DIRECTORY Atom USING [GetPropFromList], Basics USING [BYTE, LowHalf], BasicTime USING [GMT, nullGMT], Commander USING [CommandProc, Register], CommandTool USING [ParseToList], Convert USING [CardFromRope, Error, RopeFromTime], FileNames USING [CurrentWorkingDirectory], FS USING [EnumerateForNames, NameProc, Error, StreamOpen], Graph USING [CaretIndex, CaretSpec, ColorIndex, Entity, EntityGroup, EntityGroupRec, EntityList, EntityRec, FontIndex, GRAPH, LastEntityColor, NestedEntities, NestedEntitiesList, NestedEntitiesRec, NumberOfColors, NumberOfFonts, ROPE, SegmentDataList, TargetSpec, Text, TextRec, Texts, ValueList, Viewer, XY], GraphCleanUp USING [CleanUpVL], GraphFileKeys, GraphOps USING [AddCurve, CreateGraph, SetXValues]; GraphPrivate USING [EntityGroupList, EntityHashSize, GraphHandle, GraphProc, Lock, MakeTable, PaintAll, PaintTails, ShowChart, Unlock], GraphUtil USING [FullName, HandleFromViewer, HandleNotNil, InitSegAll, InitSegEnd, LengthOfSDL, LengthOfVL, ReverseEntityList, ReverseTexts, ReverseValueList, UseMyColors, UseMyFonts, VanillaHandle], IO USING [Close, EndOf, Error, Flush, GetChar, GetIndex, int, PutBlock, PutChar, PutFR, rope, STREAM], List USING [DReverse, Kill], RefText USING [New, ObtainScratch, ReleaseScratch], Rope USING [Equal, Fetch, Find, FromRefText, IsEmpty, Length, Substr, ToRefText], ViewerClasses USING [Viewer], ViewerOps USING [DestroyViewer, PaintViewer]; GraphFile: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS Atom, Basics, Commander, CommandTool, Convert, FileNames, FS, IO, List, GraphCleanUp, GraphOps, GraphPrivate, GraphUtil, RefText, Rope, ViewerOps EXPORTS GraphPrivate = { OPEN Graph, GraphFileKeys, GraphPrivate, GraphUtil; ReadBeyondEOF: SIGNAL[message: ROPE _ NIL]; SyntaxError: SIGNAL[message: ROPE _ NIL]; DataError: SIGNAL[message: ROPE _ NIL]; STREAM: TYPE = IO.STREAM; BYTE: TYPE = Basics.BYTE; CharPair: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD[high, low: CHAR]; FourChars: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD[lh, ll, hh, hl: CHAR]; FileFormat: TYPE = {old, binary, text, illegal}; -- currently only binary is supported. RopeList: TYPE = LIST OF ROPE; myScratch: REF TEXT _ RefText.New[256]; GraphFiles: Commander.CommandProc = { argList: RopeList; length: NAT; msg _ NIL; [argList, length] _ CommandTool.ParseToList[cmd]; IF length <= 0 THEN msg _ "To review graph files, type: Graph " ELSE { wDir: ROPE _ FileNames.CurrentWorkingDirectory[]; nGraphs: NAT _ 0; maxGraphs: NAT _ 12; allVersions: BOOL _ FALSE; FOR arg: RopeList _ argList, UNTIL arg = NIL OR msg # NIL DO IF arg.first.Fetch[0] = '- THEN { IF arg.first.Length[] >= 2 THEN SELECT arg.first.Fetch[1] FROM 'A, 'a => allVersions _ TRUE; 'H, 'h => allVersions _ FALSE; IN ['0..'9] => { max: NAT _ Convert.CardFromRope[arg.first.Substr[1] ! Convert.Error => max _ maxGraphs]; -- don't change it maxGraphs _ max; }; ENDCASE; -- simply ignors illegal switches } ELSE { fileList: RopeList _ FileListFrom[arg.first, wDir, allVersions]; IF fileList = NIL THEN msg _ "No such file." ELSE FOR file: RopeList _ fileList, UNTIL file = NIL OR msg # NIL DO IF nGraphs >= maxGraphs THEN msg _ IO.PutFR[ "Note: max. %g plots for each command. You may change it by a switch.",[maxGraphs]] ELSE [, msg] _ HandleFromFile[file: file.first]; nGraphs _ nGraphs + 1; ENDLOOP; }; ENDLOOP; }; IF msg = NIL THEN msg _ "done."; }; -- GraphFiles FileListFrom: PROC [pattern, wDir: ROPE _ NIL, allVersions: BOOL _ FALSE] RETURNS [fileList: RopeList _ NIL] = { root, lastRoot: ROPE _ NIL; LinkIt: FS.NameProc -- PROC [fullFName] RETURNS [continue: BOOL] -- = { excl: INT _ fullFName.Find["!"]; continue _ TRUE; IF fullFName.Substr[excl-6, 6].Equal[".press", FALSE] THEN RETURN; IF ~allVersions THEN { root _ fullFName.Substr[0, excl]; IF root.Equal[lastRoot, FALSE] THEN { fileList.first _ fullFName; RETURN; }; lastRoot _ root; }; fileList _ CONS[fullFName, fileList]; }; -- LinkIt FS.EnumerateForNames[pattern, LinkIt, wDir]; TRUSTED {fileList _ LOOPHOLE[List.DReverse[LOOPHOLE[fileList]]]}; }; -- FileListFrom HandleFromFile: PUBLIC PROC[file: ROPE _ NIL] RETURNS [handle: GraphHandle _ NIL, msg: ROPE _ NIL] = { handle _ VanillaHandle[]; Lock[handle]; handle.userEditAllowed _ FALSE; msg _ GetGraph[handle, file, FALSE]; handle.userEditAllowed _ TRUE; Unlock[handle]; }; -- HandleFromFile GetGraph: PUBLIC PROC [handle: GraphHandle _ NIL, file: ROPE _ NIL] RETURNS [msg: ROPE _ NIL] = { IF HandleNotNil[handle] THEN { s: STREAM _ NIL; ok: BOOL _ TRUE; IF file.IsEmpty[] THEN RETURN["No file specified."]; s _ FS. StreamOpen[file ! FS.Error => {msg _ error.explanation; ok _ FALSE; CONTINUE} ]; IF ok THEN { ENABLE { SyntaxError => { msg _ IO.PutFR["Syntax error: %g at [%g].", IO.rope[message],[s.GetIndex[]] ]; }; ReadBeyondEOF => { msg _ IO.PutFR["Attempting to read beyond end of file for %g at [%g].", IO.rope[message],[s.GetIndex[]] ]; }; DataError => { msg _ IO.PutFR["Error: %g at [%g].", IO.rope[message],[s.GetIndex[]] ]; }; IO.EndOfStream => { msg _ End of file reached; }; IO.Error => { msg _ IO.PutFR["%g at [%g].", IO.rope[SELECT ec FROM SyntaxError => "Syntax error", Overflow => "Overflow in input conversion" ENDCASE => IO.PutFR["IO Error # %g",[LOOPHOLE[ec, CARDINAL]]]],[s.GetIndex[]] ]; }; ABORTED => { msg _ "Graph aborted. ... "; }; CONTINUE; }; IF handle.controller # NIL THEN IF handle.controller.table # NIL THEN ViewerOps.DestroyViewer[handle.controller.table]; handle.userEditAllowed _ FALSE; msg _ SELECT CheckFormat[s] FROM old => ReadPlotFile[handle, s], binary => ReadGraphFile[handle, s], text => ProcessesTextFile[handle, s], ENDCASE => "Illegal graph file."; handle.userEditAllowed _ TRUE; IF handle.controller # NIL THEN MakeTable[handle]; }; IF s # NIL THEN s.Close[]; }; }; -- GetGraph ReadPlotFile: PROC[handle: GraphHandle, s: STREAM] RETURNS [msg: ROPE _ NIL] = { OPEN handle; nNamesMax: INT; xEntity: Entity _ NIL; entityGroup: EntityGroup _ NIL; entityList: EntityList _ NIL; v1, v2: ValueList _ NIL; x1, x2: REAL _ 0.0; title: Text _ NEW[TextRec _ [ text: GetRope[s], place: [0.5, 1.1], colorIndex: 15, fontIndex: 2, justifX: center, justifY: bottom, id: NewTextId[handle, 0, FALSE]]]; time: Text _ NEW[TextRec _ [ text: Convert.RopeFromTime[GetTime[s]], place: [1.0, -0.35], colorIndex: 15, fontIndex: 1, justifX: right, justifY: bottom, id: NewTextId[handle, 1, FALSE]]]; file: Text _ NEW[TextRec _ [ text: (graph.fileName _ NARROW[Atom.GetPropFromList[s.propList, $Name]]), place: [0, -0.35], colorIndex: 15, fontIndex: 1, justifX: left, justifY: bottom, id: NewTextId[handle, 2, FALSE]]]; AppendTexts[graph.texts, CONS[title, CONS[time, CONS[file, NIL]]]]; AppendTexts[allTexts, CONS[title, CONS[time, CONS[file, NIL]]]]; graph.bounds _ [GetReal[s], GetReal[s], GetReal[s], GetReal[s]]; nNamesMax _ GetCardinal[s]; xEntity _ NEW[EntityRec _ [name: "X", id: NewEntityId[handle, 0, FALSE]]]; entityHash[ MOD EntityHashSize] _ CONS[xEntity, entityHash[ MOD EntityHashSize]]; entityGroup _ NEW[EntityGroupRec _ [ x: xEntity, ys: NEW[NestedEntitiesRec _ []], id: NewGroupId[handle, 0, FALSE] -- should update length later. ]]; _ entityGroup; AppendEGL[entityGroupList, CONS[entityGroup, NIL]]; FOR i: INT IN [1..nNamesMax] DO index: HashIndex _ i MOD EntityHashSize; entity: Entity _ NEW[EntityRec _ [ name: GetRope[s], colorIndex: ((i-1) MOD LastEntityColor) + 1, group: entityGroup, id: NewEntityId[handle, i, FALSE] ]]; entityHash[index] _ CONS[entity, entityHash[index]]; entityList _ CONS[entity, entityList]; ENDLOOP; entityGroup.ys.entityList _ ReverseEntityList[entityList, FALSE]; AppendEntityList[graph.entityList, ReverseEntityList[entityList, FALSE]]; IF chart.viewer = NIL THEN { ShowChart[handle]; -- will unlock handle right before viewer is opened up. Lock[handle]; } ELSE PaintAll[handle]; entityGroup.length _ GetCardinal[s]; FOR i: INT IN [1..entityGroup.length] DO x2 _ GetReal[s]; vl: ValueList _ CONS[x2, NIL] IF xEntity.lastValue = NIL THEN xEntity.oldValues _ xEntity.lastValue _ vl ELSE { _ vl; xEntity.lastValue _ vl}: v2 _ NIL; FOR el: EntityList _ ReverseEntityList[entityList, FALSE], UNTIL el = NIL DO y2: REAL _ GetReal[s]; yEntity: Entity _ el.first; v2 _ CONS[y2, v2]; vl _ CONS[y2, NIL]; IF yEntity.lastValue = NIL THEN yEntity.oldValues _ yEntity.lastValue _ vl ELSE { _ vl; yEntity.lastValue _ vl}: ENDLOOP; IF i > 1 THEN PaintTails[handle, paint, v1, v2, x1, x2]; -- v1 and v2 are in reversed order. v1 _ GraphCleanUp.CleanUpVL[v1]; v1 _ v2; x1 _ x2; ENDLOOP; v1 _ NIL; v2 _ GraphCleanUp.CleanUpVL[v2]; InitSegEnd[xEntity]; FOR el: EntityList _ entityList, UNTIL el = NIL DO InitSegAll[el.first]; ENDLOOP; GraphCleanUp.CleanUpEL[entityList, FALSE]; nNamesMax _ nNamesMax MOD LastEntityColor; lastEntityColor _ IF nNamesMax = 0 THEN LastEntityColor ELSE nNamesMax; }; -- ReadPlotFile ReadGraphFile: PROC [handle: GraphHandle, s: STREAM] RETURNS [msg: ROPE _ NIL] = { OPEN handle; graph.fileName _ NARROW[Atom.GetPropFromList[s.propList, $Name]]; WHILE NOT s.EndOf[] DO SELECT GetByte[s] FROM NameKey => [] _ GetRope[s, graph]; -- graph.fileName is already initialized above. TextsKey => { allTexts _ GetTexts[s]; graph.texts _ ReverseTexts[allTexts, FALSE]; graph.texts _ ReverseTexts[graph.texts, TRUE]; }; CaretsKey => GetCarets[s, graph]; ShowSlopeKey => graph.showSlope _ GetBool[s]; TargetsKey => GetTargets[s, graph]; GridsKey => GetGrids[s, graph]; DivisionsKey => GetDivisions[s, graph]; BoundsKey => GetBounds[s, graph]; ColorsKey => GetColors[s, graph]; FontsKey => GetFonts[s, graph]; EntityGroupListKey => GetEntityGroupList[s, handle]; EndOfRecordKey => EXIT; -- later we can read more than one graphs at a time. ENDCASE => SIGNAL SyntaxError["Graph"]; ENDLOOP; FOR egltemp: EntityGroupList _ entityGroupList, UNTIL egltemp = NIL DO InitSegEnd[egltemp.first.x]; ENDLOOP; InitSomeCurves[handle]; IF handle.chart.viewer # NIL THEN { UseMyColors[handle]; UseMyFonts[handle]; PaintAll[handle]; } ELSE { ShowChart[handle]; -- will unlock handle. Lock[handle]; }; }; -- ReadGraphFile GraphFileProc: TYPE = PROC [s: STREAM, graph: GRAPH]; GetTexts: PROC [s: STREAM, handle: GraphHandle] RETURNS [texts: Texts _ NIL] = { DO SELECT GetByte[s] FROM EndOfListKey => EXIT; TextKey => texts _ CONS[GetText[s, handle], texts]; -- 1 ENDCASE => SIGNAL SyntaxError["Texts"]; ENDLOOP; texts _ ReverseTexts[texts, TRUE]; }; -- GetTexts GetText: PROC [s: STREAM, handle: GraphHandle] RETURNS [text: Text _ NIL] = { text _ NEW[TextRec _ []]; DO SELECT GetByte[s] FROM NameKey => text.text _ GetRope[s]; -- 1 PlaceKey => _ [GetReal[s], GetReal[s]]; -- 2 FontIndexKey => text.fontIndex _ GetByte[s]; -- 3 ColorIndexKey => text.colorIndex _ GetByte[s]; -- 4 RotationKey => text.rotation _ GetReal[s]; -- 5 JustificationsKey => { -- 6 WHILE NOT s.EndOf[] DO byte: BYTE; SELECT GetByte[s] FROM XKey => { -- 1 byte _ GetByte[s]; IF byte IN [LeftKey..RightKey] THEN text.justifX _ SELECT byte FROM -- 1, 2, 3. LeftKey => left, CenterKey => center, ENDCASE => right ELSE SIGNAL SyntaxError["X Justification"]; }; YKey => { -- 2 byte _ GetByte[s]; IF byte IN [TopKey..BottomKey] THEN text.justifY _ SELECT byte FROM -- 1, 2, 3. TopKey => top, CenterKey => center, ENDCASE => bottom ELSE SIGNAL SyntaxError["Y Justification"]; }; EndOfRecordKey => EXIT; ENDCASE => SIGNAL SyntaxError["Justifications"]; ENDLOOP; }; TextIdKey => { _ NewTextId[handle, GetInt[s], FALSE]}; -- 7 EndOfRecordKey => EXIT; ENDCASE => SIGNAL SyntaxError["Text"]; ENDLOOP; }; -- GetText GetCarets: GraphFileProc = { byte: BYTE; WHILE NOT s.EndOf[] DO SELECT (byte _ GetByte[s]) FROM EndOfRecordKey => EXIT; IN [PrimaryKey..TextCaretKey] => { -- 1, 2, 3. index: CaretIndex _ SELECT byte FROM PrimaryKey => primary, SecondaryKey => secondary, ENDCASE => text; GetCaret[s, graph.caret[index]]; }; ENDCASE => SIGNAL SyntaxError["Carets"]; ENDLOOP; }; -- GetCarets GetCaret: PROC [s: STREAM, spec: CaretSpec] = { WHILE NOT s.EndOf[] DO SELECT GetByte[s] FROM EndOfRecordKey => EXIT; PlaceKey => _ [GetReal[s], GetReal[s]]; -- 2 OnKey => spec.on _ GetBool[s]; -- 12 ENDCASE => SIGNAL SyntaxError["Caret"]; ENDLOOP; }; -- GetCaret GetTargets: GraphFileProc = { byte: BYTE; WHILE NOT s.EndOf[] DO SELECT (byte _ GetByte[s]) FROM EndOfRecordKey => EXIT; IN [XKey..YKey] => { -- 1, 2. xy: XY _ IF byte = XKey THEN x ELSE y; GetTarget[s,[xy]]; }; ENDCASE => SIGNAL SyntaxError["Targets"]; ENDLOOP; }; -- GetTargets GetTarget: PROC [s: STREAM, spec: TargetSpec] = { WHILE NOT s.EndOf[] DO SELECT GetByte[s] FROM EndOfRecordKey => EXIT; ValueKey => spec.value _ GetReal[s]; -- 1 WidthKey => spec.width _ GetReal[s]; -- 2 ColorIndexKey => spec.colorIndex _ GetByte[s]; -- 4, need proctection. OnKey => spec.on _ GetBool[s]; -- 12 ENDCASE => SIGNAL SyntaxError["Target"]; ENDLOOP; }; -- GetTarget GetGrids: GraphFileProc = { byte: BYTE; WHILE NOT s.EndOf[] DO SELECT (byte _ GetByte[s]) FROM EndOfRecordKey => EXIT; IN [XKey..YKey] => { -- 1, 2 xy: XY _ IF byte = XKey THEN x ELSE y; WHILE NOT s.EndOf[] DO SELECT GetByte[s] FROM EndOfRecordKey => EXIT; OnKey => graph.grids[xy] _ GetBool[s]; -- 12 ENDCASE => SIGNAL SyntaxError["Grid"]; ENDLOOP; }; ENDCASE => SIGNAL SyntaxError["Grids"]; ENDLOOP; }; -- GetGrids GetDivisions: GraphFileProc = { byte: BYTE; WHILE NOT s.EndOf[] DO SELECT (byte _ GetByte[s]) FROM EndOfRecordKey => EXIT; IN [XKey..YKey] => { -- 1, 2 xy: XY _ IF byte = XKey THEN x ELSE y; WHILE NOT s.EndOf[] DO SELECT GetByte[s] FROM EndOfRecordKey => EXIT; AutoKey =>[divisions] _ GetBool[s]; -- 9 DivisionsKey => graph.division[xy] _ GetByte[s]; -- 7 ENDCASE => SIGNAL SyntaxError["Division"]; ENDLOOP; }; ENDCASE => SIGNAL SyntaxError["Divisions"]; ENDLOOP; }; -- GetDivisions GetBounds: GraphFileProc = { byte: BYTE; WHILE NOT s.EndOf[] DO SELECT (byte _ GetByte[s]) FROM EndOfRecordKey => EXIT; IN [XKey..YKey] => { -- 1, 2 xy: XY _ IF byte = XKey THEN x ELSE y; WHILE NOT s.EndOf[] DO SELECT GetByte[s] FROM EndOfRecordKey => EXIT; AutoKey =>[bounds] _ GetBool[s]; -- 9 MaxKey => IF xy = x THEN graph.bounds.xmax _ GetReal[s] -- 1 ELSE graph.bounds.ymax _ GetReal[s]; MinKey => IF xy = x THEN graph.bounds.xmin _ GetReal[s] -- 2 ELSE graph.bounds.ymin _ GetReal[s]; ENDCASE => SIGNAL SyntaxError["Bound"]; ENDLOOP; }; ENDCASE => SIGNAL SyntaxError["Bounds"]; ENDLOOP; }; -- GetBounds GetColors: GraphFileProc = { byte: BYTE; WHILE NOT s.EndOf[] DO SELECT (byte _ GetByte[s]) FROM EndOfRecordKey => EXIT; IN [1..NumberOfColors] => { index: ColorIndex _ byte - 1; GetColor[s, graph, index]; }; ENDCASE => SIGNAL SyntaxError["Colors"]; ENDLOOP; }; -- GetColors GetColor: PROC [s: STREAM, graph: GRAPH, index: ColorIndex] = { WHILE NOT s.EndOf[] DO SELECT GetByte[s] FROM EndOfRecordKey => EXIT; RKey => graph.color[index].R _ GetReal[s]; -- 1 GKey => graph.color[index].G _ GetReal[s]; -- 2 BKey => graph.color[index].B _ GetReal[s]; -- 3 ENDCASE => SIGNAL SyntaxError["Color"]; ENDLOOP; }; -- GetColor GetFonts: GraphFileProc = { byte: BYTE; WHILE NOT s.EndOf[] DO SELECT (byte _ GetByte[s]) FROM EndOfRecordKey => EXIT; IN [1..NumberOfFonts] => { index: FontIndex _ byte - 1; GetFont[s, graph, index]; }; ENDCASE => SIGNAL SyntaxError["Fonts"]; ENDLOOP; }; -- GetFonts GetFont: PROC [s: STREAM, graph: GRAPH, index: FontIndex] = { WHILE NOT s.EndOf[] DO SELECT GetByte[s] FROM EndOfRecordKey => EXIT; NameKey => graph.font[index].family _ GetRope[s]; -- 1 BoldKey => graph.font[index].bold _ GetBool[s]; -- 2 ItalicKey => graph.font[index].italic _ GetBool[s]; -- 3 VFontSizeKey => graph.font[index].vFontSize _ GetInt[s]; -- 4 PFontScaleKey => graph.font[index].pFontScale _ GetReal[s]; -- 5 ENDCASE => SIGNAL SyntaxError["Font"]; ENDLOOP; }; -- GetFonts GetEntityGroupList: PROC [s: STREAM, handle: GraphHandle] = { OPEN handle; egl, t1, t2: EntityGroupList _ NIL; DO SELECT GetByte[s] FROM EndOfListKey => EXIT; EntityGroupKey => t1 _ CONS[GetEntityGroup[s, handle], t1]; -- 4 ENDCASE => SIGNAL SyntaxError["EntityGroupList"]; ENDLOOP; FOR t2 _ t1, UNTIL t2 = NIL DO egl _ CONS[t2.first, egl]; ENDLOOP; IF handle.entityGroupList = NIL THEN handle.entityGroupList _ egl ELSE FOR t2 _ handle.entityGroupList, UNTIL t2 = NIL DO IF = NIL THEN _ egl; ENDLOOP; List.Kill[LOOPHOLE[t1]]; }; -- GetEntityGroupList GetEntityGroup: PROC [s: STREAM, handle: GraphHandle] RETURNS [eg: EntityGroup] = { eg _ NEW[EntityGroupRec _ []]; DO SELECT GetByte[s] FROM NameKey => _ GetRope[s]; -- 1 EntityKey => eg.x _ GetEntity[s, handle, eg, NIL]; -- 2 NestedEntitiesKey => eg.ys _ GetNestedEntities[s, handle, eg, NIL]; -- 5 GroupIdKey => _ NewGroupId[GetInt[s]]; -- 6 LengthKey => eg.length _ GetInt[s]; -- 7 CrossSectionsKey => GetCrossSections[s, eg]; EndOfRecordKey => EXIT; ENDCASE => SIGNAL SyntaxError["EntityGroup"]; ENDLOOP; }; -- GetEntityGroup GetEntityList: PROC [s: STREAM, handle: GraphHandle, group: EntityGroup, father: NestedEntities] RETURNS [el: EntityList _ NIL] = { -- without getting the values, for now. DO SELECT GetByte[s] FROM EndOfListKey => EXIT; EntityKey => el _ CONS[GetEntity[s, handle, group, father], el]; -- 2 ENDCASE => SyntaxError["EntityList"]; ENDLOOP; el _ ReverseEntityList[el, TRUE]; -- resume the order. }; -- GetEntityList GetEntity: PROC [s: STREAM, handle: GraphHandle, eg: EntityGroup, father: NestedEntities _ NIL] RETURNS [entity: Entity _ NIL] = { hashIndex: [0..EntityHashSize); entity _ NEW[EntityRec _ [group: eg, parent: father]]; DO SELECT GetByte[s] FROM NameKey => _ GetRope[s]; -- 1 CommentKey => entity.comment _ GetRope[s]; -- 11 ColorIndexKey => entity.colorIndex _ GetByte[s]; -- 4 MarkKey => { -- 3 byte: BYTE _ GetByte[s]; IF byte IN [NoneKey..PercentKey] THEN -- 1 .. 7 entity.mark _ SELECT byte FROM NoneKey => none, RoundKey => round, SquareKey => square, DiamondKey => diamond, CrossKey => cross, DollarKey => dollar, ENDCASE => percent ELSE SIGNAL SyntaxError["Mark"]; }; WidthKey => entity.width _ GetReal[s]; -- 2 ValuesKey => [entity.oldValues, entity.lastValue] _ GetValueList[s]; -- 5 EntityIdKey => _ NewEntityId[handle, GetInt[s], FALSE]; -- 7 EndOfRecordKey => EXIT; ENDCASE => SIGNAL SyntaxError["Entity"]; ENDLOOP; hashIndex _ MOD EntityHashSize; handle.entityHash[hashIndex] _ CONS[entity, handle.entityHash[hashIndex]]; }; -- GetEntity GetValueList: PROC [s: STREAM] RETURNS [vl, last: ValueList _ NIL] = { length: INT _ GetInt[s]; FOR i: INT IN [0..length) DO vl _ CONS[GetReal[s], vl]; ENDLOOP; [vl, last] _ ReverseValueList[valueList, TRUE]; }; -- GetValueList GetNestedEntitiesList: PROC [s: STREAM, handle: GraphHandle, group: EntityGroup, father: NestedEntities _ NIL] RETURNS [nel: NestedEntitiesList _ NIL] = { tnel: NestedEntitiesList _ NIL; DO SELECT GetByte[s] FROM EndOfListKey => EXIT; NestedEntitiesKey => tnel _ CONS[ -- 5 GetNestedEntities[s, handle, group, father], tnel]; ENDCASE => SyntaxError["NestedEntitiesList"]; ENDLOOP; FOR ttnel: NestedEntitiesList _ tnel, UNTIL ttnel = NIL DO nel _ CONS[ttnel.first, nel]; ENDLOOP; WHILE tnel # NIL DO next: NestedEntitiesList _; tnel.first _ NIL; _ NIL; tnel _ next; ENDLOOP; }; -- GetNestedEntitiesList GetNestedEntities: PROC [s: STREAM, handle: GraphHandle, group: EntityGroup, father: NestedEntities _ NIL] RETURNS [ne: NestedEntities] = { ne _ NEW[NestedEntitiesRec _ [parent: father]]; DO SELECT GetByte[s] FROM NameKey => _ GetRope[s]; -- 1 CommentKey => ne.comment _ GetRope[s]; -- 11 EntityListKey => ne.entityList _ GetEntityList[s, handle, group, father]; -- 3 NELKey => ne.children _ GetNestedEntitiesList[s, handle, group, ne]; -- 4 EndOfRecordKey => EXIT; ENDCASE => SIGNAL SyntaxError["NestedEntities"]; ENDLOOP; }; -- GetNestedEntities GetCrossSections: PROC [s: STREAM, group: EntityGroup] = { AddValuesToEL: PROC [entityList: EntityList] = { FOR el: EntityList _ entityList, UNTIL el = NIL DO vl: ValueList _ CONS[GetReal[s], NIL]; _ vl; el.first.lastValue _ vl; ENDLOOP; }; -- AddValuesToEL AddValuesToNEL: PROC [nestedEntityList: NestedEntitiesList] = { FOR nel: NestedEntitiesList _ nestedEntityList, UNTIL nel = NIL DO AddValuesToEL[nel.first.entityList]; AddValuesToNEL[nel.first.children]; ENDLOOP; }; -- AddValuesToNEL DO -- error if eof is hit inside the loop; SELECT GetByte[s] FROM EndOfListKey => EXIT; TailsKey => { -- 8 vl: ValueList _ CONS[GetReal[s], NIL]; _ vl; group.x.lastValue _ vl; AddValuesToEL[group.ys.entityList]; AddValuesToNEL[group.ys.children]; }; ENDCASE => SyntaxError["CrossSection"]; ENDLOOP; }; -- GetCrossSections InitSomeCurves: GraphProc = { OPEN handle; InitSomeEntity: PROC [ne: NestedEntities, graf: GRAPH, count: INT] RETURNS [newCount: INT] = { newCount _ count; FOR el: EntityList _ ne.entityList, UNTIL el = NIL OR newCount >= LastEntityColor DO entity: Entity _ el.first; InitSegAll[entity]; graf.entityList _ CONS[entity, graf.entityList]; newCount _ newCount + 1; ENDLOOP; FOR nel: NestedEntitiesList _ ne.children, UNTIL nel = NIL OR newCount >= LastEntityColor DO newCount _ InitSomeEntity[nel.first, graf, newCount]; ENDLOOP; }; -- InitSomeEntity