
Loadmap for boot file: BasicCedarD0.boot May 2, 1986 6:31:02 pm PDT
Built by: Cedar MakeBoot of May 13, 1985 11:27:45 pm PDT

Input BCDs:

HeadsD0.bcd 15-Nov-85 14:25:57 PST
MesaRuntime.bcd 03-May-85 11:16:38 PDT
Tentacles.bcd 24-Apr-85 21:37:06 PST
DiskImpl.bcd 27-Feb-85 20:55:48 PST
VMImpl.bcd 09-Apr-86 14:31:44 PST
BasicLoadStatePackage.bcd 27-Feb-85 20:59:43 PST
CedarRuntime.bcd 15-Apr-86 15:37:50 PST
FilePackage.bcd 20-Jan-86 17:44:03 PST
LoadStateImpl.bcd 28-Mar-86 15:34:31 PST
IOPackage.bcd 07-Feb-86 12:44:19 PST
Communication.bcd 01-Nov-85 15:24:04 PST
Pup.bcd 22-Jan-86 16:45:45 PST
BasicTimeImpl.bcd 31-Mar-86 20:13:52 PST
GrapevineUser.bcd 11-Feb-86 16:08:34 PST
STPPackage.bcd 11-Feb-86 19:03:53 PST
TerminalImpl.bcd 23-Jul-85 00:28:33 PDT
UserCredentialsImpl.bcd 13-May-85 22:06:07 PDT
DefaultRemoteNamesImpl.bcd 27-Feb-85 23:12:27 PST
SimpleTerminalImpl.bcd 21-Jan-86 21:01:58 PST
FSImpl.bcd 28-Apr-86 14:02:04 PDT
FileStreamPackage.bcd 07-Jan-86 17:14:21 PST
FormatDiskD0.bcd 27-Feb-85 23:06:33 PST
Iago.bcd 02-May-86 18:18:16 PDT
RollbackImpl.bcd 17-Jun-85 16:41:06 PDT
RuntimeLoader.bcd 28-Mar-86 17:07:46 PST
LoaderDriver.bcd 24-Apr-85 21:47:17 PST

Parameter Files:

Nucleus.bootmesa 20-Feb-85 20:02:32 PST
BasicCedar.bootmesa 02-May-86 18:21:49 PDT
HeadsD0.bootmesa 25-Apr-85 14:08:36 PST
MesaRuntime.bootmesa 29-Jan-85 00:22:59 PST
Tentacles.bootmesa 30-Jan-85 17:16:58 PST
DiskImpl.bootmesa 30-Jan-85 21:43:57 PST
VMImpl.bootmesa 04-Jun-84 15:06:24 PDT
BasicLoadStatePackage.bootmesa 31-Jan-85 11:13:50 PST
CedarRuntime.bootmesa 22-May-85 22:02:31 PDT
FilePackage.bootmesa 12-Aug-83 14:22:05 PDT
SimpleTerminalImpl.bootmesa 02-Feb-85 16:49:10 PST
FormatDiskD0.bootmesa 04-Feb-85 12:18:59 PST
Iago.bootmesa 04-Feb-85 16:49:14 PST
RollbackImpl.bootmesa 04-Feb-85 13:54:26 PST

Input Parameters:

Version = 6.0
Earliest acceptable microcode:
Dorado: 02-May-83 17:00:00 PDT

GFT length = 1024
PDA pages = 13
Processes = 200
MDS base = page 512 [400000]
Code base = page 768 [600000]

Statevector length = 20
Statevector counts:
0: 2
1: 20
2: 32
3: 20
4: 16
5: 10
6: 5
7: 5

Frame heap pages = 36
Frame distribution: [ FSI (words): weight, next FSI ]
0 ( 7): 12, 1
1 ( 11): 16, 2
2 ( 15): 12, 3
3 ( 19): 12, 4
4 ( 23): 9, 5
5 ( 27): 8, 6
6 ( 31): 6, 7
7 ( 39): 5, 8
8 ( 47): 5, 9
9 ( 55): 5, 10
10 ( 67): 4, 11
11 ( 79): 3, 0
12 ( 95): 1, 13
13 ( 111): 1, 14
14 ( 127): 1, 15
15 ( 147): 1, 16
16 ( 171): 1, 17
17 ( 203): 1, 18
18 ( 252): 1, 0
19 ( 508): 0, 0
20 ( 764): 0, 0
21 (1020): 0, 0
22 (1276): 0, 0
23 (1532): 0, 0
24 (1788): 0, 0
25 (2044): 0, 0
26 (2554): 0, 0
27 (3068): 0, 0
28 (3580): 0, 0
29 (4092): 0, 0

