Copyright Ó 1988, 1989, 1990 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Bob Coleman, August 31, 1990 2:42:20 pm PDT
ColorizeViewPoint, ColorizeViewPointBackdoor, ProfilesBackdoor, ProfilesPrivate, ImagerFont, IO, Profiles, Rope, SymTab;
ColorizeViewPointImplB: CEDAR PROGRAM
IMPORTS ColorizeViewPoint, ColorizeViewPointBackdoor, ImagerFont, IO, Profiles, ProfilesBackdoor, Rope, SymTab
EXPORTS ColorizeViewPointBackdoor
OPEN ColorizeViewPoint, ColorizeViewPointBackdoor;
Registration Mechanisms
colorizingKeys: LIST OF ROPENIL;
RegisterKeywords: PUBLIC PROC [keywordsList: LIST OF ROPE] ~ {--tracks the colorizing keywords used by all the Colorizations, registered by them with this proc
FOR each: LIST OF ROPE ← keywordsList, UNTIL each=NIL DO
colorizingKeys ← CONS[each.first, colorizingKeys];
SubpaletteSearchList: PUBLIC PROC [prefixesIn: LIST OF ROPE, profile: Profiles.Profile] RETURNS [allPrefixes: LIST OF ROPENIL] ~ { --makes a correctly ordered, unduplicated list of prefixes, including the custom palette, Colorization-specific prefixesIn listed by, eg, "TextPrefix", document-wide prefixes listed in profile, and the "Default" palette
NotDuplicated: PROC [toCheck: ROPE] RETURNS [BOOL] ~ {
IF each.first.Equal[s2: toCheck, case: FALSE] THEN RETURN [FALSE];--duplicate
RETURN [TRUE]; --not duplicated
dummyHead: LIST OF ROPELIST[NIL]; --mechanism to add elements to end of a list
tail: LIST OF ROPE ← dummyHead;
docPrefixes: LIST OF ROPE ~ Profiles.ListOfTokens[profile: profile, key: "Palette"];
defaultPalettePrefix: ROPE ~ Profiles.Token[profile: profile, key: "DefaultPalettePrefix", default: "Default"]; --the correct prefix for the default palette
1. Search the custom palette (marked by "!")
tail ← ( ← LIST["!"]);
2. Then just search for the keyName directly (no prefix); found only in Custom palette
tail ← ( ← LIST[""]);
3. Then check the subpalettes specially requested in this case
FOR each: LIST OF ROPE ← prefixesIn, UNTIL each=NIL DO
IF NotDuplicated[each.first] THEN tail ← ( ← LIST[each.first]);
4. Then check the document-wide subpalettes requested in the Custom palette
FOR each: LIST OF ROPE ← docPrefixes, UNTIL each=NIL DO
IF NotDuplicated[each.first] THEN tail ← ( ← LIST[each.first]);
5. Finally, search the Default palette
IF NotDuplicated[defaultPalettePrefix] THEN tail ← ( ← LIST[defaultPalettePrefix]);
CleanupUserCommands: PUBLIC PROC [commands: ROPE, palette: Profiles.Profile] RETURNS [cleanCommands: ROPE] ~ { --cleans up the Custom Colors commands found both in the document CustomColorsPage and in the rope slices handed into ColorizeViewPoint.Do (like printer messages).
