-- File: [Thyme]<Thyme>Top>ThymeBasics.thy
-- Last edited:
-- TWilliams, August 4, 1983 5:31 PM
-- Tremain, July 29, 1983 12:33 PM
-- SChen, June 11, 1983 7:03 PM
-- Barth, April 11, 1983 11:51 AM
Diode: circuit[anode, cathode| Imax← 1A, Io← 10nA, Temp← 25]
asserts[Imax>Io, Io>0, Temp>-100]= {
diodeModel: model← dcDiode[anode, cathode|
Io, 8.61707E-5*(Temp+273.16), \(Imax/Io)];
junction: current[anode, cathode]← diodeModel[0]
MosFet: circuit[gate, source, drain, bulk|
Lm← 7.5, -- mask value of channel Length (micron)
Wm← 50, -- mask value of channel width (micron)
As← 1500, -- mask value of source area (micron**2)
Ad← 1500, -- mask value of drain area (micron**2)
Ps← 160, -- mask value of source perimeter (micron)
-- better exclude the edge under the gate
Pd← 160, -- mask value of drain perimeter (micron)
-- better exclude the edge under the gate
Vfb← -6.79025E-2, -- flat band voltage (v)
Na← 1.222319E15, -- substrate doping Na (cm-3)
Tox← 700, -- effective gate oxide thickness (A)
Lk1← -1.35683, -- coefficient for calculating K1. (micron)
Wk1← 0, -- coefficient for calculating K1. (micron)
K20← 1.371516E-2, -- coefficient for calculating K2. ()
Lk2← -4.96626, -- coefficient for calculating K2. (micron)
Wk2← 0, -- coefficient for calculating K2. (micron)
Etao← 2.552937E-3, -- eta coefficient (), eta=Etao+nEta*Tox/Le
nEta← 3.59803, -- eta coefficient ()
Un← 831.342, -- effective channel mobility (cm2/v/sec)
Vo← 14.8133, -- mobility modulation coefficient (v)
Lu← -0.109125, -- mobility modulation coefficient (micron)
Ecrit← 1.29325, -- Critical field strength (v/micron)
Lv← 9.54961, -- coefficient for U1 (micron)
dL← -0.387413, -- change in electrical channel Length from mask (micron)
dLComp← 0, -- poly mask (gate length) compensation (micron)
dW← 0, -- change in electrical channel width from mask (micron)
dWComp← 1, -- dif mask (gate width) compensation (micron)
Xj2← 0.8, -- 2 times lateral diffusion, (micron)
TDegC← 25, -- temparature (degree C)
NoCap← 0, -- flag. if # 0, shut off gate capacitance.
Type← 1, -- channel type (1: n channel, -1: p channel)
Jmax← 100u, -- maximum current density allowed to go thru
-- bs or bd junctions (A/u2)
Jo← 5p, -- reverse saturation current density of the
-- bs or bd junctions (A/u2)
-- the max forward bias allowed for the source-bulk and drain-bulk
-- junctions is MAX[2phif, (kT/q)*Ln[Jmax/Jo]]
Cj← 3.1E-14, -- zero-bias substrate junction capacitance (F/micron**2)
Cjm← 0, -- zero-bias perimeter substrate capacitance (F/micron)
Pb← 0.866, -- junction built-in voltage (v)
M← 0.1 -- off gate capacitance multiplier
asserts[As>0, Ad>0, Ps>0, Pd>0, Tox>0, Un>0, Ecrit>0, Xj2>0,
Jmax>Jo, Jo>0, Cj>=0, Cjm>=0, M>=0, M<0.4]= {
Mos0: circuit[| TDegK] asserts[TDegK>200]= {
Mos1: circuit[| Cox, TDegKBy300, Vt]= {
Mos2: circuit[| Ni, K10, Le, We]
asserts[Na>Ni, Le>.4, We>.4]= {
Mos3: circuit[| TwoPhiF, K1, Eta, U0, Cgbo]
asserts[Pb>TwoPhiF]= {
