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  Copyright (c) 1988 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
  Use and copying of this software and preparation of derivative works based
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  endcopyright */

 * IncrementalLoadPrivate.h
 * Private data structures and procedures used by Incremental Loader
 *   and by object file readers.
 * Demers, January 23, 1990 2:48:16 pm PST


#include <xr/IncrementalLoad.h>

#ifndef ←XR←THREADS←
#include "xr/Threads.h"

#ifndef ←XR←UIO←
#include "xr/UIO.h"

 * debugging stuff ...

#define XR←IL←ASSERT 1

#if defined(XR←IL←ASSERT)
    extern void XR←Panic(/* char *msg */);
#   define XR←ILAssert(p,m) { if(!(p)) XR←Panic((m)); }
#   define XR←ILAssert(p,m) {}

 * Setup proc -- called prior to forking VPs and IOPs

extern void

/* ??? should be part of GC interface ??? */

typedef void (*XR←GCRootCallback)(/*
    XR←Seg seg,
    XR←Pointer data

typedef void (*XR←GCRootEnumerator)(/*
    XR←GCRootCallback rootCallback,
    XR←Pointer rootCallbackData,
    XR←Pointer rootEnumeratorData

/* ??? end of GC stuff ??? */

 * Private initialization state ...

typedef enum {
    ilis←initial = 0,
    ilis←allocated = 1,
    ilis←internalizing = 2,
    ilis←internalized = 3,
    ilis←last = 0x7fffffff
} XR←ILInitializationState;

 * Registration data

typedef enum XR←ILOpRep {
    ilOpNone = 0,
    ilOpInternalize = 1,	/* internalize boot file symbols */
    ilOpLoad = 2,		/* load a file */
    ilOpCommit = 3,		/* commit load */
    ilOpAbort = 4,		/* abort load */
    ilOpError = 0x7fffffff	/* (32 bits) */
} XR←ILOp;

typedef void (*XR←ILReaderProc)(/*struct XR←ILSymTabRep *ilst*/);
    expects ilst->ilst←opArg, ilst->ilst←ilfteArg
    sets ilst->ilst←result

typedef struct XR←ILRegistrationRep {
    /* link in registration list */
        struct XR←ILRegistrationRep * ilr←next;
    /* object file reader proc (see below) */
        XR←ILReaderProc ilr←proc;
        XR←Pointer ilr←data;
    /* magic numbers this proc can interpret */
        int ilr←nMagics;
        unsigned ilr←magics[/* ilr←nMagics */ 1];
} * XR←ILRegistration;

#define XR←ILRegistrationBytes(nm) \
	( sizeof(struct XR←ILRegistrationRep) + ((nm)-1) * sizeof(unsigned) )

 * IL file table entry
 * Allocated in ILSymTab ilst←zone.

typedef struct XR←ILFileTabEntryRep {
    /* public part ... */
        struct XR←ILFileEntryRep ilfte←ilfe;
    /* reader responsible for this file */
        XR←ILRegistration ilfte←ilr;
        XR←Pointer ilfte←readerPrivateState;
    /* PZone revert data for commit points ... */
        char * ilfte←revertCookie;
        char * ilfte←revertCookiePtrFree;
    /* GC root enumeration data */
        XR←GCRootEnumerator ilfte←gcRootEnumerator;
        XR←Pointer ilfte←gcRootEnumeratorData;
    /* -> next-most-recently-allocated ilfte ... */
        struct XR←ILFileTabEntryRep * ilfte←prev;
} * XR←ILFileTabEntry;

 * Relocation item
 * Allocated in ILSymTab ilst←zonePerCommit; could be pointer-free if desired.
 * A list of these hangs from each undefined symbol; they are processed
 *   and removed after the symbol's value has been determined.
 * This is good enough for SPARC, VAX, 68K machines.
 * We may need to extend it for other architectures.

typedef struct XR←ILRelocItemRep {
    /* forward pointer */
       struct XR←ILRelocItemRep * ilri←next;
    /* proc to be called with symbol's val when determined ...	*/
    /* (parameters 'addr', 'type', 'addend' are	not interpreted	*/
    /* by this package, just passed along.) 			*/
        void (*ilri←proc)(/*
            char *addr,
            unsigned type,
            long addend,
            unsigned val
        char *ilri←addr;
        unsigned ilri←type;
        long ilri←addend;
} * XR←ILRelocItem;

 * Symbol table entry
 * Allocated in ILSymTab ilst←zonePtrFree.

