Author: Eric Bier on June 4, 1985 4:58:33 pm PDT
Last edited by Bier on July 16, 1987 1:58:44 pm PDT
Contents: Routines for finding the intersections of various types of circles, lines, and points.
Pier, September 18, 1990 11:24 am PDT
Bier, May 8, 1989 2:14:49 pm PDT
Angles2d, GGBasicTypes, GGCircles, GGCoreTypes, GGUtility, Lines2d, RealFns, Vectors2d;
IMPORTS Angles2d, Lines2d, Vectors2d, RealFns
Arc: TYPE = REF ArcObj;
ArcObj: TYPE = GGBasicTypes.ArcObj;
Circle: TYPE = REF CircleObj;
CircleObj: TYPE = GGBasicTypes.CircleObj;
Point: TYPE = GGBasicTypes.Point;
Edge: TYPE = GGBasicTypes.Edge;
Line: TYPE = GGCoreTypes.Line;
Vector: TYPE = GGBasicTypes.Vector;
CreateEmptyCircle: PUBLIC PROC [] RETURNS [circle: Circle] = {
circle ← NEW[CircleObj ← [
origin: [0.0, 0.0],
radius: 0.0
CopyCircle: PUBLIC PROC [from: Circle, to: Circle] = {
to.origin ← from.origin;
to.radius ← from.radius;
FillCircleFromPointAndRadius: PUBLIC PROC [pt: Point, radius: REAL, circle: Circle] = {
circle.origin ← pt;
circle.radius ← radius;
CircleFromPointAndRadius: PUBLIC PROC [pt: Point, radius: REAL] RETURNS [circle: Circle] = {
circle ← CreateEmptyCircle[];
FillCircleFromPointAndRadius[pt, radius, circle];
CircleFrom3Points: PUBLIC PROC [p0, p1, p2: Point] RETURNS [circle: Circle, linear: BOOL] = {
circle ← CreateEmptyCircle[];
linear ← FillCircleFrom3Points[p0, p1, p2, circle];
FillCircleFrom3Points: PUBLIC PROC [p0, p1, p2: Point, circle: Circle] RETURNS [linear: BOOL] = {
Find the perpendicular bisectors of [p0, p1] and [p1, p2]. Their intersection is the center of circle. The distance of p0 or p1 or p2 from the center is the radius.
OPEN Vectors2d;
IF p0 = p2 THEN {
circle.origin ← [(p0.x+p1.x)*0.5, (p0.y+p1.y)*0.5]; -- center of the circle
circle.radius ← Distance[circle.origin, p0]; -- vector from center to p0
linear ← FALSE;
m1: Point ← [(p0.x+p1.x)*0.5, (p0.y+p1.y)*0.5]; -- midpoint of segment from p0 to p1
v1: Point ← [m1.y-p0.y, p0.x-m1.x]; -- direction vector of perpendicular bisector
a1: REAL ← v1.y;
b1: REAL ← -v1.x;
c1: REAL ← a1*m1.x+b1*m1.y;
a1*x + b1*y = c1 is the equation of the first perpendicular bisector
m2: Point ~ [(p0.x+p2.x)*0.5, (p0.y+p2.y)*0.5]; -- midpoint of segment from p1 to p2
v2: Point ~ [m2.y-p0.y, p0.x-m2.x];
a2: REAL ~ v2.y;
b2: REAL ~ -v2.x;
c2: REAL ~ a2*m2.x+b2*m2.y;
a2*x + b2*y = c2 is the equation of the second perpendicular bisector
These lines are now two simultaneous linear equations. The determinant is:
det: REAL ~ a1*b2-a2*b1;
IF det = 0 OR ABS[det] < ABS[a1*b2]*0.000005 THEN {
circle.origin ← [0.0, 0.0];
circle.radius ← 12.0; -- magic number for debugging
linear ← TRUE;
circle.origin ← [(c1*b2-c2*b1)/det, (a1*c2-a2*c1)/det]; -- solve the linear system
circle.radius ← Distance[circle.origin, p0];
linear ← FALSE;
RatherClose: PROC [p1, p2: Point] RETURNS [BOOL] = {
epsilon: REAL = 1.0e-5;
RETURN[ABS[p1.x - p2.x] < epsilon AND ABS[p1.y - p2.y] < epsilon];
CircleMeetsLine: PUBLIC PROC [circle: Circle, line: Line] RETURNS [points: ARRAY [1..2] OF Point, hitCount: [0..2], tangent: BOOLFALSE] = {
Line: cy -sx - d = 0. (f(x) = 0)
Circle: x2 + y2 = r2. (g(x) = 0)
d, magD, b: REAL;
p, h: Point;
epsilon: REAL = GGUtility.epsilonInPoints;
d ← Lines2d.SignedLineDistance[circle.origin, line];
magD ← ABS[d];
SELECT magD - circle.radius FROM
> epsilon => hitCount ← 0;
IN [-epsilon..epsilon] => { -- tangent. One intersection point.