curveCount: CARDINAL _ 0; FOR egl: EntityGroupList _ entityGroupList, UNTIL egl = NIL OR curveCount >= LastEntityColor DO curveCount _ InitSomeEntity[egl.first.ys, graph, curveCount]; ENDLOOP; graph.entityList _ ReverseEntityList[graph.entityList, TRUE]; }; -- InitSomeCurves ProcessesTextFile: PROC [handle: GraphHandle, s: STREAM] RETURNS [msg: ROPE _ NIL] = { key: ROPE _ s.GetID[ ! IO.EndOfStream => SIGNAL ReadBeyondEOF["first id in text file"]]; IF key.Equal["graph", FALSE] THEN ReadTextFile[handle, s] ELSE { s.SetIndex[0]; ReadSimpleTextFile[handle, s]; }; }; -- ReadTextFile ReadTextFile: PROC [handle: GraphHandle, s: STREAM] RETURNS [msg: ROPE _ NIL] = { msg _ "Not implemented yet." }; -- ReadGraphData ReadSimpleTextFile: PROC [handle: GraphHandle, s: STREAM] RETURNS [msg: ROPE _ NIL] = { buffer: REF TEXT _ RefText.Scratch[512]; tokenKind: IO.TokenKind _ tokenROPE; token: REF TEXT; charsSkipped: INT; error: TokenError; get, ok: BOOL _ TRUE; key: ROPE _ NIL; nNames, specifiedN: INT _ 0; nNamesSpeicified: BOOL _ FALSE; names, lastName: LIST OF ROPE _ NIL; xList: ValueList _ NIL; lvl, tlvl: LIST OF ValueList _ NIL; r: REAL; int: INT _ 0; keyRope, tokenRope: ROPE; key: {namesKey, nNamesKey, dataKey, noneKey} _ noneKey; xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax: REAL; iRow, iCol: INT _ 0; -- last row/col read so far. InitData: PROC [] = { IF nNamesSpeicified THEN { IF names = NIL THEN { FOR i: INT IN [0..nNamesSpeicified) DO names _ CONS[NIL, names]; ENDLOOP; nNames _ specifiedN; }; ELSE IF nNames # specifiedN THEN SIGNAL DataError[ IO.PutFR["%g names are specified but %g names are listed",[specifiedN],[nNames] ]]; } ELSE { IF nNames = 0 THEN SIGNAL DataError[ "Number of curves unknown before reading data"]; }; xmin _ ymin _ Real.LargestNumber; xmax _ ymax _ -xmin; FOR j: INT IN [0..nNames) DO lvl _ CONS[NIL, lvl]; ENDLOOP; tlvl _ lvl; }; -- InitData UNTIL key = dataKey DO IF get THEN { [token, ] _ s.GetToken[buffer: buffer]; tokenRope _ Rope.FromRefText[token]; }; get _ TRUE; key _ SELECT TRUE FROM tokenRope.Equal["nNames", FALSE] => nNamesKey, tokenRope.Equal["data", FALSE] => dataKey, tokenRope.Equal["names", FALSE] => namesKey, ENDCASE => SIGNAL SyntaxError["unknown key word"]; IF key = dataKey THEN InitData[]; DO [tokenKind, token, charsSkipped, error] _ s.GetCedarToken[buffer]; IF tokenKind = tokenEOF OR error # none THEN { status: ROPE; IF key = dataKey AND iCol = nNames THEN EXIT; status _ SELECT key FROM dataKey => IO.PutFR[ "after getting the %g-th number on the %g-th row in the table.",[iCol],[iRow+1]], namesKey => "getting names", ENDCASE => "getting the number of names"; IF tokenKind = tokenEOF THEN SIGNAL ReadBeyondEOF[status] ELSE SIGNAL DataError[Rope.Concat["token error in ", status]]; }; tokenRope _ Rope.FromRefText[token]; IF tokenKind = tokenCHAR THEN LOOP ELSE IF tokenKind = tokenID THEN {get _ FALSE; EXIT}; ELSE SELECT key FROM namesKey => IF tokenKind = tokenROPE THEN { nl: LIST OF ROPE _ CONS[tokenRope, NIL]; IF lastName = NIL THEN lastName _ names _ nl ELSE { _ nl; lastName _ nl}; nNames _ nNames + 1; IF nNamesSpeicified AND nNames > specifiedN THEN SIGNAL DataError[ IO.PutFR["%g names are specified but %g names are listed",[specifiedN],[nNames] ]; } ELSE SIGNAL SyntaxError [IO.PutFR["after getting the %g-th name",[nNames]]; }; nNamesKey => { ENABLE Convert.Error => SIGNAL DataError["number of names"]; base: [2..36] _ SELECT tokenKind FROM tokenDECIMAL => 10, tokenOCTAL => 8, tokenHEX => 16, ENDCASE => 2; number: INT _ Convert.IntFromRope[tokenRope, base]; IF names # NIL AND nNames # number THEN SIGNAL DataError[ IO.PutFR["%g names are specified but %g names are listed",[number],[nNames] ]; specifiedN _ number; nNamesSpecified _ TRUE; EXIT; }; ENDCASE => { -- dataKey ENABLE Convert.Error => SIGNAL DataError[IO.PutFR[ "parsing the %g-th number on the %g-th row",[iCol],[iRow+1]]; IF iCol = nNames THEN {iCol _ 1; iRow _ iRow + 1} ELSE iCol _ iCol + 1; r _ Convert.RealFromRope[tokenRope]; IF iCol = 1 THEN { xList _ CONS[r, xList]; IF iRow = 0 THEN xmin _ r ELSE xmax _ r; } ELSE { tlvl.first _ CONS[r, tlvl.first]; ymax _ MAX[ymax, r]; ymin _ MIN[ymin, r]; tlvl _; }; }; ENDLOOP; ENDLOOP; IF ymax = ymin THEN { IF ymax = 0.0 THEN { ymax _ 1.0; ymin _ -1.0 } ELSE { ymax _ ymax + ABS[ymax]; ymin _ ymin - ABS[ymin]; }; }; IF xmax = xmin THEN { IF xmax = 0.0 THEN { xmax _ 1.0; xmin _ -1.0 } ELSE { xmax _ xmax + ABS[xmax]; xmin _ xmin - ABS[xmin]; }; }; handle _ GraphOps.CreateGraph[ bounds: [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax], fileName: fullName ]; [] _ GraphOps.SetXValues[handle, xList]; iCurve _ nNames; TRUSTED { lvl _ LOOPHOLE[List.DReverse[LOOPHOLE[lvl]]]; names _ LOOPHOLE[List.DReverse[LOOPHOLE[names]]]; }; tlvl _ lvl; FOR lastName _ names, UNTIL lastName = NIL DO [] _ GraphOps.AddCurve[handle, iCurve, tlvl.first, lastName.first, iCurve]; iCurve _ iCurve - 1; tlvl _; ENDLOOP; TRUSTED { List.Kill[LOOPHOLE[lvl]]; List.Kill[LOOPHOLE[names]]; }; out.PutF["done.