Filing: PROGRAM 10 VERSION 5 = BEGIN DEPENDS UPON BulkData(0) VERSION 1, CHName (2) VERSION 0, Authentication(14) VERSION 2, -- was VERSION 1 Time(15) VERSION 2, FilingAttributes (10) VERSION 5; Time: TYPE = Time.Time; -- seconds nullTime: Time = Time.earliestTime; EmptyRecord: TYPE = RECORD [ ]; AttributeType: TYPE = FilingAttributes.AttributeType; AccessSequence: TYPE = FilingAttributes.AccessSequence; Attribute: TYPE = FilingAttributes.Attribute; AttributeSequence: TYPE = FilingAttributes.AttributeSequence; Interpretation: TYPE = FilingAttributes.Interpretation; AttributeTypeSequence: TYPE = SEQUENCE OF AttributeType; allAttributeTypes: AttributeTypeSequence = [37777777777B]; ControlType: TYPE = { lock(0), timeout(1), access(2) }; ControlTypeSequence: TYPE = SEQUENCE 3 OF ControlType; Control: TYPE = CHOICE ControlType OF { lock => Lock, -- (0) timeout => Timeout, -- (1) access => AccessSequence -- (2) }; ControlSequence: TYPE = SEQUENCE 3 OF Control; Lock: TYPE = { lockNone(0), share(1), exclusive(2) }; Timeout: TYPE = CARDINAL; -- in seconds defaultTimeout: Timeout = 177777B; -- actual value impl.-dependent ScopeType: TYPE = { count(0), direction(1), filter(2), depth(3) }; Scope: TYPE = CHOICE ScopeType OF { count => Count, -- (0) depth => Depth, -- (3) direction => Direction, -- (1) filter => Filter -- (2) }; ScopeSequence: TYPE = SEQUENCE 4 OF Scope; Count: TYPE = CARDINAL; unlimitedCount: Count = 177777B; Depth: TYPE = CARDINAL; allDescendants: Depth = 177777B; Direction: TYPE = { forward(0), backward(1) }; FilterType: TYPE = { less(0), lessOrEqual(1), equal(2), notEqual(3), greaterOrEqual(4), greater(5), and(6), or(7), not(8), none(9), all(10), matches(11) }; RelationFilter: TYPE = RECORD [attribute: Attribute, interpretation: Interpretation]; LogicFilter: TYPE = SEQUENCE OF Filter; PatternFilter: TYPE = RECORD [attribute: Attribute]; Filter: TYPE = CHOICE FilterType OF { less, lessOrEqual, equal, notEqual, greaterOrEqual, greater => RelationFilter, and, or => EmptyRecord, -- LogicFilter, Cyclic Dependency feature of Sirocco! not => EmptyRecord, -- Filter, Cyclic Dependency feature of Sirocco! none, all => EmptyRecord, matches => PatternFilter }; nullFilter: Filter = all []; Credentials: TYPE = Authentication.Credentials; PrimaryCredentials: TYPE = Authentication.Credentials; Strength: TYPE = { none(0), simple(1), strong(2) }; SecondaryCredentials: TYPE = CHOICE Strength OF { none => EmptyRecord, -- (0) simple => Secondary, -- (1) strong => EncryptedSecondary -- (2) }; SecondaryItemType: TYPE = LONG CARDINAL; SecondaryType: TYPE = SEQUENCE 10 OF SecondaryItemType; SecondaryValueType: TYPE = SEQUENCE OF UNSPECIFIED; Secondary: TYPE = SEQUENCE 10 OF SecondaryItem; SecondaryItem: TYPE = RECORD [ type: SecondaryItemType, value: SecondaryValueType ]; EncryptedSecondary: TYPE = SEQUENCE OF Authentication.Block; Handle: TYPE = ARRAY 2 OF UNSPECIFIED; nullHandle: Handle = [0, 