Wart: Wart

CODE[ColorDisplayHeadD0, DeviceCleanupImpl, DiskHeadSA4000, EthernetHeadD0, EthernetOneHeadD0, ProcessorHeadD0, SA4000HeadD0, TerminalHeadD0],
GLOBALFRAME[ColorDisplayHeadD0, DeviceCleanupImpl, DiskHeadSA4000, EthernetHeadD0, EthernetOneHeadD0, ProcessorHeadD0, SA4000HeadD0, TerminalHeadD0],
CODE[InstructionsImpl, ProcessImpl, SignalsImpl],
GLOBALFRAME[InstructionsImpl, ProcessImpl, SignalsImpl],
CODE[DebugNub, GermSwapImpl],
GLOBALFRAME[DebugNub, GermSwapImpl],
CODE[VMAllocImpl, VMBackingImpl, VMFaultsImpl, VMFrameSnapshotImpl, VMLaundryImpl, VMOpsImpl, VMReplacementImpl, VMStateImpl, VMSwapImpl],
GLOBALFRAME[VMAllocImpl, VMBackingImpl, VMFaultsImpl, VMFrameSnapshotImpl, VMLaundryImpl, VMOpsImpl, VMReplacementImpl, VMStateImpl, VMSwapImpl],
CODE[CollectorWatchdogImpl, SafeStoragePinnedImpl],
GLOBALFRAME[CollectorWatchdogImpl, SafeStoragePinnedImpl],

Initially In:
CODE[FrameImpl, TrapsImpl],
GLOBALFRAME[FrameImpl, TrapsImpl],
CODE[BootStartListImpl, Wart],
GLOBALFRAME[BootStartListImpl, Wart],
CODE[VMInitImpl, VMLowCoreImpl],
BCD[LoadStateImpl, IOPackage, Communication, Pup, BasicTimeImpl, GrapevineUser, STPPackage, TerminalImpl, SimpleTerminalImpl, UserCredentialsImpl, DefaultRemoteNamesImpl, RollbackImpl],
CODE[LoadStateImpl, IOPackage[ALL], Communication[ALL], Pup[ALL], BasicTimeImpl, GrapevineUser[ALL], STPPackage[ALL], TerminalImpl, UserCredentialsImpl, DefaultRemoteNamesImpl, RollbackImpl],
GLOBALFRAME[LoadStateImpl, IOPackage[ALL], Communication[ALL], Pup[ALL], BasicTimeImpl, GrapevineUser[ALL], STPPackage[ALL], TerminalImpl, UserCredentialsImpl, DefaultRemoteNamesImpl, RollbackImpl],
BCD[FSImpl, FileStreamPackage, RuntimeLoader],
CODE[FSImpl[ALL], FileStreamPackage[ALL], RuntimeLoader[ALL]],
GLOBALFRAME[FSImpl[ALL], FileStreamPackage[ALL], RuntimeLoader[ALL]];

No Trap:


Global Frames for Modules in HeadsD0.bcd:
New: g = 025400 ColorDisplayHeadD0 [100]
New: g = 025424 DESImpl [200]
New: g = 025534 DeviceCleanupImpl [300]
New: g = 025550 SA4000HeadD0 [400]
New: g = 025564 DiskHeadSA4000 [500]
New: g = 025634 EthernetHeadD0 [600]
New: g = 025674 EthernetOneHeadD0 [700]
New: g = 025734 ProcessorHeadD0 [1000]
New: g = 027004 TerminalHeadD0 [1100]

