DIRECTORY ColorizeViewPointBackdoor, ColorizeViewPoint, Convert, IO, IPMaster, IPScan, Profiles, Rope, Vector2; ColorizeViewPointTextImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS ColorizeViewPoint, ColorizeViewPointBackdoor, Convert, IO, IPMaster, IPScan, Profiles, Rope EXPORTS ColorizeViewPointBackdoor ~ BEGIN Colorization: TYPE ~ ColorizeViewPointBackdoor.Colorization; ROPE: TYPE ~ Rope.ROPE; ASSERTION: TYPE ~ BOOL [TRUE..TRUE]; ColorizeText: PUBLIC Colorization ~ { Flush: PROC [flushTo: INT, skipTo: INT _ 0, insert: ROPE _ NIL] ~ { IF insert#NIL THEN newIP _ newIP.Concat[insert]; IF flushTo>flushFrom THEN newIP _ newIP.Concat[ip.Substr[start: flushFrom, len: flushTo-flushFrom]]; flushFrom _ MAX[flushFrom, flushTo, skipTo]; type _ waitingStartU; }; PerOp: IPScan.ScanProc = { IF punt THEN {Flush[max]; RETURN}; SELECT type FROM waitingStartU => { IF op=startunderline THEN { Flush[min, max]; --Emit everything up to, but not including, the StartU type _ waitingMaskU; } ELSE Flush[max]; --Emit everything up to, and including, the op }; waitingMaskU => { SELECT op FROM startunderline => { -- Keep flushing for duplicate startunderline's Flush[min, max]; type _ waitingMaskU; -- keep looking for MaskU RETURN; }; maskunderline => { --The Big Event. strikeout, underline: LIST OF MaskUData _ NIL; dy, h: INTEGER; replace: ROPE; index: INT _ min; WHILE index+6<=ipSize AND (dy_Num[ip, index])#INTEGER.LAST AND (h_Num[ip, index+2])#INTEGER.LAST AND ip.Substr[start: index+4, len: 2].Equal[ "\241\236" --MASKUNDERLINE--] DO --this loop picks up all the strikeouts and underlines (eg, doubleUnderline) which are grouped together IF dy<=0 THEN underline _ CONS[[dy: dy, h: h], underline] ELSE strikeout _ CONS[[dy: dy, h: h], strikeout]; index _ index+6; ENDLOOP; replace _ BuildReplacementForTextStuff[strikeout: strikeout, underline: underline, palette: textPalette, betweenStartUAndMaskU: ip.Substr[start: flushFrom, len: min-flushFrom], defaultColor: defaultTextColor, defaultDSColor: defaultDropshadowTextColor]; Flush[flushTo: 0 --i.e. don't flush--, skipTo: index, insert: replace]; RETURN; }; beginBody => { IF min=flushFrom+2 AND ip.Substr[start: min-4, len: 6].Equal[ "\241\235\240n\240j" --STARTUNDERLINE CORRECT {--] THEN { newIP _ newIP.Concat["\240n\240j" --CORRECT {--]; flushFrom _ max; RETURN; }; }; ENDCASE; Flush[flushTo: max, insert: "\241\235" --STARTUNDERLINE--]; }; ENDCASE => ERROR; --System error! }; textPalette: TextPalette ~ TextPaletteFromProfile[profile: palette, mapData: mapData]; defaultTextColor: ROPE ~ DefaultColorIPFrag[LIST["1.0"], palette, mapData]; --black, mapped defaultDropshadowTextColor: ROPE ~ DefaultColorIPFrag[LIST["0.0"], palette, mapData]; --white, mapped, for use over the default dropshadow of black ipSize: INT ~ ip.Size; flushFrom: INT _ 0; type: {waitingStartU, waitingMaskU} _ waitingStartU; newIP _ NIL; IPScan.ScanRope[ip: ip, ops: LIST[startunderline, maskunderline, beginBody, endBody], action: PerOp]; Flush[ipSize]; }; MaskUData: TYPE ~ RECORD [dy, h: INTEGER]; OffsetIsPercent: TYPE ~ RECORD [x, y: BOOL _ FALSE]; TextPalette: TYPE ~ ARRAY Underline OF ARRAY --strikeout: -- BOOL OF TextProp; Underline: TYPE ~ {none, underline, doubleUnderline}; TextProp: TYPE ~ REF TextPropRep; TextPropRep: TYPE ~ RECORD [ underline: Underline _ doubleUnderline, strikeout: BOOL _ TRUE, dropShadowOffset: Vector2.VEC _ [0,0], offsetIsPercent: OffsetIsPercent, --True means dropShadowOffset is a percentage of font size, not an actual offset underlineColor, strikeoutColor, highlightColor, textColor, dropShadowColor: Rope.ROPE _ NIL ]; highlightDY: REAL _ -8.0; highlightH: REAL _ 35.0; dropShadowH: REAL _ 35.27778; --number of Viewpoint units(.00001meters) per point(1/72") BuildReplacementForTextStuff: PROC [strikeout, underline: LIST OF MaskUData, palette: TextPalette, betweenStartUAndMaskU: ROPE, defaultColor, defaultDSColor: ROPE] RETURNS [replace: ROPE] ~ { betweenStartUAndMaskUText: ROPE ~ ExtractBitmapperColorInfo[betweenStartUAndMaskU]; colorMunged: BOOL _ FALSE; doStrike: BOOL _ strikeout#NIL; doUnder: Underline _ SELECT TRUE FROM --counts the elements in the list=num of underlines underline=NIL => none, => underline, ENDCASE => doubleUnderline; check: ASSERTION ~ doUnder#none OR doStrike; toDo: TextProp _ palette[doUnder][doStrike]; out: IO.STREAM ~ IO.ROS[]; estimatedPointSize: REAL ~ IF strikeout#NIL THEN strikeout.first.dy/10.0 ELSE -underline.first.dy/8.0; --the position for either strikeout or underline in Viewpoint units correlates by these formulas with the point size of the font, by observation of Viewpoint interpress masters. Multiply by dropShadowH to get size in Viewpoint units. doStrike _ MIN[doStrike, toDo.strikeout]; --can't strikeout text that was originally underlined only (in default case, toDo.strikeout=TRUE, the MAX) doUnder _ MIN[doUnder, toDo.underline]; --can't doubleUnderline text that was originally underlined only (in default case, toDo.underline=doubleunderline, the MAX) out.PutRope["\241\235" --STARTUNDERLINE--]; IF toDo.highlightColor#NIL THEN { --Highlight out.PutRope["\240r\240j" --MAKESIMPLECO {--]; --protects imager variables out.PutRope[betweenStartUAndMaskUText]; --this sets xy but later gets hidden by the highlight box laid down; xy not munged because under a DOSAVEALL out.PutRope[toDo.highlightColor]; --Doesn't mung color because under a DOSAVEALL IPMaster.PutReal[stream: out, val: estimatedPointSize * highlightDY]; IPMaster.PutReal[stream: out, val: estimatedPointSize * highlightH]; --observation shows this gives the correct size box in Viewpoint units out.PutRope["\241\236\240k\240\351" --MASKUNDERLINE } DOSAVEALL--]; }; IF