Copyright Ó 1985, 1986, 1991 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Michael Plass, October 18, 1991 3:38 pm PDT
Doug Wyatt, April 15, 1985 1:55:09 pm PST
ImagerBox USING [Extents],
ImagerTransformation USING [Transformation],
Vector2 USING [VEC];
VEC: TYPE ~ Vector2.VEC;
Transformation: TYPE ~ ImagerTransformation.Transformation;
Xerox characters and strings
XChar: TYPE ~ Char.XCHAR;
nullXChar: XChar ~ Char.XCHAR.LAST;
An XChar is a 32-bit character code. The Imager itself does not really depend on the interpretation of the codes; but see the Xerox Character Code Standard for the currently preferred interpretation.
XCharProc: TYPE ~ PROC [char: XChar];
XStringProc: TYPE ~ PROC [charAction: XCharProc];
MapRope: PROC [rope: ROPE, start: INT ¬ 0, len: INT ¬ INT.LAST, charAction: XCharProc];
MapText: PROC [text: REF READONLY TEXT, start: NAT ¬ 0, len: NAT ¬ NAT.LAST, charAction: XCharProc];
These assume the Xerox string encoding; they treat '\377 as an escape code.
See the Xerox Character Code Standard, section 6, and the Interpress Standard, section 2.5.3.
The Font consists of a transformation along with a reference to the untransformed font object (i.e., Typeface). Fonts are canonicalized, so clients must treat them as immutable.
Font: TYPE ~ REF FontRep;
FontRep: TYPE ~ RECORD [
charToClient: Transformation, -- transforms from character to client coordinates
typeface: Typeface -- the data and class for the untransformed font
Typeface: TYPE ~ REF TypefaceRep;
TypefaceRep: TYPE; -- see ImagerTypeface
Substitution: TYPE ~ {noSubstitute, substituteWithWarning, substituteQuietly};
Find: PROC [name: ROPE, substitution: Substitution ¬ substituteWithWarning] RETURNS [Font];
Find the font with the given hierarchical name.
It's safe to use RefText.TrustTextAsRope for the name.
May raise Imager.Error or Imager.Warning.
Modify: PROC [font: Font, m: Transformation] RETURNS [Font];
Modify a font by post-concatenating the given transformation.
Scale: PROC [font: Font, s: REAL] RETURNS [Font];
Equivalent to Modify[font, ImagerTransformation.Scale[s]].
FindScaled: PROC [name: ROPE, s: REAL] RETURNS [Font];
Equivalent to Scale[Find[name], s].
SelectAlternateMetrics: PROC [font: Font, alternateMetrics: ROPE] RETURNS [Font];
Makes a new font with an alternate set of metrics.
May raise Imager.Error.
Extents: TYPE ~ ImagerBox.Extents; -- RECORD [leftExtent, rightExtent, descent, ascent: REAL]
CorrectionType: TYPE ~ MACHINE DEPENDENT {mask(0), space(1), none(2), (3)};
Contains: PROC [font: Font, char: XChar] RETURNS [BOOL];
Returns TRUE iff the character exists in the font.
NextChar: PROC [font: Font, char: XChar] RETURNS [next: XChar];
Returns next char in the font, or nullXChar.
Call with nullXChar to get first char in font.
Escapement: PROC [font: Font, char: XChar] RETURNS [VEC];
Returns escapement vector for the character.
Amplified: PROC [font: Font, char: XChar] RETURNS [BOOL];
Returns TRUE iff the character is an 'amplifying' character.
Correction: PROC [font: Font, char: XChar] RETURNS [CorrectionType];
Returns the type of correction, if any, for the character.
BoundingBox: PROC [font: Font, char: XChar] RETURNS [Extents];
Returns a true bounding box for the character mask (not necessarily as tight as possible).
FontBoundingBox: PROC [font: Font] RETURNS [Extents];
Returns a bounding box for all character bounding boxes superimposed.
Name: PROC [font: Font] RETURNS [ROPE];
Universal name of the font (see Interpress section 4.9.1); a font does not necessarily have a name
Kern: PROC [font: Font, char, successor: XChar] RETURNS [VEC];
Returns kerning adjustment between char and successor, or [0, 0].
NextKern: PROC [font: Font, char, successor: XChar] RETURNS [XChar];
Returns next successor that kerns with char.
Call with successor=nullXChar to get first one.
Ligature: PROC [font: Font, char, successor: XChar] RETURNS [XChar];
Returns a ligature formed from char and successor, or nullXChar.
NextLigature: PROC [font: Font, char, successor: XChar] RETURNS [XChar];
Returns next successor that has a ligature with char,
Call with successor=nullXChar to get first one.
StringEscapement: PROC [font: Font, string: XStringProc, amplifySpace: REAL ¬ 1.0] RETURNS [VEC];
RopeEscapement: PROC [font: Font, rope: ROPE, start: INT ¬ 0, len: INT ¬ INT.LAST, amplifySpace: REAL ¬ 1.0] RETURNS [VEC];
TextEscapement: PROC [font: Font, text: REF READONLY TEXT, start: NAT ¬ 0, len: NAT ¬ NAT.LAST, amplifySpace: REAL ¬ 1.0] RETURNS [VEC];
StringBoundingBox: PROC [font: Font, string: XStringProc, amplifySpace: REAL ¬ 1.0] RETURNS [Extents];
RopeBoundingBox: PROC [font: Font, rope: ROPE, start: INT ¬ 0, len: INT ¬ INT.LAST, amplifySpace: REAL ¬ 1.0] RETURNS [Extents];
TextBoundingBox: PROC [font: Font, text: REF READONLY TEXT, start: NAT ¬ 0, len: NAT ¬ NAT.LAST, amplifySpace: REAL ¬ 1.0] RETURNS [Extents];