cleanCommands ←
ZapSpacesBeforeColon[ FindOrphanLines[ EliminateComments[ ModifyXCharStream[commands]]]];
cleanCommands ← LookupValAndMark[cleanCommands, palette];
ModifyXCharStream: PROC [old: ROPE] RETURNS [new: ROPE] ~ { --Scans for extended character codes: translates ViewPoint's hyphen into '-; adds spaces around some chars
AddSpace: PROC [] ~ {
IO.PutChar[self: modifiedStream, char: ' ]; --Ascii.SP
TranslateXChars: ImagerFont.XCharProc ~ {
PROC [char: ImagerFont.XChar]
char.set=0 => {
c: CHAR ~ LOOPHOLE[char.code];
'[, '], '{, '}, '(, '), ',, ';, '+, '&, '| => {AddSpace[]; IO.PutChar[self: modifiedStream, char: c]; AddSpace[]};
': => { IO.PutChar[self: modifiedStream, char: c]; AddSpace[]}; --space after colon
ENDCASE => IO.PutChar[self: modifiedStream, char: c];
char=[41B,76B] --VP hyphen-- => IO.PutChar[self: modifiedStream, char: '-];
ENDCASE => SIGNAL Warning[$MalformedPaletteEntry, IO.PutFR[format: "Unrecognized character [%g, %g] in profile entry.", v1: [cardinal[char.set]], v2: [cardinal[char.code]]]];
modifiedStream: IO.STREAM ~ IO.ROS[];
ImagerFont.MapRope[rope: old, charAction: TranslateXChars]; --maps old into modifiedStream
RETURN [modifiedStream.RopeFromROS[]];
EliminateComments: PROC [old: ROPE] RETURNS [new: ROPENIL] ~ { --Remove comments so as not to interfere with FindOrphanLines below, which can merge comment lines together when they shouldn't be
flushedTo, commentPos, endCommentPos: INT ← 0;
oldLength: INT = old.Size[];
UNTIL commentPos=oldLength DO
commentPos ← MIN[
Rope.Index[s1: old, pos1: flushedTo, s2: "--"],
Rope.Index[s1: old, pos1: flushedTo, s2: "<<"]
IF commentPos<oldLength THEN SELECT Rope.Fetch[base: old, index: commentPos] FROM
'- => {
endCommentPos ← MIN[
Rope.Index[s1: old, pos1: commentPos+2, s2: "--"]+2,
Rope.Index[s1: old, pos1: commentPos+2, s2: "\r"],
Rope.Index[s1: old, pos1: commentPos+2, s2: "\l"],
Rope.Index[s1: old, pos1: commentPos+2, s2: "\f"]
]; --have to look for \r (return) and \l (linefeed) specifically instead of \n, because systems interpret \n differently (Unix calls it \012 - a linefeed!) \f is inserted by ObtainEmbeddedProfile as a hard endline char
'< => { --Deal with nested angle comments
nestLevel: NAT ← 1;
endCommentPos ← commentPos+2;
WHILE nestLevel>0 DO
up: INT ~ Rope.Index[s1: old, pos1: endCommentPos, s2: "<<"];
dn: INT ~ Rope.Index[s1: old, pos1: endCommentPos, s2: ">>"];
IF dn<up THEN nestLevel ← nestLevel-1;
endCommentPos ← MIN[oldLength, dn+2];
ENDCASE => ERROR; --System error
IF commentPos<oldLength THEN {
new ← new.Cat[old.Substr[start: flushedTo, len: commentPos-flushedTo]];
flushedTo ← endCommentPos;
FindOrphanLines: PROC [old: ROPE] RETURNS [new: ROPENIL] ~ { --long ViewPoint lines get mapped erroneously by ObtainEmbeddedProfile into multiple lines. To correct, look for *\n, where * has no ': in it (ie, is not a complete profile definition), and combine. Break no matter what on *\f, since ObtainEmbeddedProfile puts in \f if it senses a bigger than normal jump btwn the 2 lines, eg for a footer.