toDo.dropShadowOffset#[0,0] THEN { --Drop Shadow out.PutRope["\240r\240j" --MAKESIMPLECO {--]; --protects imager variables out.PutRope[toDo.dropShadowColor]; IPMaster.PutReal[stream: out, val: IF toDo.offsetIsPercent.x THEN toDo.dropShadowOffset.x*(estimatedPointSize*dropShadowH) ELSE toDo.dropShadowOffset.x]; IPMaster.PutReal[stream: out, val: IF toDo.offsetIsPercent.y THEN toDo.dropShadowOffset.y*(estimatedPointSize*dropShadowH) ELSE toDo.dropShadowOffset.y]; out.PutRope["\213" --SETXYREL--]; out.PutRope[betweenStartUAndMaskUText]; out.PutRope["\240k\240\351" --} DOSAVEALL--]; }; SELECT TRUE FROM --Text Color & Text stuff toDo.textColor#NIL => { out.PutRope[toDo.textColor]; colorMunged _ TRUE; out.PutRope[betweenStartUAndMaskUText]; --w/o attached Bitmapper color info }; toDo.textColor=NIL => { --use default color: either white or the current Bitmapper color out.PutRope[IF toDo.dropShadowOffset=[0,0] THEN defaultColor ELSE defaultDSColor]; --normal black unless a dropshadow, then white so DropShadows default nicely out.PutRope[betweenStartUAndMaskU]; --includes attached color info (Bitmapper), or no color info colorMunged _ TRUE; }; ENDCASE; IF doStrike THEN { --Strikeout SELECT TRUE FROM toDo.strikeoutColor#NIL => { out.PutRope[toDo.strikeoutColor]; colorMunged _ TRUE; }; colorMunged => { out.PutRope["\017\241\241\250" --1 SETGRAY--]; colorMunged _ FALSE; }; ENDCASE; UNTIL strikeout=NIL DO IPMaster.PutReal[stream: out, val: strikeout.first.dy]; IPMaster.PutReal[stream: out, val: strikeout.first.h]; out.PutRope["\241\236" --MASKUNDERLINE--]; strikeout _; ENDLOOP; }; IF doUnder > none THEN { --Underline SELECT TRUE FROM toDo.underlineColor#NIL => { out.PutRope[toDo.underlineColor]; colorMunged _ TRUE; }; colorMunged => { out.PutRope["\017\241\241\250" --1 SETGRAY--]; colorMunged _ FALSE; }; ENDCASE; UNTIL underline=NIL DO IPMaster.PutReal[stream: out, val: underline.first.dy]; IPMaster.PutReal[stream: out, val: underline.first.h]; out.PutRope["\241\236" --MASKUNDERLINE--]; underline _ IF doUnder=doubleUnderline THEN ELSE NIL; --Only do first one if doUnder=underline ENDLOOP; }; IF colorMunged THEN { --Color Restoration out.PutRope["\017\241\241\250" --1 SETGRAY--]; colorMunged _ FALSE; }; RETURN [out.RopeFromROS.Flatten]; }; ExtractBitmapperColorInfo: PROC [ipFrag: ROPE] RETURNS [textOnly: ROPE] ~ { --this is relevent for Bitmapper files, which lays down color info before SHOWing text. This is highly Bitmapper implementation dependent - it expects to see n1 n2 n3 3 MAKEVEC 47 FGET DO 13 ISET SHOW. Frame 47 is where BitMapper currently stores the YES ColorModel IF ipFrag.Fetch[MIN[ipFrag.Length-1, 17--avoids BoundsFault--]]='\223 --ISET-- THEN RETURN [ipFrag.Substr[start: 18] ] ELSE RETURN [ipFrag]; }; TextPaletteFromProfile: PROC [profile: Profiles.Profile, mapData: ColorizeViewPointBackdoor.MapData] RETURNS [textPalette: TextPalette] ~ { Do: PROC [strike: BOOL, u: Underline, key: ROPE] ~ { ENABLE ColorizeViewPoint.Error => { --Map Error to Warning, and abandon palette entry SIGNAL ColorizeViewPoint.Warning[class, IO.PutFR[format: "Entry %g: in embedded palette is malformed because-\n\t %g", v1: [rope[key]], v2: [rope[explanation]] ]]; GOTO AbandonThisPaletteEntry; }; SearchFor: PROC [r: ROPE] RETURNS [count: INT _ 0] ~ { FOR each: LIST OF ROPE _ toks, UNTIL each=NIL DO count _ count+1; IF Rope.Run[s1: each.first, s2: r, case: FALSE]=each.first.Length THEN RETURN [count]; --abbrev. will match; ie, "strike" will match "strikeout" ENDLOOP; RETURN [0]; --not found }; SubColorFromToks: PROC [count: INT] RETURNS [rest: LIST OF ROPE, color: ROPE _ NIL] ~ {--Starting from the "count" element in toks, parses a color which should be enclosed in brackets; returns the rest of the list w/o that color. Eg, for "foo dropShadow[green] bar, returns rest: foo bar, color: dummy1: LIST OF ROPE ~ LIST[NIL]; dummy2: LIST OF ROPE ~ LIST[NIL]; tail: LIST OF ROPE _ dummy1; listCount: INT _ 0; startColor, endColor: BOOL _ FALSE; --mark when parsing requested color rest _ dummy2; FOR each: LIST OF ROPE _ toks, UNTIL each=NIL DO listCount _ listCount+1; SELECT TRUE FROM listCount rest _ ( _ LIST[each.first]); listCount=count => LOOP; -- get past, eg, "dropShadow" keyword listCount>count AND each.first.Equal["]"] => IF ~startColor --"dropshadow []"-- THEN {color _ defaultColor; endColor _ TRUE} ELSE endColor _ TRUE; listCount=count+1 => IF ~Rope.Equal[each.first, "[" --eg, "dropshadow" alone--] THEN {color _ defaultColor; endColor _ TRUE; rest _ ( _ LIST[each.first])}; ENDCASE => { --get the subColor temp: LIST OF ROPE; levelsExceeded: BOOL; startColor _ TRUE; [temp, levelsExceeded] _ ColorizeViewPointBackdoor.GetRecursiveValue[key: each.first, palette: profile, subpaletteList: prefixes, mapData: mapData]; SELECT TRUE FROM temp=NIL => tail _ ( _ LIST[each.first]); --add as-is if not in palette levelsExceeded => ERROR ColorizeViewPoint.Error[class: $MalformedPaletteEntry, explanation: IO.PutFR[format: "%g is part of a recursive color definition beyond allowable levels; ignoring it.", v1: [rope[each.first]]]]; ENDCASE => {FOR each: LIST OF ROPE _ temp, UNTIL each=NIL DO tail _ ( _ LIST[each.first]); ENDLOOP}; --add the expanded palette definition to end }; ENDLOOP; rest _; IF listCount=count THEN color _ defaultColor; --eg, "dropshadow" at end of line IF color=NIL THEN WITH ColorizeViewPointBackdoor.IPFragmentForColorSetting[, profile] SELECT FROM color: ROPE => RETURN [rest: rest, color: color]; ENDCASE => ERROR ColorizeViewPoint.Error[$MalformedPaletteEntry, "Constant color required"]; }; count: NAT; toks: LIST OF ROPE _ ColorizeViewPointBackdoor.GetRecursiveValue[key: key, palette: profile, subpaletteList: prefixes, mapData: mapData, levelsAllowed: 0--no recurse--].value; textPalette[u][strike] _ NEW[TextPropRep _ []]; IF toks=NIL THEN RETURN; --if no relevent palette entries leave with defaults textPalette[u][strike].strikeout _ FALSE; --Change defaults a bit textPalette[u][strike].underline _ none; IF (count _ SearchFor["Highlight"])#0 THEN [rest: toks, color: textPalette[u][strike].highlightColor] _ SubColorFromToks[count]; IF (count _ SearchFor["DropShadow"])#0 THEN { [textPalette[u][strike].offsetIsPercent, textPalette[u][strike].dropShadowOffset, toks] _ SetDropShadowParms[toks: toks, profile: profile]; --looks for eg "(-7%, 9%)" count _ SearchFor["DropShadow"];--removing dropShad parms may change count [rest: toks, color: textPalette[u][strike].dropShadowColor] _ SubColorFromToks[count]; }; IF (count _ SearchFor["Strikeout"])#0 THEN { textPalette[u][strike].strikeout _ TRUE; [rest: toks, color: textPalette[u][strike].strikeoutColor] _ SubColorFromToks[count]; }; SELECT TRUE FROM (count _ SearchFor["Underline"])#0 => { textPalette[u][strike].underline _ underline; [rest: toks, color: textPalette[u][strike].underlineColor] _ SubColorFromToks[count]; }; (count _ SearchFor["DoubleUnderline"])#0 => { textPalette[u][strike].underline _ doubleUnderline; [rest: toks, color: textPalette[u][strike].underlineColor] _ SubColorFromToks[count]; }; ENDCASE => NULL; IF toks=NIL THEN textPalette[u][strike].textColor _ NIL ELSE textPalette[u][strike].textColor _ SubColorFromToks[-2].color; --leftover must be considered the text color; a count of -2 gets past looking for brackets etc. EXITS AbandonThisPaletteEntry => NULL; }; prefixes: LIST OF ROPE _ Profiles.ListOfTokens[profile: profile, key: "TextPalette", default: NIL]; defaultColor: ROPE ~ DefaultColorIPFrag[LIST["1.0"], profile, mapData]; --black, mapped prefixes _ ColorizeViewPointBackdoor.SubpaletteSearchList[prefixes, profile]; --adds document-wide prefixes to end Do[strike: FALSE, u: underline, key: "Underline"]; Do[strike: FALSE, u: doubleUnderline, key: "DoubleUnderline"]; Do[strike: TRUE, u: none, key: "Strikeout"]; Do[strike: TRUE, u: underline, key: "StrikeoutUnderline"]; Do[strike: TRUE, u: doubleUnderline, key: "StrikeoutDoubleUnderline"]; }; DefaultColorIPFrag: PROC [defaultColor: LIST OF ROPE, palette: Profiles.Profile, mapData: ColorizeViewPointBackdoor.MapData] RETURNS [ROPE] ~ { mappedColor: LIST OF ROPE _ ColorizeViewPointBackdoor.ApplyMappings[toMap: defaultColor, palette: palette, mapData: mapData].mappedList; WITH ColorizeViewPointBackdoor.IPFragmentForColorSetting[mappedColor, palette] SELECT FROM color: ROPE => RETURN [color]; ENDCASE => RETURN ["\017\241\241\250" --1 SETGRAY--]; }; SetDropShadowParms: PROC [toks: LIST OF ROPE, profile: Profiles.Profile] RETURNS [offsetIsPercent: OffsetIsPercent, dropShadowOffset: Vector2.VEC _ [0,0], rest: LIST OF ROPE] ~ { GetOffsetRope: PROC [] RETURNS [offsetRope: LIST OF ROPE] ~ { --looking for, eg, "(-7% 9%)" in the midst of toks; removes it to create rest dummy1: LIST OF ROPE ~ LIST[NIL]; --to add elements to end of a 2 lists dummy2: LIST OF ROPE ~ LIST[NIL]; tail: LIST OF ROPE _ dummy1; count, paren: INT _ 0; minus, tooMany, tooWeird, parensFound: BOOL _ FALSE; rest _ dummy2; FOR each: LIST OF ROPE _ toks, UNTIL each=NIL DO SELECT TRUE FROM each.first.Equal["("] => {paren _ paren+1; parensFound _ TRUE}; each.first.Equal[")"] => paren _ paren-1; paren=0 => rest _ ( _ LIST[each.first]); tooMany, tooWeird => NULL; ENDCASE --within the parens-- => { IF count>2 THEN tooMany _ TRUE; SELECT each.first.Fetch FROM '- => minus _ TRUE; IN ['0..'9], '. => {count _ count+1; IF count<3 THEN tail _ ( _ LIST[IF minus THEN Rope.Concat["-", each.first] ELSE each.first]); minus _ FALSE}; IN [IO.NUL .. IO.SP], ',, ';, '\t, '[, '], '{, '} => LOOP; ENDCASE => tooWeird _ TRUE; }; ENDLOOP; rest _; SELECT TRUE FROM ~parensFound => offsetRope _ dropShadowOffsetDefault; tooMany => { offsetRope _; SIGNAL ColorizeViewPoint.Warning[$MalformedPaletteEntry, IO.PutFR[format: "Too many numbers between parens for dropShadow def \"%g\" - first 2 numbers being used (%g %g)", v1: [rope[RopeFromList[toks]]], v2: [rope[offsetRope.first]], v3: [rope[]] ]]; }; count<2 OR tooWeird => { SIGNAL ColorizeViewPoint.Warning[$MalformedPaletteEntry, IO.PutFR[format: "Strange profile entry \"%g\" - default offset (%g %g) being used", v1: [rope[RopeFromList[toks]]], v2: [rope[dropShadowOffsetDefault.first]], v3: [rope[]] ]]; offsetRope _ dropShadowOffsetDefault; }; ENDCASE => offsetRope _; }; SetParms: PROC [] ~ { percentIndex: INT; offsetIsPercent.x _ (percentIndex _ offsetRope.first.Find["%"])#-1; dropShadowOffset.x _ IF offsetIsPercent.x THEN Convert.RealFromRope[r: offsetRope.first.Substr[len: percentIndex]] * .01 ELSE Convert.RealFromRope[r: offsetRope.first]; offsetIsPercent.y _ (percentIndex _["%"])#-1; dropShadowOffset.y _ IF offsetIsPercent.y THEN Convert.RealFromRope[r:[len: percentIndex]] * .01 ELSE Convert.RealFromRope[r:]; }; dropShadowOffsetDefault: LIST OF ROPE _ Profiles.ListOfTokens[profile: profile, key: "DefaultDropShadowOffset", default: LIST["-5%", "5%"]]; offsetRope: LIST OF ROPE _ GetOffsetRope[]; SetParms[ ! Convert.Error => { SIGNAL ColorizeViewPoint.Warning[$MalformedPaletteEntry, IO.PutFR[format: "Problems understanding profile entry \"%g\" - default offset (%g %g) being used", v1: [rope[RopeFromList[toks]]], v2: [rope[dropShadowOffsetDefault.first]], v3: [rope[]] ]]; offsetRope _ dropShadowOffsetDefault; --better be guaranteed not to cause a Convert error! RETRY }; ]; }; RopeFromList: PROC [list: LIST OF ROPE] RETURNS [rope: ROPE _ NIL] ~ {FOR each: LIST OF ROPE _ list, UNTIL