-- file:  InitInteractor
-- edited by Brotz, August 31, 1982  10:39 AM
-- edited by Levin, April 14, 1981  3:41 PM
-- edited by Schroeder, Wednesday Nov. 5, 1980 2:59 pm PST
-- edited by Taft, May 10, 1983  6:11 PM
-- edited by JWhite, 22-Dec-83 12:43:04

  AltoDefs USING [PageSize],
  ccD: FROM "ChollaCmdDefs" USING [BBoardCommand],
  displayCommon USING [firstDCB, patchDCBPtr],
  DMSTimeDefs USING [timeStringLength],
  drD: FROM "LaurelDriverDefs" USING [videoBackground],
  dsD: FROM "DisplayDefs" USING [DCB, DCBnil, DCBptr, GetPictureParameters,
    GetStringWidth, lineHeight, ScreenXCoord, ScreenYCoord],
  exD: FROM "ExceptionDefs" USING [SysBug],
  inD: FROM "InteractorDefs" USING [AnswerCommand, BoundaryLineNbrTracker,
    BoundaryPadNbrPtr, BoundaryPadNbrTracker, BracketsHouseRefresher,
    CommandProcedure, CommandTracker, CopyCommand, DeleteCommand,
    DisplayMessageCommand, ExceptionsTracker, FindCommand, ForwardCommand,
    GetCommand, GetMailFileCommand, GetNewMailCommand, HardcopyCancelCommand,
    HardcopyCommand, HardcopyConfirmCommand, House, HouseFixedEdgeType, HousePtr,
    leftMargin, Line, LinePair, LinePtr, LoginCommand, maxBracketStringLength,
    MoveDMCMBoundary, MoveMessageToFileCommand, MoveTOCDMBoundary, Nbr,
    NbrPtr, NewFormCommand, NullCommand, PutCommand, QuitCommand, Region,
    RegionPtr, RegionType, rightMargin, RunCommand, ScreenXCoord, ScreenYCoord,
    SendCommand, SetCopiesCommand, SetDuplexCommand, SetOverrideFormCommand,
    SetPasswordProtectedCommand, SetPrinterCommand, ShortenEditorMenuCommand,
    SubstituteCommand, TextHouseRefresher, TextNbrTracker, ThumbLineNbrPtr,
    ThumbLineNbrTracker, ThumbMessageNbr, ThumbTOC, TOCTracker, UndeleteCommand],
  intCommon USING [answerCommandHouse, bboardCommandHouse, cmCommandNbr,
    CMCommandRegion, CMRegion, cmTextNbr, cmThumbLineNbr, copyCommandHouse,
    copyMenuSegment, deleteCommandHouse, deliverCommandHouse, disableWriting,
    displayCommandHouse, dmcmBoundaryPadNbr, DMRegion, dmTextNbr,
    dmThumbLineNbr, exceptionsRegion, findMenuSegment, forwardCommandHouse,
    freePagesHouse, getCommandHouse, getPutMenuSegment, gvTestingMode,
    hardcopyCommandHouse, hardcopyMenuSegment, isCholla, linePoolPtr, mailCommandNbr,
    mailCommandRegion, mailFileBracketsHouse, mailFileCommandHouse,
    moveToBracketsHouse, moveToCommandHouse, newFormCommandHouse,
    newMailCommandHouse, newMessagesHouse, numScanLines, putCommandHouse,
    quitCommandHouse, regions, runCommandHouse, runMenuSegment, substituteMenuSegment,
    timeHouse, tocCommandNbr, TOCCommandRegion, tocdmBoundaryPadNbr, TOCRegion,
    tocTextNbr, tocThumbLineNbr, undeleteCommandHouse, userBracketsHouse,
    userCommandHouse, versionHouse],
  lsD: FROM "LaurelStateDefs" USING [AllocateStateNode, AllocateStateString,
    DefineStateSegment, PageCount, ReleaseStateSegment, StateSegment, SwapInStateSegment,
  ovD: FROM "OverviewDefs" USING [GetVersionString],
  String USING [AppendString, WordsForString];

InitInteractor: PROGRAM 
  IMPORTS ccD, disC: displayCommon, drD, dsD, exD, inD, Inline, intC: intCommon, lsD,
    ovD, String

OPEN inD, lsD;

-- Global constants --

commandIndent: CARDINAL = 0;
interCommandSpacing: CARDINAL = 15;
preBracketSpacing: CARDINAL = 7;
maxCommandString: CARDINAL = 30;
endOfMessageString: STRING;

HouseType: TYPE = {command, brackets, text};

BuildScreenStructures: PUBLIC PROCEDURE =
-- Builds all data structures that support the display.  All constant fields will be filled in;
--   actual x,y screen coordinates will not.
-- Side effects: intCommon region and house pointers are filled in.  DisplayCommon firstDCB
--   is filled in to point to a spacer DCB, which in turn is linked to all other DCB's.
-- Call each region builder in turn, linking the regions and their DCB's in a chain.
rp: RegionPtr;
dcbPtr: dsD.DCBptr;
s: STRING ← "End of Message."L;

endOfMessageString ← lsD.AllocateStateString[s.length];
String.AppendString[endOfMessageString, s];

intC.linePoolPtr ← AllocateLinePool[];

disC.firstDCB ← dcbPtr ← NewDCB[];

rp ← intC.regions ← InitMailCommandRegion[];
dcbPtr ← dcbPtr.next ← rp.dcb;
rp ← rp.nextRegion ← InitTOCRegion[];
dcbPtr ← dcbPtr.next ← rp.dcb;
rp ← rp.nextRegion ← InitTOCCommandRegion[];
dcbPtr ← dcbPtr.next ← rp.dcb;
rp ← rp.nextRegion ← InitDMRegion[];
dcbPtr ← dcbPtr.next ← rp.dcb;
rp ← rp.nextRegion ← InitCMCommandRegion[];
dcbPtr ← dcbPtr.next ← rp.dcb;
rp ← rp.nextRegion ← InitCMRegion[];
dcbPtr ← dcbPtr.next ← rp.dcb;
rp ← rp.nextRegion ← InitExceptionsRegion[];
dcbPtr ← dcbPtr.next ← rp.dcb;

disC.patchDCBPtr ← NewDCB[];

END;  -- of BuildScreenStructures --

InitMailCommandRegion: PROCEDURE RETURNS [rp: RegionPtr] =
-- Allocates and partially fills in the mailCommandRegion.
np: NbrPtr ← intC.mailCommandNbr ← LOOPHOLE[InitMailCommandNbr[]];
np.nextNbr ← InitTOCThumbLineNbr[];
intC.mailCommandRegion ← rp ← MakeRegion[mailCommandRegion, np];
END;  -- of InitMailCommandRegion --

InitTOCRegion: PROCEDURE RETURNS [rp: RegionPtr] =
-- Allocates and partially fills in the TOCRegion.
np: NbrPtr ← InitTOCTextNbr[];
intC.tocThumbLineNbr.np ← np;
intC.TOCRegion ← rp ← MakeRegion[tocRegion, np];
END;  -- of InitTOCRegion --

