-- Last editted by Barth, July 11, 1983 1:46 PM Scanner errors 101 Illegal character 102 Illegal number 103 Cannot open include file 104 Include file nesting too deep 105 Expected <signed number> Parser errors 200 Missing "," 201 Missing "[" 202 Missing "]" 203 Missing "{" 204 Missing "}" 205 Missing "=" 206 Missing ";" 207 Missing ":" 208 Expected <name> 209 Expected <number> 210 Missing "_" 211 Missing ")" 212 Unexpected "=" or "#" 213 Missing """ 214 Missing "$" 215 Missing "=>" 221 Expected parameter 222 Expected node or connection 223 Expected model 224 Expected branch 225 Expected circuit 231 Incorrect number of arguments 232 Incorrect number of parameters 233 Model result index too large 241 Branch short circuited 242 Branch connected to undefined node 250 Multiply defined name 251 Undefined name 252 Undefined parameter 253 Illegal conditional instantiation 260 Incorrect number of connections 261 Instance has more than one name Exploder errors 300 Missing "/" 301 Expected <name> 330 Name has no instance 331 Parameter has no assigned or default value 341 Assertion failed 390 Internal failure -- name has no real value 391 Internal failure -- illegal branch Analyzer errors 400 Voltage source cannot connect to capacitor 401 Node has no DC path to ground 402 Voltage source/inductor loop 403 Node connects only to inductors 490 Internal failure -- cannot assign node to compute current Function/Model errors 501 Undefined model 502 Undefined function Output errors 600 Missing "[" 601 Missing "]" 602 Expected <number> 603 Missing "," 620 Undefined path name 630 Plot minimum is not less than plot maximum 631 Too many print statements 632 Too many plot statements Solver errors 700 Missing "[" 701 Missing "]" 702 Missing "," 703 Missing "_" 704 Expected <name> 719 Illegal boolean value 720 Undefined path name 721 Branch cannot have IC's 731 tMax <= 0 750 current time / pulse period produces unacceptable number of cycles 790 Internal failure -- illegal parameter index Main program errors 800 Missing ";" 801 Missing "[" 802 Missing "]" 804 Expected <name> 809 Expected <number> 820 Expected circuit header 821 Illegal command 890 Can't open library file 891 Library file START fault 892 Library file UnboundProcedure 893 Library file Control fault 894 Library file version mismatch Expression errors 900 Floating point exception 901 Division by zero 902 Overflow 903 Underflow 904 Overflow on fix (635)\f8