not be used by the clients of this interface. This declarations appear here only because of INLINE dependencies.
DebuggerSwap USING [WorryCallDebugger],
VM USING [DataState, Interval, LogPageCount, PageCount, PageState, PageNumber, VMPartition, wordsPerPage];
LOCKS vmStateLock
IMPORTS DebuggerSwap
VMMap and RMMap
PageFlags: TYPE = PrincOps.PageFlags;
PageState: TYPE = VM.PageState;
PageValue: TYPE = PrincOps.PageValue;
DataState: TYPE = VM.DataState;
InterimPageState: TYPE = PrincOps.InterimPageState;
Interval: TYPE = VM.Interval;
PageNumber: TYPE = VM.PageNumber;
PageCount: TYPE = VM.PageCount;
RealPageNumber: TYPE = PrincOps.RealPageNumber; -- 16M words of real memory
VMPartition: TYPE = VM.VMPartition;
DataLocation: PRIVATE TYPE = {in, out};
state(0): PrincOps.PageState,
body(1): SELECT COMPUTED DataLocation FROM
in => [real(1): RealPageNumber],
out => [
fill(1:0..11): [0..7777B] ← 0,
There is a slight subtlety in the interpretation of the following fields. If 'dataState' = none, 'readOnly' isn't meaningful, but if 'checkedOut' is TRUE, the page is not available for allocation. This is used to handle certain special cases in the address space (like page 0) which should never be allocated and which should cause address faults if access is attempted. The only places this special case encoding has to be inspected are the IsFree and AllocateForSwapIn procedures.
checkedOut(1:12..12): BOOL, readOnly(1:13..13): BOOL, dataState(1:14..15): DataState],
Note that VMMapEntry is bitwise equivalent to PageValue, although it is declared somewhat differently.
RMState: PRIVATE TYPE = {free, reclaimable, pinned};
The following two fields are not used in the 'free' variant. However, for coding convenience, they appear here rather than in both the 'reclaimable' and 'pinned' variants.
dataState(0:0..1): DataState, needsBackingStoreWrite(0:2..2): BOOL,
available(0:3..4): [0..3] ← 0,
body(0:5..31): SELECT rmState(0:5..6): RMState FROM
free => [
availableF(0:7..15): [0..777B] ← 0,
next(1:0..15): RealPageNumber
reclaimable => [
The following field is used only during cleaning.
referenced(0:7..7): BOOLFALSE,
In principle, 'virtual' should be a VM.PageNumber. However, the implementation is presently limited to a 24-bit virtual address (16 bit PageNumber) by the practicalities of backing storage size. Accordingly, we can save a word in the representation here.
virtualHigh(0:8..15): [0..377B] ← 0, -- will eventually extend 'virtual' to 24 bits.
virtual(1:0..15): WORD
pinned => [
pinReason(0:7..15): PinReason ← normal, -- not essential, could be encoded in large 'pinCount' values
pinCount(1:0..15): PinCount
PinReason: TYPE = {
A pinned RMMapEntry so labelled represents a pinned real page to which VM.Unpin can be legally applied.
A pinned RMMapEntry so labelled represents a real page that doesn't actually exist.
A pinned RMMapEntry so labelled represents a real page that is set aside for special purposes and is never to be used (e.g., the Germ).
A pinned RMMapEntry so labelled represents a real page that is available for allocation by the SpecialRealMemory procedures in VMSideDoor.
A pinned RMMapEntry so labelled represents a real page that has been allocated by the SpecialRealMemory procedures in VMSideDoor.
A pinned RMMapEntry so labelled represents a real page for which a backing store write has failed.
maxPinCount: PinCount = PinCount.LAST;
lastVMPage: READONLY PageNumber;
This is the highest virtual page number supported by the hardware map. It is set at initialization time and never changed. It is intended to be used for (explicit) validation of PageNumber values passed through the VM interface. Note that this value is NOT the same as VMSideDoor.vmPages-1.
We use the following representation instead of a DESCRIPTOR because we want to permit the RMMap to have 2^16 entries. The length field of a DESCRIPTOR is constrained to be 16 bits and is assumed to be 0-origin. A non-COMPUTED SEQUENCE isn't much better.
