DIRECTORY Basics USING [LongNumber], BufferDefs USING [OisBuffer], Checksums USING [SetChecksum, TestChecksum], CommunicationInternal USING [], CommFlags USING [doDebug, doStats, doStorms], CommUtilDefs USING [CopyLong], DriverDefs USING [ChangeNumberOfInputBuffers, DriverXmitStatus, GetDeviceChain, Glitch, MaybeGetFreeOisBuffer, Network, PutOnGlobalDoneQueue, RouterObject, SetOisRouter], OISCP USING [allHostIDs, CreditReceiveOisBuffer, EnqueueOis, MaybeGetFreeReceiveOisBufferFromPool, unknownNetID, unknownSocketID], OISCPConstants USING [routingInformationSocket], OISCPTypes USING [ bytesPerPktHeader, bytesPerPktText, maxBytesPerPkt, OISErrorCode, TransPortControl], Process USING [Yield], ProcessorFace USING [GetClockPulses], Router USING [AddNetwork, FindNetworkAndTransmit, FindDestinationRelativeNetID, ForwardPacket, RemoveNetwork, RoutingInformationPacket, RoutingTableOn, RoutingTableOff, SocketTable, StateChanged, XmitStatus], SocketInternal USING [SocketHandle], SpecialCommunication USING [RoutersFunction], NSAddress USING [broadcastHostNumber, GetProcessorID, HostNumber, NetworkAddress, nullNetworkNumber, NetworkNumber, SocketNumber], StatsDefs USING [StatIncr]; RouterImpl: MONITOR LOCKS socketRouterLock IMPORTS BufferDefs, Checksums, CommUtilDefs, DriverDefs, OISCP, Process, ProcessorFace, Router, NSAddress, StatsDefs EXPORTS BufferDefs, CommunicationInternal, OISCP, Router SHARES BufferDefs = BEGIN OPEN DriverDefs, OISCP, OISCPTypes, SocketInternal, StatsDefs; Network: PUBLIC TYPE = DriverDefs.Network; primaryMDS: PUBLIC BOOLEAN _ TRUE; -- we are in the primary MDS. checkIt: PUBLIC BOOLEAN _ TRUE; -- checksums on for everybody driverLoopback: BOOLEAN _ FALSE; -- loopback in router stormy: BOOLEAN _ FALSE; -- storms for debugging are not on routersFunction: PUBLIC SpecialCommunication.RoutersFunction _ vanillaRouting; myHostID: NSAddress.HostNumber; -- processor ID of this system element initialSpareSocketID: NSAddress.SocketNumber = [1001]; initialTransportControl: OISCPTypes.TransPortControl = [trace: FALSE, filler: 0, hopCount: 0]; oiscpRouter: DriverDefs.RouterObject _ [input: LOOPHOLE[ReceivePacket], broadcast: LOOPHOLE[SendBroadcastPacketToCorrectNet], addNetwork: Router.AddNetwork, removeNetwork: Router.RemoveNetwork, stateChanged: Router.StateChanged]; lightning: INTEGER _ 30; bolt: INTEGER _ 10; socketRouterLock: PUBLIC MONITORLOCK; spareSocketID: NSAddress.SocketNumber; socketTable: Router.SocketTable; IllegalOisPktLength: ERROR = CODE; AssignOisAddress: PUBLIC ENTRY PROCEDURE RETURNS [localAddr: NSAddress.NetworkAddress] = BEGIN localAddr _ [net: Router.FindDestinationRelativeNetID[NSAddress.nullNetworkNumber], host: myHostID, socket: spareSocketID]; IF (spareSocketID _ [spareSocketID + 1]) = NSAddress.SocketNumber[0] THEN spareSocketID _ initialSpareSocketID; END; -- AssignOisAddress AssignDestinationRelativeOisAddress: PUBLIC ENTRY PROCEDURE [destNet: NSAddress.NetworkNumber] RETURNS [localAddr: NSAddress.NetworkAddress] = BEGIN localAddr _ [net: Router.FindDestinationRelativeNetID[destNet], host: myHostID, socket: spareSocketID]; IF (spareSocketID _ [spareSocketID + 1]) = NSAddress.SocketNumber[0] THEN spareSocketID _ initialSpareSocketID; END; -- AssignDestinationRelativeOisAddress AddSocket: PUBLIC ENTRY PROCEDURE [sH: SocketHandle] = BEGIN MaybeIncreaseDriversBuffers: PROCEDURE = INLINE BEGIN previousSH: SocketHandle _ socketTable.first; UNTIL previousSH = NIL DO IF > 0 THEN RETURN; previousSH _; ENDLOOP; DriverDefs.ChangeNumberOfInputBuffers[TRUE]; -- TRUE => increase END; IF > 0 THEN MaybeIncreaseDriversBuffers[]; _ socketTable.first; socketTable.first _ sH; socketTable.length _ socketTable.length + 1; END; -- AddSocket RemoveSocket: PUBLIC ENTRY PROCEDURE [sH: SocketHandle] = BEGIN MaybeDecreaseDriversBuffers: PROCEDURE = INLINE BEGIN previousSH _ socketTable.first; UNTIL previousSH = NIL DO IF > 0 THEN RETURN; previousSH _; ENDLOOP; DriverDefs.ChangeNumberOfInputBuffers[FALSE]; -- FALSE => decrease END; previousSH: SocketHandle; IF socketTable.first = sH THEN socketTable.first _ ELSE BEGIN previousSH _ socketTable.first; UNTIL previousSH = NIL DO IF = sH THEN BEGIN _; EXIT; END; previousSH _; ENDLOOP; END; socketTable.length _ socketTable.length - 1; IF > 0 THEN MaybeDecreaseDriversBuffers[]; END; -- RemoveSocket SetOisStormy: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [new: BOOLEAN] = BEGIN stormy _ new; END; SetOisCheckit: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [new: BOOLEAN] = BEGIN checkIt _ new; END; SetOisDriverLoopback: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [new: BOOLEAN] = BEGIN driverLoopback _ new; END; -- SetOisDriverLoopback FindMyHostID: PUBLIC PROCEDURE RETURNS [NSAddress.HostNumber] = BEGIN RETURN[myHostID]; END; -- FindMyHostID GetOisPacketTextLength: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [b: BufferDefs.OisBuffer] RETURNS [CARDINAL] = BEGIN RETURN[b.ois.pktLength - bytesPerPktHeader]; END; SetOisPacketTextLength: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [b: BufferDefs.OisBuffer, len: CARDINAL] = BEGIN IF len IN [0..bytesPerPktText] THEN b.ois.pktLength _ len + bytesPerPktHeader ELSE IF CommFlags.doDebug THEN Glitch[IllegalOisPktLength]; END; -- SetOisPacketTextLength SetOisPacketLength: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [b: BufferDefs.OisBuffer, len: CARDINAL] = BEGIN IF len IN [bytesPerPktHeader..maxBytesPerPkt] THEN b.ois.pktLength _ len ELSE IF CommFlags.doDebug THEN Glitch[IllegalOisPktLength]; END; -- SetOisPacketLength SendPacket: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [b: BufferDefs.OisBuffer] = BEGIN IF CommFlags.doStorms AND stormy AND PacketHit[] THEN BEGIN DriverDefs.PutOnGlobalDoneQueue[b]; RETURN; -- for debugging only END; IF = myHostID AND NOT driverLoopback THEN BEGIN IF NOT DeliveredToLocalSocket[b, TRUE] THEN -- TRUE -> copy this buffer BEGIN nullNetwork: Network = NIL; -- because of EXPORTed TYPEs bug IF CommFlags.doStats THEN StatIncr[statJunkOisForUsNoLocalSocket]; _ nullNetwork; SendErrorPacket[b, noSocketOisErrorCode, 0]; END; DriverDefs.PutOnGlobalDoneQueue[b]; Process.Yield[]; END ELSE BEGIN b.ois.transCntlAndPktTp.transportControl _ initialTransportControl; IF checkIt THEN Checksums.SetChecksum[b] ELSE