\n"]; }; -- ReadSimpleGraphData SaveGraph: PUBLIC PROC[viewer: Viewer, file: ROPE _ NIL, plottedOnly: BOOL _ TRUE] RETURNS [msg: ROPE _ NIL] = { IF file.IsEmpty[] THEN msg _ "Please select a file name." ELSE IF file.Find["/", 1] > 1 OR file.Find["]"] > 1 THEN msg _ "Can not write a remote file." ELSE { handle: GraphHandle _ HandleFromViewer[viewer]; newName: ROPE; [msg, newName] _ WriteGraphFile[handle, file, plottedOnly]; IF plottedOnly THEN IF msg = NIL AND handle.chart.viewer # NIL THEN { _ newName; ViewerOps.PaintViewer[handle.chart.viewer, caption, FALSE, NIL]; }; }; }; -- SaveGraph WriteGraphFile: PUBLIC PROC [handle: GraphHandle _ NIL, file: ROPE _ NIL, plottedOnly: BOOL _ TRUE] RETURNS[msg, newName: ROPE _ NIL] = { IF handle = NIL THEN RETURN["handle = NIL IN WriteGraphFile"] ELSE IF file.IsEmpty THEN RETURN ["No file name"] ELSE { OPEN handle; ok: BOOL _ TRUE; s: STREAM; nVector: CARDINAL _ 0; s _ FS. StreamOpen[fileName: file, accessOptions: $create, keep: 99 ! FS.Error => {msg _ error.explanation; ok _ FALSE; CONTINUE} ]; IF ok THEN { ENABLE IO.Error => { msg _ "Write Error."; CONTINUE }; PutRope[s, "binary graph"]; -- format id PutTexts[s, IF plottedOnly THEN graph.texts ELSE handle.allTexts]; PutCarets[s, graph]; PutByte[s, ShowSlopeKey]; PutBool[s, graph.showSlope]; PutTargets[s, graph]; PutGrids[s, graph]; PutDivisions[s, graph]; PutBounds[s, graph]; PutColors[s, graph]; PutFonts[s, graph]; PutEntityGroupList[s, handle, plottedOnly]; PutByte[s, EndOfRecordKey]; }; IF s # NIL THEN { s.Flush[]; s.Close[]; newName _ NARROW[Atom.GetPropFromList[s.propList, $Name]] }; }; }; -- WriteGraphFile PutTexts: PROC [s: STREAM, texts: Texts] = { PutByte[s, TextsKey]; FOR ts: Texts _ texts, UNTIL ts = NIL DO text: Text _ ts.first; PutByte[s, TextKey]; PutByte[s, NameKey]; PutRope[s, text.text]; PutByte[s, PlaceKey]; PutReal[s,]; PutReal[s,]; PutByte[s, FontIndexKey]; PutByte[s, text.fontIndex]; PutByte[s, ColorIndexKey]; PutByte[s, text.colorIndex]; PutByte[s, RotationKey]; PutReal[s, text.rotation]; PutByte[s, JustificationsKey]; PutByte[s, XKey]; PutByte[s, SELECT text.justifX FROM left => 1, center => 2, ENDCASE => 3]; PutByte[s, YKey]; PutByte[s, SELECT text.justifY FROM top => 1, center => 2, ENDCASE => 3]; PutByte[s, EndOfRecordKey]; PutByte[s, TextIdKey]; PutInt[s,]; PutByte[s, EndOfRecordKey]; ENDLOOP; PutByte[s, EndOfListKey]; }; -- PutTexts PutCarets: GraphFileProc = { PutByte[s, CaretsKey]; FOR index: CaretIndex IN CaretIndex DO PutByte[s, SELECT index FROM primary => PrimaryKey, secondary => SecondaryKey, ENDCASE => TextCaretKey]; PutByte[s, PlaceKey]; PutReal[s, graph.caret[index].place.x]; PutReal[s, graph.caret[index].place.y]; PutByte[s, OnKey]; PutBool[s, graph.caret[index].on]; PutByte[s, EndOfRecordKey]; ENDLOOP; PutByte[s, EndOfRecordKey]; }; -- PutCarets PutTargets: GraphFileProc = { PutByte[s, TargetsKey]; FOR xy: XY IN XY DO OPEN[xy]; PutByte[s, IF xy = x THEN XKey ELSE YKey]; PutByte[s, ValueKey]; PutReal[s, value]; PutByte[s, WidthKey]; PutReal[s, width]; PutByte[s, ColorIndexKey]; PutByte[s, colorIndex]; PutByte[s, OnKey]; PutBool[s, on]; PutByte[s, EndOfRecordKey]; ENDLOOP; PutByte[s, EndOfRecordKey]; }; -- PutTargets PutGrids: GraphFileProc = { PutByte[s, GridsKey]; FOR xy: XY IN XY DO PutByte[s, IF xy = x THEN XKey ELSE YKey]; PutByte[s, OnKey]; PutBool[s, graph.grids[xy]]; PutByte[s, EndOfRecordKey]; ENDLOOP; PutByte[s, EndOfRecordKey]; }; -- PutGrids PutDivisions: GraphFileProc = { PutByte[s, DivisionsKey]; FOR xy: XY IN XY DO PutByte[s, IF xy = x THEN XKey ELSE YKey]; PutByte[s, AutoKey]; PutBool[s,[divisions]]; PutByte[s, DivisionsKey]; PutByte[s, graph.division[xy]]; PutByte[s, EndOfRecordKey]; ENDLOOP; PutByte[s, EndOfRecordKey]; }; -- PutDivisions PutBounds: GraphFileProc = { PutByte[s, BoundsKey]; FOR xy: XY IN XY DO OPEN graph.bounds; PutByte[s, IF xy = x THEN XKey ELSE YKey]; PutByte[s, AutoKey]; PutBool[s,[bounds]]; PutByte[s, MaxKey]; PutReal[s, IF xy = x THEN xmax ELSE ymax]; PutByte[s, MinKey]; PutReal[s, IF xy = x THEN xmin ELSE ymin]; PutByte[s, EndOfRecordKey]; ENDLOOP; PutByte[s, EndOfRecordKey]; }; -- PutBounds PutColors: GraphFileProc = { PutByte[s, ColorsKey]; FOR i: ColorIndex IN ColorIndex DO OPEN graph.color[i]; PutByte[s, i+1]; PutByte[s, RKey]; PutReal[s, R]; PutByte[s, GKey]; PutReal[s, G]; PutByte[s, BKey]; PutReal[s, B]; PutByte[s, EndOfRecordKey]; ENDLOOP; PutByte[s, EndOfRecordKey]; }; -- PutColors PutFonts: GraphFileProc = { PutByte[s, FontsKey]; FOR i: FontIndex IN FontIndex DO OPEN graph.font[i]; PutByte[s, i+1]; PutByte[s, NameKey]; PutRope[s, family]; PutByte[s, BoldKey]; PutBool[s, bold]; PutByte[s, ItalicKey]; PutBool[s, italic]; PutByte[s, VFontSizeKey]; PutInt[s, vFontSize]; PutByte[s, PFontScaleKey]; PutReal[s, pFontScale]; PutByte[s, EndOfRecordKey]; ENDLOOP; PutByte[s, EndOfRecordKey]; }; -- PutFonts PutEntityGroupList: PROC [s: STREAM, handle: GraphHandle, plottedOnly: BOOL _ TRUE] = { PutByte[s, EntityGroupListKey]; FOR egl: EntityGroupList _ handle.entityGroupList, UNTIL egl = NIL DO eg: EntityGroup _ egl.first; PutByte[s, EntityGroupKey]; PutByte[s, NameKey]; PutRope[s,]; PutEntity[s, eg.x, plottedOnly]; IF plottedOnly THEN PutPlottedNE[s, handle.graph.entityList, eg] ELSE PutAllNE[s, eg.ys]; PutByte[s, GroupIdKey]; PutInt[s,]; PutByte[s, LengthKey]; PutInt[s, eg.length]; PutByte[s, EndOfRecordKey]; ENDLOOP; PutByte[s, EndOfListKey]; }; -- PutEntityGroupList