typedef struct XR←ILSymTabEntryRep {
    /* public data */
        struct XR←ILSymEntryRep ilste←ilse;
        XR←ILRelocItem ilste←ilri;
    /* hash table structure (case-insensitive index by name) */
        unsigned ilste←hash;
        struct XR←ILSymTabEntryRep *ilste←symNext;
    /* skip list structure (index by value) */
        unsigned ilste←height;
        struct XR←ILSymTabEntryRep *ilste←valNext[/* height */ 1];
} * XR←ILSymTabEntry;

#define XR←ILSymTabEntryBytes(height) \
	( sizeof(struct XR←ILSymTabEntryRep) \
		+ ((height)-1) * sizeof(struct XR←ILSymTabEntryRep *) )

 * Symbol table

#define XR←MAX←IL←FILE←DATA 16

typedef char * XR←PZone;

typedef struct XR←ILSymTabRep {
    /* lock */
        struct XR←MLRep ilst←ml;
        struct XR←CVRep ilst←avail;
        bool ilst←locked;
    /* state of initialization */
        XR←ILInitializationState ilst←initializationState;
    /* zones */
        XR←PZone ilst←zonePerFile; /* freed after each file is loaded */
        XR←PZone ilst←zonePerCommit; /* freed after each commit */
        XR←PZone ilst←zone; /* not freed, but reverted on abort */
        XR←PZone ilst←zonePtrFree; /* not freed, but reverted on abort */
    /* registration data */
        XR←ILRegistration ilst←registrations;
    /* file table */
        unsigned ilst←seqNum;
        XR←ILFileTabEntry ilst←ilfte;
    /* state of current incremental load */
        /* result code for most recent operation */
            XR←ILError ilst←result;
        /* new symbols (loaded but but not yet committed) */
            XR←ILSymTabEntry ilst←newSymsHd;
            XR←ILSymTabEntry ilst←newSymsTl;
            unsigned ilst←numUndefined;
            XR←ILSymTabEntry ilst←undefinedSymsHdCache;
        /* readSymbolsOnly is TRUE forinternalizing PCR itself */
            bool ilst←readSymbolsOnly;
        /* cached callbacks used during incremental load */
            XR←ILContinueAction (*ilst←activeRefProc)(/*
                char *sym,
                XR←ILSymEntry ilseOld,
                void *clientData
            char *ilst←activeRefClientData;
            XR←ILContinueAction (*ilst←activeDefProc)(/*
                XR←ILSymEntry ilseNew,
                XR←ILSymEntry ilseOld,
                void *clientData
            char *ilst←activeDefClientData;
            XR←ILContinueAction (*ilst←activeCommonProc)(/*
                char *sym,
                unsigned size,
                XR←ILSymEntry ilse,
                void *clientData
            char *ilst←activeCommonClientData;
            void (*ilst←activePatchSizeProc)(/*
                XR←ILFileEntry ilfe,
                void *clientData
            char *ilst←activePatchSizeClientData;
        /* fildes and reader-proc-specific data */
            XR←Fildes ilst←fd;
            XR←Pointer ilst←readerProcData;
            XR←ILOp ilst←opArg;
            XR←ILFileTabEntry ilst←ilfteArg;
            unsigned ilst←fileData[XR←MAX←IL←FILE←DATA];
    /* symbol hash table */
        unsigned ilst←numEntries;
        unsigned ilst←numHdrs;	/* must be power of 2 */
        XR←ILSymTabEntry * ilst←hdrs;
    /* value skip list */
        XR←ILSymTabEntry ilst←left;
        unsigned ilst←maxHeight;
    /* file for file-and-commons information for transform←symtab */
        char *ilst←infoFileName;
        XR←Fildes ilst←infoFile;
} * XR←ILSymTab;

extern XR←ILSymTab XR←ilSymTab;

 * Registration proc
extern int
    XR←ILReaderProc proc,
    XR←Pointer data,
    int nMagics,
    unsigned *magics
    Register an incremental loading proc.
    Return 0 (success), -errno (failure).
    The magic numbers `*magics' are copied, so the args may be volatile.
    The `data' value is stored in ilst->ilst←readerProcData before `proc'
      is called.

    The `proc' is complicated, and embodies all the file-format-specific
      behavior.  It is called once with `op' = load, and once more with
      `op' = commit or `op' = abort.  The commit operations are invoked
      in the order in which the files were loaded; the abort operations are
      invoked in reverse order.

    All this ought to be documented here, but isn't yet ... For an example,
      see IncrementalLoadADotOut.c.

 * An IncrementalLoading package that might be included as part of the
 *   boot file should export the following procedure:

extern void XR←run←IncrementalLoadDEFAULT();
    Called by this package to initialize default incremental loader.
    It should call XR←RegisterIncrementalLoadProc.