b.ois.checksum _ 177777B; [] _ Router.FindNetworkAndTransmit[b]; END; END; -- SendPacket ReceivePacket: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [b: BufferDefs.OisBuffer] = BEGIN badChecksum: BOOLEAN; incomingNet: Network; destHost: NSAddress.HostNumber _; broadcastPacket: BOOLEAN _ FALSE; IF b.ois.pktLength < OISCPTypes.bytesPerPktHeader THEN BEGIN IF CommFlags.doStats THEN StatIncr[statOisDiscarded]; DriverDefs.PutOnGlobalDoneQueue[b]; -- done with this packet RETURN; END; IF (badChecksum _ IF checkIt THEN NOT Checksums.TestChecksum[b] ELSE FALSE) THEN BEGIN IF CommFlags.doStats THEN BEGIN StatIncr[statReceivedBadOisChecksum]; StatIncr[statOisDiscarded]; END; DriverDefs.PutOnGlobalDoneQueue[b]; -- done with this packet RETURN; END; IF CommFlags.doStorms AND stormy AND PacketHit[] THEN BEGIN DriverDefs.PutOnGlobalDoneQueue[b]; RETURN; END; -- for debugging only incomingNet _; IF destHost = myHostID OR ((broadcastPacket_(destHost = allHostIDs)) AND (incomingNet.netNumber = OR ( = NSAddress.nullNetworkNumber)) THEN BEGIN -- incomming packet for us (we may have broadcast it) IF NOT DeliveredToLocalSocket[b, FALSE] THEN BEGIN IF b.ois.destination.socket = OISCPConstants.routingInformationSocket THEN Router.RoutingInformationPacket[b] -- we still own this packet! ELSE BEGIN -- packet for unknown socket IF NOT broadcastPacket THEN BEGIN SendErrorPacket[b, noSocketOisErrorCode, 0]; IF CommFlags.doStats THEN StatIncr[statJunkOisForUsNoLocalSocket]; END ELSE IF CommFlags.doStats THEN StatIncr[statJunkBroadcastOis] END; DriverDefs.PutOnGlobalDoneQueue[b]; -- done with this packet END; END ELSE SELECT TRUE FROM routersFunction=interNetworkRouting => BEGIN Router.ForwardPacket[b]; -- dispatcher returns to system pool END; b.ois.destination.socket=OISCPConstants.routingInformationSocket => BEGIN Router.RoutingInformationPacket[b]; -- we still own this packet! DriverDefs.PutOnGlobalDoneQueue[b]; END; ENDCASE => BEGIN IF CommFlags.doStats THEN StatIncr[statOisDiscarded]; DriverDefs.PutOnGlobalDoneQueue[b]; -- we got the packet when we shouldn't have! END; END; -- ReceivePacket PacketHit: ENTRY PROCEDURE RETURNS [BOOLEAN] = BEGIN IF (lightning _ lightning + 1) > bolt OR lightning < 0 THEN BEGIN IF lightning > bolt THEN BEGIN IF bolt > 100 THEN BEGIN randLong: LONG CARDINAL _ ProcessorFace.GetClockPulses[]; rand: CARDINAL _ LOOPHOLE[randLong, Basics.LongNumber].lowbits; lightning _ -INTEGER[rand MOD 20B]; bolt _ 10; END ELSE BEGIN lightning _ 0; bolt _ bolt + 1; END; END; IF CommFlags.doStats THEN StatIncr[statZappedP]; RETURN[TRUE]; END ELSE RETURN[FALSE]; END; -- PacketHit DeliveredToLocalSocket: ENTRY PROCEDURE [b: BufferDefs.OisBuffer, useCopy: BOOLEAN] RETURNS [BOOLEAN] = BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; destSocket: NSAddress.SocketNumber _ b.ois.destination.socket; sH, prevSH: SocketHandle; FOR sH _ (prevSH _ socketTable.first), UNTIL sH = NIL DO IF sH.localAddr.socket = destSocket THEN BEGIN IF useCopy THEN EnqueueCopyOfNewInput[sH, b] ELSE EnqueueNewInput[sH, b]; IF prevSH # socketTable.first THEN BEGIN _; -- this removes sH from the list _ socketTable.first; socketTable.first _ sH; -- this puts sH at head of list END; RETURN[TRUE]; END; prevSH _ sH; ENDLOOP; RETURN[FALSE]; END; -- DeliveredToLocalSocket EnqueueNewInput: INTERNAL PROCEDURE [sH: SocketHandle, b: BufferDefs.OisBuffer] = INLINE BEGIN IF (sH.channelState = aborted) OR NOT (OISCP.CreditReceiveOisBuffer[sH.pool, b]) THEN BEGIN IF CommFlags.doStats THEN StatsDefs.StatIncr[statOisInputQueueOverflow]; DriverDefs.PutOnGlobalDoneQueue[b]; RETURN; END; b.status _ LOOPHOLE[Router.XmitStatus[goodCompletion]]; EnqueueOis[sH.completedUserGetQueue, b]; BROADCAST sH.newUserInput; END; -- EnqueueNewInput EnqueueCopyOfNewInput: INTERNAL PROCEDURE [ sH: SocketHandle, b: BufferDefs.OisBuffer] = INLINE BEGIN getBuffer: BufferDefs.OisBuffer _ IF sH.channelState = aborted THEN NIL ELSE MaybeGetFreeReceiveOisBufferFromPool[sH.pool]; IF (getBuffer # NIL) THEN BEGIN getBuffer.status _ LOOPHOLE[Router.XmitStatus[goodCompletion]]; CommUtilDefs.CopyLong[ from: @b.ois.checksum, nwords: (b.ois.pktLength + 1)/2, to: @getBuffer.ois.checksum]; EnqueueOis[sH.completedUserGetQueue, getBuffer]; BROADCAST sH.newUserInput; END ELSE IF CommFlags.doStats THEN StatsDefs.StatIncr[statOisInputQueueOverflow]; END; -- EnqueueNewLocalInput BroadcastThisPacket: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [b: BufferDefs.OisBuffer] = BEGIN network: Network; IF CommFlags.doStats THEN StatIncr[statOisBroadcast]; b.allNets _ TRUE; -- this is where it gets turned on _ NSAddress.broadcastHostNumber; _ network _ DriverDefs.GetDeviceChain[]; IF network = NIL THEN BEGIN DriverDefs.PutOnGlobalDoneQueue[b]; IF CommFlags.doStats THEN StatsDefs.StatIncr[statOisSentNowhere]; RETURN; END; SendBroadcastPacketToCorrectNet[b]; END; -- BroadcastThisPacket SendBroadcastPacketToCorrectNet: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [b: BufferDefs.OisBuffer] = BEGIN network: Network _; IF ~network.alive OR (b.bypassZeroNet AND network.netNumber = [0, 0]) THEN BEGIN DriverDefs.PutOnGlobalDoneQueue[b]; RETURN; END; _ _ network.netNumber; _ myHostID; IF checkIt THEN Checksums.SetChecksum[b] ELSE b.ois.checksum _ 177777B; LOOPHOLE[b.status, DriverDefs.DriverXmitStatus] _ goodCompletion; network.encapsulateOis[b, NSAddress.broadcastHostNumber]; network.sendBuffer[b]; END; -- SendBroadcastPacketToCorrectNet SendErrorPacket: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [offendingPkt: BufferDefs.OisBuffer, errCode: OISCPTypes.OISErrorCode, errParm: CARDINAL] = BEGIN net: Network =; b: BufferDefs.OisBuffer; offenseLen: CARDINAL; IF offendingPkt.ois.transCntlAndPktTp.packetType=error THEN RETURN; -- don't send errors about errors IF (b _ DriverDefs.MaybeGetFreeOisBuffer[])=NIL THEN RETURN; -- give up! b.ois.destination _ offendingPkt.ois.source; b.ois.source _ [ IF net=NIL THEN OISCP.unknownNetID ELSE net.netNumber, myHostID, OISCP.unknownSocketID]; b.ois.transCntlAndPktTp _ [initialTransportControl, error]; b.ois.errorType _ errCode; b.ois.errorParameter _ errParm; offenseLen _ MIN[offendingPkt.ois.pktLength, OISCPTypes.bytesPerPktText-4]; -- four is for errorType and