Copyright Ó 1985, 1986, 1987, 1989, 1990, 1991 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Michael Plass, June 5, 1991 5:23 pm PDT
Doug Wyatt, January 19, 1987 6:03:30 pm PST
This is considered to be a private interface, although it will be useful for certain clients that need to create new flavors of fonts and/or to get at the insides of fonts.
BasicTime USING [GMT, nullGMT],
Imager USING [Context],
ImagerFont USING [CorrectionType, Extents, Font, Substitution, XChar],
ImagerFontWorks USING [MapCharProc],
ImagerMaskCache USING [CharMask, MakeCharMaskProc],
ImagerTransformation USING [Transformation],
Prop USING [PropList],
Vector2 USING [VEC];
VEC: TYPE ~ Vector2.VEC;
XChar: TYPE ~ ImagerFont.XChar;
CorrectionType: TYPE ~ ImagerFont.CorrectionType;
Extents: TYPE ~ ImagerFont.Extents;
Font: TYPE ~ ImagerFont.Font;
Transformation: TYPE ~ ImagerTransformation.Transformation;
Typeface: TYPE ~ REF TypefaceRep;
TypefaceRep: TYPE ~ RECORD [
class: TypefaceClass,
data: REF,
name: ROPE ¬ NIL,
alternateMetrics: ROPE ¬ NIL,
created: BasicTime.GMT ¬ BasicTime.nullGMT,
info: InfoTable ¬ NIL, -- for character set 0
fontExtents: REF Extents ¬ NIL,
propList: Prop.PropList ¬ NIL
TypefaceClass: TYPE ~ REF TypefaceClassRep;
TypefaceClassRep: TYPE ~ RECORD [
type: ATOM,
AlternateMetrics: PROC [self: Typeface, alternateMetrics: ROPE] RETURNS [Typeface],
Contains: PROC [self: Typeface, char: XChar] RETURNS [BOOL],
NextChar: PROC [self: Typeface, char: XChar] RETURNS [next: XChar],
Escapement: PROC [self: Typeface, char: XChar] RETURNS [VEC],
Amplified: PROC [self: Typeface, char: XChar] RETURNS [BOOL],
Correction: PROC [self: Typeface, char: XChar] RETURNS [CorrectionType],
BoundingBox: PROC [self: Typeface, char: XChar] RETURNS [Extents],
FontBoundingBox: PROC [self: Typeface] RETURNS [Extents],
Ligature: PROC [self: Typeface, char, successor: XChar] RETURNS [XChar],
NextLigature: PROC [self: Typeface, char, successor: XChar] RETURNS [XChar],
Kern: PROC [self: Typeface, char, successor: XChar] RETURNS [VEC],
NextKern: PROC [self: Typeface, char, successor: XChar] RETURNS [XChar],
Mask: PROC [self: Typeface, char: XChar, context: Imager.Context],
MakeCharMask: ImagerMaskCache.MakeCharMaskProc ¬ NIL,
MapChar: ImagerFontWorks.MapCharProc ¬ NIL,
propList: Prop.PropList ¬ NIL
InfoTable: TYPE ~ REF InfoTableRep;
exists: BOOL ¬ FALSE,
amplified: BOOL ¬ FALSE,
correction: CorrectionType ¬ none,
hasKerns: BOOL ¬ FALSE,
hasLigatures: BOOL ¬ FALSE,
spare1, spare2: BOOL ¬ FALSE
Version: TYPE ~ REF VersionRep;
VersionRep: TYPE ~ RECORD [
createDate: BasicTime.GMT, -- for version checking against typeface.created
type: ATOM -- for version checking against typeface.class.type
FindTypeface: PROC [name: ROPE, substitution: ImagerFont.Substitution, versionHint: Version ¬ NIL] RETURNS [Typeface];
Finds the typeface with the specified universal name.
The versionHint is used by the FD typeface implementation to find a particular version.
SelectAlternateTypefaceMetrics: PROC [typeface: Typeface, alternateMetrics: ROPE] RETURNS [Typeface];
Makes a new Typeface with the named alternate metrics
ReverseMetrics: PROC [typeface: Typeface] RETURNS [Typeface];
Makes a new Typeface with metrics for ShowBackward; there is no name, so it will not externalize properly.
TypefaceFromFont: PROC [font: Font] RETURNS [Typeface];
Pulls the Typeface from the font.
MakeFont: PROC [typeface: Typeface, m: Transformation] RETURNS [Font];
Makes a font from the Typeface and a Transformation
MaskChar: Moved to ImagerFontWorks
MaskChar: PROC [font: Font, char: XChar, context: Imager.Context];
Also provided here for compatibility; clients should migrate to ImagerFontWorks
CaptureChar: Moved to ImagerFontWorks
GeneralCaptureCharMask: ImagerMaskCache.MakeCharMaskProc;
Implements typeface.class.MakeCharMask in terms of typeface.class.Mask; does not fill in font, char, escapement or flags (this is done in CaptureChar, which also selects the appropriate MakeCharMaskProc to use).
Creator: TYPE ~ REF CreatorRep;
CreatorRep: TYPE ~ RECORD [proc: CreatorProc, data: REF];
CreatorProc: TYPE ~ PROC [self: Creator, name: ROPE, substitute: BOOL] RETURNS [Typeface];
RegisterCreator: PROC [creator: Creator, before: BOOL ¬ FALSE];
The registered creators are called in order until one of them responds with a non-NIL typeface. They are each called with substitute~FALSE first, and if they all fail and if font substitution was requested, they are called again with substitute~TRUE. If before~TRUE, the creator is added to the front of the list of registered creators; otherwise it is added to the end.
CreatorFromFileExtension: PROC [extension: ROPE, createProc: PROC [stream: IO.STREAM] RETURNS [Typeface]] RETURNS [Creator];
An aid for typeface implementations that are based on files with a particular extension.
FlushTypefaceCaches: PROC;
Flushes the caches held by the typeface implementation.
FlushFontCaches: PROC;
Flushes the caches held by the font implementation.
SetSubstitutionFont: PROC [defaultFont: ROPE];
Sets the font to be used for substitution calls. Initialized to Modern in ImagerTypefaceImpl.
Michael Plass, October 5, 1988
Incorporated changes from MasterBlaster
Added: SetSubstitutionFont, MapCharWithHints, MapChar, HasMapChar
Michael Plass, August 21, 1989
Removed: MapCharWithHints, MapChar, HasMapChar
Added: MakeCharMask