DIRECTORY CCTypes USING[BreakPrintType, CCError, CCErrorCase, CCTypeProcs, CheckConformance, CheckFamilyInclusion, CoerceToType, ConformanceCheck, Conforms, CreateCedarType, DoObject, GetIndirectType, GetNodeType, GetTargetTypeOfIndirect, GetTypeClass, GetProcDataFromGroundType, GetRTargetType, GetWrongType, ContainsVariance, IdFieldCase, LR, Operator, GetGroundTypeClass, PrintTypeBracketed, sia], CedarCode USING[AMNodeConstructRecordNode, Code, CodeToBuildRecord, CodeToExtractField, CodeToLoadThroughIndirect, CodeToSelectField, CodeToStoreUnpopped, ConcatCode, CreateCedarNode, ForceNodeIn, GetDataFromNode, GetTypeOfNode, LoadThroughIndirectNode, Operator, OperationsBody, ShowNode, StoreThroughIndirectNode], CedarOtherPureTypes USING [CreateIndirectToAnUnknownType, CreateUnknownType, CreateUnknownTypeNode], CirioBackstop, CirioSyntacticOperations USING[NameArgPair, CompileForRHS, ParseTree, NilParseTree], CirioTypes USING[Code, CompilerContext, Mem, Node, Type, TypeClass, TypedCode], IO, Records USING[FieldCase, IndirectRecordNodeProcs, RecordNodeProcs, RecordTypeProcs], Rope, StructuredStreams; RecordsImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS CCTypes, CedarCode, CedarOtherPureTypes, CirioBackstop, CirioSyntacticOperations, IO, Rope, StructuredStreams EXPORTS Records = BEGIN OPEN CSO:CirioSyntacticOperations, SS:StructuredStreams; CC: TYPE = CirioTypes.CompilerContext; Code: TYPE = CedarCode.Code; Type: TYPE = CirioTypes.Type; TypedCode: TYPE = CirioTypes.TypedCode; Mem: TYPE = CirioTypes.Mem; Node: TYPE = CirioTypes.Node; CCE: ERROR[case: CCTypes.CCErrorCase, msg: Rope.ROPE _ NIL] _ CCTypes.CCError; RecordTypeInfo: TYPE = REF RecordTypeInfoBody; RecordTypeInfoBody: TYPE = RECORD[ containsVariance: VarianceInfo, isAFieldList: BOOLEAN, procs: REF Records.RecordTypeProcs, indirectType: Type, data: REF ANY]; VarianceInfo: TYPE = {dontKnow, deciding, yes, no}; CreateRecordType: PUBLIC PROC[procs: REF Records.RecordTypeProcs, cc: CC, data: REF ANY] RETURNS[CirioTypes.Type] = {RETURN[MainCreateRecordType[procs, FALSE, cc, data]]}; CreateFieldListType: PUBLIC PROC[procs: REF Records.RecordTypeProcs, cc: CC, data: REF ANY] RETURNS[CirioTypes.Type] = {RETURN[MainCreateRecordType[procs, TRUE, cc, data]]}; MainCreateRecordType: PROC[procs: REF Records.RecordTypeProcs, isAFieldList: BOOLEAN, cc: CC, data: REF ANY] RETURNS[Type] = BEGIN info: RecordTypeInfo _ NEW[RecordTypeInfoBody_[ dontKnow, -- tentative isAFieldList, procs, NIL, data]]; type: Type _ CCTypes.CreateCedarType[$record, RecordCCTypeProcs, IndirectRecordCCTypeProcs, cc, info]; RETURN[type]; END; RecordCCTypeProcs: REF CCTypes.CCTypeProcs _ NEW[CCTypes.CCTypeProcs _[ checkConformance: RecordCCTypesCheckConformance, checkFamilyInclusion: RecordCCTypesCheckFamilyInclusion, isASingleton: RecordCCTypesIsASingleton, hasIdField: RecordCCTypesHasIdField, containsVariance: RecordCCTypesContainsVariance, getNVariants: RecordCCTypesGetNVariants, operand: RecordCCTypesOperand, coerceToType: RecordCCTypesCoerceToType, constructor: RecordCCTypesConstructor, pairConstructor: RecordCCTypesPairConstructor, extractIdField: RecordCCTypesExtractIdField, getTypeRepresentation: RecordCCTypesGetTypeRepresentation, printType: RecordCCTypesPrintType]]; RecordCCTypesCheckConformance: PROC[valType, varType: Type, cc: CC, procData: REF ANY] RETURNS[CCTypes.ConformanceCheck] = BEGIN valInfo: RecordTypeInfo _ NARROW[procData]; dontKnow: BOOLEAN _ FALSE; -- tentative WITH CCTypes.GetProcDataFromGroundType[varType, cc] SELECT FROM varInfo: RecordTypeInfo => BEGIN valPaint: REF ANY _ valInfo.procs.getPaint[]; varPaint: REF ANY _ varInfo.procs.getPaint[]; nValFields: INT _ valInfo.procs.nFields[]; nVarFields: INT _ valInfo.procs.nFields[]; IF varPaint # NIL THEN BEGIN IF valPaint = NIL THEN RETURN[no]; IF valInfo.procs.comparePaint[, varPaint] THEN RETURN[yes] ELSE RETURN[no]; END; IF nValFields # nVarFields THEN RETURN[no]; FOR I: INT IN [0..nValFields) DO valFieldName: Rope.ROPE _ valInfo.procs.fieldIndexToName[I,]; varFieldName: Rope.ROPE _ varInfo.procs.fieldIndexToName[I,]; valFieldType: Type _ valInfo.procs.fieldIndexToType[I, cc,]; varFieldType: Type _ varInfo.procs.fieldIndexToType[I, cc,]; fieldConformity: CCTypes.ConformanceCheck; IF NOT Rope.Equal[valFieldName, varFieldName] THEN RETURN[no]; fieldConformity _ CCTypes.CheckConformance[valFieldType, varFieldType, cc]; IF fieldConformity = no THEN RETURN[no]; IF fieldConformity = dontKnow THEN dontKnow _ TRUE; ENDLOOP; IF dontKnow THEN RETURN[dontKnow] ELSE RETURN[yes]; END; ENDCASE => RETURN[no]; END; RecordCCTypesCheckFamilyInclusion: PROC[valType, varType: Type, cc: CC, procData: REF