DIRECTORY LarkFeep, LarkFeepSunRPC, LarkFeepSunRPCServer, Thrush, ThrushSunRPC, ThrushSunRPCConvert; LarkFeepSunRPCToLarkFeep: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS LarkFeep, ThrushSunRPCConvert EXPORTS LarkFeepSunRPCServer ~ { OPEN LarkFeepSunRPC, LarkFeepSunRPCServer, ThrushSunRPCConvert; Flash: PUBLIC FlashType = { thNB: Thrush.NB; thNB _ LarkFeep.Flash[shhh: Thrush.none, serviceID: serviceID, convID: SrToConvID[convID], requestingParty: requestingParty, actionID: actionID, extraTime: extraTime]; nb _ ATOMToSr[thNB]; }; Feep: PUBLIC FeepType = { thNB: Thrush.NB; thNB _ LarkFeep.Feep[shhh: Thrush.none, serviceID: serviceID, convID: SrToConvID[convID], requestingParty: requestingParty, number: SrToROPE[number], noisy: noisy, on: on, off: off]; nb _ ATOMToSr[thNB]; }; }. ® LarkFeepSunRPCToLarkFeep.mesa Copyright Ó 1990 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Pier, May 18, 1990 3:33:53 pm PDT Polle Zellweger (PTZ) October 29, 1990 3:38:10 pm PST Exports LarkFeepSunRPCServer, which is called by LarkFeepSunRPCServerStub, and calls the real LarkFeep routines. Polle Zellweger (PTZ) October 29, 1990 3:37:49 pm PST Allow detection of NIL ropes across a SunRPC connection. changes to: Feep Ê=•NewlineDelimiter ™codešœ™K™