DIRECTORY Alloc: TYPE USING [Handle], BcdDefs: TYPE USING [MTHandle, SGRecord, VersionStamp], FileParms: TYPE USING [ActualId], OSMiscOps: TYPE USING [Stamp], Rope: TYPE USING [ROPE], SourceMap: TYPE USING [Loc], Symbols: TYPE USING [ISEIndex, CSEIndex, CTXIndex, CBTIndex], SymbolSegment: TYPE USING [FGTEntry], SymbolTable: TYPE USING [Base], Tree: TYPE USING [Link]; ComData: PROGRAM = { OPEN Symbols; ownSymbols: PUBLIC SymbolTable.Base; typeINT, typeCARDINAL: PUBLIC CSEIndex; typeBOOL, typeCHAR, typeREAL: PUBLIC CSEIndex; typeSTRING, typeStringBody: PUBLIC CSEIndex; typeATOM, typeAtomRecord: PUBLIC CSEIndex; typeRefANY, typeListANY: PUBLIC CSEIndex; typeLOCK, typeCONDITION: PUBLIC CSEIndex; interface: PUBLIC BOOL; -- interface module outerCtx: PUBLIC CTXIndex; -- predefined identifiers moduleCtx: PUBLIC CTXIndex; -- module identifiers importCtx: PUBLIC CTXIndex; -- import id context exportCtx: PUBLIC CTXIndex; -- export id context mainCtx: PUBLIC CTXIndex; -- main program's context nBodies: PUBLIC CARDINAL; nInnerBodies: PUBLIC CARDINAL; nSigCodes: PUBLIC CARDINAL; defBodyLimit: PUBLIC CARDINAL; linkCount: PUBLIC CARDINAL; -- global control links (externals, etc) cedar: PUBLIC BOOL; monitored: PUBLIC BOOL; stopping: PUBLIC BOOL; idANY: PUBLIC ISEIndex; idINT, idCARDINAL, idCHAR, idBOOL, idREAL, idSTRING: PUBLIC ISEIndex; idTEXT: PUBLIC ISEIndex; idLOCK: PUBLIC ISEIndex; idATOM: PUBLIC ISEIndex; seAnon: PUBLIC ISEIndex; tC0, tC1: PUBLIC Tree.Link; idUNWIND: PUBLIC ISEIndex; table: PUBLIC Alloc.Handle; switches: PUBLIC PACKED ARRAY CHAR['a..'z] OF BOOL; source: PUBLIC FileParms.ActualId; sourceTokens: PUBLIC CARDINAL; pattern: PUBLIC FileParms.ActualId; -- old bcd to match matched: PUBLIC BOOL; nErrors: PUBLIC CARDINAL; nWarnings: PUBLIC CARDINAL; bodyIndex: PUBLIC CBTIndex; -- current body textIndex: PUBLIC SourceMap.Loc; -- start index of phrase with error compilerVersion: PUBLIC BcdDefs.VersionStamp; objectVersion: PUBLIC BcdDefs.VersionStamp; objectStamp: PUBLIC OSMiscOps.Stamp; globalFrameSize: PUBLIC CARDINAL; objectBytes: PUBLIC CARDINAL; fgTable: PUBLIC LONG DESCRIPTOR FOR ARRAY OF SymbolSegment.FGTEntry _ NIL; bcdSeg, codeSeg, symSeg: PUBLIC BcdDefs.SGRecord; mtRoot: PUBLIC BcdDefs.MTHandle _ NIL; mtRootSize: PUBLIC CARDINAL; fixupLoc: PUBLIC LONG CARDINAL; }. ComData.mesa Copyright c 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Satterthwaite, April 16, 1986 3:22:55 pm PST Paul Rovner, September 8, 1983 9:53 am Russ Atkinson (RRA) March 6, 1985 10:17:34 pm PST shared instance of SymbolTable basic types (initialized in Pass1) global info describing module type identifiers (initialized in Pass1) anonymous entry for undeclared ids symbolic constants scratch storage compilation options input variables used for error reporting output objectFile: Rope.ROPE; Κb˜codešœ ™ Kšœ Οmœ1™