-- file: IntBoundaryCom.Mesa -- edited by Brotz, May 3, 1982 5:32 PM -- edited by Levin, October 24, 1979 4:08 PM DIRECTORY displayCommon USING [bitMapPtr, firstDCB, patchDCBPtr], dsD: FROM "DisplayDefs" USING [BlackenRectangle, bmWidth, ClearRectangle, DCB, DCBorg, DCBptr, lineHeight, longDcbSeal, machineFlavor, MoveFullWidthRectangleVertically, numScanLines, PaintPicture, replace, ScreenYCoord, xOrigin, yOrigin], Editor USING [RefreshSoThatFirstCharStartsLine], exD: FROM "ExceptionDefs" USING [SysBug], inD: FROM "InteractorDefs" USING [BoundaryLineNbrPtr, BoundaryPadNbrPtr, CharIndex, CommandNbrPtr, DisplayTOCTail, HousePtr, leftMargin, LinePair, LinePtr, LineState, MessageTextNbrPtr, RegionPtr, RegionType, rightMargin, ScreenParametersArray, ScreenYCoord, ThumbLineNbrPtr, TOCTextNbrPtr, UpdateTOCThumbLine], Inline USING [LowHalf], intCommon USING [cmCommandNbr, CMCommandRegion, CMRegion, cmTextNbr, copyMenuSegment, dmcmBoundaryPadNbr, DMRegion, dmTextNbr, editorMenuState, exceptionsRegion, findMenuSegment, getPutMenuSegment, linePoolPtr, mailCommandRegion, regions, runMenuSegment, source, substituteMenuSegment, TOCCommandRegion, tocdmBoundaryPadNbr, TOCRegion, tocTextNbr], LaurelBitmapDefs USING [BitmapNotifyProc], lmD: FROM "LaurelMenuDefs" USING [ReleaseMenu], vmD: FROM "VirtualMgrDefs" USING [TOCHandle, UnlockTOC, WaitForLock]; IntBoundaryCom: PROGRAM IMPORTS disC: displayCommon, dsD, Editor, exD, inD, Inline, intC: intCommon, lmD, vmD EXPORTS inD, LaurelBitmapDefs = BEGIN OPEN inD; bitmapNotifyProc: LaurelBitmapDefs.BitmapNotifyProc _ NIL; MoveTOCDMBoundary: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [bnp: BoundaryPadNbrPtr, y: ScreenYCoord] = -- Changes cursor to boundary-moving shape, tracks cursor anywhere on screen. While left -- button is down do: Read curser y-position, compute new boundaries for TOC and DM -- (not to go outside the area bounded by TOC top and DM bottom), call -- SetNominalBufferPool to establish nominal number of pages for TOC and DM, call -- ChangeTOCPosition and ChangeDMPosition to update screen. Returns when left button -- goes up. BEGIN topAllowableY, bottomAllowableY, tocdmY, dmcmY: ScreenYCoord; tocCommandHeight: CARDINAL = intC.TOCCommandRegion.bottomY - intC.TOCCommandRegion.topY; cmCommandHeight: CARDINAL = intC.CMCommandRegion.bottomY - intC.CMCommandRegion.topY; lineDeltaY: CARDINAL = dsD.yOrigin MOD dsD.lineHeight; topAllowableY _ intC.tocTextNbr.topY; bottomAllowableY _ intC.exceptionsRegion.topY - tocCommandHeight - cmCommandHeight; tocdmY _ ((y - lineDeltaY) / dsD.lineHeight) * dsD.lineHeight + lineDeltaY; tocdmY _ MIN[MAX[tocdmY, topAllowableY], bottomAllowableY]; IF tocdmY = bnp.topY THEN {dsD.PaintPicture[bnp.leftX, bnp.topY, boundaryPad, dsD.replace]; RETURN}; dmcmY _ MAX[intC.CMCommandRegion.topY, tocdmY + tocCommandHeight]; AdjustBoundaries[tocdmY, dmcmY]; END; -- of MoveTOCDMBoundary -- MoveDMCMBoundary: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [bnp: BoundaryPadNbrPtr, y: ScreenYCoord] = -- Changes cursor to boundary-moving shape, tracks cursor anywhere on screen. While left -- button is down do: Read curser y-position, compute new boundaries for DM and CM -- (not to go outside the area bounded by DM top and CM bottom), call -- SetNominalBufferPool to establish nominal number of pages for DM and CM, call -- ChangeDMPosition and ChangeCMPosition to update screen. Returns when left button -- goes up. BEGIN topAllowableY, bottomAllowableY, tocdmY, dmcmY: ScreenYCoord; tocCommandHeight: CARDINAL = intC.TOCCommandRegion.bottomY - intC.TOCCommandRegion.topY; cmCommandHeight: CARDINAL = intC.CMCommandRegion.bottomY - intC.CMCommandRegion.topY; lineDeltaY: CARDINAL = dsD.yOrigin MOD dsD.lineHeight; topAllowableY _ intC.tocTextNbr.topY + tocCommandHeight; bottomAllowableY _ intC.exceptionsRegion.topY - cmCommandHeight; dmcmY _ ((y - lineDeltaY) / dsD.lineHeight) * dsD.lineHeight + lineDeltaY; dmcmY _ MIN[MAX[dmcmY, topAllowableY], bottomAllowableY]; IF dmcmY = bnp.topY THEN {dsD.PaintPicture[bnp.leftX, bnp.topY, boundaryPad, dsD.replace]; RETURN}; tocdmY _ MIN[intC.TOCCommandRegion.topY, dmcmY - tocCommandHeight]; AdjustBoundaries[tocdmY, dmcmY]; END; -- of MoveDMCMBoundary -- AdjustBoundaries: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [tocdmY, dmcmY: ScreenYCoord] = -- Adjust screen so that the boundary pads will be at tocdmY and dmcmY. BEGIN dcb: dsD.DCBptr; oldTocdmY: ScreenYCoord = intC.tocdmBoundaryPadNbr.topY; oldDmcmY: ScreenYCoord = intC.dmcmBoundaryPadNbr.topY; tocCommandHeight: CARDINAL = intC.TOCCommandRegion.bottomY - intC.TOCCommandRegion.topY; cmCommandHeight: CARDINAL = intC.CMCommandRegion.bottomY - intC.CMCommandRegion.topY; tocCommandLines: CARDINAL = tocCommandHeight / dsD.lineHeight; cmCommandLines: CARDINAL = cmCommandHeight / dsD.lineHeight; tocDeltaHeight: INTEGER = tocdmY - oldTocdmY; cmDeltaHeight: INTEGER = oldDmcmY - dmcmY; dmDeltaHeight: INTEGER = -(tocDeltaHeight + cmDeltaHeight); tocDeltaLines: INTEGER = tocDeltaHeight / dsD.lineHeight; cmDeltaLines: INTEGER = cmDeltaHeight / dsD.lineHeight; dmDeltaLines: INTEGER = dmDeltaHeight / dsD.lineHeight; IF oldTocdmY = tocdmY AND oldDmcmY = dmcmY THEN RETURN; disC.patchDCBPtr^ _ dsD.DCB [next: intC.exceptionsRegion.dcb, resolution: high, background: intC.mailCommandRegion.dcb.background, indenting: dsD.xOrigin / 16, width: dsD.bmWidth, bitmap: intC.TOCRegion.dcb.bitmap, tag: intC.TOCRegion.dcb.tag, height: (intC.exceptionsRegion.topY - intC.TOCRegion.topY) / 2, longBitmap: intC.TOCRegion.dcb.longBitmap]; intC.mailCommandRegion.dcb.next _ disC.patchDCBPtr; IF tocDeltaLines < 0 THEN MoveRegion [intC.TOCRegion, intC.TOCRegion.topY, intC.tocTextNbr.nLines + tocDeltaLines]; IF cmDeltaLines < 0 THEN BEGIN MoveRegion [intC.CMRegion, intC.CMRegion.topY - cmDeltaHeight, intC.cmTextNbr.nLines + cmDeltaLines]; MoveRegion[intC.CMCommandRegion, dmcmY, cmCommandLines]; END; IF oldTocdmY > tocdmY THEN -- dm moving up MoveRegion[intC.TOCCommandRegion, tocdmY, tocCommandLines]; MoveRegion [intC.DMRegion, tocdmY + tocCommandHeight, intC.dmTextNbr.nLines + dmDeltaLines]; IF oldTocdmY < tocdmY THEN -- dm moving down MoveRegion[intC.TOCCommandRegion, tocdmY, tocCommandLines]; IF tocDeltaLines > 0 THEN MoveRegion [intC.TOCRegion, intC.TOCRegion.topY, intC.tocTextNbr.nLines + tocDeltaLines]; IF cmDeltaLines > 0 THEN BEGIN