Global Frames for Modules in MesaRuntime.bcd:
New: g = 000400 FrameImpl [1200]
New: g = 000404 InstructionsImpl [1300]
New: g = 000410 ProcessImpl [1400]
New: g = 000444 SignalsImpl [1500]
New: g = 000454 TrapsImpl [1600]

Global Frames for Modules in Tentacles.bcd:
New: g = 027400 BootStartListImpl [1700]
New: g = 027410 GermSwapImpl [2000]
New: g = 027434 DebugNub [2100]
New: g = 031544 Wart [2200]

Global Frames for Modules in DiskImpl.bcd:
New: g = 025244 DiskImpl [2300]

Global Frames for Modules in VMImpl.bcd:
New: g = 032000 VMAllocImpl [2400]
New: g = 032024 VMBackingImpl [2500]
New: g = 032050 VMInitImpl [2600]
New: g = 032064 VMOpsImpl [2700]
New: g = 032150 VMReplacementImpl [3100]
New: g = 032200 VMStateImpl [3200]
New: g = 032310 VMSwapImpl [3300]
New: g = 032314 VMLowCoreImpl [3400]
New: g = 032340 VMFaultsImpl [3500]
New: g = 032404 VMFrameSnapshotImpl [3600]
New: g = 032420 VMLaundryImpl [3700]

Global Frames for Modules in BasicLoadStatePackage.bcd:
New: g = 033000 BcdOpsImpl [4000]
New: g = 033010 BasicLoadStateImpl [4100]

Global Frames for Modules in CedarRuntime.bcd:
New: g = 033400 IeeeFloatA [4200]
New: g = 033404 IeeeFloatB [4300]
New: g = 033410 IeeeUtil [4400]
New: g = 033420 IeeeMode [4500]
New: g = 033430 IeeeIOA [4600]
New: g = 033444 RealFnsImpl [4700]
New: g = 033634 RealExceptionsImpl [5000]
New: g = 033644 RealControl [5100]
New: g = 033654 UnsafeAllocatorImpl [5200]
New: g = 033730 AllocatorImpl [5300]
New: g = 034010 StorageAccountingImpl [5500]
New: g = 034040 TypesBasicImpl [5600]
New: g = 034114 RefQueueImpl [5700]
New: g = 034124 CollectorImpl [6000]
New: g = 034210 CollectorWatchdogImpl [6100]
New: g = 034220 ReclaimerImpl [6200]
New: g = 034234 StorageTrapsImpl [6300]
New: g = 034254 SafeStoragePinnedImpl [6400]
New: g = 034300 ZCTImpl [6500]
New: g = 034310 SafeStorageOpsImpl [6700]
New: g = 034330 FQImpl [7000]
New: g = 034350 RCMicrocodeImpl [7100]
New: g = 034360 RCOvImpl [7200]
New: g = 034404 SymbolAccessImpl [7300]
New: g = 034420 RTFrameHeapSnapshotImpl [7400]
New: g = 034440 TypesBasicExtensionImpl [7500]
New: g = 034450 RCMapWalkerImpl [7600]
New: g = 034464 RCMapBuilderImpl [7700]
New: g = 034504 AtomImpl [10100]
New: g = 034534 ListImpl [10200]
New: g = 034554 CountedVMImpl [10300]
New: g = 034570 SweepCollectableStorageImpl [10400]
New: g = 034574 RefTextImpl [10500]
New: g = 034624 RopeImpl [10600]
New: g = 034640 RopeImplExt [10700]
New: g = 034654 ConvertUnsafeImpl [11000]
New: g = 034660 RopeHashImpl [11100]
New: g = 034664 ProcessPropsImpl [11200]

Global Frames for Modules in FilePackage.bcd:
New: g = 035034 FilePagesImpl [11300]
New: g = 035104 BootingImpl [11400]
New: g = 035204 FileImpl [11500]
New: g = 035270 FileInit [11700]
New: g = 035330 FileTableImpl [12000]
New: g = 035420 LogicalVolumeImpl [12100]
New: g = 035454 PhysicalVolumeImpl [12300]

Global Frames for Modules in LoadStateImpl.bcd:
New: g = 022630 LoadStateImpl [12500]

