/* Generated with C2C (Cedar To C)*/
/* Copyright (C) 1993 by Xerox Corporation.  All rights reserved. */
/* time: July 28, 1993 10:21:18 am PDT */
/* C2C version: April 20, 1993 (sun4) */
/* ref-counting: off */
/* file: ImagerPenImpl, module: ImagerPenImpl */ 
/* switches: bcfhklnouw */ 
#include <cedar/InstallationSupport.h>
#include <cedar/CedarExtra.h>
static char versionStamp[] = "@(#)mob←version [1357448558,2214319797] ImagerPenImpl";
typedef unsigned word, *ptr;
typedef unsigned char byte, *bPt;
typedef unsigned short half, *hPt;
typedef word (*fPt)();
typedef struct {word f0, f1;} W2;
typedef struct {word f0, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7;} W8;
typedef struct {word f0, f1, f2, f3;} W4;
typedef struct {W8 f; W4 r;} W12;
typedef struct {word f0, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5;} W6;
typedef W6 *W6Pt;
typedef W2 *W2Pt;
typedef struct {word f0, f1, f2;} W3;
typedef struct {W8 f; W3 r;} W11;
#define SOURCE(p, l) /* source p, l */
static float fc12 = 0.0;
#define FMAX(x, y, tx, ty)  ( (tx=((float) x)) >= (ty=((float) y)) ? tx : ty )
static float fc36 = 0.5;
#define FABS(f, t) ( ((t=(f)) >= (float) 0.0) ? (t) : (- (t)) )
static float fc54 = 90.0;
static float fc59 = 180.0;
static float fc62 = -90.0;
#define SGNCK(i) ((int) (word) (i) < 0 ? XR←RaiseArithmeticFault(): i )
#define BCK(idx, lim) ( ((unsigned) idx) >= ((unsigned) lim) ? (XR←RaiseBoundsFault()) : (idx) )
#define IABS(i) ( ((int)(word)(i) > 0) ? (i) : (word)(-(int)(word)(i)) )
static float fc114 = -99999.0;
static float fc115 = 1.0;
#define INEG(x)  ( (word) ( - ((int) (word) (x)) ) )
static float fc120 = -1.0;
#define MIN(cast, x, y)  ( ( cast x) < ( cast y) ? (x) : (y) )
static void NoName←Q1956();
static void ImagerPenImpl←P0();
static word ScaleFactor←P60();
static word MakeTransformedCircle←P120();
static word MakeThickenedTransformedCircle←P180();
static word NoName←Q2016();
static word MakeEllipse←P300();
static word CheckCache←P360();
static void EnterCache←P420();
static word Round←P480();
static word MakeHalfEllipse←P540();
static word MoveToNextpqr←P1500();
static void RemoveLinepqAndAdjustq←P1560();
static word AllocNode←P600();
static void FreeNode←P660();
static void FreeVertexList←P720();
static word CountVertexList←P780();
static word PythAdd←P840();
static void CalculateGreek←P900();
static word IntegerDistanceToEllipseTowards←P960();
static void NoName←Q2076();
static struct {unsigned f; char r[16];} string1 = {851984, "\257\300\166\022\273\153\300\125\117\023\206\100\164\000\000"};
static struct {unsigned f; char r[48];} string2 = {2883632, "\260\006\005\146\151\162\163\164\216\257\300\166\022\273\153\300\125\117\023\206\100\164\005\004\162\145\163\164\214\216\257\300\166\022\273\153\300\125\117\023\206\100\164\261\000\000\000"};
static struct {unsigned f; char r[4];} string3 = {131074, "\004\003\000"};
static struct {unsigned f; char r[16];} string4 = {851984, "\257\300\120\351\005\156\300\203\373\326\265\101\050\000\000"};
static struct {unsigned f; char r[4];} string5 = {131074, "\003\006\000"};
static struct {unsigned f; char r[16];} string6 = {851984, "\257\300\120\351\005\156\300\203\373\326\265\100\164\000\000"};
static struct {unsigned f; char r[4];} string7 = {196611, "\004e\000"};
static struct {unsigned f; char r[16];} string8 = {851984, "\257\300\121\117\377\026\300\315\013\026\004\100\150\000\000"};
static struct {unsigned f; char r[16];} string9 = {851984, "\257\300\245\247\302\156\300\052\156\325\023\100\150\000\000"};
static struct {unsigned f; char r[16];} string10 = {851984, "\257\300\166\022\273\153\300\125\117\023\206\100\150\000\000"};
static struct {unsigned f; char r[16];} string11 = {851984, "\257\300\130\073\236\351\300\154\373\320\354\100\150\000\000"};
static struct {
   word f0[18]; word f18; word f19; word f20; 
   word f21; word f22; word f23; word f24; 
   word f25; word f26; word f27; word f28; 
   word f29; word f30; word f31; word f32; 
   word f33; word f34; word f35; word f36; 
   word f37; word f38; word f39; word f40; 
   word f41; word f42; word f43; word f44; 
   word f45; word f46; word f47; word f48; 
   word f49[4]; 
   } globalframe = {
   {0}, (word) IntegerDistanceToEllipseTowards←P960, 0, (word) CalculateGreek←P900, 
   0, (word) PythAdd←P840, 0, (word) CountVertexList←P780, 
   0, (word) FreeVertexList←P720, 0, (word) FreeNode←P660, 
   0, (word) AllocNode←P600, 0, (word) MakeHalfEllipse←P540, 
   0, (word) Round←P480, 0, (word) EnterCache←P420, 
   0, (word) CheckCache←P360, 0, (word) MakeEllipse←P300, 
   0, (word) MakeThickenedTransformedCircle←P180, 0, (word) MakeTransformedCircle←P120, 
   0, (word) ScaleFactor←P60, 0, (word) ImagerPenImpl←P0, 

static void NoName←Q1956()
   register ptr gf←c0190 =  (ptr) &globalframe;
   word var←c12856;
   (* (( (ptr) gf←c0190)+15) ) = (word) XR←GetTypeIndexS((word) (&string1));
   (* (( (ptr) gf←c0190)+16) ) = (word) XR←GetTypeIndex((word) &string2, 0, (word) &string3);
   (* (( (ptr) gf←c0190)+17) ) = (word) XR←GetTypeIndex((word) &string4, 0, (word) &string5);
   (void) XR←DeclareGlobalFrame((word) "ImagerPenImpl", &globalframe, (word) XR←GetTypeIndex((word) &string6, 0, (word) &string7)
      , (word) (( (bPt) gf←c0190)+192)/* var←c11320 */ );
   var←c12856 = (word) XR←ImportInterface((word) "ImagerTransformation", (word) XR←GetTypeIndexS((word) (&string8)), 55);
   (* (( (ptr) gf←c0190)+51)/* var←c11480 */  ) = var←c12856;
   (void) XR←ImportProcS(var←c12856, 262401);
   (void) XR←ImportProcS(var←c12856, 402927105);
   (void) XR←ImportProcS(var←c12856, 67899394);
   var←c12856 = (word) XR←ImportInterface((word) "RealFns", (word) XR←GetTypeIndexS((word) (&string9)), 36);
   (* (( (ptr) gf←c0190)+50)/* var←c11352 */  ) = var←c12856;
   (void) XR←ImportProcS(var←c12856, 67372801);
   (void) XR←ImportProcS(var←c12856, 67373313);
   (void) XR←ImportProcS(var←c12856, 67372289);
   var←c12856 = (word) XR←ExportInterface((word) "ImagerPen", (word) XR←GetTypeIndexS((word) (&string10)), 2);
   (* (( (ptr) gf←c0190)+52)/* var←c12888 */  ) = var←c12856;
   (void) XR←ExportProcS(var←c12856, (word) (( (bPt) gf←c0190)+176)/* var←c11256 */ , 68157443, (word) "MakeTransformedCircle")
   (void) XR←ExportProcS(var←c12856, (word) (( (bPt) gf←c0190)+160)/* var←c11192 */ , 67895555, (word) "MakeEllipse");
   var←c12856 = (word) XR←ExportInterface((word) "ImagerPenExtras", (word) XR←GetTypeIndexS((word) (&string11)), 1);
   (* (( (ptr) gf←c0190)+52)/* var←c12888 */  ) = var←c12856;
   (void) XR←ExportProcS(var←c12856, (word) (( (bPt) gf←c0190)+168)/* var←c11224 */ , 68681732, (word) "MakeThickenedTransformedCircle")

