/* cii.h
** Copyright (C) 1990, 1993 by Xerox Corporation.  All rights reserved.
** MFP, October 28, 1993 12:48:42 pm PDT
** Version CII-93-10-28
** Caveats:
**   Device creation procedures are not part of cii.h; see ciisetup.h.
** Changes since CII-93-07-01
**   New methods:
**     CII←MakeSampledBlack
**     CII←ApplyCCITTFacsimileDecompressionFilter
**     CII←SetSeparation
**     CII←SetOutputBuffers
**     CII←SetColorTable
**   Revised:
**     CII←StrokeControlRep now has provisions for dashed strokes.
** Changes since CII-93-08-11
**   New methods:
**     CII←MakeLookupTable
**     CII←DestroyLookupTable
**     CII←SetColorLookupTable
**     CII←GetColorLookupTable
**     CII←Sync
** Changes since CII-93-09-21
**   The comments to GetMatrix and GetInitialMatrix were made more 
**   specific about the the result of GetMatrix on a newly-created
**   handle.
** Changes since CII-93-09-28
**   New methods:
**   CII←RegisterCleanupObject
**   CII←UnRegisterCleanupObject
**   CII←SetInitialMatrix

#ifndef cii←h
#define cii←h

**  CII←RES: TYPE                                                    **
**                                                                   **
**  Error Codes                                                      **
typedef enum {
    CII←RES←ok = 0,
    CII←RES←bounds = 1001,
    CII←RES←overflow = 1002,
    CII←RES←zeroDivide = 1003,
    CII←RES←nilFault = 1004,
    CII←RES←insufficientMemory = 1005,
    CII←RES←ioError = 1006,
    CII←RES←timeout = 1007,
    CII←RES←eof = 1008,
    CII←RES←numericalInstability = 1009,
    CII←RES←bug = 1010,
    CII←RES←fileNotFound = 1020,
    CII←RES←colorModelOperatorNotFound = 1021,
    CII←RES←colorOperatorNotFound = 1022,
    CII←RES←colorNotFound = 1023,
    CII←RES←decompressorNotFound = 1024,
    CII←RES←fontNotFound = 1025,
    CII←RES←operatorNotFound = 1026,
    CII←RES←resourceNotFound = 1027,
    CII←RES←accessError = 1028,
    CII←RES←syntax = 1040,
    CII←RES←undefinedOperation = 1041,
    CII←RES←invalidCompressedSequence = 1042,
    CII←RES←malformedFont = 1043,
    CII←RES←invalidEncoding = 1044,
    CII←RES←invalidHeader = 1045,
    CII←RES←invalidIdentifier = 1046,
    CII←RES←invalidInstructionProperty = 1047,
    CII←RES←invalidName = 1048,
    CII←RES←invalidString = 1049,
    CII←RES←invalidToner = 1050,
    CII←RES←invalidVersion = 1051,
    CII←RES←nullValue = 1060,
    CII←RES←illegalAlternateMetrics = 1061,
    CII←RES←illegalColor = 1062,
    CII←RES←unknownSpecialColor = 1063,
    CII←RES←unknownSignalType = 1064,
    CII←RES←wrongShape = 1065,
    CII←RES←wrongSize = 1066,
    CII←RES←notCardinal = 1067,
    CII←RES←notInteger = 1068,
    CII←RES←notNumber = 1069,
    CII←RES←wrongType = 1070,
    CII←RES←noFont = 1071,
    CII←RES←illegalArguments = 1072,
    CII←RES←illegalTransformation = 1073,
    CII←RES←illegalPixelMask = 1074,
    CII←RES←illegalPropertyVector = 1075,
    CII←RES←illegalRunVector = 1076,
    CII←RES←undefinedProperty = 1077,
    CII←RES←stackOverflow = 1080,
    CII←RES←stackUnderflow = 1081,
    CII←RES←saveRestoreMismatch = 1082,
    CII←RES←markMismatch = 1083,
    CII←RES←unmarkFailed = 1084,
    CII←RES←invalidOperationSequence = 1085,
    CII←RES←obsoleteConstruct = 1100,
    CII←RES←unsupportedColorOperator = 1101,
    CII←RES←notImplemented = 1102,
    CII←RES←unimplemented = 1103,
    CII←RES←squareEndOnStrokeOfZeroLength = 1120,
    CII←RES←unableToProperlyAdjustMaskPositions = 1121,
    CII←RES←noSubstituteColor = 1122,
    CII←RES←fontSubstitution = 1123,
    CII←RES←appearance = 1124,
    CII←RES←error = 1140,
    CII←RES←copySensitive = 1160

**  CII←Handle: TYPE                                                 **
**                                                                   **
**  This is the primary object for the imaging operations; most of   **
**  this interface is concerned with the methods belonging to this   **
**  kind of object.                                                  **
typedef struct CII←ObjectRep * CII←Handle;

**  CII←Destroy: METHOD                                              **
**                                                                   **
**  Should be called exactly once on each CII←Handle created.        **
**  Prior to handle destruction, each of the registered              **
**  CleanupObjects is notified - see the RegisterCleanupObject       **
**  method for details.                                              **
#define CII←Destroy(h) \
typedef CII←RES
PROC←CII←Destroy(CII←Handle h);

**  CII←Boolean: TYPE                                                **
**                                                                   **
**  A Boolean: 0 => FALSE, 1 => TRUE                                 **
typedef int CII←Boolean;

**  CII←Scaled: TYPE                                                 **
**                                                                   **
**  A fixed point number, scaled by 2**16                            **
typedef long int CII←Scaled;

**  CII←RectangleRep: TYPE                                           **
**                                                                   **
**  Explicit representation of a rectangle                           **
**  In client coordinates.                                           **
**  (x,y) is one corner.                                             **
**  w is the width, in the x direction.                              **
**  h is the height, in the y direction.                             **
**  w and/or h may be negative.                                      **
typedef struct CII←RectangleRep {float x, y, w, h;} CII←RectangleRep;

**  CII←VectorRep: TYPE                                              **
**                                                                   **
**  Explicit representation of a point or vector                     **
**  In client coordinates.                                           **
typedef struct CII←VectorRep {float x, y;} CII←VectorRep;

**  CII←Color: TYPE                                                  **
**                                                                   **
**  Represents a color.                                              **
**  Details are opaque to the client.  These objects are             **
**  heap-allocated, and so may be stored in persistent data          **
**  structures.                                                      **
typedef struct {int opaque;} *CII←Color;

**  CII←DestroyColor: METHOD                                         **
**                                                                   **
**  Should be called exactly once for each CII←Color returned to     **
**  the client, after after which the client should not use the      **
**  object again.  The handle must be the same handle used to        **
**  create the CII←Color.                                            **
#define CII←DestroyColor(h, color) \
   (((h)->DestroyColor)(h, color))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←Handle h,
    CII←Color color

**  CII←ColorOperator: TYPE                                          **
**                                                                   **
**  Represents a color operator, which maps pixel values (tuples of  **
**  numbers) into colors.                                            **
**  Details are opaque to the client.  These objects are             **
**  heap-allocated, and so may be stored in persistent data          **
**  structures.                                                      **
typedef struct {int opaque;} *CII←ColorOperator;

**  CII←DestroyColorOperator: METHOD                                 **
**                                                                   **
**  Should be called exactly once for each CII←ColorOperator         **
**  returned to the client, after after which the client should not  **
**  use the object again.  The handle must be the same handle used   **
**  to create the CII←ColorOperator.                                 **
#define CII←DestroyColorOperator(h, colorOperator) \
   (((h)->DestroyColorOperator)(h, colorOperator))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←Handle h,
    CII←ColorOperator colorOperator

**  CII←SampleRange: TYPE                                            **
**                                                                   **
**  Used as a parameter to the color operator creation procs,        **
**  declares the interval over which the signal values may range,    **
**  and what the sense is.  The signal values are the result of the  **
**  samples after being processed through the lookup tables, if any. **
typedef struct CII←SampleRange {
    float sWhite; /* input value corresponding to white */
    float sBlack; /* input value for max density */
} CII←SampleRange;

**  CII←Clipper: TYPE                                                **
**                                                                   **
**  Represents a clipping region.                                    **
**  Details are opaque to the client.  These objects are             **
**  heap-allocated, and so may be stored in persistent data          **
**  structures.                                                      **
typedef struct {int opaque;} *CII←Clipper;

**  CII←DestroyClipper: METHOD                                       **
**                                                                   **
**  Should be called exactly once for each CII←Clipper returned to   **
**  the client, after after which the client should not use the      **
**  object again.  The handle must be the same handle used to        **
**  create the CII←Clipper.                                          **
#define CII←DestroyClipper(h, clipper) \
   (((h)->DestroyClipper)(h, clipper))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←Handle h,
    CII←Clipper clipper

