Doug Wyatt, May 31, 1985 10:34:50 am PDT
Michael Plass, March 23, 1990 2:01 pm PST
Tim Diebert: September 18, 1985 4:29:18 pm PDT
Pier, December 17, 1985 10:23:57 am PST
Rick Beach, March 12, 1987 8:08:17 pm PST
Eric Nickell, December 13, 1986 12:44:13 pm PST
Stone, December 16, 1986 4:39:16 pm PST
Bloomenthal, May 9, 1988 5:01:43 pm PDT
Wes Irish, December 3, 1987 2:54:30 pm PST
Bier, April 15, 1988 10:47:30 am PDT
Last tweaked by Mike Spreitzer on May 22, 1989 6:10:19 pm PDT
Weiser, February 17, 1989 5:50:05 pm PST
note: in the following, angle brackets surround parameter names, square brackets denote optional syntax, curly brackets denote repetition zero or more times, and underlines denote things that you actually type.
InterpressArrows [<output> ←] <input>
(synonym IPArrows)
A kludgey way of pasting figures into a document that was created by a program too dumb to include its own figures (e.g. T
EX). The input interpress master may contain strings of the form
(this must be in a done with a single interpress SHOW; no leading or trailing space is allowed); the string is stripped out and replaced by the image on page 1 of the named interpress master, with the lower left corner of the included page aligned with the arrow. If the named file is not found, a warning is printed and the string appears in the output. Use the Preview program to create an appropriate master if the positioning is not initially correct. When using this with TEX, use the typewriter font for the arrow so that kerning does not break the string into multiple SHOWs. Use PressToInterpress to get an Interpress master from the TEX-created press file.
[-b | -f | -s<scaleFactor>] <output>
(synonym IPBooklet)
InterpressBooklet creates a new Interpress master from an existing Interpress master. The input master is assumed to be a multiple-page Interpress master intended for 8-1/2 x 11 printing. When the resulting master is printed on a double sided 8-1/2 x 11 printer, and the pages folded in half, a "booklet" results. The pages of the resulting booklet will all be in the correct order with page one being the first or "cover" page.
The style generates a print area appropriate for a booklet, no scaling is needed or done. If your document wasn't created with then you may want InterpressBooklet to scale down the original so that if fits on the now 5.5 x 8.5 page, use the -f option for this purpose.
-b Input file was made with, do not do any scaling (default).
-f Input file is a "standard" 8.5 x 11 document and should be scaled to fit.
-s<scaleFactor> Scale by <scaleFactor>. For example: -s0.5
[-by <pages> | -into <files>] <input>
(synonym IPBreakup)
Breaks up the named Interpress master into multiple masters. Either the number of pages per master or the number of masters can be specified; the default is one page per master.
InterpressCompose <output> ← <input1> [transform1] . . . <inputN> [transformN]
(synonym IPCompose)
Combine any number of input Interpress masters to form a single output master. Each input may be followed by an optional transformation, which is an arbitrary combination of the following:
translate <x> <y> [in | m | cm | mm | pt]
| rotate <angle> [radians]
| scale <scale>
| scale2 <xScale> <yScale>
The default translation is in meters, but inches, centimeters, millimeters, or points may be specified; the default rotation is in degrees, but radians may be specified. <output> will have the same number of pages as the input master with the greatest number of pages; other input pages will be cycled through as necessary.
This program is useful for composing several images for output to a printer. For example, three interpress masters, each designed for output to the Dunn camera, may be composed as a single row of images for the Versatec printer by:
InterpressCompose Output.ip ←
Input1.ip translate 1.0 0.0 in scale 0.75
Input2.ip translate 13.0 0.0 in scale 0.75
Input3.ip translate 25.0 0.0 in scale 0.75
<output> ← <input1> <input2> . . .
(synonym IPConcatenate)
Concatenates the pages of the named Interpress masters into one master.
← <input> [ PAGE[S] { <page> |
(synonym IPExtract)
Extracts specified pages from an interpress master.
InterpressOverlay <output> ← <input1> <input2> <transform>
(synonym IPOverlay)
Overlays two interpress masters on each other, page by page. <output> will have the same number of pages as <input1>; <input2> will be cycled through as necessary. Good for adding platemaker corner marks, private data seals, etc. Any transformations specified will be applied only to <input2>. <transform> consists of {translate <x> <y> | rotate <angle> | scale <scale> | scale2 <sx> <sy>}, where <x> <y> <sx> <sy> are all specified in meters, and <angle> in degrees.
InterpressSize <input>
(synonym IPSize)
Gives the estimated, device-independent size of a printed Interpress file, in inches.
Although not performing unnecessary operations, the entire Interpress file is examined, which might take a long time.
InterpressLS {<input>}
(synonym IPLS)
Gives the number of pages in each interpress master.
Although not performing unnecessary operations, the entire Interpress file is examined, which might take a long time.
(synonym IPWrittenFromXerox)
<input> is the file name of an Interpress master in the Xerox encoding
<output> will be in a written encoding, suitable for hand-editing
Including the switch "-r" anywhere on the command line will cause numbers to be written in the rational form only, without the floating-point equivalent as a comment; this will make it run about twice as fast if there are a lot of non-integer numbers.
<input> [
(synonym IPXeroxFromWritten)
<input> is the file name of an Interpress master in the written encoding
<output> will be in the Xerox encoding, suitable for machine processing
<version> is an optional version number (i.e., 2.1) that will be placed verbatim in the header.
[-b | -f | -s<scaleFactor>] <output>
InterpressPageUp creates a new Interpress master from an existing Interpress master. The input master is assumed to be a multiple-page Interpress master intended for 8-1/2 x 11 printing. When the resulting master is printed on an 8-1/2 x 11 printer, each page contains four original pages, scaled to fit (i.e. tiny).