static void ImagerPenImpl←P0(formal←c032, formal←c031)
   word formal←c032;
   word formal←c031;
   register ptr gf←c12920 =  (ptr) &globalframe;
   /* ImagerPenImpl: */ 
SOURCE(269, 8386)
SOURCE(632, 36)
   (* (( (ptr) gf←c12920)+8)/* hairline←v2832 */  ) = (word) MakeEllipse←P300((*  (ptr) &fc12 ), (*  (ptr) &fc12 ), (*  (ptr) &fc12 ))
SOURCE(3178, 18)
   (* (( (ptr) gf←c12920)+9)/* cacheSize←v3000 */  ) = 5;

static word ScaleFactor←P60(a←v3568, b←v3596, strokeWidth←v3624, thickening←v3652, minThickness←v3680)
   word a←v3568;
   word b←v3596;
   word strokeWidth←v3624;
   word thickening←v3652;
   word minThickness←v3680;
   register ptr gf←c12952 =  (ptr) &globalframe;
   word var←c3724;
   word e←v6276;
   /* ScaleFactor: */ 
SOURCE(671, 1190)
SOURCE(766, 33)
      word pd13;
      word x14;
      word x15;
      word x16;
      word x17;
      float tf18;
      pd13 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf←c12952)+50)/* var←c11352 */  ))+9) );
      e←v6276 = (word) ( *( (fPt) ((*  (ptr) pd13 ))))((
            tf18 = ((
               x14 = a←v3568,  *(float*)&x14
               ) * (
               x15 = a←v3568,  *(float*)&x15
               )) + ((
               x16 = b←v3596,  *(float*)&x16
               ) * (
               x17 = b←v3596,  *(float*)&x17
               )),  *(word*)&tf18
            ), pd13);
SOURCE(801, 36)
      word x19;
      word x20;
      if (((
         x19 = e←v6276,  *(float*)&x19
         ) == (
         x20 = (*  (ptr) &fc12 ),  *(float*)&x20
         ))) {
SOURCE(817, 20)
SOURCE(892, 61)
      word x21;
      float tf22;
      float tf23;
      word x24;
      word x25;
      float tf26;
      float tf27;
      float tf28;
      word x29;
      word x30;
      word x31;
      float tf32;
      tf26 = FMAX((
            x21 = (*  (ptr) &fc12 ),  *(float*)&x21
            ), ((
            x24 = minThickness←v3680,  *(float*)&x24
            ) / (
            x25 = e←v6276,  *(float*)&x25
            )), tf22, tf23);
         tf32 = FMAX(tf26, ((
               x29 = strokeWidth←v3624,  *(float*)&x29
               ) + ((
               x30 = thickening←v3652,  *(float*)&x30
               ) / (
               x31 = e←v6276,  *(float*)&x31
               ))), tf27, tf28),  *(word*)&tf32

static word MakeTransformedCircle←P120(strokeWidth←v3784, m←v3812, thickening←v3840)
   word strokeWidth←v3784;
   word m←v3812;
   W2 thickening←v3840;
   word var←c3884;
   /* MakeTransformedCircle: */ 
SOURCE(959, 902)
SOURCE(1081, 780)
      word var←c0206;
         W2 var←c11416;
         var←c11416.f0 = (*  (ptr) &fc12 );
         var←c11416.f1 = (*  (ptr) &fc12 );
         var←c0206 = (word) MakeThickenedTransformedCircle←P180(strokeWidth←v3784, m←v3812, thickening←v3840, var←c11416);

static word MakeThickenedTransformedCircle←P180(strokeWidth←v3944, m←v3972, thickening←v4000, minThickness←v4028)
   word strokeWidth←v3944;
   word m←v3972;
   W2 thickening←v4000;
   W2 minThickness←v4028;
   W12 var←c12984;
   register ptr gf←c13016 =  (ptr) &globalframe;
   word var←c4072;
   /* MakeThickenedTransformedCircle: */ 
SOURCE(1207, 1075)
SOURCE(1370, 912)
      word x33;
      word x34;
      word x35;
      word x37;
      word x38;
      word x39;
      word x40;
      word x41;
      word x42;
      word x43;
      if ( (  (  (  ( ((
         x33 = strokeWidth←v3944,  *(float*)&x33
         ) == (
         x34 = (*  (ptr) &fc12 ),  *(float*)&x34
         )) ? ((
         x35 = thickening←v4000.f0,  *(float*)&x35
         ) < (
         x37 = (*  (ptr) &fc36 ),  *(float*)&x37
         )) : 0 )  ? ((
         x38 = thickening←v4000.f1,  *(float*)&x38
         ) < (
         x39 = (*  (ptr) &fc36 ),  *(float*)&x39
         )) : 0 )  ? ((
         x40 = minThickness←v4028.f0,  *(float*)&x40
         ) < (
         x41 = (*  (ptr) &fc36 ),  *(float*)&x41
         )) : 0 )  ? ((
         x42 = minThickness←v4028.f1,  *(float*)&x42
         ) < (
         x43 = (*  (ptr) &fc36 ),  *(float*)&x43
         )) : 0 ) ) {
SOURCE(1494, 18)
         return((* (( (ptr) gf←c13016)+8)/* hairline←v2832 */  ));
      else {
SOURCE(1519, 765)
            word sx←v6320;
            word sy←v6348;
            /* declaration of mm←v6376 skipped */ 
            W6 f←v6404;
            word majorAxis←v6432;
            word minorAxis←v6460;
            word theta←v6488;
SOURCE(1521, 75)
            sx←v6320 = (word) ScaleFactor←P60((*  (ptr) m←v3972 ), (* (( (ptr) m←v3972)+1) ), strokeWidth←v3944, thickening←v4000.f0, minThickness←v4028.f0)
SOURCE(1598, 75)
            sy←v6348 = (word) ScaleFactor←P60((* (( (ptr) m←v3972)+3) ), (* (( (ptr) m←v3972)+4) ), strokeWidth←v3944, thickening←v4000.f1, minThickness←v4028.f1)
SOURCE(1675, 71)
               W2 var←c11448;
               var←c11448.f0 = sx←v6320;
               var←c11448.f1 = sy←v6348;
                  word pd44;
                  pd44 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf←c13016)+51)/* var←c11480 */  ))+20) );
                  (* (( (ptr) &var←c12984)+4)/* mm←v6376 */  ) = (word) ( *( (fPt) ((*  (ptr) pd44 ))))(m←v3972, var←c11448, pd44);
SOURCE(1748, 106)
               /* declaration of var←c01 skipped */ 
               (* (( (ptr) &var←c12984)+5)/* var←c01 */  ) = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf←c13016)+51)/* var←c11480 */  ))+50) );
                  /* declaration of var←c02 skipped */ 
                     word var←c0207;
                     var←c0207 = (word) &var←c12984;
                      (void) (word) XR←Enable(( ((word)  (fPt) NoName←Q2016) ), ( ((word)  (fPt) NoName←Q2076) ), var←c0207);
                  f←v6404 = (*  (W6Pt) (( (ptr) &var←c12984)+6)/* var←c02 */  );
SOURCE(1863, 28)
               float tf45;
               word x46;
               float tf47;
               majorAxis←v6432 = (
                  tf47 = FABS((
                        x46 = f←v6404.f1,  *(float*)&x46
                        ), tf45),  *(word*)&tf47
SOURCE(1893, 28)
               float tf48;
               word x49;
               float tf50;
               minorAxis←v6460 = (
                  tf50 = FABS((
                        x49 = f←v6404.f2,  *(float*)&x49
                        ), tf48),  *(word*)&tf50
SOURCE(1923, 21)
            theta←v6488 = f←v6404.f3;
SOURCE(1946, 111)
               word x51;
               word x52;
               if (((
                  x51 = majorAxis←v6432,  *(float*)&x51
                  ) < (
                  x52 = minorAxis←v6460,  *(float*)&x52
                  ))) {
SOURCE(1976, 83)
                     word t←v6532;
SOURCE(1978, 19)
                     t←v6532 = majorAxis←v6432;
SOURCE(1999, 21)
                     majorAxis←v6432 = minorAxis←v6460;
SOURCE(2022, 13)
                     minorAxis←v6460 = t←v6532;
SOURCE(2037, 20)
                        word x53;
                        word x55;
                        *(float*)&theta←v6488 = (
                           x53 = theta←v6488,  *(float*)&x53
                           ) + (
                           x55 = (*  (ptr) &fc54 ),  *(float*)&x55
SOURCE(2062, 51)
            lab←L100004: ;
               word x56;
               word x57;
               if (((
                  x56 = theta←v6488,  *(float*)&x56
                  ) > (
                  x57 = (*  (ptr) &fc54 ),  *(float*)&x57
                  ))) {
               else {
                  goto lab←L100002;
SOURCE(2084, 29)
               word x58;
               word x60;
               *(float*)&theta←v6488 = (
                  x58 = theta←v6488,  *(float*)&x58
                  ) - (
                  x60 = (*  (ptr) &fc59 ),  *(float*)&x60
            goto lab←L100004;
            lab←L100002: ;
SOURCE(2115, 53)
            lab←L100007: ;
               word x61;
               word x63;
               if (((
                  x61 = theta←v6488,  *(float*)&x61
                  ) <= (
                  x63 = (*  (ptr) &fc62 ),  *(float*)&x63
                  ))) {
               else {
                  goto lab←L100005;
SOURCE(2139, 29)
               word x64;
               word x65;
               *(float*)&theta←v6488 = (
                  x64 = theta←v6488,  *(float*)&x64
                  ) + (
                  x65 = (*  (ptr) &fc59 ),  *(float*)&x65
            goto lab←L100007;
            lab←L100005: ;
SOURCE(2170, 32)
               word pd66;
               pd66 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf←c13016)+51)/* var←c11480 */  ))+5) );
               (void) ( *( (fPt) ((*  (ptr) pd66 ))))((* ((( (ptr) &var←c12984)+4)/* mm←v6376 */ ) ), pd66);
SOURCE(2204, 78)
            return((word) MakeEllipse←P300(majorAxis←v6432, minorAxis←v6460, theta←v6488));