**  CII←Font: TYPE                                                   **
**                                                                   **
**  Represents a font.                                               **
**  Details are opaque to the client.  These objects are             **
**  heap-allocated, and so may be stored in persistent data          **
**  structures.                                                      **
typedef struct {int opaque;} *CII←Font;

**  CII←DestroyFont: METHOD                                          **
**                                                                   **
**  Should be called exactly once for each CII←Font returned to the  **
**  client, after after which the client should not use the object   **
**  again.  The handle must be the same handle used to create the    **
**  CII←Font.                                                        **
#define CII←DestroyFont(h, font) \
   (((h)->DestroyFont)(h, font))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←Handle h,
    CII←Font font

**  CII←FillType: TYPE                                               **
**                                                                   **
**  Specifies the fill rule.                                         **
typedef enum {
    CII←NONZERO←FILL,  /* Use non-zero winding-number fill rule */
    CII←EO←FILL        /* Use even/odd winding-number fill rule */
} CII←FillType;

**  CII←RasterRep: TYPE                                              **
**                                                                   **
**  Describes the layout of a raster in memory                       **
typedef struct CII←RasterRep {
    int sMinBox;              /* box.min.s */
    int fMinBox;              /* box.min.f */
    int sMaxBox;              /* box.max.s */
    int fMaxBox;              /* box.max.f */
    unsigned bitsPerSample;   /* number of bits per sample */
    unsigned bitsPerLine;     /* number of bits per scan line */
    long* basePointer;        /* word pointer to data area */
    unsigned bitIndex;        /* index of first bit of data */
    void* ref;                /* for retaining collectible storage */
} CII←RasterRep;

**  CII←SetMatrix: METHOD                                            **
**                                                                   **
**  Sets the client-to-device transformation.                        **
#define CII←SetMatrix(h, matrix) \
   (((h)->SetMatrix)(h, matrix))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←Handle h,
    float matrix[]

**  CII←GetMatrix: METHOD                                            **
**                                                                   **
**  Gets the client-to-device transformation.  For a newly-created   **
**  handle, this will be the identity matrix.                        **
#define CII←GetMatrix(h, matrixResult) \
   (((h)->GetMatrix)(h, matrixResult))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←Handle h,
    float matrixResult[]

**  CII←GetInitialMatrix: METHOD                                     **
**                                                                   **
**  Gets the client-to-device transformation that maps the standard  **
**  initial page coordinate system to device space, taking into      **
**  account the resolution and scan direction of the device.  Units  **
**  are inch/72, as for PostScript(TM).  Note that this is not the   **
**  matrix that is current for a newly-created handle.               **
#define CII←GetInitialMatrix(h, matrixResult) \
   (((h)->GetInitialMatrix)(h, matrixResult))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←Handle h,
    float matrixResult[]

**  CII←SetInitialMatrix: METHOD                                     **
**                                                                   **
**  Sets the value to be returned by CII←GetInitialMatrix.  This     **
**  may be used reflect changes to the effective resolution,         **
**  origin, and orientation.  Note that the value of the initial     **
**  matrix does not have any effect on the CII imaging methods, but  **
**  rather is for the benefit of the client.                         **
#define CII←SetInitialMatrix(h, matrix) \
   (((h)->SetInitialMatrix)(h, matrix))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←Handle h,
    float matrix[]

**  CII←MakeGrayColorOperator: METHOD                                **
**                                                                   **
**  Makes a gray color operator                                      **
#define CII←MakeGrayColorOperator(a, b, c, d, e) \
   (((a)->MakeGrayColorOperator)(a, b, c, d, e))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←Handle h,
    CII←SampleRange* sampleRange,
    unsigned int sampleTableSize,
    float sampleTable[],
    CII←ColorOperator* colorOperatorResult

**  CII←MakeRGBColorOperator: METHOD                                 **
**                                                                   **
**  Makes a RGB color operator                                       **
#define CII←MakeRGBColorOperator(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) \
   (((a)->MakeRGBColorOperator)(a, b, c, d, e, f, g))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←Handle h,
    CII←SampleRange* sampleRange,
    unsigned int sampleTableSize,
    float sampleTableR[],
    float sampleTableG[],
    float sampleTableB[],
    CII←ColorOperator* colorOperatorResult

**  CII←MakeCMYKColorOperator: METHOD                                **
**                                                                   **
**  Makes a CMYK color operator                                      **
#define CII←MakeCMYKColorOperator(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) \
   (((a)->MakeCMYKColorOperator)(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←Handle h,
    CII←SampleRange* sampleRange,
    unsigned int sampleTableSize,
    float sampleTableC[],
    float sampleTableM[],
    float sampleTableY[],
    float sampleTableK[],
    CII←ColorOperator* colorOperatorResult

**  CII←MakeHighlightColorOperator: METHOD                           **
**                                                                   **
**  Makes a Highlight color operator                                 **
#define CII←MakeHighlightColorOperator(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) \
   (((a)->MakeHighlightColorOperator)(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←Handle h,
    CII←SampleRange* sampleRange,
    CII←Color baseColor,
    CII←Color highlightColor,
    unsigned int sampleTableSize,
    float sampleTableBaseColor[],
    float sampleTableHighlightColor[],
    CII←ColorOperator* colorOperatorResult

**  CII←MakeColor: METHOD                                            **
**                                                                   **
**  Creates a color by applying a color operator to a tuple of       **
**  sample values.  The samplesPerPixel parameter is present as an   **
**  error check against the samplesPerPixel of the color operator    **
#define CII←MakeColor(h, colorOperator, samplesPerPixel, pixel, colorResult) \
   (((h)->MakeColor)(h, colorOperator, samplesPerPixel, pixel, colorResult))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←Handle h,
    CII←ColorOperator colorOperator,
    unsigned int samplesPerPixel,
    float pixel[],
    CII←Color* colorResult

**  CII←MakeSampledBlack: METHOD                                     **
**                                                                   **
**  Creates a color that consists of a black-and-white or            **
**  black-and-clear pattern that is replicated as necessary to fill  **
**  the entire mask area.  The provided raster must have one bit     **
**  per sample.  The '1' bits specify black, and the '0' bits        **
**  specify white or clear, depending on the 'clear' parameter.      **
**  The transformation matrix maps the [s, f] coordinates of the     **
**  source bitmap to the [s, f] device coordinates; the current      **
**  matrix has no effect on the way the color is created.            **
**  Note: If the tiling effect is not needed, it is normally         **
**  preferable to use MaskBitmap (with a clipping region, if         **
**  required).                                                       **
#define CII←MakeSampledBlack(h, bitmap, pixelToDevice, clear, colorResult) \
   (((h)->MakeSampledBlack)(h, bitmap, pixelToDevice, clear, colorResult))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←Handle h,
    CII←RasterRep* bitmap,
    float pixelToDevice[],
    CII←Boolean clear,
    CII←Color* colorResult

**  CII←SetColor: METHOD                                             **
**                                                                   **
**  Sets the current color                                           **
#define CII←SetColor(h, color) \
   (((h)->SetColor)(h, color))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←Handle h,
    CII←Color color

**  CII←SetGray: METHOD                                              **
**                                                                   **
**  Convenience proc to set gray; 0=>black, 1=>white                 **
#define CII←SetGray(h, gray) \
   (((h)->SetGray)(h, gray))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←Handle h,
    float* gray

**  CII←SetRGB: METHOD                                               **
**                                                                   **
**  convenience proc to set rgb color; 0=>black, 1=>full primary     **
#define CII←SetRGB(h, rgb) \
   (((h)->SetRGB)(h, rgb))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←Handle h,
    float rgb[]

**  CII←SetHSV: METHOD                                               **
**                                                                   **
**  convenience proc to set hsv color                                **
#define CII←SetHSV(h, hsv) \
   (((h)->SetHSV)(h, hsv))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←Handle h,
    float hsv[]

**  CII←SetCMYK: METHOD                                              **
**                                                                   **
**  convenience proc to set cmyk color                               **
#define CII←SetCMYK(h, cmyk) \
   (((h)->SetCMYK)(h, cmyk))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←Handle h,
    float cmyk[]

**  CII←GetColor: METHOD                                             **
**                                                                   **
**  Gets the current color                                           **
#define CII←GetColor(h, colorResult) \
   (((h)->GetColor)(h, colorResult))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←Handle h,
    CII←Color* colorResult

**  CII←MaskRectangle: METHOD                                        **
**                                                                   **
**  Masks a rectangle.                                               **
**  Uses the current matrix, color, and clipping region              **
#define CII←MaskRectangle(h, rect) \
   (((h)->MaskRectangle)(h, rect))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←Handle h,
    CII←RectangleRep* rect