errorParameter. CommUtilDefs.CopyLong[@offendingPkt.ois, (offenseLen+1)/2, @b.ois.errorBody]; SetOisPacketTextLength[b, offenseLen+4]; SendPacket[b]; END; -- SendErrorPacket OisRouterOn: PUBLIC PROCEDURE = BEGIN OisRouterActivate[]; Router.RoutingTableOn[]; DriverDefs.SetOisRouter[@oiscpRouter]; END; -- OisRouterOn OisRouterActivate: ENTRY PROCEDURE = INLINE BEGIN myHostID _ NSAddress.GetProcessorID[]; IF primaryMDS THEN socketTable _ [length: 0, first: NIL]; END; -- OisRouterActivate OisRouterOff: PUBLIC PROCEDURE = BEGIN DriverDefs.SetOisRouter[NIL]; OisRouterDeactivate[]; Router.RoutingTableOff[]; END; -- OisRouterOff OisRouterDeactivate: ENTRY PROCEDURE = INLINE BEGIN END; -- OisRouterDeactivate IF primaryMDS THEN spareSocketID _ initialSpareSocketID; END. -- RouterImpl module. LOG Time: January 19, 1980 4:05 PM By: Dalal Action: Split OISCPRouter into two. Time: January 21, 1980 6:07 PM By: Dalal Action: one lock for SocketImpl and RouterImpl. Time: March 13, 1980 4:55 PM By: BLyon Action: modified SendPacket. Time: March 18, 1980 4:09 PM By: BLyon Action: Modified EnqueueNewInput where it gets an input buffer. Time: May 12, 1980 6:38 PM By: BLyon Action: Put checksum into microcode (switched order parameters too). Time: May 16, 1980 10:07 AM PM By: BLyon Action: Removed all ShortenPointer to allow multiple MDS. Time: June 30, 1980 1:02 PM By: BLyon Action: Checkit init to FALSE instead of TRUE.. Time: July 22, 1980 11:03 AM By: BLyon Action: Checkit changed back to TRUE; checksums stuff put in seperate modules; we now receive out own broadcasts. Time: August 1, 1980 1:29 PM By: BLyon Action: replaced internetRouter by routersFunction. Time: September 13, 1980 6:15 PM By: HGM Action: Add StateChanged. Time: September 18, 1980 3:34 PM By: BLyon Action: AssignOisAddress puts unknownNetID in network field rather than primaryNetID. Time: February 24, 1981 3:25 PM By: BLyon Action: put extra clause in ReceivePacket so that an INR would forward a broadcast instead of eating it with a local socket. RouterImpl.mesa - implementation module for the Pilot OISCP Router switch Copyright c 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. BLyon on: March 21, 1981 11:53 AM) Levin, August 9, 1983 9:22 am Many of these variables must eventually live in outerspace so that multiple MDSs access the same router variables. The modules in the primary MDS will have the proceses and will perform the initialization of the "globals", while the others will not. The lock covers both SocketImpl and RouterImpl, specifically the socket objects, the socket table, and spare socket ID counter. These will all live in outerspace. The monitor locks some variables on the global frame too. They can be MDS specific. EXPORTed TYPEs switches and variables that don't change during execution unless for diagnostics oiscp router object for the dispatcher. There will only be one for all MDSs, but it can live on all global frame instances or we can put it in hyperspace and have the dispatcher access it via a long pointer. The former is preferable. monitor protected data. parameters for killing packets for debugging I think only the following need be in outerspace, accesible