File: GraphViewer.mesa, Copyright (C) 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Last Edited by:
Sweetsun Chen, October 21, 1985 7:52:08 pm PDT
FS USING [ExpandName, GetDefaultWDir],
Icons USING [IconFlavor, NewIconFromFile],
Imager USING [ConstantColor, Context],
InputFocus USING [SetInputFocus],
MessageWindow USING [Append],
Graph USING [ColorIndex, GraphColorsArray, GraphFontsArray, ValueList, Viewer],
GraphCarets USING [GetFocus, SetFocus],
GraphCleanUp USING [CleanUpHandle],
GraphPrivate USING [BackgroundIndex, ChartMenus, Draw, EraseSelEntity, EraseSelText, GraphHandle, GraphProc, JumpDownAnyCurve, JumpLeftAnyCurve, JumpLeftSameCurve, JumpRightAnyCurve, JumpRightSameCurve, JumpUpAnyCurve, Lock, MoveSelText, MoveXhair2To1, OutputType, PaintAll, PaintInfo, SelectPoint, SelectEntity, SelectText, ShowSelEntityOnPanel, ShowSelTextOnPanel, SlideLeftNSteps, SlideOnSameCurve, SlideRightNSteps, SwitchAuto, SwitchCaretBlinking, SwitchCaretVisibility, SwitchGrid, SwitchTarget, Unlock, Wait, ZoomIn, ZoomOut, ZoomPoint],
GraphUtil USING [HandleFromViewer, HandleNotNil, ReplaceFileExt, SetCursorForBackgroundIndex, UseDefaultColors],
Process USING [Abort],
Rope USING [Cat, Equal, ROPE],
TIPUser USING [InstantiateNewTIPTable, TIPScreenCoords],
UserProfile USING [CallWhenProfileChanges, ProfileChangedProc, Token],
ViewerClasses USING [Column, NotifyProc, PaintProc, PaintRectangle, Viewer, ViewerClass, ViewerClassRec],
ViewerEvents USING [EventProc, RegisterEventProc],
ViewerOps USING [CreateViewer, EnumerateViewers, EnumProc, OpenIcon, PaintViewer, RegisterViewerClass, SwapIconAndViewer, TopViewer],
WindowManager USING [colorDisplayOn];
IMPORTS Icons, InputFocus, MessageWindow, GraphCarets, GraphCleanUp, GraphPrivate, GraphUtil, Process, Rope, TIPUser, UserProfile, ViewerEvents, ViewerOps, WindowManager
EXPORTS GraphPrivate = { OPEN Graph, GraphPrivate, GraphUtil;
(constant) variables
chartIcon: Icons.IconFlavor ← Icons.NewIconFromFile["Graph.icons", 0];
graphViewerClass: ViewerClasses.ViewerClass ← NEW [ViewerClasses.ViewerClassRec ←
[paint: GraphPaint,
icon: chartIcon,
cursor: textPointer,
tipTable: TIPUser.InstantiateNewTIPTable["Graph.TIP"],
notify: GraphNotify
destroy: GraphDestroy
parameters initialized or updated by ProcessUserProfile
initialColumn: ViewerClasses.Column; -- {static, left, right, color}
createOption: {closeOtherViewers, swapLastViewer, iconic, badCreateOption};
backgroundIndex: BackgroundIndex; -- {white, gray, darkGray, black, unknown}
defaultColorsArray: PUBLIC GraphColorsArray ← [
[R: 1.0, G: 1.0, B: 1.0], -- 0, white, reserved for color cursor, foreground or background.
entity colors: all vivid
[R: 1.0, G: 0.0, B: 0.8], -- 1, purple red
[R: 0.4, G: 0.0, B: 1.0], -- 2, purple
[R: 0.0, G: 0.0, B: 1.0], -- 3, blue
[R: 0.0, G: 0.56, B: 1.0], -- 4, greenish blue
[R: 0.0, G: 1.0, B: 1.0], -- 5, green blue
[R: 0.0, G: 1.0, B: 0.0], -- 6, green
[R: 0.52, G: 1.0, B: 0.0], -- 7, yellow green
[R: 1.0, G: 1.0, B: 0.0], -- 8, yellow
[R: 1.0, G: 0.60, B: 0.0], -- 9, orange yellow
[R: 1.0, G: 0.42, B: 0.0], -- 10, yellowish orange
[R: 1.0, G: 0.25, B: 0.0], -- 11, orange
[R: 1.0, G: 0.0, B: 0.0], -- 12, red
gray or black
[R: 0.5, G: 0.5, B: 0.5], -- 13, gray, reserved for background. (default target color.)