InitTOCCommandRegion: PROCEDURE RETURNS [rp: RegionPtr] =
-- Allocates and partially fills in the TOCCommandRegion.
np: NbrPtr ← MakeBoundaryLineNbr[rightMargin - 16];
np.nextNbr ← InitTOCDMBoundaryPadNbr[];
np.nextNbr.nextNbr ← intC.tocCommandNbr ← LOOPHOLE[InitTOCCommandNbr[]];
np.nextNbr.nextNbr.nextNbr ← InitDMThumbLineNbr[];
intC.TOCCommandRegion ← rp ← MakeRegion[tocCommandRegion, np];
END;  -- of InitTOCCommandRegion --

InitDMRegion: PROCEDURE RETURNS [rp: RegionPtr] =
-- Allocates and partially fills in the DMRegion.
np: NbrPtr ← InitDMTextNbr[];
intC.dmThumbLineNbr.np ← np;
intC.DMRegion ← rp ← MakeRegion[dmRegion, np];
END;  -- of InitDMRegion --

InitCMCommandRegion: PROCEDURE RETURNS [rp: RegionPtr] =
-- Allocates and partially fills in the CMCommandRegion.
np: NbrPtr ← MakeBoundaryLineNbr[rightMargin - 16];
np.nextNbr ← InitDMCMBoundaryPadNbr[];
np.nextNbr.nextNbr ← intC.cmCommandNbr ← LOOPHOLE[InitCMCommandNbr[]];
np.nextNbr.nextNbr.nextNbr ← InitCMThumbLineNbr[];
intC.CMCommandRegion ← rp ← MakeRegion[cmCommandRegion, np];
END;  -- of InitCMCommandRegion --

InitCMRegion: PROCEDURE RETURNS [rp: RegionPtr] =
-- Allocates and partially fills in the CMRegion.
np: NbrPtr ← InitCMTextNbr[];
intC.cmThumbLineNbr.np ← np;
intC.CMRegion ← rp ← MakeRegion[cmRegion, np];
END;  -- of InitCMRegion --

InitExceptionsRegion: PROCEDURE RETURNS [rp: RegionPtr] =
-- Allocates and partially fills in the ExceptionsRegion.
np: NbrPtr ← MakeBoundaryLineNbr[rightMargin];
np.nextNbr ← InitExceptionsNbr[];
intC.exceptionsRegion ← rp ← MakeRegion[exceptionsRegion, np];
END;  -- of InitExceptionsRegion --

MakeRegion: PROCEDURE [regionType: RegionType, nbrs: NbrPtr]
  RETURNS [rp: RegionPtr] =
rp ← AllocateStateNode[SIZE[Region]];
rp↑ ← Region
  [nextRegion: NIL, dcb: NewDCB[], regionType: regionType, topY: 0, bottomY: 0,
  cursorShape: charArrow, nbrs: nbrs];
END;  -- of MakeRegion --

MakeBoundaryLineNbr: PROCEDURE [right: dsD.ScreenXCoord] RETURNS [np: NbrPtr] =
-- Allocates and partially fills in a BoundaryLineNbr.
np ← AllocateStateNode[SIZE[boundaryLine Nbr]];
np↑ ← Nbr
  [nextNbr: NIL,
  nLines: 0,
  topY: 0,
  bottomY: 0,
  leftX: leftMargin,
  rightX: right,
  cursorShape: charArrow,
  nbrVariant: boundaryLine[nbrTracker: BoundaryLineNbrTracker]];
END;  -- of MakeBoundaryLineNbr --

InitTOCDMBoundaryPadNbr: PROCEDURE RETURNS [np: NbrPtr] =
-- Allocates and partially fills in a BoundaryPadNbr.
np ← intC.tocdmBoundaryPadNbr ← MakeBoundaryPadNbr[MoveTOCDMBoundary];
END;  -- of InitTOCDMBoundaryPadNbr --

InitDMCMBoundaryPadNbr: PROCEDURE RETURNS [np: NbrPtr] =
-- Allocates and partially fills in a BoundaryPadNbr.
np ← intC.dmcmBoundaryPadNbr ← MakeBoundaryPadNbr[MoveDMCMBoundary];
END;  -- of InitDMCMBoundaryPadNbr --

MakeBoundaryPadNbr: PROCEDURE
    [command: PROCEDURE [BoundaryPadNbrPtr, ScreenYCoord]]
  RETURNS [np: BoundaryPadNbrPtr] =
np ← AllocateStateNode[SIZE[boundaryPad Nbr]];
np↑ ← Nbr
  [nextNbr: NIL,
  nLines: 0,
  topY: 0,
  bottomY: 0,
  leftX: rightMargin - 16,
  rightX: rightMargin,
  cursorShape: charArrow,
  nbrVariant: boundaryPad[command: command, nbrTracker: BoundaryPadNbrTracker]];
END;  -- of MakeBoundaryPadNbr --

InitTOCThumbLineNbr: PROCEDURE RETURNS [np: NbrPtr] =
-- Allocates and partially fills in a BoundaryLineNbr.
np ← intC.tocThumbLineNbr ← MakeThumbLineNbr[ThumbTOC, 4];
END;  -- of InitTOCThumbLineNbr --

InitDMThumbLineNbr: PROCEDURE RETURNS [np: NbrPtr] =
-- Allocates and partially fills in a BoundaryLineNbr.
np ← intC.dmThumbLineNbr ← MakeThumbLineNbr[ThumbMessageNbr];
END;  -- of InitDMThumbPadNbr --

InitCMThumbLineNbr: PROCEDURE RETURNS [np: NbrPtr] =
-- Allocates and partially fills in a BoundaryLineNbr.
np ← intC.cmThumbLineNbr ← MakeThumbLineNbr[ThumbMessageNbr];
END;  -- of InitCMThumbPadNbr --

MakeThumbLineNbr: PROCEDURE
    [command: PROCEDURE [ThumbLineNbrPtr, NbrPtr, ScreenXCoord], x: CARDINAL ← 0]
  RETURNS [np: ThumbLineNbrPtr] =
np ← AllocateStateNode[SIZE[thumbLine Nbr]];
np↑ ← Nbr
  [nextNbr: NIL, nLines: 0, topY: 0, bottomY: 0, leftX: leftMargin, rightX: rightMargin - 2,
  cursorShape: charArrow,
  nbrVariant: thumbLine[exists: FALSE, length: 0, start: 0, end: 0, selection: 0,
    startX: leftMargin + x, endX: leftMargin + x, selectionX: leftMargin + x,
    np: NIL, command: command, nbrTracker: ThumbLineNbrTracker]];
END;  -- of MakeThumbLineNbr --

