Bier, May 15, 1989
CodeTimer Tool
CodeTimer Tool
A User Interface to CodeTimer
Eric A. Bier
© Copyright 1988 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Abstract: The Cedar CodeTimer allows critical code blocks to be timed by putting (intrusive) calls into the critical code. The timed intervals are named and are placed in tables, with one or more tables per application. The CodeTimer Tool makes it easy to print out the current statistics associated with each of these intervals.
Created by: Pier
Maintained by: <>, <>
Keywords: Performance tuning, CodeTimer, window interface
XEROX Xerox Corporation
Palo Alto Research Center
3333 Coyote Hill Road
Palo Alto, California 94304
For Internal Xerox Use Only
1. Using the CodeTimerTool
When using PrincOps Cedar, you must perform some set-up. In a CommandTool, type:
Pushv Commands
QBO -p /cedarchest7.0/top/CodeTimerTool.df
In either PrincOps Cedar or Portable Cedar, you can type:
to create a CodeTimer window.
2. What CodeTimerTool Displays
The CodeTimerTool lets you display statistics about the time taken to execute intervals of code in any application that calls CodeTimer.StartInterval and CodeTimer.StopInterval. Because many applications are registered with CodeTimer only when one of their intervals is executed, the CodeTimerTool will not be able to list the inactive applications that call CodeTimer. Remember to type:
to make sure that the CodeTimer is actually working.
To find out which applications have active intervals, use the ListTables button. Choose a table and copy or type its name into the box next to TableName:. Now, you can use ListIntervals, PrintAllIntervals and ResetAllIntervals. To use PrintInterval and ResetInterval, select an interval name before pressing these buttons.