static word NoName←Q2016(formal←c0194)
   word formal←c0194;
SOURCE(1748, 106)
      word pd67;
      pd67 = (* (( (ptr) formal←c0194)+5) );
      (void) ( *( (fPt) ((*  (ptr) pd67 ))))((word) (( (bPt) formal←c0194)+24), (* (( (ptr) formal←c0194)+4) ), pd67);

static word MakeEllipse←P300(majorAxis←v4236, minorAxis←v4264, theta←v4292)
   word majorAxis←v4236;
   word minorAxis←v4264;
   word theta←v4292;
   register ptr gf←c13048 =  (ptr) &globalframe;
   word p←v4336;
   /* MakeEllipse: */ 
SOURCE(2365, 805)
SOURCE(2365, 805)
   p←v4336 = 0;
SOURCE(2456, 714)
      word tc68;
      if (((* (( (ptr) gf←c13048)+9)/* cacheSize←v3000 */  ) > 0)) {
         p←v4336 = (word) CheckCache←P360(majorAxis←v4236, minorAxis←v4264, theta←v4292);
         tc68 =  (word) (p←v4336 != 0);
      else {
         tc68 =  (word) 0;
      if (tc68) {
SOURCE(2532, 12)
      else {
SOURCE(2544, 628)
            word v←v6576;
            word n←v6604;
            word i←v6632 = 0;
SOURCE(2546, 60)
            v←v6576 = (word) MakeHalfEllipse←P540(majorAxis←v4236, minorAxis←v4264, theta←v4292);
SOURCE(2608, 29)
               word idx69;
               n←v6604 = (
                  idx69 = (word) ((word) CountVertexList←P780(v←v6576) - 1),
SOURCE(2651, 20)
               word var←c11544;
               word var←c11576;
               word var←c11608;
                  word idx70;
                  var←c11544 = (
                     idx70 = (word) ((word) n←v6604 << 1),
                     BCK(idx70, 33554431)
               var←c11576 = ((word) var←c11544 << 3);
               var←c11608 = XR←NewObject((24 + var←c11576), (* (( (ptr) gf←c13048)+15) ));
               (* (( (ptr) var←c11608)+5) ) = var←c11544;
               p←v4336 = var←c11608;
SOURCE(2673, 23)
            (* (( (ptr) p←v4336)+2) ) = majorAxis←v4236;
SOURCE(2698, 23)
            (* (( (ptr) p←v4336)+3) ) = minorAxis←v4264;
SOURCE(2723, 15)
            (* (( (ptr) p←v4336)+4) ) = theta←v4292;
SOURCE(2740, 102)
               register word t←v6676;
               t←v6676 = v←v6576;
               lab←L100011: ;
               if (((* (( (ptr) t←v6676)+6) ) != 0)) {
               else {
                  goto lab←L100008;
SOURCE(2790, 41)
                  word var←c11640;
                  word var←c11704;
                  word var←c11768;
                     word var←c11672;
                     word real←v10792;
                     real←v10792 = (*  (ptr) t←v6676 );
SOURCE(2341, 20)
                        word x71;
                        word x72;
                        *(float*)&var←c11672 = (
                           x71 = (*  (ptr) &fc36 ),  *(float*)&x71
                           ) * (
                           x72 = real←v10792,  *(float*)&x72
                     var←c11640 = var←c11672;
                     word var←c11736;
                     word real←v10744;
                     real←v10744 = (* (( (ptr) t←v6676)+1) );
SOURCE(2341, 20)
                        word x73;
                        word x74;
                        *(float*)&var←c11736 = (
                           x73 = (*  (ptr) &fc36 ),  *(float*)&x73
                           ) * (
                           x74 = real←v10744,  *(float*)&x74
                     var←c11704 = var←c11736;
                     word limit75;
                     var←c11768 = (word) (( (W2Pt) (( (bPt) p←v4336)+24))+(
                           limit75 = (* (( (ptr) p←v4336)+5) ),
                           BCK(i←v6632, limit75)
                  (*  (ptr) var←c11768 ) = var←c11640;
                  (* (( (ptr) var←c11768)+1) ) = var←c11704;
SOURCE(2833, 9)
               i←v6632 = (i←v6632 + 1);
               t←v6676 = (* (( (ptr) t←v6676)+6) );
               goto lab←L100011;
               lab←L100008: ;
SOURCE(2853, 104)
               register word t←v6720;
               t←v6720 = v←v6576;
               lab←L100017: ;
               if (((* (( (ptr) t←v6720)+6) ) != 0)) {
               else {
                  goto lab←L100014;
SOURCE(2903, 43)
                  word var←c11800;
                  word var←c11864;
                  word var←c11928;
                     word var←c11832;
                     word real←v10696;
                     real←v10696 = (*  (ptr) t←v6720 );
SOURCE(2341, 20)
                        word x76;
                        word x77;
                        *(float*)&var←c11832 = (
                           x76 = (*  (ptr) &fc36 ),  *(float*)&x76
                           ) * (
                           x77 = real←v10696,  *(float*)&x77
                        word x78;
                        *(float*)&var←c11800 =  - (
                           x78 = var←c11832,  *(float*)&x78
                     word var←c11896;
                     word real←v10648;
                     real←v10648 = (* (( (ptr) t←v6720)+1) );
SOURCE(2341, 20)
                        word x79;
                        word x80;
                        *(float*)&var←c11896 = (
                           x79 = (*  (ptr) &fc36 ),  *(float*)&x79
                           ) * (
                           x80 = real←v10648,  *(float*)&x80
                        word x81;
                        *(float*)&var←c11864 =  - (
                           x81 = var←c11896,  *(float*)&x81
                     word limit82;
                     var←c11928 = (word) (( (W2Pt) (( (bPt) p←v4336)+24))+(
                           limit82 = (* (( (ptr) p←v4336)+5) ),
                           BCK(i←v6632, limit82)
                  (*  (ptr) var←c11928 ) = var←c11800;
                  (* (( (ptr) var←c11928)+1) ) = var←c11864;
SOURCE(2948, 9)
               i←v6632 = (i←v6632 + 1);
               t←v6720 = (* (( (ptr) t←v6720)+6) );
               goto lab←L100017;
               lab←L100014: ;
SOURCE(2968, 113)
               register word i←v6764 = 0;
               register word noName←c11960;
               noName←c11960 = (* (( (ptr) p←v4336)+5) );
               if ((i←v6764 >= noName←c11960)) {
                  goto lab←L100020;
               lab←L100023: ;
SOURCE(2997, 41)
                  word x83;
                  float tf84;
                  float tf85;
                  float tf86;
                  word limit87;
                  word x88;
                  float tf89;
                  (*  (ptr) p←v4336 ) = (
                     tf89 = FMAX((
                           x83 = (*  (ptr) p←v4336 ),  *(float*)&x83
                           ), FABS((
/*1*/   x88 = (* (( (W2Pt) (( (ptr) p←v4336)+6))+(
/*1*/         limit87 = (* (( (ptr) p←v4336)+5) ),
/*1*/         BCK(i←v6764, limit87)
/*1*/         )) ).f0,  *(float*)&x88
/*1*/   ), tf86), tf84, tf85),  *(word*)&tf89
SOURCE(3040, 41)
                  word x90;
                  float tf91;
                  float tf92;
                  float tf93;
                  word limit94;
                  word x95;
                  float tf96;
                  (* (( (ptr) p←v4336)+1) ) = (
                     tf96 = FMAX((
                           x90 = (* (( (ptr) p←v4336)+1) ),  *(float*)&x90
                           ), FABS((
/*1*/   x95 = (* (( (W2Pt) (( (ptr) p←v4336)+6))+(
/*1*/         limit94 = (* (( (ptr) p←v4336)+5) ),
/*1*/         BCK(i←v6764, limit94)
/*1*/         )) ).f1,  *(float*)&x95
/*1*/   ), tf93), tf91, tf92),  *(word*)&tf96
               i←v6764 = (i←v6764 + 1);
               if ((i←v6764 < noName←c11960)) {
                  goto lab←L100023;
               lab←L100020: ;
SOURCE(3092, 17)
            if ((i←v6632 != (* (( (ptr) p←v4336)+5) ))) {
SOURCE(3109, 5)
               (void) XR←RaiseUnnamedError();
SOURCE(3116, 35)
            if (((* (( (ptr) gf←c13048)+9)/* cacheSize←v3000 */  ) > 0)) {
SOURCE(3138, 13)
               (void) EnterCache←P420(p←v4336);
SOURCE(3153, 17)
            (void) FreeVertexList←P720(v←v6576);
SOURCE(2365, 805)

