DIRECTORY ImagerManhattan USING [Polygon, Visibility], SF USING [Box, BoxAction, BoxGenerator, Vec], SFInline USING [Add, Empty, Intersect, Nonempty]; ImagerManhattanImpl: CEDAR MONITOR IMPORTS SFInline EXPORTS ImagerManhattan ~ BEGIN Polygon: TYPE ~ ImagerManhattan.Polygon; Visibility: TYPE ~ ImagerManhattan.Visibility; InvalidManhattanPolygon: PUBLIC ERROR ~ CODE; Validate: PUBLIC PROC [polygon: Polygon] RETURNS [Polygon] ~ { IF polygon # NIL THEN { a: Polygon ¬ polygon; amins: INTEGER ¬ a.first.min.s; aminf: INTEGER ¬ a.first.min.f; amaxs: INTEGER ¬ a.first.max.s; amaxf: INTEGER ¬ a.first.max.f; DO b: Polygon =; IF amins >= amaxs OR aminf >= amaxf THEN ERROR InvalidManhattanPolygon; IF b = NIL THEN EXIT ELSE { bmins: INTEGER = b.first.min.s; bminf: INTEGER = b.first.min.f; bmaxs: INTEGER = b.first.max.s; bmaxf: INTEGER = b.first.max.f; SELECT TRUE FROM amaxs <= bmins => {}; (amins = bmins AND amaxs = bmaxs AND amaxf <= bminf) => {}; ENDCASE => ERROR InvalidManhattanPolygon; a ¬ b; amins ¬ bmins; aminf ¬ bminf; amaxs ¬ bmaxs; amaxf ¬ bmaxf; }; ENDLOOP; }; RETURN [polygon] }; CreateFromRuns: PUBLIC PROC [ runs: PROC[run: PROC[sMin, fMin: INTEGER, fSize: NAT], repeat: PROC[timesToRepeatScanline: NAT]]] RETURNS [polygon: Polygon] ~ { scratch: LIST OF SF.Box ¬ GetScratch[]; last: LIST OF SF.Box ¬ scratch; secondLastRowStart: LIST OF SF.Box ¬ NIL; lastRowStart: LIST OF SF.Box ¬ last; secondLastRowCount: INTEGER ¬ -1; lastRowCount: INTEGER ¬ 0; Run: PROC[sMin, fMin: INTEGER, fSize: NAT] ~ { fMaxCurrent: INTEGER ~ last.first.max.f; IF lastRowCount > 0 AND sMin = last.first.min.s THEN { IF last.first.max.s-last.first.min.s # 1 THEN ERROR; SELECT fMin FROM = fMaxCurrent => {last.first.max.f ¬ last.first.max.f + fSize}; > fMaxCurrent => { IF = NIL THEN ¬ GetScratch[]; last ¬; last.first ¬ [min: [s: sMin, f: fMin], max: [s: sMin+1, f: fMin+fSize]]; lastRowCount ¬ lastRowCount + 1; }; ENDCASE => ERROR; } ELSE { IF secondLastRowCount = lastRowCount AND secondLastRowStart.first.max.s = lastRowStart.first.min.s AND TryToMergeRows[secondLastRowStart, lastRowCount] THEN { last ¬ lastRowStart; lastRowStart ¬ secondLastRowStart; secondLastRowCount ¬ -1; } ELSE { IF = NIL THEN ¬ GetScratch[]; last ¬; }; secondLastRowStart ¬ lastRowStart; secondLastRowCount ¬ lastRowCount; last.first ¬ [min: [s: sMin, f: fMin], max: [s: sMin+1, f: fMin+fSize]]; lastRowStart ¬ last; lastRowCount ¬ 1; IF secondLastRowStart.first.max.s > sMin THEN ERROR; }; }; Repeat: PROC[timesToRepeatScanline: NAT] ~ { t: LIST OF SF.Box ¬ lastRowStart; THROUGH [0..lastRowCount) DO t.first.max.s ¬ t.first.max.s + timesToRepeatScanline; t ¬; ENDLOOP; }; last.first ¬ [[FIRST[INTEGER], FIRST[INTEGER]], [FIRST[INTEGER], FIRST[INTEGER]]]; runs[Run, Repeat]; IF