Global Frames for Modules in IOPackage.bcd:
New: g = 036000 IOCommonImpl [12700]
New: g = 036030 IOSimpleStreamsImpl [13200]
New: g = 036064 IOScanImpl [13400]
New: g = 036104 IOPrintImpl [13500]
New: g = 036134 IOConvertImpl [13700]
New: g = 036144 IODateAndTimeImpl [14100]
New: g = 036160 IOClassesImpl [14200]
New: g = 036204 IOPipeImpl [14300]
New: g = 036224 IOEditedStreamImpl [14400]

Global Frames for Modules in Communication.bcd:
New: g = 036400 CommunicationControl [14600]
New: g = 036404 PilotCommUtil [14700]
New: g = 036420 Boss [15000]
New: g = 036500 StatsHot [15100]
New: g = 036504 BufferMgr [15200]
New: g = 036540 EthernetDriver [15300]
New: g = 036670 DispatcherImpl [15500]
New: g = 036770 EthernetOneDriver [15600]

Global Frames for Modules in Pup.bcd:
New: g = 037400 NameConversion [16000]
New: g = 037420 PupByteStreams [16100]
New: g = 037434 PupChecksums [16200]
New: g = 037440 PupEchoServerImpl [16300]
New: g = 037454 PupErrors [16400]
New: g = 037474 PupListeners [16500]
New: g = 037510 PupRouterCold [16600]
New: g = 037540 PupRouterCool [16700]
New: g = 037550 PupRouterIn [17000]
New: g = 037574 PupRouterOut [17100]
New: g = 037604 PupSockets [17200]
New: g = 037640 PupPktCool [17300]
New: g = 037650 PupPktHot [17400]
New: g = 037660 PupPktMgr [17500]
New: g = 037704 EFTPSend [17600]
New: g = 037734 EFTPRecv [17700]
New: g = 037760 ThisMachineImpl [20000]

Global Frames for Modules in BasicTimeImpl.bcd:
New: g = 022210 BasicTimeImpl [20100]

Global Frames for Modules in GrapevineUser.bcd:
New: g = 040000 GVLocateImpl [20200]
New: g = 040020 GVNamesImpl [20300]
New: g = 040060 GVProtocolImpl [20500]
New: g = 040100 GVSendImpl [20600]
New: g = 040120 GVRetrieveImpl [20700]

Global Frames for Modules in STPPackage.bcd:
New: g = 040420 STPsA [21100]
New: g = 040510 STPsB [21200]
New: g = 040560 STPsC [21300]
New: g = 040634 STPsD [21400]

Global Frames for Modules in TerminalImpl.bcd:
New: g = 022570 TerminalImpl [21600]

Global Frames for Modules in UserCredentialsImpl.bcd:
New: g = 022740 UserCredentialsImpl [22100]

Global Frames for Modules in DefaultRemoteNamesImpl.bcd:
New: g = 025210 DefaultRemoteNamesImpl [22300]

Global Frames for Modules in SimpleTerminalImpl.bcd:
New: g = 023654 SimpleTerminalImpl [22400]

Global Frames for Modules in FSImpl.bcd:
New: g = 041014 BTreeRead [22600]
New: g = 041070 BTreeWrite [22700]
New: g = 041114 BTreeVMImpl [23000]
New: g = 041150 FSDirImpl [23100]
New: g = 041254 FSFileOpsImpl [23200]
New: g = 041320 FSFileSpaceImpl [23300]
New: g = 041360 FSFileStreamImpl [23400]
New: g = 041424 FSFileLookupImpl [23500]
New: g = 041450 FSLockImpl [23600]
New: g = 041464 FSLockTableImpl [23700]
New: g = 041600 FSMainImpl1 [24000]
New: g = 041660 FSMainImpl2 [24100]
New: g = 041710 FSNameImpl [24200]
New: g = 041760 FSOpenFileImpl [24300]
New: g = 042014 FSPropertiesImpl [24400]
New: g = 042050 FSPseudoServersImpl [24500]
New: g = 042140 FSRemoteFileImpl [24600]
New: g = 042200 FSReportImpl [25000]