GetVMMap: PROC [vmPage: PageNumber] RETURNS [entry: VMMapEntry] = INLINE {
We would like to say: LOOPHOLE[PrincOpsUtils.GetPageState];
SetVMMap: PROC [vmPage: PageNumber, entry: VMMapEntry] = INLINE {
SetPageValue[vmPage, LOOPHOLE[entry, PageValue] ];
InOut: PROC [entry: VMMapEntry] RETURNS [DataLocation] =
INLINE {RETURN[IF entry.state.flags = PrincOps.flagsVacant THEN out ELSE in]};
Real Memory Allocation
freeList: PRIVATE RealPageNumber;
freePages: PRIVATE INT;
lastRealPage: PRIVATE RealPageNumber;
cleaningRover: PRIVATE RealPageNumber;
AllocateRealMemoryForLocalFrames: ENTRY PROC [vmPage: PageNumber] = INLINE {
This procedure (and everything it calls) must be INLINE because it is invoked on the frame fault path.
victim: Victim = AllocateRealMemoryInternal[
vmPage: vmPage, dirtyVictimOK: FALSE, pin: TRUE];
virtual: vmPage, real: victim.realPage, flags: PrincOps.flagsClean];
AllocateRealMemoryInternal: PRIVATE READONLY PROC [
vmPage: PageNumber, dirtyVictimOK: BOOLTRUE, pin: BOOLFALSE]
RETURNS [victim: Victim];
This procedure (actually, coroutine) allocates real memory and tentatively assigns it to the specified vmPage.
Outcome: TYPE = {ok, addressFault};
Unpin: PROC [vmPage: PageNumber] RETURNS [outcome: Outcome];
AddToFreeList: PRIVATE PROC [realPage: RealPageNumber] = INLINE {
rmMap[realPage].body ← free[next: freeList];
freeList ← realPage;
freePages ← freePages.SUCC;
SpecialMemoryOutcome: TYPE = {
needsCopy, needsIO, noTransfer, addressFault, badParameter, noMemory};
PrepareToAllocateSpecialRealMemory: PROC [
vmPage: PageNumber, buffer: PageNumber, special: PageNumber]
RETURNS [outcome: SpecialMemoryOutcome];
If vmPage is already associated with a special real page at the time of the call or if it is pinned, badParameter is returned. If vmPage has dataState = none, the outcome is addressFault. Otherwise, special is mapped to a page of special real memory (if no special real pages are available, the outcome is noMemory), vmPage is checked out, and buffer is set to the previous contents of vmPage's VMMap. If vmPage's dataState was undefined, the outcome is noTransfer; if vmPage had associated real memory, the outcome is needsCopy; otherwise, the outcome is needsIO.
FinishAllocateSpecialRealMemory: PROC [
vmPage: PageNumber, buffer: PageNumber, special: PageNumber, worked: BOOL];
The page parameters must be identical to the ones supplied to PrepareToAllocateSpecialRealMemory. If worked is TRUE, vmPage is checked in with the real page associated with special and, if buffer has associated real memory, it is returned to the free list. If worked is FALSE, vmPage is checked in with the map entry associated with buffer, and the page associated with special is returned to the free pool.
PrepareToReleaseSpecialRealMemory: PROC [
vmPage: PageNumber, special: PageNumber]
RETURNS [outcome: SpecialMemoryOutcome];
If vmPage is not already associated with a special real page at the time of the call or if vmPage's pin count is positive, badParameter is returned. If vmPage has dataState = none, the outcome is addressFault. Otherwise, vmPage is checked out, and special is set to the previous contents of vmPage's VMMap. If vmPage's dataState was undefined, the outcome is noTransfer; otherwise, the outcome is needsIO. The outcomes noMemory and needsCopy cannot occur.
FinishReleaseSpecialRealMemory: PROC [
vmPage: PageNumber, special: PageNumber, worked: BOOL];
The page parameters must be identical to the ones supplied to PrepareToAllocateSpecialRealMemory. If worked is TRUE, vmPage is checked in and marked vacant, and the real page associated with special is returned to the free list. If worked is FALSE, vmPage is checked in with the map entry associated with special.