**  CII←PathSink: TYPE                                               **
**                                                                   **
**  Pointer to private information to be supplied to MoveTo,         **
**  LineTo, CurveTo, and ConicTo.  Normally the referent is          **
**  stack-allocated; so don't retain this pointer when the path      **
**  generator is done.                                               **
typedef struct CII←PathSinkObjectRep *CII←PathSink;

**  CII←PathGenerator: TYPE                                          **
**                                                                   **
**  An abstract, procedural representation of a path                 **
typedef struct CII←PathGeneratorObjectRep *CII←PathGenerator;

**  CII←GeneratePath: METHOD                                         **
**                                                                   **
**  Invokes the PathGenerator into a PathSink                        **
#define CII←GeneratePath(self, sink) \
   (((self)->GeneratePath)(self, sink))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←PathGenerator self,
    CII←PathSink sink

**  CII←MoveTo: METHOD                                               **
**                                                                   **
**  begins a new trajectory at the point p; p0 := p                  **
#define CII←MoveTo(sink, p) \
   (((sink)->MoveTo)(sink, p))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←PathSink sink,
    CII←VectorRep* p

**  CII←LineTo: METHOD                                               **
**                                                                   **
**  extends a straight line from p0 to p; p0 := p                    **
#define CII←LineTo(sink, p) \
   (((sink)->LineTo)(sink, p))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←PathSink sink,
    CII←VectorRep* p

**  CII←CurveTo: METHOD                                              **
**                                                                   **
**  extends a cubic curve from p0 (controlled by p[0], p[1]) to      **
**  p[2]; p0 := p[2]                                                 **
#define CII←CurveTo(sink, p) \
   (((sink)->CurveTo)(sink, p))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←PathSink sink,
    CII←VectorRep p[]

**  CII←ConicControlRep: TYPE                                        **
**                                                                   **
**  Control parameters for a conic piece                             **
typedef struct CII←ConicControlRep {
    CII←VectorRep p1, p2;
    float s;
} CII←ConicControlRep;

**  CII←ConicTo: METHOD                                              **
**                                                                   **
**  extends a conic curve from p0 (controlled by p1, s) to p2; p0    **
**  := p2                                                            **
#define CII←ConicTo(sink, c) \
   (((sink)->ConicTo)(sink, c))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←PathSink sink,
    CII←ConicControlRep* c

**  CII←MaskFill: METHOD                                             **
**                                                                   **
**  For filling an area specified by a path.                         **
#define CII←MaskFill(h, pathGenerator, fillType) \
   (((h)->MaskFill)(h, pathGenerator, fillType))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←Handle h,
    CII←PathGenerator pathGenerator,
    CII←FillType fillType

**  CII←Clip: METHOD                                                 **
**                                                                   **
**  Replaces the current clipping region with its intersection with  **
**  the specified area                                               **
#define CII←Clip(h, pathGenerator, fillType) \
   (((h)->Clip)(h, pathGenerator, fillType))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←Handle h,
    CII←PathGenerator pathGenerator,
    CII←FillType fillType

**  CII←GetClipper: METHOD                                           **
**                                                                   **
**  Gets the current clipping region.                                **
#define CII←GetClipper(h, clipperResult) \
   (((h)->GetClipper)(h, clipperResult))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←Handle h,
    CII←Clipper* clipperResult

**  CII←SetClipper: METHOD                                           **
**                                                                   **
**  Sets the current clipping region.                                **
#define CII←SetClipper(h, clipper) \
   (((h)->SetClipper)(h, clipper))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←Handle h,
    CII←Clipper clipper

**  CII←BuildClipperBegin: METHOD                                    **
**                                                                   **
**  The sequence of calls                                            **
**      CII←BuildClipperBegin(h);                                    **
**      CII←MaskXXX(h, ...);                                         **
**      ...                                                          **
**      CII←BuildClipperEnd(h);                                      **
**  may be used to modify the clipping region by means of any of     **
**  the masking operations.  The area marked by these mask           **
**  operations will be intersected with the active clipping region;  **
**  if it is desired to totally replace the clipper, do              **
**  CII←SetClipper(h, NIL);                                          **
**  prior to the above sequence.                                     **
**  The BuildClipperBegin / BuildClipperEnd sequence may not be      **
**  nested.                                                          **
#define CII←BuildClipperBegin(h) \
typedef CII←RES
PROC←CII←BuildClipperBegin(CII←Handle h);

**  CII←BuildClipperEnd: METHOD                                      **
**                                                                   **
**  See CII←BuildClipperBegin, above.                                **
#define CII←BuildClipperEnd(h) \
typedef CII←RES
PROC←CII←BuildClipperEnd(CII←Handle h);

**  CII←StrokeType: TYPE                                             **
**                                                                   **
**  For controlling closed strokes                                   **

**  CII←EndType: TYPE                                                **
**                                                                   **
**  End treatment for strokes                                        **
typedef enum {
} CII←EndType;

**  CII←JointType: TYPE                                              **
**                                                                   **
**  Joint treatment for strokes                                      **
typedef enum {
} CII←JointType;

**  CII←StrokeControlRep: TYPE                                       **
**                                                                   **
**  Collected stroke control.                                        **
**  For a normal (non-dashed) stroke, dashCount is 0.  For a dashed  **
**  stroke, dashCount is the number of elements in the dash pattern  **
**  arry, dashArray.  The dashArray elements are given in            **
**  user-space units, and are used cyclicly to indicate the lengths  **
**  of the on ond off sections of the stroke.  These elements must   **
**  be non-negative, and not all zero.                               **
**  The value of dashOffset indicates (in user-space units) where    **
**  to start the pattern.                                            **
**  If dashCorrectLength is positive, the dashArray values (and the  **
**  offset value) are effectively multiplied by the ratio            **
**     dashComputedLength/dashCorrectLength,                         **
**  where dashComputedLength is the length of the path, in user      **
**  coordinates, as computed by the imager.  This allows the client  **
**  to have control over the number and ending state of the dashes   **
**  without needing to use exactly the same length approximations    **
**  as the imager does.                                              **
**  The setting of strokeAdjust controls the way strokes are         **
**  rendered; use 0 (FALSE) to get inferior quality.                 **
**  thickening is in device space and can be negative                **
**    (i.e. thinning is OK)                                          **
**  minThickness is in device space and should be non-negative.      **
**  A CII←StrokeControlRep should be initialized with the value      **
**  CII←INITIALSTROKECONTROL, the stamp value is used to help        **
**  ensure that the fields have all been properly set up.            **
typedef struct CII←StrokeControlRep {
    CII←StrokeType strokeType;
    CII←EndType end;
    CII←JointType joint;
    float miterLimit;
    float strokeWidth;
    int dashCount;
    float* dashArray;
    float dashOffset;
    float dashCorrectLength;
    CII←Boolean strokeAdjust;
    CII←VectorRep thickening;
    CII←VectorRep minThickness;
    int stamp;
    } CII←StrokeControlRep;
  {0, CII←SQUARE←END, CII←MITER←JOINT, 0.0, 0.0, 0, (float*)0, \
   0.0, 0.0, 1, {0.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.0}, 6218}

**  CII←MaskStroke: METHOD                                           **
**                                                                   **
**  Masks a stroke                                                   **
#define CII←MaskStroke(h, pathGenerator, s) \
   (((h)->MaskStroke)(h, pathGenerator, s))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←Handle h,
    CII←PathGenerator pathGenerator,
    CII←StrokeControlRep* s

**  CII←MaskBitmap: METHOD                                           **
**                                                                   **
**  Uses a bitmap as a mask.  The raster provided should be 1 bit    **
**  per pixel.  The current transformation matrix is used to         **
**  specify the mapping of the [s, f] source coordinate system to    **
**  the device coordinate system.  The current color fills the       **
**  portions of the output image that correspond with the '1' bits.  **
**   In most cases, the background color will be NIL, which means    **
**   the '0' bits are clear, and this acts like a true masking       **
**   operation.  However, if the background color is not NIL, it     **
**   will be used to fill the portions of the output image that      **
**   correspond with the '0' bits of the source.                     **
#define CII←MaskBitmap(h, raster, background) \
   (((h)->MaskBitmap)(h, raster, background))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←Handle h,
    CII←RasterRep* raster,
    CII←Color background