Global Frames for Modules in FileStreamPackage.bcd:
New: g = 042414 FSStreamImpl [25100]
New: g = 042424 FileStreamProcessCacheImpl [25200]
New: g = 042470 FileStreamImpl [25300]
New: g = 042550 FileStreamCreateImpl [25500]

Global Frames for Modules in FormatDiskD0.bcd:
New: g = 022534 FormatDiskD0 [25600]

Global Frames for Modules in Iago.bcd:
New: g = 043100 IagoOpsImpl [25700]
New: g = 043254 IagoMainImpl [26100]
New: g = 043440 IagoCommands1Impl [26200]
New: g = 043570 IagoCommands2Impl [26300]

Global Frames for Modules in RollbackImpl.bcd:
New: g = 012364 RollbackImpl [26400]

Global Frames for Modules in RuntimeLoader.bcd:
New: g = 044000 CedarLoaderImpl [26500]
New: g = 044020 CedarLinkerImpl [26700]
New: g = 044064 CedarExporterImpl [27000]

Global Frames for Modules in LoaderDriver.bcd:
New: g = 025304 LoaderDriver [27100]

Total of 158 modules, 186 GFIs


0: 30
1: 39
2: 29
3: 29
4: 22
5: 19
6: 15
7: 12
8: 11
9: 11
10: 9
11: 7
12: 3
13: 3
14: 3
15: 3
16: 3
17: 3
18: 2
19: 0
20: 0
21: 0
22: 0
23: 0
24: 0
25: 0
26: 0
27: 0
28: 0
29: 0