each=NIL DO rope _ rope.Cat[" ", each.first]; ENDLOOP}; Num: PROC [ip: ROPE, index: INT] RETURNS [n: INTEGER] ~ { token: IPMaster.Token ~ IPMaster.GetToken[encoding: ip, start: index].token; RETURN [IF token.type=num THEN token.num ELSE INTEGER.LAST]; }; ColorizeViewPointBackdoor.InstallNewColorization[colorization: ColorizeText, setting: ["ColorizeText", "Do colorization of text based on underline and strikeout", TRUE]]; ColorizeViewPointBackdoor.RegisterKeywords[keywordsList: LIST["Underline", "DoubleUnderline", "Strikeout", "StrikeoutUnderline", "StrikeoutDoubleUnderline"]]; --Each Colorization reserves its colorizing keywords. END. ^ ColorizeViewPointTextImpl.mesa Copyright Σ 1989, 1990 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Eric Nickell, May 22, 1989 10:55:02 pm PDT Bob Coleman, July 17, 1990 6:45:44 pm PDT Types Text [ip: ROPE, palette: Profiles.Profile, checkSystemSetting: ColorizeViewPoint.CheckSystemSettingProc, mapData: MapData] RETURNS [newIP: ROPE] [min: INT, max: INT, op: IPMaster.Op _ nil, seq: IPScan.Seq _ nil, num: INTEGER _ 0, punt: BOOL _ FALSE] This block of code handles the mapping of STARTUNDERLINE CORRECT { => CORRECT { STARTUNDERLINE Default action for waitingMaskU. Other cases should RETURN. N.B. that colorization will never put in a MaskUnderline call that was not in the original (other that highlighting). Thus, allowing underline~doubleline and strikeout~TRUE allows all the MaskUnderline calls in the original to come through. Initialization Κͺ™™Icode™BK™*K™)K™—šΟk ˜ Kšœ.˜.Kšœ œ,˜7K˜—K˜KšΠlnœ ˜(Kšœ8œ"˜cKšœ˜!šœ˜K˜—subtitle™Kšœœ*˜Kšœœœ ‘œœ#œœ œ˜’Kš œœ‘œœ#œœ˜₯šœ‘˜Kšœœœœ˜Kšœœ˜Kšœ œ˜Kšœ•˜•šœœ˜Kšœœœ‘˜PKšœœEœ|˜ΪKšœœœœœœœœœœ‘,˜€—K˜——Kšœ˜—Kšœ˜Kšœœ‘!˜Ošœœ˜šœœKœ˜[Kšœœœ˜1KšœœL˜\——K˜—Kšœœ˜ Kš œœœœ‡‘ œ ˜―Kšœœ˜/Kš œœœœ‘4˜MKšœ#œ‘˜AKšœ(˜(–-[s1: ROPE, s2: ROPE, case: BOOL _ TRUE]šœ$œ˜+KšœU˜U—–-[s1: ROPE, s2: ROPE, case: BOOL _ TRUE]šœ%œ˜-KšœŒ‘˜¦Kšœ ‘*˜JKšœV˜VKšœ˜—–-[s1: ROPE, s2: ROPE, case: BOOL _ TRUE]šœ$œ˜,Kšœ#œ˜(KšœU˜UKšœ˜—šœœ˜–-[s1: ROPE, s2: ROPE, case: BOOL _ TRUE]šœ'˜'Kšœ-˜-KšœU˜UKšœ˜—–-[s1: ROPE, s2: ROPE, case: BOOL _ TRUE]šœ-˜-Kšœ3˜3KšœU˜UKšœ˜—Kšœœ˜—Kšœœœ$˜7Kšœ@‘_˜£Kšœœ˜&K˜—Kš œ œœœHœ˜cKšœœœ‘˜WKšœN‘$˜rKšœ œ"˜2Kšœ œ.˜>Kšœ œ˜,Kšœ œ+˜:Kšœ œ7˜FKšœ˜—K˜š Ÿœœ œIœœ˜Kšœ œœœo˜ˆšœKœ˜ZKšœœœ ˜Kšœœ‘£‘œ˜5—K˜K˜—šŸœœœœœœ=œœœœ˜²š Ÿ œœœœœœ‘M˜‹Kš œœœœœœ‘%˜GKš œœœœœœ˜!Kšœœœœ ˜Kšœœ˜Kšœ'œœ˜4Kšœ˜š œœœœœœ˜:šœœ˜Kšœ9œ˜?K˜)Kšœœ˜1Kšœœ˜šœ‘œ˜"Kšœ œ œ˜šœ˜Kšœœ˜šœ"˜$Kšœ œœœœœœ˜w—Kš œœœœœ"œ˜:Kšœœ˜—K˜——Kšœ˜—K˜šœœ˜Kšœ5˜5šœ ˜ Kšœ˜Kšœ3œΥ˜K˜—šœœ˜Kšœ3œΠ˜‹Kšœ%˜%Kšœ˜—Kšœ˜$—K˜—šŸœœ˜Kšœœ˜KšœC˜CKšœœœJœ+˜¨KšœH˜HKšœœœOœ0˜²K˜—K–I[profile: Profiles.Profile, key: ROPE, default: LIST OF ROPE _ NIL]š œœœœTœ˜ŒKšœ œœœ˜+šœ˜Kšœ3œή˜šKšœ&‘4˜ZKšœ˜ K˜—K˜K˜—Kš"Ÿ œœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœ˜¬K˜š Ÿœœœ œœœ˜9K–I[encoding: ROPE, start: INT, ropeBuffer: IPMaster.RopeBuffer _ NIL]˜LKš œœœ œœœ˜