Copyright Ó 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Hopcroft August 18, 1989 11:45:29 am PDT
Sturgis, August 18, 1989 12:16:12 pm PDT
Last changed by Theimer on October 9, 1989 2:06:43 pm PDT
Last tweaked by Mike Spreitzer on August 13, 1991 12:36 pm PDT
Philip James, August 27, 1991 3:32 pm PDT
Laurie Horton, May 29, 1992 10:18 am PDT
CCTypes USING[CCError, CCErrorCase, CreateCedarCompilerContext],
CirioNubAccess USING[Handle],
CirioTypes USING[CompilerContext, Node],
FS USING[ComponentPositions, ExpandName],
LoadStateAccess USING [LoadStateHandle],
ObjectFiles USING[BracketNest, Module, GetBracketNestForPC],
RCTW USING [CC, FrameNodeInfo, MakeSimpleFrame, Node, ProcedureFrameInfo, RCTWData, RCTWDataBody],
RefTab USING[Create, Ref],
Rope USING[Cat, Concat, Equal, Fetch, Find, FindBackward, Length, ROPE, Substr],
RuntimeError USING[BoundsFault],
SymTab USING[Create];
Remarks: This is a file obtained from Hopcrofts save stuff, modified following notes that I (Sturgis) made on August 25, 1989 9:54:25 am PDT. Here is a copy of the notes.
commenting out GetCCAndFrame together with attendent changes to the directory clauses.
modifying GetCCAndFrameFromDotO to take an module, rather than a dotO.
IMPORTS CCTypes, ObjectFiles, FS, RCTW, RefTab, Rope, RuntimeError, SymTab
= BEGIN OPEN ObjF:ObjectFiles, LSA:LoadStateAccess, RCTW;
CCError: ERROR[case: CCTypes.CCErrorCase, msg: Rope.ROPENIL] ← CCTypes.CCError;
GetFrameNodeInfo: PUBLIC PROC [serverName: Rope.ROPE, frameInfo: RCTW.ProcedureFrameInfo, handle: CirioNubAccess.Handle, lsh: LSA.LoadStateHandle, module: ObjectFiles.Module] RETURNS [rfni: REF RCTW.FrameNodeInfo] ~ {
node: Node;
cc: CC;
[cc, node] ← GetCCAndFrameFromDotO[serverName, frameInfo, handle, lsh, module];
rfni ← NEW [RCTW.FrameNodeInfo ← [node, cc, GetCFrameDiagnosticInfo, frameInfo]];
GetCFrameDiagnosticInfo: PROC [frame: REF RCTW.FrameNodeInfo] RETURNS[LIST OF Rope.ROPE] ~ {
RETURN[LIST["a C frame"]]};
GetCCAndFrameFromDotO: PUBLIC PROC [serverName: Rope.ROPE, frameInfo: RCTW.ProcedureFrameInfo, handle: CirioNubAccess.Handle, lsh: LSA.LoadStateHandle, module: ObjF.Module] RETURNS [CC, Node] ~ {
cc: CC ← CCTypes.CreateCedarCompilerContext[];
bracketNest:ObjF.BracketNest ← ObjF.GetBracketNestForPC[module, [[0, ""], frameInfo.relativePC]];
rctw: RCTW.RCTWData ← CreateRCTW[cc, serverName, handle, lsh, module, bracketNest];
frame:Node ← RCTW.MakeSimpleFrame[frameInfo, rctw];
cc.nameScope ← frame;
RETURN[cc, frame]};
Note: the fields module and bracketNest are temporary. Eventually, these will be hashed.