Bootloaded Memory
File VM Pages Map Type Source[base,pages]
Page Address (*=Pin) Flags
0 Header Page
1 400 1* data
2 177400 1* data
3 200000 15* data
20 400400 1* data
21 401000 1* data
22 401400 4* data
26 403400 44* data
72 425400 4* data
76 427400 5* data
103 432000 2* data
105 433000 1 data
106 433400 3* data
111 435000 2* data
113 436000 1 data
114 436400 2 data
116 437400 1 data
117 440000 1 data
120 440400 1 data
121 441000 3 data
123 Trailer Page
125 442400 1 data
126 443000 2 data
130 444000 1 data
131 574400 7 data
140 600000 4 W file HeadsD0[0,4]
144 602000 23 data
167 613400 2* W code HeadsD0[4,2]
171 614400 11 W code HeadsD0[6,11]
202 621000 1* W code HeadsD0[17,1]
203 621400 2* W code HeadsD0[20,2]
205 622400 2* W code HeadsD0[22,2]
207 623400 3* W code HeadsD0[24,3]
212 625000 3* W code HeadsD0[27,3]
215 626400 2* W code HeadsD0[32,2]
217 627400 2* W code HeadsD0[34,2]
221 630400 2 W file MesaRuntime[0,2]
223 631400 1 W code MesaRuntime[2,1]
224 632000 3* W code MesaRuntime[3,3]
227 633400 4* W code MesaRuntime[6,4]
233 635400 2* W code MesaRuntime[12,2]
235 636400 2 W code MesaRuntime[14,2]
237 637400 2 W file Tentacles[0,2]
241 640400 1 W code Tentacles[2,1]
242 641000 1* W code Tentacles[3,1]
243 641400 5* W code Tentacles[4,5]
250 644000 1 W code Tentacles[11,1]
251 644400 1 W file DiskImpl[0,1]
251 Trailer Page
253 645000 4* W code DiskImpl[1,4]
257 647000 4 W file VMImpl[0,4]
263 651000 6* W code VMImpl[4,6]
271 654000 2* W code VMImpl[12,2]
273 655000 5 W code VMImpl[14,5]
300 657400 10* W code VMImpl[21,10]
310 663400 3* W code VMImpl[31,3]
313 665000 11* W code VMImpl[34,11]
324 671400 6* W code VMImpl[45,6]
332 674400 2 W code VMImpl[53,2]
334 675400 7* W code VMImpl[55,7]
343 701000 2* W code VMImpl[64,2]
345 702000 2* W code VMImpl[66,2]
347 703000 2 W file BasicLoadStatePackage[0,2]
351 704000 2 W code BasicLoadStatePackage[2,2]
353 705000 3 W code BasicLoadStatePackage[4,3]
356 706400 20 W file CedarRuntime[0,20]
376 716400 3 W code CedarRuntime[20,3]
377 Trailer Page
402 720000 3 W code CedarRuntime[23,3]
405 721400 3 W code CedarRuntime[26,3]
410 723000 1 W code CedarRuntime[31,1]
411 723400 3 W code CedarRuntime[32,3]
414 725000 5 W code CedarRuntime[35,5]
421 727400 2 W code CedarRuntime[42,2]
423 730400 2 W code CedarRuntime[44,2]
425 731400 3 W code CedarRuntime[46,3]
430 733000 13 W code CedarRuntime[51,13]
443 740400 1 W code CedarRuntime[64,1]
444 741000 4 W code CedarRuntime[65,4]
450 743000 1 W code CedarRuntime[71,1]
451 743400 2 W code CedarRuntime[72,2]
453 744400 1* W code CedarRuntime[74,1]
454 745000 2 W code CedarRuntime[75,2]
456 746000 1 W code CedarRuntime[77,1]
457 746400 1* W code CedarRuntime[100,1]
460 747000 7 W code CedarRuntime[101,7]
467 752400 5 W code CedarRuntime[110,5]
474 755000 1 W code CedarRuntime[115,1]
475 755400 3 W code CedarRuntime[116,3]
500 757000 2 W code CedarRuntime[121,2]
502 760000 1 W code CedarRuntime[123,1]
503 760400 1 W code CedarRuntime[124,1]
504 761000 1 W code CedarRuntime[125,1]
505 761400 15 W code CedarRuntime[126,15]
522 770000 14 W code CedarRuntime[143,14]
525 Trailer Page
537 776000 4 W code CedarRuntime[157,4]
543 1000000 5 W code CedarRuntime[163,5]
550 1002400 1 W code CedarRuntime[170,1]
551 1003000 1 W code CedarRuntime[171,1]
552 1003400 2 W code CedarRuntime[172,2]
554 1004400 14 W code CedarRuntime[174,14]
570 1012400 11 W code CedarRuntime[210,11]
601 1017000 2 W code CedarRuntime[221,2]
603 1020000 1 W code CedarRuntime[223,1]
604 1020400 2 W code CedarRuntime[224,2]
606 1021400 7 W file FilePackage[0,7]
615 1025000 7 W code FilePackage[7,7]
624 1030400 4* W code FilePackage[16,4]
630 1032400 17 W code FilePackage[22,17]
647 1042000 4 W code FilePackage[41,4]
653 1044000 3 W code FilePackage[45,3]
653 Trailer Page
657 1045400 15 W code FilePackage[50,15]