0]; SessionToken: TYPE = ARRAY 2 OF UNSPECIFIED; Session: TYPE = RECORD [token: SessionToken, verifier: Verifier]; Verifier: TYPE = Authentication.Verifier; ByteAddress: TYPE = LONG CARDINAL; ByteCount: TYPE = LONG CARDINAL; endOfFile: LONG CARDINAL = 37777777777B; -- logical end of file ByteRange: TYPE = RECORD [firstByte: ByteAddress, count: ByteCount]; Logon: PROCEDURE [ service: CHName.Name, credentials: Credentials, verifier: Verifier ] RETURNS [ session: Session ] REPORTS [ AuthenticationError, ServiceError, SessionError, UndefinedError ] = 0; Logoff: PROCEDURE [ session: Session ] REPORTS [ AuthenticationError, ServiceError, SessionError, UndefinedError ] = 1; Continue: PROCEDURE [ session: Session ] RETURNS [ continuance: CARDINAL ] REPORTS [ AuthenticationError, SessionError, UndefinedError ] = 19; SetService: PROCEDURE [ service: CHName.Name, session: Session ] REPORTS [ AuthenticationError, ServiceError, SessionError, UndefinedError ] = 21; Open: PROCEDURE [ attributes: AttributeSequence, directory: Handle, controls: ControlSequence, session: Session ] RETURNS [ file: Handle ] REPORTS [ AccessError, AttributeTypeError, AttributeValueError, AuthenticationError, ControlTypeError, ControlValueError, HandleError, SessionError, UndefinedError ] = 2; Close: PROCEDURE [ file: Handle, session: Session ] REPORTS [ AuthenticationError, HandleError, SessionError, UndefinedError ] = 3; Create: PROCEDURE [ directory: Handle, attributes: AttributeSequence, controls: ControlSequence, session: Session ] RETURNS [ file: Handle ] REPORTS [ AccessError, AttributeTypeError, AttributeValueError, AuthenticationError, ControlTypeError, ControlValueError, HandleError, InsertionError, SessionError, SpaceError, UndefinedError ] = 4; Delete: PROCEDURE [ file: Handle, session: Session ] REPORTS [ AccessError, AuthenticationError, HandleError, SessionError, UndefinedError ] = 5; GetControls: PROCEDURE [ file: Handle, types: ControlTypeSequence, session: Session ] RETURNS [ controls: ControlSequence ] REPORTS [AccessError, AttributeTypeError, AuthenticationError, ControlTypeError, HandleError, SessionError, UndefinedError ] = 6; ChangeControls: PROCEDURE [ file: Handle, controls: ControlSequence, session: Session ] REPORTS [AccessError, AttributeTypeError, AuthenticationError, ControlTypeError, ControlValueError, HandleError, SessionError, UndefinedError ] = 7; GetAttributes: PROCEDURE [ file: Handle, types: AttributeTypeSequence, session: Session ] RETURNS [ attributes: AttributeSequence ] REPORTS [AccessError, AttributeTypeError, AuthenticationError, HandleError, SessionError, UndefinedError ] = 8; ChangeAttributes: PROCEDURE [file: Handle, attributes: AttributeSequence, session: Session ] REPORTS [AccessError, AttributeTypeError, AuthenticationError, HandleError, SessionError, SpaceError, UndefinedError ] = 9; UnifyAccessLists: PROCEDURE [directory: Handle, session: Session ] REPORTS [AccessError, AuthenticationError, HandleError, SessionError, UndefinedError ] = 20; Copy: PROCEDURE [ file, destinationDirectory: Handle, attributes: AttributeSequence, controls: ControlSequence, session: Session ] RETURNS [ newFile: Handle ] REPORTS [AccessError, AttributeTypeError, AttributeValueError, AuthenticationError, ControlTypeError, ControlValueError, HandleError, InsertionError, SessionError, SpaceError, UndefinedError ] = 10; Move: PROCEDURE [ file, destinationDirectory: Handle, attributes: AttributeSequence, session: Session ] REPORTS [AccessError, AttributeTypeError, AttributeValueError, AuthenticationError, HandleError, InsertionError, SessionError, SpaceError, UndefinedError ] = 11; Store: PROCEDURE [ directory: Handle, attributes: AttributeSequence, controls: ControlSequence, content: BulkData.Source, session: Session ] RETURNS [ file: Handle ] REPORTS [AccessError, AttributeTypeError, AttributeValueError, AuthenticationError, ConnectionError, ControlTypeError, ControlValueError, HandleError, InsertionError, SessionError, SpaceError, TransferError, UndefinedError ] = 12; Retrieve: PROCEDURE [ file: Handle, content: BulkData.Sink, session: Session ] REPORTS [AccessError, AuthenticationError, ConnectionError, HandleError, SessionError, SpaceError, TransferError, UndefinedError ] = 13; Replace: PROCEDURE [ file: Handle, attributes: AttributeSequence, content: BulkData.Source, session: Session ] REPORTS [AccessError, AttributeTypeError, AttributeValueError, AuthenticationError, ConnectionError, HandleError, SessionError, SpaceError, TransferError, UndefinedError ] = 14; Serialize: PROCEDURE [ file: Handle, serializedFile: BulkData.Sink, session: Session ] REPORTS [AccessError, AuthenticationError, ConnectionError, HandleError, SessionError, TransferError, UndefinedError ] = 15; Deserialize: PROCEDURE [ directory: Handle, attributes: AttributeSequence, controls: ControlSequence, serializedFile: BulkData.Source, session: Session ] RETURNS [ file: Handle ] REPORTS [AccessError, AttributeTypeError, AttributeValueError, AuthenticationError, ConnectionError, ControlTypeError, ControlValueError, HandleError, InsertionError, SessionError, SpaceError, TransferError, UndefinedError ] = 16; RetrieveBytes: PROCEDURE [ file: Handle, range: ByteRange, sink: BulkData.Sink, session: Session ] REPORTS [AccessError, HandleError, RangeError, SessionError, UndefinedError ] = 22; ReplaceBytes: PROCEDURE [ file: Handle, range: ByteRange, source: BulkData.Source, session: Session ] REPORTS [AccessError, HandleError, RangeError, SessionError, SpaceError, UndefinedError ] = 23; Find: PROCEDURE [ directory: Handle, scope: ScopeSequence, controls: ControlSequence, session: Session ] RETURNS [ file: Handle ] REPORTS [ AccessError, AuthenticationError, ConnectionError, ControlTypeError, ControlValueError, HandleError, ScopeTypeError, ScopeValueError, SessionError, UndefinedError ] = 17; List: PROCEDURE [ directory: Handle, types: AttributeTypeSequence, scope: ScopeSequence, listing: BulkData.Sink, session: Session ] REPORTS [ AccessError, AttributeTypeError, AuthenticationError, ConnectionError, HandleError, ScopeTypeError, ScopeValueError, SessionError, TransferError, UndefinedError ] = 18; AttributeTypeError: ERROR [ problem: ArgumentProblem, type: AttributeType] = 0; AttributeValueError: ERROR [ problem: ArgumentProblem, type: AttributeType] = 1; ControlTypeError: ERROR [ problem: ArgumentProblem, type: ControlType] = 2; ControlValueError: ERROR [ problem: ArgumentProblem, type: ControlType] = 3; ScopeTypeError: ERROR [ problem: ArgumentProblem, type: ScopeType] = 4; ScopeValueError: ERROR [ problem: ArgumentProblem, type: ScopeType] = 5; ArgumentProblem: TYPE = { illegal(0), disallowed(1), unreasonable(2), unimplemented(3), duplicated(4), missing(5) }; AccessError: ERROR [problem: AccessProblem] = 6; AccessProblem: TYPE = { accessRightsInsufficient(0), accessRightsIndeterminate(1), fileChanged(2), fileDamaged(3), fileInUse(4), fileNotFound(5), fileOpen(6) }; AuthenticationError: ERROR [problem: Authentication.Problem] = 7; ConnectionError: ERROR [problem: ConnectionProblem] = 8; ConnectionProblem: TYPE = { noRoute(0), noResponse(1), transmissionHardware(2), transportTimeout(3), tooManyLocalConnections(4), tooManyRemoteConnections(5), missingCourier(6), missingProgram(7), missingProcedure(8), protocolMismatch(9), parameterInconsistency(10), invalidMessage(11), returnTimedOut(12), otherCallProblem(177777B) }; HandleError: ERROR [problem: HandleProblem] = 9; HandleProblem: TYPE = { invalid(0), nullDisallowed(1), directoryRequired(2) }; InsertionError: ERROR [problem: InsertionProblem] = 10; InsertionProblem: TYPE = { positionUnavailable(0), fileNotUnique(1), loopInHierarchy(2) }; RangeError: ERROR [problem: ArgumentProblem] = 16; ServiceError: ERROR [problem: ServiceProblem] = 11; ServiceProblem: TYPE = { cannotAuthenticate(0), serviceFull(1), serviceUnavailable(2), sessionInUse(3), serviceUnknown(4) }; SessionError: ERROR [problem: SessionProblem ] = 12; SessionProblem: TYPE = { tokenInvalid(0), serviceAlreadySet(1) }; SpaceError: ERROR [problem: SpaceProblem ] = 13; SpaceProblem: TYPE = { allocationExceeded(0), attributeAreaFull(1), mediumFull(2) }; TransferError: ERROR [problem: TransferProblem ] = 14; TransferProblem: TYPE = { aborted(0), checksumIncorrect(1), formatIncorrect(2), noRendevous(3), wrongDirection(4) }; UndefinedError: ERROR [problem: UndefinedProblem ] = 15; UndefinedProblem: TYPE = CARDINAL; END. ^ Copyright Σ 1986, 1987, 1988 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Bill Jackson (bj) April 20, 1987 11:46:50 pm PDT Tim Diebert: June 6, 1988 7:36:45 am PDT Common Definitions (extracted into FilingAttributes Program) Attributes AttributeType: TYPE = LONG CARDINAL; Attribute: TYPE = RECORD [type: AttributeType, value: AttributeValue]; AttributeSequence: TYPE = SEQUENCE OF Attribute; Controls AccessType: TYPE = { read(0), write(1), owner(2), -- all files add(3), remove(4), -- directories only fullAccess(177777B) }; AccessSequence: TYPE = SEQUENCE 5 OF AccessType; Scopes relations logical constants patterns interpretation ignored if attribute interpreted by implementor Interpretation: TYPE = { interpretationNone(0), boolean(1), cardinal(2), longCardinal(3), time(4), integer(5), longInteger(6), string(7) }; Handles and Authentication Credentials: TYPE = RECORD [ primary: PrimaryCredentials, secondary: SecondaryCredentials ]; nullPrimaryCredentials: TYPE = Authentication.nullCredentials; -- bug? Random Access Remote procedures Logging On and Off Opening and Closing Files Creating and Deleting Files Getting and Changing Controls (transient) Getting and Changing Attributes (permanent) Copying and Moving Files Transfering Bulk Data (File Content) Transferring Bulk Data (Serialized Files) Random Access to File Data Locating and Listing Files in a Directory Remote Errors AuthenticationError: ERROR [problem: AuthenticationProblem, type: SecondaryType] = 7; AuthenticationProblem: TYPE = { primaryCredentialInvalid(0), verifierInvalid(1), verifierExpired(2), verifierRefused(3), primaryCredentialsExpired(4), inappropriatePrimaryCredentials(5), secondaryCredentialsRequired(6), secondaryCredentialsTypeInvalid(7), secondaryCredentialsValueInvalid(8) }; communication problems resource problems remote program implementation problems miscellaneous Κ k˜codešœ ™ KšœH™HK™0K™(—K™šΟnœΟkœžœž˜$šžœž˜ Kšœ žœ˜Jšœ žœ˜KšœžœΟc˜.Kšœ žœ˜Jšœžœ˜ —headšΟz™KšœžœŸ ˜"K˜#K˜Kšœ žœžœ˜—š )™)Kšœžœ"˜5Kšœžœ#˜7Kšœ žœ˜-Kšœžœ&˜=Kšœžœ#˜7—š  ™ Kšœžœžœžœ™$Kšœžœžœžœ˜8K˜:Kšœ žœžœ.™FKšœžœžœžœ ™0—š ™Kšœ žœ&˜7Kšœžœžœžœ ˜6šœ žœžœ žœ˜'K˜K˜K˜K˜—Kšœžœžœžœ ˜.K˜Kšœžœ+˜5K˜Kšœ žœžœŸ ˜'Kšœ#Ÿ˜BK˜Kšœ žœ"Ÿ œŸœ™|Kšœžœžœžœ ™0—š ™Kšœ žœ3˜Bšœžœžœ žœ˜#K˜K˜K˜K˜K˜—Kšœžœžœžœ˜*K˜Kšœžœžœ˜K˜ K˜Kšœžœžœ˜K˜ K˜Kšœ žœ˜.K˜šœ žœ˜šœ ™ K˜O—šœ™K˜—šœ ™ K˜—šœ™K˜ —K˜—K˜Kšœžœžœ8˜UKšœ žœžœžœ˜'Kšœžœžœ˜4K˜šœžœžœ žœ˜%šœN˜NKšœ>™>—KšœŸΠbc%˜MKšœŸ ‘%˜DKšœ˜Kšœ˜Kšœ˜K˜—Kšœžœw™‹K˜K˜—š ™Kšœ žœ˜/š  Πkz ’ ™Kš ™Kš ™Kš ™—K˜Kšœžœ˜6Kšœžœ&Οb™FK˜Kšœ žœ%˜3šœžœžœ žœ˜1KšœŸ˜KšœŸ˜KšœŸ˜#K˜—K˜Kšœžœžœžœ˜(Kšœžœžœžœ˜7K˜Kš œžœžœžœž œ˜3Kšœ žœžœžœ˜/šœžœžœ˜Kšœ˜Kšœ˜Kšœ˜—K˜Kšœžœžœžœ˜˜WKšžœ˜”——šœ+™+š œž œA˜YKšžœ"˜)Kšžœh˜oK˜—šœž œA˜\Kšžœt˜{K˜—šœž œ'˜BKšžœV˜]——šœ™šœž œs˜‚Kšžœ˜KšžœΏ˜ΖK˜—šœž œX˜gKšžœš˜‘——šœ$™$šœž œ|˜ŒKšžœ˜Kšžœί˜ζK˜—šœž œ;˜NKšžœ˜ˆK˜—šœž œ]˜oKšžœͺ˜±——™)š€  ’  B˜VKš’ u˜|K˜—š€  ’  ƒ˜™Kš’ ˜Kš’ ί˜ζ——š ™š€  ’  J˜bKš’ L˜SK˜—š€  ’  N˜eKš’ X˜_——šœ)™)šœž œY˜hKšžœ˜Kšžœ­˜΄K˜—šœž œt˜ƒKšžœ«˜²———šœ ™ K™Kšœžœ6˜OKšœžœ6˜PK˜Kšœžœ4˜KKšœžœ4˜LK˜Kšœžœ2˜GKšœžœ2˜HKšœžœ_˜tK˜Kš œžœ˜0Kšœžœ˜ K˜Kšœžœ'˜AKš€ ’ ;™Uš ’ ™Kš ™Kš ™Kš ™Kš ™Kš ™Kš #™#Kš  ™ Kš #™#Kš #™#Kš ™—K˜Kšœžœ"˜8šœžœ˜šœ™K˜H—šœ™K˜8—šœ&™&K˜OK˜C—šœ ™ K˜—K˜—K˜Kš œžœ˜0Kšœžœ;˜NK˜Kšœžœ"˜7KšœžœD˜ZK˜Kš œžœ!˜2K˜Kš œžœ ˜3Kšœžœh˜|K˜Kš œžœ!˜4Kšœžœ-˜AK˜Kš œžœ˜0KšœžœB˜TK˜Kš œžœ"˜6Kšœžœ_˜tK˜Kšœžœ#˜8Kšœžœžœ˜"—K˜Kšžœ˜—K˜—…—,–>_