Copyright © 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Hagmann on January 31, 1985 5:40:52 pm PST
Schroeder on November 28, 1983 12:37 pm
Russ Atkinson (RRA) May 9, 1985 1:57:47 pm PDT
Bob Hagmann May 14, 1985 11:12:14 am PDT
Please maintain change log at end of file.
To Do:
What to do when byte length > allocated length at Open time?
Basics USING [LongNumber, BITAND],
BasicTime USING [GMT],
FileStream USING [SetLength],
FileStreamPrivate USING [BufferNode, BufferNodeHandle, Data, DoFinalization, FileData, FileDataHandle, FSDataHandle, ProcHandle, ProcHandleFromAccessRights, SetupBuffer],
FS USING [ByteCount, BytesForPages, ExtendFileProc, GetInfo, GetName, InitialPosition, Lock, OpenFile, SetPageCount, StreamBufferParms, StreamOptions],
FSBackdoor USING [ProduceError],
FSLock USING [RecordREF ],
IO USING [Close, CreateStream, Error, GetChar, GetIndex, GetLength, SetIndex, STREAM, StreamProcs],
IOUtils USING [StoreData],
Process USING [ Pause ],
SafeStorage USING [EnableFinalization],
VM USING [AddressForPageNumber, Allocate, BytesForPages, CantAllocate, PageNumber, SwapIn];
FileStreamCreateImpl: CEDAR MONITOR
LOCKS fileData.lockRecord USING fileData: FileDataHandle
IMPORTS Basics, FileStream, FileStreamPrivate, FS, FSBackdoor, FSLock, IO, IOUtils, Process, SafeStorage, VM
EXPORTS FileStream = BEGIN OPEN Basics, Rope;
ByteCount: TYPE = INT;
ByteNumber: TYPE = ByteCount; -- index rather than count
PageNumber: TYPE = VM.PageNumber;
PageCount: TYPE = VM.PageNumber;
bytesPerFilePage: CARDINAL = FS.BytesForPages[1];
maxVMPagesPerBuffer: INT = 65536/VM.BytesForPages[pages: 1] ;
clearLowBits: CARDINAL = CARDINAL.LAST-(bytesPerFilePage-1);
Data: TYPE = FileStreamPrivate.Data;
FSDataHandle: TYPE = FileStreamPrivate.FSDataHandle;
BufferNode: TYPE = FileStreamPrivate.BufferNode;
BufferNodeHandle: TYPE = FileStreamPrivate.BufferNodeHandle;
FileDataHandle: TYPE = FileStreamPrivate.FileDataHandle;
FileData: TYPE = FileStreamPrivate.FileData;
ProcHandle: TYPE = REF IO.StreamProcs;
This code does not protect itself from parallel use of a stream by concurrent processes. It assumes that the processes will synchronize at a higher level. Parallel use of different streams for the same open file is expected, but the read/write stream must be opened by StreamOpen or StreamFromOpenFile, and read stream by StreamFromOpenStream.
Stream creation
StreamFromOpenFile: PUBLIC PROC [openFile: FS.OpenFile, accessRights: FS.Lock, initialPosition: FS.InitialPosition, streamOptions: FS.StreamOptions, streamBufferParms: FS.StreamBufferParms, extendFileProc: FS.ExtendFileProc] RETURNS [stream: STREAM] = {
no monitors are needed in this code since, until this proc returns,
no other code can refer to the streams
pageAllocation: PageCount;
byteLength: ByteCount;
fileName: ROPE = openFile.GetName[].fullFName;
fsData: FSDataHandle;
fsDataFile: FileDataHandle ;
node: BufferNodeHandle ;
Index must always be less than 64K, so we have to clip off a page from the max.