hitCount ← 1;
points[1] ← Vectors2d.Sub[circle.origin, Vectors2d.Scale[[-line.s, line.c], d]];
tangent ← TRUE;
< -epsilon => { -- two intersections
hitCount ← 2;
p ← Vectors2d.Sub[circle.origin, Vectors2d.Scale[[-line.s, line.c], d]];
b ← RealFns.SqRt[circle.radius*circle.radius - d*d];
h ← Vectors2d.Scale[[line.c, line.s], b];
points[1] ← Vectors2d.Sub[p, h];
points[2] ← Vectors2d.Add[p, h];
CircleMeetsEdge: PUBLIC PROC [circle: Circle, edge: Edge] RETURNS [points: ARRAY [1..2] OF Point, hitCount: [0..2], tangent: BOOL] = {
line: Line ← edge.line;
testPoints: ARRAY [1..2] OF Point;
testCount: [0..2];
[testPoints, testCount, tangent] ← CircleMeetsLine[circle, line];
hitCount ← 0;
FOR i: NAT IN [1..testCount] DO
IF Lines2d.OnEdge[testPoints[i], edge] THEN {
hitCount ← hitCount + 1;
points[hitCount] ← testPoints[i];
CircleMeetsCircle: PUBLIC PROC [circle1, circle2: Circle] RETURNS [points: ARRAY [1..2] OF Point, hitCount: [0..2], tangent: BOOLFALSE] = {
o1ToO2, o1ToO2Hat: Vector;
epsilon: REAL = GGUtility.epsilonInPoints;
magO1ToO2, outerTangent, innerTangent: REAL;
IF RatherClose[circle1.origin, circle2.origin] THEN { -- concentric circles
hitCount ← 0;
points[1] ← points[2] ← [0.0, 0.0]; -- avoids compiler warnings
o1ToO2 ← Vectors2d.Sub[circle2.origin, circle1.origin];
magO1ToO2 ← Vectors2d.Magnitude[o1ToO2];
outerTangent ← circle1.radius + circle2.radius;
innerTangent ← ABS[circle1.radius - circle2.radius];
[Artwork node; type 'ArtworkInterpress on' to command tool]
> outerTangent+epsilon => hitCount ← 0; -- circles far apart
IN [outerTangent-epsilon .. outerTangent+epsilon] => { -- circles just touch as shown
hitCount ← 1;
tangent ← TRUE;
o1ToO2Hat ← Vectors2d.Scale[o1ToO2, 1.0/magO1ToO2];
points[1] ← Vectors2d.Add[circle1.origin, Vectors2d.Scale[o1ToO2Hat, circle1.radius]];
IN (innerTangent+epsilon .. outerTangent-epsilon) => {
The two circles overlap. We expect two roots. In the picture below, point C is one of the circle intersection points. Segment AB is the segment O1O2 in the picture above. We wish to find the altitude h of the triangle. b = r1 and a = r2. From Heron's formula for the area of a triangle, area K = sqrt(s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)), where s = (a+b+ c)/2. We also know that the area K = 0.5ch. So h = 2K/c. This gives us the y coordinate of the intersection points. The x coordinate is the point where the altitude hits the base, which we get from the Pythagorean Theorem.