static word CheckCache←P360(majorAxis←v4480, minorAxis←v4508, theta←v4536)
   word majorAxis←v4480;
   word minorAxis←v4508;
   word theta←v4536;
   register ptr gf←c13080 =  (ptr) &globalframe;
   word var←c4580;
   word prev←v6808 = 0;
   /* CheckCache: */ 
SOURCE(3267, 470)
   (void) (XR←MonitorEntry((word) (( (bPt) gf←c13080)+16)/* LOCK←v2636 */ ));
SOURCE(3378, 304)
      register word c←v6936;
      c←v6936 = (* (( (ptr) gf←c13080)+10)/* cache←v3028 */  );
      lab←L100027: ;
      if ((c←v6936 != 0)) {
      else {
         goto lab←L100024;
SOURCE(3430, 239)
         word x97;
         word x98;
         word x99;
         word x100;
         word x101;
         word x102;
         word x103;
         word x104;
         if ( (  ( ((
            x97 = (* (( (ptr) (*  (ptr) c←v6936 ))+2) ),  *(float*)&x97
            ) == (
            x98 = majorAxis←v4480,  *(float*)&x98
            )) ? ((
            x99 = (* (( (ptr) (*  (ptr) c←v6936 ))+3) ),  *(float*)&x99
            ) == (
            x100 = minorAxis←v4508,  *(float*)&x100
            )) : 0 )  ?  ( ((
            x101 = (* (( (ptr) (*  (ptr) c←v6936 ))+4) ),  *(float*)&x101
            ) == (
            x102 = theta←v4536,  *(float*)&x102
            )) ? 1 : ((
            x103 = majorAxis←v4480,  *(float*)&x103
            ) == (
            x104 = minorAxis←v4508,  *(float*)&x104
            )) )  : 0 ) ) {
SOURCE(3555, 66)
            if ((prev←v6808 != 0)) {
SOURCE(3576, 18)
               (* (( (ptr) prev←v6808)+1) ) = (* (( (ptr) c←v6936)+1) );
SOURCE(3596, 14)
               (* (( (ptr) c←v6936)+1) ) = (* (( (ptr) gf←c13080)+10)/* cache←v3028 */  );
SOURCE(3612, 9)
               (* (( (ptr) gf←c13080)+10)/* cache←v3028 */  ) = c←v6936;
SOURCE(3626, 25)
            (* (( (ptr) gf←c13080)+11)/* cacheHits←v3056 */  ) = ((* (( (ptr) gf←c13080)+11)/* cacheHits←v3056 */  ) + 1);
SOURCE(3653, 16)
               word var←c11992;
               var←c11992 = (*  (ptr) c←v6936 );
               (void) (XR←MonitorExit((word) (( (bPt) gf←c13080)+16)/* LOCK←v2636 */ ));
SOURCE(3674, 8)
      prev←v6808 = c←v6936;
      c←v6936 = (* (( (ptr) c←v6936)+1) );
      goto lab←L100027;
      lab←L100024: ;
SOURCE(3693, 29)
   (* (( (ptr) gf←c13080)+12)/* cacheMisses←v3084 */  ) = ((* (( (ptr) gf←c13080)+12)/* cacheMisses←v3084 */  ) + 1);
SOURCE(3724, 13)
   (void) (XR←MonitorExit((word) (( (bPt) gf←c13080)+16)/* LOCK←v2636 */ ));

static void EnterCache←P420(pen←v4640)
   word pen←v4640;
   register ptr gf←c13112 =  (ptr) &globalframe;
   word majorAxis←v7064;
   word minorAxis←v7092;
   word theta←v7120;
   word new←v7148 = 0;
   word prev←v7176 = 0;
   word i←v7204 = 2;
   /* EnterCache: */ 
SOURCE(3741, 431)
   (void) (XR←MonitorEntry((word) (( (bPt) gf←c13112)+16)/* LOCK←v2636 */ ));
SOURCE(3779, 31)
   majorAxis←v7064 = (* (( (ptr) pen←v4640)+2) );
SOURCE(3812, 31)
   minorAxis←v7092 = (* (( (ptr) pen←v4640)+3) );
SOURCE(3845, 26)
   theta←v7120 = (* (( (ptr) pen←v4640)+4) );
SOURCE(3934, 198)
      register word p←v7416;
      p←v7416 = (* (( (ptr) gf←c13112)+10)/* cache←v3028 */  );
      lab←L100031: ;
SOURCE(3972, 32)
      if ((p←v7416 == 0)) {
SOURCE(3989, 15)
            word var←c12024;
            word var←c12056;
            var←c12024 = XR←NewObject(8, (* (( (ptr) gf←c13112)+16) ));
            var←c12056 = var←c12024;
            (*  (ptr) var←c12056 ) = pen←v4640;
            new←v7148 = var←c12024;
SOURCE(4006, 4)
         goto lab←L100029;
SOURCE(4013, 99)
      if ( ( (i←v7204 >= (* (( (ptr) gf←c13112)+9)/* cacheSize←v3000 */  )) ? ((* (( (ptr) p←v7416)+1) ) != 0) : 0 ) ) {
SOURCE(4053, 12)
         new←v7148 = (* (( (ptr) p←v7416)+1) );
SOURCE(4067, 12)
         (* (( (ptr) p←v7416)+1) ) = 0;
SOURCE(4081, 14)
         (* (( (ptr) new←v7148)+1) ) = 0;
SOURCE(4097, 15)
         (*  (ptr) new←v7148 ) = pen←v4640;
SOURCE(4114, 4)
         goto lab←L100029;
SOURCE(4123, 9)
      i←v7204 = (i←v7204 + 1);
      p←v7416 = (* (( (ptr) p←v7416)+1) );
      goto lab←L100031;
      lab←L100029: ;
SOURCE(4143, 16)
   (* (( (ptr) new←v7148)+1) ) = (* (( (ptr) gf←c13112)+10)/* cache←v3028 */  );
SOURCE(4161, 11)
   (* (( (ptr) gf←c13112)+10)/* cache←v3028 */  ) = new←v7148;
SOURCE(3741, 431)
   (void) (XR←MonitorExit((word) (( (bPt) gf←c13112)+16)/* LOCK←v2636 */ ));