[R: 0.17, G: 0.17, B: 0.17], -- 14, dark gray, reserved for background.
[R: 0.0, G: 0.0, B: 0.0] -- 15, black, reserved for color cursor, foreground or background.
defaultFontsArray: PUBLIC GraphFontsArray ← [
[family, bold, italic, vFontSize, pFontScale]
["TimesRoman", FALSE, FALSE, 8, 9.0], -- 0, TimesRoman8, reserved.
["TimesRoman", TRUE, FALSE, 12, 13.0], -- 4, 12b, reserved.
["TimesRoman", FALSE, TRUE, 8, 9.0], -- 1, ~8i
["TimesRoman", TRUE, FALSE, 8, 9.0], -- 2, ~8b
["TimesRoman", FALSE, FALSE, 6, 7.0], -- 3, ~6
["Helvetica", FALSE, FALSE, 8, 9.0], -- 5, Helvetica8
["Helvetica", FALSE, FALSE, 6, 7.0], -- 6, ~6
["Helvetica", TRUE, FALSE, 14, 15.0], -- 7, ~14b
["Gacha", FALSE, FALSE, 8, 9.0], -- 8, Gacha8
["Hippo", FALSE, FALSE, 8, 9.0], -- 9, Hippo8
["Logo", FALSE, FALSE, 12, 14.0], -- 10, Logo12
["Math", FALSE, FALSE, 8, 9.0] -- 11, Math8, reserved.
systemColor: PUBLIC ARRAY ColorIndex OF Imager.ConstantColor;
public procedures
ShowChart: PUBLIC GraphProc = {
if graph viewer already exists, then pop it up to the top;
else create the viewer for the graph on the handle.
Supposed to be locked before this is called. This proc will unlock handle before paintproc is to be invoked.
IF HandleNotNil[handle] THEN { OPEN handle;
viewer: Viewer ← chart.viewer;
IF viewer = NIL THEN NewChartViewer[handle]
IF viewer.iconic THEN ViewerOps.OpenIcon[icon: viewer, bottom: FALSE]
ELSE ViewerOps.TopViewer[viewer];
}; -- ShowChart
NewChartViewer: GraphProc = { OPEN handle;
viewer: Viewer ← chart.viewer ← ViewerOps.CreateViewer[
flavor: $Graph,
info: [
class: graphViewerClass,
name: ReplaceFileExt[graph.fileName, "graph"],
menu: ChartMenus[],
column: initialColumn,
iconic: TRUE,
inhibitDestroy: inhibitDestroy,
data: handle],
paint: FALSE];
SELECT createOption FROM
iconic => ViewerOps.PaintViewer[viewer, all, TRUE, NIL];
closeOtherViewers => ViewerOps.OpenIcon[icon: viewer,
closeOthers: TRUE, bottom: TRUE, paint: TRUE];
swapLastViewer => {
vLast: Viewer ← NIL;
LastViewer: ViewerOps.EnumProc = {
IF v.column = initialColumn AND NOT v.iconic THEN {vLast ← v; RETURN[FALSE]};
}; -- LastViewer
IF vLast = NIL THEN ViewerOps.OpenIcon[icon: viewer,
closeOthers: TRUE, bottom: TRUE, paint: TRUE]
ViewerOps.SwapIconAndViewer[icon: viewer,
openViewer: vLast, paint: TRUE]; -- this paints the new viewer only.
ViewerOps.PaintViewer[vLast, all, TRUE, NIL]; -- paint the last viewer.
}; -- NewChartViewer
AddEntity: PUBLIC PROC [viewer: Viewer ← NIL, entity: Entity ← NIL] = {
IF vector = NIL OR NOT IsGraphViewer[viewer] THEN RETURN ELSE {
shouldPaint: BOOLFALSE;
expectedSize: CARDINAL;
handle: GraphHandle ← NARROW[];
IF handle # NIL THEN {
expectedSize ← handle.graphSpec.nCurvesMax + 1;
IF vector.size # expectedSize THEN MessageWindow.Append[
IO.PutFR["Only %g elements in vector when %g expected.",[vector.size],[expectedSize]], TRUE]
IF handle.curves = NIL THEN {
handle.lineStates ← NEW[StateSequence[handle.graphSpec.nCurvesMax]];
Note: lineStates[n] is the state of curve # n+1.