InitMailCommandNbr: PROCEDURE RETURNS [np: NbrPtr] =
-- Allocates and partially fills in the MailCommandNbr.
h, hp: HousePtr;
houseLeftX, houseRightX: dsD.ScreenXCoord;
commandString, versionString, freeDiskPages: STRING;
testingModeString: STRING ← " GV Test Mode"L;

versionString ← ovD.GetVersionString[];
commandString ← AllocateStateString
  + (IF intC.isCholla THEN 8 ELSE 10)
  + (IF intC.gvTestingMode THEN testingModeString.length ELSE 0)];
String.AppendString[commandString, IF intC.isCholla THEN "Cholla 2"L ELSE "Laurel 6.1"L];
String.AppendString[commandString, versionString];
IF intC.gvTestingMode THEN String.AppendString[commandString, testingModeString];
houseLeftX ← leftMargin;
houseRightX ← houseLeftX + dsD.GetStringWidth[commandString, plainFace];
hp ← h ← intC.versionHouse ←
  MakeHouse[houseType: text, leftX: houseLeftX, rightX: houseRightX, text: commandString];

-- timeHouse
houseRightX ← rightMargin;
houseLeftX ← houseRightX;
h ← h.nextHouse ← intC.timeHouse ←
  MakeHouse[houseType: text, leftX: houseLeftX, rightX: houseRightX,
    text: AllocateStateString[DMSTimeDefs.timeStringLength], fixedEdge: right];

commandString ← AllocateStateString[40];  -- length of "You have new mail."
commandString.length ← 0;
houseLeftX ← leftMargin;
houseRightX ← houseLeftX;
h ← h.nextHouse ← intC.newMessagesHouse ←
  MakeHouse[houseType: text, leftX: houseLeftX, rightX: houseRightX,
    text: commandString, lineNumber: 1];

IF intC.isCholla THEN
  commandString ← "BBoard"L;
  houseLeftX ← 280;
  houseRightX ← houseLeftX  + dsD.GetStringWidth[commandString, boldFace];
  h ← h.nextHouse ← intC.bboardCommandHouse ←
    MakeHouse[houseType: command, leftX: houseLeftX, rightX: houseRightX,
      text: AllocateStateString[commandString.length], lineNumber: 1,
      command: ccD.BBoardCommand];
  String.AppendString[h.text, commandString];

-- free pages house
freeDiskPages ← " free disk pages"L;
commandString ← AllocateStateString[5];  -- length of "99999"
String.AppendString[commandString, "     "L];
houseRightX ← rightMargin - dsD.GetStringWidth[freeDiskPages, plainFace];
houseLeftX ← houseRightX;
h ← h.nextHouse ← intC.freePagesHouse ←
  MakeHouse[houseType: text, leftX: houseLeftX, rightX: houseRightX,
    text: commandString, lineNumber: 1, fixedEdge: right];

-- free pages constant text house
commandString ← AllocateStateString[freeDiskPages.length];
String.AppendString[commandString, freeDiskPages];
h ← h.nextHouse ← 
  MakeHouse[houseType: text, leftX: rightMargin, rightX: rightMargin,
    text: commandString, lineNumber: 1, fixedEdge: right];

commandString ← "User"L;
houseLeftX ← leftMargin + commandIndent;
houseRightX ← houseLeftX + dsD.GetStringWidth[commandString, boldFace];
h ← h.nextHouse ← intC.userCommandHouse ←
  MakeHouse[houseType: command, leftX: houseLeftX, rightX: houseRightX,
    text: AllocateStateString[commandString.length], lineNumber: 2,
    confirm: TRUE, command: LoginCommand];
String.AppendString[h.text, commandString];

houseLeftX ← houseRightX + preBracketSpacing;
houseRightX ← houseLeftX + dsD.GetStringWidth["{}"L, boldFace];
intC.userBracketsHouse ← h ← h.nextHouse ←
  MakeHouse[houseType: brackets, leftX: houseLeftX, rightX: houseRightX,
    text: AllocateStateString[maxBracketStringLength], lineNumber: 2];

commandString ← "New mail"L;
houseLeftX ← leftMargin + 165;
houseRightX ← houseLeftX  + dsD.GetStringWidth[commandString, boldFace];
h ← h.nextHouse ← intC.newMailCommandHouse ←
  MakeHouse[houseType: command, leftX: houseLeftX, rightX: houseRightX,
    text: AllocateStateString[commandString.length], lineNumber: 2, confirm: TRUE,
    command: GetNewMailCommand];
String.AppendString[h.text, commandString];

commandString ← "Mail file"L;
houseLeftX ← houseRightX + interCommandSpacing;
houseRightX ← houseLeftX + dsD.GetStringWidth[commandString, boldFace];
h ← h.nextHouse ← intC.mailFileCommandHouse ←
  MakeHouse[houseType: command, leftX: houseLeftX, rightX: houseRightX,
    text: AllocateStateString[commandString.length], lineNumber: 2,
    confirm: TRUE, command: GetMailFileCommand];
String.AppendString[h.text, commandString];

houseLeftX ← houseRightX + preBracketSpacing;
houseRightX ← houseLeftX + dsD.GetStringWidth["{}"L, boldFace];
intC.mailFileBracketsHouse ← h ← h.nextHouse ←
  MakeHouse[houseType: brackets, leftX: houseLeftX, rightX: houseRightX,
    text: AllocateStateString[maxBracketStringLength], lineNumber: 2,
    confirm: TRUE];

commandString ← "Quit"L;
houseRightX ← rightMargin;
houseLeftX ← houseRightX - dsD.GetStringWidth[commandString, boldFace];
h ← h.nextHouse ← intC.quitCommandHouse ←
  MakeHouse[houseType: command, leftX: houseLeftX, rightX: houseRightX,
    text: AllocateStateString[commandString.length], lineNumber: 2,
    confirm: TRUE, command: QuitCommand];
String.AppendString[h.text, commandString];

np ← MakeCommandNbr[hp];
END;  -- of InitMailCommandNbr --

    [houseType: HouseType, leftX, rightX: ScreenXCoord, text: STRING,
    lineNumber: CARDINAL ← 0, fixedEdge: HouseFixedEdgeType ← left,
    confirm: BOOLEAN ← FALSE, indicDone: BOOLEAN ← TRUE,
    usePicture: BOOLEAN ← FALSE, command: CommandProcedure ← NullCommand]
  RETURNS [hp: HousePtr] =
hp ← AllocateStateNode[SIZE[House]];
hp↑ ← House
  [nextHouse: NIL,
  lineNumber: lineNumber,
  topY: 0,
  bottomY: 0,
  leftX: leftX,
  rightX: rightX,
  text: text,
  fixedEdge: fixedEdge,
  typeface: IF houseType = command THEN boldFace ELSE plainFace,
  needsConfirmation: confirm,
  trackerIndicateDone: indicDone,
  callable: houseType = command,
  command: command,
  houseRefresher: IF houseType = brackets THEN BracketsHouseRefresher
    ELSE TextHouseRefresher];
END;  -- of MakeHouse --

MakeCommandNbr: PROCEDURE [houses: HousePtr] RETURNS [np: NbrPtr] =
np ← AllocateStateNode[SIZE[command Nbr]];
np↑ ← Nbr
  [nextNbr: NIL, nLines: 0, topY: 0, bottomY: 0, leftX: leftMargin, rightX: rightMargin,
  cursorShape: charArrow,
  nbrVariant: command[houses: houses, nbrTracker: CommandTracker]];
END;  -- of MakeCommandNbr --