ANY] RETURNS[BOOLEAN] = BEGIN valInfo: RecordTypeInfo _ NARROW[procData]; dontKnow: BOOLEAN _ FALSE; -- tentative WITH CCTypes.GetProcDataFromGroundType[varType, cc] SELECT FROM varInfo: RecordTypeInfo => BEGIN valPaint: REF ANY _ valInfo.procs.getPaint[]; varPaint: REF ANY _ varInfo.procs.getPaint[]; nValFields: INT _ valInfo.procs.nFields[]; nVarFields: INT _ valInfo.procs.nFields[]; IF varPaint # NIL THEN BEGIN IF valPaint = NIL THEN RETURN[FALSE]; IF valInfo.procs.comparePaint[, varPaint] THEN RETURN[TRUE] ELSE RETURN[FALSE]; END; IF nValFields # nVarFields THEN RETURN[FALSE]; FOR I: INT IN [0..nValFields) DO valFieldName: Rope.ROPE _ valInfo.procs.fieldIndexToName[I,]; varFieldName: Rope.ROPE _ varInfo.procs.fieldIndexToName[I,]; valFieldType: Type _ valInfo.procs.fieldIndexToType[I, cc,]; varFieldType: Type _ varInfo.procs.fieldIndexToType[I, cc,]; IF NOT Rope.Equal[valFieldName, varFieldName] THEN RETURN[FALSE]; IF NOT CCTypes.CheckFamilyInclusion[valFieldType, varFieldType, cc] THEN RETURN[FALSE]; ENDLOOP; RETURN[TRUE]; END; ENDCASE => RETURN[FALSE]; END; RecordCCTypesIsASingleton: PROC[type: Type, cc: CC, procData: REF ANY] RETURNS[BOOLEAN] = {RETURN[NOT RecordCCTypesContainsVariance[type, cc, procData]]}; RecordCCTypesHasIdField: PROC[id: Rope.ROPE, fieldContext: Type, cc: CC, procData: REF ANY] RETURNS[CCTypes.IdFieldCase] = BEGIN tcTypeInfo: RecordTypeInfo _ NARROW[procData]; SELECT tcTypeInfo.procs.nameToFieldIndex[id,] FROM -1 => RETURN[no]; ENDCASE => RETURN[yes]; END; RecordCCTypesContainsVariance: PROC[type: Type, cc: CC, procData: REF ANY] RETURNS[BOOLEAN] = BEGIN tcTypeInfo: RecordTypeInfo _ NARROW[procData]; BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => BEGIN IF tcTypeInfo.containsVariance = deciding THEN tcTypeInfo.containsVariance _ dontKnow; END; IF tcTypeInfo.containsVariance = deciding THEN CCE[cirioError]; -- shouldnt happen IF tcTypeInfo.containsVariance = dontKnow THEN BEGIN tcTypeInfo.containsVariance _ deciding; FOR I: INT IN [0..tcTypeInfo.procs.nFields[]) DO fieldType: Type _ tcTypeInfo.procs.fieldIndexToType[I, cc,]; IF CCTypes.ContainsVariance[fieldType, cc] THEN {tcTypeInfo.containsVariance _ yes; EXIT}; ENDLOOP; IF tcTypeInfo.containsVariance = deciding THEN tcTypeInfo.containsVariance _ no; END; RETURN[tcTypeInfo.containsVariance = yes]; END; END; RecordCCTypesGetNVariants: PROC[type: Type, cc: CC, procData: REF ANY] RETURNS[INT] = {RETURN[0]}; RecordCCTypesOperand: PROC[op: CedarCode.Operator, lr: CCTypes.LR, tc: TypedCode, cc: CC, procData: REF ANY] RETURNS[TypedCode] = BEGIN SELECT op FROM $dot, $extractId => RETURN[tc]; $plus, $minus, $div, $mult, $mod, $le, $lt, $eq, $ne, $gt, $ge => BEGIN info: RecordTypeInfo _ NARROW[procData]; nFields: INT _ info.procs.nFields[]; IF nFields # 1 THEN CCE[operation, "type mismatch"] ELSE BEGIN fieldName: Rope.ROPE _ info.procs.fieldIndexToName[0,]; fieldType: Type _ info.procs.fieldIndexToType[0, cc,]; code: Code _ CedarCode.CodeToExtractField[fieldName, tc.type]; code1: Code _ CedarCode.ConcatCode[tc.code, code]; RETURN [[code1, fieldType]]; END; END; ENDCASE => CCE[operation, "invalid operation"]; -- client error, invalid operation END; RecordCCTypesCoerceToType: PROC[targetType: Type, tc: TypedCode, cc: CC, procData: REF ANY] RETURNS[TypedCode] = BEGIN tcTypeInfo: RecordTypeInfo _ NARROW[procData]; nFields: INT _ tcTypeInfo.procs.nFields[]; IF nFields = 1 THEN BEGIN fieldType: Type _ tcTypeInfo.procs.fieldIndexToType[0, cc,]; IF CCTypes.Conforms[fieldType, targetType, cc] THEN BEGIN fieldName: Rope.ROPE _ tcTypeInfo.procs.fieldIndexToName[0,]; code: Code _ CedarCode.ConcatCode[ tc.code, CedarCode.CodeToExtractField[fieldName, tc.type]]; RETURN[[code, fieldType]]; END; END; CCE[cirioError]; -- client type error? END; RCFragments: TYPE = RECORD[SEQUENCE nFragments: CARDINAL OF TypedCode]; RecordCCTypesConstructor: PROC[list: LIST OF CSO.ParseTree, targetType: Type, cc: CC, procData: REF ANY] RETURNS[TypedCode] = BEGIN typeInfo: RecordTypeInfo _ NARROW[procData]; nFields: INT _ typeInfo.procs.nFields[]; fieldIndex: INT _ 0; tc1Fragments: REF RCFragments _ NEW[RCFragments[nFields]]; tc2Fragments: REF RCFragments _ NEW[RCFragments[nFields]]; code: CedarCode.Code _ NIL; wrongSeen: BOOLEAN _ FALSE; nodeSeen: BOOLEAN _ FALSE; FOR lpt: LIST OF CSO.ParseTree _ list, WHILE lpt # NIL DO IF fieldIndex >= nFields THEN CCE[cirioError] -- too many fields ELSE BEGIN fieldType: Type _ typeInfo.procs.fieldIndexToType[fieldIndex, cc,]; IF CSO.NilParseTree[lpt.first] THEN BEGIN fieldDefault: CSO.ParseTree; defaultNameScope, oldNameScope: Node; fieldType: Type; fieldTC1: TypedCode; fieldCodeClass: CirioTypes.TypeClass; fieldType _ typeInfo.procs.fieldIndexToType[fieldIndex, cc,]; [fieldDefault, defaultNameScope] _ typeInfo.procs.fieldIndexToDefault[fieldIndex, cc,]; oldNameScope _ cc.nameScope; cc.nameScope _ defaultNameScope; fieldTC1 _ CSO.CompileForRHS[fieldDefault, fieldType, cc]; fieldCodeClass _ CCTypes.GetGroundTypeClass[fieldTC1.type, cc]; cc.nameScope _ oldNameScope; tc1Fragments[fieldIndex] _ fieldTC1; IF fieldCodeClass = $wrong THEN wrongSeen _ TRUE; IF fieldCodeClass = $amnode THEN nodeSeen _ TRUE; END ELSE BEGIN fieldTC1: TypedCode _ CSO.CompileForRHS[lpt.first, fieldType, cc]; fieldCodeClass: CirioTypes.TypeClass _ CCTypes.GetGroundTypeClass[fieldTC1.type, cc]; tc1Fragments[fieldIndex] _ fieldTC1; IF fieldCodeClass = $wrong THEN wrongSeen _ TRUE; IF fieldCodeClass = $amnode THEN nodeSeen _ TRUE; END; fieldIndex _ fieldIndex + 1; END; ENDLOOP; IF fieldIndex < nFields THEN WHILE fieldIndex < nFields DO fieldDefault: CSO.ParseTree; defaultNameScope, oldNameScope: Node; fieldType: Type; fieldTC1: TypedCode; fieldCodeClass: CirioTypes.TypeClass; fieldType _ typeInfo.procs.fieldIndexToType[fieldIndex, cc,]; IF typeInfo.procs.fieldIndexToDefault = NIL THEN CCE[case: unimplemented, msg: "Please redo operation supplying all of the parameters."]; [fieldDefault, defaultNameScope] _ typeInfo.procs.fieldIndexToDefault[fieldIndex, cc,]; oldNameScope _ cc.nameScope; cc.nameScope _ defaultNameScope; fieldTC1 _ CSO.CompileForRHS[fieldDefault, fieldType, cc]; fieldCodeClass _ CCTypes.GetGroundTypeClass[fieldTC1.type, cc]; cc.nameScope _ oldNameScope; tc1Fragments[fieldIndex] _ fieldTC1; IF fieldCodeClass = $wrong THEN wrongSeen _ TRUE; IF fieldCodeClass = $amnode THEN nodeSeen _ TRUE; fieldIndex _ fieldIndex + 1; ENDLOOP; FOR fieldIndex IN [0..nFields) DO fieldType: Type _ SELECT TRUE FROM wrongSeen => CCTypes.GetWrongType[cc], nodeSeen => CCTypes.GetNodeType[cc], ENDCASE => typeInfo.procs.fieldIndexToType[fieldIndex, cc,]; tc2Fragments[fieldIndex] _ CCTypes.CoerceToType[fieldType, tc1Fragments[fieldIndex], cc]; ENDLOOP; FOR fieldIndex IN [0..nFields) DO code _ code _ CedarCode.ConcatCode[ code, tc2Fragments[fieldIndex].code]; ENDLOOP; code _ CedarCode.ConcatCode[ code, CedarCode.CodeToBuildRecord[nFields, targetType]]; RETURN[[code, targetType]]; END; RecordCCTypesPairConstructor: PROC[list: LIST OF CirioSyntacticOperations.NameArgPair, targetType: Type, cc: CC, procData: REF ANY] RETURNS[TypedCode] = BEGIN typeInfo: RecordTypeInfo _ NARROW[procData]; nFields: INT _ typeInfo.procs.nFields[]; tc1Fragments: REF RCFragments _ NEW[RCFragments[nFields]]; tc2Fragments: REF RCFragments _ NEW[RCFragments[nFields]]; code: CedarCode.Code _ NIL; wrongSeen: BOOLEAN _ FALSE; nodeSeen: BOOLEAN _ FALSE; FOR I: INT IN [0..nFields) DO tc1Fragments[I] _ [NIL, NIL] ENDLOOP; FOR lnap: LIST OF CirioSyntacticOperations.NameArgPair _ list, WHILE lnap # NIL DO fieldIndex: INT _ typeInfo.procs.nameToFieldIndex[,]; IF fieldIndex = -1 THEN CCE[operation, Rope.Cat["field ",, " does not exist"]] -- no such field name ELSE BEGIN fieldType: Type _ typeInfo.procs.fieldIndexToType[fieldIndex, cc,]; fieldTC1: TypedCode _ CSO.CompileForRHS[lnap.first.arg, fieldType, cc]; -- hmm, someone should handle defaulted fields (no tree). Should this be CSO.CompileForRHS? fieldCodeClass: CirioTypes.TypeClass _ CCTypes.GetGroundTypeClass[fieldTC1.type, cc]; IF tc1Fragments[fieldIndex] # [NIL, NIL] THEN CCE[operation, Rope.Cat[, " is a repeated field name"]]; -- repeated field name tc1Fragments[fieldIndex] _ fieldTC1; IF fieldCodeClass = $wrong THEN wrongSeen _ TRUE; IF fieldCodeClass = $amnode THEN nodeSeen _ TRUE; END; ENDLOOP; FOR fieldIndex: INT IN [0..nFields) DO IF tc1Fragments[fieldIndex] = [NIL, NIL] THEN BEGIN fieldDefault: CSO.ParseTree; defaultNameScope, oldNameScope: Node; fieldType: Type; fieldTC1: TypedCode; fieldCodeClass: CirioTypes.TypeClass; fieldType _ typeInfo.procs.fieldIndexToType[fieldIndex, cc,]; IF typeInfo.procs.fieldIndexToDefault = NIL THEN CCE[case: unimplemented, msg: "Please redo operation supplying all of the parameters."]; [fieldDefault, defaultNameScope] _ typeInfo.procs.fieldIndexToDefault[fieldIndex, cc,]; oldNameScope _ cc.nameScope; cc.nameScope _ defaultNameScope; fieldTC1 _ CSO.CompileForRHS[fieldDefault, fieldType, cc]; fieldCodeClass _ CCTypes.GetGroundTypeClass[fieldTC1.type, cc]; cc.nameScope _ oldNameScope; tc1Fragments[fieldIndex] _ fieldTC1; IF fieldCodeClass = $wrong THEN wrongSeen _ TRUE; IF fieldCodeClass = $amnode THEN nodeSeen _ TRUE; END; ENDLOOP; FOR fieldIndex: INT IN [0..nFields) DO fieldType: Type _ SELECT TRUE FROM wrongSeen => CCTypes.GetWrongType[cc], nodeSeen => CCTypes.GetNodeType[cc], ENDCASE => typeInfo.procs.fieldIndexToType[fieldIndex, cc,]; tc2Fragments[fieldIndex] _ CCTypes.CoerceToType[fieldType, tc1Fragments[fieldIndex], cc]; ENDLOOP; FOR fieldIndex: INT IN [0..nFields) DO code _ code _ CedarCode.ConcatCode[ code, tc2Fragments[fieldIndex].code]; ENDLOOP; code _ CedarCode.ConcatCode[ code, CedarCode.CodeToBuildRecord[nFields, targetType]]; RETURN[[code, targetType]]; END; RecordCCTypesExtractIdField: PROC[id: Rope.ROPE, fieldContext: Type, cc: CC, procData: REF ANY] RETURNS[TypedCode] = BEGIN info: RecordTypeInfo _ NARROW[procData]; fieldIndex: INT _ info.procs.nameToFieldIndex[id,]; IF fieldIndex > -1 THEN -- the field exists BEGIN fieldType: Type _ info.procs.fieldIndexToType[fieldIndex, cc,]; RETURN[[CedarCode.CodeToExtractField[id, fieldContext], fieldType]]; END ELSE CCE[operation, Rope.Cat["field ", id, " does not exist"]]; -- no such field END; RecordCCTypesGetTypeRepresentation: PROC [type: Type, cc: CC, procData: REF ANY] RETURNS[REF ANY] = { info: RecordTypeInfo _ NARROW[procData]; RETURN[]; }; RecordCCTypesPrintType: PROC [to: IO.STREAM, type: Type, printDepth, printWidth: INT, cc: CC, procData: REF ANY] = { reports: IO.STREAM ~ IO.ROS[]; info: RecordTypeInfo _ NARROW[procData]; nFields: INT _ info.procs.nFields[]; iWidth: INT _ IF nFields>1 THEN (printWidth*2)/3 ELSE printWidth; reportage: Rope.ROPE; <> IF NOT info.isAFieldList THEN to.PutChar['[]; IF printDepth < 1 THEN to.PutRope["..."] ELSE FOR i: INT IN [0..nFields) DO FormatField: PROC RETURNS [Rope.ROPE] ~ { fieldName: Rope.ROPE _ info.procs.fieldIndexToName[i,]; fieldType: Type _ info.procs.fieldIndexToType[i, cc,]; iDepth: INT _ IF CCTypes.GetTypeClass[fieldType] = $definition THEN 0 ELSE (printDepth-1); PrintNamedFieldType: PROC ~ { to.PutRope[fieldName]; to.PutChar[':]; CCTypes.BreakPrintType[to, fieldType, iDepth, iWidth, cc, " "]; RETURN}; IF i>0 THEN { to.PutChar[',]; SS.Bp[to, lookLeft, CCTypes.sia, " "]} ELSE SS.Bp[to, lookLeft, CCTypes.sia]; IF NOT Rope.IsEmpty[fieldName] THEN CCTypes.DoObject[to, PrintNamedFieldType] ELSE CCTypes.PrintTypeBracketed[to, fieldType, iDepth, iWidth, cc]; RETURN [NIL]}; fmtErr: Rope.ROPE _ CirioBackstop.Protect[FormatField, reports]; IF fmtErr.Length[] > 0 THEN to.PutF[" --error (%g)--", [rope[fmtErr]] ]; ENDLOOP; IF NOT info.isAFieldList THEN to.PutChar[']]; reportage _ IO.RopeFromROS[reports]; IF reportage.Length[] > 0 THEN to.PutF[" (%g)", [rope[reportage]] ]; RETURN}; IndirectRecordCCTypeProcs: REF CCTypes.CCTypeProcs _ NEW[CCTypes.CCTypeProcs _[ createIndirectNode: RecordCreateIndirect, getBitSize: RecordBitSize, operand: IndirectRecordCCTypesOperand, store: IndirectRecordCCTypesStore, load: IndirectRecordCCTypesLoad, selectIdField: IndirectRecordCCTypesSelectIdField, printType: RecordCCTypesPrintType]]; RecordCreateIndirect: PROC [cc: CC, procData: REF ANY, indirectType, targetType: Type, mem: Mem] RETURNS [Node] ~ { info: RecordTypeInfo _ NARROW[procData]; RETURN info.procs.createIndirectNode[cc,, indirectType, targetType, mem]}; RecordBitSize: PROC[indirectType, targetType: Type, cc: CC, procData: REF ANY] RETURNS[CARD] ~ { info: RecordTypeInfo _ NARROW[procData]; RETURN info.procs.getBitSize[indirectType, cc,]}; IndirectRecordCCTypesOperand: PROC[op: CCTypes.Operator, lr: CCTypes.LR, tc: TypedCode, cc: CC, procData: REF ANY] RETURNS[TypedCode] = BEGIN SELECT op FROM $selectId, $address => RETURN[tc]; ENDCASE => CCE[operation, "illegal operation"]; -- client error, illegal operation END; IndirectRecordCCTypesStore: PROC[value: TypedCode, indirect: TypedCode, cc: CC, procData: REF ANY] RETURNS[TypedCode] = BEGIN info: RecordTypeInfo _ NARROW[procData]; nFields: INT _ info.procs.nFields[]; code: Code _ CedarCode.ConcatCode[ indirect.code, CedarCode.ConcatCode[ value.code, CedarCode.CodeToStoreUnpopped[indirect.type, value.type]]]; FOR I: INT IN [0..nFields) DO indirectFieldCase: Records.FieldCase _ info.procs.fieldIndexToFieldCase[I, cc,]; IF indirectFieldCase # nodeTimeReadWrite THEN BEGIN id: Rope.ROPE _ info.procs.fieldIndexToName[I,]; CCE[operation, Rope.Cat["field ", id, " is not modifiable"]]; END; ENDLOOP; RETURN[[code, value.type]]; END; IndirectRecordCCTypesLoad: PROC[indirect: TypedCode, cc: CC, procData: REF ANY] RETURNS[TypedCode] = BEGIN code: Code _ CedarCode.ConcatCode[ indirect.code, CedarCode.CodeToLoadThroughIndirect[indirect.type]]; type: Type _ CCTypes.GetRTargetType[indirect.type, cc]; RETURN[[code, type]]; END; IndirectRecordCCTypesSelectIdField: PROC[id: Rope.ROPE, fieldIndirectContext: Type, cc: CC, procData: REF ANY] RETURNS[TypedCode] = BEGIN info: RecordTypeInfo _ NARROW[procData]; fieldIndex: INT _ info.procs.nameToFieldIndex[id,]; IF