FOR i: CARDINAL IN[0..handle.graphSpec.nCurvesMax) DO
handle.lineStates[i] ← NEW[LineStateRec ← []];
ELSE IF handle.curves.first # NIL THEN shouldPaint ← TRUE;
handle.curves ← CONS[vector, handle.curves]
IF shouldPaint THEN ViewerOps.PaintViewer[viewer, client, FALSE, handle.curves];
}; -- AddEntity
IsGraphViewer: PUBLIC PROC [viewer: Viewer] RETURNS [BOOL] = {
RETURN[viewer.class.flavor = $Graph];
}; -- IsGraphViewer
other private procedures
GraphPaint: ViewerClasses.PaintProc = {
[self: Viewer, context: Imager.Context, whatChanged: REF ANY, clear: BOOL]
IF IsGraphViewer[self] AND context # NIL AND NOT self.iconic THEN {
there is no checking of the viewer class in Draw.
handle: GraphHandle ← HandleFromViewer[self];
IF handle # NIL THEN { OPEN handle;
IF whatChanged # NIL AND ISTYPE[whatChanged, PaintInfo] THEN {
paintInfo.output ← screen;
Draw[context, handle];
paintInfo.output ← screen;
paintInfo.action ← paint;
IF whatChanged = NIL THEN paintInfo.item ← all
ELSE IF ISTYPE[whatChanged, ViewerClasses.PaintRectangle] THEN {
vr: ViewerClasses.PaintRectangle ← NARROW[whatChanged];
paintInfo.item ← rectangle;
paintInfo.rect ← [vr.x, vr.y, vr.w, vr.h];
Draw[context, handle];
waitingGraph ← FALSE;
}; -- handle # nil
}; -- GraphPaint
GraphBeforeDestroy: ViewerEvents.EventProc = {
handle: GraphHandle ← HandleFromViewer[viewer];
IF handle # NIL AND event=destroy AND IsGraphViewer[viewer] AND before THEN {
IF GraphCarets.GetFocus[] = handle THEN GraphCarets.SetFocus[NIL];
IF handle.selectProc # NIL THEN {
TRUSTED {Process.Abort[handle.selectProc]};
UNTIL handle.selectProc = NIL DO Wait[]; ENDLOOP;
handle.chart.viewer ← NIL;
}; -- GraphBeforeDestroy
GraphAfterDestroy: ViewerEvents.EventProc = {
handle: GraphHandle ← HandleFromViewer[viewer];
IF handle # NIL AND event=destroy AND IsGraphViewer[viewer] AND NOT before THEN {
IF handle.controller = NIL THEN handle ← GraphCleanUp.CleanUpHandle[handle, TRUE]
ELSE Unlock[handle];
}; -- GraphAfterDestroy
GraphOpen: ViewerEvents.EventProc = {
handle: GraphHandle ← HandleFromViewer[viewer];
IF handle # NIL AND event = open AND IsGraphViewer[viewer] AND NOT before THEN
handle.graphOpened ← TRUE;
}; -- GraphOpen
GraphNotify: ViewerClasses.NotifyProc= {
IF IsGraphViewer[self] AND NOT self.iconic THEN {
handle: GraphHandle ← HandleFromViewer[self];
IF HandleNotNil[handle] THEN {
mx, my: INTEGER;
nArg: INT;
FOR params: LIST OF REF ANY ← input, UNTIL params = NIL DO
WITH params.first SELECT FROM
xy: TIPUser.TIPScreenCoords => {
mx ← xy.mouseX;
my ← xy.mouseY;
n: REF LONG INTEGER => nArg ← n^;
a: ATOM => {
$SetFocus => InputFocus.SetInputFocus[handle.chart.viewer];
$SelectText => SelectText[handle, mx, my];
$Slide => SlideOnSameCurve[handle, mx, my];
$SelectCurve => SelectEntity[handle, mx, my];
$SelectPoint => SelectPoint[handle, mx, my];
$ZoomPoint => ZoomPoint[handle, mx, my];
$ShowSelTextOnPanel => ShowSelTextOnPanel[handle];
$ShowSelEntityOnPanel => ShowSelEntityOnPanel[handle];
$JumpLeftSameCurve => JumpLeftSameCurve[handle];
$JumpLeftAnyCurve => JumpLeftAnyCurve[handle];
$JumpUp => JumpUpAnyCurve[handle];
