File: NmosInverter.thy
Last Edited by:
Sweetsun Chen, August 1, 1985 5:32:01 pm PDT
The following library models/functions are included by default.
There will be no harm if you still specify them.
CIRCUIT[Lambda ← 2.0, Temp ← 75] = {
! ThymeBasics
! NMos4.0u75C
In, Out, Vdd: node;
powerSupply: voltage[Vdd, Gnd] = 5;
?: capacitor[Out, Gnd] = 0.001pF;
?: DTran[Out, Out, Vdd];
?: ETran[In, Gnd, Out];
?: RectWave[In| period ← 80ns, width ← 45ns, tRise ← 5ns, tFall ← 5ns, tDelay ← 35ns];
PRINT[In, Out];
PLOT["Nmos Inverter (4 microns, 75C)", :1ns, -1, 6, In, Out];
RUN[tMax ← 200ns, maxIter ← 1000];