 * Utilities for use by registered object file reader procs ...
 * In most (but not all) cases, error results are stored in ilst->ilst←result,
 *   and are as described in IncrementalLoad.h.

extern XR←ILError
    bool fatal,
    int code,
    char * msg

extern XR←ILError

#define XR←ILSetError(ilst,fatal,code,msg) \
	(ilst)->ilst←result = XR←ILMakeError((fatal),(code),(msg))
    Set error indication in *ilst.
    The characters of *msg are copied.

#define XR←ILCheckAlloc(p) \
	if( ((XR←Pointer)(p)) == NIL ) return( XR←ILMakeNoMemError() )

#define XR←ILCheckAlloc2(ilst,p) \
	if( ((XR←Pointer)(p)) == NIL ) { \
		(ilst)->ilst←result = XR←ILMakeNoMemError(); \
		return; }
    Check if result of an allocation is NIL, return error if so.

extern void
    XR←ILSymTab ilst
    Check that the descriptor in ilst->ilst←fd is open (>= 0).
    If necessary, open the file named in ilst->ilst←ilfteActive.
    If this fails, set ilst->ilst←result appropriately.

extern void
    XR←ILSymTab ilst,
    unsigned offset,
    char *buf,
    unsigned bytes,
    bool abort
    Read the current file as specified.
    The fOffset field in the pcfe will be added to offset before reading.
    If this fails, set ilst->ilst←result from XR←GetErrno(), with the
      sign negative iff abort is TRUE.

extern void
    XR←ILSymTab ilst,
    unsigned tBytes,
    unsigned dBytes,
    unsigned bBytes
    Allocate storage for text, data, bss, and patch segments.
    Fill in the address and size fields of ilst←ilfteActive.
    Note: the common segment is allocated at commit time.

extern unsigned
    char *sym
    Hash function used by procs below ...

extern XR←ILSymTabEntry
    XR←ILSymTable ilst,
    char *sym,
    unsigned hash,
    unsigned type,
    unsigned value,
    unsigned size
    Record a definition of given symbol in file currently being loaded.
    Return the symbol table entry.
    The characters of `*sym' are not copied, and symbol table entries are
      pointer-free, so *sym should be allocated in a permanent place;
      this is generally ilst←zonePtrFree.
    The size argument may be zero, meaning "unknown."
    This may call the redefinedProc associated with the active incremental
      load, which may return ilca←abort(msg).  In this case, XR←ILSetSymDefined
      returns NIL immediately.

extern XR←ILSymTabEntry
    XR←ILSymTable ilst,
    char *sym,
    unsigned hash,
    unsigned size
    Record a common symbol in file currently being loaded.
    Return the symbol table entry.
    The characters of `*sym' are not copied, and symbol table entries are
      pointer-free, so *sym should be allocated in a permanent place;
      this is generally ilst←zonePtrFree.
    This may call the oldCommonProc associated with the active incremental
      load, which may return ilca←useOldCommon or ilca←abort(msg).  In the
      abort case, XR←ILSetSymCommon returns NIL immediately.

extern XR←ILSymTabEntry
    XR←ILSymTable ilst,
    char *sym,
    unsigned hash,
    Record an (external) reference to a given symbol from the file currently
      being loaded.
    The characters of `*sym' are not copied, and symbol table entries are
      pointer-free, so *sym should be allocated in a permanent place;
      this is generally ilst←zonePtrFree.
    Return the symbol table entry.
    This may call the undefinedProc associated with the active incremental
      load.  A result of FALSE from that proc will set ilst->ilst←result
      and return NIL immediately.

extern void
    XR←ILSymTab ilst,
    XR←ILSymTabEntry ilste,
    void (*proc)(
        char *addr,
        unsigned relocType, long addend, unsigned val
    char *addr,
    unsigned relocType,
    long addend
    Process a relocation reference to an undefined external symbol described by
    The proc, addr, relocType and addend parameters are as in an
      XR←ILRelocItem structure; the proc will be called once when (if)
      the external symbol becomes defined.  (This may be immediately!)
    May fail and set ilst->ilst←result.

extern void
    XR←ILSymTab ilst,
    XR←ILFileTabEntry ilfte,
    XR←GCRootEnumerator gcRootEnumerator,
    XR←Pointer gcRootEnumeratorData
    Store the ilfte←gcRootEnumerator and ilfte←gcRootEnumeratorData fields
      carefully (so a concurrent GC doesn't get confused).

    If the reader proc doesn't call this, default root set is used.  For
      most architectures this will be entire data, bss, common segs.