$ZoomIn => ZoomIn[handle, mx, my];
$LeftStep => SlideLeftNSteps[handle, nArg];
$RemoveCurve => EraseSelEntity[handle];
$JumpRightSameCurve => JumpRightSameCurve[handle];
$JumpRightAnyCurve => JumpRightAnyCurve[handle];
$ClearText => EraseSelText[handle];
$MoveSelText => MoveSelText[handle, mx, my];
$JumpDown => JumpDownAnyCurve[handle];
$ZoomOut => ZoomOut[handle, mx, my];
$RightStep => SlideRightNSteps[handle, nArg];
$PrimaryVisibility, $SecondaryVisibility, $TextCaretVisibility =>
SwitchCaretVisibility[handle, SELECT a FROM
$PrimaryVisibility => primary, $SecondaryVisibility => secondary,
ENDCASE => text
$PrimaryBlinking, $SecondaryBlinking, $TextCaretBlinking =>
SwitchCaretBlinking[handle, SELECT a FROM
$PrimaryBlinking => primary, $SecondaryBlinking => secondary,
ENDCASE => text
$SaveCrosshair => MoveXhair2To1[handle];
$ToggleAutoBounds => SwitchAuto[handle, bounds];
$ToggleAutoDiv => SwitchAuto[handle, divisions];
$ToggleTargetX, $ToggleTargetY =>
SwitchTarget[handle, IF a = $ToggleTargetX THEN x ELSE y];
$ToggleGridX, $ToggleGridY =>
SwitchGrid[handle, IF a = $ToggleGridX THEN x ELSE y];
$CleanAndPaint => PaintAll[handle, TRUE];
$Repaint => PaintAll[handle, FALSE];
}; -- GraphNotify
ProcessUserProfile: PUBLIC UserProfile.ProfileChangedProc = {
rope: Rope.ROPE ← UserProfile.Token[key: "Graph.Column", default: "color"];
initialColumn ← SELECT TRUE FROM
rope.Equal["color", FALSE] => color,
rope.Equal["left", FALSE] => left,
rope.Equal["right", FALSE] => right,
ENDCASE => static;
IF initialColumn = static THEN {
Rope.Cat["Warning: Illegal entry in user profile, Graph.Column: ", rope, "."],
initialColumn ← color;
IF initialColumn = color AND NOT WindowManager.colorDisplayOn THEN initialColumn ← left;
rope ← UserProfile.Token[key: "Graph.CreateOption", default: "closeOtherViewers"];
createOption ← SELECT TRUE FROM
rope.Equal["closeOtherViewers", FALSE] => closeOtherViewers,
rope.Equal["swapLastViewer", FALSE] => swapLastViewer,
rope.Equal["iconic", FALSE] => iconic,
ENDCASE => badCreateOption;
IF createOption = badCreateOption THEN {
Rope.Cat["Warning: Illegal entry in user profile, Graph.CreateOption: ", rope, "."],
createOption ← closeOtherViewers;
rope ← UserProfile.Token[key: "Graph.Background", default: "white"];
backgroundIndex ← SELECT TRUE FROM
rope.Equal["white", FALSE] => white,
rope.Equal["gray", FALSE] => gray,
rope.Equal["darkGray", FALSE] => darkGray,
rope.Equal["black", FALSE] => black,
ENDCASE => unknown;
IF backgroundIndex = unknown THEN {
Rope.Cat["Warning: Illegal entry in user profile, Graph.Background: ", rope, "."],
backgroundIndex ← white;
IF reason = firstTime THEN UseDefaultColors[];
}; -- ProcessUserProfile
Init: PROC [] = {
ViewerOps.RegisterViewerClass[$Graph, graphViewerClass];
[] ← ViewerEvents.RegisterEventProc[proc: GraphBeforeDestroy, event: destroy, before: TRUE];
[] ← ViewerEvents.RegisterEventProc[proc: GraphAfterDestroy, event: destroy, before: FALSE];
[] ← ViewerEvents.RegisterEventProc[proc: GraphOpen, event: open, before: FALSE];
}; -- Init
SChen, October 19, 1985 10:09:23 pm PDT, created.