oldSize: INT ~ old.Size;
flushedTo, break, colon: INT ← 0; --points to beginning of old, or a newline character
replace: ROPE;
UNTIL flushedTo>oldSize DO
break ← MIN[Rope.Index[s1: old, pos1: flushedTo, s2: "\r"], Rope.Index[s1: old, pos1: flushedTo, s2: "\l"], Rope.Index[s1: old, pos1: flushedTo, s2: "\f"]]; --again, \n is broken down into its two interpretations by diff systems: \l or \r
colon ← Rope.Index[s1: old, pos1: flushedTo, s2: ":"];
old.Fetch[MAX[0, flushedTo-1]]='\f--hard break--, colon<break--colon in line-- => "\n",
ENDCASE => " "; --turn break into space to merge line w/ previous line
new ← new.Cat[replace, old.Substr[start: flushedTo, len: break-flushedTo]];
flushedTo ← break+1; --just past the break char
ZapSpacesBeforeColon: PROC [old: ROPE] RETURNS [new: ROPENIL] ~ { --a Profile key (before the colon) should have no spaces, but users should be able to use spaces in their embedded profiles
flushedTo: INT ← 0;
UNTIL flushedTo>old.Size[] DO
colonPos: INT ~ Rope.Index[s1: old, pos1: flushedTo, s2: ":"];
newLinePos: INT ~ MIN[Rope.Index[s1: old, pos1: flushedTo, s2: "\r"], Rope.Index[s1: old, pos1: flushedTo, s2: "\l"]];
spacePos: INT ~ Rope.Index[s1: old, pos1: flushedTo, s2: " "];
IF spacePos<colonPos AND newLinePos>colonPos --takes care of initial \n-- THEN {
new ← new.Concat[old.Substr[start: flushedTo, len: spacePos-flushedTo]];
flushedTo ← spacePos+1; --to skip the space
new ← new.Concat[old.Substr[start: flushedTo, len: (newLinePos+1)-flushedTo]];
flushedTo ← newLinePos+1; --to skip the whole line
LookupValAndMark: PROC [old: ROPE, palette: Profiles.Profile] RETURNS [new: ROPE] ~ {-- some tokens are written wrong and must be changed. Eg, numbered colors like C24 may also be written as C024 or c0024 and won't be found; the keyword "Unchanged" must be changed to "ForceToNone" (ie, no palette) to be processed correctly as an exception command. Change them. Also, mark named colors with "!", because unless AmbushAllYESColors is set, you only want to deal with the namedcolors redefined in the Custom palette, and this lets you find them.
EachLine: LineProcessor ~ { --(line will match "*:*" (all valid lines)).
PROC [line, in: ROPE] RETURNS [newLine: ROPENIL]
colonPos: INT ← line.Find[":"];
token: Token ← ParseToken[value: line.Substr[0, colonPos], palette: palette];
SELECT token.type FROM
namedColor => newLine ← Rope.Cat["!", token.prefix, token.lookupVal, line.Substr[colonPos]];
ENDCASE => IF token.lookupVal.Equal[s2: "Unchanged", case: FALSE] THEN newLine ← Rope.Concat["ForceToNone", line.Substr[colonPos]] ELSE newLine ← Rope.Cat[token.prefix, token.lookupVal, line.Substr[colonPos]];
new ← ProcessLinesMatching["*:*", old, EachLine];
ProcessLinesMatching: PUBLIC PROC [pattern, in: ROPE, lineProcessor: LineProcessor] RETURNS [new: ROPE]~ { --finds lines in "in" that match pattern and hands each line (and "in") to lineProcessor. lineProcessor hands back a newLine if it changed it, otherwise NIL.
start, end: INT ← 0;
line, newLine: ROPENIL;
WHILE end<in.Length DO
start ← end;
end ← MIN[in.Index[pos1: start, s2: "\r"], in.Index[pos1: start, s2: "\l"]]+1;
line ← in.Substr[start, end-start];
IF Rope.Match[pattern: pattern, object: line, case: FALSE] THEN {
newLine ← lineProcessor[line, in];
IF newLine#NIL THEN {
in ← in.Replace[start: start, len: end-start, with: newLine];
end ← start+newLine.Length;
new ← in; --"in" has been processed by lineProcessor
Interacting With Palette Entries
SetProfileBoolean: PUBLIC PROC [profile: Profiles.Profile, key: ROPE, val: BOOL] ~ { --Requires knowledge of internal structure of Profile
curEntry: ProfilesBackdoor.ProfileEntry ← ProfilesBackdoor.Lookup[profile: profile, key: key];
profilePrivate: ProfilesPrivate.Profile ← LOOPHOLE[profile];--to be able to get at internal structure
curEntry.tokens.first ← IF val THEN "TRUE" ELSE "FALSE";
[] ← SymTab.Store[x: profilePrivate.entries, key: key, val: curEntry];
maxLevels: INT ← 4; --should be enough recursion for well-formed color defs
GetRecursiveValue: PUBLIC PROC [key: ROPE, palette: Profiles.Profile, subpaletteList: LIST OF ROPE, mapData: MapData, levelsAllowed: INTINT.FIRST, customOnly, noMappings: BOOLFALSE] RETURNS [value: LIST OF ROPENIL, levelsExceeded: BOOLFALSE] ~ {
GetValueInternal: PROC [key: Token, level: INT ← 0] RETURNS [value: LIST OF ROPENIL, levelsExceeded: BOOLFALSE] ~ {