InitTOCTextNbr: PROCEDURE RETURNS [np: NbrPtr] =
-- Allocates and partially fills in the TOCTextNbr.
line: LinePtr ← intC.linePoolPtr;
intC.linePoolPtr ← line.nextLine;
np ← intC.tocTextNbr ← AllocateStateNode[SIZE[tocText Nbr]];
np↑ ← Nbr
  [nextNbr: NIL,
  nLines: 0,
  topY: 0,
  bottomY: 0,
  leftX: 0,
  rightX: rightMargin,
  cursorShape: lineArrow,
  nbrVariant: tocText
    [lines: line,
    firstLineOffScreen: line,
    toc: NIL,
    displayFormatted: TRUE,
    haveToc: FALSE,
    nbrTracker: TOCTracker]];
line.nextLine ← NIL;
line.y ← 0;
line.state ← empty;
line.linePair ← LinePair[0, 0];
END;  -- of InitTOCTextNbr --

InitTOCCommandNbr: PROCEDURE RETURNS [np: NbrPtr] =
-- Allocates and partially fills in the DMCommandNbr.
h, hp: HousePtr;
houseLeftX, houseRightX: ScreenXCoord;
commandString: STRING ← [maxCommandString];

commandString ← "Display"L;
houseLeftX ←  leftMargin + commandIndent;
houseRightX ← houseLeftX + dsD.GetStringWidth[commandString, boldFace];
hp ← h ← intC.displayCommandHouse ←
  MakeHouse[houseType: command, leftX: houseLeftX, rightX: houseRightX,
    text: AllocateStateString[commandString.length],
    command: DisplayMessageCommand];
String.AppendString[h.text, commandString];

commandString ← "Delete"L;
houseLeftX ← houseRightX + interCommandSpacing;
houseRightX ← houseLeftX + dsD.GetStringWidth[commandString, boldFace];
h ← h.nextHouse ← intC.deleteCommandHouse ←
  MakeHouse[houseType: command, leftX: houseLeftX, rightX: houseRightX,
    text: AllocateStateString[commandString.length],
    command: DeleteCommand];
String.AppendString[h.text, commandString];

commandString ← "Undelete"L;
houseLeftX ← houseRightX + interCommandSpacing;
houseRightX ← houseLeftX + dsD.GetStringWidth[commandString, boldFace];
h ← h.nextHouse ← intC.undeleteCommandHouse ←
  MakeHouse[houseType: command, leftX: houseLeftX, rightX: houseRightX,
    text: AllocateStateString[commandString.length],
    command: UndeleteCommand];
String.AppendString[h.text, commandString];

IF intC.disableWriting THEN
	commandString ← ""L;
	houseLeftX ← houseRightX;
	commandString ←  "Move to"L;
	houseLeftX ← houseRightX + interCommandSpacing;
	houseRightX ← houseLeftX + dsD.GetStringWidth[commandString, boldFace];
h ← h.nextHouse ← intC.moveToCommandHouse ← 
  MakeHouse[houseType: command, leftX: houseLeftX, rightX: houseRightX,
    text: AllocateStateString[commandString.length],
    confirm: TRUE, command: MoveMessageToFileCommand];
String.AppendString[h.text, commandString];

IF intC.disableWriting THEN
  {commandString ← NIL; houseLeftX ← houseRightX}
  houseLeftX ← houseRightX + preBracketSpacing;
  houseRightX ← houseLeftX + dsD.GetStringWidth["{}"L, boldFace];
  commandString ← AllocateStateString[maxBracketStringLength];
intC.moveToBracketsHouse ← h ← h.nextHouse ←
  MakeHouse[houseType: brackets, leftX: houseLeftX, rightX: houseRightX,
    text: IF intC.disableWriting THEN NIL ELSE AllocateStateString[maxBracketStringLength],
    confirm: TRUE];
IF intC.disableWriting THEN h.houseRefresher ← TextHouseRefresher;

houseRightX ← rightMargin;
IF intC.disableWriting THEN {commandString ← ""L; houseLeftX ← houseRightX}
  commandString ←  "Hardcopy"L;
  houseLeftX ← houseRightX - dsD.GetStringWidth[commandString, boldFace];
intC.hardcopyCommandHouse ← h ← h.nextHouse ← 
  MakeHouse[houseType: command, leftX: houseLeftX, rightX: houseRightX,
    text: AllocateStateString[commandString.length],
    confirm: TRUE, indicDone: FALSE, command: HardcopyCommand];
String.AppendString[h.text, commandString];

np ← MakeCommandNbr[hp];
END;  -- of InitTOCCommandNbr --

InitDMTextNbr: PROCEDURE RETURNS [np: NbrPtr] =
-- Allocates and partially fills in the DMTextNbr.
line: LinePtr ← intC.linePoolPtr;
intC.linePoolPtr ← line.nextLine;
np ← intC.dmTextNbr ← AllocateStateNode[SIZE[messageText Nbr]];
np↑ ← Nbr
  [nextNbr: NIL,
  nLines: 0,
  topY: 0,
  bottomY: 0,
  leftX: 0,
  rightX:  rightMargin,
  cursorShape: charArrow,
  nbrVariant: messageText
    [haveMessage: FALSE,
    editable: FALSE,
    lines: line,
    firstLineOffScreen: line,
    message: NIL,
    protectedFieldPtr: NIL,
    insertionBuffer: NIL,
    deletionBuffer: NIL,
    endString: endOfMessageString,
    nbrTracker: TextNbrTracker]];
line.nextLine ← NIL;
line.y ← 0;
line.state ← trailingBlankLine;
line.rightX ←  leftMargin;
line.firstCharIndex ← 0;
END;  -- of InitDMTextNbr --

InitCMCommandNbr: PROCEDURE RETURNS [np: NbrPtr] =
-- Allocates and partially fills in the CMCommandNbr.
h, hp: HousePtr;
houseLeftX, houseRightX: dsD.ScreenXCoord;
commandString: STRING ← [maxCommandString];

commandString ← "New form"L;
houseLeftX ←  leftMargin + commandIndent;
houseRightX ← houseLeftX + dsD.GetStringWidth[commandString, boldFace];
hp ← h ← intC.newFormCommandHouse ←
  MakeHouse[houseType: command, leftX: houseLeftX, rightX: houseRightX,
    text: AllocateStateString[commandString.length],
    confirm: TRUE, command: NewFormCommand];
String.AppendString[h.text, commandString];

commandString ← "Answer"L;
houseLeftX ← houseRightX + interCommandSpacing;
houseRightX ← houseLeftX + dsD.GetStringWidth[commandString, boldFace];
h ← h.nextHouse ← intC.answerCommandHouse ←
  MakeHouse[houseType: command, leftX: houseLeftX, rightX: houseRightX,
    text: AllocateStateString[commandString.length],
    confirm: TRUE, command: AnswerCommand];
String.AppendString[h.text, commandString];

commandString ← "Forward"L;
houseLeftX ← houseRightX + interCommandSpacing;
houseRightX ← houseLeftX + dsD.GetStringWidth[commandString, boldFace];
h ← h.nextHouse ← intC.forwardCommandHouse ←
  MakeHouse[houseType: command, leftX: houseLeftX, rightX: houseRightX,
    text: AllocateStateString[commandString.length],
    confirm: TRUE, command: ForwardCommand];
String.AppendString[h.text, commandString];

commandString ← "Get"L;
houseLeftX ← houseRightX + interCommandSpacing;
houseRightX ← houseLeftX + dsD.GetStringWidth[commandString, boldFace];
intC.getCommandHouse ← h ← h.nextHouse ←
  MakeHouse[houseType: command, leftX: houseLeftX, rightX: houseRightX,
    text: AllocateStateString[commandString.length],
    confirm: TRUE, command: GetCommand];
String.AppendString[h.text, commandString];