static word Round←P480(r←v4908)
   word r←v4908;
   word var←c4952;
   /* Round: */ 
SOURCE(4338, 74)
SOURCE(4378, 34)
      word x105;
      word x106;
      float tf107;
      return((word) XR←REAL32←Floor((
            tf107 = (
               x105 = r←v4908,  *(float*)&x105
               ) + (
               x106 = (*  (ptr) &fc36 ),  *(float*)&x106
               ),  *(word*)&tf107

static word MakeHalfEllipse←P540(semiMajorAxis←v5012, semiMinorAxis←v5040, theta←v5068)
   word semiMajorAxis←v5012;
   word semiMinorAxis←v5040;
   word theta←v5068;
   W11 var←c13144;
   register ptr gf←c13176 =  (ptr) &globalframe;
   word halfPen←v5112;
   /* declaration of var←c12120 skipped */ 
   /* declaration of var←c12152 skipped */ 
   word cos←v7572;
   word sin←v7600;
   /* declaration of p←v7628 skipped */ 
   /* declaration of q←v7656 skipped */ 
   /* declaration of r←v7684 skipped */ 
   word s←v7712 = 0;
   /* MakeHalfEllipse: */ 
SOURCE(4418, 2473)
      word tmpAddr108;
      tmpAddr108 = (word) (( (ptr) &var←c13144)+4)/* var←c12120 */ ;
      (*  (ptr) tmpAddr108 ) = ( ((word)  (fPt) RemoveLinepqAndAdjustq←P1560) );
      (* (( (ptr) tmpAddr108) + 1) ) = 1;
      word tmpAddr109;
      tmpAddr109 = (word) (( (ptr) &var←c13144)+6)/* var←c12152 */ ;
      (*  (ptr) tmpAddr109 ) = ( ((word)  (fPt) MoveToNextpqr←P1500) );
      (* (( (ptr) tmpAddr109) + 1) ) = 1;
SOURCE(4418, 2473)
   halfPen←v5112 = 0;
SOURCE(4545, 33)
      word pd110;
      pd110 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf←c13176)+50)/* var←c11352 */  ))+13) );
      cos←v7572 = (word) ( *( (fPt) ((*  (ptr) pd110 ))))(theta←v5068, pd110);
SOURCE(4580, 33)
      word pd111;
      pd111 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf←c13176)+50)/* var←c11352 */  ))+11) );
      sin←v7600 = (word) ( *( (fPt) ((*  (ptr) pd111 ))))(theta←v5068, pd111);
SOURCE(4615, 22)
   (* (( (ptr) &var←c13144)+8)/* p←v7628 */  ) = 0;
   (* (( (ptr) &var←c13144)+9)/* q←v7656 */  ) = 0;
   (* (( (ptr) &var←c13144)+10)/* r←v7684 */  ) = 0;
SOURCE(4639, 732)
      word alpha←v7756;
      word beta←v7784;
      word gamma←v7812;
SOURCE(4670, 77)
         W3 var←c12184;
         (void) CalculateGreek←P900((word) &var←c12184, semiMajorAxis←v5012, semiMinorAxis←v5040, cos←v7572, sin←v7600);
         gamma←v7812 = var←c12184.f2;
         beta←v7784 = var←c12184.f1;
         alpha←v7756 = var←c12184.f0;
SOURCE(4749, 25)
      if (( (int)beta←v7784 ==  (int)0)) {
SOURCE(4766, 8)
         beta←v7784 = 1;
SOURCE(4776, 27)
      if (( (int)gamma←v7812 ==  (int)0)) {
SOURCE(4794, 9)
         gamma←v7812 = 1;
SOURCE(4805, 93)
      if (( (int)gamma←v7812 <=  (int)IABS(alpha←v7756))) {
SOURCE(4840, 58)
         if (( (int)alpha←v7756 >  (int)0)) {
SOURCE(4858, 23)
            alpha←v7756 = (gamma←v7812 - 1);
         else {
SOURCE(4881, 17)
            alpha←v7756 = (1 - gamma←v7812);
SOURCE(4903, 118)
         W2 var←c12216;
            float tf112;
            var←c12216.f0 = (
               tf112 = (float)(int)alpha←v7756,  *(word*)&tf112
            float tf113;
            var←c12216.f1 = (
               tf113 = (float)(int)beta←v7784,  *(word*)&tf113
         s←v7712 = (word) AllocNode←P600(var←c12216, (*  (ptr) &fc114 ), (*  (ptr) &fc115 ), 4294867297, (gamma←v7812 - alpha←v7756), 0)
SOURCE(5023, 109)
         W2 var←c12248;
            float tf116;
            var←c12248.f0 = (
               tf116 = (float)(int)gamma←v7812,  *(word*)&tf116
            float tf117;
            var←c12248.f1 = (
               tf117 = (float)(int)beta←v7784,  *(word*)&tf117
         (* (( (ptr) &var←c13144)+10)/* r←v7684 */  ) = (word) AllocNode←P600(var←c12248, (*  (ptr) &fc12 ), (*  (ptr) &fc12 ), beta←v7784, (beta←v7784 + 
            beta←v7784), s←v7712);
SOURCE(5134, 114)
         W2 var←c12280;
            float tf118;
            var←c12280.f0 = (
               tf118 = (float)(int)gamma←v7812,  *(word*)&tf118
            float tf119;
            var←c12280.f1 = (
               tf119 = (float)(int)INEG(beta←v7784),  *(word*)&tf119
         (* (( (ptr) &var←c13144)+9)/* q←v7656 */  ) = (word) AllocNode←P600(var←c12280, (*  (ptr) &fc115 ), (*  (ptr) &fc120 ), gamma←v7812, (gamma←v7812 + 
            alpha←v7756), (* (( (ptr) &var←c13144)+10)/* r←v7684 */  ));
SOURCE(5250, 119)
         word var←c12312;
            W2 var←c12344;
               float tf121;
               var←c12344.f0 = (
                  tf121 = (float)(int)INEG(alpha←v7756),  *(word*)&tf121
               float tf122;
               var←c12344.f1 = (
                  tf122 = (float)(int)INEG(beta←v7784),  *(word*)&tf122
            var←c12312 = (word) AllocNode←P600(var←c12344, (*  (ptr) &fc12 ), (*  (ptr) &fc114 ), beta←v7784, 4294867297, (* (( (ptr) &var←c13144)+9)
               /* q←v7656 */  ));
         (* (( (ptr) &var←c13144)+8)/* p←v7628 */  ) = var←c12312;
         halfPen←v5112 = var←c12312;
SOURCE(5376, 1363)
SOURCE(6019, 705)
   lab←L100034: ;
SOURCE(6019, 705)
      word u←v8076;
      word v←v8104;
      word delta←v8132;
SOURCE(6022, 29)
         word x123;
         word x124;
         *(float*)&u←v8076 = (
            x123 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) &var←c13144)+8)/* p←v7628 */  ))+2) ),  *(float*)&x123
            ) + (
            x124 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) &var←c13144)+9)/* q←v7656 */  ))+2) ),  *(float*)&x124
SOURCE(6053, 27)
         word x125;
         word x126;
         *(float*)&v←v8104 = (
            x125 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) &var←c13144)+9)/* q←v7656 */  ))+3) ),  *(float*)&x125
            ) + (
            x126 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) &var←c13144)+10)/* r←v7684 */  ))+3) ),  *(float*)&x126
SOURCE(6082, 122)
      delta←v8132 = (((* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) &var←c13144)+8)/* p←v7628 */  ))+4) ) + (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) &var←c13144)+9)/* q←v7656 */  ))+4)
       )) - (word) IntegerDistanceToEllipseTowards←P960(u←v8076, v←v8104, semiMajorAxis←v5012, semiMinorAxis←v5040, cos←v7572, sin←v7600)
SOURCE(6206, 488)
      if (( (int)delta←v8132 >  (int)0)) {
SOURCE(6226, 32)
            word x127;
            delta←v8132 = (x127 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) &var←c13144)+10)/* r←v7684 */  ))+5) ),
               MIN((int)(word), delta←v8132, x127));
SOURCE(6260, 417)
         if (( (int)delta←v8132 >=  (int)(* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) &var←c13144)+9)/* q←v7656 */  ))+5) ))) {
SOURCE(6290, 34)
            (void) RemoveLinepqAndAdjustq←P1560(u←v8076, v←v8104, (word) (( (bPt) &var←c13144)+16)/* var←c12120 */ );
         else {
SOURCE(6326, 196)
               W2 var←c12376;
                  word x128;
                  word x129;
                  *(float*)&var←c12376.f0 = (
                     x128 = (*  (ptr) (* (( (ptr) &var←c13144)+9)/* q←v7656 */  ) ),  *(float*)&x128
                     ) + ((float)(int)delta←v8132 * (
                     x129 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) &var←c13144)+9)/* q←v7656 */  ))+3) ),  *(float*)&x129
                  word x130;
                  word x131;
                  *(float*)&var←c12376.f1 = (
                     x130 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) &var←c13144)+9)/* q←v7656 */  ))+1) ),  *(float*)&x130
                     ) - ((float)(int)delta←v8132 * (
                     x131 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) &var←c13144)+8)/* p←v7628 */  ))+2) ),  *(float*)&x131
               s←v7712 = (word) AllocNode←P600(var←c12376, u←v8076, (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) &var←c13144)+9)/* q←v7656 */  ))+3) ), (((* (
                     ( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) &var←c13144)+8)/* p←v7628 */  ))+4) ) + (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) &var←c13144)+9)/* q←v7656 */  ))+4) )) - delta←v8132), ((* (
                     ( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) &var←c13144)+9)/* q←v7656 */  ))+5) ) - delta←v8132), (* (( (ptr) &var←c13144)+9)/* q←v7656 */  ));
SOURCE(6524, 10)
            (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) &var←c13144)+8)/* p←v7628 */  ))+6) ) = s←v7712;
SOURCE(6536, 71)
               word var←c12408;
               word var←c12472;
                  word x132;
                  word x133;
                  *(float*)&var←c12408 = (
                     x132 = (*  (ptr) (* (( (ptr) &var←c13144)+9)/* q←v7656 */  ) ),  *(float*)&x132
                     ) - ((float)(int)delta←v8132 * (
                     x133 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) &var←c13144)+10)/* r←v7684 */  ))+3) ),  *(float*)&x133
                  word x134;
                  word x135;
                  *(float*)&var←c12472 = (
                     x134 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) &var←c13144)+9)/* q←v7656 */  ))+1) ),  *(float*)&x134
                     ) + ((float)(int)delta←v8132 * (
                     x135 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) &var←c13144)+9)/* q←v7656 */  ))+2) ),  *(float*)&x135
               (*  (ptr) (* (( (ptr) &var←c13144)+9)/* q←v7656 */  ) ) = var←c12408;
               (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) &var←c13144)+9)/* q←v7656 */  ))+1) ) = var←c12472;
SOURCE(6609, 11)
            (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) &var←c13144)+9)/* q←v7656 */  ))+3) ) = v←v8104;
SOURCE(6622, 20)
            (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) &var←c13144)+9)/* q←v7656 */  ))+5) ) = delta←v8132;
SOURCE(6644, 33)
            (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) &var←c13144)+10)/* r←v7684 */  ))+5) ) = ((* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) &var←c13144)+10)/* r←v7684 */  ))+5)
             ) - delta←v8132);
      else {
SOURCE(6689, 5)
         (* (( (ptr) &var←c13144)+8)/* p←v7628 */  ) = (* (( (ptr) &var←c13144)+9)/* q←v7656 */  );
SOURCE(6696, 28)
      if ((0 == (word) MoveToNextpqr←P1500((word) ((( (bPt) &var←c13144)+24)/* var←c12152 */ )))) {
SOURCE(6724, 4)
         goto lab←L100033;
   goto lab←L100034;
   lab←L100033: ;
SOURCE(6750, 141)
   if (((* (( (ptr) &var←c13144)+9)/* q←v7656 */  ) != 0)) {
SOURCE(6768, 99)
         word x136;
         word x137;
         if (((
            x136 = (* (( (ptr) halfPen←v5112)+2) ),  *(float*)&x136
            ) == (
            x137 = (*  (ptr) &fc12 ),  *(float*)&x137
            ))) {
SOURCE(6795, 11)
            (* (( (ptr) &var←c13144)+8)/* p←v7628 */  ) = halfPen←v5112;
SOURCE(6808, 16)
            halfPen←v5112 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) &var←c13144)+8)/* p←v7628 */  ))+6) );
SOURCE(6826, 11)
            (void) FreeNode←P660((* ((( (ptr) &var←c13144)+8)/* p←v7628 */ ) ));
SOURCE(6839, 28)
               word x138;
               *(float*)(* (( (ptr) &var←c13144)+9)/* q←v7656 */  ) =  - (
                  x138 = (*  (ptr) halfPen←v5112 ),  *(float*)&x138
SOURCE(6872, 5)
      (* (( (ptr) &var←c13144)+8)/* p←v7628 */  ) = (* (( (ptr) &var←c13144)+9)/* q←v7656 */  );
   else {
SOURCE(6886, 5)
      (* (( (ptr) &var←c13144)+9)/* q←v7656 */  ) = (* (( (ptr) &var←c13144)+8)/* p←v7628 */  );
SOURCE(4418, 2473)

