DIRECTORY Allocator USING [BlockSizeIndex, bsiEscape, BSIToSizeObj, EHeaderP, ExtendedHeader, FNHeaderP, Header, HeaderP, LastAddress, logPagesPerQuantum, maxSmallBlockSize, minLargeBlockSize, NHeaderP, NormalHeader, pagesPerQuantum, PUZone, QMObject, QuantumCount, QuantumIndex, QuantumMap, RefCount, SizeToBSIObj, UZoneObject, wordsPerQuantum, Zone, ZoneObject], AllocatorOps USING [CreateMediumSizedHeapObject, DFHeaderP, DoubleFreeHeader, FreeMediumSizedHeapObject, nonNullType, permanentPageZone, REFToNHP, Rover], Basics USING [BITAND, BITOR, BITXOR, CARD, DoubleShiftLeft, DoubleShiftRight, HighHalf, LongNumber, LowHalf], DebuggerSwap USING [CallDebugger], PrincOps USING [SD, StateVector, zRET], PrincOpsUtils USING [LongZero, MyLocalFrame], RCMicrocodeOps USING [Allocate, CreateRef, FREEPLEASE, Free, InsertQuanta, rcMicrocodeExists, SoftwareAllocate, SoftwareFree], RTSD USING [sSystemZone], SafeStorage USING [GetCanonicalType, NarrowRefFault, nullType, Type], SafeStoragePrivate USING [], -- TEMPORARY export of NewObject StorageAccounting USING [ConsiderCollection, nObjectsCreated, nObjectsReclaimed, nWordsReclaimed], StorageTraps USING [], SystemVersion USING [machineType], TrapSupport USING [BumpPC, GetTrapParam], UnsafeStorage USING [], UnsafeStoragePrivate USING[FreeTransientPageObject, InitializeTransientPageZone, NewTransientPageObject], VM USING [AddressForPageNumber, Allocate, CantAllocate, Free, Interval, logWordsPerPage, PageNumber, PageNumberForAddress, PagesForWords, Pin, SimpleAllocate, SwapIn, Unpin, WordsForPages, wordsPerPage], ZCT USING [Enter, ExpandZCT]; AllocatorImpl: MONITOR IMPORTS AllocatorOps, Basics, DebuggerSwap, PrincOpsUtils, RCMicrocodeOps, SafeStorage, StorageAccounting, SystemVersion, TrapSupport, UnsafeStoragePrivate, VM, ZCT EXPORTS AllocatorOps, SafeStorage, SafeStoragePrivate, StorageTraps, UnsafeStorage = BEGIN OPEN Allocator, AllocatorOps; CARD: TYPE = Basics.CARD; Ptr: TYPE = LONG POINTER; SmallFreeTable: TYPE = ARRAY Allocator.BlockSizeIndex OF Allocator.FNHeaderP; Type: TYPE = SafeStorage.Type; UZone: TYPE = UNCOUNTED ZONE; InsufficientVM: ERROR = CODE; InvalidRef: PUBLIC ERROR[ref: REF ANY] = CODE; checking: BOOL _ TRUE; paranoid: BOOL _ SystemVersion.machineType # dorado; maxSmallBlockRealSize: NAT = QuantizedSize[maxSmallBlockSize]; minLargeBlockRealSize: NAT = QuantizedSize[minLargeBlockSize]; wordsPerPage: NAT = VM.wordsPerPage; logWordsPerPage: NAT = VM.logWordsPerPage; wordsPerQuantum: NAT = Allocator.wordsPerQuantum; logWordsPerQuantum: NAT = logWordsPerPage+Allocator.logPagesPerQuantum; nullType: SafeStorage.Type = SafeStorage.nullType; NormalHeaderInit: Allocator.NormalHeader = [ type: nullType, blockSizeIndex: 0]; NormalHeaderEscape: Allocator.NormalHeader = [ type: nullType, blockSizeIndex: Allocator.bsiEscape]; ExtendedHeaderInit: Allocator.ExtendedHeader = [ sizeTag: pages, extendedSize: 0, blockSizeIndex: Allocator.bsiEscape, normalHeader: NormalHeaderEscape]; hackPtr: LONG POINTER _ VM.AddressForPageNumber[VM.SimpleAllocate[1].page]; HackAlloc: PROC [nWords: CARDINAL] RETURNS [ptr: LONG POINTER] = { ptr _ hackPtr; PrincOpsUtils.LongZero[ptr, nWords]; hackPtr _ hackPtr + nWords; }; innerStats: LONG POINTER TO InnerStats _ HackAlloc[SIZE[InnerStats]]; InnerStats: TYPE = RECORD [ countedSmallNewAllocs: INT _ 0, countedBigNewAllocs: INT _ 0, uncountedSmallNewAllocs: INT _ 0, uncountedBigNewAllocs: INT _ 0, countedSmallNewFrees: INT _ 0, countedBigNewFrees: INT _ 0, uncountedSmallNewFrees: INT _ 0, uncountedBigNewFrees: INT _ 0, quantaAllocated: INT _ 0, quantaFreed: INT _ 0 ]; rZnHeapSystem: UZoneObject _ [new: NewHeapObject, free: FreeHeapObject]; znHeapSystem: Ptr _ LONG[@rZnHeapSystem]; zhs: UZone _ LOOPHOLE[LONG[@znHeapSystem], UZone]; transientPageUZoneObject: UZoneObject _ [ new: UnsafeStoragePrivate.NewTransientPageObject, free: UnsafeStoragePrivate.FreeTransientPageObject]; transientPageUZonePointer: Ptr _ LONG[@transientPageUZoneObject]; transientPageUZone: UZone _ LOOPHOLE[LONG[@transientPageUZonePointer], UZone]; bsiToSize: PUBLIC LONG POINTER TO BSIToSizeObj _ permanentPageZone.NEW[BSIToSizeObj _ ALL[0]]; sizeToBSI: PUBLIC LONG POINTER TO SizeToBSIObj _ permanentPageZone.NEW[SizeToBSIObj]; msRover: Rover _ HackAlloc[SIZE[DoubleFreeHeader]]; permRover: Rover _ HackAlloc[SIZE[DoubleFreeHeader]]; quantumMap: PUBLIC QuantumMap _ permanentPageZone.NEW[QMObject]; systemZone: ZONE _ NIL; permanentZone: ZONE _ NIL; nQMapEntries: INT _ 0; NewUObject: PUBLIC PROC [size: CARDINAL, zone: UZone] RETURNS [Ptr] = { RETURN [NewHeapObject[LOOPHOLE[zone, PUZone], size]]; }; GetSystemUZone: PUBLIC PROC RETURNS [UZone] = { RETURN [zhs]; }; GetTransientPageUZone: PUBLIC PROC RETURNS [UZone] = { RETURN [transientPageUZone]; }; NewHeapObject: PROC [self: PUZone, size: CARDINAL] RETURNS [p: Ptr] = { ENABLE UNWIND => Crash[]; realSize: INT = QuantizedSize[MAX[size, SIZE[ExtendedHeader]]]; nhp: NHeaderP; IF size > maxSmallBlockRealSize THEN { nhp _ AllocateNewStyle[realSize, FALSE, FALSE]; p _ LOOPHOLE[nhp, NHeaderP] + SIZE[NormalHeader]; } ELSE { p _ AllocatorOps.CreateMediumSizedHeapObject[realSize]; nhp _ LOOPHOLE[p, NHeaderP] - SIZE[NormalHeader]; }; nhp.type _ nonNullType; IF UsableWords[nhp] < size THEN Crash[]; }; DoCreateMediumSizedObject: PUBLIC --INTERNAL-- PROC [size: NAT, type: Type, roverP: LONG POINTER TO--VAR-- Rover, counted: BOOL] RETURNS [p: Ptr _ NIL] = { nhp: NHeaderP _ AllocateNewStyle[size, FALSE, FALSE]; nhp.type _ type; p _ nhp+SIZE[NormalHeader]; -- here for the conservative scan IF counted THEN Crash[]; }; FreeHeapObject: PROC [self: PUZone, object: Ptr] = { ENABLE UNWIND => Crash[]; nhp: NHeaderP = LOOPHOLE[object - SIZE[NormalHeader]]; IF checking AND (CheckAfterAlloc[nhp] # 0 OR nhp.type # nonNullType) THEN Crash[]; IF nhp.blockSizeIndex = Allocator.bsiEscape THEN { FreeNewStyle[object, FALSE]; } ELSE { AllocatorOps.FreeMediumSizedHeapObject[object-SIZE[NormalHeader]]; }; }; DoFreeMediumSizedObject: PUBLIC --INTERNAL-- PROC [ptr: DFHeaderP, rover: Rover] = { bsi: Allocator.BlockSizeIndex _; counted: BOOL _ rover = permRover; IF rover = msRover THEN counted _ TRUE; IF bsi # Allocator.bsiEscape THEN { FreeNewStyle[LOOPHOLE[ptr, Ptr] + SIZE[Allocator.NormalHeader], counted]; RETURN; }; IF = pages THEN { FreeNewStyle[LOOPHOLE[ptr, Ptr] + SIZE[Allocator.ExtendedHeader], counted]; RETURN; }; Crash[]; }; GetSystemZone: PUBLIC SAFE PROC RETURNS [ZONE] = TRUSTED{ RETURN [systemZone]; }; GetPermanentZone: PUBLIC SAFE PROC RETURNS [ZONE] = TRUSTED{ RETURN [permanentZone]; }; TrimSystemZone: PUBLIC SAFE PROC = TRUSTED { NULL; }; NewObject: PUBLIC PROC [type: Type, size: CARDINAL, zone: ZONE _ NIL] RETURNS [ans: REF _ NIL] = { SELECT zone FROM NIL, systemZone => ans _ NewSystemObject[NIL, size, type]; permanentZone => ans _ NewPermanentObject[NIL, size, type]; ENDCASE => Crash[]; }; ValidateRef: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC [ref: REF] = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; IF NOT IsValidRef[LOOPHOLE[ref, Ptr]] THEN RETURN WITH ERROR InvalidRef[ref]; }; IsValidRef: PUBLIC --INTERNAL-- PROC [p: Ptr] RETURNS [BOOL] = { SELECT TRUE FROM p = NIL => RETURN [TRUE]; LOOPHOLE[p, CARD] >= LastAddress => RETURN [FALSE]; Basics.LowHalf[LOOPHOLE[p, CARD]] MOD 2 = 1 => RETURN [FALSE]; ENDCASE => { qi: QuantumIndex _ LPToQI[p]; IF quantumMap[qi] THEN { hp: HeaderP _ NIL; UNTIL qi = FIRST[QuantumIndex] OR NOT quantumMap[qi-1] DO qi _ qi-1; ENDLOOP; hp _ QIToLP[qi]; WHILE LOOPHOLE[hp, CARD] < LOOPHOLE[p, CARD] DO bs: Basics.LongNumber; nhp: NHeaderP _ LOOPHOLE[hp, NHeaderP]; extended: BOOL _ nhp.blockSizeIndex = bsiEscape; r: Ptr; IF extended THEN { ehp: EHeaderP _ LOOPHOLE[hp]; nhp _ nhp + (SIZE[ExtendedHeader] - SIZE[NormalHeader]); SELECT ehp.sizeTag FROM words => _ ehp.extendedSize; pages => _ VM.WordsForPages[ehp.extendedSize]; ENDCASE => Crash[]; r _ hp + SIZE[ExtendedHeader]; } ELSE { _ bsiToSize[nhp.blockSizeIndex]; r _ hp + SIZE[NormalHeader]; }; SELECT TRUE FROM = 0, >= LastAddress, bs.lo MOD 2 = 1 => Crash[]; r = p => RETURN [nhp.type # nullType]; ENDCASE; hp _ hp +; ENDLOOP; }; RETURN [FALSE]; }; }; PinObject: PUBLIC SAFE PROC [ref: REF] = TRUSTED { IF ref # NIL THEN { nhp: HeaderP _ LOOPHOLE[ref, HeaderP] - SIZE[NormalHeader]; hp: HeaderP _ IF IsExtendedBlock[nhp] THEN LOOPHOLE[ref, HeaderP] - SIZE[ExtendedHeader] ELSE nhp; words: INT _ BlockSize[hp]; low: VM.PageNumber _ VM.PageNumberForAddress[hp]; next: VM.PageNumber _ VM.PageNumberForAddress[hp+(words-1)] + 1; VM.Pin[[low, next-low]]; }; }; UnpinObject: PUBLIC SAFE PROC [ref: REF] = TRUSTED { IF ref # NIL THEN { nhp: HeaderP _ LOOPHOLE[ref, HeaderP] - SIZE[NormalHeader]; hp: HeaderP _ IF IsExtendedBlock[nhp] THEN LOOPHOLE[ref, HeaderP] - SIZE[ExtendedHeader] ELSE nhp; words: INT _ BlockSize[hp]; low: VM.PageNumber _ VM.PageNumberForAddress[hp]; next: VM.PageNumber _ VM.PageNumberForAddress[hp+(words-1)] + 1; VM.Unpin[[low, next-low]]; }; }; NewSystemObject: PROC [self: Zone, size: CARDINAL, type: Type] RETURNS [r: REF] = { nhp: NHeaderP _ NIL; realSize: INT _ size; IF type = nullType THEN ERROR; IF (r _ RCMicrocodeOps.Allocate[size, type]) # NIL THEN { nhp _ LOOPHOLE[r, NHeaderP] - SIZE[NormalHeader]; IF checking AND CheckAfterNewRef[nhp, type] # 0 THEN Crash[]; realSize _ bsiToSize[nhp.blockSizeIndex]; IF realSize = 0 THEN Crash[]; } ELSE { nhp: NHeaderP _ NIL; realSize _ QuantizedSize[size]; IF size >= minLargeBlockSize THEN realSize _ LONG[size] + SIZE[ExtendedHeader]; nhp _ AllocateNewStyleEntry[realSize, TRUE, FALSE]; nhp.type _ type; IF checking AND CheckAfterAlloc[nhp] # 0 THEN Crash[]; r _ LOOPHOLE[nhp+SIZE[NormalHeader]]; RCMicrocodeOps.CreateRef[nhp]; IF paranoid THEN { IF CheckAfterNewRef[nhp, type] # 0 THEN Crash[]; IF UsableWords[nhp] < size THEN Crash[]; }; }; StorageAccounting.nObjectsCreated _ StorageAccounting.nObjectsCreated + 1; StorageAccounting.ConsiderCollection[size, realSize]; }; ExpandNormalFreeList: PUBLIC PROC [bsi: BlockSizeIndex] = { [] _ ExpandAnyFreeList[bsi, TRUE, FALSE]; }; ExpandAnyFreeList: PROC [bsi: BlockSizeIndex, install, permanent: BOOL] RETURNS [first, last, next: FNHeaderP _ NIL] = { qi: QuantumIndex; qc: QuantumCount; incr: NAT = bsiToSize[bsi]; druthers: QuantumCount = WordsToQC[Lcm[incr, wordsPerQuantum]]; [qi, qc] _ GetQuanta[druthers, NOT install]; first _ last _ LOOPHOLE[QIToLP[qi], FNHeaderP]; next _ LOOPHOLE[QIToLP[qi+qc], FNHeaderP]; Clear[first, QCToWords[qc]]; DO after: FNHeaderP _ last+incr; last.fnh _ [blockSizeIndex: bsi]; IF after = next THEN EXIT; last.nextFree _ after; last _ after; ENDLOOP; last.nextFree _ NIL; IF install THEN PutQuantaOnNormalFreeList[bsi, first, last, qi, qc]; }; PutQuantaOnNormalFreeList: ENTRY PROC [bsi: BlockSizeIndex, first, last: FNHeaderP, qi: QuantumIndex, qc: QuantumCount] = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; RCMicrocodeOps.InsertQuanta[bsi, first, last]; StuffQMapRange[qi, qc]; }; NewPermanentObject: PROC [self: Zone, size: CARDINAL, type: Type] RETURNS [r: REF _ NIL] = { realSize: CARD _ LONG[size] + SIZE[NormalHeader]; nhp: NHeaderP _ NIL; IF type = nullType THEN ERROR; IF size >= minLargeBlockSize THEN realSize _ LONG[size] + SIZE[ExtendedHeader]; nhp _ AllocateNewStyleEntry[realSize, TRUE, TRUE]; nhp.type _ type; StorageAccounting.nObjectsCreated _ StorageAccounting.nObjectsCreated + 1; StorageAccounting.ConsiderCollection[size, realSize]; IF checking AND UsableWords[nhp] < size THEN Crash[]; RCMicrocodeOps.CreateRef[nhp]; IF paranoid THEN { IF CheckAfterNewRef[nhp, type] # 0 THEN Crash[]; IF UsableWords[nhp] < size THEN Crash[]; }; RETURN [LOOPHOLE[nhp+SIZE[NormalHeader]]]; }; FreeSystemObject: PROC [self: Zone, object: REF ANY] = { }; FreeObject: PUBLIC PROC [nhp: NHeaderP] = { realSize: INT _ RealWords[nhp]; IF checking AND (CheckAfterAlloc[nhp] # 0 OR nhp.type = nullType) THEN Crash[]; BumpWordsReclaimed[realSize]; IF NOT RCMicrocodeOps.Free[nhp].success THEN { ehp: EHeaderP = NHPToEHP[nhp]; IF nhp.blockSizeIndex # Allocator.bsiEscape THEN Crash[]; SELECT ehp.sizeTag FROM pages => { qi: QuantumIndex _ LPToQI[ehp]; qc: QuantumCount _ WordsToQC[realSize]; IF checking THEN { ln: Basics.LongNumber _ [li[realSize]]; IF ln.lo MOD wordsPerQuantum # 0 THEN Crash[]; IF Basics.LowHalf[LOOPHOLE[ehp, CARD]] MOD wordsPerQuantum # 0 THEN Crash[]; IF NOT IsFullQMapRange[qi, qc] THEN Crash[]; }; ClearQMapRange[qi, qc]; FreeQuanta[qi, qc]; }; ENDCASE => Crash[]; }; }; TAndSFreeObject: PUBLIC --INTERNAL-- PROC [nhp: NHeaderP] = { realSize: INT _ RealWords[nhp]; IF checking AND CheckAfterAlloc[nhp] # 0 THEN Crash[]; IF nhp.type # nullType THEN { StorageAccounting.nObjectsReclaimed _ StorageAccounting.nObjectsReclaimed + 1; StorageAccounting.nWordsReclaimed _ StorageAccounting.nWordsReclaimed + realSize; }; IF NOT RCMicrocodeOps.FREEPLEASE[nhp].success THEN { ehp: EHeaderP = NHPToEHP[nhp]; IF nhp.blockSizeIndex # Allocator.bsiEscape THEN Crash[]; SELECT ehp.sizeTag FROM pages => { qi: QuantumIndex _ LPToQI[ehp]; qc: QuantumCount _ WordsToQC[realSize]; IF checking THEN { ln: Basics.LongNumber _ [li[realSize]]; IF ln.lo MOD wordsPerQuantum # 0 THEN Crash[]; IF Basics.LowHalf[LOOPHOLE[ehp, CARD]] MOD wordsPerQuantum # 0 THEN Crash[]; IF NOT IsFullQMapRangeInternal[qi, qc] THEN Crash[]; }; ClearQMapRangeInternal[qi, qc]; FreeQuanta[qi, qc]; }; ENDCASE => Crash[]; }; }; EnterAndCallBack: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC [proc: PROC] = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; proc[]; }; BumpWordsReclaimed: ENTRY PROC [words: INT] = { StorageAccounting.nObjectsReclaimed _ StorageAccounting.nObjectsReclaimed + 1; StorageAccounting.nWordsReclaimed _ StorageAccounting.nWordsReclaimed + words; }; AllocateTrap: PUBLIC PROC [size: CARDINAL, type: Type] RETURNS [r: REF] = { state: PrincOps.StateVector; state _ STATE; -- incantation SELECT (IF RCMicrocodeOps.rcMicrocodeExists THEN TrapSupport.GetTrapParam[] ELSE 0) FROM 0 => r _ RCMicrocodeOps.SoftwareAllocate[size, type]; 2 => { p: PROC [size: CARDINAL, type: Type] = MACHINE CODE{PrincOps.zRET}; ZCT.Enter[]; state.dest _ LOOPHOLE[PrincOpsUtils.MyLocalFrame[]]; TRANSFER WITH state; -- incantation p[size, type]; }; 4 => { p: PROC [size: CARDINAL, type: Type] = MACHINE CODE{PrincOps.zRET}; ZCT.ExpandZCT[]; state.dest _ LOOPHOLE[PrincOpsUtils.MyLocalFrame[]]; TRANSFER WITH state; -- incantation p[size, type]; }; 6 => { p: PROC [size: CARDINAL, type: Type] = MACHINE CODE{PrincOps.zRET}; ExpandNormalFreeList[sizeToBSI[size]]; state.dest _ LOOPHOLE[PrincOpsUtils.MyLocalFrame[]]; TRANSFER WITH state; -- incantation p[size, type]; }; ENDCASE => Crash[]; TrapSupport.BumpPC[2]; -- length of opcode state.dest _ LOOPHOLE[PrincOpsUtils.MyLocalFrame[]]; TRANSFER WITH state; -- incantation }; FreeTrap: PUBLIC PROC [nhp: NHeaderP] RETURNS [success: BOOL] = { state: PrincOps.StateVector; state _ STATE; -- incantation SELECT (IF RCMicrocodeOps.rcMicrocodeExists THEN TrapSupport.GetTrapParam[] ELSE 0) FROM 0 => success _ RCMicrocodeOps.SoftwareFree[nhp]; -- no microcode 2 => { -- uCode is disabled; someone is inside this monitor p: PROC [nhp: NHeaderP] = MACHINE CODE{PrincOps.zRET}; ZCT.Enter[]; state.dest _ LOOPHOLE[PrincOpsUtils.MyLocalFrame[]]; TRANSFER WITH state; -- incantation p[nhp]; }; ENDCASE => Crash[]; TrapSupport.BumpPC[2]; -- length of opcode state.dest _ LOOPHOLE[PrincOpsUtils.MyLocalFrame[]]; TRANSFER WITH state; -- incantation }; GetReferentType: PUBLIC SAFE PROC [ref: REF] RETURNS [type: Type] = TRUSTED { RETURN [GetCanonicalReferentType[ref]] }; GetCanonicalReferentType: PUBLIC SAFE PROC [ref: REF] RETURNS [type: Type] = TRUSTED { IF ref = NIL THEN RETURN [nullType] ELSE RETURN [REFToNHP[ref].type] }; GetCanonicalReferentTypeTrap: PUBLIC PROC [ref: REF] RETURNS [type: Type] = { state: PrincOps.StateVector; kludge: CARD; state _ STATE; -- incantation kludge _ 0; type _ GetCanonicalReferentType[ref]; TrapSupport.BumpPC[2]; state.dest _ LOOPHOLE[PrincOpsUtils.MyLocalFrame[]]; TRANSFER WITH state -- incantation }; IsReferentType: PUBLIC SAFE PROC [ref: REF, type: Type] RETURNS [BOOL] = TRUSTED { RETURN [SafeStorage.GetCanonicalType[type] = GetCanonicalReferentType[ref]]; }; NarrowRef: PUBLIC SAFE PROC [ref: REF, type: Type] RETURNS [REF] = TRUSTED { SELECT TRUE FROM ref = NIL => RETURN [NIL]; SafeStorage.GetCanonicalType[type] = GetCanonicalReferentType[ref] => RETURN [ref]; ENDCASE => ERROR SafeStorage.NarrowRefFault[ref, type]; }; StuffQMapRange: --INTERNAL-- PROC [qi: QuantumIndex, qc: QuantumCount] = { nQMapEntries _ nQMapEntries + qc; FOR i: QuantumIndex _ qi, i+1 UNTIL i = qi + qc DO quantumMap[i] _ TRUE; ENDLOOP; }; ClearQMapRange: ENTRY PROC [qi: QuantumIndex, qc: QuantumCount] = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; ClearQMapRangeInternal[qi, qc]; }; ClearQMapRangeInternal: --INTERNAL-- PROC [qi: QuantumIndex, qc: QuantumCount] = { nQMapEntries _ nQMapEntries - qc; FOR i: QuantumIndex _ qi, i+1 UNTIL i = qi + qc DO quantumMap[i] _ FALSE; ENDLOOP; }; IsFullQMapRange: ENTRY PROC [qi: QuantumIndex, qc: QuantumCount] RETURNS [ans: BOOL _ TRUE] = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; RETURN [IsFullQMapRangeInternal[qi, qc]]; }; IsFullQMapRangeInternal: --INTERNAL-- PROC [qi: QuantumIndex, qc: QuantumCount] RETURNS [ans: BOOL _ TRUE] = { FOR i: QuantumIndex _ qi, i+1 UNTIL i = qi + qc DO IF NOT quantumMap[i] THEN RETURN [FALSE]; ENDLOOP; }; AllocateNewStyleEntry: ENTRY PROC [size: CARD, counted, permanent: BOOL] RETURNS [nhp: NHeaderP _ NIL] = { ENABLE UNWIND => Crash[]; RETURN [AllocateNewStyle[size, counted, permanent]]; }; AllocateNewStyle: PROC [size: CARD, counted, permanent: BOOL] RETURNS [nhp: NHeaderP _ NIL] = { ehp: EHeaderP _ NIL; SELECT size FROM <= SIZE[Allocator.NormalHeader] => Crash[]; <= maxSmallBlockRealSize => { words: CARDINAL _ SELECT Basics.LowHalf[size] FROM <= 20B => Basics.BITAND[Basics.LowHalf[size]+7, 177777B-7], <= 100B => Basics.BITAND[Basics.LowHalf[size]+17B, 177777B-17B], <= 1000B => Basics.BITAND[Basics.LowHalf[size]+177B, 177777B-177B], ENDCASE => maxSmallBlockRealSize; bsi: Allocator.BlockSizeIndex _ sizeToBSI[words-SIZE[Allocator.NormalHeader]]; objectWords: CARDINAL _ bsiToSize[bsi]; table: LONG POINTER TO SmallFreeTable _ IF counted THEN countedFreeTable ELSE uncountedFreeTable; fhp: Allocator.FNHeaderP _ table[bsi]; IF counted THEN innerStats.countedSmallNewAllocs _ innerStats.countedSmallNewAllocs + 1 ELSE innerStats.uncountedSmallNewAllocs _ innerStats.uncountedSmallNewAllocs + 1; IF fhp = NIL THEN { first, last, next: FNHeaderP; [first, last, next] _ ExpandAnyFreeList[bsi, FALSE, permanent]; IF counted THEN StuffQMapRange[qi: LPToQI[first], qc: LPToQI[next]-LPToQI[first]]; fhp _ table[bsi] _ first; }; table[bsi] _ fhp.nextFree; nhp _ LOOPHOLE[fhp]; IF nhp.blockSizeIndex # bsi OR nhp.type # nullType THEN Crash[]; Clear[nhp+SIZE[Allocator.NormalHeader], objectWords-SIZE[Allocator.NormalHeader]]; nhp^ _ NormalHeaderInit; nhp.blockSizeIndex _ bsi; }; ENDCASE => { qi: QuantumIndex; qc: QuantumCount _ WordsToQC[size]; np: INT _ QCToPages[qc]; [qi, qc] _ GetQuanta[qc, permanent]; ehp _ QIToLP[qi]; Clear[ehp, VM.WordsForPages[np]]; IF counted THEN { StuffQMapRange[qi: LPToQI[ehp], qc: qc]; innerStats.countedBigNewAllocs _ innerStats.countedBigNewAllocs + 1; } ELSE { innerStats.uncountedBigNewAllocs _ innerStats.uncountedBigNewAllocs + 1; }; ehp^ _ ExtendedHeaderInit; ehp.extendedSize _ np; nhp _ @ehp.normalHeader; }; IF checking AND CheckAfterAlloc[nhp] # 0 THEN Crash[]; }; FreeNewStyle: PROC [ptr: Ptr, counted: BOOL] = { IF Basics.HighHalf[LOOPHOLE[ptr]] # 0 AND Basics.LowHalf[LOOPHOLE[ptr]] MOD 2 = 0 THEN { nhp: NHeaderP _ LOOPHOLE[ptr, NHeaderP]-SIZE[Allocator.NormalHeader]; IF nhp.type = nullType THEN Crash[]; SELECT TRUE FROM nhp.blockSizeIndex = Allocator.bsiEscape => { ehp: EHeaderP _ LOOPHOLE[ptr, EHeaderP]-SIZE[Allocator.ExtendedHeader]; SELECT ehp.sizeTag FROM pages => { np: CARDINAL _ ehp.extendedSize; qi: QuantumIndex _ LPToQI[ehp]; qc: QuantumCount _ PagesToQC[np]; ehp.extendedSize _ 0; IF np = 0 THEN Crash[]; IF Basics.BITAND[wordsPerQuantum-1, Basics.LowHalf[LOOPHOLE[ehp]] ] # 0 THEN Crash[]; IF counted THEN { ClearQMapRangeInternal[qi, qc]; innerStats.countedBigNewFrees _ innerStats.countedBigNewFrees + 1 } ELSE innerStats.uncountedBigNewFrees _ innerStats.uncountedBigNewFrees + 1; FreeQuanta[qi, qc]; RETURN; }; ENDCASE; }; ENDCASE => { bsi: Allocator.BlockSizeIndex _ nhp.blockSizeIndex; table: LONG POINTER TO SmallFreeTable _ IF counted THEN countedFreeTable ELSE uncountedFreeTable; fhp: Allocator.FNHeaderP _ LOOPHOLE[nhp, Allocator.FNHeaderP]; IF counted THEN innerStats.countedSmallNewFrees _ innerStats.countedSmallNewFrees + 1 ELSE innerStats.uncountedSmallNewFrees _ innerStats.uncountedSmallNewFrees + 1; fhp.fnh _ NormalHeaderInit; fhp.fnh.blockSizeIndex _ bsi; fhp.nextFree _ table[bsi]; table[bsi] _ fhp; RETURN; }; }; IF ptr # NIL THEN Crash[]; }; countedFreeTable: LONG POINTER TO SmallFreeTable _ InitSmallAllocator[]; uncountedFreeTable: LONG POINTER TO SmallFreeTable _ InitSmallAllocator[]; InitSmallAllocator: PROC RETURNS [ptr: LONG POINTER TO SmallFreeTable] = { pages: NAT _ VM.PagesForWords[SIZE[SmallFreeTable]]; interval: VM.Interval _ VM.Allocate[count: pages, in64K: TRUE]; VM.SwapIn[interval]; ptr _ LOOPHOLE[VM.AddressForPageNumber[]]; Clear[ptr, SIZE[SmallFreeTable]]; }; QuantizedSize: PROC [size: CARDINAL] RETURNS [rtn: INT] = { n: NAT = SIZE[NormalHeader]; -- minimum overhead e: NAT = SIZE[ExtendedHeader]; -- additional overhead for extended headers IF checking AND size = 0 THEN Crash[]; IF size <= Allocator.maxSmallBlockSize THEN { adj: NAT _ size-1+n; SELECT size FROM <= 22B => rtn _ (adj/2 + 1)*2; -- 4, 6, 10B, 12B, 14B, 16B, 20B, 22B, 24B <= 42B => rtn _ (adj/4B + 1)*4B; -- 30B, 34B, 40B, 44B <= 106B => rtn _ (adj/10B + 1)*10B; -- 50B, 60B, 70B, 100B, 110B <= 216B => rtn _ (adj/20B + 1)*20B; -- 120B, 140B, 160B, 200B, 220B <= 436B => rtn _ (adj/40B + 1)*40B; -- 240B, 300B, 340B, 400B, 440B ENDCASE => rtn _ (adj/100B + 1)*100B; -- 500B, 600B, 700B, 1000B, 1100B RETURN }; IF size <= Allocator.maxSmallBlockSize*2 THEN RETURN [((size-1+e)/200B + 1)*200B]; RETURN [VM.WordsForPages[VM.PagesForWords[LONG[size]+e]]]; }; BlockSize: PUBLIC PROC [hp: HeaderP] RETURNS [INT] = { nhp: NHeaderP = LOOPHOLE[hp, NHeaderP]; IF nhp.blockSizeIndex = bsiEscape THEN RETURN [ExtendedBlockSize[LOOPHOLE[hp, EHeaderP]]] ELSE RETURN [bsiToSize[nhp.blockSizeIndex]]; }; IsExtendedBlock: PROC [hp: HeaderP] RETURNS [BOOL] = INLINE { RETURN [LOOPHOLE[hp, NHeaderP].blockSizeIndex = bsiEscape]; }; ExtendedBlockSize: PROC [ehp: EHeaderP] RETURNS [words: INT _ 0] = INLINE { SELECT ehp.sizeTag FROM words => words _ ehp.extendedSize; pages => words _ VM.WordsForPages[ehp.extendedSize]; ENDCASE => Crash[]; }; RealWords: PROC [nhp: NHeaderP] RETURNS [words: INT] = INLINE { IF nhp.blockSizeIndex # bsiEscape THEN RETURN [bsiToSize[nhp.blockSizeIndex]] ELSE { ehp: EHeaderP _ NHPToEHP[nhp]; SELECT ehp.sizeTag FROM words => words _ ehp.extendedSize; pages => words _ VM.WordsForPages[ehp.extendedSize]; ENDCASE => Crash[]; RETURN [words]; }; }; UsableWords: PROC [nhp: NHeaderP] RETURNS [INT] = INLINE { IF nhp.blockSizeIndex # bsiEscape THEN RETURN [bsiToSize[nhp.blockSizeIndex] - SIZE[NormalHeader]] ELSE RETURN [ExtendedBlockSize[NHPToEHP[nhp]] - SIZE[ExtendedHeader]]; }; QIToLP: PROC [qi: QuantumIndex] RETURNS [Ptr] = INLINE { RETURN [Basics.DoubleShiftLeft[[lc[qi]], logWordsPerQuantum].lp]; }; LPToQI: PROC [ptr: Ptr] RETURNS [QuantumIndex] = INLINE { RETURN [Basics.DoubleShiftRight[[lp[ptr]], logWordsPerQuantum].lo]; }; QCToWords: PROC [qc: QuantumCount] RETURNS [INT] = INLINE { RETURN [Basics.DoubleShiftLeft[[lc[qc]], logWordsPerQuantum].li]; }; WordsToQC: PROC [words: INT] RETURNS [QuantumCount] = INLINE { RETURN [Basics.DoubleShiftRight[[li[words+(wordsPerQuantum-1)]], logWordsPerQuantum].lo]; }; PagesToQC: PROC [pages: INT] RETURNS [qc: QuantumCount] = INLINE { IF Allocator.logPagesPerQuantum = 0 THEN RETURN [pages]; pages _ pages + (pagesPerQuantum-1); RETURN [Basics.DoubleShiftRight[[li[pages]], Allocator.logPagesPerQuantum].lo]; }; QCToPages: PROC [qc: QuantumCount] RETURNS [pages: INT] = INLINE { IF Allocator.logPagesPerQuantum = 0 THEN RETURN [qc] ELSE RETURN [Basics.DoubleShiftLeft[[lc[qc]], Allocator.logPagesPerQuantum].li]; }; EHPToNHP: PROC [ehp: EHeaderP] RETURNS [NHeaderP] = INLINE { RETURN [@ehp.normalHeader]; }; NHPToEHP: PROC [nhp: NHeaderP] RETURNS [EHeaderP] = INLINE { RETURN [LOOPHOLE[nhp - (SIZE[ExtendedHeader] - SIZE[NormalHeader]), EHeaderP]]; }; DFHPToNHP: PROC [dfhp: DFHeaderP] RETURNS [NHeaderP] = INLINE { RETURN []; }; FunnyHeaderPtr: TYPE = LONG POINTER TO FunnyHeader; FunnyHeader: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [ preType (0): WORD, type (1): WORD]; CheckAfterAlloc: PROC [nhp: NHeaderP] RETURNS [WORD] = INLINE { RETURN [Basics.BITAND[LOOPHOLE[nhp, FunnyHeaderPtr].preType, maskWord1]]; }; maskWord1: WORD = LOOPHOLE[Allocator.NormalHeader[ inZCT: TRUE, f: TRUE, rcOverflowed: TRUE, refCount: LAST[Allocator.RefCount], blockSizeIndex: 0], FunnyHeader].preType; CheckAfterNewRef: PROC [nhp: NHeaderP, type: Type] RETURNS [WORD] = INLINE { RETURN [Basics.BITOR[ Basics.BITAND[LOOPHOLE[nhp, FunnyHeaderPtr].preType, maskWord2], Basics.BITXOR[LOOPHOLE[nhp, FunnyHeaderPtr].type, type] ]]; }; maskWord2: WORD = LOOPHOLE[Allocator.NormalHeader[ f: TRUE, rcOverflowed: TRUE, refCount: LAST[Allocator.RefCount], blockSizeIndex: 0], FunnyHeader].preType; Clear: PROC [ptr: Ptr, size: INT] = { delta: CARDINAL = 20000B; WHILE size > delta DO PrincOpsUtils.LongZero[ptr, delta]; size _ size - delta; ptr _ ptr + delta; ENDLOOP; PrincOpsUtils.LongZero[ptr, Basics.LowHalf[size]]; }; Lcm: PROC [m,n: INT] RETURNS [INT] = { RETURN [(m*n)/Gcd[m,n]]; }; Gcd: PROC [m,n: INT] RETURNS [INT] = { DO r: INT = m MOD n; IF r = 0 THEN RETURN [n]; m _ n; n _ r; ENDLOOP; }; GetQuanta: PROC [needed: QuantumCount, permanent: BOOL _ FALSE] RETURNS [qi: QuantumIndex, qc: QuantumCount] = { np: INT _ QCToPages[qc _ needed]; interval: VM.Interval _ VM.Allocate[ count: np, alignment: logPagesPerQuantum, in64K: permanent ! VM.CantAllocate => GO TO noVM ]; VM.SwapIn[interval]; qi _ PagesToQC[]; innerStats.quantaAllocated _ innerStats.quantaAllocated + qc; EXITS noVM => ERROR InsufficientVM; }; FreeQuanta: PROC [qi: QuantumIndex, qc: QuantumCount] = { VM.Free[[page: QCToPages[qi], count: QCToPages[qc]]]; innerStats.quantaFreed _ innerStats.quantaFreed + qc; }; Initialize: PUBLIC PROC = { systemZone _ LOOPHOLE[NewSystemObject[NIL, SIZE[ZoneObject], CODE[ZoneObject]], ZONE]; LOOPHOLE[systemZone, Zone]^ _ [new: NewSystemObject, free: FreeSystemObject]; LOOPHOLE[@PrincOps.SD[RTSD.sSystemZone], POINTER TO Ptr]^ _ LOOPHOLE[systemZone, Ptr]; permanentZone _ LOOPHOLE[NEW[ZoneObject _ [new: NewPermanentObject, free: FreeSystemObject]]]; UnsafeStoragePrivate.InitializeTransientPageZone[]; }; Reset: PUBLIC PROC = { countedFreeTable^ _ ALL[NIL]; uncountedFreeTable^ _ ALL[NIL]; }; Crash: PROC = { DebuggerSwap.CallDebugger["Kosher it's not!"L]; }; { oldQS: NAT _ 0; nextBSI: BlockSizeIndex _ 0; FOR i: QuantumIndex IN QuantumIndex DO quantumMap[i] _ FALSE ENDLOOP; FOR size: --requested-- [0..maxSmallBlockSize] IN [0..maxSmallBlockSize] DO qs: NAT = QuantizedSize[IF size = 0 THEN 1 ELSE size]; IF qs # oldQS THEN { IF nextBSI = bsiEscape THEN Crash[]; oldQS _ qs; bsiToSize[nextBSI] _ qs; nextBSI _ nextBSI + 1; }; sizeToBSI[size] _ nextBSI - 1; ENDLOOP; }; END. ΊAllocatorImpl.Mesa Copyright c 1984, 1985, 1986 