[Artwork node; type 'ArtworkInterpress on' to command tool]
p: Point;
normal: Vector;
s, h, m: REAL;
b: REAL ← circle1.radius;
a: REAL ← circle2.radius;
hitCount ← 2;
o1ToO2Hat ← Vectors2d.Scale[o1ToO2, 1.0/magO1ToO2];
s ← 0.5*(b + a + magO1ToO2);
h ← 2.0*RealFns.SqRt[s*(s-magO1ToO2)*(s-b)*(s-a)]/magO1ToO2;
IF b > a THEN {
m ← RealFns.SqRt[b*b - h*h];
p ← Vectors2d.Add[circle1.origin, Vectors2d.Scale[o1ToO2Hat, m]];
m ← RealFns.SqRt[a*a - h*h];
p ← Vectors2d.Sub[circle2.origin, Vectors2d.Scale[o1ToO2Hat, m]];
normal ← [-h*o1ToO2Hat.y, h*o1ToO2Hat.x];
points[1] ← Vectors2d.Sub[p, normal];
points[2] ← Vectors2d.Add[p, normal];
IN [innerTangent-epsilon .. innerTangent+epsilon] => {
hitCount ← 1;
tangent ← TRUE;
IF circle1.radius > circle2.radius THEN {
o1ToO2Hat ← Vectors2d.Scale[o1ToO2, 1.0/magO1ToO2];
points[1] ← Vectors2d.Add[circle1.origin, Vectors2d.Scale[o1ToO2Hat, circle1.radius]];
o1ToO2Hat ← Vectors2d.Scale[o1ToO2, -1.0/magO1ToO2];
points[1] ← Vectors2d.Add[circle2.origin, Vectors2d.Scale[o1ToO2Hat, circle2.radius]];
< innerTangent-epsilon => {
hitCount ← 0;
CircleMeetsArc: PUBLIC PROC [circle: Circle, arc: Arc] RETURNS [points: ARRAY [1..2] OF Point, hitCount: [0..2], tangent: BOOL] = {
IF arc.edge # NIL THEN [points, hitCount, tangent] ← CircleMeetsEdge[circle, arc.edge]
pts: ARRAY [1..2] OF Point;
hCount: [0..2];
[pts, hCount, tangent] ← CircleMeetsCircle[circle,];
hitCount ← 0;
FOR i: NAT IN [1..hCount] DO
IF OnArc[pts[i], arc] THEN {
hitCount ← hitCount + 1;
points[hitCount] ← pts[i];
SignedCircleDistance: PUBLIC PROC [pt: Point, circle: Circle] RETURNS [d: REAL] = {
originToPoint: REAL;
originToPoint ← Vectors2d.Magnitude[Vectors2d.Sub[pt, circle.origin]];
d ← originToPoint - circle.radius;
CircleDistance: PUBLIC PROC [pt: Point, circle: Circle] RETURNS [d: REAL] = {
d ← ABS[SignedCircleDistance[pt, circle]];
PointProjectedOntoCircle: PUBLIC PROC [pt: Point, circle: Circle] RETURNS [projectedPt: Point] = {
We drop a normal from the point onto the circle and find where it hits.
epsilon: REAL = 1.0e-5;
originToPoint: Vector;
magOriginToPoint: REAL;
originToPoint ← Vectors2d.Sub[pt, circle.origin];
magOriginToPoint ← Vectors2d.Magnitude[originToPoint];
IF magOriginToPoint < epsilon THEN {
projectedPt ← [circle.origin.x + circle.radius, circle.origin.y];
projectedPt ← Vectors2d.Add[circle.origin, Vectors2d.Scale[originToPoint, circle.radius/magOriginToPoint]];
PointIsInCircle: PUBLIC PROC [pt: Point, circle: Circle] RETURNS [BOOL] = {
deltaX, deltaY: REAL;
deltaX ← pt.x - circle.origin.x;
deltaY ← pt.y - circle.origin.y;
RETURN[deltaX*deltaX+deltaY*deltaY < circle.radius*circle.radius];
CreateArc: PUBLIC PROC [v0, v1, v2: Point] RETURNS [arc: Arc] = {
arc ← CreateEmptyArc[];
FillArc[v0, v1, v2, arc];
CreateEmptyArc: PUBLIC PROC [] RETURNS [arc: Arc] = {
arc ← NEW[ArcObj ← [circle: CreateEmptyCircle[], ccw: FALSE, p0: [0.0,0.0], p2: [0.0,0.0], theta0: 0.0, deltaTheta: 0.0]];
ReverseArc: PUBLIC PROC [arc: Arc] = {
Invariants: arc.deltaTheta is always a positive, counterclockwise angle. All arcs can be thought of as counterclockwise if you start at the proper end. arc.theta0 always correpondes to arc.p0. arc.ccw says whether the arc is really counterclockwise or not.
arc.ccw ← NOT arc.ccw;
IF arc.edge # NIL THEN arc.edge.startIsFirst ← NOT arc.edge.startIsFirst; -- This should be a call to Lines2d.ReverseEdge, but there is no Lines2d.ReverseEdge yet.
