Russ Atkinson (RRA) February 14, 1986 12:14:03 pm PST
Spreitzer, February 12, 1986 4:16:25 pm PST
DFCommands Documentation
The BringOver, SModel, and VerifyDF commands
Russ Atkinson
© Copyright 1985, 1986 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Abstract: DFCommands provides a Commander-style interface to three common DF functions: BringOver, SModel, and VerifyDF. Various options are available through switches.
Keywords: DFCommands, BringOver, SModel, VerifyDF, DF files
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For Internal Xerox Use Only
1. BringOver
BringOver switchOrFile*
-b (origin: derived) - accept only derived files (*.bcd, *.boot, *.press, *.signals)
-f (action: fetch) - force the actual transfer of the accepted files
-m (try map) - for short DF names try using the source version maps to fill out the prefix
-o (selected files) - accept only the files following the -o switch up to the last file specified or the -x switch (the last file listed OR the file following the -x switch is the DF file)
-p (access: public) - accept only exported files
-r (reference: imported) - accept only imported files
-s (origin: source) - accept only non-derived files
-t (touchy) - let warnings cause the command to fail; ordinarily only errors do
-v (action: check) - check existence on server (more expensive)
-w (reference: defining) - accept only files directly listed in the DF file (not imports)
-x (execute) - start execution with the next file (useful after the -o switch when used on multiple files)
BringOver is the command used to bring the files listed in a list of DF files into the local naming environment. BringOver normally works by making attachments in the current working directory to the files described by the specified DF files. The switches mostly govern the filters used, but -f can also be used to force fetching of the files.
BringOver -p /Indigo/Cedar6.0/Top/DFCommands.df
takes the exported files specified by /Indigo/Cedar6.0/Top/DFCommands.df and creates local attachments for them in the current working directory
BringOver Rope -p IO
takes all files described by Rope.df and the exported files described by IO.df and creates local attachments for them in the current working directory
BringOver -o RopeDoc.tioga Rope
takes the version of RopeDoc.tioga described by Rope.df and creates a local attachment for it in the current working directory
BringOver -mp Rope
uses the version maps to find the prefix for Rope.df ([Cedar]<Cedar6.0>Top>Rope.df) and brings over the public files from that DF file. Note that the highest version number on the remote server is used, not the version named in the version map, so slightly out-of-date version maps will not cause confusion.
2. SModel
SModel switchOrFile*
-d (Check on server: no)
-n (Store changed files: no)
-t (touchy) - let warnings cause the command to fail; ordinarily only errors do
SModel is the command used to store changes to the set of files described by the specified DF files. Normal users should avoid giving any switches, since using them can cause inconsistencies in the DF files.
SModel Foo
stores the changed version of files described by Foo.df to the remote server given in Foo.df, and stores the updated version of Foo.df as well
SModel Foo Bar
stores the changed version of files described by Foo.df and Bar.df to the remote server(s) given in Foo.df and Bar.df, and stores the updated version of Foo.df and Bar.df as well
3. VerifyDF
VerifyDF switchOrFile*
-t (touchy) - let warnings cause the command to fail; ordinarily only errors do
VerifyDF is the command used to check the specified DF files for consistency. VerifyDF that each of the specified DF files has been SModel'd before being checked.