DIRECTORY Basics USING [BITAND, LongNumber], BufferDefs, CommFlags USING [doDebug, doStats], DriverDefs USING [GetGiantVector, GiantVector, Glitch, GetDeviceChain, GetInputBuffer, Network, NetworkObject, AddDeviceToChain, PutOnGlobalDoneQueue, PutOnGlobalInputQueue], DriverTypes USING [Byte, ethernetEncapsulationOffset, ethernetEncapsulationBytes], EthernetOneFace, EthernetDriverStats, GermSwap USING [switches], LoadState USING [SelfDestruct], PrincOpsUtils USING [AllocateNakedCondition, DeallocateNakedCondition, GlobalFrame, HighHalf, LongCopy, LowHalf, LongZero], Process USING [Detach, DisableTimeout, MsecToTicks, SecondsToTicks, SetPriority, SetTimeout, Ticks, Yield], ProcessorFace USING [GetGreenwichMeanTime, GetClockPulses, GreenwichMeanTime, microsecondsPerHundredPulses], PupTypes USING [allHosts, PupErrorCode, PupHostID], RPCPrivate USING[ rpcSocket ], StatsDefs USING [StatBump, StatIncr, StatCounterIndex], SpecialCommunication USING [], NSAddress USING [broadcastHostNumber, ProcessorID, HostNumber, GetProcessorID, nullNetworkNumber]; EthernetOneDriver: MONITOR IMPORTS Basics, BufferDefs, DriverDefs, GermSwap, StatsDefs, EthernetOneFace, LoadState, PrincOpsUtils, Process, ProcessorFace, NSAddress EXPORTS BufferDefs, DriverDefs, EthernetDriverStats, SpecialCommunication, RPCPrivate SHARES BufferDefs, DriverTypes, NSAddress = { OPEN StatsDefs, BufferDefs, EthernetOneFace, NSAddress; doStats: BOOL = CommFlags.doStats AND FALSE; Network: PUBLIC TYPE = DriverDefs.Network; ethernetEncapsulationOffset: CARDINAL = DriverTypes.ethernetEncapsulationOffset; ethernetEncapsulationBytes: CARDINAL = DriverTypes.ethernetEncapsulationBytes; ether: DeviceHandle; globalStatePtr: GlobalStatePtr; -- Allocate space if needed inProcess, outProcess: PROCESS; inWait, outWait: LONG POINTER TO CONDITION _ NIL; firstOutputBuffer, lastOutputBuffer: Buffer; firstInputBuffer, lastInputBuffer: Buffer; inInterruptMask, outInterruptMask: WORD; watcherProcess: PROCESS; pleaseStop: BOOL; timer: CONDITION; timeLastRecv, timeSendStarted: Pulses; fiveSecondsOfPulses: Pulses; fiveHalfSecondsOfPulses: Pulses; oneSecondOfPulses: Pulses; inputQueueLength: CARDINAL _ 1; inputBuffersInQueue: CARDINAL; --RPC-- loanedToRPC: CARDINAL; -- this number from inputBuffersInQueue aren't really --RPC-- systemBufferSize: CARDINAL _ 0; myNetwork: DriverDefs.NetworkObject _ [ decapsulateBuffer: DecapsulateBuffer, encapsulatePup: EncapsulatePup, encapsulateOis: EncapsulateOis, sendBuffer: SendBuffer, forwardBuffer: ForwardBuffer, activateDriver: ActivateDriver, deactivateDriver: DeactivateDriver, deleteDriver: DeleteDriver, interrupt: InInterrupt, changeNumberOfInputBuffers: MaybeChangeNumberOfInputBuffers, alive: TRUE, speed: 3000, -- in kiloBits/sec buffers:, spare:, device: ethernetOne, index:, netNumber: nullNetworkNumber, hostNumber:, next: NIL, pupStats: NIL, stats: NIL]; myEar: CARDINAL; getGarbage: BOOL _ FALSE; -- when true, we deliver any packet FunnyRetransmissionMask: PUBLIC ERROR = CODE; MachineIDTooBigForEthernet: PUBLIC ERROR = CODE; DriverNotActive: PUBLIC ERROR = CODE; DriverAlreadyActive: PUBLIC ERROR = CODE; EthernetNetNumberScrambled: PUBLIC ERROR = CODE; CantMakImageWhileEtherentDriverIsActive: PUBLIC ERROR = CODE; OnlyTwoDriversArePossible: PUBLIC ERROR = CODE; BufferMustBeQuadWordAligned: PUBLIC ERROR = CODE; IOCBMustBeQuadWordAligned: PUBLIC ERROR = CODE; IOCBMustBeInFirstMDS: PUBLIC ERROR = CODE; etherStats: EthernetDriverStats.EtherStats _ NIL; Alignment: PROC [lp: LONG POINTER] RETURNS [CARDINAL] = INLINE { RETURN [Basics.BITAND[LOOPHOLE[PrincOpsUtils.LowHalf[lp]], 3]]; }; Pulses: TYPE = LONG CARDINAL; MicrosecondsToPulses: PROC[m: LONG CARDINAL] RETURNS[ Pulses] = { RETURN[MIN[LAST[LONG CARDINAL]/100,m/ProcessorFace.microsecondsPerHundredPulses]*100 ];}; InInterrupt: ENTRY PROC = { acceptBuffer: BOOL; this, new: Buffer; status: Status; lastMissed, missed: CARDINAL _ GetPacketsMissed[ether]; Process.SetPriority[3]; DO UNTIL pleaseStop OR (this _ firstInputBuffer) # NIL DO WAIT inWait; ENDLOOP; IF pleaseStop THEN EXIT; status _ GetStatus[this.iocbChain]; IF doStats AND status # pending THEN StatIncr[statEtherInterruptDuringInterrupt]; UNTIL pleaseStop OR status # pending DO WAIT inWait; status _ GetStatus[this.iocbChain]; IF doStats AND status = pending THEN StatIncr[statEtherMissingStatus]; ENDLOOP; IF doStats AND (missed _ GetPacketsMissed[ether]) # lastMissed THEN { StatBump[statEtherEmptyNoBuffer, missed - lastMissed]; lastMissed _ missed; }; IF pleaseStop THEN EXIT; firstInputBuffer _; SELECT status FROM ok => acceptBuffer _ TRUE; ENDCASE => { etherStats.badRecvStatus _ etherStats.badRecvStatus + 1; IF status = overrun THEN etherStats.overruns _ etherStats.overruns + 1; acceptBuffer _ getGarbage; -- we may be collecting garbage packets IF doStats THEN SELECT status FROM packetTooLong => StatIncr[statEtherReceivedTooLong]; badAlignmentButOkCrc => StatIncr[statEtherReceivedNot16]; crc => StatIncr[statEtherReceivedBadCRC]; crcAndBadAlignment => StatIncr[statEtherReceivedNot16BadCRC]; overrun => StatIncr[statEtherReceivedOverrun]; ENDCASE => StatIncr[statEtherReceivedBadStatus]; }; IF acceptBuffer THEN { allocateAnother: BOOL; this.time _ timeLastRecv _ ProcessorFace.GetClockPulses[]; this.length _ GetPacketLength[this.iocbChain]; _ LONG[@myNetwork]; -- LONG because of Mokelumne compiler bug etherStats.packetsRecv _ etherStats.packetsRecv + 1; etherStats.wordsRecv _ etherStats.wordsRecv + this.length; IF doStats THEN { StatIncr[statEtherPacketsReceived]; StatBump[statEtherWordsReceived, this.length]; }; IF EnqueueRecvd # NIL AND this.encapsulation.ethernetOneType = pup AND 2*this.length >= this.pupLength + ethernetEncapsulationBytes AND this.dest.socket = RPCPrivate.rpcSocket THEN { _ NIL -- assumed by SendBuffer --; IF EnqueueRecvd[LOOPHOLE[this,PupBuffer]] THEN { new _ NIL; allocateAnother _ (loanedToRPC+2 > inputBuffersInQueue) } ELSE { new _ this; allocateAnother _ FALSE; new.length _ systemBufferSize }; } ELSE { DriverDefs.PutOnGlobalInputQueue[this]; allocateAnother _ TRUE }; IF allocateAnother THEN { IF (new _ DriverDefs.GetInputBuffer[]) = NIL THEN { inputBuffersInQueue _ inputBuffersInQueue - 1; NOTIFY timer; etherStats.inputOff _ etherStats.inputOff + 1; IF doStats THEN StatIncr[statEtherEmptyFreeQueue]; }; -- cant get new input buffer clause } ELSE -- we may have loaned the buffer to RPC; don't replace it -- IF new = NIL THEN loanedToRPC _ loanedToRPC + 1; } -- accept buffer clause ELSE { new _ this; -- Some kind of error, recycle this buffer }; -- reject buffer clause IF new # NIL THEN { new.device _ ethernetOne; QueueInput[ ether, @new.encapsulation + ethernetEncapsulationOffset, new.length - ethernetEncapsulationOffset, new.iocbChain]; IF systemBufferSize = 0 THEN systemBufferSize _ new.length; _ NIL; IF firstInputBuffer = NIL THEN firstInputBuffer _ new ELSE _ new; lastInputBuffer _ new; }; ENDLOOP; }; OutInterrupt: ENTRY PROC = { b: Buffer; status: Status; Process.SetPriority[3]; UNTIL pleaseStop DO DO IF pleaseStop THEN EXIT; IF (b _ firstOutputBuffer) # NIL AND (status _ GetStatus[b.iocbChain]) # pending THEN EXIT; WAIT outWait; ENDLOOP; IF pleaseStop THEN EXIT; -- so that we do not do something below SELECT status FROM ok => { tries: CARDINAL _ GetRetries[b.iocbChain]; etherStats.packetsSent _ etherStats.packetsSent + 1; etherStats.wordsSent _ etherStats.wordsSent + b.length; etherStats.loadTable[tries] _ etherStats.loadTable[tries] + 1; IF doStats THEN { statEtherSendsCollision1: StatsDefs.StatCounterIndex = statEtherSendsCollision1; first: CARDINAL = LOOPHOLE[statEtherSendsCollision1]; IF tries # 0 THEN StatIncr[LOOPHOLE[first + tries]]; }; }; ENDCASE => { SELECT status FROM tooManyCollisions => { etherStats.loadTable[EthernetDriverStats.MaxTries] _ etherStats.loadTable[EthernetDriverStats.MaxTries] + 1; IF doStats THEN StatIncr[statEtherSendsCollisionLoadOverflow]; }; underrun => { etherStats.overruns _ etherStats.overruns + 1; IF doStats THEN StatIncr[statEtherSendOverrun]; }; ENDCASE => { etherStats.badSendStatus _ etherStats.badSendStatus + 1; IF doStats THEN StatIncr[statEtherSendBadStatus]; }; }; firstOutputBuffer _; DriverDefs.PutOnGlobalDoneQueue[b]; ENDLOOP; }; GetElapsedPulses: PROC [startTime: Pulses] RETURNS [Pulses] = INLINE { RETURN[ProcessorFace.GetClockPulses[] - startTime]; }; Watcher: PROC = { UNTIL pleaseStop DO THROUGH [0..25) DO IF InputChainOK[] THEN EXIT; REPEAT FINISHED => { WatcherNotify[]; }; ENDLOOP; THROUGH [0..25) DO IF OutputChainOK[] THEN EXIT; REPEAT FINISHED => { WatcherNotify[]; }; ENDLOOP; IF GetElapsedPulses[timeLastRecv] > fiveSecondsOfPulses THEN FixupInput[]; IF firstOutputBuffer # NIL AND (GetElapsedPulses[timeSendStarted] > fiveHalfSecondsOfPulses) THEN ShootDownOutput[]; IF InputBufferQueueOK[] THEN WatcherWait[]; ENDLOOP; }; InputChainOK: ENTRY PROC RETURNS [BOOL] = INLINE { RETURN[ (firstInputBuffer = NIL) OR (GetStatus[firstInputBuffer.iocbChain] = pending)]; }; OutputChainOK: ENTRY PROC RETURNS [BOOL] = INLINE { RETURN[ (firstOutputBuffer = NIL) OR (GetStatus[firstOutputBuffer.iocbChain] = pending)]; }; InputBufferQueueOK: PROC RETURNS [BOOL] = INLINE { b: Buffer; enterTime: Pulses _ ProcessorFace.GetClockPulses[]; QueueInputBufferLocked: ENTRY PROC = INLINE { QueueInput[ ether, @b.encapsulation + ethernetEncapsulationOffset, b.length - ethernetEncapsulationOffset, b.iocbChain]; IF systemBufferSize = 0 THEN systemBufferSize _ b.length; IF firstInputBuffer = NIL THEN firstInputBuffer _ b ELSE _ b; lastInputBuffer _ b; inputBuffersInQueue _ inputBuffersInQueue + 1; }; WHILE (inputBuffersInQueue < myNetwork.buffers) DO IF (b _ DriverDefs.GetInputBuffer[TRUE]) # NIL THEN { b.device _ ethernetOne; _ NIL; QueueInputBufferLocked[]; }; IF GetElapsedPulses[enterTime] > oneSecondOfPulses THEN RETURN[FALSE]; ENDLOOP; RETURN[TRUE]; }; WatcherWait: ENTRY PROC = INLINE { WAIT timer; }; WatcherNotify: ENTRY PROC = INLINE { IF doStats THEN StatIncr[statEtherLostInterrupts]; SmashCSBs[]; -- this will leave output dangling }; FixupInput: ENTRY PROC = INLINE { IF doStats THEN StatIncr[statInputIdle]; SmashCSBs[]; -- this will leave output dangling }; ShootDownOutput: ENTRY PROC = INLINE { b: Buffer; TurnOff[ether]; UNTIL firstOutputBuffer = NIL DO b _ firstOutputBuffer; firstOutputBuffer _; DriverDefs.PutOnGlobalDoneQueue[b]; IF doStats THEN StatIncr[statPacketsStuckInOutput]; ENDLOOP; SmashCSBs[]; }; EnqueueRecvd: PROC[BufferDefs.PupBuffer]RETURNS[BOOL] _ NIL; GetRPCPackets: PUBLIC--RPCPrivate-- ENTRY PROC[ p: PROC[BufferDefs.PupBuffer]RETURNS[BOOL] ] = { EnqueueRecvd _ p }; ReturnBuffer: PUBLIC--RPCPrivate-- ENTRY PROC[c: PupBuffer] = { b: Buffer = c; IF loanedToRPC > 0 THEN { QueueInput[ ether, @b.encapsulation + ethernetEncapsulationOffset, (b.length _ systemBufferSize) - ethernetEncapsulationOffset, b.iocbChain]; IF firstInputBuffer = NIL THEN firstInputBuffer _ b ELSE _ b; lastInputBuffer _ b; loanedToRPC _ loanedToRPC-1; } ELSE ReturnFreeBuffer[b]; }; DecapsulateBuffer: PROC [b: Buffer] RETURNS [BufferType] = { SELECT b.encapsulation.ethernetOneType FROM pup => { IF 2*b.length < b.pupLength + ethernetEncapsulationBytes THEN { IF doStats THEN StatIncr[statPupsDiscarded]; RETURN[rejected]; }; RETURN[pup]; }; ois => { IF 2*b.length < b.ois.pktLength + ethernetEncapsulationBytes THEN { IF doStats THEN StatIncr[statOisDiscarded]; RETURN[rejected]; }; RETURN[ois]; }; translation => { IF b.rawWords[0] = translationRequest THEN ReceiveRequest[b] ELSE IF b.rawWords[0] = translationResponse THEN receiveAck[b] ELSE RETURN[rejected]; RETURN[processed]; }; ENDCASE => RETURN[rejected]; }; EncapsulatePup: PROC [b: PupBuffer, destination: PupHostID] = { b.encapsulation _ [ethernetOne[ etherSpare1:, etherSpare2:, etherSpare3:, etherSpare4:, etherSpare5:, translationWorked: TRUE, ethernetOneDest: destination, ethernetOneSource: myNetwork.hostNumber, ethernetOneType: pup]]; b.length _ (b.pupLength + 1 + ethernetEncapsulationBytes)/2; }; EncapsulateOis: PROC [ b: OisBuffer, destination: NSAddress.HostNumber] = { foundIt: BOOL; ethernetAddr: Ethernet1Addr; [foundIt, ethernetAddr] _ translate[destination]; IF foundIt THEN { b.encapsulation _ [ethernetOne[ etherSpare1:, etherSpare2:, etherSpare3:, etherSpare4:, etherSpare5:, translationWorked: TRUE, ethernetOneDest: ethernetAddr, ethernetOneSource: myNetwork.hostNumber, ethernetOneType: ois]]; b.length _ (b.ois.pktLength + 1 + ethernetEncapsulationBytes)/2; } ELSE { b.encapsulation _ [ethernetOne[ etherSpare1:, etherSpare2:, etherSpare3:, etherSpare4:, etherSpare5:, translationWorked: FALSE, ethernetOneDest:, ethernetOneSource:, ethernetOneType:]]; }; }; ForwardBuffer: PROC [b: Buffer] RETURNS [PupTypes.PupErrorCode] = { IF FALSE THEN -- outputQueue.length>10 THEN RETURN[gatewayResourceLimitsPupErrorCode]; -- transceiver unplugged? SendBuffer[b]; RETURN[noErrorPupErrorCode]; }; SendBuffer: ENTRY PROC [b: Buffer] = { IF pleaseStop THEN DriverDefs.Glitch[DriverNotActive]; IF ~b.encapsulation.translationWorked THEN { DriverDefs.PutOnGlobalDoneQueue[b]; RETURN; }; IF ~hearSelf AND (b.encapsulation.ethernetOneDest = myNetwork.hostNumber OR b.encapsulation.ethernetOneDest = PupTypes.allHosts) THEN { -- sending to ourself, copy it over since we can't hear it copy: Buffer _ DriverDefs.GetInputBuffer[]; IF copy # NIL THEN { copy.device _ ethernetOne; PrincOpsUtils.LongCopy[ from: @b.encapsulation + ethernetEncapsulationOffset, nwords: b.length, to: @copy.encapsulation + ethernetEncapsulationOffset]; copy.length _ b.length; _ LONG[@myNetwork]; -- LONG because of Mokelumne compiler bug IF doStats THEN StatIncr[statEtherPacketsLocal]; IF doStats THEN StatBump[statEtherWordsLocal, b.length]; DriverDefs.PutOnGlobalInputQueue[copy]; } ELSE IF doStats THEN StatIncr[statEtherEmptyFreeQueue]; }; SendBufferInternal[b]; }; SendBufferInternal: INTERNAL PROC [b: Buffer] = { b.device _ ethernetOne; QueueOutput[ ether, @b.encapsulation + ethernetEncapsulationOffset, b.length, b.iocbChain]; IF doStats THEN StatIncr[statEtherPacketsSent]; IF doStats THEN StatBump[statEtherWordsSent, b.length]; IF firstOutputBuffer = NIL THEN firstOutputBuffer _ b ELSE _ b; lastOutputBuffer _ b; timeSendStarted _ ProcessorFace.GetClockPulses[]; }; numberOfExtraBuffer: CARDINAL = 3; bufferAccessHandle: BufferDefs.BufferAccessHandle; MaybeChangeNumberOfInputBuffers: PROC [increaseBuffers: BOOL] = { IF increaseBuffers THEN { IF bufferAccessHandle = NIL THEN { bufferAccessHandle _ BufferDefs.MakeBufferPool[numberOfExtraBuffer]; myNetwork.buffers _ myNetwork.buffers + numberOfExtraBuffer; }; } ELSE { IF bufferAccessHandle # NIL THEN { myNetwork.buffers _ myNetwork.buffers - numberOfExtraBuffer; BufferDefs.FreeBufferPool[bufferAccessHandle]; bufferAccessHandle _ NIL; }; }; }; AdjustLengtoOfD0EthernetInputQueue: PUBLIC PROC [n: CARDINAL] = { inputQueueLength _ n; }; CreateDefaultEthernetOneDrivers: PUBLIC PROC RETURNS [BOOL] = { deviceNumber: CARDINAL _ 0; etherDevice: DeviceHandle _ GetNextDevice[nullDeviceHandle]; IF GermSwap.switches[a] THEN RETURN[FALSE]; IF etherDevice = nullDeviceHandle THEN RETURN[FALSE]; WHILE etherDevice # nullDeviceHandle DO CreateAnEthernetOneDriver[etherDevice, deviceNumber]; etherDevice _ GetNextDevice[etherDevice]; deviceNumber _ deviceNumber + 1; ENDLOOP; RETURN[TRUE]; }; CreateAnEthernetOneDriver: PROC [ etherDevice: DeviceHandle, deviceNumber: CARDINAL] = { IF deviceNumber # 0 THEN { him: POINTER TO FRAME[EthernetOneDriver] _ NEW EthernetOneDriver; him.SetupEthernetOneDriver[etherDevice]; } ELSE SetupEthernetOneDriver[etherDevice]; }; SetupEthernetOneDriver: PROC [etherDevice: DeviceHandle] = { net, host: DriverTypes.Byte; ether _ etherDevice; [net, host] _ GetEthernet1Address[ether]; IF net # 0 AND net # myNetwork.netNumber.b AND myNetwork.netNumber # nullNetworkNumber THEN DriverDefs.Glitch[EthernetNetNumberScrambled]; IF myNetwork.netNumber = nullNetworkNumber THEN myNetwork.netNumber _ [a: 0, b: net]; pleaseStop _ TRUE; myNetwork.buffers _ inputQueueLength; etherStats _ NEW[EthernetDriverStats.EtherStatsRep]; myNetwork.stats _ LOOPHOLE[etherStats]; PrincOpsUtils.LongZero[LOOPHOLE[etherStats], SIZE[EthernetDriverStats.EtherStatsRep]]; DriverDefs.AddDeviceToChain[@myNetwork, controlBlockSize]; }; ActivateDriver: PROC = { b: Buffer; net, host: DriverTypes.Byte; IF ~pleaseStop THEN DriverDefs.Glitch[DriverAlreadyActive]; fiveSecondsOfPulses _ MicrosecondsToPulses[5000000]; fiveHalfSecondsOfPulses _ MicrosecondsToPulses[2500000]; oneSecondOfPulses _ MicrosecondsToPulses[1000000]; [net, host] _ GetEthernet1Address[ether]; getGarbage _ pleaseStop _ FALSE; TurnOff[ether]; AddCleanup[ether]; firstInputBuffer _ lastInputBuffer _ NIL; firstOutputBuffer _ lastOutputBuffer _ NIL; bufferAccessHandle _ NIL; myEar _ myNetwork.hostNumber _ host; inputBuffersInQueue _ loanedToRPC _ 0; THROUGH [0..myNetwork.buffers) DO IF (b _ DriverDefs.GetInputBuffer[TRUE])#NIL THEN { inputBuffersInQueue _ inputBuffersInQueue + 1; IF CommFlags.doDebug AND Alignment[@b.encapsulation + ethernetEncapsulationOffset] # 0 THEN DriverDefs.Glitch[BufferMustBeQuadWordAligned]; IF CommFlags.doDebug AND Alignment[b.iocbChain] # 0 THEN DriverDefs.Glitch[IOCBMustBeQuadWordAligned]; IF CommFlags.doDebug AND PrincOpsUtils.HighHalf[b.iocbChain] # 0 THEN DriverDefs.Glitch[IOCBMustBeInFirstMDS]; b.device _ ethernetOne; IF firstInputBuffer = NIL THEN firstInputBuffer _ b; IF lastInputBuffer # NIL THEN _ b; lastInputBuffer _ b; }; ENDLOOP; [cv: inWait, mask: inInterruptMask] _ PrincOpsUtils.AllocateNakedCondition[]; Process.DisableTimeout[inWait]; [cv: outWait, mask: outInterruptMask] _ PrincOpsUtils.AllocateNakedCondition[]; Process.DisableTimeout[outWait]; SmashCSBs[]; inProcess _ FORK InInterrupt[]; outProcess _ FORK OutInterrupt[]; watcherProcess _ FORK