IF streamBufferParms.vmPagesPerBuffer = 128 THEN
streamBufferParms.vmPagesPerBuffer ← 127;
IF accessRights = $write AND GetFileLock[openFile] # $write THEN
FSBackdoor.ProduceError[wrongLock, fileName];
[pages: pageAllocation, bytes: byteLength] ← openFile.GetInfo[];
fsData ← NEW[Data ← []];
fsDataFile ← NEW[FileData ← [
fileName: fileName,
accessRights: accessRights,
fileLength: byteLength,
fileHandle: openFile,
streamBufferParms: streamBufferParms,
extendFileProc: extendFileProc,
streamOptions: streamOptions,
byteLength: byteLength,
byteSize: pageAllocation*bytesPerFilePage,
validBytesOnDisk: byteLength]
IF fsDataFile.byteLength > fsDataFile.byteSize THEN ERROR;
fsData.fileData ← fsDataFile ;
fsDataFile.firstBufferNode ← node ←
CreateBufferSpace[streamBufferParms.vmPagesPerBuffer, accessRights];
FOR i: INT IN [2..streamBufferParms.nBuffers] DO
node.nextBufferNode ←
CreateBufferSpace[streamBufferParms.vmPagesPerBuffer, accessRights];
node ← node.nextBufferNode ;
stream ← IO.CreateStream[FileStreamPrivate.ProcHandleFromAccessRights[accessRights], fsData];
IOUtils.StoreData[self: stream, key: $Name, data: fsDataFile.fileName];
IF accessRights = $write
fsDataFile.writeStreamData ← fsData ;
fsData.isWriteStream ← TRUE ;
IF fsDataFile.byteSize = 0 THEN {
fsDataFile.byteSize ← NewByteSize[fsDataFile.byteSize];
SetFileSize[fsDataFile.fileHandle, fsDataFile.byteSize];
fsDataFile.firstReadStream ← fsData;
IF initialPosition = start
[] ← FileStreamPrivate.SetupBuffer[fileData: fsDataFile, fsData: fsData, fileByte: 0]
initialPosition = end
node ← FileStreamPrivate.SetupBuffer[fileData: fsDataFile,
fsData: fsData, fileByte: PageContainingLastByte[fsDataFile.fileLength]];
fsData.index ← node.dataBytesInBuffer;
IF streamOptions[tiogaRead] AND byteLength > 0 THEN {
isTioga: BOOL; len: INT;
[yes: isTioga, len: len] ← IsThisThingATiogaFile[stream];
IF isTioga THEN {
IF accessRights = $read
make length look changed by sneaky call to SetLength (not in stream procs).
since stream is opened for read only, this call won't change the length in the file.
FileStream.SetLength[stream, len];
fsDataFile.tiogaReader ← TRUE
you can't incrementally update a Tioga file with IO!
FSBackdoor.ProduceError[cantUpdateTiogaFile, fileName];
IF FileStreamPrivate.DoFinalization THEN {
fsData.ConvertFStoIOErrors ← TRUE;
fsData ← NIL ;
PageContainingLastByte: PROC [byteLen: INT] RETURNS [INT] = INLINE {
IF byteLen = 0 THEN RETURN[0] ELSE {
byteLen ← byteLen - 1;
LOOPHOLE[byteLen, LongNumber[num]].lowbits ←
BITAND[LOOPHOLE[byteLen, LongNumber[num]].lowbits, clearLowBits];
OpenFileFromStream: PUBLIC PROC [self: STREAM] RETURNS [FS.OpenFile] = {
WITH self.streamData SELECT FROM
fsData: FSDataHandle => RETURN [fsData.fileData.fileHandle];
ENDCASE => ERROR IO.Error[NotImplementedForThisStream, self];
StreamFromOpenStream: PUBLIC PROC [self: STREAM] RETURNS [stream: STREAM] = {
newData: FSDataHandle ;
filePos: INT ;
WITH self.streamData SELECT FROM
selfData: FSDataHandle => {
fileData: FileDataHandle = selfData.fileData;
IF NOT selfData.isWriteStream OR fileData.firstReadStream # NIL THEN
FSBackdoor.ProduceError [code: notImplemented,
explanation: "self is not a write stream, or there already is a read stream"];
newData ← NEW[Data ← [ ] ];
newData.fileData ← fileData ;
stream ← IO.CreateStream[FileStreamPrivate.ProcHandleFromAccessRights[$read],
IOUtils.StoreData[self: stream, key: $Name, data: fileData.fileName];
fileData.firstReadStream ← newData;
filePos ← SetUpClonedStream[fileData: fileData, fsData: selfData];
[] ← FileStreamPrivate.SetupBuffer[fileData: fileData, fsData: newData,
fileByte: selfData.currentNode.firstFileByteInBuffer] ;
newData.index ← selfData.index ;
IF FileStreamPrivate.DoFinalization THEN {
newData.ConvertFStoIOErrors ← TRUE;
newData ← NIL ;
ENDCASE => ERROR IO.Error[NotImplementedForThisStream, self];
SetUpClonedStream: ENTRY PROC [fileData: FileDataHandle, fsData: FSDataHandle] RETURNS [filePos: INT]= {
node: BufferNodeHandle ← fileData.firstBufferNode;
Find last node
UNTIL node.nextBufferNode = NIL DO
node ← node.nextBufferNode;
Allocate some more nodes.
FOR i:INT IN [1..fileData.streamBufferParms.nBuffers] DO
node.nextBufferNode ←
CreateBufferSpace[fileData.streamBufferParms.vmPagesPerBuffer, read];
node ← node.nextBufferNode;
fileData.numberOfStreams ← fileData.numberOfStreams + 1 ;
filePos ← fsData.index + fsData.currentNode.firstFileByteInBuffer ;
fsData ← NIL ;
Buffer management
CreateBufferSpace: PROC [vmPagesPerBuffer: INT [1 .. 128], accessRights: FS.Lock] RETURNS [BufferNodeHandle] = {
vmPages: INTMIN[vmPagesPerBuffer, maxVMPagesPerBuffer] ;
newBuffer: BufferNodeHandle ← NEW[BufferNode];
newBuffer.bufferInterval ← VM.Allocate[count: vmPages
! VM.CantAllocate => {
We cannot accept anything but the right size interval.