static word MoveToNextpqr←P1500(formal←c13208)
   word formal←c13208;
   word found←v7960;
   formal←c13208 = (formal←c13208 - 24);
   /* MoveToNextpqr: */ 
SOURCE(5382, 29)
SOURCE(5428, 307)
   lab←L100037: ;
SOURCE(5431, 10)
   (* (( (ptr) formal←c13208)+9) ) = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) formal←c13208)+8) ))+6) );
SOURCE(5443, 37)
   if (((* (( (ptr) formal←c13208)+9) ) == 0)) {
SOURCE(5459, 21)
SOURCE(5482, 253)
   if (( (int)(* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) formal←c13208)+9) ))+5) ) ==  (int)0)) {
SOURCE(5509, 15)
      (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) formal←c13208)+8) ))+6) ) = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) formal←c13208)+9) ))+6) );
SOURCE(5526, 27)
      (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) formal←c13208)+8) ))+4) ) = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) formal←c13208)+9) ))+4) );
SOURCE(5555, 19)
      (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) formal←c13208)+8) ))+2) ) = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) formal←c13208)+9) ))+2) );
SOURCE(5576, 11)
      (void) FreeNode←P660((* ((( (ptr) formal←c13208)+9)) ));
   else {
SOURCE(5598, 10)
      (* (( (ptr) formal←c13208)+10) ) = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) formal←c13208)+9) ))+6) );
SOURCE(5610, 37)
      if (((* (( (ptr) formal←c13208)+10) ) == 0)) {
SOURCE(5626, 21)
SOURCE(5649, 86)
      if (( (int)(* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) formal←c13208)+10) ))+5) ) ==  (int)0)) {
SOURCE(5676, 10)
         (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) formal←c13208)+8) ))+6) ) = (* (( (ptr) formal←c13208)+10) );
SOURCE(5688, 11)
         (void) FreeNode←P660((* ((( (ptr) formal←c13208)+9)) ));
SOURCE(5701, 5)
         (* (( (ptr) formal←c13208)+8) ) = (* (( (ptr) formal←c13208)+10) );
      else {
SOURCE(5715, 20)
   goto lab←L100037;