AddToEnd: PROC [] ~ INLINE { FOR each: LIST OF ROPE ← value, UNTIL each=NIL DO tail ← ( ← LIST[each.first]); ENDLOOP};
SearchSubpalettes: PROC [key: Token, searchList: LIST OF ROPE] RETURNS [rawLine: ROPENIL] ~ {--checks Mappings first then looks thru subpaletteList
IF ~noMappings THEN --find colors defined as exceptions ("ForceToRed: c1, c17")
IF (rawLine ← ApplyMappings[toMap: keyName, palette: palette, mapData: mapData].mappedRope)#NIL THEN RETURN;
FOR each: LIST OF ROPE ← searchList, UNTIL each=NIL DO --search all subpal's
IF (rawLine ← Profiles.Line[profile: palette, key: Rope.Concat[each.first, keyName]])#NIL THEN RETURN;
IF key.prefix#NIL THEN {--as a last attempt, assume the prefix is a mapping. Finds colors like "Springc69" by applying mapping "Spring" to "c69"
keyName ← key.lookupVal; --strip off prefix to use as mapping
RETURN [Rope.Concat["ForceTo", key.prefix]]; --handled by GetTokenRecursively
GetTokenRecursively: PROC [token: Token, level: INT] RETURNS [value: LIST OF ROPENIL, levelsExceeded: BOOLFALSE] ~ {--recursively checks palette down to levelsAllowed recursion levels
SELECT token.type FROM
namedColor, keyword =>
[value, levelsExceeded] ← GetValueInternal[token, level+1];
pattern, numberedColor, other => {
lookUp: ROPE ← Rope.Concat[token.prefix, token.lookupVal];
token.lookupVal.Equal[s2: "Unchanged", case: FALSE] => RETURN; --if keyword "Unchanged" found, return NIL to ensure color unchanged
Rope.Match[pattern: "ForceTo*", object: lookUp, case: FALSE] => RETURN [ApplyMappings[toMap: keyName, palette: palette, mapData: mapData, mapOnly: lookUp.Substr[7--after "ForceTo"--], subpaletteList: subpaletteList].mappedList, FALSE]; --map the token with the specified mapping
ENDCASE => [value, levelsExceeded] ← GetValueInternal[token, level+1];
ENDCASE --ipFrag, sepr, number-- => RETURN [LIST[token.lookupVal], FALSE]; --just return the token itself
dummyHead: LIST OF ROPELIST[NIL]; --mechanism to add elements to end of a list
tail: LIST OF ROPE ← dummyHead;
line: LIST OF Token;
levelsEverExceeded: BOOLFALSE;
keyName: ROPE ← Rope.Concat[key.prefix, key.lookupVal];
IF level>levelsAllowed THEN RETURN [LIST[keyName], TRUE];
IF (line ← ParseLine[SearchSubpalettes[key: key, searchList: (IF customOnly AND level=0 THEN LIST["!"] ELSE subpaletteList)], palette])=NIL THEN RETURN [(IF level=0 THEN NIL --NIL on level 0 says that key was not in palette at all-- ELSE LIST[keyName]), FALSE]; --if customOnly, look only in the custom palette ("!") for the level 0 search
FOR each: LIST OF Token ← line, UNTIL each=NIL DO
[value, levelsExceeded] ← GetTokenRecursively[token: each.first, level: level];
IF levelsExceeded THEN levelsEverExceeded ← TRUE;
AddToEnd[]; --add value list to end of main list one at a time
RETURN[, levelsEverExceeded];
IF levelsAllowed=INT.FIRST THEN levelsAllowed ← maxLevels;
[value, levelsExceeded] ← GetValueInternal[ParseToken[value: key, palette: palette], 0];
IF value#NIL THEN {
value ← CheckForRemoveAndSweep[value]; --checks thru value to eliminate the words "Sweep*" and "Remove*"; this allows layering of two colors both defined as Sweeps, eg: if C17 is "Sweep C1 - C5" & C18 is "Sweep C6 - C7", this allows: "C19: C17, C18 Remove" for a 2-dimensional sweep even though there is an extra "Sweep" word
RETURN [(IF ~noMappings THEN ApplyMappings[value, palette, mapData].mappedList ELSE value), levelsExceeded];
CheckForRemoveAndSweep: PROC [value: LIST OF ROPE] RETURNS [newValue: LIST OF ROPENIL] ~ {--removes extra "Remove" & "Sweep" words
dummyHead: LIST OF ROPELIST[NIL]; --mechanism to add elements to end of a list
tail: LIST OF ROPE ← dummyHead;
sweepFound, removeFound: BOOLFALSE; --keep first "Sweep" & "Remove" only, but a separator (other than '- & ', ) separates colors and resets
FOR each: LIST OF ROPE ← value, UNTIL each=NIL DO
SELECT each.first.Fetch FROM
'R, 'r => --might be "Remove*"
IF Rope.Match[pattern: "Remove*", object: each.first, case: FALSE] THEN
{IF ~removeFound THEN {removeFound ← TRUE; tail ← ( ← LIST[each.first])}}
ELSE --some other token starting with "R"-- tail ← ( ← LIST[each.first]);
'S, 'r => --might be "Sweep*"
IF Rope.Match[pattern: "Sweep*", object: each.first, case: FALSE] THEN
{IF ~sweepFound THEN {sweepFound ← TRUE; tail ← ( ← LIST[each.first])}} --Still can use a subpalette called "Sweeps" or "Sweep" without tripping, because by this time value is only keywords and numbers.
