DIRECTORY Basics USING [LongNumber], BufferDefs, CommFlags USING [doDebug, doShow, doStats, doStorms], DriverDefs USING [GetDeviceChain, Glitch, Network, PutOnGlobalDoneQueue], DriverTypes USING [bufferSeal], ProcessorFace USING [GetClockPulses], PupDefs USING [outgoingPup, zappedOutgoingPup, PupBuffer], PupRouterDefs USING [routerLock, maxHop, OutThings, RoutingTableEntry, GetRoutingTableEntry, BeSurePupIsOn, SetPupChecksum], PupTypes USING [allNets, allHosts, PupType, PupAddress, PupHostID, PupNetID], StatsDefs USING [StatIncr]; PupRouterOut: MONITOR LOCKS PupRouterDefs.routerLock IMPORTS BufferDefs, ProcessorFace, StatsDefs, PupRouterDefs, DriverDefs EXPORTS BufferDefs, PupRouterDefs, PupDefs SHARES BufferDefs, DriverTypes = BEGIN OPEN StatsDefs, PupRouterDefs, DriverDefs, PupDefs, PupTypes; Network: PUBLIC TYPE = DriverDefs.Network; dataWordsPerPup: PUBLIC CARDINAL; outThings: PUBLIC OutThings _ [outStormy: FALSE, showOut: FALSE, outShower:]; lightning: INTEGER _ 30; bolt: INTEGER _ 10; BufferSealBroken: PUBLIC ERROR = CODE; IllegalPupLength: PUBLIC ERROR = CODE; PupRouterSendThis: PUBLIC ENTRY PROCEDURE [b: PupBuffer] = BEGIN IF = allNets AND = allHosts THEN BEGIN PupRouterBroadcastThis[b]; RETURN; END; SendUnlocked[b]; END; SneakySendUnlocked: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [b: PupBuffer] = JustSendUnlocked; JustSendUnlocked: INTERNAL PROCEDURE [b: PupBuffer] = BEGIN SendUnlocked[b]; END; SendUnlocked: INTERNAL PROCEDURE [b: PupBuffer] = BEGIN d: PupAddress _ b.dest; n: PupNetID _; rte: RoutingTableEntry; network: Network; h: PupHostID; IF CommFlags.doStats THEN StatIncr[statPupSent]; IF CommFlags.doDebug THEN BeSurePupIsOn[]; IF CommFlags.doDebug AND b.seal # DriverTypes.bufferSeal THEN Glitch[BufferSealBroken]; IF CommFlags.doStorms AND outThings.outStormy -- for debugging only AND (lightning _ lightning + 1) > bolt OR lightning < 0 THEN BEGIN IF lightning > bolt THEN BEGIN IF bolt > 100 THEN BEGIN mumble: LONG CARDINAL _ ProcessorFace.GetClockPulses[]; lightning _ -INTEGER[LOOPHOLE[mumble, Basics.LongNumber].lowbits MOD 20B]; bolt _ 10; END ELSE BEGIN lightning _ 0; bolt _ bolt + 1; END; END; IF CommFlags.doShow AND outThings.showOut THEN outThings.outShower[zappedOutgoingPup, b]; PutOnGlobalDoneQueue[b]; IF CommFlags.doStats THEN StatIncr[statZappedP]; RETURN; END; b.pupTransportControl _ 0; rte _ GetRoutingTableEntry[n]; IF rte = NIL OR rte.hop > maxHop OR (network _ = NIL THEN BEGIN -- don't know where to send it IF CommFlags.doStats THEN StatIncr[statPupsSentNowhere]; BEGIN -- Send him an error Pup, but beware of RequeueProc-- END; PutOnGlobalDoneQueue[b]; RETURN; -- wait to see if there is an alternate path END; IF CommFlags.doShow AND outThings.showOut THEN outThings.outShower[outgoingPup, b]; h _ rte.route; IF h = 0 THEN h _; -- we are on the same net IF CommFlags.doDebug AND ((b.pupLength + 1)/2) > dataWordsPerPup + wordsPerPupHeader THEN DriverDefs.Glitch[IllegalPupLength]; SetPupChecksum[b]; network.encapsulatePup[b, h]; network.sendBuffer[b]; END; PupRouterBroadcastThis: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [b: PupBuffer] = BEGIN