static void RemoveLinepqAndAdjustq←P1560(u←v8020, v←v8048, formal←c13240)
   word u←v8020;
   word v←v8048;
   word formal←c13240;
   word delta←v8176;
   formal←c13240 = (formal←c13240 - 16);
   /* RemoveLinepqAndAdjustq: */ 
SOURCE(5752, 30)
SOURCE(5798, 25)
   delta←v8176 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) formal←c13240)+9) ))+5) );
SOURCE(5825, 52)
   (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) formal←c13240)+8) ))+4) ) = (((* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) formal←c13240)+8) ))+4) ) + (* (( (ptr) (* (
         ( (ptr) formal←c13240)+9) ))+4) )) - delta←v8176);
SOURCE(5879, 12)
   (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) formal←c13240)+8) ))+2) ) = u←v8020;
SOURCE(5893, 11)
   (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) formal←c13240)+9) ))+3) ) = v←v8048;
SOURCE(5906, 71)
      word var←c12504;
      word var←c12568;
         word x139;
         word x140;
         *(float*)&var←c12504 = (
            x139 = (*  (ptr) (* (( (ptr) formal←c13240)+9) ) ),  *(float*)&x139
            ) - ((float)(int)delta←v8176 * (
            x140 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) formal←c13240)+10) ))+3) ),  *(float*)&x140
         word x141;
         word x142;
         *(float*)&var←c12568 = (
            x141 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) formal←c13240)+9) ))+1) ),  *(float*)&x141
            ) + ((float)(int)delta←v8176 * (
            x142 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) formal←c13240)+9) ))+2) ),  *(float*)&x142
      (*  (ptr) (* (( (ptr) formal←c13240)+9) ) ) = var←c12504;
      (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) formal←c13240)+9) ))+1) ) = var←c12568;
SOURCE(5979, 35)
   (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) formal←c13240)+10) ))+5) ) = ((* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) formal←c13240)+10) ))+5) ) - delta←v8176);

static word AllocNode←P600(coord←v5184, rightU←v5212, leftV←v5240, rightClass←v5268, leftLength←v5296, link←v5324)
   W2 coord←v5184;
   word rightU←v5212;
   word leftV←v5240;
   word rightClass←v5268;
   word leftLength←v5296;
   word link←v5324;
   register ptr gf←c13272 =  (ptr) &globalframe;
   word var←c5380;
   word p←v8220;
   /* AllocNode: */ 
SOURCE(6935, 478)
   (void) (XR←MonitorEntry((word) (( (bPt) gf←c13272)+16)/* LOCK←v2636 */ ));
SOURCE(7089, 28)
   p←v8220 = (* (( (ptr) gf←c13272)+13)/* freeNodes←v3280 */  );
SOURCE(7119, 282)
   if ((p←v8220 != 0)) {
SOURCE(7137, 18)
      (* (( (ptr) gf←c13272)+13)/* freeNodes←v3280 */  ) = (* (( (ptr) p←v8220)+6) );
SOURCE(7157, 109)
      (*  (W2Pt) p←v8220 ) = coord←v5184;
      (* (( (ptr) p←v8220)+2) ) = rightU←v5212;
      (* (( (ptr) p←v8220)+3) ) = leftV←v5240;
      (* (( (ptr) p←v8220)+4) ) = rightClass←v5268;
      (* (( (ptr) p←v8220)+5) ) = leftLength←v5296;
      (* (( (ptr) p←v8220)+6) ) = link←v5324;
   else {
SOURCE(7275, 126)
         word var←c12600;
         var←c12600 = XR←NewObject(28, (* (( (ptr) gf←c13272)+17) ));
         (*  (W2Pt) var←c12600 ) = coord←v5184;
         (* (( (ptr) var←c12600)+2) ) = rightU←v5212;
         (* (( (ptr) var←c12600)+3) ) = leftV←v5240;
         (* (( (ptr) var←c12600)+4) ) = rightClass←v5268;
         (* (( (ptr) var←c12600)+5) ) = leftLength←v5296;
         (* (( (ptr) var←c12600)+6) ) = link←v5324;
         p←v8220 = var←c12600;
SOURCE(7403, 10)
   (void) (XR←MonitorExit((word) (( (bPt) gf←c13272)+16)/* LOCK←v2636 */ ));

static void FreeNode←P660(p←v5452)
   word p←v5452;
   register ptr gf←c13304 =  (ptr) &globalframe;
   /* FreeNode: */ 
SOURCE(7419, 95)
   (void) (XR←MonitorEntry((word) (( (bPt) gf←c13304)+16)/* LOCK←v2636 */ ));
SOURCE(7463, 51)
   if ((p←v5452 != 0)) {
SOURCE(7481, 18)
      (* (( (ptr) p←v5452)+6) ) = (* (( (ptr) gf←c13304)+13)/* freeNodes←v3280 */  );
SOURCE(7501, 13)
      (* (( (ptr) gf←c13304)+13)/* freeNodes←v3280 */  ) = p←v5452;
SOURCE(7419, 95)
   (void) (XR←MonitorExit((word) (( (bPt) gf←c13304)+16)/* LOCK←v2636 */ ));

static void FreeVertexList←P720(p←v5524)
   word p←v5524;
   register ptr gf←c13336 =  (ptr) &globalframe;
   word lag←v8276;
   /* FreeVertexList: */ 
SOURCE(7523, 197)
   (void) (XR←MonitorEntry((word) (( (bPt) gf←c13336)+16)/* LOCK←v2636 */ ));
SOURCE(7570, 19)
   lag←v8276 = p←v5524;
SOURCE(7591, 129)
   if ((lag←v8276 != 0)) {
SOURCE(7609, 111)
      lab←L100040: ;
SOURCE(7609, 111)
         word next←v8320;
SOURCE(7612, 27)
         next←v8320 = (* (( (ptr) lag←v8276)+6) );
SOURCE(7641, 64)
         if ((next←v8320 == 0)) {
SOURCE(7662, 20)
            (* (( (ptr) lag←v8276)+6) ) = (* (( (ptr) gf←c13336)+13)/* freeNodes←v3280 */  );
SOURCE(7684, 13)
            (* (( (ptr) gf←c13336)+13)/* freeNodes←v3280 */  ) = p←v5524;
SOURCE(7699, 6)
            (void) (XR←MonitorExit((word) (( (bPt) gf←c13336)+16)/* LOCK←v2636 */ ));
SOURCE(7710, 10)
         lag←v8276 = next←v8320;
      goto lab←L100040;
SOURCE(7523, 197)
   (void) (XR←MonitorExit((word) (( (bPt) gf←c13336)+16)/* LOCK←v2636 */ ));

static word CountVertexList←P780(p←v5584)
   word p←v5584;
   word n←v5628;
   /* CountVertexList: */ 
SOURCE(7735, 110)
SOURCE(7735, 110)
   n←v5628 = 0;
SOURCE(7798, 47)
   lab←L100043: ;
   if ((p←v5584 != 0)) {
   else {
      goto lab←L100041;
SOURCE(7815, 10)
   p←v5584 = (* (( (ptr) p←v5584)+6) );
SOURCE(7827, 18)
   n←v5628 = (n←v5628 + 1);
   goto lab←L100043;
   lab←L100041: ;
SOURCE(7735, 110)