The program assumes that all buffers are the same size.
newBuffer.buffer ← VM.AddressForPageNumber[];
IF accessRights = write THEN VM.SwapIn[newBuffer.bufferInterval];
newBuffer.bufferBytes ← VM.BytesForPages[pages: vmPages];
NewByteSize: PROC [byteCount: ByteCount] RETURNS [ByteCount] = {
RETURN [byteCount+5120];
Talking to FS
SetFileSize: PROC [f: FS.OpenFile, byteSize: ByteCount] = {
f.SetPageCount[pages: (byteSize+bytesPerFilePage-1)/bytesPerFilePage];
GetFileLock: PROC [f: FS.OpenFile] RETURNS [FS.Lock] = {
RETURN [f.GetInfo[].lock]
IsThisThingATiogaFile: PROC [h: STREAM] RETURNS [yes: BOOL, len: INT] = {
pos, length: INT;
{ -- block so EXITS code can use pos, len, and length.
controlHeaderId: ARRAY [0..fileIdSize) OF CHAR = [235C,312C];
controlTrailerId: ARRAY [0..fileIdSize) OF CHAR = [205C,227C];
commentHeaderId: ARRAY [0..fileIdSize) OF CHAR = [0C,0C];
fileIdSize: NAT = 2;
numTrailerLengths: NAT = 3; -- <file-props-length> <data-length> <file-length>
endSize: NAT = fileIdSize+numTrailerLengths*4; -- trailer plus three lengths
start[0] ← h.GetChar[]; start[1] ← h.GetChar[];
start[2] ← h.GetChar[]; start[3] ← h.GetChar[];
commentStart, commentLen, propsLen, controlLen, controlEnd: INT;
pos ← h.GetIndex[]; -- save position to restore later
length ← h.GetLength[]; -- length including any trailer stuff
controlEnd ← length-endSize; -- where the trailer info starts
IF controlEnd <= 0 THEN GOTO fail; -- too small
h.SetIndex[controlEnd]; -- set up to read the trailer
FOR i:NAT IN [0..fileIdSize) DO -- read the controlTrailerId
IF h.GetChar[] # controlTrailerId[i] THEN GOTO fail;
IF (propsLen ← ReadLen[h]) NOT IN [0..controlEnd) THEN GOTO fail;
IF (commentStart ← ReadLen[h]) NOT IN [0..controlEnd) THEN GOTO fail;
IF ReadLen[h] # length THEN GOTO fail;
IF commentStart > 0
THEN { -- may have padded text with a null
len ← IF h.GetChar[]=0C THEN commentStart-1 ELSE commentStart }
ELSE h.SetIndex[len ← commentStart];
FOR i:NAT IN [0..fileIdSize) DO -- read the commentHeaderId
IF h.GetChar[] # commentHeaderId[i] THEN GOTO fail;
commentLen ← ReadLen[h]; -- the length of the comment section
IF commentStart+commentLen NOT IN [0..controlEnd) THEN GOTO fail;
h.SetIndex[commentStart+commentLen]; -- go to start of control info
FOR i:NAT IN [0..fileIdSize) DO -- check the controlHeaderId
IF h.GetChar[] # controlHeaderId[i] THEN GOTO fail;
controlLen ← ReadLen[h]; -- the length of the control section
IF commentStart+commentLen+controlLen # length THEN GOTO fail;
GOTO succeed;
fail => { h.SetIndex[pos]; RETURN [FALSE, length] };
succeed => { h.SetIndex[pos]; RETURN [TRUE, len] };
Created by Hagmann on November 22, 1983 4:30 pm
By cutting this out of FSFileIOImpl.
Changed by Hagmann on November 28, 1983 12:01 pm
Added test for DoFinalization to enable FileStream testing without making a boot file
Changed by Hagmann on December 6, 1983 4:52 pm
Removed code for process cache
Changed by Hagmann on January 3, 1984 11:33 am
Added enable for ConvertFStoIOErrors.
Russ Atkinson (RRA) May 9, 1985 1:56:42 pm PDT
Added VM.SwapIn for write buffer pages to avoid bogus page faults
changes to: StreamFromOpenFile, SetUpClonedStream, CreateBufferSpace
Bob Hagmann May 14, 1985 11:10:58 am PDT
put back in use of FSLock
changes to: StreamFromOpenFile, StreamFromOpenStream