**  CII←MaskDeviceTrapezoid: METHOD                                  **
**                                                                   **
**  Masks a trapezoid, expressed in device coordinates.  This        **
**  operation ignores the clipping region, as well as the clipper,   **
**  so it is up to the client to make sure that the trapezoid has    **
**  been properly transformed and clipped.  The interpretation of    **
**  the parameters is as follows:                                    **
**  sMin, fMin, sMax, fMax: these express the bounding box of the    **
**      trapezoid; they are integers in device space and therefore   **
**      demarcate the boundaries of pixels.  Only pixels inside      **
**      this box will be affected by the mask.                       **
**  f0, df0: these express the starting location and slope of one    **
**      of the trapezoid's sides.  These are both fixed-point        **
**      representations of rational numbers, with a scale factor of  **
**      65536 (2**16).  The value of f0 is the point at which the    **
**      side intersects the line of constant s value (sMin+0.5).     **
**      The corresponding values for successive lines are obtained   **
**      by adding df0 to the previous line's value.                  **
**  f1, df1: these are like f0 and df0, but for the opposite side.   **
**      It is permitted for the two sides of the trapezoid to        **
**      cross, and for the sides to extend beyond the sides of the   **
**      bounding box; in the latter case the mask will be clipped    **
**      by the bounding box.  The mask includes precisely those      **
**      pixel areas [s..s+1) X [f..f+1) such that                    **
**      (sMin <= s < sMax) and (fMin <= f < fMax) and (              **
**        (f0+(s-sMin)*df0) <= C*(f+0.5) < (f1+(s-sMin)*df1) or      **
**        (f1+(s-sMin)*df1) <= C*(f+0.5) < (f0+(s-sMin)*df0)),       **
**      where C is the scale factor (2**16).                         **
**  As described thus far, the trapezoid is filled using a           **
**  point-sampled, pixel-center rule.  To get the effect of          **
**  including any pixel touched by the trapezoid, consistent with    **
**  section 6.5.1 of the PLRM(2nd ed) the client may do the          **
**  following:                                                       **
**      1. If necessary, subdivide the original trapezoid to         **
**         eliminate crossing sides.  This step may not be needed    **
**         if the source of the trapezoids is guaranteed never to    **
**         create such beasts.                                       **
**      2. Use the floor function to calculate sMin and fMin, and    **
**         the ceiling function to calculate sMax and fMax, rather   **
**         than rounding.                                            **
**      3. Sort the sides so that the f value for side 0 does not    **
**         exceed the f value for side 1; this makes sense by        **
**         virtue of step 1, which eliminated crossings.             **
**      4. The calculation of df0 and df1 stay the same, since the   **
**         slope of the sides does not change when you offset them.  **
**         However, before the calculation of f0 as the              **
**         intersection of side 0 with the (sMin+0.5) line, offset   **
**         the side 0 line by (ds, df) = (-0.5, -0.5) if df0 < 0,    **
**         or by (0.5, -0.5) if df0 > 0 (if df0 = 0, both offsets    **
**         give the same answer).  Similarly, offset side 1 by       **
**         (0.5, 0.5) if df1 < 0, or by (-0.5, 0.5) otherwise;       **
**         additionally, f1 should be decreased by 1 after           **
**         conversion to scaled form.                                **
#define CII←MaskDeviceTrapezoid(h, sMin, fMin, sMax, fMax, f0, df0, f1, df1) \
   (((h)->MaskDeviceTrapezoid)(h, sMin, fMin, sMax, fMax, f0, df0, f1, df1))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←Handle h,
    int sMin,
    int fMin,
    int sMax,
    int fMax,
    CII←Scaled f0,
    CII←Scaled df0,
    CII←Scaled f1,
    CII←Scaled df1

**  CII←MaskProgram: TYPE                                            **
**                                                                   **
**  Represents a 'compiled' version of a little program for          **
**  generating device masks.  See MakeMaskProgram and                **
**  MaskDeviceBoxes, below.                                          **
**  Details are opaque to the client.  These objects are             **
**  heap-allocated, and so may be stored in persistent data          **
**  structures.                                                      **
typedef struct {int opaque;} *CII←MaskProgram;

**  CII←DestroyMaskProgram: METHOD                                   **
**                                                                   **
**  Should be called exactly once for each CII←MaskProgram returned  **
**  to the client, after after which the client should not use the   **
**  object again.  The handle must be the same handle used to        **
**  create the CII←MaskProgram.                                      **
#define CII←DestroyMaskProgram(h, maskProgram) \
   (((h)->DestroyMaskProgram)(h, maskProgram))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←Handle h,
    CII←MaskProgram maskProgram

**  CII←MakeMaskProgram: METHOD                                      **
**                                                                   **
**  Various CII clients may choose to represent mask data in         **
**  various forms, differing in detail, but all representing mask    **
**  data in device coordinates.  To deal effectively with this       **
**  diversity, CII allows device-resolution mask data to be stored   **
**  in a form driven by the client, and accepts a little program     **
**  that knows how to decode the data into device-boxes.  This       **
**  program is provided in the form of an ascii string, using the    **
**  little language we define here.  The CII implementation may      **
**  work by (a) interpreting the string, by (b) recognizing special  **
**  cases, or even by (c) compiling it into a small                  **
**  machine-language program.  So that any such processing need be   **
**  done only once, the CII←MakeMaskProgram is a separate call from  **
**  CII←MaskDeviceBoxes.                                             **
**  The machine model for this little programming language is as     **
**  follows:                                                         **
**  There is one accumulator and ten registers, each 32 bits wide.   **
**  Registers 0, 1, 2, and 3 have a special meaning, as follows:     **
**      0 - sMin                                                     **
**      1 - fMin                                                     **
**      2 - sMax                                                     **
**      3 - fMax                                                     **
**  These assigned registers are used to communicate the resulting   **
**  device boxes out of the program, via the E instruction; they     **
**  are also initialized to be the clipping box that is passed to    **
**  CII←MaskDeviceBoxes.  The accumulator and the other registers    **
**  are initialized to zero.                                         **
**  For input to the program, there is (conceptually) a stream of    **
**  input bytes; for CII←MaskDeviceBoxes, this data comes from       **
**  consecutive memory locations.  The value of bigEndian            **
**  determines the order with which the bytes are fetched.  The      **
**  program should respect alignment - the data for F2 and F4 must   **
**  occur on 2-byte and 4-byte boundaries, respectively, and the     **
**  maskData pointer should be aligned on a word boundary.  A        **
**  program that needs to deal with unaligned data must assemble     **
**  the bytes itself.                                                **
**  The instructions in the program string are each one or two       **
**  characters long. In the following description, k is a single     **
**  decimal digit, and denotes a register number, and A denotes the  **
**  accumulator.                                                     **
**     { start loop                                                  **
**     } end loop                                                    **
**     Lk load var k into A                                          **
**     Sk store accum into var k                                     **
**     +k Add var k to A                                             **
**     -k Subtract var k from A                                      **
**     ↑k Shift (unsigned) A by (signed) count in register k         **
**     X  exit loop if A is zero                                     **
**     ~                                                             **
**     F1 F2 F4 - fetch 1, 2, or 4 bytes into A, bump src pointer    **
**     W1 W2 - fetch 1 or 2 bytes, unsigned, into A, bump src        **
**     pointer                                                       **
**     = clear A                                                     **
**     0 .. 7 - multiply A by 8 and add digit value.                 **
**     E emit a box (in registers 0 to 3)                            **
**  The program string is terminated by a null.  No white space is   **
**  allowed.  The storage for the program string may be re-used      **
**  after the MakeMaskProgram call is complete.                      **
**  The shift command multiplies by 2**k, dropping any bits that     **
**  fall off either end of the word.                                 **
**  This is codeVersion 1; this value should be explicitly coded     **
**  with the program string, rather than symbolically, so that may   **
**  be updated when the program string is updated.                   **
**  The program execution terminates when the end is reached, or     **
**  when a fetch is attempted and there is no further data.          **
**  As a simple example, the following program decodes a simple      **
**  run-length encoding of a monotone region, consisting of a        **
**  sequence of halfwords that give the start and length of the box  **
**  on each scanline, with the start relative to the initial fMin:   **
**    L1S4L2S5{L0-5XW2+4S1W2+1S3=1+0S2ES0}                           **
**  Breaking this down, we get:                                      **
**     L1S4     save the initial fMin in register 4                  **
**     L2S5     save the initial sMax in register 5                  **
**     {L0-5X   while sMin ~= sMaxInitial do                         **
**     W2+4S1     fMin := fetch2()+fMinInitial                       **
**     W2+1S3     fMax := fetch2()+fMin                              **
**     =1+0S2     sMax := sMin+1                                     **
**     E          emit(sMin, fMin, sMax, fMax)                       **
**     S0         sMin := sMin+1                                     **
**     }          end                                                **
**                                                                   **
**  Notes:                                                           **
**     Loops may be nested.                                          **
**     A simple conditional may be obtained by the idiom:            **
**       { <condition> X <action> =X}                                **
**     The equal sign together with the digits 0 to 7 constitute an  **
**     idiom for loading octal constants.  Nontrivial constants may  **
**     be loaded into registers outside of any loop.                 **
#define CII←MakeMaskProgram(h, codeVersion, bigEndian, codeString, maskProgramResult) \
   (((h)->MakeMaskProgram)(h, codeVersion, bigEndian, codeString, maskProgramResult))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←Handle h,
    int codeVersion,
    CII←Boolean bigEndian,
    char* codeString,
    CII←MaskProgram* maskProgramResult