ELSE --some other token starting with "S"-- tail ← ( ← LIST[each.first]);
'; , '&, '| , '[, '], '(, ') => --reset on separators
{sweepFound ← removeFound ← FALSE; tail ← ( ← LIST[each.first])};
ENDCASE => tail ← ( ← LIST[each.first]);--add to end of newValue
TokenType: TYPE ~{ipFrag, sepr, number, pattern, numberedColor, namedColor, keyword, other};
Token: TYPE ~ REF TokenRep;
TokenRep: TYPE ~ RECORD [lookupVal: ROPE--token c04 => lookupVal "c4"--, prefix: ROPENIL--eg "Spring" in "SpringC12"--, spaceBefore: ROPE ← " " --but some will have space NIL--, type: TokenType];
ParseLine: PROC [line: ROPE, palette: Profiles.Profile] RETURNS [tokenList: LIST OF Token ← NIL] ~ {
CheckIfSweep: PROC [] ~ { --a pesky problem. Sweep-90 is allowed, so in that one case the dash should be added as part of the token
SpaceBreak: IO.BreakProc ~ {RETURN [SELECT char FROM IN [IO.NUL .. IO.SP], '\t => break, ENDCASE => other]};
IF ~(parsedToken.lookupVal.Equal[s2: "Sweep", case: FALSE]) THEN RETURN;
SELECT IO.PeekChar[inStream] FROM
'- => {tag: ROPEIO.GetTokenRope[stream: inStream, breakProc: SpaceBreak].token;
parsedToken.lookupVal ← Rope.Concat[parsedToken.lookupVal, tag]};
AddToEnd: PROC [add: ROPE, to: LIST OF ROPE] RETURNS [new: LIST OF ROPE] ~ {
IF to=NIL THEN RETURN [LIST[add]] ELSE RETURN [CONS[to.first,AddToEnd[add,]]];
AddPrevTokens: PROC [] ~ {
trialTok: ROPENIL;
FOR each: LIST OF ROPE ← previousTokList, UNTIL each=NIL DO
trialTok ← Rope.Concat[trialTok, each.first];
IF ParseToken[trialTok, 0, palette].type=namedColor THEN previousTokList ← CONS[trialTok,]; --find the largest aggregate that creates a namedColor
FOR each: LIST OF ROPE ← previousTokList--changed--, UNTIL each=NIL DO
tail ← ( ← LIST[ParseToken[each.first, 1--insert space--, palette]]);
TokenBreak: IO.BreakProc ~ {
[char: CHAR] RETURNS [IO.CharClass]
':, '\n, '\r, '\l, '-, ',, ';, '[, '], '{, '}, '(, '), '<, '>, '+, '=, '&, '| => break,
IN [IO.NUL .. IO.SP], '\t => sepr,
ENDCASE => other]; --includes ".", so eg "Underline.DropShadowOffset" is treated correctly, as a "noPrefixColorKey", and so numbers are not broken ("1.0")
inStream: IO.STREAM ~ IO.RIS[rope: line];
previousTokList: LIST OF ROPENIL;
charsSkipped: INT ← 0;
dummyHead: LIST OF Token ← LIST[NIL]; --mechanism to add elements to end of a list
tail: LIST OF Token ← dummyHead;
parsedToken: Token;
token: ROPE;
[token, charsSkipped] ← IO.GetTokenRope[stream: inStream, breakProc: TokenBreak ! IO.EndOfStream => EXIT];
parsedToken ← ParseToken[token, charsSkipped, palette];
IF parsedToken.type=keyword THEN CheckIfSweep[! IO.EndOfStream => EXIT];
parsedToken.type=ipFrag => RETURN[LIST[parsedToken, NEW [TokenRep ← [lookupVal: line.Substr[7--after "IPFrag "--], spaceBefore: NIL, type: ipFrag]]]]; --return exactly what is written w/o processing, since IP frags can have weird chars