Watcher[]; CreateCache[]; }; SetEthernetOneListener: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC [physicalOrder: CARDINAL, newHostNumber: CARDINAL] RETURNS [success: BOOL] = { him: POINTER TO FRAME[EthernetOneDriver]; network: Network _ GetNthDeviceLikeMe[physicalOrder]; IF network = NIL THEN RETURN[FALSE]; him _ LOOPHOLE[PrincOpsUtils.GlobalFrame[LOOPHOLE[network.interrupt]]]; him.EthernetOneListenForHost[newHostNumber]; RETURN[TRUE]; }; EthernetOneListenForHost: PROC [newHostNumber: CARDINAL] = { myEar _ newHostNumber; SmashCSBs[]; }; GetNthDeviceLikeMe: PROC [physicalOrder: CARDINAL] RETURNS [net: Network] = { i: CARDINAL _ 0; net _ DriverDefs.GetDeviceChain[]; WHILE net # NIL DO IF net.device = myNetwork.device THEN IF (i _ i + 1) = physicalOrder THEN RETURN; net _; ENDLOOP; }; GetEthernetOneConfig: PUBLIC SAFE PROC RETURNS [instances: NAT _ 0] = TRUSTED { net: Network _ DriverDefs.GetDeviceChain[]; WHILE net # NIL DO IF net.device = myNetwork.device THEN instances _ instances + 1; net _; ENDLOOP; }; GetEthernetOneStats: PUBLIC SAFE PROC [instance: NAT] RETURNS [EthernetDriverStats.EtherStats _ NIL] = TRUSTED { net: Network _ GetNthDeviceLikeMe[instance+1]; IF net # NIL THEN RETURN [LOOPHOLE[net.stats]]; }; SetEthernetOneCollectGarbageToo: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC [physicalOrder: CARDINAL, collectGarbage: BOOL] RETURNS [success: BOOL] = { him: POINTER TO FRAME[EthernetOneDriver]; network: Network _ GetNthDeviceLikeMe[physicalOrder]; IF network = NIL THEN RETURN[FALSE]; him _ LOOPHOLE[PrincOpsUtils.GlobalFrame[LOOPHOLE[network.interrupt]]]; him.SetCollectGarbageToo[collectGarbage]; RETURN[TRUE]; }; SetCollectGarbageToo: PROC [collectGarbage: BOOL] = { getGarbage _ collectGarbage; }; SmashCSBs: PROC = { b: Buffer; TurnOn[ether, myEar, inInterruptMask, outInterruptMask, globalStatePtr]; FOR b _ firstInputBuffer, UNTIL b = NIL DO QueueInput[ ether, @b.encapsulation + ethernetEncapsulationOffset, b.length - ethernetEncapsulationOffset, b.iocbChain]; ENDLOOP; timeLastRecv _ ProcessorFace.GetClockPulses[]; }; DeleteDriver: PROC = { IF ether # GetNextDevice[nullDeviceHandle] THEN LoadState.SelfDestruct[]; }; DeactivateDriver: PROC = { b: Buffer; IF pleaseStop THEN DriverDefs.Glitch[DriverNotActive]; pleaseStop _ TRUE; KillInterruptRoutines[]; JOIN inProcess; JOIN outProcess; TurnOff[ether]; PrincOpsUtils.DeallocateNakedCondition[inWait]; PrincOpsUtils.DeallocateNakedCondition[outWait]; inWait _ outWait _ NIL; MaybeChangeNumberOfInputBuffers[FALSE]; KillDriverLocked[]; JOIN watcherProcess; RemoveCleanup[ether]; UNTIL firstInputBuffer = NIL DO b _ firstInputBuffer; firstInputBuffer _; ReturnFreeBuffer[b]; ENDLOOP; UNTIL firstOutputBuffer = NIL DO b _ firstOutputBuffer; firstOutputBuffer _; ReturnFreeBuffer[b]; ENDLOOP; DeleteCache[]; }; KillInterruptRoutines: ENTRY PROC = INLINE { NOTIFY inWait^; NOTIFY outWait^; }; KillDriverLocked: ENTRY PROC = INLINE { NOTIFY timer; }; OisAddr: TYPE = NSAddress.HostNumber; Ethernet1Addr: TYPE = DriverTypes.Byte; AddressPair: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [ oisAddr: OisAddr, ethernet1Addr: Ethernet1Addr, filler: [0..377B]]; CacheEntry: TYPE = REF CacheObject; CacheObject: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [ nextLink: CacheEntry, addressPair: AddressPair, tries: CARDINAL, timeStamp: ProcessorFace.GreenwichMeanTime, status: CacheStatus, filler: [0..37777B]]; CacheStatus: TYPE = {new, pending, active, zombie}; translationRequest: CARDINAL = 10101B; translationResponse: CARDINAL = 7070B; cacheQueueHead: CacheEntry; broadCastPairEntry: CacheEntry; -- permanent myAddressPairEntry: CacheEntry; -- permanent retryLimit: CARDINAL _ 10B; retryTime: LONG CARDINAL _ 2; -- two seconds demonActiveTime: Process.Ticks _ Process.SecondsToTicks[1]; -- one second deactivateTime: LONG CARDINAL _ 3*60; -- three minutes demonSleepTime: Process.Ticks _ Process.SecondsToTicks[60*5]; -- five minutes cacheEvent: CONDITION; demonRunning: BOOL; lastTranslationTime: ProcessorFace.GreenwichMeanTime; receiveAck: PROC [b: Buffer] _ InactiveReceiveAck; translate: PROC [OisAddr] RETURNS [BOOL, Ethernet1Addr] _ InactiveTranslate; etherHost: Ethernet1Addr; oisHost: OisAddr; CreateCache: ENTRY PROC = INLINE { cacheQueueHead _ broadCastPairEntry _ myAddressPairEntry _ NIL; translate _ InactiveTranslate; receiveAck _ InactiveReceiveAck; demonRunning _ FALSE; [, etherHost] _ GetEthernet1Address[ether]; oisHost _ NSAddress.GetProcessorID[]; }; StartCache: ENTRY PROC = INLINE { etherHost: Ethernet1Addr; oisHost: OisAddr _ NSAddress.GetProcessorID[]; aP: AddressPair _ [NSAddress.broadcastHostNumber, PupTypes.allHosts, 0]; [, etherHost] _ GetEthernet1Address[ether]; translate _ Translate; receiveAck _ ReceiveAck; Process.SetTimeout[@cacheEvent, demonActiveTime]; broadCastPairEntry _ AddAddressPair[aP]; aP _ [oisHost, etherHost, 0]; myAddressPairEntry _ AddAddressPair[aP]; demonRunning _ TRUE; Process.Detach[FORK Demon[]]; }; DeleteCache: PROC = INLINE { e: CacheEntry; DeleteCacheLocked: ENTRY PROC = INLINE { NOTIFY cacheEvent; }; WHILE demonRunning DO DeleteCacheLocked[]; Process.Yield[]; ENDLOOP; WHILE (cacheQueueHead # NIL) DO e _ cacheQueueHead; cacheQueueHead _ e.nextLink; ENDLOOP; }; depth: CARDINAL; FindEntry: INTERNAL PROC [oisAddr: OisAddr] RETURNS [entry: CacheEntry] = { IF doStats THEN depth _ 0; entry _ cacheQueueHead; WHILE entry # NIL DO IF oisAddr = entry.addressPair.oisAddr THEN RETURN; entry _ entry.nextLink; IF doStats THEN depth _ depth + 1; ENDLOOP; }; AddEntry: INTERNAL PROC [entry: CacheEntry] = { entry.nextLink _ cacheQueueHead; cacheQueueHead _ entry; }; RemoveEntry: INTERNAL PROC [entry: CacheEntry] = { e, pred: CacheEntry; IF (pred _ cacheQueueHead) = entry THEN { cacheQueueHead _ cacheQueueHead.nextLink; RETURN; }; e _ pred.nextLink; WHILE e # NIL DO IF e = entry THEN { pred.nextLink _ entry.nextLink; RETURN; }; pred _ e; e _ pred.nextLink; ENDLOOP; ERROR; -- entry not found }; InactiveTranslate: PROC [oisAddr: OisAddr] RETURNS [foundIt: BOOL, ethernet1Addr: Ethernet1Addr] = { StartCache[]; [foundIt, ethernet1Addr] _ Translate[oisAddr]; }; Translate: ENTRY PROC [oisAddr: OisAddr] RETURNS [foundIt: BOOL, ethernet1Addr: Ethernet1Addr] = { e: CacheEntry; foundIt _ FALSE; lastTranslationTime _ ProcessorFace.GetGreenwichMeanTime[]; IF (e _ FindEntry[oisAddr]) # NIL THEN { IF e # cacheQueueHead THEN { IF doStats THEN StatBump[cacheDepth, depth]; RemoveEntry[e]; AddEntry[e]; }; SELECT e.status FROM active => { foundIt _ TRUE; ethernet1Addr _ e.addressPair.ethernet1Addr; e.timeStamp _ lastTranslationTime; }; zombie => { e.status _ new; e.tries _ 0; e.timeStamp _ lastTranslationTime; NOTIFY cacheEvent; }; ENDCASE => NULL; } -- of found it ELSE { IF doStats THEN StatIncr[cacheFault]; e _ NEW[CacheObject]; e.status _ new; e.tries _ 0; e.timeStamp _ lastTranslationTime; e.addressPair _ [oisAddr: oisAddr, ethernet1Addr:, filler:]; AddEntry[e]; NOTIFY cacheEvent; }; }; AddAddressPair: INTERNAL PROC [aP: AddressPair] RETURNS [e: CacheEntry] = { IF (e _ FindEntry[aP.oisAddr]) = NIL THEN { e _ NEW[CacheObject]; AddEntry[e]; }; e.addressPair _ aP; e.status _ active; e.timeStamp _ ProcessorFace.GetGreenwichMeanTime[]; }; DeallocateEntry: INTERNAL PROC [e: CacheEntry] = { IF (e = broadCastPairEntry) OR (e = myAddressPairEntry) THEN e.timeStamp _ ProcessorFace.GetGreenwichMeanTime[] ELSE { RemoveEntry[e]; --Heap.FreeNode[p: e];-- }; }; Demon: ENTRY PROC = { translationInactiveTime: LONG CARDINAL = 10*60; now: ProcessorFace.GreenwichMeanTime; t: LONG CARDINAL; e, nextE: CacheEntry; pendingEntries: BOOL; demonRunning _ TRUE; lastTranslationTime _ ProcessorFace.GetGreenwichMeanTime[]; Process.SetPriority[3]; UNTIL pleaseStop DO WAIT cacheEvent; IF (now _ ProcessorFace.GetGreenwichMeanTime[]) - lastTranslationTime > translationInactiveTime OR pleaseStop THEN EXIT; pendingEntries _ FALSE; e _ cacheQueueHead; WHILE (e # NIL) DO nextE _ e.nextLink; t _ now - e.timeStamp; SELECT e.status FROM active, zombie => { IF t > deactivateTime THEN DeallocateEntry[e]; }; pending => { pendingEntries _ TRUE; IF t > retryTime THEN { e.tries _ e.tries + 1; IF e.tries > retryLimit THEN { e.status _ zombie; IF doStats THEN StatIncr[unsuccessfulTranslation]; } ELSE { IF doStats THEN StatIncr[translationRetries]; SendRequest[e]; e.timeStamp _ ProcessorFace.GetGreenwichMeanTime[]; }; }; }; new => { pendingEntries _ TRUE; SendRequest[e]; e.status _ pending; e.timeStamp _ ProcessorFace.GetGreenwichMeanTime[]; }; ENDCASE => ERROR; e _ nextE; ENDLOOP; -- end of queue entries loop IF pendingEntries THEN Process.SetTimeout[@cacheEvent, demonActiveTime] ELSE Process.SetTimeout[@cacheEvent, demonSleepTime]; ENDLOOP; -- end of infinite loop receiveAck _ InactiveReceiveAck; translate _ InactiveTranslate; e _ cacheQueueHead; cacheQueueHead _ myAddressPairEntry _ broadCastPairEntry _ NIL; WHILE e # NIL DO