Virtual Memory Allocation
pagesIn64K: PageCount = 65536/VM.wordsPerPage;
logPagesIn64K: VM.LogPageCount = 16 - PrincOps.logWordsPerPage;
allocationLock: MONITORLOCK;
This lock is used to serialize calls on AllocateVirtualMemoryInternal from multiple processes. It must not be the same lock used by the implementation of most of the procedures in the VM interface (if it were, a deadlock would result if a frame fault occurred in the implementation of one of those procedures). This lock is used by VM.Allocate and the VMFaultsImpl.AllocateForLocalFrames, below.
AllocationOutcome: TYPE = {ok, notFound, badParameters};
AllocCount: TYPE = RECORD [ --*stats*--
requests: INT,
requestsSatisfied: INT,
pagesAllocated: INT,
pagesFreed: INT
Partitions: TYPE = ARRAY VMPartition OF Interval;
--*stats*-- allocCounts: ARRAY VMPartition OF AllocCount;
partitions: Partitions;
NoteFreePages: PROC [interval: Interval];
UpdateVMLimit: PROC [pages: PageCount];
AllocateVirtualMemoryInternal: READONLY PROC [
count: PageCount, partition: VM.VMPartition ← normalVM, subRange: Interval ← [0, 0],
start: PageNumber ← 0, alignment: VM.LogPageCount ← 0, in64K: BOOLFALSE]
RETURNS [outcome: AllocationOutcome, interval: Interval];
This procedure (actually a coroutine) searches the specified 'partition' of virtual memory for an interval such that (1) for each page in interval, State[page].data = none, (2) interval.count = count, (3) if subRange.count >= count, then 'interval' is contained in 'subRange', (4) interval.page MOD 2^alignment is zero, (5) if start is non-zero, then interval.page-start is minimal, (6) if in64K is TRUE, then the interval doesn't span a 64K word boundary. If such an interval is found, it is returned ('outcome' is 'ok') and, for every page in 'interval', State[page] = [data: undefined, readOnly: FALSE, hasRealMemory: FALSE, pinCount: 0]. If no such interval can be found, 'outcome' becomes 'notFound'.
IsFree: --ENTRY-- PROC [vmPage: PageNumber] RETURNS [BOOL] = INLINE {
This procedure returns TRUE iff the argument VM page is available for allocation. Because of the representation of the VMMap, it need not be an entry procedure. It (and everything it calls) must be INLINE because it is invoked from VMInternal.AllocateRealMemoryInternal.
vmEntry: VMMapEntry = GetVMMap[vmPage];
WITH vmE: vmEntry SELECT InOut[vmEntry] FROM
out => RETURN[vmE.dataState = none AND ~vmE.checkedOut];
MarkAllocated: PROC [vmPage: PageNumber] = INLINE {
This procedure (and everything it calls) must be INLINE because it is invoked from VMInternal.AllocateRealMemoryInternal.
vmEntry: VMMapEntry ← GetVMMap[vmPage];
WITH vmE: vmEntry SELECT InOut[vmEntry] FROM
in => Crash[];
out =>
IF vmE.dataState = none THEN {
On return from this routine we guarantee that dataState = undefined and readOnly = TRUE. There was a bug in earleier versions such that readOnly = TRUE was not enforced, which caused write protect faults later in life.