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. designed by Paul Rovner Bob Hagmann, February 19, 1985 5:45:56 pm PST Russ Atkinson (RRA) April 15, 1986 2:26:17 pm PST the LOCK protects the quantumMap and the countedFreeTable ERRORS Options We don't trust any new code! Extra checks when distrusting microcode. CONSTANTS VARIABLES and their INITIALIZATION Inner Statistics NOTE: the declaration sequence below is EXTREMELY DELICATE. Order of the declarations and their initialization is important. Support for the systemUZone Support for the TransientPageUZone Support for both uncounted and counted storage (exported to AllocatorOps) bsiToSize maps a bsi to a quantized size (including overhead) for small block sizes sizeToBSI maps a requested size <= maxSmallBlockSize (not including overhead) to a bsi Support for counted storage only the "medium-sized" free list (msRover): a doubly-linked ring msRoot: DoubleFreeHeader _ [ eh: [extendedSize: 0, normalHeader: [blockSizeIndex: bsiEscape]], nextFree: @msRoot, prevFree: @msRoot ]; (Obsolete, but necessary as a place holder) the "permanent" free list (permRover): a doubly-linked ring permRoot: DoubleFreeHeader _ [ eh: [extendedSize: 0, normalHeader: [blockSizeIndex: bsiEscape]], nextFree: @permRoot, prevFree: @permRoot ]; (Obsolete, but necessary as a place holder) the quantumMap provides a flag for each page in VM, TRUE iff the page is assigned to a counted ZONE. Statistics PROCEDURES Support for uncounted storage Public access to uncounted storage UNCOUNTED ZONE procs Unfortunately, these cannot be ENTRY procs here, since the uncounted system zone gets used during TraceAndSweep, and should not have any connection with the counted allocator. Of course, it does, but we will be careful about this. For historical reasons, the "medium" allocator is assumed in the interfaces, even though there is no longer any such thing. The monitor lock in UnsafeAllocatorImpl is used to protect our uncounted data structures. Referenced only via zhs, The "systemUZone" We don't need a monitor lock for large allocation We need the monitor lock for small allocation (to protect the table) (this is a monitored call to DoCreateMediumSizedObject) Called from UnsafeAllocatorImpl.CreateMediumSizedHeapObject size includes overhead (for extended header), has been quantized and is >= SIZE[DoubleFreeHeader]. This proc may return an object of a larger size than requested. Referenced only via zhs, The "systemUZone" For large objects we do not need the monitor For small objects we need the monitor (to protect the table) (this is a monitored call to DoFreeMediumSizedObject) Called from UnsafeAllocatorImpl.FreeMediumSizedObject ptr may refer to a small object or a large one This is a real crock, but such is life Can we ever have rover = msRover? This is a small-size object allocated by the new allocator This is a large-size object that we can handle in the new style. Support for counted storage Public access to counted storage There is nothing to do here, although there could be some day Start parsing at the beginning of the first quantum in this run. Note that we depend on the quantumMap not changing during this operation! hp points to an extended header hp points to a normal header The size of the object must never be too small, too large, or odd. If it is then we crash, since it means that the heap has been violated. We have found the REF, so the ref is valid for non-free objects. Pinning & unpinning objects ... pins the object & its header in memory ... unpins the object & its header (provided it was already pinned) ZONE procs Referenced from systemZone and called from NewObject and Initialize size DOES NOT INCLUDE overhead This should NOT happen! The microcode allocation was successful, so just use the object returned. This is the fastest path for allocation. medium-sized or large object We are getting pretty suspicious here! Called from Allocate and AllocateTrap. Called from ExpandNormalFreeList (install = TRUE) and AllocateNewStyle (install = FALSE). This proc must not call monitored procedures if NOT install! Using the LCM enables us to not have any leftovers, which helps zone scanning in the future. Run through the zone, chaining the free blocks together in increasing order until we hit next, which is the next object after our allocated storage. Every free block is initialized with the blockSizeIndex. This is for the normal free list, so we install it Called only from ExpandNormalFreeList atomic: stuffing the quantum map and expansion of the free list. Should be in the quantumMap monitor now stuff the