674 1054000 13 W code FilePackage[65,13]
707 1061400 4 W file LoadStateImpl[0,4]
713 1063400 13 W code LoadStateImpl[4,13]
726 1071000 15 W file IOPackage[0,15]
743 1077400 7 W code IOPackage[15,7]
752 1103000 6 W code IOPackage[24,6]
760 1106000 12 W code IOPackage[32,12]
772 1113000 13 W code IOPackage[44,13]
1001 Trailer Page
1006 1120400 15 W code IOPackage[57,15]
1023 1127000 12 W code IOPackage[74,12]
1035 1134000 3 W code IOPackage[106,3]
1040 1135400 5 W code IOPackage[111,5]
1045 1140000 10 W code IOPackage[116,10]
1055 1144000 5 W file Communication[0,5]
1062 1146400 31 W code Communication[5,31]
1113 1163000 11 W file Pup[0,11]
1124 1167400 3 W code Pup[11,3]
1127 1171000 4 W code Pup[14,4]
1127 Trailer Page
1134 1173000 1 W code Pup[20,1]
1135 1173400 1 W code Pup[21,1]
1136 1174000 1 W code Pup[22,1]
1137 1174400 1 W code Pup[23,1]
1140 1175000 2 W code Pup[24,2]
1142 1176000 1 W code Pup[26,1]
1143 1176400 3 W code Pup[27,3]
1146 1200000 2 W code Pup[32,2]
1150 1201000 2 W code Pup[34,2]
1152 1202000 5 W code Pup[36,5]
1157 1204400 6 W code Pup[43,6]
1165 1207400 2 W code Pup[51,2]
1167 1210400 3 W code Pup[53,3]
1172 1212000 2 W code Pup[56,2]
1174 1213000 2 W code Pup[60,2]
1176 1214000 2 W file BasicTimeImpl[0,2]
1200 1215000 5 W code BasicTimeImpl[2,5]
1205 1217400 7 W file GrapevineUser[0,7]
1214 1223000 3 W code GrapevineUser[7,3]
1217 1224400 7 W code GrapevineUser[12,7]
1226 1230000 3 W code GrapevineUser[21,3]
1231 1231400 4 W code GrapevineUser[24,4]
1235 1233400 13 W code GrapevineUser[30,13]
1250 1241000 11 W file STPPackage[0,11]
1255 Trailer Page
1262 1245400 3 W code STPPackage[11,3]
1265 1247000 4 W code STPPackage[14,4]
1271 1251000 4 W code STPPackage[20,4]
1275 1253000 7 W code STPPackage[24,7]
1304 1256400 3 W file TerminalImpl[0,3]
1307 1260000 20 W code TerminalImpl[3,20]
1327 1270000 4 W file UserCredentialsImpl[0,4]
1333 1272000 10 W code UserCredentialsImpl[4,10]
1343 1276000 2 W file DefaultRemoteNamesImpl[0,2]
1345 1277000 1 W code DefaultRemoteNamesImpl[2,1]
1346 1277400 3 W file SimpleTerminalImpl[0,3]
1351 1301000 14* W code SimpleTerminalImpl[3,14]
1365 1307000 30 W file FSImpl[0,30]
1403 Trailer Page
1416 1323000 10 W code FSImpl[30,10]
1426 1327000 14 W code FSImpl[40,14]
1442 1335000 5 W code FSImpl[54,5]
1447 1337400 7 W code FSImpl[61,7]
1456 1343000 6 W code FSImpl[70,6]
1464 1346000 3 W code FSImpl[76,3]
1467 1347400 4 W code FSImpl[101,4]
1473 1351400 2 W code FSImpl[105,2]
1475 1352400 2 W code FSImpl[107,2]
1477 1353400 2 W code FSImpl[111,2]
1501 1354400 14 W code FSImpl[113,14]
1515 1362400 5 W code FSImpl[127,5]
1522 1365000 6 W code FSImpl[134,6]
1530 1370000 4 W code FSImpl[142,4]
1531 Trailer Page
1535 1372000 2 W code FSImpl[146,2]
1537 1373000 3 W code FSImpl[150,3]
1542 1374400 3 W code FSImpl[164,3]
1545 1376000 5 W file FileStreamPackage[0,5]
1552 1400400 11 W code FSImpl[153,11]
1563 1405000 1 W code FileStreamPackage[5,1]
1564 1405400 1 W code FileStreamPackage[6,1]
1565 1406000 22 W code FileStreamPackage[7,22]
1607 1417000 4 W code FileStreamPackage[31,4]
1613 1421000 2 W file FormatDiskD0[0,2]
1615 1422000 3 W code FormatDiskD0[2,3]
1620 1423400 41 W file Iago[0,41]
1657 Trailer Page
1662 1444000 13 W code Iago[41,13]
1675 1451400 5 W code Iago[54,5]
1702 1454000 15 W code Iago[61,15]
1717 1462400 11 W code Iago[76,11]
1730 1467000 6 W file RollbackImpl[0,6]
1736 1472000 11 W code RollbackImpl[6,11]
1747 1476400 6 W file RuntimeLoader[0,6]
1755 1501400 12 W code RuntimeLoader[6,12]
1767 1506400 4 W code RuntimeLoader[20,4]
1773 1510400 6 W code RuntimeLoader[24,6]
2001 1513400 5 W file LoaderDriver[0,5]
2005 Trailer Page
2007 1516000 5 W code LoaderDriver[5,5]

Non-Bootloaded Memory
File VM Pages Type Source[base,pages]
Page Address

Boot file pages: 2014 (1777 bootloaded, of which 254 are resident)