nextE _ e.nextLink; --Heap.FreeNode[p: e];-- e _ nextE; ENDLOOP; demonRunning _ FALSE; }; SendRequest: INTERNAL PROC [e: CacheEntry] = { b: Buffer; request: LONG POINTER TO AddressPair; IF (b _ DriverDefs.GetInputBuffer[]) # NIL THEN { b.encapsulation _ [ ethernetOne[ etherSpare1:, etherSpare2:, etherSpare3:, etherSpare4:, etherSpare5:, translationWorked:, ethernetOneDest: PupTypes.allHosts, ethernetOneSource: myNetwork.hostNumber, ethernetOneType: translation]]; b.length _ (1 + ethernetEncapsulationBytes)/2 + 2*SIZE[AddressPair] + 1; b.rawWords[0] _ translationRequest; request _ LOOPHOLE[@b.rawWords[1]]; request^ _ e.addressPair; request _ request + SIZE[AddressPair]; request^ _ myAddressPairEntry.addressPair; SendBufferInternal[b]; }; }; InactiveReceiveAck: PROC [b: Buffer] = { b.requeueProcedure[b]; }; ReceiveAck: ENTRY PROC [b: Buffer] = { IF b.encapsulation.ethernetOneDest = myAddressPairEntry.addressPair.ethernet1Addr THEN { receipt: LONG POINTER TO AddressPair _ LOOPHOLE[@b.rawWords[1]]; [] _ AddAddressPair[receipt^]; }; b.requeueProcedure[b]; }; ReceiveRequest: ENTRY PROC [b: Buffer] = { request, requesterAddr: LONG POINTER TO AddressPair; request _ LOOPHOLE[@b.rawWords[1]]; IF request.oisAddr = oisHost THEN { requesterAddr _ request + SIZE[AddressPair]; [] _ AddAddressPair[requesterAddr^]; IF doStats THEN StatIncr[requestsForMe]; request.ethernet1Addr _ etherHost; SendAck[request^, b.encapsulation.ethernetOneSource, b]; -- we lose ownership of b } ELSE b.requeueProcedure[b]; }; SendAck: INTERNAL PROC [aP: AddressPair, to: DriverTypes.Byte, b: Buffer] = INLINE { response: LONG POINTER TO AddressPair; IF b # NIL THEN { b.encapsulation _ [ethernetOne[ etherSpare1:, etherSpare2:, etherSpare3:, etherSpare4:, etherSpare5:, translationWorked:, ethernetOneDest: to, ethernetOneSource: myNetwork.hostNumber, ethernetOneType: translation]]; b.length _ (1 + ethernetEncapsulationBytes)/2 + SIZE[AddressPair] + 1; b.rawWords[0] _ translationResponse; response _ LOOPHOLE[@b.rawWords[1]]; response^ _ aP; SendBufferInternal[b]; }; }; Process.SetTimeout[@timer, Process.MsecToTicks[1000]]; IF CommFlags.doDebug THEN { debugPointer: LONG POINTER TO DriverDefs.GiantVector _ DriverDefs.GetGiantVector[]; debugPointer.currentInputBuffer _ @firstInputBuffer; debugPointer.nextInputBuffer _ @lastInputBuffer; debugPointer.currentOutputBuffer _ @firstOutputBuffer; }; }. -- EthernetOneDriver February 23, 1980 9:10 PM By forrest; Change PrincOpsUtilsDefs to PrincOpsUtils, and move EtherStatsRep Type from AltoEthernetDefs (RIP) to inside here. April 18, 1980 3:00 AM By Murray; Face changes (and other Pilotization). May 19, 1980 10:20 AM By BLyon; DisableTimeout, SetTimeout, MsecToTicks, SetPriority imported from Process instead of CommUtilDefs. May 27, 1980 11:44 AM By BLyon; Added ethernet1 translation uglyness. August 1, 1980 4:24 PM By BLyon; 8bit->32bit net number Kludge in CreateDefaultEthernetsDrivers and use NSAddress.nullNetworkNumber instead of 0. August 13, 1980 1:13 PM By BLyon; added InputChainOK and OutputChainOK to insure the bodies of the two loops in Watcher are protected by the monitor lock. August 25, 1980 1:50 PM By BLyon; multiple ethernets now possible. August 28, 1980 12:50 PM By McJones; converted to PrincOpsUtils.AllocateNakedCondition. September 5, 1980 4:44 PM By HGM; use hearSelf, a switch to ignore boards even if they are there. September 17, 1980 4:41 PM By BLyon; added myNetwork.buffers stuff. October 20, 1980 4:04 PM By BLyon; added SetYourHostNumber & myEar for Ois peeking. October 22, 1980 9:57 AM By BLyon; let the inputter collect garbage packets. November 6, 1980 6:34 PM By BLyon; Records input time in buffer.time. November 11, 1980 10:33 AM By BLyon; No longer smashes myNetwork.netNumber in DeactivateDriver. February 13, 1981 3:46 PM By BLyon; zombie translation entries can be changed to new if needed AND Demon is started immediately and never dies AND stores the ethernetOneHostNumber. February 24, 1981 3:28 PM By BLyon; undid February 13 - demon is created when needed and goes away when not needed AND changed WatcherNotify to SmashCSBs and to NOTIFY inWait^ and outWait^. HEthernetOneDriver.mesa Copyright c 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Birrell on: 9-Oct-81 16:43:32 BLyon on: March 13, 1981 10:47 PM Levin, August 9, 1983 9:28 am Russ Atkinson (RRA) February 19, 1985 7:44:43 pm PST RPC: disable "doStats" for this module -- EXPORTed TYPEs