via a pointer since these will be touched by multiple MDS processes via their copy of RouterImpl and SocketImpl. lock for the router and all the sockets. Some day the socketIDs in use will be remembered across wrap around, and maybe the rebooting of Pilot. socket table various Glitches generated by the router Cool Procedures This procedure assigns a temporary socket number in an NSAddress.NetworkAddress. Some day the active socket numbers in use will be kept around, so that on wrap around an unused number will be assigned. When the system element is connected to more than one network, this procedure must return a list of NSAddress.NetworkAddress. This procedure is just like the previous one except that the network number is relative to the destination network. That is, we pick that one of our locally connected networks that is the best way to get to destNet, with the hope that it is the best way to get from destNet to us. This procedure tells the OISCP Router about a new socket. add new socket to the head of the table This procedure removes a socket from the OISCP Router's tables. This is not an entry procedure because we change it only for debugging and can live with a race condition. SetOisStormy This is not an entry procedure because we change it only for debugging and can live with a race condition. SetOisCheckIt This is not an entry procedure because we change it only for debugging and can live with a race condition. This procedure returns the processor ID of this machine. GetOisPacketTextLength Hot Procedures This procedure transmits a packet over a locally connected network. The procedure assumes that all fields of the buffer have been filled in appropriately, except the encapsulation and buffer length which depend on the network. If the packet is destined for a local socket and we do NOT want to do loopback at the driver or at the network, then it gets looped back here. Broadcast packets are NOT delivered to the source socket. Packets are no longer copied into system buffers. The caller owns the buffer. The buffer is asynchronously sent and retruned to the caller process by the dispatcher using b.requeueProcedure. packet is for a local socket; broadcast packets are not delivered locally no socket we requeue here because we shorted the drivers and dispatcher. we Yield here to prevent local communication from using all of the cycles. packet is for a remote machine If the destination net is inaccessible then we will have suffered the overhead of computing a checksum, but we don't expect inaccessible nets that often. set the checksum if appropriate This procedure is called by the Dispatcher when it sees a valid ois packet in a system buffer. The procedure checks the checksum field and then routes the packet to a local socket. If this is an internetwork router, then the packets are forwarded over a suitable network. We now own this packet. hardware says ok, but bad end-to-end software checksum. packet is in good shape, route it. FALSE -> do not copy this buffer, but deliver it routing information socket is part of router in another module Hot, except should really not