BeginStyle (BasicPrint) AttachStyle (keep) 0 pt StyleParam (keepStretch) 1 fil StyleParam (maxHorizontalExpansion) 1 fil StyleParam (maxVerticalExpansion) 3 StyleParam (hyphenation) (No) StyleParam (bp) "big point" {72.0 .div in} StyleRule (sp) "width of spaces in screen font" { screensp } ScreenRule (sp) "width of spaces in printing font" { printsp } PrintRule (BasicSize) % normal type font size {10 bp} .cvx .def (BasicIncrement) % normal type font size change {2 bp} .cvx .def (ExtraLead) % normal between-lines leading {2 bp} .cvx .def (CodeIndent) % normal amount to indent nested code nodes {15 bp} .cvx .def (CodeFont) "code font" { "Tioga" family 10 bp size } StyleRule (FontFamily) "main font" { "TimesRoman" family } StyleRule (BodyFontFamily) "screen font" { "Tioga" family } ScreenRule (BodyFontFamily) "print font" { "TimesRoman" family } PrintRule (AlternateFontFamily) "other font" { "Helvetica" family } StyleRule (FixedPitchFont) "fixed pitch font" { "Gacha" family } StyleRule (GreekFont) "Greek font" { "Hippo" family } StyleRule (LogoFont) "Xerox logo font" { "Logo" family } StyleRule (DoubleIncrement) % double type font size change {BasicIncrement BasicIncrement .add} .cvx .def (ParaIndent) % normal indentation of paragraphs {BasicSize BasicSize .add} .cvx .def (LargeSize) % large font size {BasicSize BasicIncrement .add} .cvx .def (XLSize) % large font size {BasicSize DoubleIncrement .add} .cvx .def (TitleSize) % largest font size {XLSize DoubleIncrement .add} .cvx .def (BasicLeading) % normal type leading {BasicSize ExtraLead .add} .cvx .def (LooseLeading) % normal type leading {BasicLeading ExtraLead .add} .cvx .def (MoreLead) % double inter-paragraph spacing {ExtraLead 3 .mul} .cvx .def (BreakSize) % normal inter-paragraph spacing {BasicLeading MoreLead .add} .cvx .def (BreakPlus) % extra inter-paragraph spacing {BreakSize ExtraLead .add} .cvx .def (DoubleBreak) % twice inter-paragraph spacing {BreakSize MoreLead .add} .cvx .def (TripleBreak) % triple inter-paragraph spacing {DoubleBreak MoreLead .add} .cvx .def (QuadBreak) % quadruple inter-paragraph spacing {TripleBreak MoreLead .add} .cvx .def (QuintBreak) % quintuple inter-paragraph spacing {QuadBreak MoreLead .add} .cvx .def (HexBreak) % hextuple inter-paragraph spacing {QuintBreak MoreLead .add} .cvx .def (displayNesting) .true StyleParam (DoNest) % set it up so Nest does the nesting {.true displayNesting} .cvx .def (DontNest) % set it up so Nest does nothing {.false displayNesting} .cvx .def (DefaultNest) "for screen" {DoNest} ScreenRule (DefaultNest) "for print" {DontNest} PrintRule (Nest) "display nesting level" { the displayNesting { nestingLevel 1 .gt {BasicSize bigger leftIndent} .cvx .if } { } .ifelse .cvx .exec } StyleRule (DefaultLineLength) "for screen" {9 in lineLength} ScreenRule (DefaultLineLength) "for print" {6 in lineLength} PrintRule (FontPrefix) "default font prefix for Xerox fonts" { TiogaFonts } ScreenRule (FontPrefix) "default font prefix for Xerox fonts" { PressFonts } PrintRule (TiogaFonts) "font prefix for Xerox screen fonts suitable for easy reading on display" { "Xerox/TiogaFonts/" fontPrefix } StyleRule (PressFonts) "font prefix for Xerox Press fonts suitable for look hardcopy" { "Xerox/PressFonts/" fontPrefix } StyleRule (look.a) "annotation font" { +bold face BasicSize size FontFamily} StyleRule (look.b) "bold font" { +bold face} StyleRule (look.c) "Cedar comments" { +italic face} StyleRule (look.d) "down for subscript" { BasicIncrement .neg vShift BasicIncrement