DIRECTORY EthernetFace USING[ HostNumber ], ProcessorFace USING[ processorID ]; NSAddress: DEFINITIONS IMPORTS ProcessorFace = BEGIN NetworkAddress: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [ net(0): NetworkNumber, host(2): HostNumber, socket(5): SocketNumber]; nullNetworkAddress: NetworkAddress = [net: nullNetworkNumber, host: nullHostNumber, socket: [0]]; NetworkNumber: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [a, b: CARDINAL]; nullNetworkNumber: NetworkNumber = [0, 0]; HostNumber: TYPE = EthernetFace.HostNumber; nullHostNumber: physical HostNumber = [physical[0, 0, 0]]; MulticastID: TYPE = multicast HostNumber _ NULL; broadcastHostNumber: HostNumber = [multicast[LAST[CARDINAL[0..32768)], LAST[CARDINAL], LAST[CARDINAL]]]; SocketNumber: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [CARDINAL]; nullSocketNumber: SocketNumber = [0]; ProcessorID: TYPE = physical HostNumber _ NULL; nullProcessorID: ProcessorID = nullHostNumber; GetProcessorID: PROCEDURE RETURNS [p: ProcessorID] = INLINE { RETURN[ LOOPHOLE[ProcessorFace.processorID] ] }; END. LOG Time: January 25, 1980 3:12 PM By: Dalal Action: Created file Time: January 27, 1980 7:12 PM By: Forrest Action: Corrected file creation date Time: May 9, 1980 1:36 PM By: McJones Action: Changed to 48-bit processor id, added network address types Time: September 2, 1980 4:56 PM By: McJones Action: Add NULL default to ProcessorID, MulticastID so they can be used within implementations of exported types Time: May 6, 1983 3:15 pm By: ADB Action: Created from SpecialSystem for Cedar nucleus conversion. RNSAddress.mesa: layout of NS network addresses Copyright c 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. created from SpecialSystem.mesa edited by Jones on September 2, 1980 4:56 PM) Andrew Birrell May 9, 1983 2:48 pm A physical host number is assigned to an actual system element. A multicast host number names a logical group all wishing to receive a particular class of multicast packets. The number of no host. A special host number used for broadcasting messages; must be kept consistent with the communication interfaces! Return the EthernetFace.HostNumber by which this system element is known to the Ethernet head. In principle, this is some translation of the processorID provided by the ProcessorFace, but it happens to be the identity transformation, hence the LOOPHOLE. Perhaps this should really be in the EthernetFace? Êþ˜codešœ.™.Kšœ Ïmœ1™