secondLastRowCount = lastRowCount AND secondLastRowStart.first.max.s = lastRowStart.first.min.s AND TryToMergeRows[secondLastRowStart, lastRowCount] THEN { last ¬ secondLastRowStart; THROUGH [0..lastRowCount-1) DO last ¬; ENDLOOP; }; SELECT TRUE FROM scratch.first.max.f > scratch.first.min.f => { polygon ¬ scratch; scratch ¬; ¬ NIL; }; last = scratch => { polygon ¬ NIL }; ENDCASE => { polygon ¬; ¬; ¬ NIL; }; FreeScratch[scratch]; }; TryToMergeRows: PROC [secondLastRowStart: LIST OF SF.Box, boxesPerRow: INT] RETURNS [success: BOOLEAN] ~ { max: INTEGER; s: LIST OF SF.Box ¬ secondLastRowStart; t: LIST OF SF.Box ¬ secondLastRowStart; FOR i: INT IN [0..boxesPerRow) DO t ¬ ENDLOOP; IF boxesPerRow = 0 THEN RETURN [TRUE]; FOR i: INT IN [0..boxesPerRow) DO IF s.first.min.f # t.first.min.f OR s.first.max.f # t.first.max.f THEN RETURN [FALSE]; s ¬; t ¬; ENDLOOP; t ¬ s; s ¬ secondLastRowStart; max ¬ t.first.max.s; FOR i: INT IN [0..boxesPerRow) DO s.first.max.s ¬ max; s ¬; ENDLOOP; RETURN [TRUE]; }; Destroy: PUBLIC PROC [rectangleList: LIST OF SF.Box] ~ { FreeScratch[rectangleList]; }; Copy: PUBLIC PROC [polygon: Polygon] RETURNS [copy: Polygon] ~ { scratch: LIST OF SF.Box ¬ GetScratch[]; last: LIST OF SF.Box ¬ scratch; WHILE polygon # NIL DO IF = NIL THEN { ¬ GetScratch[]}; last ¬; last.first ¬ polygon.first; polygon ¬; ENDLOOP; IF last = scratch THEN copy ¬ NIL ELSE { copy ¬; ¬; ¬ NIL; }; FreeScratch[scratch]; }; Reader: TYPE ~ RECORD [ s, fMin, fMax: INTEGER, repeatCount: CARDINAL, done: BOOLEAN, currentRow, currentBox: LIST OF SF.Box ]; NewReader: PROC [polygon: Polygon] RETURNS [Reader] ~ INLINE { IF polygon = NIL THEN RETURN [[LAST[INTEGER], 0, 0, 0, TRUE, NIL, NIL]] ELSE RETURN [[ s: polygon.first.min.s, fMin: polygon.first.min.f, fMax: polygon.first.max.f, repeatCount: polygon.first.max.s-polygon.first.min.s, done: FALSE, currentRow: polygon, currentBox: polygon ]] }; Advance: UNSAFE PROC [r: POINTER TO Reader] ~ UNCHECKED { next: Polygon ¬; IF next = NIL OR next.first.min.s # r.currentRow.first.min.s THEN { IF r.repeatCount > 1 THEN { r.repeatCount ¬ r.repeatCount - 1; r.s ¬ r.s + 1; next ¬ r.currentRow; } ELSE IF next # NIL THEN { r.currentRow ¬ next; r.repeatCount ¬ next.first.max.s-next.first.min.s; r.s ¬ next.first.min.s; }; }; IF next = NIL THEN r­ ¬ [LAST[INTEGER], 0, 0, 0, TRUE, NIL, NIL] ELSE { r.fMin ¬ next.first.min.f; r.fMax ¬ next.first.max.f; r.currentBox ¬ next; IF r.repeatCount = 0 THEN Advance[r]; }; }; SkipTo: UNSAFE PROC [r: POINTER TO Reader, s: INTEGER] ~ UNCHECKED { WHILE r.s < s DO IF r.currentRow = r.currentBox AND r.repeatCount > 1 THEN { delta: INTEGER ¬ MIN[INTEGER[r.repeatCount]-1, s-r.s]; r.s ¬ r.s + delta; r.repeatCount ¬ INTEGER[r.repeatCount] - delta; } ELSE Advance[r]; ENDLOOP; }; TestReader: PROC [polygon: Polygon] ~ { reader: Reader ¬ NewReader[polygon]; Run: PROC [box: SF.Box] ~ { IF reader.done THEN ERROR; IF box.min.s # reader.s THEN ERROR; IF (box.max.s-box.min.s)#1 THEN ERROR; IF box.min.f # reader.fMin THEN ERROR; IF box.max.f # reader.fMax THEN ERROR; TRUSTED {Advance[@reader]}; }; Map[polygon, Run, TRUE]; IF NOT reader.done THEN ERROR; }; Union: PUBLIC PROC [a, b: Polygon] RETURNS [Polygon] ~ { Runs: PROC[run: PROC[sMin, fMin: INTEGER, fSize: NAT], repeat: PROC[timesToRepeatScanline: NAT]] ~ TRUSTED { aReader: Reader ¬ NewReader[a]; bReader: Reader ¬ NewReader[b]; UNTIL aReader.done AND bReader.done DO as: INTEGER ¬ aReader.s; bs: INTEGER ¬ bReader.s; s: INTEGER ¬ MIN[as, bs]; duplicates: NAT ¬ MIN[aReader.repeatCount, bReader.repeatCount]; somethingInScanline: BOOLEAN ¬ FALSE; WHILE s = aReader.s OR s = bReader.s DO fStart: INTEGER ¬ LAST[INTEGER]; fEnd: INTEGER; IF s = aReader.s THEN {fStart ¬ aReader.fMin}; IF s = bReader.s THEN {fStart ¬ MIN[fStart, bReader.fMin]}; fEnd ¬ fStart; DO SELECT TRUE FROM s = aReader.s AND aReader.fMin <= fEnd => { fEnd ¬ MAX[fEnd, aReader.fMax]; Advance[@aReader]; }; s = bReader.s AND bReader.fMin <= fEnd => { fEnd ¬ MAX[fEnd, bReader.fMax]; Advance[@bReader]; }; ENDCASE => EXIT; ENDLOOP; IF fEnd > fStart THEN {run[s, fStart, fEnd - fStart]; somethingInScanline ¬ TRUE}; ENDLOOP; IF as = s AND bs = s AND duplicates > 1 THEN { IF somethingInScanline THEN repeat[duplicates-1]; SkipTo[@aReader, s+duplicates]; SkipTo[@bReader, s+duplicates]; }; ENDLOOP; }; RETURN[CreateFromRuns[Runs]]; }; Intersection: PUBLIC PROC [a, b: Polygon] RETURNS [Polygon] ~ { Runs: PROC[run: PROC[sMin, fMin: INTEGER, fSize: NAT], repeat: PROC[timesToRepeatScanline: NAT]] ~ TRUSTED { aReader: Reader ¬ NewReader[a]; bReader: Reader ¬ NewReader[b]; DO duplicates: NAT; s: INTEGER; somethingInScanline: BOOLEAN ¬ FALSE; IF aReader.s < bReader.s THEN SkipTo[@aReader, bReader.s]; IF aReader.done THEN EXIT; IF aReader.s > bReader.s THEN SkipTo[@bReader, aReader.s]; IF bReader.done THEN EXIT; s ¬ aReader.s; duplicates ¬ MIN[aReader.repeatCount, bReader.repeatCount] - 1; WHILE s = aReader.s AND s = bReader.s DO fMin: INTEGER ¬ MAX[aReader.fMin, bReader.fMin]; fMax: INTEGER ¬ MIN[aReader.fMax, bReader.fMax]; IF fMin < fMax THEN {run[s, fMin, fMax - fMin]; somethingInScanline ¬ TRUE}; SELECT fMax FROM aReader.fMax => {Advance[@aReader]}; bReader.fMax => {Advance[@bReader]}; ENDCASE => ERROR; ENDLOOP; IF somethingInScanline AND duplicates > 0 THEN { repeat[duplicates]; SkipTo[@aReader, s+1+duplicates]; SkipTo[@bReader, s+1+duplicates]; }; ENDLOOP; }; RETURN[CreateFromRuns[Runs]]; }; Invert: PROC [b: Polygon, universe: SF.Box] RETURNS [inverse: Polygon] ~ { c: LIST OF SF.Box ¬ GetScratch[]; last: LIST OF SF.Box ¬ c; bb: SF.Box ¬ BoundingBox[b]; sMin: INTEGER ¬ MIN[universe.min.s, bb.min.s]; fMin: INTEGER ¬ MIN[universe.min.f, bb.min.f]; sMax: INTEGER ¬ MAX[universe.max.s, bb.max.s]; fMax: INTEGER ¬ MAX[universe.max.f, bb.max.f]; Emit: PROC [s0, f0, s1, f1: INTEGER] ~ { s0 ¬ MAX[s0, universe.min.s]; s1 ¬ MIN[s1, universe.max.s]; f0 ¬ MAX[f0, universe.min.f]; f1 ¬ MIN[f1, universe.max.f]; IF s0 < s1 AND f0 < f1 THEN { IF = NIL THEN ¬ GetScratch[]; last ¬; last.first ¬ [[s0, f0], [s1, f1]]; }; }; s: INTEGER ¬ sMin; f: INTEGER ¬ fMax; FOR p: LIST OF SF.Box ¬ b, UNTIL p=NIL DO r: SF.Box ~ p.first; IF r.min.s > sMin OR p=b THEN { Emit[sMin, f, s, fMax]; f ¬ fMin; sMin ¬ s; s ¬ r.min.s; Emit[sMin, f, s, fMax]; sMin ¬ s; s ¬ r.max.s; }; IF sMin # r.min.s OR s # r.max.s THEN ERROR; Emit[sMin, f, s, r.min.f]; f ¬ r.max.f; ENDLOOP; Emit[sMin, f, s, fMax]; Emit[s, fMin, sMax, fMax]; IF c = last THEN inverse ¬ NIL ELSE { inverse ¬; ¬; ¬ NIL; }; FreeScratch[c]; }; Difference: PUBLIC PROC [a, b: Polygon] RETURNS [diff: Polygon] ~ { bb: SF.Box ¬ BoundingBox[a]; bInverse: Polygon ¬ Invert[b, bb]; IF a # NIL AND = NIL THEN { diff ¬ bInverse } ELSE { diff ¬ Intersection[a, bInverse]; FreeScratch[bInverse] }; }; Shift: PUBLIC PROC [polygon: Polygon, sShift, fShift: INTEGER] ~ { shift: SF.Vec ~ [s: sShift, f: fShift]; WHILE polygon # NIL DO polygon.first.min ¬ SFInline.Add[polygon.first.min, shift]; polygon.first.max ¬ SFInline.Add[polygon.first.max, shift]; polygon ¬; ENDLOOP; }; FullyDestructiveUnion: PROC [a, b: Polygon] RETURNS [u: Polygon] ~ { u ¬ Union[a, b]; FreeScratch[a]; FreeScratch[b]; }; DestructiveUnion: PUBLIC PROC [a, b: Polygon] RETURNS [u: Polygon] ~ { u ¬ Union[a, b]; FreeScratch[a]; }; DestructiveIntersection: PUBLIC PROC [a, b: Polygon] RETURNS [i: Polygon ¬ NIL] ~ { IF a = NIL OR b = NIL THEN RETURN [NIL]; IF = NIL THEN { i ¬ DestructiveClip[a, b.first] } ELSE { i ¬ Intersection[a, b]; FreeScratch[a] }; }; DestructiveClip: PUBLIC PROC [a: Polygon, b: SF.Box] RETURNS [i: Polygon ¬ NIL] ~ { last: Polygon ¬ NIL; junk: Polygon ¬ NIL; UNTIL a = NIL DO p: Polygon ¬ a; sMin: INTEGER ¬ MAX[p.first.min.s, b.min.s]; fMin: INTEGER ¬ MAX[p.first.min.f, b.min.f]; sMax: INTEGER ¬ MIN[p.first.max.s, b.max.s]; fMax: INTEGER ¬ MIN[p.first.max.f, b.max.f]; a ¬; IF sMax <= sMin OR fMax <= fMin THEN { ¬ junk; junk ¬ p} ELSE { p.first ¬ [[sMin, fMin], [sMax, fMax]]; IF last = NIL THEN i ¬ last ¬ p ELSE { ¬ p; last ¬ p}; } ENDLOOP; IF last # NIL THEN ¬ NIL; FreeScratch[junk]; }; DestructiveDifference: PUBLIC PROC [a, b: Polygon] RETURNS [d: Polygon] ~ { d ¬ Difference[a, b]; FreeScratch[a]; }; SplitOffSecondHalf: PROC [a: LIST OF SF.Box] RETURNS [r: LIST OF SF.Box] ~ { b: LIST OF SF.Box ¬ a; n: INT ¬ 0; WHILE a#NIL DO a ¬; n ¬ n + 1; b ¬; IF a = NIL THEN EXIT; a ¬; n ¬ n + 1; ENDLOOP; IF n < 8 THEN r ¬ NIL ELSE {r ¬; ¬ NIL}; }; Canonicalize: PUBLIC PROC [rectangleList: LIST OF SF.Box] RETURNS [Polygon] ~ { b: LIST OF SF.Box ¬ SplitOffSecondHalf[rectangleList]; a: LIST OF SF.Box ¬ rectangleList; IF b = NIL THEN { WHILE a # NIL DO a1: LIST OF SF.Box ¬ a; a ¬; ¬ NIL; IF SFInline.Nonempty[a1.first] THEN b ¬ FullyDestructiveUnion[b, a1]; ENDLOOP; RETURN [b] } ELSE RETURN [FullyDestructiveUnion[Canonicalize[a], Canonicalize[b]]]; }; CreateFromBoxes: PUBLIC PROC [boxes: SF.BoxGenerator] RETURNS [Polygon] ~ { head: LIST OF SF.Box ¬ GetScratch[]; last: LIST OF SF.Box ¬ head; new: LIST OF SF.Box ¬ NIL; AddBox: PROC [box: SF.Box] ~ { IF SFInline.Nonempty[box] THEN { IF = NIL THEN ¬ GetScratch[]; last ¬; last.first ¬ box; }; }; boxes[AddBox]; {t: LIST OF SF.Box ¬; ¬ NIL; new ¬; ¬ t}; FreeScratch[head]; head ¬ last ¬ NIL; RETURN [Validate[new ! InvalidManhattanPolygon => CONTINUE]]; RETURN [Canonicalize[new]]; }; BoundingBox: PUBLIC PROC [polygon: Polygon] RETURNS [SF.Box] ~ { IF polygon # NIL THEN { bmins: INTEGER ¬ polygon.first.min.s; bminf: INTEGER ¬ polygon.first.min.f; bmaxs: INTEGER ¬ polygon.first.max.s; bmaxf: INTEGER ¬ polygon.first.max.f; FOR each: Polygon ¬, UNTIL each=NIL DO emins: INTEGER = each.first.min.s; eminf: INTEGER = each.first.min.f; emaxs: INTEGER = each.first.max.s; emaxf: INTEGER = each.first.max.f; IF emins < bmins THEN bmins ¬ emins; IF eminf < bminf THEN bminf ¬ eminf; IF emaxs > bmaxs THEN bmaxs ¬ emaxs; IF emaxf > bmaxf THEN bmaxf ¬ emaxf; ENDLOOP; RETURN [[min: [s: bmins, f: bminf], max: [s: bmaxs, f: bmaxf]]]; }; RETURN [[min: [s: 0, f: 0], max: [s: 0, f: 0]]]; }; CountBoxes: PUBLIC PROC [polygon: Polygon] RETURNS [boxes: INT ¬ 0] ~ { WHILE polygon # NIL DO boxes ¬ boxes + 1; polygon ¬; ENDLOOP; }; CountRuns: PUBLIC PROC [polygon: Polygon] RETURNS [runs: INT ¬ 0] ~ { WHILE polygon # NIL DO runs ¬ runs + NAT[polygon.first.max.s-polygon.first.min.s]; polygon ¬; ENDLOOP; }; TestCreate: PROC [polygon: Polygon] RETURNS [Polygon] ~ { Runs: PROC [run: PROC[sMin, fMin: INTEGER, fSize: NAT], repeat: PROC[timesToRepeatScanline: NAT]] ~ { boxAction: SF.BoxAction ~ { run[sMin: box.min.s, fMin: box.min.f, fSize: box.max.f-box.min.f] }; Map[polygon: polygon, boxAction: boxAction, runs: TRUE]; }; RETURN [CreateFromRuns[Runs]] }; Map: PUBLIC PROC [polygon: Polygon, boxAction: SF.BoxAction, runs: BOOL ¬ FALSE] ~ { IF runs THEN { WHILE polygon # NIL DO sMinRow: INTEGER ~ polygon.first.min.s; sMaxRow: INTEGER ~ polygon.first.max.s; FOR s: INTEGER IN [sMinRow..sMaxRow) DO FOR t: Polygon ¬ polygon, UNTIL (t = NIL OR t.first.min.s # sMinRow) DO boxAction[[min: [s: s, f: t.first.min.f], max: [s: s+1, f: t.first.max.f]]]; ENDLOOP; ENDLOOP; UNTIL (polygon = NIL OR polygon.first.min.s # sMinRow) DO polygon ¬; ENDLOOP; ENDLOOP; } ELSE { FOR each: Polygon ¬ polygon, UNTIL each=NIL DO boxAction[each.first]; ENDLOOP; }; }; Clip: PUBLIC PROC [polygon: Polygon, box: SF.Box, boxAction: SF.BoxAction, runs: BOOL] ~ { IF runs THEN { row: Polygon ¬ polygon; WHILE row#NIL DO smin: INTEGER ~ row.first.min.s; smax: INTEGER ~ row.first.max.s; IF smax<=box.min.s THEN NULL ELSE IF smin>=box.max.s THEN EXIT ELSE FOR s: INTEGER IN [MAX[smin, box.min.s]..MIN[smax, box.max.s]) DO run: SF.Box ¬ [min: [s: s, f: 0], max: [s: s+1, f: 0]]; FOR t: Polygon ¬ row, UNTIL t=NIL OR t.first.min.s#smin DO fmin: INTEGER ~ t.first.min.f; fmax: INTEGER ~ t.first.max.f; IF fmax<=box.min.f THEN NULL ELSE IF fmin>=box.max.f THEN EXIT ELSE { run.min.f ¬ MAX[fmin, box.min.f]; run.max.f ¬ MIN[fmax, box.max.f]; boxAction[run]; }; ENDLOOP; ENDLOOP; UNTIL row=NIL OR row.first.min.s#smin DO row ¬ ENDLOOP; ENDLOOP; } ELSE { FOR each: Polygon ¬ polygon, UNTIL each=NIL DO IF each.first.max.s<=box.min.s THEN NULL ELSE IF each.first.min.s>=box.max.s THEN EXIT ELSE { clippedBox: SF.Box ~ SFInline.Intersect[each.first, box]; IF SFInline.Nonempty[clippedBox] THEN boxAction[clippedBox]; }; ENDLOOP; }; }; IsVisible: PUBLIC PROC [mask, clipper: Polygon] RETURNS [visibility: Visibility] ~ { IF mask = NIL OR clipper = NIL THEN RETURN [invisible]; IF = NIL AND = NIL THEN { sMin: INTEGER ~ MAX[mask.first.min.s, clipper.first.min.s]; sMax: INTEGER ~ MIN[mask.first.max.s, clipper.first.max.s]; fMin: INTEGER ~ MAX[mask.first.min.f, clipper.first.min.f]; fMax: INTEGER ~ MIN[mask.first.max.f, clipper.first.max.f]; IF sMax <= sMin OR fMax <= fMin THEN RETURN [invisible]; IF mask.first = [min: [s: sMin, f: fMin], max: [s: sMax, f: fMax]] THEN RETURN [visible]; RETURN [partlyVisible]; } ELSE { intersection: Polygon ¬ Intersection[mask, clipper]; visibility ¬ IF intersection = NIL THEN invisible ELSE IF Equal[intersection, mask] THEN visible ELSE partlyVisible; Destroy[intersection]; intersection ¬ NIL; }; }; ClipBoxToMask: PUBLIC PROC [box: SF.Box, mask: Polygon, action: PROC [SF.Box]] ~ { bmins: INTEGER = box.min.s; bminf: INTEGER = box.min.f; bmaxs: INTEGER = box.max.s; bmaxf: INTEGER = box.max.f; IF bmins < bmaxs AND bminf < bmaxf THEN FOR list: LIST OF SF.Box ¬ mask, UNTIL list=NIL DO mins: INTEGER ¬ list.first.min.s; maxs: INTEGER ¬ list.first.max.s; IF bmins > mins THEN mins ¬ bmins; IF bmaxs < maxs THEN maxs ¬ bmaxs; IF mins < maxs THEN { minf: INTEGER ¬ list.first.min.f; maxf: INTEGER ¬ list.first.max.f; IF bminf > minf THEN minf ¬ bminf; IF bmaxf < maxf THEN maxf ¬ bmaxf; IF minf < maxf THEN action[[min: [s: mins, f: minf], max: [s: maxs, f: maxf]]]; }; ENDLOOP; }; Equal: PUBLIC PROC [a, b: Polygon] RETURNS [BOOLEAN] ~ { WHILE a#NIL AND b#NIL AND a#b DO IF a.first # b.first THEN RETURN [FALSE]; a ¬; b ¬; ENDLOOP; RETURN [a = b]; }; FromList: PROC [numbers: LIST OF REF] RETURNS [new: LIST OF SF.Box] ~ { scratch: LIST OF SF.Box ¬ GetScratch[]; last: LIST OF SF.Box ¬ scratch; WHILE numbers # NIL DO sMin: REF INT ¬ NARROW[numbers.first]; fMin: REF INT ¬ NARROW[]; sMax: REF INT ¬ NARROW[]; fMax: REF INT ¬ NARROW[]; IF = NIL THEN { ¬ GetScratch[]}; last ¬; last.first ¬ [[sMin­, fMin­], [sMax­, fMax­]]; numbers ¬; ENDLOOP; IF last = scratch THEN { new ¬ NIL } ELSE { new ¬; ¬; ¬ NIL; }; }; globalAvail: LIST OF SF.Box ¬ NIL; availCount: INT ¬ 0; availLimit: INT ¬ 1000; scratchChunkSize: NAT ¬ 8; CreateFromBox: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC [box: SF.Box] RETURNS [polygon: Polygon] ~ { IF SFInline.Empty[box] THEN RETURN [NIL]; IF availCount = 0 THEN RETURN [LIST[box]]; polygon ¬ globalAvail; polygon.first ¬ box; globalAvail ¬; ¬ NIL; availCount ¬ availCount - 1; }; GetScratch: ENTRY PROC RETURNS [scratch: LIST OF SF.Box] ~ { empty: SF.Box ~ [[0, 0], [0, 0]]; t: LIST OF SF.Box; WHILE availCount < scratchChunkSize DO globalAvail ¬ CONS[empty, globalAvail]; availCount ¬ availCount + 1; ENDLOOP; scratch ¬ t ¬ globalAvail; THROUGH [0..scratchChunkSize-1) DO t ¬ ENDLOOP; globalAvail ¬; availCount ¬ availCount - scratchChunkSize; ¬ NIL; }; FreeScratch: ENTRY PROC [scratch: LIST OF SF.Box] ~ { limit: INT ¬ MAX[availLimit, 0]; IF scratch # NIL THEN { t: LIST OF SF.Box ¬ scratch; UNTIL = NIL DO t ¬; availCount ¬ availCount + 1; ENDLOOP; availCount ¬ availCount + 1; ¬ globalAvail; globalAvail ¬ scratch; }; WHILE availCount > limit DO t: LIST OF SF.Box ¬ globalAvail; globalAvail ¬; ¬ NIL; availCount ¬ availCount - 1; ENDLOOP; }; END. ˜ ImagerManhattanImpl.mesa Copyright Σ 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1989, 1990, 1991 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Michael Plass, August 2, 1989 12:51:53 pm PDT Doug Wyatt, March 7, 1986 4:36:43 pm PST Russ Atkinson (RRA) December 18, 1990 11:44 am PST Assume the secondLast row and the last row have the same number of boxes, boxes in the secondLast row all have the same sSize, boxes in the last row all have the same sSize. [] _ Validate[inverse]; IF Intersection[b, inverse] # NIL THEN ERROR; IF NOT Equal[Union[a, b], Union[diff, b]] THEN ERROR; For creating a new list via the debugger. 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