<> <> <> <> < [(optional Tioga command list)] = >> <.abbreviations document.>> < may have substructure that is considered part of the replacement.>> <> < may have substructure, like prog below, which is copied after the node containing the abbreviation to be expanded.>> < is empty but there is substructure, then the substructure is added at the same level in the document as the node containing the abbreviation.>> Hobo Forms hobo(NextPlaceholder) = hobo=  ss(NextPlaceholder) = hobo=tripile upper=  superscript  lower=  subscript  upperGap=5 lowerGap=-1.5  fraction(NextPlaceholder) = hobo=fraction barGap=2.0 numerOffset=4.0 denomOffset=8.0 barThickness=0.72 numer=  numerator  denom=  denominator   int(NextPlaceholder) = hobo=limit upper=  upperlimit  lower=  lowerlimit  operator= hobo=axisCenter arg= u  gap=3.0 upperOffset=10.0 lowerOffset=0.0  sum(NextPlaceholder) = hobo=limit upper=  upperlimit  lower=  lowerlimit  operator= hobo=axisCenter arg= V  gap=2.5 upperOffset=6.0 lowerOffset=8.0  prod(NextPlaceholder) = hobo=limit upper=  upperlimit  lower=  lowerlimit  operator= hobo=axisCenter arg= S  gap=2.5 upperOffset=6.0 lowerOffset=8.0  lim(NextPlaceholder) = hobo=limit operator= lim lower=  approaches  gap=2.0 lowerOffset=8.0  grid(NextPlaceholder) = hobo=grid rowStep=0 colStep=1 horizontalGap=0 verticalGap=0 entries= 0=  0@0,1@1 entry  =  0@1,1@2 entry   sqrt(NextPlaceholder) = hobo=grid rowStep=0 colStep=1 horizontalGap=4 verticalGap=5 levelBase=0NL2 entries= 0@3,2@4=  radicand  0@3,0@4/s=0.72 0@3,2@2/s=0.72 2@2,1@1/s=1.72 1@1,1@0/s=0.72  tripile(NextPlaceholder) = hobo=tripile upper= center= lower= upperGap= lowerGap=  bar(NextPlaceholder) = hobo=bar height= 1  width= 1