MoveRegion[intC.CMCommandRegion, dmcmY, cmCommandLines]; MoveRegion [intC.CMRegion, intC.CMRegion.topY - cmDeltaHeight, intC.cmTextNbr.nLines + cmDeltaLines]; END; -- Relink dcb's taking into account that a zero height dcb doesn't work right on the Alto. dcb _ intC.exceptionsRegion.dcb; IF intC.CMRegion.dcb.height > 0 THEN {intC.CMRegion.dcb.next _ dcb; dcb _ intC.CMRegion.dcb}; IF intC.CMCommandRegion.dcb.height > 0 THEN {intC.CMCommandRegion.dcb.next _ dcb; dcb _ intC.CMCommandRegion.dcb}; IF intC.DMRegion.dcb.height > 0 THEN {intC.DMRegion.dcb.next _ dcb; dcb _ intC.DMRegion.dcb}; IF intC.TOCCommandRegion.dcb.height > 0 THEN {intC.TOCCommandRegion.dcb.next _ dcb; dcb _ intC.TOCCommandRegion.dcb}; IF intC.TOCRegion.dcb.height > 0 THEN {intC.TOCRegion.dcb.next _ dcb; dcb _ intC.TOCRegion.dcb}; intC.mailCommandRegion.dcb.next _ dcb; IF bitmapNotifyProc # NIL THEN bitmapNotifyProc[]; END; -- of AdjustBoundaries -- SetScreenParameters: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [screenParameters: ScreenParametersArray] = -- Sets all Y dependent parameters for the screen. Links DCB's into the hardware display -- chain. BEGIN rp: RegionPtr; y: ScreenYCoord _ dsD.yOrigin; totalLines: CARDINAL _ 0; r: RegionType; FOR r IN RegionType DO totalLines _ totalLines + screenParameters[r]; ENDLOOP; IF totalLines * dsD.lineHeight > dsD.numScanLines THEN exD.SysBug[]; disC.firstDCB.height _ y/2; FOR rp _ intC.regions, rp.nextRegion UNTIL rp = NIL DO MoveRegion[rp, y, screenParameters[rp.regionType]]; y _ y + dsD.lineHeight * screenParameters[rp.regionType]; ENDLOOP; dsD.DCBorg^ _ disC.firstDCB; END; -- of SetScreenParameters -- MoveRegion: PROCEDURE [rp: RegionPtr, topY: ScreenYCoord, nLines: CARDINAL] = -- Sets all Y dependent parameters within a region. Sets DCB data for the region. BEGIN rp.topY _ topY; rp.bottomY _ topY + nLines * dsD.lineHeight; rp.dcb.bitmap _ IF dsD.machineFlavor # dmachine THEN LOOPHOLE[Inline.LowHalf[disC.bitMapPtr] + (topY - dsD.yOrigin) * dsD.bmWidth, POINTER] ELSE dsD.longDcbSeal; rp.dcb.tag _ IF dsD.machineFlavor # dmachine THEN short ELSE long; rp.dcb.height _ nLines * dsD.lineHeight / 2; rp.dcb.longBitmap _ disC.bitMapPtr + (topY - dsD.yOrigin) * dsD.bmWidth; rp.dcb.width _ dsD.bmWidth; rp.dcb.indenting _ dsD.xOrigin / 16; SELECT rp.regionType FROM mailCommandRegion => BEGIN MoveCommandNbr[LOOPHOLE[rp.nbrs, CommandNbrPtr], topY, nLines - 1]; MoveThumbLineNbr[LOOPHOLE[rp.nbrs.nextNbr, ThumbLineNbrPtr], topY + LOOPHOLE[nLines - 1, CARDINAL] * dsD.lineHeight, IF nLines > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0]; END; tocCommandRegion, cmCommandRegion => BEGIN MoveCommandNbr[LOOPHOLE[rp.nbrs.nextNbr.nextNbr, CommandNbrPtr], topY + dsD.lineHeight, nLines - 2]; MoveBoundaryLineNbr [LOOPHOLE[rp.nbrs, BoundaryLineNbrPtr], topY, IF nLines > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0]; MoveBoundaryPadNbr[LOOPHOLE[rp.nbrs.nextNbr, BoundaryPadNbrPtr], topY, IF nLines > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0]; MoveThumbLineNbr[LOOPHOLE[rp.nbrs.nextNbr.nextNbr.nextNbr, ThumbLineNbrPtr], topY + LOOPHOLE[nLines - 1, CARDINAL] * dsD.lineHeight, IF nLines > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0]; END; tocRegion => MoveTOCTextNbr[LOOPHOLE[rp.nbrs, TOCTextNbrPtr], topY, nLines]; dmRegion, cmRegion => MoveMessageTextNbr[LOOPHOLE[rp.nbrs, MessageTextNbrPtr], topY, nLines]; exceptionsRegion => BEGIN MoveMessageTextNbr [LOOPHOLE[rp.nbrs.nextNbr, MessageTextNbrPtr], topY + dsD.lineHeight, nLines - 1]; MoveBoundaryLineNbr [LOOPHOLE[rp.nbrs, BoundaryLineNbrPtr], topY, IF nLines > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0]; END; ENDCASE; END; -- of MoveRegion -- MoveCommandNbr: PROCEDURE [cnp: CommandNbrPtr, topY: ScreenYCoord, nLines: CARDINAL] = -- Sets all Y position dependent parameters within a CommandNbr data structure. BEGIN oldNLines: CARDINAL _ cnp.nLines; oldTopY: ScreenYCoord _ cnp.topY; hp: HousePtr; dsD.MoveFullWidthRectangleVertically [top: oldTopY, bottom: oldTopY + dsD.lineHeight * MIN[oldNLines, nLines], newTop: topY]; cnp.topY _ topY; cnp.bottomY _ topY + nLines * dsD.lineHeight; cnp.nLines _ nLines; FOR hp _ cnp.houses, hp.nextHouse UNTIL hp = NIL DO hp.bottomY _ (hp.topY _ topY + hp.lineNumber * dsD.lineHeight) + dsD.lineHeight; ENDLOOP; IF nLines > oldNLines THEN BEGIN dsD.ClearRectangle[inD.leftMargin, inD.rightMargin, topY + oldNLines * dsD.lineHeight, topY + nLines * dsD.lineHeight]; DisplayCommandTail[cnp: cnp, startLineNumber: MIN[oldNLines, nLines], endLineNumber: nLines]; END; END; -- of MoveCommandNbr -- DisplayCommandTail: PROCEDURE [cnp: CommandNbrPtr, startLineNumber, endLineNumber: CARDINAL] = -- Paints all houses of cnp whose line numbers are within -- [startLineNumber .. endLineNumber). BEGIN hp: HousePtr; FOR hp _ cnp.houses, hp.nextHouse UNTIL hp = NIL DO IF hp.lineNumber IN [startLineNumber .. endLineNumber) THEN hp.houseRefresher[hp]; ENDLOOP; END; -- of DisplayCommandTail -- MoveBoundaryLineNbr: PROCEDURE [bnp: BoundaryLineNbrPtr, topY: ScreenYCoord, nLines: CARDINAL] = -- Sets all Y position dependent parameters within a BoundaryLineNbr data structure. BEGIN bnp.topY _ topY + dsD.lineHeight/2 - 1; bnp.bottomY _ IF nLines = 0 THEN 0 ELSE topY + dsD.lineHeight/2 + 1; bnp.nLines _ nLines; IF nLines > 0 THEN BEGIN dsD.ClearRectangle [inD.leftMargin, inD.rightMargin, topY, topY + nLines * dsD.lineHeight]; dsD.BlackenRectangle[bnp.leftX, bnp.rightX, bnp.topY, bnp.bottomY]; END; END; -- of MoveBoundaryLineNbr -- MoveBoundaryPadNbr: PROCEDURE [bnp: BoundaryPadNbrPtr, topY: ScreenYCoord, nLines: CARDINAL] = -- Sets all Y position dependent parameters within a BoundaryPadNbr data structure. BEGIN bnp.topY _ topY; bnp.bottomY _ topY + nLines * dsD.lineHeight; bnp.nLines _ nLines; IF nLines > 0 THEN BEGIN dsD.ClearRectangle[bnp.leftX, bnp.rightX, bnp.topY, bnp.bottomY]; dsD.PaintPicture[bnp.leftX, bnp.topY, boundaryPad, dsD.replace]; END; END; -- of MoveBoundaryPadNbr -- MoveThumbLineNbr: PROCEDURE [tlnp: ThumbLineNbrPtr, topY: ScreenYCoord, nLines: CARDINAL] = -- Sets all Y position dependent parameters within a ThumbLineNbr data structure. BEGIN tlnp.topY _ topY; tlnp.bottomY _ topY + nLines * dsD.lineHeight; tlnp.nLines _ nLines; IF nLines > 0 THEN BEGIN dsD.ClearRectangle [inD.leftMargin, inD.rightMargin, topY, topY + nLines * dsD.lineHeight]; dsD.BlackenRectangle[tlnp.leftX, tlnp.rightX, tlnp.topY+5, tlnp.topY+7]; END; tlnp.exists _ FALSE; tlnp.startX _ tlnp.endX _ tlnp.selectionX _ tlnp.leftX; END; -- of MoveThumbPadNbr -- MoveTOCTextNbr: PROCEDURE [tnp: TOCTextNbrPtr, topY: ScreenYCoord, nLines: CARDINAL] = -- Sets all y dependent values for a TOCTextNbr based on topY and nLines. Increases or -- decreases the number of lines held on the line chain according to the number of lines -- held by the Nbr at entry and according to nLines. Moves Bitmap area to new -- placement if necessary. BEGIN oldNLines: CARDINAL _ tnp.nLines; oldTopY: ScreenYCoord _ tnp.topY; oldFirstLineOffScreen: LinePtr _ tnp.firstLineOffScreen; oldState: LineState _ oldFirstLineOffScreen.state; oldLinePair: LinePair _ oldFirstLineOffScreen.linePair; line: LinePtr; y: ScreenYCoord; toc: vmD.TOCHandle = tnp.toc; key: CARDINAL _ 0; holdLock: BOOLEAN _ FALSE; dsD.MoveFullWidthRectangleVertically [top: oldTopY, bottom: oldTopY +dsD.lineHeight * MIN[oldNLines, nLines], newTop: topY]; tnp.topY _ y _ topY; tnp.bottomY _ topY + nLines * dsD.lineHeight; tnp.nLines _ nLines; IF nLines >= oldNLines THEN BEGIN line _ oldFirstLineOffScreen; line.nextLine _ intC.linePoolPtr; THROUGH [1 .. nLines - oldNLines] DO line _ line.nextLine; line.state _ empty; line.linePair _ oldLinePair; ENDLOOP; intC.linePoolPtr _ line.nextLine; line.nextLine _ NIL; tnp.firstLineOffScreen _ line; END ELSE BEGIN line _ tnp.lines; oldFirstLineOffScreen.nextLine _ intC.linePoolPtr; THROUGH [1 .. nLines] DO line _ line.nextLine; ENDLOOP; tnp.firstLineOffScreen _ line; intC.linePoolPtr _ line.nextLine; line.nextLine _ NIL; END; y _ topY; FOR line _ tnp.lines, line.nextLine UNTIL line = NIL DO line.y _ y; y _ y + dsD.lineHeight; ENDLOOP; IF intC.source.key # 0 THEN key _ intC.source.key ELSE {key _ vmD.WaitForLock[toc]; holdLock _ TRUE}; IF nLines > oldNLines THEN BEGIN dsD.ClearRectangle[inD.leftMargin, inD.rightMargin, topY + oldNLines * dsD.lineHeight, topY + nLines * dsD.lineHeight]; IF oldState # empty THEN DisplayTOCTail [tnp, key, oldFirstLineOffScreen, oldLinePair.index, oldLinePair.lineNumber]; END; UpdateTOCThumbLine[tnp, key]; IF holdLock THEN vmD.UnlockTOC[toc, key]; END; -- of MoveTOCTextNbr -- MoveMessageTextNbr: PROCEDURE [mnp: MessageTextNbrPtr, topY: ScreenYCoord, nLines: CARDINAL] = -- Sets all y dependent values for a MessageTextNbr based on topY and nLines. Increases or -- decreases the number of lines held on the line chain according to the number of lines -- held by the Nbr at entry and according to nLines. Moves Bitmap area to new -- placement if necessary. BEGIN oldNLines: CARDINAL _ mnp.nLines; oldTopY: ScreenYCoord _ mnp.topY; oldFirstLineOffScreen: LinePtr _ mnp.firstLineOffScreen; oldState: LineState _ oldFirstLineOffScreen.state; oldFirstCharIndex: CharIndex _ oldFirstLineOffScreen.firstCharIndex; line: LinePtr; y: ScreenYCoord; dsD.MoveFullWidthRectangleVertically [top: oldTopY, bottom: oldTopY +dsD.lineHeight * MIN[oldNLines, nLines], newTop: topY]; mnp.topY _ y _ topY; mnp.bottomY _ topY + nLines * dsD.lineHeight; mnp.nLines _ nLines; IF nLines >= oldNLines THEN BEGIN line _ mnp.firstLineOffScreen; line.nextLine _ intC.linePoolPtr; THROUGH [1 .. nLines - oldNLines] DO line _ line.nextLine; line.state _ trailingBlankLine; line.rightX _ inD.leftMargin; line.firstCharIndex _ oldFirstCharIndex; ENDLOOP; intC.linePoolPtr _ line.nextLine; line.nextLine _ NIL; mnp.firstLineOffScreen _ line; END ELSE BEGIN line _ mnp.lines; mnp.firstLineOffScreen.nextLine _ intC.linePoolPtr; THROUGH [1 .. nLines] DO line _ line.nextLine; ENDLOOP; mnp.firstLineOffScreen _ line; intC.linePoolPtr _ line.nextLine; line.nextLine _ NIL; END; y _ topY; FOR line _ mnp.lines, line.nextLine UNTIL line = NIL DO line.y _ y; y _ y + dsD.lineHeight; ENDLOOP; IF nLines > oldNLines THEN BEGIN dsD.ClearRectangle[inD.leftMargin, inD.rightMargin, topY + oldNLines * dsD.lineHeight, topY + nLines * dsD.lineHeight]; IF oldState # trailingBlankLine THEN Editor.RefreshSoThatFirstCharStartsLine[oldFirstCharIndex, oldFirstLineOffScreen, mnp]; END; END; -- of MoveMessageTextNbr -- ChangeCommandMenu: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [cnp: CommandNbrPtr, region: RegionPtr, linesToKeep: CARDINAL] = -- The list of houses pointed to by cnp has changed. linesToKeep is the number of line of -- the cnp that have not changed. Changes the menu on screen to display all houses now -- in cnp's houses list. Rearranges screen if necessary to accommodate changed command -- neighborhood height. BEGIN nLines: CARDINAL _ 0; prevDCB: dsD.DCBptr; totalLinesForRegion: CARDINAL; oldNLines, nLinesNeeded, nLinesToGrab, deltaY, nLinesOfNextRegion: CARDINAL; h: HousePtr; -- First, find out how many lines the new command nbr will cover. FOR h _ cnp.houses, h.nextHouse UNTIL h = NIL DO nLines _ MAX[nLines, h.lineNumber]; ENDLOOP; nLines _ nLines + 1; oldNLines _ cnp.nLines; IF nLines > oldNLines THEN BEGIN -- If next lower region doesn't have enough lines to spare, then adjust boundaries so -- that it does. nLinesNeeded _ nLines - oldNLines; nLinesOfNextRegion _ region.nextRegion.nbrs.nLines; IF nLinesOfNextRegion <= nLinesNeeded THEN BEGIN nLinesToGrab _ nLinesNeeded - nLinesOfNextRegion + 1; deltaY _ nLinesToGrab * dsD.lineHeight; SELECT region.regionType FROM mailCommandRegion => MoveTOCDMBoundary [bnp: intC.tocdmBoundaryPadNbr, y: intC.tocdmBoundaryPadNbr.topY + deltaY]; tocCommandRegion => IF intC.cmTextNbr.nLines > nLinesToGrab THEN MoveDMCMBoundary [bnp: intC.dmcmBoundaryPadNbr, y: intC.dmcmBoundaryPadNbr.topY + deltaY] ELSE MoveTOCDMBoundary [bnp: intC.tocdmBoundaryPadNbr, y: intC.tocdmBoundaryPadNbr.topY - deltaY]; cmCommandRegion => MoveDMCMBoundary [bnp: intC.dmcmBoundaryPadNbr, y: intC.dmcmBoundaryPadNbr.topY - deltaY]; ENDCASE => ERROR; END; END; cnp.nLines _ linesToKeep; IF oldNLines = nLines THEN {MoveCommandNbr[cnp: cnp, topY: cnp.topY, nLines: nLines]; RETURN}; -- In the following cases, regions will change heights. Since DCB's will be adjusted, -- patch in a dummy DCB to keep the screen tidy. disC.patchDCBPtr^ _ dsD.DCB [next: region.nextRegion.nextRegion.dcb, resolution: high, background: intC.exceptionsRegion.dcb.background, indenting: dsD.xOrigin / 16, width: dsD.bmWidth, bitmap: region.dcb.bitmap, tag: region.dcb.tag, height: region.dcb.height + region.nextRegion.dcb.height, longBitmap: region.dcb.longBitmap]; totalLinesForRegion _ nLines + 2; SELECT region.regionType FROM mailCommandRegion => {prevDCB _ disC.firstDCB; totalLinesForRegion _ nLines + 1}; tocCommandRegion => prevDCB _ intC.TOCRegion.dcb; cmCommandRegion => prevDCB _ intC.DMRegion.dcb; ENDCASE => ERROR; prevDCB.next _ disC.patchDCBPtr; IF nLines > oldNLines THEN -- command nbr will get bigger. Take from next lower region. BEGIN MoveRegion[region.nextRegion, region.nextRegion.topY + nLinesNeeded * dsD.lineHeight, region.nextRegion.nbrs.nLines - nLinesNeeded]; MoveRegion[region, region.topY, totalLinesForRegion]; END ELSE -- command nbr will get smaller. Add to next lower region. BEGIN MoveRegion[region, region.topY, totalLinesForRegion]; MoveRegion [region.nextRegion, region.bottomY, region.nextRegion.nbrs.nLines + oldNLines - nLines]; -- The next Region may have been 0 lines, thus its dcb was not linked in. -- the following links it in in any case. region.dcb.next _ region.nextRegion.dcb; END; prevDCB.next _ region.dcb; IF cnp = intC.cmCommandNbr THEN BEGIN SELECT intC.editorMenuState FROM singleLine => NULL; getPut => lmD.ReleaseMenu[intC.getPutMenuSegment]; run => lmD.ReleaseMenu[intC.runMenuSegment]; find => lmD.ReleaseMenu[intC.findMenuSegment]; substitute => lmD.ReleaseMenu[intC.substituteMenuSegment]; copy => lmD.ReleaseMenu[intC.copyMenuSegment]; ENDCASE => exD.SysBug[]; intC.editorMenuState _ singleLine; END; IF bitmapNotifyProc # NIL THEN bitmapNotifyProc[]; END; -- of ChangeCommandMenu -- NullCommand: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [hp: POINTER, confirmed: BOOLEAN] = -- Does nothing. Purely a placeholder for information houses and boundaryLine -- neighborhoods. BEGIN END; -- of NullCommand -- DestroyDM: PUBLIC PROCEDURE = -- Clears the displayed message area on the Laurel screen and makes Laurel -- believe that no displayed message exists. BEGIN dm: MessageTextNbrPtr _ intC.dmTextNbr; dm.haveMessage _ FALSE; dsD.ClearRectangle[leftMargin, rightMargin, dm.topY, dm.bottomY]; END; -- of DestroyDM -- DestroyTOC: PUBLIC PROCEDURE = -- Clears the table of contents area on the Laurel screen and makes Laurel -- believe that no table of contents exists. BEGIN tnp: TOCTextNbrPtr _ intC.tocTextNbr; dsD.ClearRectangle[leftMargin, rightMargin, tnp.topY, tnp.bottomY]; END; -- of DestroyTOC -- DMBitmapLocation: PUBLIC PROCEDURE RETURNS [base: LONG POINTER, wordsPerLine, bitsX, bitsY: CARDINAL] = -- Returns the location of the bitmap in the displayed message area of the -- Laurel screen. BEGIN dmDcb: dsD.DCBptr _ intC.DMRegion.dcb; RETURN[dmDcb.longBitmap, dsD.bmWidth, dsD.bmWidth * 16, dmDcb.height * 2]; END; -- of DMBitmapLocation -- TOCBitmapLocation: PUBLIC PROCEDURE RETURNS [base: LONG POINTER, wordsPerLine, bitsX, bitsY: CARDINAL] = -- Returns the location of the bitmap in the table of contents area of the -- Laurel screen. BEGIN tocDcb: dsD.DCBptr _ intC.TOCRegion.dcb; RETURN[tocDcb.longBitmap, dsD.bmWidth, dsD.bmWidth * 16, tocDcb.height * 2]; END; -- of TOCBitmapLocation -- SetBitmapNotifyProc: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [p: LaurelBitmapDefs.BitmapNotifyProc] = {bitmapNotifyProc _ p}; END. -- of IntBoundaryCom --z20461(529)\f1