Copyright Ó 1988 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Eric Nickell, November 22, 1988 4:10:08 am PST
Bob Coleman, April 23, 1990 4:45:45 pm PDT
FS USING [Error, FileInfo],
Rope USING [Find, Run, Size, Substr],
RopeFile USING [Create];
IMPORTS FS, IPMaster, Rope, RopeFile
stackMax: NAT ~ 1000;
OpAction: TYPE ~ RECORD [pop: NAT ← stackMax, push, requireStackEmpty: BOOLFALSE];
opAction: ARRAY Op OF OpAction ~ [
abs: [pop: 1, push: TRUE],
add: [pop: 2, push: TRUE],
alternatemetrics: [],
and: [pop: 2, push: TRUE],
arcto: [pop: 5, push: TRUE],
beginBlock: [pop: 0, requireStackEmpty: TRUE],
beginBody: [pop: 0, requireStackEmpty: TRUE],
ceiling: [pop: 1, push: TRUE],
clipoutline: [pop: 1],
cliprectangle: [pop: 4],
concat: [pop: 2, push: TRUE],
concatt: [pop: 1],
conicto: [pop: 6, push: TRUE],
contentInstructions: [pop: 0, requireStackEmpty: TRUE],
copy: [],
correct: [pop: 0, requireStackEmpty: TRUE],
correctmask: [pop: 0],
correctspace: [pop: 2],
count: [pop: 0, push: TRUE],
curveto: [pop: 7, push: TRUE],
div: [pop: 2, push: TRUE],
do: [],
dosave: [],
dosaveall: [],
dosavesimplebody: [pop: 0, requireStackEmpty: TRUE],
dup: [pop: 0, push: TRUE],
endBlock: [pop: 0],
endBody: [pop: 0],
eq: [pop: 2, push: TRUE],
error: [pop: 2],
exch: [],
extractpixelarray: [pop: 2, push: TRUE],
fget: [pop: 1, push: TRUE],
findcolor: [pop: 1, push: TRUE],
findcolormodeloperator: [pop: 1, push: TRUE],
findcoloroperator: [pop: 1, push: TRUE],
finddecompressor: [pop: 1, push: TRUE],
findfont: [pop: 1, push: TRUE],
findoperator: [pop: 1, push: TRUE],
floor: [pop: 1, push: TRUE],
fset: [pop: 2],
ge: [pop: 2, push: TRUE],
get: [pop: 2, push: TRUE],
getcp: [],
getp: [pop: 2, push: TRUE],
getprop: [],
gt: [pop: 2, push: TRUE],
if: [pop: 1, requireStackEmpty: TRUE],
ifcopy: [],
ifelse: [pop: 1, requireStackEmpty: TRUE],
iget: [pop: 1, push: TRUE],
iset: [pop: 2],
lineto: [pop: 3, push: TRUE],
linetox: [pop: 2, push: TRUE],
linetoy: [pop: 2, push: TRUE],
makefont: [pop: 1, push: TRUE],
makegray: [pop: 1, push: TRUE],
makeoutline: [pop: 1, push: TRUE], --Special case!
makeoutlineodd: [pop: 1, push: TRUE], --Special case!
makepixelarray: [pop: 7, push: TRUE],
makesampledblack: [pop: 3, push: TRUE],
makesampledcolor: [pop: 3, push: TRUE],
makesimpleco: [pop: 0],
maket: [pop: 6, push: TRUE],
makevec: [pop: 1, push: TRUE], --Special case!
makeveclu: [],
mark: [],
maskchar: [pop: 1], --Actually [2, 1], but the push is the fd already on the stack
maskdashedstroke: [pop: 4],
maskfill: [pop: 1],
maskfillparity: [pop: 1],  --??
maskpixel: [pop: 1],
maskrectangle: [pop: 4],
maskstroke: [pop: 1],
maskstrokeclosed: [pop: 1],
masktrapezoidx: [pop: 6],
masktrapezoidy: [pop: 6],
maskunderline: [pop: 2],
maskvector: [pop: 4],
mergeprop: [pop: 2, push: TRUE],
mod: [pop: 2, push: TRUE],
modifyfont: [pop: 2, push: TRUE],
move: [pop: 0],
moveto: [pop: 2, push: TRUE],
mul: [pop: 2, push: TRUE],
neg: [pop: 1, push: TRUE],
nil: [],
nop: [pop: 0],
not: [pop: 1, push: TRUE],
or: [pop: 2, push: TRUE],
pop: [pop: 1],
rem: [pop: 2, push: TRUE],
roll: [],
rotate: [pop: 1, push: TRUE],
round: [pop: 1, push: TRUE],
scale: [pop: 1, push: TRUE],
scale2: [pop: 2, push: TRUE],
setcorrectmeasure: [pop: 2],
setcorrecttolerance: [pop: 2],
setfont: [pop: 1],
setgray: [pop: 1],
setsampledblack: [pop: 3],
setsampledcolor: [pop: 3],
setxrel: [pop: 1],
setxy: [pop: 2],
setxyrel: [pop: 2],
setyrel: [pop: 1],
shape: [],
show: [pop: 1],
showandfixedxrel: [pop: 2],
showandxrel: [pop: 1],
showbackward: [pop: 1],  --??