IF intC.disableWriting THEN {commandString ← ""L; houseLeftX ← houseRightX}
	commandString ←  "Put"L;
	houseLeftX ← houseRightX + interCommandSpacing;
	houseRightX ← houseLeftX + dsD.GetStringWidth[commandString, boldFace];
h ← h.nextHouse ← intC.putCommandHouse ←
  MakeHouse[houseType: command, leftX: houseLeftX, rightX: houseRightX,
    text: AllocateStateString[commandString.length],
    confirm: TRUE, command: PutCommand];
String.AppendString[h.text, commandString];

commandString ← "Copy"L;
houseLeftX ← houseRightX + interCommandSpacing;
houseRightX ← houseLeftX + dsD.GetStringWidth[commandString, boldFace];
intC.copyCommandHouse ← h ← h.nextHouse ←
  MakeHouse[houseType: command, leftX: houseLeftX, rightX: houseRightX,
    text: AllocateStateString[commandString.length],
    confirm: TRUE, command: CopyCommand];
String.AppendString[h.text, commandString];

commandString ← "Run"L;
houseLeftX ← houseRightX + interCommandSpacing;
houseRightX ← houseLeftX + dsD.GetStringWidth[commandString, boldFace];
h ← h.nextHouse ← intC.runCommandHouse ←
  MakeHouse[houseType: command, leftX: houseLeftX, rightX: houseRightX,
    text: AllocateStateString[commandString.length],
    confirm: TRUE, indicDone: FALSE, command: RunCommand];
String.AppendString[h.text, commandString];

commandString ← "delivered"L;
houseRightX ←  rightMargin;
houseLeftX ← houseRightX - dsD.GetStringWidth[commandString, italicFace];
h ← h.nextHouse ← intC.deliverCommandHouse ←
  MakeHouse[houseType: text, leftX: houseLeftX, rightX: houseRightX,
    text: AllocateStateString[commandString.length], fixedEdge: right,
    confirm: TRUE, command: SendCommand];
h.typeface ← italicFace;

np ← MakeCommandNbr[hp];
END;  -- of InitCMCommandNbr --

InitCMTextNbr: PROCEDURE RETURNS [np: NbrPtr] =
-- Allocates and partially fills in the CMTextNbr.
line: LinePtr ← intC.linePoolPtr;
intC.linePoolPtr ← line.nextLine;
np ← intC.cmTextNbr ← AllocateStateNode[SIZE[messageText Nbr]];
np↑ ← Nbr
  [nextNbr: NIL,
  nLines: 0,
  topY: 0,
  bottomY: 0,
  leftX: 0,
  rightX:  rightMargin,
  cursorShape: charArrow,
  nbrVariant: messageText
  [haveMessage: TRUE,
  editable: TRUE,
  lines: line,
  firstLineOffScreen: line,
  message: NIL,
  protectedFieldPtr: NIL,
  insertionBuffer: NIL,
  deletionBuffer: NIL,
  endString: endOfMessageString,
  nbrTracker: TextNbrTracker]];
line.nextLine ← NIL;
line.y ← 0;
line.state ← endOfMessage;
line.rightX ←  leftMargin;
line.firstCharIndex ← 0;
END;  -- of InitCMTextNbr --

InitExceptionsNbr: PROCEDURE RETURNS [np: NbrPtr] =
-- Allocates and partially fills in the ExceptionsNbr.
line: LinePtr ← intC.linePoolPtr;
intC.linePoolPtr ← line.nextLine;
np ← AllocateStateNode[SIZE[messageText Nbr]];
np↑ ← Nbr
  [nextNbr: NIL,
  nLines: 0,
  topY: 0,
  bottomY: 0,
  leftX:  leftMargin,
  rightX:  rightMargin,
  cursorShape: charArrow,
  nbrVariant: messageText
    [haveMessage: FALSE,
    editable: FALSE,
    lines: line,
    firstLineOffScreen: line,
    message: NIL,
    protectedFieldPtr: NIL,
    insertionBuffer: NIL,
    deletionBuffer: NIL,
    endString: NIL,
    nbrTracker: ExceptionsTracker]];
line.nextLine ← NIL;
line.y ← 0;
line.state ← trailingBlankLine;
line.rightX ←  leftMargin;
line.firstCharIndex ← 0;
END;  -- of InitExceptionsNbr --

BuildSwappableMenus: PROCEDURE =
house: House;
houseLeftX, houseRightX: ScreenXCoord;
currentString: STRING;
bracketString: STRING ← [maxBracketStringLength];
base: POINTER;
nextSlot, segmentLimit: CARDINAL;
currentSegment: lsD.StateSegment;

InitSegment: PROCEDURE [seg: POINTER TO lsD.StateSegment, nPages: lsD.PageCount] =
	seg↑ ← currentSegment ← lsD.DefineStateSegment[nPages];
	base ← lsD.SwapInStateSegment[currentSegment];
	nextSlot ← 0;
	segmentLimit ← nPages * AltoDefs.PageSize;
	END;  -- of MakeSegment --

AddToSegment: PROCEDURE =
	-- adds contents of house and s to the current segment;
	IF nextSlot + SIZE[House] > segmentLimit THEN exD.SysBug[];
	Inline.COPY[from: @house, nwords: SIZE[House], to: base + nextSlot];
	nextSlot ← nextSlot + SIZE[House];
	IF nextSlot + String.WordsForString[currentString.maxlength] > segmentLimit
		THEN exD.SysBug[];
	Inline.COPY[from: currentString,
							nwords: String.WordsForString[currentString.maxlength],
							to: base + nextSlot];
	nextSlot ← nextSlot + String.WordsForString[currentString.maxlength];
	END;  -- of AddToSegment --