parsedToken.type=other OR parsedToken.type=namedColor => previousTokList ← AddToEnd[token, previousTokList]; --could be a multi-word namedColor; add and eval later
previousTokList=NIL => tail ← ( ← LIST[parsedToken]); --add to end of list
ENDCASE --previousTokList#NIL AND parsedToken.type#other or namedColor, so time to eval previousTokList and add both to list-- => {
tail ← ( ← LIST[parsedToken]);
previousTokList ← NIL;
IF previousTokList#NIL THEN AddPrevTokens[];
ParseToken: PROC [value: ROPE, charsSkipped: INT ← 0, palette: Profiles.Profile] RETURNS [token: Token] ~ {
IsIPFrag: PROC [] RETURNS [BOOL] ~ { --allows palette to contain specific ipFrag, tagged with the initial keyword IPFrag. Dangerous!!
IF value.Equal["IPFrag"] THEN {token.type ← ipFrag; RETURN [TRUE]} ELSE RETURN [FALSE]; --not an ipFrag
IsSeparator: PROC [] RETURNS [BOOL] ~ {
SELECT value.Fetch FROM
':, '\n, '\r, '\l, '-, ',, ';, '[, '], '{, '}, '(, '), '<, '>, '+, '=, '&, '| => {token.type ← sepr; RETURN [TRUE]};
ENDCASE => RETURN [FALSE]; --not a separator
IsNumber: PROC [] RETURNS [BOOL] ~ { --looking for eg ".75"; but will also pass "0.75.6"
FOR i: INT IN [0..valueLength) DO
SELECT value.Fetch[i] FROM
IN ['0..'9], '. => LOOP;
ENDCASE => RETURN [FALSE]; --not a number
token.type ← number;
IsPattern: PROC [] RETURNS [BOOL] ~ { --is it a pattern? Look for "[0..9]%"
NumbersTilBeginning: PROC [index: INT] RETURNS [{all, some, none}] ~ {
IF ~(value.Fetch[index ← index-1] IN ['0..'9]) THEN RETURN [none]; --no "." allowed
FOR i: INT DECREASING IN [0..index] DO --looking for eg "Prefix25%AE"
IF ~(value.Fetch[i] IN ['0..'9]) THEN {prefixEnd ← i+1; RETURN [some]};
RETURN [all];
percentIndex: INT ← -1;
prefixEnd: INT ← 0;
percentIndex ← value.Find[s2: "%", pos1: percentIndex+1];
IF percentIndex=-1 --no %'s-- OR percentIndex=0 --%*-- THEN EXIT;
SELECT --*%*-- NumbersTilBeginning[percentIndex] FROM
all => {token.type ← pattern; RETURN [TRUE]};
some => {token.lookupVal ← value.Substr[start: prefixEnd]; token.prefix ← value.Substr[0, prefixEnd]; token.type ← pattern; RETURN [TRUE]};
ENDCASE --none-- => LOOP; --Prefix may contain %'s: find if there is another %
RETURN [FALSE]; --not a pattern
IsNumberedColor: PROC [] RETURNS [BOOL] ~ { --is it a numbered color? Look for "C[0..9]"
NoZeros: PROC [] RETURNS [noZeros: ROPENIL] ~ { -- C001* => C1*
numberFound: BOOLFALSE; --number other than 0 found
noZeroStream: IO.STREAM ~ IO.ROS[];
FOR i: INT IN [0..valueLength) DO
c: CHAR ← value.Fetch[i];
'0 => IF numberFound THEN --don't eliminate if in middle of number-- IO.PutChar[self: noZeroStream, char: c];
IN ['1..'9] => {numberFound ← TRUE; IO.PutChar[self: noZeroStream, char: c]};
ENDCASE => {numberFound ← FALSE; IO.PutChar[self: noZeroStream, char: c]};