space: [pop: 1],
startunderline: [pop: 0],
sub: [pop: 2, push: TRUE],
trans: [pop: 0],
translate: [pop: 2, push: TRUE],
trunc: [pop: 1, push: TRUE],
type: [pop: 1, push: TRUE],
unmark: [],
unmark0: [pop: 1]
allSeqs: PUBLIC LIST OF Seq ~ LIST [sequenceString, sequenceInteger, sequenceInsertMaster, sequenceRational, sequenceIdentifier, sequenceComment, sequenceContinued, sequenceLargeVector, sequencePackedPixelVector, sequenceCompressedPixelVector, sequenceInsertFile, sequenceAdaptivePixelVector, sequenceCCITT4PixelVector];
BASE primitives
get, makeveclu, makevec, shape, getprop, getp, mergeprop, fget, fset,
makesimpleco, do, dosave, dosaveall, dosavesimplebody, findoperator,
pop, copy, dup, roll, exch, mark, unmark, unmark0, count, nop, error,
if, ifelse, ifcopy, eq, gt, ge, and, or, not, type,
add, sub, neg, abs, floor, ceiling, trunc, round, mul, div, mod, rem,
IMAGE primitives
iget, iset, maket, translate, rotate, scale, scale2, concat,
concatt, move, trans, setxy, setxyrel, setxrel, setyrel, getcp,
makepixelarray, extractpixelarray, finddecompressor,
makegray, findcolor, findcoloroperator, findcolormodeloperator,
makesampledcolor, makesampledblack, setgray, setsampledcolor, setsampledblack,
moveto, lineto, linetox, linetoy, curveto, conicto, arcto,
makeoutline, makeoutlineodd, maskfill, maskfillparity, maskrectangle,
startunderline, maskunderline, masktrapezoidx, masktrapezoidy,
maskstroke, maskstrokeclosed, maskvector, maskdashedstroke, maskpixel,
clipoutline, cliprectangle,
maskchar, makefont, findfont, modifyfont, alternatemetrics, setfont,
show, showbackward, showandxrel, showandfixedxrel,
correctmask, correctspace, space, setcorrectmeasure, setcorrecttolerance, correct,
beginBody, endBody, beginBlock, endBlock, contentInstructions
maxHeaderLength: INT ← 200;
IPRopeFromName: PUBLIC PROC [xeroxName: ROPE] RETURNS [header, ip: ROPE] ~ {
prefix: ROPE ~ "Interpress/Xerox/";
inFullFName: ROPE ~ FS.FileInfo[xeroxName].fullFName;
inRope: ROPE ~ RopeFile.Create[name: inFullFName, raw: TRUE];
headerLength: INT ~ Rope.Find[Rope.Substr[inRope, 0, maxHeaderLength], " "];
IF headerLength<0 OR Rope.Run[s1: inRope, s2: prefix] # Rope.Size[prefix]
THEN FS.Error[error: [group: user, code: $NotIP, explanation: "Not an interpress master."]]
header: Rope.Substr[inRope, 0, headerLength],
ip: Rope.Substr[inRope, headerLength+1]
ScanRope: PUBLIC PROC [ip: ROPE, ops: LIST OF Op ← NIL, seqs: LIST OF Seq ← NIL, nums: BOOLFALSE, action: ScanProc] ~ {
stopIndex: INT ~ ip.Size[];
earlyQuit: BOOLFALSE;
index: INT ← 0;
seqIndex, tokenIndex: INTINT.LAST;
num: INTEGER ← stackMax;
seq: Seq ← nil;
token: IPMaster.Token ← [];
stk: ARRAY [0..stackMax) OF INT; --For interpress stack objects, starting pos to build object
stkSize: NAT ← 0;
Establish the arrays we'll use to determine whether or not to
do: RECORD [ops: ARRAY Op OF BOOL, seqs: ARRAY Seq OF BOOL, nums: BOOL] ← [ALL[FALSE], ALL[FALSE], nums];
FOR each: LIST OF Op ← ops, each.rest UNTIL each=NIL DO
do.ops[each.first] ← TRUE;
FOR each: LIST OF Seq ← seqs, each.rest UNTIL each=NIL DO
do.seqs[each.first] ← TRUE;
Main Loop:
WHILE index < stopIndex DO
tokenIndex ← index;
[token, index] ← IPMaster.GetToken[encoding: ip, start: index];
IF seq#nil THEN {
IF token.seq=sequenceContinued
index ← index + token.len;
IF do.seqs[seq] THEN earlyQuit ← action[min: seqIndex, max: tokenIndex, seq: seq];
IF earlyQuit THEN EXIT;
seq ← nil;
stk[stkSize] ← tokenIndex; --This is above the top of the stack
SELECT token.type FROM
op => {
op: IPMaster.Op ~ IPMaster.OpFromEncodingValue[token.op];
pop: NAT ~ opAction[op].pop + (SELECT op FROM
makeoutline, makeoutlineodd, makevec => num,
punt: BOOL ← stkSize < pop OR (opAction[op].requireStackEmpty AND stkSize > pop);
min: INT ~ IF punt THEN tokenIndex ELSE stk[stkSize ← stkSize-pop];
IF do.ops[op] THEN earlyQuit ← action[min: min, max: index, op: op, punt: punt];
IF earlyQuit THEN EXIT;
IF punt THEN stkSize ← 0;
punt => stkSize ← 0;
opAction[op].push => stkSize ← stkSize+1; --N.B. no push on punts
num => {
num ← token.num;
stkSize ← stkSize+1;
IF do.nums THEN earlyQuit ← action[min: tokenIndex, max: index, num: num];
IF earlyQuit THEN EXIT;
seq => {
index ← index + token.len;
seqIndex ← tokenIndex;
SELECT seq ← token.seq FROM
sequenceAdaptivePixelVector, sequenceCCITT4PixelVector, sequenceCompressedPixelVector, sequenceIdentifier, sequenceInteger, sequenceLargeVector, sequencePackedPixelVector, sequenceRational, sequenceString => stkSize ← stkSize+1; --Push
sequenceInsertFile, sequenceInsertMaster => {
punt ← TRUE;
stkSize ← 0;
sequenceComment => NULL;  --Ignore
nil, sequenceContinued => ERROR;