**  CII←MaskDeviceBoxes: METHOD                                      **
**                                                                   **
**  See CII←MakeMaskProgram for details of maskProgram.  This        **
**  operation bypasses the transformation and the clipper, leaving   **
**  these responsibilities to the client.                            **
**  sMin, fMin, sMax, fMax specify the bounds of the mask.  It is    **
**  an error to exceed these bounds.                                 **
**  boxOrder gives some information about the generated boxes:       **
**     0 - nothing is known about the order or overlap of the boxes  **
**     1 - boxes will be disjoint                                    **
**     2 - boxes will be disjoint, nonempty, and for any two         **
**     consecutive boxes a and b, b.sMin >= a.sMax-1                 **
#define CII←MaskDeviceBoxes(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) \
   (((a)->MaskDeviceBoxes)(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←Handle h,
    int sMin,
    int fMin,
    int sMax,
    int fMax,
    int boxOrder,
    CII←MaskProgram maskProgram,
    int maskDataByteCount,
    void* maskData

**  CII←FindFont: METHOD                                             **
**                                                                   **
**  Finds a font, given a name.                                      **
**  fontName is the Hierarchical name, slash delimited               **
#define CII←FindFont(h, fontName, fontResult) \
   (((h)->FindFont)(h, fontName, fontResult))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←Handle h,
    char* fontName,
    CII←Font* fontResult

**  CII←ModifyFont: METHOD                                           **
**                                                                   **
**  Makes a new font with a modified transformation, according to    **
**  the supplied matrix.                                             **
#define CII←ModifyFont(h, font, mp, fontResult) \
   (((h)->ModifyFont)(h, font, mp, fontResult))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←Handle h,
    CII←Font font,
    float mp[],
    CII←Font* fontResult

**  CII←MakeFontAtom: METHOD                                         **
**                                                                   **
**  Differs from ModifyFont in that it ignores the translation       **
**  component of the supplied matrix                                 **
#define CII←MakeFontAtom(h, font, mp, fontResult) \
   (((h)->MakeFontAtom)(h, font, mp, fontResult))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←Handle h,
    CII←Font font,
    float mp[],
    CII←Font* fontResult

**  CII←EasyMetrics: TYPE                                            **
**                                                                   **
**  all easy => never call hardMetrics proc                          **
**  ordinary easy => call hardMetrics for spacing characters         **
**  none easy => call hardMetrics for each character                 **
typedef enum {
} CII←EasyMetrics;

**  CII←CharCode: TYPE                                               **
**                                                                   **
**  A 32-bit character code                                          **
typedef unsigned long CII←CharCode;

**  CII←MaskInfo: TYPE                                               **
**                                                                   **
**  Information about the character just masked, for benefit of      **
**  hardMetrics procedure                                            **
typedef struct CII←MaskInfo {
    CII←Font fontAtom;
    CII←CharCode charCode;
    CII←Scaled deltaX; /* device coords, slow scan direction */
    CII←Scaled deltaY; /* device coords, fast scan direction */
    int minX, minY, maxX, maxY; /* bounding box, device coords */
} CII←MaskInfo;

**  CII←ShowArgs: TYPE                                               **
**                                                                   **
**  The control block for Show.  This is a read-write area; the cp   **
**  field and the start field get updated to reflect how much work   **
**  has been done.                                                   **
typedef struct CII←ShowArgs {
    CII←Font fontAtom;	/* with transformation to device coordinates */
    CII←EasyMetrics easyMetrics; /* controls metrics callback */
    CII←Boolean noImage; 		/* TRUE turns off imaging */
    CII←RES (*hardChar)(CII←Handle, struct CII←ShowArgs*);
    CII←RES (*hardMetrics)(CII←Handle, struct CII←ShowArgs*, struct CII←MaskInfo*);
    CII←VectorRep cp;	/* gets updated; device coords */
    int start;		/* gets updated for callbacks */
    int end;		/* characters[end-1] is the last one */
    CII←CharCode* characters; /* the character codes, one per word */
    void* clientData;	/* for benefit of callbacks */
} CII←ShowArgs;

**  CII←DoHardChar: METHOD                                           **
**                                                                   **
**  May be used as the hardChar proc, or simply to show a single     **
**  character without using the mask cache.                          **
**  N.B. ignores current transformation                              **
#define CII←DoHardChar(h, s) \
   (((h)->DoHardChar)(h, s))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←Handle h,
    CII←ShowArgs* s

**  CII←DoHardMetrics: METHOD                                        **
**                                                                   **
**  May be used as the hardMetrics proc to provide the default       **
**  behavior of adding the escapement to the current position.       **
**  N.B. ignores current transformation                              **
#define CII←DoHardMetrics(h, s, maskInfo) \
   (((h)->DoHardMetrics)(h, s, maskInfo))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←Handle h,
    CII←ShowArgs* s,
    CII←MaskInfo* maskInfo

**  CII←Show: METHOD                                                 **
**                                                                   **
**  General-purpose Show procedure.                                  **
#define CII←Show(h, s) \
   (((h)->Show)(h, s))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←Handle h,
    CII←ShowArgs* s

**  CII←BufferedSeparationImage: METHOD                              **
**                                                                   **
**  Draws a portion of the buffered image, using any data outside    **
**  of the sMin .. sMax range any interpolation or other             **
**  anti-aliasing that might be done.  This range will typically     **
**  specify most of the image, with only a few scanlines of context  **
**  from adjacent bands.                                             **
#define CII←BufferedSeparationImage(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) \
   (((a)->BufferedSeparationImage)(a, b, c, d, e, f, g))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←Handle h,
    CII←RasterRep* buffers[],
    unsigned int samplesPerPixel,
    int sMin,
    int sMax,
    CII←ColorOperator colorOperator,
    CII←Boolean interpolate

**  CII←BufferedInterleavedImage: METHOD                             **
**                                                                   **
**  Like BufferedSeparationImage, but the samples are interleaved    **
**  in the buffer.  The fSize of the buffer is samplesPerPixel       **
**  times greater than the fSize of the image data.                  **
#define CII←BufferedInterleavedImage(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) \
   (((a)->BufferedInterleavedImage)(a, b, c, d, e, f, g))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←Handle h,
    CII←RasterRep* buffer,
    unsigned int samplesPerPixel,
    int sMin,
    int sMax,
    CII←ColorOperator colorOperator,
    CII←Boolean interpolate

**  CII←ImageSource: TYPE                                            **
**                                                                   **
**  This is a simple, abstract byte-stream object.                   **
typedef struct CII←ImageSourceObjectRep * CII←ImageSource;

**  CII←ImageSourceRead: METHOD                                      **
**                                                                   **
**  The read proc places the number of bytes read into               **
**  *nbytesResult. Zero bytes read indicates the end-of-stream.      **
#define CII←ImageSourceRead(self, buf, nbytes, nbytesResult) \
   (((self)->ImageSourceRead)(self, buf, nbytes, nbytesResult))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←ImageSource self,
    void* buf,
    unsigned int nbytes,
    unsigned int* nbytesResult

**  CII←ImageSourceDestroy: METHOD                                   **
**                                                                   **
**  Asserts this image source is finished.                           **
#define CII←ImageSourceDestroy(self) \
typedef CII←RES
PROC←CII←ImageSourceDestroy(CII←ImageSource self);

**  CII←StreamImage: METHOD                                          **
**                                                                   **
**  Draws the image; takes care of breaking the image into           **
**  managable pieces.  The image data is pulled from the source,     **
**  and is always interleaved, with each scanline starting at a bit  **
**  index that is zero modulo padMod.  Use padMod = 1 for no         **
**  padding, padMod = 8 for byte-aligned scanlines, etc.             **
#define CII←StreamImage(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) \
   (((a)->StreamImage)(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←Handle h,
    unsigned int sSize,
    unsigned int fSize,
    unsigned int bitsPerSample,
    unsigned int samplesPerPixel,
    unsigned int padMod,
    CII←ColorOperator co,
    CII←Boolean interpolate,
    CII←ImageSource source