exist; therefor cold? This procedure attempts to hit a packet with a bolt of lightening, and if it succeeds, then it returns true else false. The caller dispenses with the buffer. This procedure finds a local socket object to deliver the packet to, and if it succeeds, then it returns true else false. Caller retains ownership of buffer if useCopy is true or return is false; caller loses buffer ownership if NOT useCopy and return is true. find the correct socket for this packet do some dynamic socket ordering before returning; rearange the list only if sH was not in the first two entries of the list. This procedure enqueues a new input packet at the socket object. The incoming buffer is from a network driver and NOT a local socket. The caller of this routine relinquishes ownership of this buffer. This procedure enqueues a new input packet at the socket object. The incoming buffer is only from a local socket. The caller of this routine retains ownership of this buffer. Copy b into the first OisBuffer on the pendingGetQueue, if there is one. assume always good getBuffer is full sized OisBuffer, therefore no need to check length funny name This procedure causes a broadcast packet to be sent over all networks. This procedure causes a broadcast packet to be sent out over the right network. goes (slowly) around in circles This procedure generates and sends an error packet. All or most of the offending packet is copied into the the error packet. The caller of this Procedure still owns offendingPkt. Cold Procedures This procedure turns the router on. The Communication software is written with the idea of eventually turning the code on and off during execution, and so we should get the latest values of netID and hostID when being turned back on. cleanup the socket table. IF primaryMDS THEN Cold initialization Κ~˜codešœI™IKšœ Οmœ1™™>KšœJ™JK˜#K˜Kšž˜—šž˜Kšœ™Kšž˜KšœR™RKšœG™GKšœ™K˜CKšžœ žœžœ˜GK˜&Kšžœ˜—KšžœŸ ˜K˜—KšœV™VKšœP™PKšœU™UKšœ,™,š  œžœž œ˜;Kšž˜Kšœ žœ˜K˜K˜8Kšœžœžœ˜"K˜šžœ0ž˜6Kšž˜Kšžœžœ˜5Kšœ$Ÿ˜——KšžœŸ5˜;šžœžœžœž˜,Kšœ0™0Kšž˜Kšœ>™>šžœDž˜JKšœ#Ÿ˜?K˜—šž˜KšžœŸ˜"——šžœžœž˜Kšž˜K˜,Kšžœžœ)˜BKšž˜—šžœžœžœ˜=Kšžœ˜Kšœ$Ÿ˜K˜Kšœ'™'šžœ,žœžœž˜@šžœ"ž˜(Kšž˜Kšžœ žœžœ˜IKšœL™LKšœ0™0šžœž˜"Kšž˜KšœŸ ˜7K˜KšœŸ˜7K˜Kšžœ˜—Kšžœžœ˜ Kšžœ˜—K˜ Kšžœ˜—Kšžœžœ˜KšžœŸ˜K˜—Kšœ@™@KšœE™EKšœA™Aš œžœž œ.˜QKšž˜Kšž˜šžœžœž˜%Kšœžœ%ž˜/Kšž˜Kšžœžœ/˜HK˜#Kšžœ˜Kšžœ˜—Kšœ žœ$˜7K˜(Kšž œ˜KšžœŸ˜K˜—Kšœ@™@Kšœ1™1Kšœ<™<š œžœž œ˜+Kšœ-ž˜3Kšž˜˜!Kšžœžœž˜%Kšžœ/˜3—KšœH™Hšžœžœž˜Kšž˜Kšœžœ$˜?Kšœ™KšœD™D˜K˜7K˜—K˜0Kšž œ˜Kšž˜—Kšžœžœžœ/˜MKšœ ™ KšžœŸ˜K˜—KšœF™Fš œžœž œ˜AKšž˜K˜Kšžœžœ˜5Kšœ žœŸ"˜4K˜7K˜2šžœ žœžœ˜Kšž˜K˜#Kšžœžœ(˜AKšžœ˜Kšžœ˜—K˜#KšžœŸ˜K˜—KšœO™Oš œžœž œ˜MKšž˜K˜šžœžœžœž˜JKšžœ%žœžœ˜6—Kšœ™K˜=K˜Kšžœ žœžœ˜GKšžœ9˜AK˜9K˜KšžœŸ"˜(K˜—KšœH™HKšœJ™JKšœ"™"š œžœž œQžœ˜}Kšž˜K˜$K˜Kšœ žœ˜Kšžœ5žœžœŸ!˜fKš žœ*žœžœžœŸ ˜IK˜,š œžœžœžœžœžœ˜GKšœ žœ˜!—K˜;K˜K˜Kšœ žœ=Ÿ,˜yK˜MK˜(K˜KšžœŸ˜K˜—Kšœ™K˜KšœS™SKšœQ™QKšœD™Dš  œžœž œ˜Kšž˜K˜K˜K˜&KšžœŸ˜K˜—š œžœž œž˜+Kšž˜K˜&Kšžœ žœ"žœ˜9KšžœŸ˜K˜—š  œžœž œ˜ Kšž˜Kšœžœ˜K˜K˜KšžœŸ˜K˜—š œžœž œž˜-Kšž˜Kšœ™Kšœ™K˜KšžœŸ˜K˜—Kšœ™Kšœ™K˜Kšžœ žœ&˜8K˜KšžœŸ˜K˜—Kšž˜K˜Kšœžœ/˜NKšœžœ;˜ZKšœžœ)˜FKšœžœL˜iKšœžœQ˜lKšœžœžœBžœ˜fKšœžœ%žœ žœ˜YKšœžœ-žœN˜œKšœžœA˜^Kšœžœžœ˜FKšœžœc˜„KšœžœBžœE˜ͺK˜—…—9TcΪ