fieldIndex > -1 THEN -- the field exists BEGIN fieldType: Type _ info.procs.fieldIndexToType[fieldIndex, cc,]; fieldCase: Records.FieldCase _ info.procs.fieldIndexToFieldCase[fieldIndex, cc,]; indirectFieldType: Type _ CCTypes.GetIndirectType[fieldType]; SELECT fieldCase FROM nodeTimeReadWrite, nodeTimeReadOnly, nodeTimeConstant => NULL; typeTimeConstant => CCE[operation, Rope.Cat["field ", id, " has no runtime address"]]; -- what about initialization? ENDCASE => ERROR; RETURN[[CedarCode.CodeToSelectField[id, fieldIndirectContext], indirectFieldType]]; END ELSE CCE[operation, Rope.Cat["field ", id, " does not exist"]]; -- no such field END; IndirectRecordData: TYPE = RECORD[ targetType: Type, procs: REF Records.IndirectRecordNodeProcs, data: REF ANY]; IndirectRecordOps: REF CedarCode.OperationsBody _ NEW[CedarCode.OperationsBody_[ getCurrentType: IndirectRecordGetCurrentType, unaryOp: IndirectRecordUnaryOp, store: IndirectRecordStore, load: IndirectRecordLoad, selectField: IndirectRecordSelectField, show: IndirectRecordShow]]; CreateIndirectRecordNode: PUBLIC PROC[targetRecordType: CirioTypes.Type, procs: REF Records.IndirectRecordNodeProcs, data: REF ANY, cc: CC] RETURNS[Node] = BEGIN node: Node _ CedarCode.CreateCedarNode[IndirectRecordOps, CCTypes.GetIndirectType[targetRecordType], NEW[IndirectRecordData _ [targetRecordType, procs, data]]]; RETURN[node]; END; IndirectRecordGetCurrentType: PROC[node: Node, cc: CC] RETURNS[Type] = {RETURN[CedarCode.GetTypeOfNode[node]]}; IndirectRecordUnaryOp: PROC [op: CedarCode.Operator, type: CirioTypes.Type, node: CirioTypes.Node, cc: CC] RETURNS [CirioTypes.Node] = BEGIN indirectNodeData: REF IndirectRecordData _ NARROW[CedarCode.GetDataFromNode[node]]; RETURN[indirectNodeData.procs.getPointer[, cc]]; END; IndirectRecordStore: PROC[valType: Type, valNode: Node, indirectType: Type, indirectNode: Node, cc: CC] = BEGIN indirectTypeInfo: RecordTypeInfo _ NARROW[CCTypes.GetProcDataFromGroundType[indirectType, cc]]; valTypeInfo: RecordTypeInfo _ NARROW[CCTypes.GetProcDataFromGroundType[valType, cc]]; valNodeData: REF RecordData _ NARROW[CedarCode.GetDataFromNode[valNode]]; indirectNodeData: REF IndirectRecordData _ NARROW[CedarCode.GetDataFromNode[indirectNode]]; nFields: INT _ valTypeInfo.procs.nFields[]; FOR I: INT IN [0..nFields) DO indirectFieldType: Type _ CCTypes.GetIndirectType[indirectTypeInfo.procs.fieldIndexToType[I, cc,]]; indirectFieldCase: Records.FieldCase _ indirectTypeInfo.procs.fieldIndexToFieldCase[I, cc,]; IF indirectFieldCase = nodeTimeReadWrite THEN BEGIN indirectField: Node _ indirectNodeData.procs.selectField[I, indirectFieldType,, cc]; valFieldType: Type _ valTypeInfo.procs.fieldIndexToType[I, cc,]; valField: Node _ valNodeData.procs.extractField[I, valFieldType,, cc]; CedarCode.StoreThroughIndirectNode[valFieldType, valField, indirectFieldType, indirectField, cc]; END ENDLOOP; END; IndirectRecordLoad: PROC[indirectType: Type, indirectNode: Node, cc: CC] RETURNS[Node] = BEGIN -- in effect, we defer the load targetType: Type _ CCTypes.GetRTargetType[indirectType, cc]; data: REF IndirectRecordData _ NARROW[CedarCode.GetDataFromNode[indirectNode]]; RETURN[CreateRecordNode[targetType, DeferedLoadProcs, data, cc, FALSE]] END; IndirectRecordSelectField: PROC[id: Rope.ROPE, indirectType: Type, indirectNode: Node, cc: CC] RETURNS[Node] = BEGIN indirectTypeInfo: RecordTypeInfo _ NARROW[CCTypes.GetProcDataFromGroundType[indirectType, cc]]; indirectNodeData: REF IndirectRecordData _ NARROW[CedarCode.GetDataFromNode[indirectNode]]; targetType: Type _ CCTypes.GetRTargetType[indirectType, cc]; targetTypeInfo: RecordTypeInfo _ NARROW[CCTypes.GetProcDataFromGroundType[targetType, cc]]; fieldIndex: INT _ targetTypeInfo.procs.nameToFieldIndex[id,]; IF fieldIndex<0 THEN RETURN CedarOtherPureTypes.CreateIndirectToAnUnknownType[ CedarOtherPureTypes.CreateUnknownType[cc, Rope.Cat["type for non-existant field ", id]], Rope.Cat["indirect to non-existant field ", id], cc]; {fieldCase: Records.FieldCase _ indirectTypeInfo.procs.fieldIndexToFieldCase[fieldIndex, cc,]; fieldIndirectType: Type _ CCTypes.GetIndirectType[indirectTypeInfo.procs.fieldIndexToType[fieldIndex, cc,]]; SELECT fieldCase FROM nodeTimeReadWrite, nodeTimeReadOnly, nodeTimeConstant => RETURN[indirectNodeData.procs.selectField[fieldIndex, fieldIndirectType,, cc]]; typeTimeConstant => RETURN CedarOtherPureTypes.CreateIndirectToAnUnknownType[ CCTypes.GetTargetTypeOfIndirect[fieldIndirectType], Rope.Cat["field ", id, " has no runtime address"], cc]; ENDCASE => ERROR; }END; IndirectRecordShow: PROC[to: IO.STREAM, node: Node, depth: INT, width: INT, cc: CC] = { ircdType: Type _ CedarCode.GetTypeOfNode[node]; rcd: Node _ CedarCode.LoadThroughIndirectNode[ircdType, node, cc]; to.PutChar['^]; CedarCode.ShowNode[to, rcd, depth, width, cc]; RETURN}; DeferedLoadProcs: REF Records.RecordNodeProcs _ NEW[Records.RecordNodeProcs _[ extractField: DeferedLoadExtractField]]; DeferedLoadExtractField: PROC[index: INT, fieldType: CirioTypes.Type, data: REF ANY, cc: CC] RETURNS[Node] = BEGIN irData: REF IndirectRecordData _ NARROW[data]; irTypeInfo: RecordTypeInfo _ NARROW[CCTypes.GetProcDataFromGroundType[irData.targetType, cc]]; indirectFieldType: Type _ CCTypes.GetIndirectType[fieldType]; indirectFieldCase: Records.FieldCase _ irTypeInfo.procs.fieldIndexToFieldCase[index, cc,]; SELECT indirectFieldCase FROM nodeTimeReadWrite, nodeTimeReadOnly => BEGIN field: Node _ irData.procs.selectField[index, indirectFieldType,, cc]; RETURN[CedarCode.LoadThroughIndirectNode[indirectFieldType, field, cc]]; END; nodeTimeConstant => RETURN[irData.procs.fieldIndexToNodeTimeConstantValue[index, fieldType,, cc]]; typeTimeConstant => RETURN[irTypeInfo.procs.fieldIndexToCompileTimeConstantValue[index, cc, irTypeInfo]]; ENDCASE => CCE[cirioError]; END; RecordData: TYPE = RECORD[ type: Type, alreadyLoaded: BOOLEAN, procs: REF Records.RecordNodeProcs, data: REF ANY]; RecordOps: REF CedarCode.OperationsBody _ NEW[CedarCode.OperationsBody_[ forceIn: RecordForceIn, extractField: RecordExtractField, show: RecordShow]]; CreateRecordNode: PROC[recordType: CirioTypes.Type, procs: REF Records.RecordNodeProcs, data: REF ANY, cc: CC, alreadyLoaded: BOOLEAN] RETURNS[CirioTypes.Node] = BEGIN node: Node _ CedarCode.CreateCedarNode[RecordOps, recordType, NEW[RecordData _ [recordType, alreadyLoaded, procs, data]]]; RETURN[node]; END; RecordForceIn: PROC[type: Type, node: Node, cc: CC] RETURNS[Node] = BEGIN data: REF RecordData _ NARROW[CedarCode.GetDataFromNode[node]]; IF data.alreadyLoaded THEN RETURN[node] ELSE BEGIN typeInfo: RecordTypeInfo _ NARROW[CCTypes.GetProcDataFromGroundType[type, cc]]; nFields: INT _ typeInfo.procs.nFields[]; fields: LIST OF CirioTypes.Node _ NIL; FOR I: INT DECREASING IN [0..nFields) DO fieldType: Type _ typeInfo.procs.fieldIndexToType[I, cc,]; nominalField: CirioTypes.Node _ data.procs.extractField[I, fieldType,, cc]; field: CirioTypes.Node _ CedarCode.ForceNodeIn[fieldType, nominalField, cc]; fields _ CONS[field, fields]; ENDLOOP; RETURN[ConstructRecordNode[type, fields, cc]]; END; END; RecordExtractField: PROC[id: Rope.ROPE, type: Type, node: Node, cc: CC] RETURNS[Node] = BEGIN data: REF RecordData _ NARROW[CedarCode.GetDataFromNode[node]]; typeInfo: RecordTypeInfo _ NARROW[CCTypes.GetProcDataFromGroundType[type, cc]]; fieldIndex: INT _ typeInfo.procs.nameToFieldIndex[id,]; IF fieldIndex<0 THEN { fieldType: Type _ CedarOtherPureTypes.CreateUnknownType[cc, Rope.Cat["unk. type for non-existant field ", id]]; RETURN CedarOtherPureTypes.CreateUnknownTypeNode[fieldType, Rope.Cat["no field named ", id], cc]; } ELSE { fieldType: Type _ typeInfo.procs.fieldIndexToType[fieldIndex, cc,]; RETURN[data.procs.extractField[fieldIndex, fieldType,, cc]]; }; END; RecordShow: PROC[to: IO.STREAM, node: Node, depth: INT, width: INT, cc: CC] = { data: REF RecordData _ NARROW[CedarCode.GetDataFromNode[node]]; typeInfo: RecordTypeInfo _ NARROW[CCTypes.GetProcDataFromGroundType[data.type, cc]]; rope: Rope.ROPE _ ""; nFields: INT _ typeInfo.procs.nFields[]; cWidth: INT _ width; iWidth: INT _ IF nFields>1 THEN (width*2)/3 ELSE width; IF NOT typeInfo.isAFieldList THEN to.PutChar['[]; IF depth<1 AND nFields>0 THEN to.PutRope["..."] ELSE FOR I: INT IN [0..nFields) DO fieldType: Type _ typeInfo.procs.fieldIndexToType[I, cc,]; field: Node _ data.procs.extractField[I, fieldType,, cc]; name: Rope.ROPE _ typeInfo.procs.fieldIndexToName[I,]; PrintNamedField: PROC ~ { to.PutRope[name]; to.PutChar[':]; SS.Bp[to, lookLeft, CCTypes.sia, " "]; CCTypes.DoObject[to, PrintFieldVal]; RETURN}; PrintFieldVal: PROC ~ {CedarCode.ShowNode[to, field, depth-1, iWidth, cc]}; IF I>0 THEN {to.PutChar[',]; SS.Bp[to, lookLeft, CCTypes.sia, " "]} ELSE SS.Bp[to, lookLeft, CCTypes.sia]; IF cWidth < 0 THEN {to.PutRope["..."]; EXIT} ELSE IF name.Length > 0 THEN CCTypes.DoObject[to, PrintNamedField] ELSE CCTypes.DoObject[to, PrintFieldVal]; cWidth _ cWidth-1; ENDLOOP; IF NOT typeInfo.isAFieldList THEN to.PutChar[']]; RETURN}; ConstructRecordNode: PUBLIC PROC[recordType: CirioTypes.Type, fields: LIST OF CirioTypes.Node, cc: CC] RETURNS[CirioTypes.Node] = BEGIN IF fields = NIL OR CCTypes.GetGroundTypeClass[CedarCode.GetTypeOfNode[fields.first], cc] # $amnode THEN BEGIN typeInfo: RecordTypeInfo _ NARROW[CCTypes.GetProcDataFromGroundType[recordType, cc]]; nFields: INT _ typeInfo.procs.nFields[]; cr: ConstructedRecord _ NEW[ConstructedRecordBody[nFields]]; fieldIndex: INT _ 0; FOR ln: LIST OF CirioTypes.Node _ fields, WHILE ln # NIL DO cr[fieldIndex] _ ln.first; fieldIndex _ fieldIndex + 1; ENDLOOP; IF fieldIndex # nFields THEN CCE[operation, "not enough fields supplied"]; RETURN[CreateRecordNode[recordType, ConstructedRecordProcs, cr, cc, TRUE]]; END ELSE BEGIN -- first field is an amnode. We assume that they all are. We uncrate them and recompile. BUT, somehow this code should be in the Node implmentation. We must arrange for this to be an object proc of something. The only something available is either the first field (not likely for zero field records) or the target type. That would suggest that all the actions should be object procs of the types? RETURN[CedarCode.AMNodeConstructRecordNode[recordType, fields, cc]]; END; END; ConstructedRecord: TYPE = REF ConstructedRecordBody; ConstructedRecordBody: TYPE = RECORD[ SEQUENCE nFields: CARDINAL OF Node]; ConstructedRecordProcs: REF Records.RecordNodeProcs _ NEW[Records.RecordNodeProcs_[ extractField: CRExtractField]]; CRExtractField: PROC[index: INT, fieldType: CirioTypes.Type, data: REF ANY, cc: CC] RETURNS[CirioTypes.Node] = BEGIN cr: ConstructedRecord _ NARROW[data]; RETURN[cr[index]]; END; END.. Ό RecordsImpl.mesa Copyright Σ 1990 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Sturgis, November 20, 1988 Sturgis, December 11, 1989 2:10:39 pm PST Last changed by Theimer on August 9, 1989 11:58:36 pm PDT Hopcroft July 26, 1989 10:41:24 am PDT Spreitze, January 9, 1992 7:52 pm PST Laurie Horton, January 23, 1992 1:24 pm PST Philip James, January 23, 1992 1:50 pm PST Some comments My original design had a feature that delayed the actual loading of a record onto the stack. There was a specific type, called a deferedLoadType, which behaved just like a record type, except that what was on the stack was an indirect to a record. That more or less worked, but trouble was about to develop as I began to think about extractors, treating an indirect record ( on left hand side of an assignment) as an extractor, and then considering what would happen with "(rec^_x).field". I decided to move the defered loading feature to interpreter run time, using different kinds of nodes. There have still been several variations on this theme. I believe that I have ended up with a scheme in which the compiled time types know nothing about this mechanism, and further, there are no places that have to look to see if a type class is $record to decide to defer a load. We begin with types note (December 8, 1989 10:02:37 am PST): just added concept of constant fields to Records.mesa. I did not change the following conformance and family inclusion routines. Not clear to me if they need to change, or if so, how to change them. note: valType was the control parameter val must also be painted, and with the same paint further, we are guaranteed by the type constructors that if they have the same paint, then they have the same structure. note: valType was the control parameter val must also be painted, and with the same paint further, we are guaranteed by the type constructors that if they have the same paint, then they have the same structure. Note that we carefully wait until asked to determine whether the record type contains variance. This prevents us from entering the following infinite loop. Suppose there is a type cycle from one of our fields back to our type (this will certainly involve at least one pointer). Suppose all pointers in that cycle are refs. Suppose that we try to answer this question during type creation. Then we will have to create each of our field types. If one of those is a ref, it must create its target type in order to determine whether it should be a union type. This will carry us all the way around the loop. perhaps this should be a default? or is it only called when a type containsVariance? Note: when we add procedures, we will have to check for single field records and try stripping the brackets. This will lead to having to try two choices for dot: If we have a single field record containing the proposed identifier then we are ok, otherwise we have to strip the brackets. I am not sure where to place that code!!! there is not enough information here to do it!!! (i.e., the identifier is not available.) Maybe we have to treat dot as a binary operation? tc.type is the control parameter see if striping off one layer of brackets will do it it would be nice to move this code, and the code for PairConstructor, into CirioSyntacticOperationsImpl. But not for now. If the fieldType is a definition