PutEntity: PROC [s: STREAM, entity: Entity, plottedOnly: BOOL _ TRUE] = { PutByte[s, EntityKey]; PutByte[s, NameKey]; PutRope[s, IF plottedOnly THEN FullName[entity] ELSE]; PutByte[s, CommentKey]; PutRope[s, IF plottedOnly THEN "" ELSE entity.comment]; PutByte[s, ColorIndexKey]; PutByte[s, entity.colorIndex]; PutByte[s, MarkKey]; PutByte[s, SELECT entity.mark FROM none => NoneKey, round => RoundKey, square => SquareKey, diamond => DiamondKey, cross => CrossKey, dollar => DollarKey, ENDCASE => PercentKey]; PutByte[s, WidthKey]; PutReal[s, entity.width]; IF plottedOnly THEN PutValuesForSDL[s, entity.segments] ELSE PutValuesForVL[s, entity.oldValues]; PutByte[s, EntityIdKey]; PutInt[s,]; PutByte[s, EndOfRecordKey]; }; -- PutEntity PutAllEL: PROC [s: STREAM, entityList: EntityList] = { PutByte[s, EntityListKey]; FOR el: EntityList _ entityList, UNTIL el = NIL DO PutEntity[s, el.first, FALSE]; ENDLOOP; PutByte[s, EndOfListKey]; }; -- PutAllEL PutPlottedEL: PROC [s: STREAM, el: EntityList, group: EntityGroup] = { PutByte[s, EntityListKey]; FOR el: EntityList _ entityList, UNTIL el = NIL DO IF = group THEN PutEntity[s, el.first, plottedOnly]; ENDLOOP; PutByte[s, EndOfListKey]; }; -- PutPlottedEL PutPlottedNE: PROC [s: STREAM, plottedEL: EntityList, group: EntityGroup] = { PutByte[s, NestedEntitiesKey]; PutByte[s, NameKey]; PutRope[s,]; PutByte[s, CommentKey]; PutRope[s, ne.comment]; PutPlottedEL[s, plottedEL, group]; PutNEL[s, NIL]; PutByte[s, EndOfRecordKey]; }; -- PutPlottedNE PutAllNE: PROC [s: STREAM, ne: NestedEntities] = { PutByte[s, NestedEntitiesKey]; PutByte[s, NameKey]; PutRope[s,]; PutByte[s, CommentKey]; PutRope[s, ne.comment]; PutAllEL[s, ne.entityList]; PutNEL[s, ne.children]; PutByte[s, EndOfRecordKey]; }; -- PutAllNE PutNEL: PROC [s: STREAM, nestedEL: NestedEntitiesList] = { PutByte[s, NELKey]; FOR nel: NestedEntitiesList _ nestedEL, UNTIL nel = NIL DO PutAllNE[s, nel.first]; ENDLOOP; PutByte[s, EndOfListKey]; }; -- PutNEL PutValuesForVL: PROC [s: STREAM, valueList: ValueList] = { PutByte[s, ValuesKey]; PutInt[s, LengthOfVL[valueList]]; FOR vl: ValueList _ valueList, UNTIL vl = NIL DO PutReal[s, vl.first]; ENDLOOP; }; -- PutValuesForVL PutValuesForSDL: PROC [s: STREAM, segmentDataList: SegmentDataList] = { PutByte[s, ValuesKey]; PutInt[s, LengthOfSDL[segmentDataList]]; FOR sdl: SegmentDataList _ segmentDataList, UNTIL sdl = NIL DO PutReal[s, sdl.first.end]; ENDLOOP; }; -- PutValuesForSDL PutCrossSections: PROC [s: STREAM, eg: EntityGroup] = { VLL: TYPE = LIST OF ValueList; vllR, vll, tvll: VLL _ NIL; GetVLfromSDL: PROC [segmentDataList: SegmentDataList] RETURNS [vl: ValueList _ NIL] = { FOR sdl: SegmentDataList _ segmentDataList, UNTIL sdl = NIL DO vl _ CONS[sdl.first.end]; ENDLOOP; [vl, ] _ ReverseValueList[vl]; }; -- GetVLfromSDL GetVLsFromNE: PROC [ne: NestedEntities, old: VLL] RETURNS [new: VLL _ NIL] = { new _ old; FOR el: EntityList _ ne.entityList, UNTIL el = NIL DO new _ CONS[ IF el.first.segments = NIL THEN el.first.oldValues ELSE GetVLfromSDL[el.first.segments], new] ENDLOOP; new _ GetVLsFromNEL[ne.children, new]; }; -- GetVLsFromNE GetVLsFromNEL: PROC [nestedEntitiesList: NestedEntitiesList, old: VLL] RETURNS [new: VLL _ NIL] = { -- result is in reverse order !! new _ old; FOR nel: NestedEntitiesList _ nestedEntitiesList, UNTIL nel = NIL DO new _ GetVLsFromNE[nel.first, new]; ENDLOOP; }; -- GetVLsFromNEL CleanUpVLL: PROC [old: VLL] RETURNS [VLL] = { WHILE old # NIL DO next: VLL _; old.first _ NIL; _ NIL; old _ next; ENDLOOP; RETURN[NIL]; }; -- CleanUpVLL vllR _ CONS[GetVLfromSDL[eg.x.segments], NIL]; -- list of vl in reverse order. vllR _ GetVLsFromNE[eg.ys, vllR]; FOR tvll _ vllR, UNTIL tvll = NIL DO vll _ CONS[tvll.first, vll]; ENDLOOP; vllR _ CleanUpVLL[vllR]; PutByte[s, CrossSectionsKey]; WHILE vll # NIL DO IF vll.first = NIL THEN EXIT; PutByte[s, TailsKey]; -- keyword before each set of tails FOR tvll _ vll, UNTIL tvll = NIL DO vl: ValueList _ tvll.first; PutReal[s, vl.first]; tvll.first _; ENDLOOP; ENDLOOP; PutByte[s, EndOfListKey]; vll _ CleanUpVLL[vll]; }; -- PutCrossSections WriteDataFile: PUBLIC PROC [graph: GRAPH _ NIL, file: ROPE _ NIL] RETURNS [msg: ROPE _ NIL] = { }; -- WriteDataFile CheckFormat: PROC [stream: STREAM] RETURNS[format: FileFormat _ illegal] = { rope: ROPE; firstChar: CHAR _ stream.PeekChar[]; IF firstChar = 0C THEN { rope: ROPE _ GetRope[stream! ReadBeyondEOF => {rope _ NIL; CONTINUE}]; IF NOT rope.IsEmpty[] THEN SELECT TRUE FROM rope.Equal["* binary"] => format _ old; rope.Equal["binary graph"] => format _ binary; ENDCASE; -- illegal } ELSE format _ text; }; -- CheckFormat GetRope: PROC [stream: STREAM] RETURNS [rope: ROPE] = { length: NAT = GetCardinal[stream]; text: REF TEXT _ IF length > 256 THEN RefText.ObtainScratch[length] ELSE myScratch; FOR i: NAT IN [0..length) DO IF stream.EndOf[] THEN SIGNAL ReadBeyondEOF[ IO.PutFR["%gth character of a rope of length %g.",[i+1],[length]]]; text[i] _ stream.GetChar[]; ENDLOOP; text.length _ length; rope _ Rope.FromRefText[text]; IF length > 256 THEN RefText.ReleaseScratch[text]; }; -- GetRope GetTime: PROC [stream: STREAM] RETURNS [BasicTime.GMT] = { RETURN[LOOPHOLE[GetLongWord[stream, " a BasicTime.GMT"], BasicTime.GMT]]; }; -- GetTime