FinishSegment: PROCEDURE =
	END;  -- of FinishSegment --

InitSegment[@intC.hardcopyMenuSegment, 1];

currentString ← "Printer"L;
houseLeftX ← leftMargin;
houseRightX ← houseLeftX + dsD.GetStringWidth[currentString, boldFace];
house ← House
	[nextHouse: LOOPHOLE[1],
	lineNumber: 0,
	topY: 0,
	bottomY: 0,
	leftX: houseLeftX,
	rightX: houseRightX,
	text: NIL,
	fixedEdge: left,
	typeface: boldFace,
	needsConfirmation: FALSE,
	trackerIndicateDone: TRUE,
	callable: TRUE,
	command: SetPrinterCommand,
	houseRefresher: TextHouseRefresher];

currentString ← bracketString;
houseLeftX ← houseRightX + preBracketSpacing;
houseRightX ← houseLeftX + dsD.GetStringWidth["{}"L, boldFace];
house ← House
	[nextHouse: LOOPHOLE[1],
	lineNumber: 0,
	topY: 0,
	bottomY: 0,
	leftX: houseLeftX,
	rightX: houseRightX,
	text: NIL,
	fixedEdge: left,
	typeface: plainFace,
	needsConfirmation: FALSE,
	trackerIndicateDone: FALSE,
	callable: FALSE,
	command: NullCommand,
	houseRefresher: BracketsHouseRefresher];

currentString ← "Form"L;
houseLeftX ←  leftMargin + 260;
houseRightX ← houseLeftX + dsD.GetStringWidth[currentString, boldFace];
house ← House
	[nextHouse: LOOPHOLE[1],
	lineNumber: 0,
	topY: 0,
	bottomY: 0,
	leftX: houseLeftX,
	rightX: houseRightX,
	text: NIL,
	fixedEdge: left,
	typeface: boldFace,
	needsConfirmation: FALSE,
	trackerIndicateDone: TRUE,
	callable: TRUE,
	command: SetOverrideFormCommand,
	houseRefresher: TextHouseRefresher];

currentString ← bracketString;
houseLeftX ← houseRightX + preBracketSpacing;
houseRightX ← houseLeftX + dsD.GetStringWidth["{}"L, boldFace];
house ← House
	[nextHouse: LOOPHOLE[1],
	lineNumber: 0,
	topY: 0,
	bottomY: 0,
	leftX: houseLeftX,
	rightX: houseRightX,
	text: NIL,
	fixedEdge: left,
	typeface: plainFace,
	needsConfirmation: FALSE,
	trackerIndicateDone: FALSE,
	callable: FALSE,
	command: NullCommand,
	houseRefresher: BracketsHouseRefresher];

currentString ← "Hardcopy"L;
houseLeftX ←  intC.hardcopyCommandHouse.leftX;
houseRightX ← rightMargin;
house ← House
	[nextHouse: LOOPHOLE[1],
	lineNumber: 0,
	topY: 0,
	bottomY: 0,
	leftX: houseLeftX,
	rightX: houseRightX,
	text: NIL,
	fixedEdge: left,
	typeface: boldFace,
	needsConfirmation: TRUE,
	trackerIndicateDone: FALSE,
	callable: TRUE,
	command: HardcopyConfirmCommand,
	houseRefresher: TextHouseRefresher];

currentString ← "Copies"L;
houseLeftX ← leftMargin;
houseRightX ← houseLeftX + dsD.GetStringWidth[currentString, boldFace];
house ← House
	[nextHouse: LOOPHOLE[1],
	lineNumber: 1,
	topY: 0,
	bottomY: 0,
	leftX: houseLeftX,
	rightX: houseRightX,
	text: NIL,
	fixedEdge: left,
	typeface: boldFace,
	needsConfirmation: FALSE,
	trackerIndicateDone: TRUE,
	callable: TRUE,
	command: SetCopiesCommand,
	houseRefresher: TextHouseRefresher];

currentString ← "99"L;
houseLeftX ← houseRightX + preBracketSpacing;
houseRightX ← houseLeftX + dsD.GetStringWidth["{}"L, boldFace];
house ← House
	[nextHouse: LOOPHOLE[1],
	lineNumber: 1,
	topY: 0,
	bottomY: 0,
	leftX: houseLeftX,
	rightX: houseRightX,
	text: NIL,
	fixedEdge: left,
	typeface: plainFace,
	needsConfirmation: FALSE,
	trackerIndicateDone: FALSE,
	callable: FALSE,
	command: NullCommand,
	houseRefresher: BracketsHouseRefresher];

currentString ← "Two sided"L;
houseLeftX ←  leftMargin + 110;
houseRightX ← houseLeftX + dsD.GetStringWidth[currentString, boldFace];
house ← House
	[nextHouse: LOOPHOLE[1],
	lineNumber: 1,
	topY: 0,
	bottomY: 0,
	leftX: houseLeftX,
	rightX: houseRightX,
	text: NIL,
	fixedEdge: left,
	typeface: boldFace,
	needsConfirmation: FALSE,
	trackerIndicateDone: TRUE,
	callable: TRUE,
	command: SetDuplexCommand,
	houseRefresher: TextHouseRefresher];

currentString ← "Yes"L;
houseLeftX ← houseRightX + preBracketSpacing;
houseRightX ← houseLeftX + dsD.GetStringWidth["{}"L, boldFace];
house ← House
	[nextHouse: LOOPHOLE[1],
	lineNumber: 1,
	topY: 0,
	bottomY: 0,
	leftX: houseLeftX,
	rightX: houseRightX,
	text: AllocateStateString[3],  -- length of "Yes" --
	fixedEdge: left,
	typeface: plainFace,
	needsConfirmation: FALSE,
	trackerIndicateDone: FALSE,
	callable: FALSE,
	command: NullCommand,
	houseRefresher: BracketsHouseRefresher];

currentString ← "Private"L;
houseLeftX ← leftMargin + 260;
houseRightX ← houseLeftX + dsD.GetStringWidth[currentString, boldFace];
house ← House
	[nextHouse: LOOPHOLE[1],
	lineNumber: 1,
	topY: 0,
	bottomY: 0,
	leftX: houseLeftX,
	rightX: houseRightX,
	text: NIL,
	fixedEdge: left,
	typeface: boldFace,
	needsConfirmation: FALSE,
	trackerIndicateDone: TRUE,
	callable: TRUE,
	command: SetPasswordProtectedCommand,
	houseRefresher: TextHouseRefresher];

currentString ← "Yes"L;
houseLeftX ← houseRightX + preBracketSpacing;
houseRightX ← houseLeftX + dsD.GetStringWidth["{}"L, boldFace];
house ← House
	[nextHouse: LOOPHOLE[1],
	lineNumber: 1,
	topY: 0,
	bottomY: 0,
	leftX: houseLeftX,
	rightX: houseRightX,
	text: AllocateStateString[3],  -- length of "Yes" --
	fixedEdge: left,
	typeface: plainFace,
	needsConfirmation: FALSE,
	trackerIndicateDone: FALSE,
	callable: FALSE,
	command: NullCommand,
	houseRefresher: BracketsHouseRefresher];

currentString ← "Cancel"L;
houseRightX ←  rightMargin;
houseLeftX ← houseRightX - dsD.GetStringWidth[currentString, boldFace];
house ← House
	[nextHouse: LOOPHOLE[0],
	lineNumber: 1,
	topY: 0,
	bottomY: 0,
	leftX: houseLeftX,
	rightX: houseRightX,
	text: NIL,
	fixedEdge: left,
	typeface: boldFace,
	needsConfirmation: TRUE,
	trackerIndicateDone: FALSE,
	callable: TRUE,
	command: HardcopyCancelCommand,
	houseRefresher: TextHouseRefresher];