type then we only print the definition type's name and NOT its definition. We achieve this by reducing the printing depth to force PrintType to only print the definition name. indirect record types what about record initialization? note: if we are in this routine, then we must have been on the left hand side of an assignment (actually, compiling for left side; this also happens when compiling @expr on rhs, for example). If we had been on the right hand side, then we would be dealing in records, not indirects to records. (These records would be represented by defered loads.) Indirect record nodes This is the default version. It assumes that the target type is not a union type. We don't require that the client of CreateIndirectRecordNode be prepared to do a show, since that client is frequently some target world entity. actual bits exist in memory for this first pair of cases no bits exist in memory for this next case, although the value is dependent on the location of the record. (These are all procedure constants.) no bits exist for this last case, but the value can be computed at type time. Record Nodes Constructed Records there is a possibility that we did not have full information about the fields at compile time. if so, the first field will be of class $amnode. [we never permit amnodes to appear in records?] this is a lousy design. There should be a more explicity decision at compile time that this is what we are going to do, and compile time should have generated a different operation. But this will do for now. this design has been copied to ArraysImpl, in which one will find similar remarks. Both should be fixed at the same time ΚΗ•NewlineDelimiter ™codešœ™K™K˜KKšœœœ˜(Kšœœ œ˜3Kšœ˜—Kš œ œœ œœ˜3Kšœ˜K˜—Kšœœ˜—K˜Kšœ˜—˜Kšœ'™'—šž!œœœ œœœœ˜mKš˜Kšœœ ˜+Kšœ œœŸ ˜'K˜šœ0œ˜?˜Kš˜Kšœ œœ(˜9Kšœ œœ(˜9Kšœ œ'˜6Kšœ œ'˜6šœ œ˜Kš˜Kšœ1™1Kšœx™xKš œ œœœœ˜%Kšœ4œœœœœœ˜[Kšœ˜—Kšœœœœ˜.š œžœœœ˜ Kšœœ3˜JKšœœ3˜JK˜IK˜IKš œœ(œœœ˜AKš œœ>œœœ˜WKšœ˜—Kšœœ˜ Kšœ˜K˜—Kšœœœ˜—K˜Kšœ˜—K˜šžœœœ œœœœ˜YKšœœœ5˜@K˜K™—šžœœ œœ œœœ˜zKš˜Kšœœ ˜.šœ8˜BKšœœ˜Kšœœ˜—Kšœ˜—˜Kšœβ™β—šžœœœ œœœœ˜]Kš˜šœœ ˜.Kš˜šœœ˜Kš˜Kšœ(œ(˜VKšœ˜—Kšœ(œœŸ˜Ršœ(˜.Kš˜K˜'š œžœœœ0˜?K˜Lšœ)˜/Kšœ$œ˜*—Kšœ˜—Kšœ(œ"˜PKšœ˜—Kšœ$˜*Kšœ˜—Kšœ˜—˜KšœU™U—šžœœœ œœœœ˜UKšœœ˜ —˜KšœΨ™Ψ—šžœœ%œœ œœœ ˜Kš˜šœ˜Kšœœ˜šœA˜AKš˜Kšœœ ˜(Kšœ œ!˜-Kšœ œœ˜3šœ˜Kš˜Kšœœ-˜AKšœ@˜@K˜>K˜2Kšœ˜Kšœ˜—Kšœ˜—Kšœœ"Ÿ"˜R—Kšœ˜K™Kšœ ™ —š žœœ&œ œœœ ˜pKš˜Kšœœ ˜.K˜Kšœ4™4Kšœ œ-˜9šœ ˜Kš˜K˜Lšœ-˜3Kš˜Kšœœ9˜M˜"K˜K˜2—Kšœ˜Kšœ˜—Kšœ˜—šœŸ˜&K˜—Kšœ˜—K˜š œ œœœ œœ ˜GK˜Kšœz™z—šžœœœœœ"œ œœœ ˜}Kš˜Kšœœ ˜,Kšœ œ)˜5Kšœ œ˜Kšœœœ˜:Kšœœœ˜:Kšœœ˜Kšœ œœ˜Kšœ œœ˜K˜š œœœœœœ˜Bšœœœ Ÿ˜@š˜Kš˜K˜Qšœœœ˜$Kš˜Kšœœ ˜K˜%K˜Kšœ˜K˜%K˜KK˜eK˜K˜ Kšœ œ,˜:K˜?K˜K˜$Kšœœ œ˜1Kšœœ œ˜1Kš˜—š˜Kš˜Kšœœ)˜BK˜UK˜$Kšœœ œ˜1Kšœœ œ˜1Kšœ˜—K˜Kšœ˜——Kšœ˜—K˜šœ˜šœ˜Kšœœ ˜K˜%K˜Kšœ˜K˜%K˜KKšœ&œœœU˜‰K˜eK˜K˜ Kšœ œ,˜:K˜?K˜K˜$Kšœœ œ˜1Kšœœ œ˜1K˜Kšœ˜——K˜šœ œ˜!šœœœ˜"K˜&K˜$KšœC˜J—K˜YKšœ˜—K˜šœ œ˜!˜#K˜K˜—Kšœ˜—K˜˜K˜—˜K˜K˜2K˜—Kšœ˜K˜Kšœ˜——˜K˜šžœœœœ=œ œœœ ˜˜Kš˜Kšœœ ˜,Kšœ œ)˜5Kšœœœ˜:Kšœœœ˜:Kšœœ˜Kšœ œœ˜Kšœ œœ˜K˜Kšœžœœœœœœœ˜CK˜š œœœ8œœ˜\Kšœ œA˜PšœœœBŸ˜rš˜Kš˜K˜QKšœœ/Ÿ\˜€K˜UKš œœœœœCŸ˜ŠK˜$Kšœœ œ˜1Kšœœ œ˜1Kšœ˜——Kšœ˜—K˜šœ œœ˜&šœœœœ˜.Kš˜Kšœœ ˜K˜%K˜Kšœ˜K˜%K˜KKšœ&œœœU˜‰K˜eK˜K˜ Kšœ œ,˜:K˜?K˜K˜$Kšœœ œ˜1Kšœœ œ˜1Kšœ˜—Kšœ˜K˜—šœ œœ˜&šœœœ˜"K˜&K˜$KšœC˜J—K˜YKšœ˜—K˜šœ œœ˜&˜#K˜K˜—Kšœ˜—K˜˜K˜K˜2K˜—Kšœ˜K˜K˜Kšœ˜——˜šžœœ œœ œœœ ˜tKš˜Kšœœ ˜(Kšœ œ.˜=šœœŸ˜+Kš˜K˜IKšœ>˜DKš˜š˜Kšœ8Ÿ˜K——Kšœ˜—K˜šž"œœœ œœœœœ˜eKšœœ ˜(Kšœ ˜Kšœ˜K˜—šžœœœœ&œœ œœ˜tKš œ œœœœ˜Kšœœ ˜(Kšœ œ!˜-Kš œœœ œœ ˜AKšœœ˜Kšœ˜Kšœœœ˜-Kšœ˜Kšœ˜š œœœœ˜"šž œœœœ˜)Kšœœ-˜AKšœ@˜@š œœœ/œœ˜ZKšœXœv™Ρ—šžœœ˜Kšœ˜K˜Kšœ?˜?Kšœ˜—šœœ˜ K˜Kšœ$˜&—Kšœœ˜&šœœ˜Kšœ*˜.Kšœ?˜C—Kšœœ˜—Kšœ œ/˜@Kšœœ-˜HKšœ˜—Kšœœœ˜-Kšœ œ˜$Kšœœ&˜DKšœ˜—K˜—Kšœ™˜šžœœœ˜OK˜)K˜K˜&K˜"K˜ K˜2K˜$—K˜š žœœœ œœ,œ ˜sKšœœ ˜(KšœN˜T—K˜šž œœ%œ œœœœ˜`Kšœœ ˜(Kšœ5˜;—K˜šžœœ#œœ œœœ ˜‡Kš˜šœ˜Kšœœ˜"Kšœœ"Ÿ"˜R—Kšœ˜—K˜š žœœ,œ œœœ ˜wKš˜Kšœœ ˜(Kšœ œ!˜-˜"K˜˜K˜ K˜;——š œžœœœ˜K˜Zšœ'˜-Kš˜Kšœ œ-˜:šœ:˜=K™!—Kšœ˜—Kšœ˜—Kšœ˜Kšœ˜—K˜š žœœœ œœœ ˜dKš˜˜"K˜K˜4—K˜7Kšœ˜Kšœ˜—K˜šž"œœ œ"œ œœœ ˜ƒKš˜Kšœœ ˜(Kšœ œ.˜=šœœŸ˜+Kš˜K˜IK˜[K˜=šœ ˜Kšœ9œ˜>šœœ@Ÿ˜tK™ή—Kšœœ˜—KšœM˜SKš˜š˜Kšœ8Ÿ˜K——Kšœ˜——K˜K˜šœ™K™šœœœ˜"K˜Kšœœ!˜+Kšœœœ˜—K˜šžœœœ˜PK˜-K˜K˜K˜K˜'K˜—K˜šžœœœ+œ(œœœœ˜›Kš˜Kšœeœ8˜ Kšœ˜ šœ˜K˜KšœR™R——šžœœœœ˜FKšœœ!˜(—K˜šΠbnœœLœœ˜†Kš˜Kšœœœ"˜SKšœ?˜EKšœ˜—K˜šžœœKœ˜iKš˜Kšœ#œ6˜_Kšœœ1˜UKšœ œœ%˜IKšœœœ*˜[Kšœ œ/˜;K˜š œžœœœ˜K˜yKšœr˜ršœ'˜-Kš˜K˜jK˜QK˜WK˜aKš˜—Kšœ˜—K˜Kšœ˜—K˜šžœœ-œœ˜XKšœŸ˜%K˜œ9˜zKšœ˜ šœ˜K˜——šž œœœœ˜CKš˜Kšœœœ"˜?šœœœ˜'š˜Kš˜Kšœœ.˜OKšœ œ)˜5Kšœœœœ˜&K˜š œžœœ œœ˜(K˜HK˜UK˜LKšœ œ˜Kšœ˜—K˜Kšœ(˜.Kšœ˜——Kšœ˜—K˜š žœœ œœœ˜WKš˜Kšœœœ"˜?Kšœœ.˜OKšœ œ6˜Ešœœ˜K˜oKšœ[˜aK˜—šœ˜K˜QKšœ@˜FK˜—Kšœ˜—K˜šž œœœœœ œœ˜OKšœœœ"˜?Kšœœ3˜TKšœ œ˜Kšœ œ)˜5Kšœœ ˜Kš œœœ œ œ˜7K˜Kšœœœ˜1Kšœ œ œ˜/š œœžœœœ˜"K˜HK˜CKšœ œ5˜Dšžœœ˜K˜K˜Kšœ$˜&Kšœ$˜$Kšœ˜—Kšž œœ8˜Kšœ˜Kšœœ$˜œ˜KKš˜š˜KšœŸ’˜™Kšœ>˜DKšœ˜——Kšœ˜—K˜Kšœœœ˜4šœœœ˜%Kšœ œœ˜$—K˜šžœœœ˜SK˜—K˜šžœœœ$œœœœ˜nKš˜Kšœœ˜%Kšœ ˜Kšœ˜——K™K˜Kšœ˜—…—w^©α