smaller size} StyleRule (look.e) "emphasis" { isComment {-italic face}{+italic face} .ifelse .cvx .exec } StyleRule (look.f) "fixed-pitch font" { FixedPitchFont} StyleRule (look.g) "Greek" { GreekFont } StyleRule (look.h) "hidden by asterisks" { "Asterisk" family regular face 10 bp size } ScreenRule (look.h) "hidden by asterisks" { CodeFont regular face } PrintRule (look.i) "italic" { +italic face} StyleRule (look.j) "unassigned as yet" { } StyleRule (look.k) "Cedar keywords" { BasicIncrement smaller size FontFamily} StyleRule (look.l) "larger font" { BasicIncrement bigger size} StyleRule (look.m) "Math font" { "Math" family} StyleRule (look.n) "Cedar procedure names" { +bold face} StyleRule (look.o) "other font" { AlternateFontFamily} StyleRule (look.p) "plain font -- override node format" { BasicSize size FontFamily} StyleRule (look.q) "quaint Xerox logo font" { LogoFont 24 pt size 4 pt bigger topLeading} StyleRule (look.r) "regular face -- override node format" { regular face} StyleRule (look.s) "smaller font" { BasicIncrement smaller size} StyleRule (look.t) "Tioga font" { CodeFont} StyleRule (look.u) "up, for superscript" { DoubleIncrement vShift BasicIncrement smaller size} StyleRule (look.v) "unassigned as yet" { } StyleRule (look.w) "unassigned as yet" { } StyleRule (look.x) "extra large" { DoubleIncrement bigger size} StyleRule (look.y) "y -- arbitrary for strikeout" { all strikeout } StyleRule (look.z) "z -- arbitrary for underlined" { all underlining } StyleRule (abstract) "for abstract on title page" { head4 AlternateFontFamily 15 sp tabStops } StyleRule (authors) "for authors on title page" { block BasicIncrement bigger size QuadBreak BasicSize MoreLead bottomLeadingGlue AlternateFontFamily (No) hyphenation } StyleRule (block) "for block paragraphs, no initial indentation" { docStandard regular face BreakSize MoreLead 0 topLeadingGlue 10 pageBreakPenalty 3 maxHorizontalExpansion (English) hyphenation justified lineFormatting flushLeft lastLineFormatting } StyleRule (block1) "for block paragraphs, with more top leading" { block BreakSize ExtraLead .add topLeading } StyleRule (body) "for ordinary paragraphs with indentation" { block isComment .not { ParaIndent firstIndent } .cvx .if } StyleRule (body1) "for ordinary paragraphs with indentation with extra top leading" { body BreakSize ExtraLead .add topLeading } StyleRule (boilerplate) "for title page Xerox logo and address" { block (No) hyphenation HexBreak 0 0 topLeadingGlue DoubleBreak 0 0 bottomLeadingGlue 58 pt tabStops } ScreenRule (boilerplate) "for title page Xerox logo and address" { pageBreak 58 pt tabStops } PrintRule (cedarRoot) "cedar format for root nodes" { % Defined for convenience of layering styles on this one FontPrefix DefaultNest DefaultLineLength docStandard .5 in topMargin .8 in headerMargin .5 in footerMargin .5 in bottomMargin 1.25 in leftMargin 1.25 in rightMargin 24 pt topIndent 24 pt topLeading 0 leftIndent 10 pt rightIndent } StyleRule (center) "for centered paragraphs" { block (No) hyphenation centered lineFormatting centered lastLineFormatting } StyleRule (chapter) "for chapter titles that begin a new page" { head1 XLSize size XLSize MoreLead .add leading } ScreenRule (chapter) "for chapter titles that begin a new page" { head1 XLSize size XLSize MoreLead .add leading 11 in keep 1 fil keepStretch 1 fill 0 0 topLeadingGlue } PrintRule (code) "for ordinary Cedar program statements" { standard CodeFont isComment {italic face}{regular face} .ifelse .cvx .exec