InitSegment[@intC.getPutMenuSegment, 1];

currentString ← "File name"L;
houseLeftX ←  leftMargin;
houseRightX ← houseLeftX + dsD.GetStringWidth[currentString, italicFace];
house ← House
	[nextHouse: LOOPHOLE[1],
	lineNumber: 1,
	topY: 0,
	bottomY: 0,
	leftX: houseLeftX,
	rightX: houseRightX,
	text: NIL,
	fixedEdge: left,
	typeface: italicFace,
	needsConfirmation: FALSE,
	trackerIndicateDone: FALSE,
	callable: FALSE,
	command: NullCommand,
	houseRefresher: TextHouseRefresher];

currentString ← bracketString;
houseLeftX ← houseRightX + preBracketSpacing;
houseRightX ← houseLeftX + dsD.GetStringWidth["{}"L, boldFace];
house ← House
	[nextHouse: LOOPHOLE[1],
	lineNumber: 1,
	topY: 0,
	bottomY: 0,
	leftX: houseLeftX,
	rightX: houseRightX,
	text: NIL,
	fixedEdge: left,
	typeface: plainFace,
	needsConfirmation: FALSE,
	trackerIndicateDone: FALSE,
	callable: FALSE,
	command: NullCommand,
	houseRefresher: BracketsHouseRefresher];

currentString ← ""L;
houseRightX ←  rightMargin;
houseLeftX ←  rightMargin - dsD.GetPictureParameters[resetMenuIcon].width;
house ← House
	[nextHouse: LOOPHOLE[0],
	lineNumber: 1,
	topY: 0,
	bottomY: 0,
	leftX: houseLeftX,
	rightX: houseRightX,
	text: NIL,
	picture: resetMenuIcon,
	fixedEdge: left,
	typeface: boldFace,
	needsConfirmation: TRUE,
	trackerIndicateDone: FALSE,
	callable: TRUE,
	usePicture: TRUE,
	command: ShortenEditorMenuCommand,
	houseRefresher: TextHouseRefresher];

InitSegment[@intC.runMenuSegment, 1];

currentString ← "Program"L;
houseLeftX ←  leftMargin;
houseRightX ← houseLeftX + dsD.GetStringWidth[currentString, italicFace];
house ← House
	[nextHouse: LOOPHOLE[1],
	lineNumber: 1,
	topY: 0,
	bottomY: 0,
	leftX: houseLeftX,
	rightX: houseRightX,
	text: NIL,
	fixedEdge: left,
	typeface: italicFace,
	needsConfirmation: FALSE,
	trackerIndicateDone: FALSE,
	callable: FALSE,
	command: NullCommand,
	houseRefresher: TextHouseRefresher];

currentString ← bracketString;
houseLeftX ← houseRightX + preBracketSpacing;
houseRightX ← houseLeftX + dsD.GetStringWidth["{}"L, boldFace];
house ← House
	[nextHouse: LOOPHOLE[1],
	lineNumber: 1,
	topY: 0,
	bottomY: 0,
	leftX: houseLeftX,
	rightX: houseRightX,
	text: NIL,
	fixedEdge: left,
	typeface: plainFace,
	needsConfirmation: FALSE,
	trackerIndicateDone: FALSE,
	callable: FALSE,
	command: NullCommand,
	houseRefresher: BracketsHouseRefresher];

currentString ← ""L;
houseRightX ←  rightMargin;
houseLeftX ←  rightMargin - dsD.GetPictureParameters[resetMenuIcon].width;
house ← House
	[nextHouse: LOOPHOLE[0],
	lineNumber: 1,
	topY: 0,
	bottomY: 0,
	leftX: houseLeftX,
	rightX: houseRightX,
	text: NIL,
	picture: resetMenuIcon,
	fixedEdge: left,
	typeface: boldFace,
	needsConfirmation: TRUE,
	trackerIndicateDone: FALSE,
	callable: TRUE,
	usePicture: TRUE,
	command: ShortenEditorMenuCommand,
	houseRefresher: TextHouseRefresher];

InitSegment[@intC.copyMenuSegment, 1];

currentString ← "from"L;
houseLeftX ←  leftMargin;
houseRightX ← houseLeftX + dsD.GetStringWidth[currentString, italicFace];
house ← House
	[nextHouse: LOOPHOLE[1],
	lineNumber: 1,
	topY: 0,
	bottomY: 0,
	leftX: houseLeftX,
	rightX: houseRightX,
	text: NIL,
	fixedEdge: left,
	typeface: italicFace,
	needsConfirmation: FALSE,
	trackerIndicateDone: FALSE,
	callable: FALSE,
	command: NullCommand,
	houseRefresher: TextHouseRefresher];

currentString ← bracketString;
houseLeftX ← houseRightX + 2;
houseRightX ← houseLeftX + dsD.GetStringWidth["{}"L, boldFace];
house ← House
	[nextHouse: LOOPHOLE[1],
	lineNumber: 1,
	topY: 0,
	bottomY: 0,
	leftX: houseLeftX,
	rightX: houseRightX,
	text: NIL,
	fixedEdge: left,
	typeface: plainFace,
	needsConfirmation: FALSE,
	trackerIndicateDone: FALSE,
	callable: FALSE,
	command: NullCommand,
	houseRefresher: BracketsHouseRefresher];

currentString ← "to"L;
houseLeftX ←  leftMargin + 240;
houseRightX ← houseLeftX + dsD.GetStringWidth[currentString, italicFace];
house ← House
	[nextHouse: LOOPHOLE[1],
	lineNumber: 1,
	topY: 0,
	bottomY: 0,
	leftX: houseLeftX,
	rightX: houseRightX,
	text: NIL,
	fixedEdge: left,
	typeface: italicFace,
	needsConfirmation: FALSE,
	trackerIndicateDone: FALSE,
	callable: FALSE,
	command: NullCommand,
	houseRefresher: TextHouseRefresher];

currentString ← bracketString;
houseLeftX ← houseRightX + 2;
houseRightX ← houseLeftX + dsD.GetStringWidth["{}"L, boldFace];
house ← House
	[nextHouse: LOOPHOLE[1],
	lineNumber: 1,
	topY: 0,
	bottomY: 0,
	leftX: houseLeftX,
	rightX: houseRightX,
	text: NIL,
	fixedEdge: left,
	typeface: plainFace,
	needsConfirmation: FALSE,
	trackerIndicateDone: FALSE,
	callable: FALSE,
	command: NullCommand,
	houseRefresher: BracketsHouseRefresher];

currentString ← ""L;
houseRightX ←  rightMargin;
houseLeftX ←  rightMargin - dsD.GetPictureParameters[resetMenuIcon].width;
house ← House
	[nextHouse: LOOPHOLE[0],
	lineNumber: 1,
	topY: 0,
	bottomY: 0,
	leftX: houseLeftX,
	rightX: houseRightX,
	text: NIL,
	picture: resetMenuIcon,
	fixedEdge: left,
	typeface: boldFace,
	needsConfirmation: TRUE,
	trackerIndicateDone: FALSE,
	callable: TRUE,
	usePicture: TRUE,
	command: ShortenEditorMenuCommand,
	houseRefresher: TextHouseRefresher];