**  CII←MaskStreamBits: METHOD                                       **
**                                                                   **
**  Stream-oriented analogue to MaskBitmap.  Always 1 bit per        **
**  pixel.  The padMod argument is as for StreamImage.               **
#define CII←MaskStreamBits(h, sSize, fSize, padMod, source, background) \
   (((h)->MaskStreamBits)(h, sSize, fSize, padMod, source, background))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←Handle h,
    unsigned int sSize,
    unsigned int fSize,
    unsigned int padMod,
    CII←ImageSource source,
    CII←Color background

**  CII←ApplyCCITTFacsimileDecompressionFilter: METHOD               **
**                                                                   **
**  Makes a new ImageSource that works by decompressing the data     **
**  supplied by the input ImageSource according to the CCITT Group   **
**  3 or Group 4 Facsimile compression standards.                    **
**                                                                   **
**  input: This supplies the (compressed) source data.               **
**                                                                   **
**  k: If negative, source is pure 2-D (Group 4) encoding.           **
**     If zero, source is pure 1-D (Group 3) encoding.               **
**     If positive, a mixed 1-D / 2-D encoding is accepted.  The     **
**     G3-specified limits on consecutive 2-D encoded scanlines is   **
**     not enforced.                                                 **
**                                                                   **
**  requireEOL: If true, the end-of-line bit pattern is              **
**     required at the end of each scan line.                        **
**                                                                   **
**  padMod: Additional zero bits are inserted at the end of each     **
**     output scanline for alignment purposes; normal values for     **
**     this would be 1 (no padding), 8 (pad to byte boundary), or    **
**     32 (pad to a word boundary).  If the filtered output is       **
**     destined for StreamImage or MaskStreamBits, this should       **
**     match up with the padMod of that call.                        **
**                                                                   **
**  sSize: The number of scan lines (rows) present in the image.     **
**     A value of 0 may be used if the scan count is not known.      **
**                                                                   **
**  fSize: The number of source pixels in each scan line.  (The      **
**     facsimile standards assume a value of 1728, so the ability    **
**     to specify this is a slight generalization of the             **
**     standards.)                                                   **
**                                                                   **
**  endOfBlock: If true, the data is expected to be terminated       **
**     with an end-of-block pattern, overriding the sSize            **
**     parameter.  If false, the data stops at end-of-block or       **
**     after sSize scan lines, whichever comes first.                **
**                                                                   **
**  blackIs1: If true, the black pixels in the source come out       **
**     as 1 bits in the filtered output; otherwise the black pixels  **
**     come out as 0 bits.  (The facsimile standards are written in  **
**     terms of black and white pixels, and leave unspecified the    **
**     sense of the unencoded bits.)                                 **
**                                                                   **
**  msbFirst: If true, the bits within each input byte of            **
**     compressed data are interpreted with the                      **
**     most-significant-bit first; otherwise, interpret the bytes    **
**     lsb-first.                                                    **
**                                                                   **
**  damagedRowsBeforeError: If > 0, with requireEOL and k >= 0,      **
**     then tolerate this many damaged rows before generating an     **
**     error.                                                        **
**                                                                   **
**  filteredResult: This is for returning the ImageSource that       **
**     may be read to obtain the decompressed data.  Note that the   **
**     decompression won't, in general, take place until this        **
**     source is read.  (Issue: it should be specified what the      **
**     destroy proc of the filtered stream does - should it call     **
**     the destroy proc of the input stream or not?)                 **
**                                                                   **
**  There may be a performance advantage in using this               **
**  decompression filter with the MaskStreamBits or StreamImage      **
**  methods of this handle, because in such a case there is an       **
**  opportunity for the implementation to avoid the extra buffering  **
**  stage; this is the primary motivation for introducing this       **
**  decompression filter into the CII interface.                     **
#define CII←ApplyCCITTFacsimileDecompressionFilter(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l) \
   (((a)->ApplyCCITTFacsimileDecompressionFilter)(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←Handle h,
    CII←ImageSource input,
    int k,
    CII←Boolean requireEOL,
    unsigned int padMod,
    unsigned int sSize,
    unsigned int fSize,
    CII←Boolean endOfBlock,
    CII←Boolean blackIs1,
    CII←Boolean msbFirst,
    int damagedRowsBeforeError,
    CII←ImageSource* filteredResult

**  CII←Toner: TYPE                                                  **
**                                                                   **
**  Specifies a toner color for several of the more                  **
**  device-dependent methods                                         **
typedef enum {
    } CII←Toner;

**  CII←HalftonePropertiesForSeparation: TYPE                        **
**                                                                   **
**  Specifies the halftone dot growth for a given toner.  For        **
**  samples samples normalized to the range [0..maxSample], a        **
**  printer pixel will be inked if sample > threshold; thus to       **
**  allow full range on the output, the threshold values should be   **
**  confined to the range [0..maxSample-1].  A value of 255 for      **
**  maxSample is strongly recommended.                               **
**  Not all toner values will, in general, be meaningful for this    **
**  call; the ones you probably want to use are CII←TONER←BLACK,     **
typedef struct CII←HalftonePropertiesForSeparation {
    char* halftoneType;	/* make this NIL for now */
    CII←Toner toner;	/* says which toner this is for */
    unsigned maxSample;	/* expected range of input samples */
    CII←RasterRep thresholds; /* the threshold array */
    unsigned phase;		/* successive rows offset by this much */
    void* reserved;		/* reserved - must be NIL */
} CII←HalftonePropertiesForSeparation;

**  CII←HalftoneProperties: TYPE                                     **
**                                                                   **
**  Represents the halftone properties for all toners.               **
**  Details are opaque to the client.  These objects are             **
**  heap-allocated, and so may be stored in persistent data          **
**  structures.                                                      **
typedef struct {int opaque;} *CII←HalftoneProperties;

**  CII←MakeHalftoneProperties: METHOD                               **
**                                                                   **
**  Makes the imager-private representation of the halftone          **
**  properties.                                                      **
#define CII←MakeHalftoneProperties(a, b, c, d) \
   (((a)->MakeHalftoneProperties)(a, b, c, d))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←Handle h,
    int separationCount,
    CII←HalftonePropertiesForSeparation halftonePropertiesForSeparation[],
    CII←HalftoneProperties* halftonePropertiesResult

**  CII←SetHalftoneProperties: METHOD                                **
**                                                                   **
**  Sets the halftone properties for all toners.                     **
#define CII←SetHalftoneProperties(h, halftoneProperties) \
   (((h)->SetHalftoneProperties)(h, halftoneProperties))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←Handle h,
    CII←HalftoneProperties halftoneProperties

**  CII←GetHalftoneProperties: METHOD                                **
**                                                                   **
**  Gets the imager-private representation of the halftone           **
**  properties.                                                      **
#define CII←GetHalftoneProperties(h, halftonePropertiesResult) \
   (((h)->GetHalftoneProperties)(h, halftonePropertiesResult))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←Handle h,
    CII←HalftoneProperties* halftonePropertiesResult

**  CII←DestroyHalftoneProperties: METHOD                            **
**                                                                   **
**  Should be called exactly once for each CII←HalftoneProperties    **
**  returned to the client, after after which the client should not  **
**  use the object again.  The handle must be the same handle used   **
**  to create the CII←HalftoneProperties.                            **
#define CII←DestroyHalftoneProperties(h, halftoneProperties) \
   (((h)->DestroyHalftoneProperties)(h, halftoneProperties))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←Handle h,
    CII←HalftoneProperties halftoneProperties

**  CII←SetSeparation: METHOD                                        **
**                                                                   **
**  For some devices, indicates which of the separations are to be   **
**  constructed.  Do not confuse this with the PostScript            **
**  Separation color space.                                          **
**    CII←RES←notImplemented => the device cannot support            **
**    separations.                                                   **
**    CII←RES←invalidToner => the device cannot handle the selected  **
**    toner.                                                         **
**  The color should be re-set after this method is invoked.         **
#define CII←SetSeparation(h, toner) \
   (((h)->SetSeparation)(h, toner))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←Handle h,
    CII←Toner toner

**  CII←SetOutputBuffers: METHOD                                     **
**                                                                   **
**  For some devices, redirects the output to a different            **
**  page/frame buffer.                                               **
**    CII←RES←notImplemented => the device does not support          **
**    changing the output buffer.                                    **
**    CII←RES←wrongShape => the device does not support changing     **
**    the dimensions of the output buffer.                           **
#define CII←SetOutputBuffers(h, nBuffers, outputBuffers) \
   (((h)->SetOutputBuffers)(h, nBuffers, outputBuffers))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←Handle h,
    int nBuffers,
    CII←RasterRep outputBuffers[]