isComment {6 pt restIndent}{CodeIndent 3 .mul restIndent} .ifelse .cvx .exec nestingLevel 1 .eq .not {CodeIndent bigger leftIndent} .cvx .if } StyleRule (code1) "for ordinary Cedar program nodes" { code nestingLevel 1 .eq {DoubleBreak BasicSize MoreLead topLeadingGlue} .cvx .if } StyleRule (code2) "for ordinary Cedar program nodes" { code nestingLevel 3 .lt {DoubleBreak BasicSize MoreLead topLeadingGlue} .cvx .if } StyleRule (code3) "for ordinary Cedar program nodes" { code nestingLevel 4 .lt {DoubleBreak BasicSize MoreLead topLeadingGlue} .cvx .if } StyleRule (contents) "for section headings in tables of contents at any level" { head nestingLevel 1 .eq .not {ParaIndent bigger leftIndent} .cvx .if BreakSize leading DoubleBreak BasicSize MoreLead topLeadingGlue BreakSize BasicSize MoreLead bottomLeadingGlue } StyleRule (continuation) "for continuation of broken paragraph" { block BasicLeading 0 0 topLeadingGlue } StyleRule (copyrightNotice) "for copyright notices" { default } ScreenRule (copyrightNotice) "for copyright notices" { standard the size 1 .add topIndent (xerox/xc1-1-1/) fontPrefix (modern) family nestingLevel 1 .eq .not {CodeIndent bigger leftIndent} .cvx .if } PrintRule (default) "style rule for nodes without explict formats" { standard CodeFont isComment {italic face}{regular face} .ifelse .cvx .exec 6 pt restIndent nestingLevel 1 .eq .not {CodeIndent bigger leftIndent} .cvx .if the size 1 .add topIndent 4 sp tabStops } StyleRule (display) "displayed equations, etc. embedded in text" { block (No) hyphenation MoreLead bigger topLeading MoreLead bigger bottomLeading ParaIndent bigger leftIndent } StyleRule (docStandard) "shared by various text formats" { standard FontFamily Nest } StyleRule (example) "default type for examples embedded in text" { default ParaIndent bigger leftIndent } StyleRule (head) "for section headings at any level" { nestingLevel 3 .gt {head4} % do head4 if nestingLevel is greater than 3 {{ head0 head1 head2 head3 } nestingLevel .aget .cvx .exec} .ifelse .cvx .exec } StyleRule (head0) "for zero-level headings (must be the root node)" { root } StyleRule (head1) "for chapter headings" { docStandard bold face LargeSize size LargeSize MoreLead .add leading isComment { QuadBreak BasicSize MoreLead topLeadingGlue } { HexBreak BasicSize MoreLead topLeadingGlue } .ifelse .cvx .exec DoubleBreak BasicSize MoreLead bottomLeadingGlue 75 pageBreakAfterLastLinePenalty 144 pt keep } StyleRule (head2) "for major section headings" { docStandard bold face BasicSize MoreLead .add leading DoubleBreak BasicSize MoreLead topLeadingGlue DoubleBreak BasicSize MoreLead bottomLeadingGlue 50 pageBreakAfterLastLinePenalty 108 pt keep } StyleRule (head3) "for minor section headings" { docStandard italic face BasicSize MoreLead .add leading DoubleBreak BasicSize MoreLead topLeadingGlue DoubleBreak BasicSize MoreLead bottomLeadingGlue 25 pageBreakAfterLastLinePenalty 72 pt keep } StyleRule (head4) "for run-in section headings" { block DoubleBreak BasicSize MoreLead topLeadingGlue 54 pt keep } StyleRule (head5) "for run-in section headings for compatibility sake" { head4 } StyleRule (indent) "for indented paragraphs" { block BasicSize 3 .mul bigger leftIndent } StyleRule (indent1) "for indented paragraphs with more top leading" { indent BreakSize ExtraLead .add topLeading } StyleRule (item) "for lists of items." { indent BasicSize 3 .mul bigger restIndent the restIndent tabStops LooseLeading ExtraLead 0 topLeadingGlue } StyleRule (item1) "for lists of