DIRECTORY Alloc USING [Handle], BcdDefs USING [VersionStamp], ConvertUnsafe USING [SubString], Symbols, Tree USING [Link, Map]; SymbolOps: DEFINITIONS = {OPEN Symbols; FindString: PROC [ConvertUnsafe.SubString] RETURNS [Name]; HashValue: PROC [ConvertUnsafe.SubString] RETURNS [HVIndex]; SubStringForName: PROC [Name] RETURNS[ConvertUnsafe.SubString]; CtxEntries: PROC [CTXIndex] RETURNS [CARDINAL]; FirstCtxSe: PROC [CTXIndex] RETURNS [ISEIndex]; NextSe: PROC [ISEIndex] RETURNS [ISEIndex]; SearchContext: PROC [name: Name, ctx: CTXIndex] RETURNS [ISEIndex]; SeiForValue: PROC [value: CARDINAL, ctx: CTXIndex] RETURNS [ISEIndex]; FindMdi: PROC [BcdDefs.VersionStamp] RETURNS [MDIndex]; ArgCtx: PROC [CSEIndex] RETURNS [CTXIndex]; ArgRecord: PROC [CSEIndex] RETURNS [RecordSEIndex]; ClusterSe: PROC [Type] RETURNS [Type]; NormalType: PROC [CSEIndex] RETURNS [CSEIndex]; RecordLink: PROC [RecordSEIndex] RETURNS [RecordSEIndex]; RecordRoot: PROC [RecordSEIndex] RETURNS [RecordSEIndex]; ReferentType: PROC [CSEIndex] RETURNS [CSEIndex]; TransferTypes: PROC [Type] RETURNS [typeIn, typeOut: RecordSEIndex]; TypeForm: PROC [Type] RETURNS [TypeClass]; TypeLink: PROC [Type] RETURNS [Type]; TypeRoot: PROC [Type] RETURNS [Type]; UnderType: PROC [Type] RETURNS [CSEIndex]; XferMode: PROC [Type] RETURNS [TransferMode]; BitsForRange: PROC [CARDINAL] RETURNS [CARDINAL]; BitsForType: PROC [Type] RETURNS [BitCount]; BitsPerElement: PROC [type: Type, packed: BOOL] RETURNS [BitCount]; Cardinality: PROC [Type] RETURNS [LONG CARDINAL]; FindExtension: PROC [sei: ISEIndex] RETURNS [type: ExtensionType, tree: Tree.Link]; FnField: PROC [ISEIndex] RETURNS [offset: BitAddress, size: FieldBitCount]; LinkMode: PROC [sei: ISEIndex] RETURNS [Linkage]; NameForSe: PROC [ISEIndex] RETURNS [Name]; PackedSize: ARRAY PackedBitCount OF CARDINAL = [1, 2, 4, 4, 8, 8, 8, 8]; RecField: PROC [ISEIndex] RETURNS [offset: BitAddress, size: FieldBitCount]; RCType: PROC [CSEIndex] RETURNS [RefClass]; VariantField: PROC [CSEIndex] RETURNS [ISEIndex]; WordsForType: PROC [Type] RETURNS [WordCount]; EnumerateBodies: PROC [root: BTIndex, proc: PROC [BTIndex] RETURNS [stop: BOOL]] RETURNS [BTIndex]; ParentBti: PROC [BTIndex] RETURNS [BTIndex]; SiblingBti: PROC [BTIndex] RETURNS [BTIndex]; SonBti: PROC [BTIndex] RETURNS [BTIndex]; Initialize: PROC [Alloc.Handle, UNCOUNTED ZONE]; Reset, Finalize: PROC; EnterString: PROC [ConvertUnsafe.SubString] RETURNS [Name]; HashBlock: PROC RETURNS [LONG POINTER TO HashVector]; NextLevel: PROC [ContextLevel] RETURNS [ContextLevel]; BlockLevel: PROC [ContextLevel] RETURNS [ContextLevel]; NewCtx: PROC [ContextLevel] RETURNS [CTXIndex]; SetMainCtx: PROC [CTXIndex]; ResetCtxList: PROC [CTXIndex]; FirstVisibleSe: PROC [CTXIndex] RETURNS [ISEIndex]; NextVisibleSe: PROC [ISEIndex] RETURNS [ISEIndex]; VisibleCtxEntries: PROC [CTXIndex] RETURNS [CARDINAL]; ContextVariant: PROC [CTXIndex] RETURNS [ISEIndex]; StaticNestError: SIGNAL; MakeCtxSe: PROC [name: Name, ctx: CTXIndex] RETURNS [ISEIndex]; MakeNonCtxSe: PROC [CARDINAL] RETURNS [CSEIndex]; MakeSeChain: PROC [CTXIndex, CARDINAL, BOOL] RETURNS [ISEIndex]; FillCtxSe: PROC [ISEIndex, Name, BOOL]; NameClash: SIGNAL [name: Name]; EnterExtension: PROC [sei: ISEIndex, type: ExtensionType, tree: Tree.Link]; SetSeLink: PROC [sei, next: ISEIndex]; LinkBti: PROC [bti, parent: BTIndex]; DelinkBti: PROC [BTIndex]; CopyArgSe: PROC [copy, master: ISEIndex]; CopyBasicType: PROC [CSEIndex] RETURNS [CSEIndex]; CopyXferType: PROC [CSEIndex, Tree.Map] RETURNS [CSEIndex]; ConstantId: PROC [ISEIndex] RETURNS [BOOL]; }. SymbolOps.mesa Copyright c 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Satterthwaite, February 17, 1983 4:05 pm Rovner, July 6, 1983 1:36 pm Russ Atkinson (RRA) January 31, 1985 1:07:20 pm PST implemented by SymbolPack hash manipulation context management module management type manipulation information returning procedures body table management implemented by SymbolPackExt (extensions for building tables) hash manipulation context management body table utilities copying within current table attribute extraction ΚΙ˜codešœ™Kšœ Οmœ1™