FillArc: PUBLIC PROC [v0, v1, v2: Point, arc: Arc] = {
theta0, theta1, theta2, deltaTheta: REAL;
vector0, vector1, vector2: Vector;
linear: BOOL;
linear ← FillCircleFrom3Points[v0, v1, v2,];
IF linear THEN {
arc^ ← [circle:, ccw: TRUE, p0: v0, p2: v2, theta0: 0.0, deltaTheta: 0.0, edge: Lines2d.CreateEdge[v0, v2]];
vector0 ← Vectors2d.Sub[v0,];
theta0 ← Vectors2d.AngleFromVector[vector0];
vector1 ← Vectors2d.Sub[v1,];
theta1 ← Vectors2d.AngleFromVector[vector1];
vector2 ← Vectors2d.Sub[v2,];
theta2 ← Vectors2d.AngleFromVector[vector2];
IF theta0 = theta2 THEN {
deltaTheta ← 360.0;
arc^ ← [circle:, ccw: TRUE, p0: v0, p2: v2, theta0: theta0, deltaTheta: deltaTheta, edge: NIL];
IF Angles2d.IsInCCWInterval[theta1, theta0, theta2] THEN { -- CCW arc
deltaTheta ← Angles2d.CounterClockwiseAngle[theta0, theta2];
arc^ ← [circle:, ccw: TRUE, p0: v0, p2: v2, theta0: theta0, deltaTheta: deltaTheta, edge: NIL];
deltaTheta ← Angles2d.CounterClockwiseAngle[theta2, theta0];
arc^ ← [circle:, ccw: FALSE, p0: v2, p2: v0, theta0: theta2, deltaTheta: deltaTheta, edge: NIL];
CopyArc: PUBLIC PROC [from: Arc, to: Arc] = {
to.ccw ← from.ccw;
to.p0 ← from.p0;
to.p2 ← from.p2;
to.theta0 ← from.theta0;
to.deltaTheta ← from.deltaTheta;
IF from.edge # NIL THEN {
to.edge ← Lines2d.CreateEmptyEdge[];
Lines2d.CopyEdge[from: from.edge, to: to.edge];
CirclePointOnArc: PUBLIC PROC [pt: Point, arc: Arc] RETURNS [BOOL] = {
Assumes pt is on Is it on arc?
direction: Vector ← Vectors2d.Sub[pt,];
angle: REAL ← Vectors2d.AngleFromVector[direction];
IF arc.edge # NIL THEN RETURN[Lines2d.LinePointOnEdge[pt, arc.edge]];
RETURN[Angles2d.IsInCCWInterval2[angle, arc.theta0, arc.deltaTheta]];
ArcMeetsLine: PUBLIC PROC [arc: Arc, line: Line] RETURNS [points: ARRAY [1..2] OF Point, hitCount: [0..2], tangent: BOOLFALSE] = {
IF arc.edge # NIL THEN {
noHit: BOOL;
[points[1], noHit] ← Lines2d.LineMeetsEdge[line, arc.edge];
hitCount ← IF noHit THEN 0 ELSE 1;
pts: ARRAY [1..2] OF Point;
hCount: [0..2];
[pts, hCount, tangent] ← CircleMeetsLine[, line];
hitCount ← 0;
FOR i: NAT IN [1..hCount] DO
IF OnArc[pts[i], arc] THEN {
hitCount ← hitCount + 1;
points[hitCount] ← pts[i];
ArcMeetsEdge: PUBLIC PROC [arc: Arc, edge: Edge] RETURNS [points: ARRAY [1..2] OF Point, hitCount: [0..2], tangent: BOOLFALSE] = {
IF arc.edge # NIL THEN {
noHit: BOOL;
[points[1], noHit] ← Lines2d.EdgeMeetsEdge[edge, arc.edge];
hitCount ← IF noHit THEN 0 ELSE 1;
pts: ARRAY [1..2] OF Point;
hCount: [0..2];
[pts, hCount, tangent] ← CircleMeetsEdge[, edge];
hitCount ← 0;
FOR i: NAT IN [1..hCount] DO
IF OnArc[pts[i], arc] THEN {
hitCount ← hitCount + 1;
points[hitCount] ← pts[i];
ArcMeetsArc: PUBLIC PROC [arc1, arc2: Arc] RETURNS [points: ARRAY [1..2] OF Point, hitCount: [0..2], tangent: BOOL] = {
IF arc1.edge # NIL THEN [points, hitCount, tangent] ← ArcMeetsEdge[arc2, arc1.edge]
pts: ARRAY [1..2] OF Point;
hCount: [0..2];
[pts, hCount, tangent] ← CircleMeetsArc[, arc2];
hitCount ← 0;
FOR i: NAT IN [1..hCount] DO
IF OnArc[pts[i], arc1] THEN {
hitCount ← hitCount + 1;
points[hitCount] ← pts[i];
NearestEndpoint: PUBLIC PROC [pt: Point, arc: Arc] RETURNS [endpoint: Point] = {
Look for a winner with the infinity norm first. If that fails, use the 2 norm.
