RPCPrivate - interface between runtime and ethernet driver
Copyright © 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Andrew Birrell, August 27, 1982 5:39 pm
Russ Atkinson (RRA) February 2, 1985 3:15:40 pm PST
BufferDefs USING[ PupBuffer ],
PupTypes USING[ PupSocketID, rpcpSoc ];
rpcSocket: PupTypes.PupSocketID = PupTypes.rpcpSoc;
GetRPCPackets: PROC[ PROC[BufferDefs.PupBuffer]RETURNS[BOOLEAN] ];
Asks driver to call the procedure whenever a Pup arrives for the RPC socket. Driver guarantees the packet is a legal Pup addressed to rpcSocket. Returns TRUE iff RPCRuntime accepts the packet. If it returns FALSE, driver may re-use the buffer; if it returns TRUE, RPCRuntime promises to give back the buffer by calling ReturnBuffer quite soon, so driver may run with a lower number of input buffers temporarily.
ReturnBuffer: PROC[BufferDefs.PupBuffer];
argument is a buffer that is now free.