CreateRCTW: PUBLIC PROC[cc: CC, serverName: Rope.ROPE, cirioNub: CirioNubAccess.Handle, lsh: LSA.LoadStateHandle, module: ObjF.Module, bracketNest: ObjF.BracketNest] RETURNS[RCTW.RCTWData] =
rctw: RCTW.RCTWData ← NEW[RCTW.RCTWDataBody←[
module: module,
bracketNest: bracketNest,
bracketHashTable: RefTab.Create[],
typeRefHashTable: SymTab.Create[],
serverName: serverName,
lsh: lsh,
nub: cirioNub,
cc: cc]];
FactoredDotOName: TYPE = RECORD[
name1: Rope.ROPE,
remainingPath: Rope.ROPE,
stem: Rope.ROPE,
cToC: Rope.ROPE, -- either empty or ".ctoc"
extension: Rope.ROPE, -- ".o" or empty
version: Rope.ROPE -- either empty or ".~" versionNumber "~" or "!" versionNumber
FactorDotOName: PROC[dotOLongName: Rope.ROPE] RETURNS[FactoredDotOName] =
ENABLE RuntimeError.BoundsFault => GOTO fails;
FindStartOfVersion: PROC RETURNS[INT] =
IF length = 0 THEN RETURN[length-1];
IF Rope.Fetch[dotOLongName, length-1] = '~ THEN RETURN[Rope.FindBackward[dotOLongName, ".~", length-2]]
lastBang: INT ← Rope.FindBackward[dotOLongName, "!", length-1];
IF lastBang > 0 THEN RETURN[lastBang] ELSE RETURN[length];
length: INT ← Rope.Length[dotOLongName];
firstSlash: INT ← Rope.Find[dotOLongName, "/"];
secondSlash: INT ← Rope.Find[dotOLongName, "/", firstSlash+1];
lastSlash: INT ← Rope.FindBackward[dotOLongName, "/", length];
startOfVersion: INT ← FindStartOfVersion[];
lastDot: INT ← Rope.FindBackward[dotOLongName, ".", startOfVersion-1];
startOfExtension: INTIF Rope.Equal[Rope.Substr[dotOLongName, lastDot+1, startOfVersion-lastDot-1], "o", FALSE] THEN lastDot ELSE startOfVersion;
secondLastDot: INT ← Rope.FindBackward[dotOLongName, ".", startOfExtension-1];
startOfcToC: INTIF Rope.Equal[Rope.Substr[dotOLongName, secondLastDot+1, startOfExtension-secondLastDot-1], "ctoc", FALSE] THEN secondLastDot ELSE startOfExtension;
IF NOT ( firstSlash = 0) AND (firstSlash < secondSlash) AND (secondSlash <= lastSlash) AND (lastSlash < startOfcToC) AND (startOfcToC <= startOfExtension) AND (startOfExtension <= startOfVersion) AND startOfVersion < length THEN BadDotONameSyntax[];
Rope.Substr[dotOLongName, firstSlash+1, secondSlash-firstSlash-1],
Rope.Substr[dotOLongName, secondSlash+1, lastSlash-secondSlash-1],
Rope.Substr[dotOLongName, lastSlash+1, startOfcToC-lastSlash-1],
Rope.Substr[dotOLongName, startOfcToC, startOfExtension-startOfcToC],
Rope.Substr[dotOLongName, startOfExtension, startOfVersion-startOfExtension],
Rope.Substr[dotOLongName, startOfVersion, length-startOfVersion]]];
fails => BadDotONameSyntax[];
BadDotONameSyntax: ERROR = CODE;
FilePair: TYPE = RECORD[dotO, mob: Rope.ROPE];
FindFiles: PROC[dotOName: Rope.ROPE] RETURNS[FilePair] =
components: FS.ComponentPositions;
fullFName: Rope.ROPE;
dirOmitted: BOOL;
shortRoot: Rope.ROPE;
firstExt: Rope.ROPE;
fullFName2: Rope.ROPE;
components2: FS.ComponentPositions;
dirOmitted2: BOOL;
[fullFName, components, dirOmitted] ← FS.ExpandName[dotOName];
shortRoot ← Rope.Substr[fullFName, components.base.start, components.base.length];
unfortunately, the original name may have had an encoded version number, it got stripped off as the extension
firstExt ← Rope.Substr[fullFName, components.ext.start, components.ext.length];
IF Rope.Length[firstExt] # 0 AND Rope.Fetch[firstExt, 0] = '~ THEN
[fullFName2, components2, dirOmitted2] ← FS.ExpandName[shortRoot];
shortRoot ← Rope.Substr[fullFName2, components2.base.start, components2.base.length];
RETURN[[Rope.Cat[shortRoot, ".o"], Rope.Concat[shortRoot, ".mob"]]];