mosModel: model← CSIM[gate, source, drain, bulk|
Vfb, -- vfb(V)
TwoPhiF, -- twoPhiF(V)
K1, -- k1(V↑0.5)
K20*(1.0 + Lk2/Le + Wk2/We), -- k2()
Eta, -- eta()
(Un*1E8)*Cox*We/Le, -- betao(F/Vsec), >0
U0, -- u0(1/V)
1E-7 MAX ((1/Le-1/Lv)/(2*Ecrit)), -- u1(1/V)
Cgbo*M, -- CgboM(F)
Cgbo*2.0/3.0, -- Cgbo23rds(F)
Cox*We*Xj2/2.0, -- Cov(F)
Cj*As+Cjm*Ps, -- Cbso(F)
Cj*Ad+Cjm*Pd, -- Cbdo(F)
Pb, -- phiB(V)
Jo*As, -- Io for source(A)
Jo*Ad, -- Io for drain(A)
Vt, -- kT/q(V)
(TwoPhiF/Vt) MIN \(Jmax/Jo), -- expMax()
NoCap, -- NoCap()
Type -- nChannel
i: current[drain, source] ← mosModel[0];
cgb: capacitor[gate, bulk] ← mosModel[1];
cgs: capacitor[gate, source] ← mosModel[2];
cgd: capacitor[gate, drain] ← mosModel[3];
cbs: capacitor[bulk, source] ← mosModel[4];
cbd: capacitor[bulk, drain] ← mosModel[5];
jbs: current[bulk, source] ← mosModel[6];
jbd: current[bulk, drain] ← mosModel[7]
mos3: Mos3[|
TwoPhiF← 2.0*Vt*\(Na/Ni), -- (V),
K1← K10*(0.1 MAX (1.0 + Lk1/Le + Wk1/We)), -- (V↑0.5)
Eta← 1E-7 MAX (Etao + nEta*Tox/10000/Le), -- ()
U0← 1E-8 MAX (1.0/Vo*(1.0 + Lu/Le)), -- (1/V)
Cgbo← Cox*Le*We -- (F)
mos2: Mos2[|
Ni← 1.45E10*TDegKBy300*/TDegKBy300*
↑(1.12*(1-300/TDegK)/(2.0*Vt)), -- (#/cm3)
K10← /(3.20438E-19*Na*11.7*8.854215E-14)*1.0E-8/Cox,
-- SqRt[2q*Esi*Na]/Cox (V↑0.5)
Le← Lm - Xj2+ dL+ dLComp, -- (micron)
We← Wm + dW + dWComp -- (micron)
mos1: Mos1[|
Cox← 3.9*8.854215E-14/Tox, -- (F/cm/A)=(F/micron2)
TDegKBy300← TDegK/300.0, -- T/300 ()
Vt← 8.61707E-5*TDegK -- (ev)
mos0: Mos0[| TDegK← TDegC+273.16]
Diffusion: circuit[cathode, anode|
a← 0, p← 0, Cj← 0, Cjm← 0, Pb←0.866, TDegC← 25, Jmax← 100u, Jo← 5p]
asserts[a>=0, p>=0, Cj>=0, Cjm>=0, TDegC>-75, Jmax>Jo, Jo>0]= {
Dif: circuit[| Vt] asserts[Pb>Vt]= {
DModel: model← acDiode[cathode, anode|
Cj*a+Cjm*p, -- zero-bias capacitance of diode
Pb, -- junction built-in voltage (v)
Vt, -- kT/q
Jo*a, -- Io
(Pb/Vt) MIN \(Jmax/Jo)
C: capacitor[cathode, anode] ← DModel[0];
-- voltage dependent capacitance
I: current[cathode, anode] ← DModel[1]
-- leakage current
dif: Dif[| Vt← 8.61707E-5*(TDegC+273.16)]
Pulse: circuit[output| amplitude← 5V, offset← 0, period← 10ns,
width← 5ns, tRise← 2ns, tFall← 2ns, tDelay← 0]
asserts[width<period, tRise+tFall<width]= {
pg: voltage[output, Gnd]← PulseGen[
amplitude+offset, offset, period, width, tRise, tFall, tDelay]
RectWave: circuit[output| OnLevel← 5V, OffLevel← 0V, period← 20ns,
width← 10ns, tRise← 2ns, tFall← 2ns, tDelay← 0ns]
asserts[width<period, tRise+tFall<width]= {
pg: voltage[output, Gnd]← PulseGen[
OnLevel, OffLevel, period, width, tRise, tFall, tDelay]
OneShot: circuit[output| OnLevel← 5V, OffLevel← 0V, width← 10ns,
tRise← 2ns, tFall← 2ns, tDelay← 0ns]
asserts[tRise+tFall<width]= {
pg: voltage[output, Gnd]← OneShotGen[
OnLevel, OffLevel, width, tRise, tFall, tDelay]
Step: circuit[output| OnLevel← 5V, OffLevel← 0V, tRise← 5ns,
tDelay← 0ns]
asserts[tRise>0]= {
pg: voltage[output, Gnd]← StepGen[
OnLevel, OffLevel, tRise, tDelay]