GetBool: PROC [stream: STREAM] RETURNS [bool: BOOL _ FALSE] = { SELECT GetByte[stream] FROM TrueKey => bool _ TRUE; FalseKey => bool _ FALSE; ENDCASE => SIGNAL SyntaxError["Boolean"]; }; -- GetBool GetByte: PROC [stream: STREAM] RETURNS [BYTE] = { RETURN[LOOPHOLE[stream.GetChar[], BYTE]]; }; -- GetByte GetInt: PROC [stream: STREAM] RETURNS [INT] = { RETURN[LOOPHOLE[GetLongWord[stream, " an INT"], INT]]; }; -- GetInt GetReal: PROC [stream: STREAM] RETURNS [REAL] = { RETURN[LOOPHOLE[GetLongWord[stream, " a real number"], REAL]]; }; -- GetReal GetCardinal: PROC [stream: STREAM] RETURNS [CARDINAL] = { pair: CharPair; pair.high _ MyGetChar[stream, "1st byte of a cardinal"]; pair.low _ MyGetChar[stream, "2nd byte of a cardinal"]; RETURN[LOOPHOLE[pair, CARDINAL]]; }; -- GetCardinal GetLongWord: PROC [stream: STREAM, info: ROPE] RETURNS [chars: FourChars] = { chars.lh _ MyGetChar[stream, "1st byte of", info]; chars.ll _ MyGetChar[stream, "2nd byte of", info]; chars.hh _ MyGetChar[stream, "3rd byte of", info]; chars.hl _ MyGetChar[stream, "4th byte of", info]; }; -- GetLongWord MyGetChar: PROC [stream: STREAM, info1, info2: ROPE _ NIL] RETURNS [CHAR] = { IF stream.EndOf[] THEN SIGNAL ReadBeyondEOF[ IO.PutFR["%g%g.", IO.rope[info1], IO.rope[info2]]]; RETURN[stream.GetChar[]]; }; -- MyGetChar PutRope: PROC [stream: STREAM, rope: ROPE _ NIL] = { length: CARDINAL _ Basics.LowHalf[rope.Length[]]; PutCardinal[stream, length]; stream.PutBlock[Rope.ToRefText[rope], 0, length]; }; -- PutRope PutTime: PROC [stream: STREAM, time: BasicTime.GMT _ BasicTime.nullGMT] = { PutLongWord[stream, LOOPHOLE[time, FourChars]]; }; -- PutTime PutBool: PROC[stream: STREAM, bool: BOOL _ TRUE] = { PutByte[stream, IF bool THEN TrueKey ELSE FalseKey]; }; -- PutBool PutByte: PROC [stream: STREAM, byte: BYTE _ 0] = { stream.PutChar[LOOPHOLE[byte, CHAR]]; }; -- PutByte PutInt: PROC [stream: STREAM, int: INT _ 0] = { PutLongWord[stream, LOOPHOLE[int, FourChars]]; }; -- PutInt PutReal: PROC [stream: STREAM, real: REAL _ 0] = { PutLongWord[stream, LOOPHOLE[real, FourChars]]; }; -- PutReal PutCardinal: PROC [stream: STREAM, word: CARDINAL _ 0] = { pair: CharPair _ LOOPHOLE[word, CharPair]; stream.PutChar[pair.high]; stream.PutChar[pair.low]; }; -- PutCardinal PutLongWord: PROC [stream: STREAM, long: FourChars] = INLINE { stream.PutChar[long.lh]; stream.PutChar[long.ll]; stream.PutChar[long.hh]; stream.PutChar[long.hl]; }; -- PutLongCard Commander.Register["Graph", GraphFiles, "Graph , reviews the graphs in the files. See GraphDoc.tioga for more information."]; Commander.Register["Plot", GraphFiles, "Plot , reviews the graphs in the files. See GraphDoc.tioga for more information."]; }. CHANGE LOG. SChen, created at October 9, 1985 6:21:05 pm PDT. GraphFile.mesa, Copyright c 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Last Edited by: Sweetsun Chen, November 7, 1985 11:30:23 pm PST scratch for rope assume handle is already locked. if no problem then return msg=nil. assume handle is already locked. texts: title, time, and file name. bounds, nNamesMax, entityHash, and entityGroupList. allocate EntityRec for each curve, construct the entity list entityGroupList.ys and graph.entityList, and create the graph viewer to show the axes, title and time. add tails v2 _ ReverseValueList[v2]; correct order of oldValues for xEntity and each entity on graph.entityList xEntity.oldValues _ ReverseValueList[xEntity.oldValues]; FOR el: EntityList _ graph.entityList, UNTIL el = NIL DO el.first.oldValues _ ReverseValueList[el.first.oldValues]; ENDLOOP; initialize each segment data lastTextId _ 1; lastEntityId _ nNamesMax; lastEntityGroupId is 0. handle will be unlocked. assume handle is already locked. The format could have been more compact. But it is easier to allow for upward/backward compatibility this way. AutoKey => _ [GetBool[s], GetBool[s]]; initialize segments for x entities. draw some of the curves. handle shall be unlocked by caller of this proc. reads in graph.texts in the reversed order. reverse it. append it cleanup t1 reverse it. clean up. read more complicated graph file in text format. check number of names. get key word: names, nNames, or data. [] _ GraphOps.AddText[handle: handle, id: 0, rope: title, place: [0.5, 1.1], fontIndex: 2, justifX: center]; ok _ FALSE; PutCrossSections[s, eg]; result is in reverse order !! copy to vll in the correct order. clean up the reversed one. start to work. clean up. write text formatted graph file reading routines writing routines and for historical reasons Κ5€˜JšœΟmœ1™Lšœ™Icode™/—J˜šΟk ˜ Jšœžœ˜Jšœžœžœ ˜Jšœ žœžœ ˜Jšœ žœ˜(Jšœ žœ˜ Jšœžœ%˜2Jšœ žœ˜*Jšžœžœ2˜:Jš œžœlžœižœHžœ˜΅Jšœ žœ ˜J˜Jšœ žœ%˜3Jšœ žœu˜‡Jšœ žœΈ˜ΗJšžœžœVžœ˜fJšœžœ˜Jšœžœ&˜3JšœžœG˜QJšœžœ ˜Jšœ žœ˜-—J˜šœ žœž˜Jšžœ;žœžœQ˜™Jšžœ˜—J˜Jšžœ/˜3J˜Jšœžœ žœžœ˜+Jšœ žœ žœžœ˜)Jšœ žœ žœžœ˜'J˜Jšžœžœžœžœ˜Jšžœžœ žœ˜Jš œ žœžœž œžœ žœ˜;Jš œ žœžœž œžœžœ˜AJšœ žœ!Οc&˜WJš œ žœžœžœžœ˜J˜J™Jšœ žœžœ˜'J˜šΟb œ˜%Jšœ˜Jšœžœ˜ Jšœžœ˜ Jšœ1˜1Jšžœ žœ3˜Fšžœ˜Jšœžœ'˜1Jšœ žœ˜Jšœ žœ˜Jšœ žœžœ˜š žœ#žœžœžœžœž˜Ešžœžœ˜!šžœžœžœž˜>Jšœžœ˜Jšœžœ˜šžœ˜šœžœ+˜3Jšœ%Ÿ˜7—J˜J˜—JšžœŸ!˜*—J˜—šžœ˜Jšœ@˜@Jšžœ žœžœ˜,š žœžœ&žœžœžœžœž˜Nšžœžœžœ˜,JšœG˜GJšžœ˜—Jšžœ,˜0Jšœ˜Jšžœ˜—J˜—Jšžœ˜—J˜Jšžœžœžœ˜ —JšœŸ 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