**  CII←SetColorTable: METHOD                                        **
**                                                                   **
**  Indicates the (device-dependent) color conversion tables to      **
**  use.                                                             **
**                                                                   **
**  name: a null-terminated alphanumeric string naming the table;    **
**    this is for informational purposes, and will generally not     **
**    affect the behavior of the device.                             **
**                                                                   **
**  identification: a null-terminated ascii string with a longer     **
**    description of the table; this will generally not affect the   **
**    behavior of the device, but may be useful for diagnostic       **
**    purposes.  For example, it may include a description of how    **
**    and when the table was created, and/or the name of the file    **
**    that the table was loaded from.                                **
**                                                                   **
**  format: a null-terminated string identifying the format of the   **
**     table.  This is used by the device to determine whether the   **
**     color table data is appropriate for the device.  Each device  **
**     will support only a limited number of formats (often 0 or     **
**     1); you will have to look elsewhere to find out what the      **
**     supported formats are.  As a special case, a null or          **
**     zero-length format causes the device to revert to its         **
**     initial color table.                                          **
**                                                                   **
**  tableBase: A pointer to the color table data.  This pointer      **
**    must remain valid until a new color table is set or the        **
**    handle is destroyed; furthermore, the client should not alter  **
**    the table without doing another SetColorTable.                 **
**                                                                   **
**  tableByteLength: The length, in bytes, of the color table data.  **
**                                                                   **
**  replacementHint: May give the stamp from a previous call (see    **
**    stampValueResult, below).  If the device can cache             **
**    information about color tables, this may be used as a hint     **
**    about which previous cache entry to replace.  A value of 0 is  **
**    recommended here unless the client really has some good        **
**    information about the usage pattern of the color tables.       **
**                                                                   **
**  stampValueResult: When SetColorTable is called for the first     **
**    time with a given table, this should point to a                **
**    zero-initialized word; the device stores a stamp in this word  **
**    that it may use on subsequent calls to speed the loading of    **
**    the color table data.  The stamp should be presented to the    **
**    device only in the case that the color table data is the same  **
**    that was presented when the stamp was created.  This may be    **
**    used, for example, to take advantage of hardware that allows   **
**    several tables to be in use at one time, without asking the    **
**    client to keep track of how many such tables are available.    **
**                                                                   **
**  Return codes:                                                    **
**    CII←RES←notImplemented => the device has ignored the table     **
**      because the format was not recognized.                       **
**    CII←RES←malformedDataFile => the device has detected an        **
**      error in the color table data.  The check for a valid        **
**      format is always done before this, so that if it is desired  **
**      to test whether a particular format is known by the device   **
**      before the actual table is read in, the client may pass a    **
**      tableByteLength of 0 and check the return code.  In the      **
**      case of CII←RES←malformedDataFile, the color table should    **
**      be set again (with a null format, if necessary), to ensure   **
**      that a valid translation is in effect.                       **
**                                                                   **
**  The color should be re-set after the SetColorTable method is     **
**  invoked.                                                         **
#define CII←SetColorTable(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) \
   (((a)->SetColorTable)(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←Handle h,
    char* name,
    char* identification,
    char* format,
    void* tableBase,
    unsigned int tableByteLength,
    unsigned int replacementHint,
    unsigned int* stampValueResult

**  CII←LookupTable: TYPE                                            **
**                                                                   **
**  Represents, by means of equally-spaced samples, a function that  **
**  maps the real interval [0.0,1.0] into real values.               **
**  Details are opaque to the client.  These objects are             **
**  heap-allocated, and so may be stored in persistent data          **
**  structures.                                                      **
typedef struct {int opaque;} *CII←LookupTable;

**  CII←MakeLookupTable: METHOD                                      **
**                                                                   **
**  The value of table[0] represents the value of the function at    **
**  0.0, table[tableSize-1] represents the value of the function at  **
**  1.0, and the remaining samples are equally-spaced in between     **
**  these two extremes.  Intermediate values are filled in, if       **
**  necessary, by linear interpolation.  These functions are used    **
**  to provide some rudimentary control of the generation of         **
**  device-dependent color.                                          **
#define CII←MakeLookupTable(h, tableSize, table, lookupTableResult) \
   (((h)->MakeLookupTable)(h, tableSize, table, lookupTableResult))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←Handle h,
    unsigned int tableSize,
    float table[],
    CII←LookupTable* lookupTableResult

**  CII←DestroyLookupTable: METHOD                                   **
**                                                                   **
**  Should be called exactly once for each CII←LookupTable returned  **
**  to the client, after after which the client should not use the   **
**  object again.  The handle must be the same handle used to        **
**  create the CII←LookupTable.                                      **
#define CII←DestroyLookupTable(h, lookupTable) \
   (((h)->DestroyLookupTable)(h, lookupTable))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←Handle h,
    CII←LookupTable lookupTable

**  CII←ColorLookupTableType: TYPE                                   **
**                                                                   **
**  This enumeration is used to distinguish which of the various     **
**  1-d lookup tables are being referenced.                          **
**                                                                   **
**  CII←*←TRANSFER                                                   **
**     The RED, GREEN, BLUE, and GRAY transfer functions are         **
**     applied as the final client-controlled stage of color         **
**     generation (prior to any halftoning).  Each of these          **
**     functions transform a device-dependent component of the       **
**     color independently of the other components.  For a           **
**     monochrome device, only the GRAY transfer function is used.   **
**     For an RGB device, only the RED, GREEN, BLUE transfer         **
**     functions are used, with one exception.  The exception        **
**     occurs whan a Gray color operator is in effect, in which      **
**     case the GRAY transfer function is used prior to the          **
**     conversion to RGB, and the RED, GREEN, BLUE transfer          **
**     functions are not used.  For a CMYK device, all four          **
**     transfer functions are used; in this case, values of 0        **
**     correspond to maximum colorant, and values of 1 correspond    **
**     minimum colorant; note this is the inverse of the usual       **
**     sense of CMYK.                                                **
**     There is the possibility of a device for which this           **
**     expression of a final transfer function makes very little     **
**     sense, for instance if the target is a CIE L*a*b* rendition.  **
**      The device may ignore the transfer functions in such a       **
**      case, except that the GRAY transfer shall always apply to    **
**      the results of the Gray color operator.                      **
**     For the transfer functions, a NIL lookupTable corresponds to  **
**     the identity function.                                        **
**     All four transfer functions should be provided; if only a     **
**     gray transfer function is available, it should be used for    **
**     all four.                                                     **
**                                                                   **
**  CII←BLACK←GENERATION                                             **
**     This function (BG) is used when the device needs to produce   **
**     a CMYK output, and it only has three-component (CMY) color.   **
**     The input to the BG is the minimum of the cyan, magenta, and  **
**     yellow components, and the output is the amount of black;     **
**     the range for both input and output is 0 (minimum colorant)   **
**     to 1 (maximum colorant).  Notice the sense of these numbers   **
**     is opposite to that of the inputs and outputs of the          **
**     transfer functions.                                           **
**     A NIL BG lookupTable corresponds to the constant zero         **
**     function.                                                     **
**                                                                   **
**  CII←UNDERCOLOR←REMOVAL                                           **
**     This function (UCR) is used under the same circumstances as   **
**     the black generation function, and takes the same input.      **
**     The output is in the range -1 to +1, and says how much        **
**     colorant to remove from each of the cyan, magenta, and        **
**     yellow components.                                            **
**     A NIL UCR lookupTable corresponds to the constant zero        **
**     function.                                                     **
**                                                                   **
**  Note that this form of specification of BG and UCR functions is  **
**  quite limited; some devices may benefit from functions that use  **
**  more information than just MIN(C,M,Y).  Such functions might be  **
**  expressed as part of (device-dependent) data passed to           **
**  SetColorTable.  A device that recognizes this situation may end  **
**  up effectively ignoring the BG and UCR lookup tables, because    **
**  the color correction intrinsically generates CMYK.               **
**                                                                   **

**  CII←SetColorLookupTable: METHOD                                  **
**                                                                   **
**  Sets one of the color lookup tables.  Refer to comments above    **
**  for details.                                                     **
#define CII←SetColorLookupTable(h, which, lookupTable) \
   (((h)->SetColorLookupTable)(h, which, lookupTable))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←Handle h,
    CII←ColorLookupTableType which,
    CII←LookupTable lookupTable

**  CII←GetColorLookupTable: METHOD                                  **
**                                                                   **
**  Gets one of the color lookup tables.                             **
#define CII←GetColorLookupTable(h, which, lookupTableResult) \
   (((h)->GetColorLookupTable)(h, which, lookupTableResult))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←Handle h,
    CII←ColorLookupTableType which,
    CII←LookupTable* lookupTableResult