in the input queue, because RPCRuntime has them! what address am I listening for (verses myNetwork.hostNumber, my real address). Hot Procedures RPC: side door into RPC packet dispatching code -- Rats, couldn't get a new buffer add new buffer to end of input chain forever until something interesting happens we compute the values each time around since the value of b can change if the watcher shoots down the output. We don't resend things that screwup In either case, an interrupt should be pending. Since the interrupt routine is higher priority than we are, it should get processed before we can see it. If we get here, an interrupt has probably been lost. It could have been generated between the time we started decoding the instruction and the time that the data is actually fetched. That is why we look several times. Of course, if it is still not zero when we look again, it could be a new interrupt that has just arrived. Check for lost input interrupt Check for lost output interrupt Check for stuck input Check for stuck output not MONITOR protected compair !! This happens if the transciever is unplugged for changing the number of buffers while running this should only be called from Boss No MONITOR PROTECTION here. COLD code, only used when turning things on+off Note that this numbers the devices starting from 1, in the Fortran tradition. Exported to EthernetDriverStats Returns how many instances are present for the Xerox research Ethernet (3Mbit). ... returns the EtherStats object for the given instance of the Xerox research Ethernet driver. Note that these numbers are not monitor protected, so be prepared for strange results every so often. NIL will be returned for invalid instances. Note that it is OK to do this, since we are always holding onto the REF through the global frame associated with the network driver. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Ugly thing to take care of handling the Ethernet1 (it uses 8 bit addresses). This will go away when OIS Communications stops using Ethernet1's. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * types variables interface DeleteCacheLocked cleanup in case demon was never running Heap.FreeNode[p: e];-- assume protection by lock assume protection by lock assume protection by lock locks put e at the head of the queue entry not found, so add a new one assume protection by lock assume protection by lock there are two entries that we do not want to throw out!! locks demon will die if no services are needed in ten minutes assume locked broadcast the trnslation request also send our addresses, so responder does not fault send it locks we now own buffer b locks we now own buffer b since the requester is probably going to talk to us, add his address before we take a fault assume protection by lock we now own buffer b send it * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * End of Ethernet1 uglyness * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * initialization Ê#à˜codešœ™Kšœ Ïmœ1™˜>šžœ žœ˜K˜PKšœžœžœ˜5Kšžœ žœ žœ˜4Kšœ˜—Kšœ˜—šžœ˜ šžœž˜šœ˜Kšœl˜lKšžœ žœ/˜>Kšœ˜—šœ ˜ K˜.Kšžœ žœ ˜/Kšœ˜—šžœ˜ K˜8Kšžœ žœ"˜1Kšœ˜——Kšœ˜K˜——Kšœ#™#K˜+K˜#Kšžœ˜—Kšœ˜K˜—š œžœžœ ˜=Kšž˜Kšœ˜Kšžœ-˜3Kšœ˜K˜—š œžœ˜Kšœ˜šžœ ž˜Kšœâ™âKšœ™šžœ ž˜Kšžœžœžœ˜Kšžœžœ˜(Kšžœ˜—Kšœ™šžœ ž˜Kšžœžœžœ˜Kšžœžœ˜(Kšžœ˜—Kšœ™Kšžœ6žœ˜JKšœ™šžœžœž˜Kšœ>ž˜BK˜—Kšžœžœ˜+Kšžœ˜—Kšœ˜K˜—š   œžœžœžœžœž˜0Kšœ˜šžœ˜šœžœž˜K˜3——Kšœ˜K˜—š   œžœžœžœžœž˜1Kšœ˜šžœ˜šœžœž˜K˜4——Kšœ˜K˜—š  œžœžœžœž˜0Kšœ˜K˜ K˜3K˜š œžœžœž˜+Kšœ˜˜ K˜6K˜5—Kšžœžœ˜9Kšžœžœžœ˜3Kšžœ˜K˜K˜.Kšœ˜K˜—šžœ+ž˜2Kšœ ™ šžœ žœžœž˜3Kšœ#žœ˜D—Kšžœ1žœžœžœ˜FKšžœ˜—Kšžœžœ˜ Kšœ˜K˜—Kš   œžœžœžœžœ ˜1K˜š  œžœžœž˜"Kšœ˜Kšžœ žœ#˜2Kšœ Ÿ"˜/Kšœ˜K˜—š  œžœžœž˜Kšœ˜Kšžœ žœ˜(Kšœ Ÿ"˜/Kšœ˜K˜—š œžœžœž˜$Kšœ˜Kšœ,™,K˜ K˜šžœžœž˜ K˜K˜+K˜#Kšžœ žœ$˜3Kšžœ˜—K˜ Kšœ˜K˜—Kš   œžœžœžœžœ˜——šžœžœ ˜Kšžœ ˜Kšœ˜Kšžœžœ ˜Kšœ˜K˜——š œžœ)˜=Kšœ˜˜˜ K˜EKšœžœ˜6K˜@——K˜Ÿ˜MKšœ ž œ˜Kšœžœ˜K˜5Kšœ žœ"˜2šœ žœ žœžœ˜9K˜—K˜K˜K˜Kšœ ™ š  œžœžœžœ˜"Kšœ;žœ˜?K˜K˜ Kšœžœ˜K˜+K˜%Kšœ˜K˜—š  œžœžœžœ˜!K˜K˜.K˜HK˜+K˜K˜K˜1K˜(K˜K˜(Kšœžœ˜Kšœžœ ˜Kšœ˜K˜—š  œžœžœ˜K˜K˜Kš  œžœžœžœžœ˜>Kšœ™K˜Kšžœžœ'žœ˜DKšœ'™'šžœžœž˜K˜K˜Kšœ™Kšžœ˜—Kšœ˜K˜—Kšœ™K˜Kšœžœ˜š  œžœžœžœ˜KKšžœ žœ ˜K˜šžœ žœž˜Kšžœ%žœžœ˜3K˜Kšžœ žœ˜"Kšžœ˜—Kšœ˜K˜—Kšœ™K˜š œžœžœ˜/Kšœ;˜;K˜—Kšœ™K˜š  œžœžœ˜2K˜šžœ!žœ˜)Kšœ)˜)Kšžœ˜Kšœ˜—K˜šžœžœž˜Kšžœ žœ#žœ˜>K˜ K˜Kšžœ˜—KšžœŸ˜K˜Kšœ˜K˜K˜—š œžœžœ žœ#˜dKšœ ˜ Kšœ.˜.Kšœ˜K˜—Kšœ™K˜š   œžœžœžœ žœ#˜bK˜Kšœ žœ˜K˜;šžœžœžœ˜(šžœžœ˜Kšœ™Kšžœ žœ˜,K˜K˜ Kšœ˜—šžœ žœ˜šœ ˜ Kšœ žœ˜K˜,K˜"Kšœ˜—šœ ˜ K˜K˜ K˜"Kšžœ ˜Kšœ˜—Kšžœžœ˜—KšœŸ˜—šžœ˜Kšœ!™!Kšžœ žœ˜%Kšœžœ˜K˜K˜ K˜"K˜