network: Network; IF CommFlags.doStats THEN StatIncr[statPupBroadcast]; IF CommFlags.doDebug THEN BeSurePupIsOn[]; IF CommFlags.doDebug AND b.seal # DriverTypes.bufferSeal THEN Glitch[BufferSealBroken]; _ network _ DriverDefs.GetDeviceChain[]; IF network = NIL THEN {PutOnGlobalDoneQueue[b]; RETURN; }; b.allNets _ TRUE; -- this is where it gets turned on _ allHosts; PupBroadcaster[b]; END; PupBroadcaster: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [b: PupBuffer] = BEGIN network: Network _; IF ~network.alive OR (b.bypassZeroNet AND network.netNumber = [0, 0]) THEN BEGIN PutOnGlobalDoneQueue[b]; RETURN; END; b.pupTransportControl _ 0; IF network.netNumber.b > 377B THEN _ _ [0] ELSE _ _ [network.netNumber.b]; _ [network.hostNumber]; network.encapsulatePup[b, PupTypes.allHosts]; SetPupChecksum[b]; network.sendBuffer[b]; END; SwapPupSourceAndDest: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [b: PupBuffer] = BEGIN network: Network _; temp: PupAddress; IF CommFlags.doDebug AND b.seal # DriverTypes.bufferSeal THEN Glitch[BufferSealBroken]; temp _ b.source; b.source _ b.dest; b.dest _ temp; IF = 0 AND network.netNumber.b < 400B THEN _ [network.netNumber.b]; IF = 0 AND network.netNumber.b < 400B THEN _ [network.netNumber.b]; IF = PupTypes.allHosts THEN _ [network.hostNumber]; END; ReturnPup: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ b: PupBuffer, type: PupTypes.PupType, bytes: CARDINAL] = BEGIN SwapPupSourceAndDest[b]; SendPup[b, type, bytes]; END; wordsPerPupHeader: CARDINAL = 11; bytesPerPupHeader: CARDINAL = wordsPerPupHeader*2; GetPupContentsBytes: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [b: PupBuffer] RETURNS [bytes: CARDINAL] = BEGIN RETURN[b.pupLength - bytesPerPupHeader]; END; SetPupContentsBytes: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [b: PupBuffer, bytes: CARDINAL] = BEGIN IF bytes > dataWordsPerPup*2 THEN Glitch[IllegalPupLength]; b.pupLength _ bytes + bytesPerPupHeader; END; SetPupContentsWords: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [b: PupBuffer, words: CARDINAL] = BEGIN IF words > dataWordsPerPup THEN Glitch[IllegalPupLength]; b.pupLength _ words*2 + bytesPerPupHeader; END; SendPup: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [b: PupBuffer, type: PupType, bytes: CARDINAL] = BEGIN b.pupType _ type; SetPupContentsBytes[b, bytes]; PupRouterSendThis[b]; END; DontForwardPupBuffer: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [b: BufferDefs.PupBuffer] = BEGIN BufferDefs.ReturnFreeBuffer[b]; IF CommFlags.doStats THEN StatsDefs.StatIncr[statPupNotForwarded]; END; END. PupRouterOut.mesa Copyright c 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Levin, August 9, 1983 9:47 am Russ Atkinson (RRA) February 4, 1985 1:09:28 pm PST EXPORTed TYPEs parameters for killing packets Alto Pulses are short Maybe we should do something for the local case? is already set up to the desired network goes (slowly) around in circles Pup is assumed to have arrived from somewhere else. We fixup defaults here. in case we are returning a broadcast packet Formerly in DummyForwarder, but more properly here... ΚΪ˜codešœ™Kšœ Οmœ1™