static word PythAdd←P840(a←v5688, b←v5716)
   word a←v5688;
   word b←v5716;
   register ptr gf←c13368 =  (ptr) &globalframe;
   word c←v5760;
   /* PythAdd: */ 
SOURCE(7849, 76)
SOURCE(7898, 27)
      word pd143;
      word x144;
      word x145;
      word x146;
      word x147;
      float tf148;
      pd143 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf←c13368)+50)/* var←c11352 */  ))+9) );
      c←v5760 = (word) ( *( (fPt) ((*  (ptr) pd143 ))))((
            tf148 = ((
               x144 = a←v5688,  *(float*)&x144
               ) * (
               x145 = a←v5688,  *(float*)&x145
               )) + ((
               x146 = b←v5716,  *(float*)&x146
               ) * (
               x147 = b←v5716,  *(float*)&x147
               )),  *(word*)&tf148
            ), pd143);
SOURCE(7849, 76)

static void CalculateGreek←P900(formal←c0173, semiMajorAxis←v5820, semiMinorAxis←v5848, cos←v5876, sin←v5904)
   word formal←c0173;
   word semiMajorAxis←v5820;
   word semiMinorAxis←v5848;
   word cos←v5876;
   word sin←v5904;
   word var←c5948;
   word var←c5976;
   word var←c6004;
   word a←v8364;
   word b←v8392;
   word g←v8420;
   /* CalculateGreek: */ 
SOURCE(7931, 442)
SOURCE(8048, 282)
      word x149;
      word x150;
      word x151;
      word x152;
      if (((
         x149 = sin←v5904,  *(float*)&x149
         ) == (
         x150 = (*  (ptr) &fc12 ),  *(float*)&x150
         )) || ((
         x151 = semiMajorAxis←v5820,  *(float*)&x151
         ) == (
         x152 = semiMinorAxis←v5848,  *(float*)&x152
         ))) {
SOURCE(8101, 5)
         a←v8364 = (*  (ptr) &fc12 );
SOURCE(8108, 17)
         b←v8392 = semiMinorAxis←v5848;
SOURCE(8127, 17)
         g←v8420 = semiMajorAxis←v5820;
      else {
SOURCE(8153, 179)
            word d←v8464;
SOURCE(8155, 27)
               word x153;
               word x154;
               *(float*)&d←v8464 = (
                  x153 = semiMinorAxis←v5848,  *(float*)&x153
                  ) * (
                  x154 = cos←v5876,  *(float*)&x154
SOURCE(8184, 21)
               word x155;
               word x156;
               *(float*)&g←v8420 = (
                  x155 = semiMajorAxis←v5820,  *(float*)&x155
                  ) * (
                  x156 = sin←v5904,  *(float*)&x156
SOURCE(8207, 17)
            b←v8392 = (word) PythAdd←P840(g←v8420, d←v8464);
SOURCE(8226, 53)
               word x157;
               word x158;
               word x159;
               word x160;
               word x161;
               word x162;
               word x163;
               word x164;
               *(float*)&a←v8364 = (((
                  x157 = semiMajorAxis←v5820,  *(float*)&x157
                  ) * ((
                  x158 = g←v8420,  *(float*)&x158
                  ) / (
                  x159 = b←v8392,  *(float*)&x159
                  ))) * (
                  x160 = cos←v5876,  *(float*)&x160
                  )) - (((
                  x161 = semiMinorAxis←v5848,  *(float*)&x161
                  ) * ((
                  x162 = d←v8464,  *(float*)&x162
                  ) / (
                  x163 = b←v8392,  *(float*)&x163
                  ))) * (
                  x164 = sin←v5904,  *(float*)&x164
SOURCE(8281, 49)
               word x165;
               word x166;
               float tf167;
               word x168;
               word x169;
               float tf170;
               g←v8420 = (word) PythAdd←P840((
                     tf167 = (
                        x165 = semiMajorAxis←v5820,  *(float*)&x165
                        ) * (
                        x166 = cos←v5876,  *(float*)&x166
                        ),  *(word*)&tf167
                     ), (
                     tf170 = (
                        x168 = semiMinorAxis←v5848,  *(float*)&x168
                        ) * (
                        x169 = sin←v5904,  *(float*)&x169
                        ),  *(word*)&tf170
SOURCE(8335, 38)
      word var←c12728;
      word var←c12760;
      word var←c12792;
      var←c12728 = (word) Round←P480(a←v8364);
      var←c12760 = (word) Round←P480(b←v8392);
      var←c12792 = (word) Round←P480(g←v8420);
      var←c5948 = var←c12728;
      var←c5976 = var←c12760;
      var←c6004 = var←c12792;
      /* removed tail goto */ 
   (*  (ptr) formal←c0173 ) = var←c5948;
   (* (( (ptr) formal←c0173)+1) ) = var←c5976;
   (* (( (ptr) formal←c0173)+2) ) = var←c6004;

static word IntegerDistanceToEllipseTowards←P960(u←v6064, v←v6092, semiMajorAxis←v6120, semiMinorAxis←v6148, cos←v6176, sin←v6204)
   word u←v6064;
   word v←v6092;
   word semiMajorAxis←v6120;
   word semiMinorAxis←v6148;
   word cos←v6176;
   word sin←v6204;
   word var←c6248;
   word alpha←v8508;
   word beta←v8536;
   word dReal←v8564;
   /* IntegerDistanceToEllipseTowards: */ 
SOURCE(8377, 278)
SOURCE(8498, 29)
      word x171;
      word x172;
      word x173;
      word x174;
      *(float*)&alpha←v8508 = ((
         x171 = u←v6064,  *(float*)&x171
         ) * (
         x172 = cos←v6176,  *(float*)&x172
         )) + ((
         x173 = v←v6092,  *(float*)&x173
         ) * (
         x174 = sin←v6204,  *(float*)&x174
SOURCE(8529, 28)
      word x175;
      word x176;
      word x177;
      word x178;
      *(float*)&beta←v8536 = ((
         x175 = v←v6092,  *(float*)&x175
         ) * (
         x176 = cos←v6176,  *(float*)&x176
         )) - ((
         x177 = u←v6064,  *(float*)&x177
         ) * (
         x178 = sin←v6204,  *(float*)&x178
SOURCE(8559, 62)
      word x179;
      word x180;
      float tf181;
      word x182;
      word x183;
      float tf184;
      dReal←v8564 = (word) PythAdd←P840((
            tf181 = (
               x179 = semiMajorAxis←v6120,  *(float*)&x179
               ) * (
               x180 = alpha←v8508,  *(float*)&x180
               ),  *(word*)&tf181
            ), (
            tf184 = (
               x182 = semiMinorAxis←v6148,  *(float*)&x182
               ) * (
               x183 = beta←v8536,  *(float*)&x183
               ),  *(word*)&tf184
SOURCE(8623, 32)
      word x185;
      float tf186;
      float tf187;
      word x188;
      float tf189;
      float tf190;
      float tf191;
      word x192;
      float tf193;
      tf189 = FMAX((
            x185 = dReal←v8564,  *(float*)&x185
            ), (
            x188 = u←v6064,  *(float*)&x188
            ), tf186, tf187);
      return((word) Round←P480((
            tf193 = FMAX(tf189, (
                  x192 = v←v6092,  *(float*)&x192
                  ), tf190, tf191),  *(word*)&tf193

static void NoName←Q2076(formal←c0189, formal←c200000, formal←c200001, formal←c200002, formal←c200003)
   word formal←c0189;
   word formal←c200000;
   word formal←c200001;
   word formal←c200002;
   word formal←c200003;
   register ptr gf←c0205 =  (ptr) &globalframe;
   if ((formal←c200001 == (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf←c0205)+51)/* var←c11480 */  ))+57) ))) {
         word real←v10196;
         real←v10196 = (*  (ptr) formal←c200003 );
SOURCE(1854, 7)
         (*  (ptr) formal←c0189 ) = 1;
         (* (( (ptr) formal←c0189)+1) ) = 0;
   (*  (ptr) formal←c0189 ) = 0;
   (* (( (ptr) formal←c0189)+1) ) = 0;

/* file: ImagerPenImpl, module: ImagerPenImpl, compiled at: July 28, 1993 10:21:17 am PDT */ 
extern void XR←install←ImagerPenImpl() {
extern void XR←run←ImagerPenImpl() { XR←Start(&globalframe); }