InitSegment[@intC.findMenuSegment, 1];

currentString ← "Find"L;
houseLeftX ←  leftMargin;
houseRightX ← houseLeftX + dsD.GetStringWidth[currentString, boldFace];
house ← House
	[nextHouse: LOOPHOLE[1],
	lineNumber: 1,
	topY: 0,
	bottomY: 0,
	leftX: houseLeftX,
	rightX: houseRightX,
	text: NIL,
	fixedEdge: left,
	typeface: boldFace,
	needsConfirmation: TRUE,
	trackerIndicateDone: TRUE,
	callable: TRUE,
	command: FindCommand,
	houseRefresher: TextHouseRefresher];

currentString ← bracketString;
houseLeftX ← houseRightX + preBracketSpacing;
houseRightX ← houseLeftX + dsD.GetStringWidth["{}"L, boldFace];
house ← House
	[nextHouse: LOOPHOLE[1],
	lineNumber: 1,
	topY: 0,
	bottomY: 0,
	leftX: houseLeftX,
	rightX: houseRightX,
	text: NIL,
	fixedEdge: left,
	typeface: plainFace,
	needsConfirmation: FALSE,
	trackerIndicateDone: FALSE,
	callable: FALSE,
	command: NullCommand,
	houseRefresher: BracketsHouseRefresher];

currentString ← ""L;
houseRightX ←  rightMargin;
houseLeftX ←  rightMargin - dsD.GetPictureParameters[resetMenuIcon].width;
house ← House
	[nextHouse: LOOPHOLE[0],
	lineNumber: 1,
	topY: 0,
	bottomY: 0,
	leftX: houseLeftX,
	rightX: houseRightX,
	text: NIL,
	picture: resetMenuIcon,
	fixedEdge: left,
	typeface: boldFace,
	needsConfirmation: TRUE,
	trackerIndicateDone: FALSE,
	callable: TRUE,
	usePicture: TRUE,
	command: ShortenEditorMenuCommand,
	houseRefresher: TextHouseRefresher];

InitSegment[@intC.substituteMenuSegment, 1];

currentString ← "Substitute"L;
houseLeftX ←  leftMargin;
houseRightX ← houseLeftX  + dsD.GetStringWidth[currentString, boldFace];
house ← House
	[nextHouse: LOOPHOLE[1],
	lineNumber: 1,
	topY: 0,
	bottomY: 0,
	leftX: houseLeftX,
	rightX: houseRightX,
	text: NIL,
	fixedEdge: left,
	typeface: boldFace,
	needsConfirmation: TRUE,
	trackerIndicateDone: TRUE,
	callable: TRUE,
	command: SubstituteCommand,
	houseRefresher: TextHouseRefresher];

currentString ← bracketString;
houseLeftX ← houseRightX + preBracketSpacing;
houseRightX ← houseLeftX + dsD.GetStringWidth["{}"L, boldFace];
house ← House
	[nextHouse: LOOPHOLE[1],
	lineNumber: 1,
	topY: 0,
	bottomY: 0,
	leftX: houseLeftX,
	rightX: houseRightX,
	text: NIL,
	fixedEdge: left,
	typeface: plainFace,
	needsConfirmation: FALSE,
	trackerIndicateDone: FALSE,
	callable: FALSE,
	command: NullCommand,
	houseRefresher: BracketsHouseRefresher];

currentString ← " for"L;
houseLeftX ←  leftMargin + 210;
houseRightX ← houseLeftX + dsD.GetStringWidth[currentString, italicFace];
house ← House
	[nextHouse: LOOPHOLE[1],
	lineNumber: 1,
	topY: 0,
	bottomY: 0,
	leftX: houseLeftX,
	rightX: houseRightX,
	text: NIL,
	fixedEdge: left,
	typeface: italicFace,
	needsConfirmation: FALSE,
	trackerIndicateDone: FALSE,
	callable: FALSE,
	command: FindCommand,
	houseRefresher: TextHouseRefresher];

currentString ← bracketString;
houseLeftX ← houseRightX + preBracketSpacing;
houseRightX ← houseLeftX + dsD.GetStringWidth["{}"L, boldFace];
house ← House
	[nextHouse: LOOPHOLE[1],
	lineNumber: 1,
	topY: 0,
	bottomY: 0,
	leftX: houseLeftX,
	rightX: houseRightX,
	text: NIL,
	fixedEdge: left,
	typeface: plainFace,
	needsConfirmation: FALSE,
	trackerIndicateDone: FALSE,
	callable: FALSE,
	command: NullCommand,
	houseRefresher: BracketsHouseRefresher];

currentString ← ""L;
houseRightX ←  rightMargin;
houseLeftX ←  rightMargin - dsD.GetPictureParameters[resetMenuIcon].width;
house ← House
	[nextHouse: LOOPHOLE[0],
	lineNumber: 1,
	topY: 0,
	bottomY: 0,
	leftX: houseLeftX,
	rightX: houseRightX,
	text: NIL,
	picture: resetMenuIcon,
	fixedEdge: left,
	typeface: boldFace,
	needsConfirmation: TRUE,
	trackerIndicateDone: FALSE,
	callable: TRUE,
	usePicture: TRUE,
	command: ShortenEditorMenuCommand,
	houseRefresher: TextHouseRefresher];

END;  -- of BuildSwappableMenus --

-- Returns  a pointer to a newly allocated blank DCB.
dcbPtr ← Even[SIZE[dsD.DCB]];
dcbPtr↑ ← dsD.DCB
	[next: dsD.DCBnil,
	resolution: high,
	background: drD.videoBackground,
	indenting: 0,
	width: 0,
	bitmap: LOOPHOLE[0],
	height: 0,
	longBitmap: LOOPHOLE[LONG[0]]];
END;  -- of NewDCB --

-- Allocates nWords starting at an even address.
p ← AllocateStateNode[nWords + 1];
p ← p + Inline.BITAND[p, 1];
END;  -- of Even --

AllocateLinePool: PRIVATE PROCEDURE RETURNS [line: LinePtr] =
-- Allocates enough lines to fill the screen as defined in dsD.numScanLines, links them
--   together and returns a pointer to the top of the chain.
node: LinePtr;
line ← NIL;
THROUGH [0 .. intC.numScanLines / dsD.lineHeight + 5) DO
	node ← AllocateStateNode[SIZE[Line]];
	node.nextLine ← line;
	node.state ← trailingBlankLine;
	node.rightX ← inD.leftMargin;
	line ← node;
END;  -- of AllocateLinePool --

END.  -- of InitInteractor --