vmE.dataState ← undefined;
vmE.readOnly ← FALSE;
SetVMMap[vmPage, vmE];
ELSE Crash[];
State Examination and Modification
State: PROC [vmPage: PageNumber] RETURNS [state: PageState];
SetDataState: PROC [vmPage: PageNumber, dataState: DataState] RETURNS [outcome: Outcome];
ReadOnly <==> ReadWrite
MakeReadOnly: PROC [vmPage: PageNumber] RETURNS [outcome: Outcome];
MakeReadWrite: PROC [vmPage: PageNumber] RETURNS [outcome: Outcome];
Utilities for VM.SwapIn and VM.Clean
swapBufferSize: PageCount = 50;
SwapInOutcome: TYPE = {
noReadNecessary, -- victim has been claimed; read unnecessary (dataState = undefined)
alreadyIn, -- page already swapped in; no victim has been claimed
needsRead, -- victim claimed; read required
addressFault, -- page not allocated
writeFault, -- page is read only
couldntCheckOut -- page checked out and AllocateForSwapIn called with dontWait TRUE
VictimState: TYPE = {clean, dirty};
Victim: TYPE = RECORD [
realPage: RealPageNumber,
body: SELECT victimState: VictimState FROM
clean => NULL,
dirty => [vmPage: PageNumber],
AllocateForSwapIn: PROC [vmPage: PageNumber, kill, pin: BOOL, dontWait: BOOL]
RETURNS [outcome: SwapInOutcome, victim: Victim];
SwapInDone: PROC [vmPage, bufferPage: PageNumber, worked: BOOL];
SwapInDoneWithoutIO: PROC [vmPage: PageNumber, victim: Victim];
VictimWriteDone: PROC [
vmPage, bufferPage: PageNumber, victim: dirty Victim, worked: BOOL];
CleanOutcome: TYPE = {
cantWrite, -- none of the following cases apply
checkedOutClean, -- page is clean and swappable and checkOutClean = TRUE
needsWrite, -- page is dirty and swappable
addressFault -- page not allocated
ConsiderCleaning: PROC [vmPage: PageNumber, checkOutClean: BOOL]
RETURNS [outcome: CleanOutcome, real: RealPageNumber];
CleanDone: PROC [vmPage, bufferPage: PageNumber, worked: BOOL];
Age: PROC [vmPage: PageNumber] RETURNS [outcome: Outcome];
AgeInternal: PROC [vmPage: PageNumber, vmE: in VMMapEntry] = INLINE {
This procedure must be executed with the monitor held and interrupts disabled (to avoid losing the "referenced" bit. (Because of the peculiar structure of InitializeAllocateRealMemoryInternal, it is awkward to declare this INTERNAL.
IF vmE.state.flags.readonly AND vmE.state.flags.dirty THEN {
rmMap[vmE.real].needsBackingStoreWrite ← TRUE;
vmE.state.flags.dirty ← FALSE;
rmMap[vmE.real].dataState ← changed;
vmE.state.flags.referenced ← FALSE;
SetVMMap[vmPage, vmE];
Laundry process support
LaundryMode: TYPE = {casual, aggressive, panic};
GetCleaningCandidate: PROC [
desired: PageCount, comfortLevel: PageCount, tryHard: LaundryMode]
RETURNS [interval: Interval, cleanSkipped: PageCount, passes: INT, rover: RealPageNumber];
NoteDirtyVictim: PROC;
NoteNewVictim: PROC;
I/O Interface
IODirection: TYPE = {read, write};
IOResult: TYPE = {ok, labelCheck, someOtherError};
direction: IODirection, backingPage: PageNumber, interval: Interval, subsequentSeek: PageNumber ← 0]
RETURNS [result: IOResult, done: PageCount];
HasBackingStorage: SAFE PROC [page: PageNumber] RETURNS [BOOL];
Frame Fault Handler Structures
AnyFrameSizeIndex: TYPE = CARDINAL [0..PrincOps.AllocationVectorSize); -- note that an AnyFrameSizeIndex immediately precedes a Frame.
NormalFrameSizeIndex: TYPE = PrincOps.FrameSizeIndex;
fsi(0): AnyFrameSizeIndex, -- must be at 3 MOD 4 boundary.
frame(1): local PrincOps.Frame];
FrameHeapPiece: TYPE = POINTER TO FrameHeapPieceHeader;
next(0): FrameHeapPiece, -- must be at 0 MOD 4 boundary.
wordsAllocated(1): CARDINAL, -- actually [0..VM.PagesToWords[PrincOps.shortPointerSpan]]
wordsInUse(2): CARDINAL, -- assert: wordsInUse MOD 4 = 3
fsiFrame(3): SEQUENCE COMPUTED NAT OF FsiFrame]; -- must be at 3 MOD 4 boundary.
largeFrameThresholdFsi: NormalFrameSizeIndex = 14; -- frames this size or larger will be allocated in an integral number of pages, and reclaimed when they are freed.