**  CII←Sync: METHOD                                                 **
**                                                                   **
**  There may be a situation where the further processing of the     **
**  output of a device requires the cooperation of the cii layer;    **
**  for instance it may be necessary to complete processing of       **
**  requests that have been internally buffered or that are being    **
**  processed in parallel.  The Sync method allows for this; the     **
**  parameters allow for additional (device-dependent) data to be    **
**  passed as appropriate.  The interpretation of the data, if any,  **
**  is not specified by this interface.  The operation named         **
**  "sync", with a null dataFormat and no data, will mean to         **
**  complete all outstanding imaging requests.                       **
**                                                                   **
**  operationName: a null-terminated alphanumeric string naming      **
**    the synchonization operation to be performed.  An              **
**    unrecognized operation will yield a return code of             **
**    CII←RES←notImplemented.                                        **
**                                                                   **
**  format: a null-terminated alphanumeric string identifying        **
**    the format of the data.                                        **
**                                                                   **
**  dataPointer: a pointer to any data the operation may require;    **
**    devices might have operations that place results here, but     **
**    they must respect the dataByteLength.                          **
**                                                                   **
**  dataByteLength: the length, in bytes, of the data area.          **
#define CII←Sync(h, operationName, format, dataPointer, dataByteLength) \
   (((h)->Sync)(h, operationName, format, dataPointer, dataByteLength))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←Handle h,
    char* operationName,
    char* format,
    void* dataPointer,
    unsigned int dataByteLength

**  CII←CleanupObject: TYPE                                          **
**                                                                   **
**  A CleanupObject, when registered with a given handle, will be    **
**  invoked prior to the destruction of the handle.                  **
typedef struct CII←CleanupObjectRep * CII←CleanupObject;

**  CII←RegisterCleanupObject: METHOD                                **
**                                                                   **
**  Registers the client-supplied cleanupObject with the handle.     **
**  Upon handle destruction, the cleanupObject will be               **
**  unregistered, then sent the cleanup message.  There may be more  **
**  than one cleanupObject object registered with a given handle.    **
**  RegisterCleanupObject does not check for duplicates; if there    **
**  is a chance that the client has registered the cleanupObject     **
**  already, it may call CII←UnRegisterCleanupObject first to        **
**  eliminate any duplicates.  The cleanup objects are called in     **
**  reverse order of registration.                                   **
#define CII←RegisterCleanupObject(h, cleanupObject) \
   (((h)->RegisterCleanupObject)(h, cleanupObject))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←Handle h,
    CII←CleanupObject cleanupObject

**  CII←UnRegisterCleanupObject: METHOD                              **
**                                                                   **
**  Unregisters the cleanupObject, if it had previously been         **
**  registered.  In the case that cleanupObject got registered       **
**  multiple times, this will only remove one registration, the      **
**  most recently registered one.  The match is done by pointer      **
**  comparison of the cleanupObject.                                 **
**    CII←RES←accessError => cleanupObject was not registered.       **
#define CII←UnRegisterCleanupObject(h, cleanupObject) \
   (((h)->UnRegisterCleanupObject)(h, cleanupObject))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←Handle h,
    CII←CleanupObject cleanupObject

**  CII←Cleanup: METHOD                                              **
**                                                                   **
**  Invokes a CleanupObject                                          **
#define CII←Cleanup(self, h) \
   (((self)->Cleanup)(self, h))
typedef CII←RES
    CII←CleanupObject self,
    CII←Handle h

**  CII←PathGeneratorObjectRep: OBJECT                               **
**                                                                   **
typedef struct CII←PathGeneratorObjectRep {
    void* data;
    PROC←CII←GeneratePath* GeneratePath;
} CII←PathGeneratorObjectRep;

**  CII←CleanupObjectRep: OBJECT                                     **
**                                                                   **
typedef struct CII←CleanupObjectRep {
    void* data;
    PROC←CII←Cleanup* Cleanup;
} CII←CleanupObjectRep;

**  CII←PathSinkObjectRep: OBJECT                                    **
**                                                                   **
typedef struct CII←PathSinkObjectRep {
    void* data;
    PROC←CII←MoveTo* MoveTo;
    PROC←CII←LineTo* LineTo;
    PROC←CII←CurveTo* CurveTo;
    PROC←CII←ConicTo* ConicTo;
} CII←PathSinkObjectRep;

**  CII←ObjectRep: OBJECT                                            **
**                                                                   **
typedef struct CII←ObjectRep {
    void* data;
    PROC←CII←Destroy* Destroy;
    PROC←CII←DestroyColor* DestroyColor;
    PROC←CII←DestroyColorOperator* DestroyColorOperator;
    PROC←CII←DestroyClipper* DestroyClipper;
    PROC←CII←DestroyFont* DestroyFont;
    PROC←CII←SetMatrix* SetMatrix;
    PROC←CII←GetMatrix* GetMatrix;
    PROC←CII←GetInitialMatrix* GetInitialMatrix;
    PROC←CII←SetInitialMatrix* SetInitialMatrix;
    PROC←CII←MakeGrayColorOperator* MakeGrayColorOperator;
    PROC←CII←MakeRGBColorOperator* MakeRGBColorOperator;
    PROC←CII←MakeCMYKColorOperator* MakeCMYKColorOperator;
    PROC←CII←MakeHighlightColorOperator* MakeHighlightColorOperator;
    PROC←CII←MakeColor* MakeColor;
    PROC←CII←MakeSampledBlack* MakeSampledBlack;
    PROC←CII←SetColor* SetColor;
    PROC←CII←SetGray* SetGray;
    PROC←CII←GetColor* GetColor;
    PROC←CII←MaskRectangle* MaskRectangle;
    PROC←CII←MaskFill* MaskFill;
    PROC←CII←Clip* Clip;
    PROC←CII←GetClipper* GetClipper;
    PROC←CII←SetClipper* SetClipper;
    PROC←CII←BuildClipperBegin* BuildClipperBegin;
    PROC←CII←BuildClipperEnd* BuildClipperEnd;
    PROC←CII←MaskStroke* MaskStroke;
    PROC←CII←MaskBitmap* MaskBitmap;
    PROC←CII←MaskDeviceTrapezoid* MaskDeviceTrapezoid;
    PROC←CII←DestroyMaskProgram* DestroyMaskProgram;
    PROC←CII←MakeMaskProgram* MakeMaskProgram;
    PROC←CII←MaskDeviceBoxes* MaskDeviceBoxes;
    PROC←CII←FindFont* FindFont;
    PROC←CII←ModifyFont* ModifyFont;
    PROC←CII←MakeFontAtom* MakeFontAtom;
    PROC←CII←DoHardChar* DoHardChar;
    PROC←CII←DoHardMetrics* DoHardMetrics;
    PROC←CII←Show* Show;
    PROC←CII←BufferedSeparationImage* BufferedSeparationImage;
    PROC←CII←BufferedInterleavedImage* BufferedInterleavedImage;
    PROC←CII←StreamImage* StreamImage;
    PROC←CII←MaskStreamBits* MaskStreamBits;
    PROC←CII←ApplyCCITTFacsimileDecompressionFilter* ApplyCCITTFacsimileDecompressionFilter;
    PROC←CII←MakeHalftoneProperties* MakeHalftoneProperties;
    PROC←CII←SetHalftoneProperties* SetHalftoneProperties;
    PROC←CII←GetHalftoneProperties* GetHalftoneProperties;
    PROC←CII←DestroyHalftoneProperties* DestroyHalftoneProperties;
    PROC←CII←SetSeparation* SetSeparation;
    PROC←CII←SetOutputBuffers* SetOutputBuffers;
    PROC←CII←SetColorTable* SetColorTable;
    PROC←CII←MakeLookupTable* MakeLookupTable;
    PROC←CII←DestroyLookupTable* DestroyLookupTable;
    PROC←CII←SetColorLookupTable* SetColorLookupTable;
    PROC←CII←GetColorLookupTable* GetColorLookupTable;
    PROC←CII←Sync* Sync;
    PROC←CII←RegisterCleanupObject* RegisterCleanupObject;
    PROC←CII←UnRegisterCleanupObject* UnRegisterCleanupObject;
} CII←ObjectRep;

**  CII←ImageSourceObjectRep: OBJECT                                 **
**                                                                   **
typedef struct CII←ImageSourceObjectRep {
    void* data;
    PROC←CII←ImageSourceRead* ImageSourceRead;
    PROC←CII←ImageSourceDestroy* ImageSourceDestroy;
} CII←ImageSourceObjectRep;

#endif /* cii←h */