items with more top leading" { item BreakSize ExtraLead .add topLeading } StyleRule (lead1) "more lead, to space out or provide for larger type, superscripts, . . ." { block BreakSize ExtraLead .add topLeading ExtraLead bigger leading } StyleRule (lead2) "even more lead, . . ." { block BreakSize ExtraLead 2 .mul .add topLeading ExtraLead 2 .mul bigger leading } StyleRule (lead3) "still more lead, . . ." { block BreakSize ExtraLead 3 .mul .add topLeading ExtraLead 3 .mul bigger leading } StyleRule (letterHead1) "top node of a letter (should be empty)" { table2 } ScreenRule (letterHead1) "top node of a letter (should be empty)" { table2 60 pt .neg bottomLeading } PrintRule (letterHead2) "letterhead address" { table2 60 pt .neg topLeading 72 pt bottomLeading } StyleRule (logo) "for Xerox logo" { LogoFont 24 pt size 24 bp topIndent -0.75 in leftIndent 48 pt 20 pt 5 pt topLeadingGlue 48 pt 20 pt 5 pt bottomLeadingGlue 75 pageBreakAfterLastLinePenalty } PrintRule (logo) "Xerox logo: screen" { LogoFont 24 pt size 36 bp topIndent 48 pt topLeading 48 pt bottomLeading } ScreenRule (memoHead) "for the To, From, Subject nodes at front of memos" { standard (No) hyphenation FontFamily LooseLeading 2 .mul topLeading 16 pt topIndent LooseLeading bottomLeading 20 sp tabStops } StyleRule (note) "for fine points" { quote BasicIncrement smaller size BasicIncrement smaller topLeading BasicIncrement smaller leading } StyleRule (pageBreak) "to force a new page" { standard 0 pt 1 fill .dup .mul 0 pt topLeadingGlue 1 fill .dup .mul 0 pt 0 pt bottomLeadingGlue } PrintRule (pageBreak) "to force a new page" { standard } ScreenRule (pageNumber) "applied to the folio number when printing" { unleaded } ScreenRule (quote) "for quotations and other displays" { block ParaIndent bigger leftIndent } StyleRule (ragged) "ragged-right block" { block flushLeft lineFormatting flushLeft lastLineFormatting } StyleRule (raggedContinuation) "for continuation of broken ragged-right block" { ragged BasicLeading 0 0 topLeadingGlue } StyleRule (reference) "an item in a reference list" { block (No) hyphenation 4 sp restIndent 2 maxHorizontalExpansion the restIndent tabStops LooseLeading ExtraLead 0 topLeadingGlue } StyleRule (root) "format for root nodes" {cedarRoot} StyleRule (standard) "shared by various formats" { regular face caps+lowercase alphabets BasicSize size BasicLeading leading BasicLeading MoreLead 0 topLeadingGlue BasicLeading MoreLead 0 bottomLeadingGlue 20 pageBreakAfterFirstLinePenalty 20 pageBreakBeforeLastLinePenalty 0 pageBreakPenalty flushLeft lineFormatting flushLeft lastLineFormatting 0 em firstIndent 0 em restIndent the size MoreLead .add topIndent 15 sp tabStops 0 pt keep 0 pt keepStretch 1.5 maxVerticalExpansion 1 fil maxHorizontalExpansion (No) hyphenation } StyleRule (subtitle) "for subtitle nodes" { title XLSize size TripleBreak BasicSize MoreLead topLeadingGlue QuadBreak BasicSize MoreLead bottomLeadingGlue } StyleRule (table) "sets TABs for kludge tables" { block (No) hyphenation flushLeft lineFormatting flushLeft lastLineFormatting 15 pageBreakPenalty 40 sp tabStops } StyleRule (table0) "for more columns" { table 35 sp tabStops } StyleRule (table1) "for more columns" { table 30 sp tabStops } StyleRule (table2) "for more columns" { table 25 sp tabStops } StyleRule (table3) "for more columns" { table 20 sp tabStops } StyleRule (tight) "for items with less leading" { block BasicSize ExtraLead 0 topLeadingGlue BasicSize ExtraLead 0 bottomLeadingGlue BasicSize leading } StyleRule (title) "for chapter title nodes" { head TitleSize size the size DoubleIncrement .add leading QuadBreak DoubleBreak .add BasicSize MoreLead topLeadingGlue QuadBreak BasicSize MoreLead bottomLeadingGlue 200 pageBreakAfterLastLinePenalty 0 firstIndent 0 restIndent flushLeft lineFormatting flushLeft lastLineFormatting AlternateFontFamily } StyleRule (unit) "for procedure and other major program nodes" { code BreakSize MoreLead 0 topLeadingGlue } StyleRule (unleaded) "for running head/feet text" { docStandard BasicLeading 0 0 topLeadingGlue BasicLeading 0 0 bottomLeadingGlue 0 pageBreakAfterFirstLinePenalty 0 pageBreakBeforeLastLinePenalty 0 pageBreakPenalty BasicLeading topIndent BasicLeading bottomIndent } StyleRule (widowSaver) "for body paragraphs with the last line right-justified" { body justified lastLineFormatting } StyleRule EndStyle –Cedar.Style Copyright Σ 1984, 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Beach, January 23, 1985 9:40:17 pm PST Russ Atkinson (RRA) January 8, 1985 10:18:06 am PST Rick Beach, February 24, 1986 9:21:45 am PST Michael Plass, April 11, 1986 11:39:55 am PST TSetter Compatibility StyleParam declarations These are redundant with those in NodeStyleWorks4Impl, and may be removed after the next bounce. They are harmless here, however, until these become full-fledged style parameters. General declarations Looks Formats Change Log: Beach, May 20, 1983 2:07 pm Add new StyleRules: abstract - for BlueAndWhite abstracts, authors - for BlueAndWhite authors, block - to differentiate between block-style paragraphs and indent-first-line paragraphs Modify StyleRules: body - an indent-first-line paragraph, * - modify StyleRules which depend on block vs body, reference - make hanging indent work correctly with tab, root - establish page margins for header/footers Modify Cedar.Style parameters to be executable rather than local variables. This permits styles to redefine them and have the effects percolate all affected StyleRules. Russ Atkinson (RRA) January 8, 1985 10:13:48 am PST default leftMargin _ 1.25; lineLength _ 6.0; now has Cedar style Rick Beach, June 20, 1985 2:47:25 pm PDT make tables ragged right Michael Plass, February 27, 1986 1:40:39 pm PST Add nesting control (DoNest, DontNest), with compatible defaults Add print/style distinction for lineLength Add cedarRoot Michael Plass, April 1, 1986 Add keep parameter to standard, heads, and chapter. Add max expansions, hyphenation Michael Plass, April 11, 1986 Added copyrightNotice format. Κ'– "cedar" style˜™ IcopyrightnoticešœB™BJ™&J™3Icode™,L™-—J™J˜ head™IitemšœΟb œ ˜—™Lšœ΄™΄Nšœœ˜Nšœ œ˜Nšœœ˜)Nšœœ˜#Nšœ œ˜N˜—™šœœ ˜N˜—šœœ$˜'N˜N˜ —šœœ&˜)N˜N˜ —šœ œ˜#Nšœ˜—šœœ!˜0Nšœ˜—šœ œ ˜*Nšœ˜—šœ œ-˜8Nšœ˜—Nšœœ5˜>Nšœ œ/˜:Nšœœ-˜Nšœ˜N˜ —šœœ˜$N˜Nšœ"˜"Nšœ ˜ —šœœ3˜;N˜Nšœ#˜#Nšœ ˜ —šœœ˜Nšœ˜Nšœ"˜"N˜Nšœ'˜'Nšœ ˜ —šœœ.˜4N˜Nšœ#˜#Nšœ ˜ —šœœM˜SN˜Nšœ#˜#Nšœ˜Nšœ ˜ —šœœ˜!N˜Nšœ*˜*Nšœ˜Nšœ ˜ —šœœ˜"N˜Nšœ*˜*Nšœ˜Nšœ ˜ —šœ œΟcœ˜8N˜Nšœ ˜ —šœ œžœ˜8N˜N˜Nšœ ˜ —šœ œ˜$N˜N˜N˜Nšœ ˜ —šœœ˜Nšœ˜N˜ Nšœ˜Nšœ˜Nšœ˜Nšœ"˜"Nšœ ˜ Nšœ ˜ —šœœ˜Nšœ˜N˜ Nšœ˜Nšœ˜Nšœ˜N˜ —šœœ7˜@Nšœ˜N˜Nšœ ˜ N˜N˜Nšœ˜N˜Nšœ ˜ —šœœ˜N˜Nšœ˜Nšœ!˜!Nšœ˜Nšœ ˜ —šœ œ˜#N˜Nšœ)˜)Nšœ,˜,Nšœ ˜ —šœ œ˜#N˜Nšœ ˜ —šœ œ/˜:N˜Nšœ ˜ —šœœ'˜-N˜Nšœ˜Nšœ ˜ —šœœ˜N˜Nšœ˜Nšœ˜Nšœ ˜ —šœœ3˜FN˜Nšœ˜Nšœ ˜ —šœ œ!˜+N˜N˜N˜N˜N˜Nšœ'˜'Nšœ ˜ —Nšœœ/˜4šœœ˜(N˜ N˜N˜N˜Nšœ&˜&Nšœ)˜)Nšœ!˜!Nšœ!˜!Nšœ˜N˜Nšœ˜Nšœ˜Nšœ˜Nšœ ˜ N˜N˜ Nšœ˜N˜N˜N˜N˜ —šœœ˜!Nšœ˜Nšœ ˜ Nšœ-˜-Nšœ.˜.Nšœ ˜ —šœœ!˜'N˜N˜N˜N˜Nšœ˜Nšœ˜Nšœ ˜ —šœœ˜N˜Nšœ˜Nšœ ˜ —šœœ˜N˜Nšœ˜Nšœ ˜ —šœœ˜N˜Nšœ˜Nšœ ˜ —šœœ˜N˜Nšœ˜Nšœ ˜ —šœœ!˜'N˜Nšœ$˜$Nšœ'˜'Nšœ˜Nšœ ˜ —šœœ˜#N˜N˜Nšœ%˜%Nšœ<˜