QMap Referenced from permanentZone and called from NewObject size DOES NOT INCLUDE overhead This should NOT happen! We are getting pretty suspicious here! Referenced from systemZone and permanentZone We always rely on GC, except from within GC for collectible objects Procs called by the reclaimer and TraceAndSweepImpl Monitored to keep the stats reasonably consistent This is a large block It is possible to free an already free object during T&S, since we rebuild the free lists from scratch, but that should NOT count in the statistics. large or medium-sized object or extended header for some other reason Called from TraceAndSweepImpl. Trap handlers no microcode uCode is disabled; someone is inside this monitor zctFull expandNormalFreeList Support for NARROW; referent types QuantumMap New uncounted allocator This must be called under the allocator lock for counted allocations! words INCLUDES overhead, has been quantized and is >= SIZE[DoubleFreeHeader]. This proc may return an object of a larger size than requested (of course). This proc can be called only for uncounted objects or for counted permanent zone objects. System zone objects are handled differently (see NewSystemObject). Allocate from quantized table RRA: to reduce breakage here, get all small objects up to a multiple of 2^n. 8, 16 32, 48, 64 128, 256, 384, 512 576 This slot needs some words added to it Call to expand the free list for the given size. Note that we should never get here for the system zone, only for the permanent zone or the uncounted zone, so it is quite proper to NOT ask for installation. These quanta need to be shown as in the counted heap We have a nasty error here, since these are set when we initialize, and are not changed by anything except a bad bug! Allocate from VM These quanta need to be shown as in the counted heap Just count this one This must be called under the allocator lock (unless for an uncounted large block)! If AllocateNewStyle allocated this object, then it has ehp.sizeTag = pages. Otherwise, we did not have anything to do with it. We probably did allocate this object, so we can return it to our pool. This is protected (after init) by the monitor in AllocatorImpl (this module) This is protected (after init) by the monitor in UnsafeAllocatorImpl Utilities This is called very early in the (delicate) initialization sequence. It calls nothing. arg is a requested block size NOT INCLUDING overhead; result is an even, quantized size that INCLUDES OVERHEAD. Requested sizes > maxSmallBlockSize require extended headers. It is not true that the difference between any two quantized sizes is a valid quantized size. sizes: 1200B, 1400B, 1600B, 2000B, 2200B steps of wordsPerPage for requested size nhp.inZCT OR nhp.f OR nhp.rcOverflowed OR nhp.refCount # 0 Called from ExpandNormalFreeList, AllocateNewStyle Called from ExpandNormalFreeList, AllocateNewStyle This is called long after this module is started; CODE[mumble] isn't meaningful until then This is called by the TAndS (with the monitor lock held); the intent is to make us drop all of the free lists so they can be reconstructed START CODE Initialize bsiToSize and sizeToBSI Initialize the quantum map: needed here because ALL has a bug new size and bsi The systemUZone (zhs) is now ready for use Bob Hagmann February 19, 1985 2:49:15 pm PST changes to: DIRECTORY, AllocatorImpl, GetSystemUZone, GetTransientPageUZone, Initialize Bob Hagmann February 19, 1985 5:44:59 pm PST changes to: NewHeapObject, DoCreateMediumSizedObject Russ Atkinson (RRA) February 3, 1986 2:13:31 pm PST Beefed up checking in IsValidRef, made NewPermanentObject call AllocateNewStyleEntry instead of AllocateNewStyle. Κ(L˜codešœ™Kšœ Οmœ=™HK™Kšœ-™-K™1K˜šΟk ˜ Kšœ žœΣ˜βKšœ žœˆ˜šKš œžœžœžœžœžœD˜mKšœ žœ˜"Kšœ žœžœ˜'Kšœžœ˜-Kšœžœž œI˜~Kšžœžœ˜Kšœ žœ4˜EKšœžœΟc ˜>KšœžœK˜bKšœ žœ˜Kšœžœ˜"Kšœ žœ˜)Kšœžœ˜KšœžœO˜iKšžœžœΓ˜ΛKšžœžœ˜——headšœž˜Kšœ9™9Kšžœ–žœž˜€KšžœK˜RKšœžœžœ˜%K˜Kšžœžœ žœ˜Kšœžœžœžœ˜Kšœžœžœžœ˜MKšœžœ˜Kšœžœž œžœ˜—˜šœ™K™Kšœžœžœ˜Kš œ žœžœžœžœžœ˜.—K˜™K™šœ žœžœ˜Kšœ™—šœ žœ&˜4K™(—K˜—™ K™Kšœžœ$˜>Kšœžœ$˜>šœžœžœ˜$Kšœžœžœ˜*—šœžœ˜1Kšœžœ0˜G—Kšœ2˜2˜,K˜K˜—šœ.˜.K˜Kšœ%˜%—šœ0˜0Kšœ˜K˜Kšœ$˜$Kšœ"˜"——K˜™"K˜Kš œ žœžœžœžœ˜Kš Οn œžœ žœžœžœžœ˜BKšœ˜Kšœ$˜$Kšœ˜K˜K˜—™K˜Kš œ žœžœžœžœ˜Ešœ žœžœ˜Kšœžœ˜Kšœžœ˜Kšœžœ˜!Kšœžœ˜Kšœžœ˜Kšœžœ˜Kšœžœ˜ Kšœžœ˜Kšœžœ˜Kšœ žœ˜K˜K˜——Kšžœ$ž œžœC™}K™šœ™K™šœH˜HKšœžœ˜)—KšΟbœ žœžœ˜2—K™šœ"™"K™šœ)˜)Kšœ1˜1Kšœ4˜4—Kšœ!žœ˜AKš‘œ žœžœ%˜N—K™™IK™š œ žœžœžœžœ"žœžœ˜^KšœS™SK™—š œ žœžœžœžœ"žœ˜UKšœV™V—K˜—™ K™šœ<™<šœ™KšœA™AKšœ™Kšœ™Kšœ™——šœžœ˜3K™+K™—šœ;™;šœ™KšœA™AKšœ™Kšœ™Kšœ™——šœžœ˜5K™+—K™šœ žœ žœ 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