RETURN [IO.RopeFromROS[noZeroStream]];
NumbersTilEnd: PROC [index: INT] RETURNS [BOOL] ~ {
FOR i: INT IN [index+1..valueLength) DO --looking for eg "C101"
IF ~(value.Fetch[i] IN ['0..'9]) THEN RETURN [FALSE]; --no "." allowed
cIndex: INT ← -1;
cIndex ← value.Find[s2: "C", pos1: cIndex+1, case: FALSE];
cIndex=-1 --no C's-- OR cIndex=valueLength-1 --C at end-- => RETURN [FALSE];
cIndex=0 --C*-- => IF NumbersTilEnd[cIndex] THEN
{token.lookupVal ← NoZeros[]; token.type ← numberedColor; RETURN [TRUE]}
ELSE LOOP; --check for more C's
ENDCASE --cIndex>0 (PrefixC*)-- => IF NumbersTilEnd[cIndex] THEN
{token.lookupVal ← NoZeros[].Substr[cIndex]; token.prefix ← value.Substr[0, cIndex]; token.type ← numberedColor; RETURN [TRUE]}
ELSE LOOP; --check for more C's
IsKeyword: PROC [] RETURNS [BOOL] ~ { --is it a keyword? Check colorizingKeys
SweepKeyOK: PROC [r: ROPE, i: INT] RETURNS [ok: BOOLTRUE] ~ {
IF r.Equal["Sweep"] AND valueLength>i THEN SELECT value.Fetch[i] FROM IN ['0..'9], '., '- => NULL; --Sweep<angle> allowed
ENDCASE => ok ← FALSE; --eg, "Sweeps" not a keyword
FOR each: LIST OF ROPE ← colorizingKeys, UNTIL each=NIL DO
keyLength: INT ~ each.first.Length;
valueLength<keyLength => LOOP;
valueLength=keyLength => IF value.Equal[s2: each.first, case: FALSE] THEN
{token.type ← keyword; RETURN [TRUE]};
ENDCASE --valueLength>keyLength-- => {
prefixEnd: INT ← Rope.Find[s1: value, s2: each.first, case: FALSE];
prefixEnd=0 --long keyword, like Underline.DropShadowOffset or Sweep45, but no prefix-- => IF SweepKeyOK[each.first, 5] THEN {token.type ← keyword; RETURN [TRUE]};
prefixEnd>0 --eg, DefaultUnderline.DropShadowOffset-- => IF SweepKeyOK[each.first, prefixEnd+5] THEN {token.lookupVal ← value.Substr[start: prefixEnd]; token.type ← keyword; token.prefix ← value.Substr[0, prefixEnd]; RETURN [TRUE]};
ENDCASE => NULL; --will be -1 if value not contained in keywd
RETURN [FALSE]; --not a colorizingKey
IsValidNamedColor: PROC [palette: Profiles.Profile] RETURNS [BOOL] ~ {--checks registered named colors to see if colorName is among them (case FALSE)
i: INT ← 0;
c: CHAR;
UNTIL (c ← value.Fetch) NOT IN [IO.NUL .. IO.SP] OR c#'\t DO --find first non-space
i ← i+1;
IF Profiles.HasEntry[profile: palette, key: Rope.Concat["IPFragFor", value.Substr[start: i]]] THEN {token.type ← namedColor; RETURN [TRUE]};
RETURN [FALSE]; --not a registered named color
valueLength: INT ~ value.Length;
token ← NEW [TokenRep ← [lookupVal: value, spaceBefore: IF charsSkipped=0 THEN "" ELSE " ", type: other]]; --other fields default
IsIPFrag[] => RETURN;
IsSeparator[] => RETURN;
IsNumber[] => RETURN;
IsPattern[] => RETURN;
IsNumberedColor[] => RETURN;
IsKeyword[] => RETURN;
IsValidNamedColor[palette] => RETURN;
ENDCASE --other-- => RETURN;