Plot is a command in the CommandTool to review plots in plot files created by Thyme or some other clients of the PlotPackage. The command should terminate gracefully if it finds the file not a "plot file". If you specify more than one plot files in the command line, the first plot will be shown on the color monitor, and the rest of the plot viewers will be created initially in iconic state, to be opened any time you like. DF file: [Cherry]Cedar5.2>Plot>Plot.df A. Command syntax: Plot {spec} where {spec} := one or more instances of [switches] {filepattern}, where [switches] is optional. A.1. Switches: The meaningful switches are: -h or -H => (Highest version only. Default true) Only the highest version of plot files whose names match the filepattern are opened. -a or, -A => (All versions. Default false) All versions of plot files that agree with the filepattern are opened. -# => (The max number of plot files to open is #. Default 12) Sets the limit of the number of plots to be opened at a time to #, where # is a number. A switch affects all files opened thereafter until overridden by a different switch. Illegal switches are ignored. A.2. Examples: plot cmos*.plot* Plots all files with names matching the pattern "cmos*.plot*". For each file that has more than one versions, only the latest version is opened. The program is clever enough to exclude files whose names end with ".press". plot foo.plot -a cmos*.plot0 Plots the latest version of foo.plot; then plots all versions of files with names matching "cmos*.plot0" B. Menu Buttons: B.1. SwapCursor - Toggles the color of the cursor on color monitor between black and white. B.2. Background - Changes the background color. There are four colors available for the background, namely, white, gray, dark gray, and black. If you don't specify it in your user profile, the default is white. Clicking the menu with the red button will cycle through the background colors in the forward direction (white g gray g dark gray g black g white). Clicking with the blue button will change the color in the reverse order. Clicking with the yellow button will resume the default color. The default color may be set by your user profile (described in the section below). This command may change the cursor colors to white if the program thinks that the background is too dark, or to black when it thinks the background color is light. B.3. CedarColors - Resumes the standard cedar colors. B.4. MyColors - Uses your favorite colors, which may be specified with your user profile. If you don't specify your own colors, the program will supply a default set of colors. B.5. Get - Replaces the current plot by another one, whose file name is the current selection. This is similar to the Get menu in a tioga viewer. B.6. Store - Similar to the store menu in a tioga viewer, this menu command stores the plotting information currently show in the plot viewer into a file, whose name is the current selection. Plot files are created with keep = 99. B.7. Press - Makes a press file for the plot. The name of the press file is simply appending ".press" after the plot file name after removing its version part. If there is already a press file with the same name, it will be overwritten in most cases. C. User Profile entries (all optional) C.1. Plot.Column: {color | left | right} (default color.) Specifies the column in which the plot viewer(s) will be created. C.2. Plot.CreateOption: {CloseOtherViewers | SwapBottomViewer | Iconic} (default CloseOtherViewers.) This entry specifies how the plot viewers will be created. If "CloseOtherViewers" is the option, all viewers in the same column will be closed when the plot viewer is created in that column. If you choose the "SwapBottomViewer" option, the new viewer will replace the bottom viewer in the column. If there is no viewer in this column, then the new viewer will occupy the whole column. If Iconic is your option, then the new viewer will be created in its iconic state. C.3. Plot.Background: {White | Gray | DarkGray | black} (default White.) C.4. Plot.ColorN: r, g, b where N may be any number in [1..12], and r, g, b are any real number in [0..1]. If you don't specify your own colors, the default ones are: Plot.Color1: 1, 0, 0.8 -- purple red Plot.Color2: 0, 0, 1 -- blue Plot.Color3: 0, 0.56, 1 -- greenish blue Plot.Color4: 0, 1, 1 -- green blue Plot.Color5: 0, 1, 0 -- green Plot.Color6: 0.52, 1, 0 -- yellow green Plot.Color7: 1, 1, 0 -- yellow Plot.Color8: 1, 0.6, 0 -- orange yellow Plot.Color9: 1, 0.42, 0 -- yellowish orange Plot.Color10: 1, 0.25, 0 -- orange Plot.Color11: 1, 0, 0 -- red Plot.Color12: 0.8, 0, 1 -- reddish purple In fact you may also alter the background colors (at your own risk) by specifying different rgb values for the following colors: Plot.Color0: 1, 1, 1 -- white Plot.Color13: 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 -- gray Plot.Color14: 0.17, 0.17, 0.17 -- dark gray Plot.Color15: 0, 0, 0 -- black D. User Profile entries for ColorDisplay, also optional ColorDisplay.Side: left -- or right, if you like. ColorDisplay.BitsPerPoint: 8 -- or 4, but 8 is recommended. ColorDisplay.Type: 640x480 -- or 1024x768, depending on your monitor. If interested, read [Indigo]Documentation>ColorDisplayDoc.tioga for more information about ColorDisplay. ŽFile: PlotDoc.tioga Copyright (C) 1984 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Last Edited by: SChen, May 28, 1985 5:48:18 pm PDT ʘJšœ™Jšœ>™>Jšœ2™2J˜JšÏbœ§˜«J˜Jšœ&˜-J˜Jšœ˜˜šœ ˜ J˜Jšœ`˜`—J˜Jš œ˜˜J˜šœ1˜1J˜T—˜+J˜F—˜>J˜W—J˜J˜TJ˜J˜J˜—š œ˜J˜šœ˜J˜JšÏc>˜>JšžQ˜QJšžL˜L—J˜šœ˜J˜Jšžh˜h——J˜—J˜šœ˜J˜šœÏo œL˜[J˜—šœŸ œ ˜/Jš œ•Ïmœ œ  œ œŽ˜¿—J˜JšœŸœ"˜5J˜JšœŸ œ¡˜±J˜JšœŸœŠ˜’J˜JšœŸœÝ˜çJ˜JšœŸœò˜ü—J˜š&˜&J˜šœ œ)˜9J˜B—J˜šœœN˜dJšœÀ˜ÀJšœÃ˜ÃJ˜SJ˜—šœœ4˜HJ˜—šœ œ ˜JšœP˜PJšœ<˜<šœ"ž œžœžœž œžœžœž œžœžœž œžœž˜òJšœ˜˜Jšœž˜'Jšœž˜&Jšœž ˜+Jšœž˜'——J™——šœ˜7J˜Jšœž˜8Jšœž˜