LargeFrame: TYPE = POINTER TO LargeFrameHeader;
next(0): LargeFrame,
prev(1): LargeFrame,
trueFsi(2): NormalFrameSizeIndex,
fsiFrame(3): SEQUENCE COMPUTED NAT OF FsiFrame]; -- must be at 3 MOD 4 boundary.
The following data structures can be safely inspected only when interrupts are disabled and no procedures are called.
frameHeapPieceList: FrameHeapPiece; -- list of frame heap pieces, excluding large frames
largeFrameList: LargeFrame; -- list of large frames (some allocated, some freed)
Utilities for Virtual Memory Map (wizards only) {stolen from PrincOpsUtils, to be changed when the new microcode is ready to be used}.
aSETMAP: PrincOps.alpha = 150B;
aGETMAPFLAGS: PrincOps.alpha = 151B;
aSETMAPFLAGS: PrincOps.alpha = 152B;
Exported from VMInitImpl (should be same as ProcessorFace.useLongMapOps)
ExchangePageState: PROC
[virtual: PageNumber, newState: PrincOps.PageState] RETURNS [pv: PageValue] = INLINE {
Gets the state and real page of a virtual page;
If the page is mapped, also sets the flags to newState.
OldExchangePageState: PROC
[virtual: CARDINAL, state: InterimPageState] RETURNS [oldState: InterimPageState] =
MACHINE CODE {PrincOps.zMISC, PrincOps.aSETF};
NewExchangePageState: PROC
[vp: LONG CARDINAL, flgs: PrincOps.PageState]
RETURNS [tState: PrincOps.PageState, rp: LONG CARDINAL] =
IF useLong
[tState: pv.state, rp: pv.real] ← NewExchangePageState[virtual, newState]
[flags: pv.state.flags, realPage: pv.real] ←
OldExchangePageState[virtual, InterimPageState[FALSE, newState.flags, 0]].oldState;
ExchangePageFlags: PROC
[virtual: PageNumber, newFlags: PageFlags] RETURNS [PageValue] = INLINE {
Gets the state and real page of a virtual page;
If the page is mapped, also sets the flags to newFlags.
RETURN ExchangePageState[virtual, PageStateFromFlags[newFlags]];
GetPageValue: PROC [virtual: PageNumber] RETURNS [pv: PageValue] = INLINE {
Gets the state and real page of a virtual page.
OldGetPageValue: PROC
[virtual: CARDINAL] RETURNS [state: InterimPageState] =
MACHINE CODE {PrincOps.zMISC, PrincOps.aGETF};
NewGetPageValue: PROC
[vp: LONG CARDINAL] RETURNS [tState: PrincOps.PageState, rp: LONG CARDINAL] =
IF useLong
[tState: pv.state, rp: pv.real] ← NewGetPageValue[virtual]
[flags: pv.state.flags, realPage: pv.real] ← OldGetPageValue[virtual].state;
SetPageValue: PROC [virtual: PageNumber, pv: PageValue] = INLINE {
Sets the real page and state of a virtual page.
OldSetPageValue: PROC [virtual: CARDINAL, state: InterimPageState] =
NewSetPageValue: PROC [vp, rp: LONG CARDINAL, flgs: PrincOps.PageState] =
IF useLong
THEN NewSetPageValue[virtual, pv.real, pv.state]
ELSE OldSetPageValue[virtual, InterimPageState[FALSE, pv.state.flags, pv.real]];
SetPageFlags: PROC [virtual: PageNumber, real: RealPageNumber, flags: PageFlags] = INLINE {
Sets the real page and flags of a virtual page.
SetPageValue[virtual, [state: PageStateFromFlags[flags], real: real]];
IsMapped: SAFE PROC [virtual: PageNumber] RETURNS [BOOL] =
TRUSTED INLINE {RETURN[GetPageValue[virtual].state.flags ~= PrincOps.flagsVacant]};
IsVacant: SAFE PROC [virtual: PageNumber] RETURNS [BOOL] =
TRUSTED INLINE {RETURN[GetPageValue[virtual].state.flags = PrincOps.flagsVacant]};
PageStateFromFlags: SAFE PROC [flags: PageFlags] RETURNS [PrincOps.PageState] =
InitializeTables: PROC;
Crash: PROC = INLINE {DebuggerSwap.WorryCallDebugger[NIL]};