% CedarACM.Style
% Copyright © 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
% created by Beach, November 7, 1983 12:39 pm
% last edited by Beach, April 22, 1985 7:50:30 pm PST
% Produce a 25-pica galley for paste-up on the ACM reduction mats.
(Cedar) AttachStyle
% General declarations
(BasicSize) % normal type font size
{11 bp} .cvx .def % was 10 bp
(CodeFont) "code font" { "Tioga" family 11 bp size } StyleRule % was 10 bp
% Formats
(PageBuilder) { % without any paging; no headers, page numbers, footers
DO {
.fill 1 the headerMargin .vboxto
.fill 1 the footerMargin .vboxto
3 .vbox .shipout
}.cvx .def
(look.m) "math looks for the display" {
"Math" family
10 bp size
} ScreenRule
(abstract) "for abstract on title page" {
BasicIncrement smaller size
BasicIncrement smaller leading
the leading topLeading
the leading bottomLeading
} StyleRule
(abstractbody) "for abstract on title page" {
BasicIncrement smaller size
BasicIncrement smaller leading
the leading topLeading
the leading bottomLeading
} StyleRule
(authors) "for authors on title page" {
6 in lineLength
} StyleRule
(block) "for block paragraphs, no initial indentation" {
regular face
the leading MoreLead 0 topLeadingGlue
10 pageBreakPenalty
justified lineFormatting
} StyleRule
(caption) "for figure captions" {
BasicIncrement smaller size
BasicIncrement smaller leading
the leading topLeading
} StyleRule
(CodeFont) "for figure captions" {
"Tioga" family 10 bp size
11 pt leading
11 pt topLeading
11 pt bottomLeading
} StyleRule
(head1) "for chapter headings" {
bold face
LargeSize size
LargeSize BasicIncrement .add leading
isComment {
QuadBreak BasicSize MoreLead topLeadingGlue
} {
HexBreak BasicSize MoreLead topLeadingGlue
} .ifelse .cvx .exec
DoubleBreak BasicSize MoreLead bottomLeadingGlue
75 pageBreakAfterLastLinePenalty
} StyleRule
(horizontalrule) "for rules (solid lines) used to separate things" {
6 pt leading
6 pt topLeading
6 pt bottomLeading
0 em firstIndent
0 em restIndent
} StyleRule
(hungOverItem) "for definitions, etc." {
0 leftIndent
2 in restIndent
LooseLeading ExtraLead 0 topLeadingGlue
flushLeft lineFormatting
} StyleRule
(reference) "an item in a reference list" {
flushLeft lineFormatting
BasicIncrement smaller size
the size BasicIncrement .add topLeading
the size BasicIncrement .add bottomLeading
the size BasicIncrement .add leading
4 sp restIndent
the restIndent tabStops
} StyleRule
(root) "default type for root nodes" {
24 pt topMargin % try to get 10.5 inches in each column
0 headerMargin
0 footerMargin
12 pt bottomMargin
2 in leftMargin
2 in rightMargin
4.125 in lineLength % for ACM reduction mats
24 pt topIndent
24 pt topLeading
0 leftIndent
0 rightIndent
} StyleRule
(subtitle) "for subtitle nodes" {
BasicIncrement smaller size
} StyleRule
(title) "for title nodes" {
bold face
18 bp size
DoubleBreak leading
QuadBreak DoubleBreak .add BasicSize MoreLead topLeadingGlue
QuadBreak BasicSize MoreLead bottomLeadingGlue
6 in lineLength
200 pageBreakAfterLastLinePenalty
0 firstIndent
0 restIndent
centered lineFormatting
} ScreenRule
(title) "for title nodes" {
bold face
DoubleIncrement bigger size
DoubleBreak leading
QuadBreak DoubleBreak .add BasicSize MoreLead topLeadingGlue
QuadBreak BasicSize MoreLead bottomLeadingGlue
6 in lineLength
200 pageBreakAfterLastLinePenalty
0 firstIndent
0 restIndent
centered lineFormatting
} PrintRule