IF arc.edge # NIL THEN RETURN[Lines2d.NearestEndpoint[pt, arc.edge]];
IF ABS[pt.x-arc.p0.x] <= ABS[pt.x-arc.p2.x] THEN {
IF ABS[pt.y-arc.p0.y] <= ABS[pt.y-arc.p2.y] THEN RETURN[arc.p0]
IF ABS[pt.y-arc.p0.y] > ABS[pt.y-arc.p2.y] THEN RETURN[arc.p2]
DoMath =>
IF Vectors2d.DistanceSquared[pt, arc.p0] < Vectors2d.DistanceSquared[pt, arc.p2]
THEN endpoint ← arc.p0
ELSE endpoint ← arc.p2;
DistanceSquaredToNearestEndpoint: PUBLIC PROC [pt: Point, arc: Arc] RETURNS [distanceSquared: REAL] = {
distance2ToPLo, distance2ToPHi: REAL;
distance2ToPLo ← Vectors2d.DistanceSquared[pt, arc.p0];
distance2ToPHi ← Vectors2d.DistanceSquared[pt, arc.p2];
RETURN[MIN[distance2ToPLo, distance2ToPHi]];
NearestPointOnArc: PUBLIC PROC [pt: Point, arc: Arc] RETURNS [onArc: Point] = {
The nearest point on to pt, if the nearest point is on arc. Otherwise, the nearest endpoint.
projectedPt: Point;
IF arc.edge # NIL THEN RETURN[Lines2d.NearestPointOnEdge[pt, arc.edge]];
projectedPt ← PointProjectedOntoCircle[pt,];
IF CirclePointOnArc[projectedPt, arc] THEN onArc ← projectedPt
ELSE onArc ← NearestEndpoint[pt, arc];
DistancePointToArc: PUBLIC PROC [pt: Point, arc: Arc] RETURNS [distance: REAL] = {
Distance[pt, NearestPointOnArc[pt, arc]].
projectedPt, nearEndpoint: Point;
IF arc.edge # NIL THEN RETURN[Lines2d.DistancePointToEdge[pt, arc.edge]];
projectedPt ← PointProjectedOntoCircle[pt,];
IF CirclePointOnArc[projectedPt, arc] THEN distance ← ABS[CircleDistance[pt,]]
nearEndpoint ← NearestEndpoint[pt, arc];
distance ← Vectors2d.Distance[pt, nearEndpoint];
DistanceSquaredPointToArc: PUBLIC PROC [pt: Point, arc: Arc] RETURNS [distanceSquared: REAL] = {
projectedPt: Point;
IF arc.edge # NIL THEN RETURN[Lines2d.DistanceSquaredPointToEdge[pt, arc.edge]];
projectedPt ← PointProjectedOntoCircle[pt,];
IF CirclePointOnArc[projectedPt, arc]
THEN {distanceSquared ← CircleDistance[pt,];
distanceSquared ← distanceSquared*distanceSquared}
ELSE distanceSquared ← DistanceSquaredToNearestEndpoint[pt, arc];
OnArc: PUBLIC PROC [pt: Point, arc: Arc] RETURNS [BOOL] = {
d2: REAL;
epsilon: REAL = 1.0e-5;
d2 ← DistanceSquaredPointToArc[pt, arc];
RETURN[d2 < epsilon];